Malak Al-hassan, Helen Lu and Jie Lu
Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems Centre, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Technology, Sydney, P.O. Box 123 Broadway, NSW, Australia
e-Government, Personalization, Online tourism services, Ontology, Recommendation systems, Framework.
E-government (e-Gov) has become one of the most important parts of government strategies. Significant
efforts have been devoted to e-Gov tourism services in many countries because tourism is one of the major
profitable industries. However, the current e-Gov tourism services are limited to simple online presentation
of tourism information. Intelligent e-Gov tourism services, such as the personalized e-Gov (Pe-Gov) tourism
services, are highly desirable for helping users decide ”where to go, and what to do/see” amongst massive
number of destinations and enormous attractiveness and activities. This paper proposes a framework of Pe-
Gov tourism services using recommender system techniques and semantic ontology. This framework has
the potential to enable tourism information seekers to locate the most interesting destinations with the most
suitable activities with the least search efforts. Its workflow and some outstanding features are depicted with
an example.
E-government uses innovative systems made possi-
ble by information and communication technology to
achieve better services to citizens or businesses, as
well as to enhance process and management of pub-
lic sector. In the last few years, e-Gov initiatives have
been launched by most of the governments around the
globe (Millard et al., 2004). E-Gov initiatives cover
three main activities, e-services, e-democracy, and e-
administration. This study focuses on e-government
services, particularly e-Gov tourism services.
It has been shown in the literature that intelligent
personalization is a clear direction in the development
of e-Gov services. The current e-Gov development,
however, is mainly at the stage of the implementa-
tion of transaction services with a few exceptions,
such as the development in Singapore and Canada
(Pieterson et al., 2007; Wauters et al., 2007). Both
of these countries have offered their citizens sim-
ple personalized services through their official por-
tal websites (Accenture, 2004). More advanced and
intelligent e-Gov systems are highly desirable. We
have recently proposed a new conceptual framework
of Pe-Gov services from citizen-centric approach (Al-
Hassan et al., 2009). Using this framework, Pe-Gov
services within a specific organization can be deliv-
ered to citizens based on their interests, preferences,
characteristics and personal needs without excessive
input from users.
Within tourism domain, many governments
around the world seek to promote tourism industry
as non-profit services by providing information about
attractions, activities and events that could be visited
at specific destination, because tourism is one of the
major profitable industries (International tourism re-
ceipts grew to 944 billion USD in 2008). E-Gov
tourism services have the potential for delivering bet-
ter governmental tourism services to citizens and
overseas tourists, improving the quality of the pro-
vided services, improving the access to information
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week). The current e-Gov
tourism service is mainly about presenting tourism in-
formation online, but not personalized, e.g., everyone
who uses the system will be exposed with the same
set of information.
In order to make e-Gov tourism services more at-
tractive to users, it has been realized that the e-Gov
tourism services must be delivered in a user-centric
manner, in which e-Gov could improve the delivery
of its services to users on a personalized basis to en-
sure that heterogeneous users’ needs and interests are
met without excessive data input from users (Und-
heim and Blakemore, 2007).
Al-hassan M., Lu H. and Lu J.
DOI: 10.5220/0002803802630270
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on our previous work (Al-Hassan et al.,
2009); this paper proposes a specific framework
for delivering personalized e-Gov tourism (Pe-Gov
tourism) services from user-centric approach. This
framework employs advanced recommender system
(RS) techniques and semantic ontology to enable
users to find the most interesting destinations with the
most favourable attractions and the most suitable ac-
tivities with least effort.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 reviews some of existing online tourism service
systems. Section 3 presents the proposed framework
in details and discusses its components. Section 4 il-
lustrates how the framework works using an exam-
ple. Finally, the conclusion and future work are high-
lighted in Section 5.
Tourism industry has undertaken significant evolution
along the development of web-based technology. Nu-
merous travel-related websites government and non-
government agencies have been established to offer
travel-related information and services. Nowadays,
online presence of tourism information is one of the
important services offered by e-Gov. Nearly, all the
leading countries that adopted e-Gov initiatives offer
online tourism services (Accenture, 2004). For ex-
ample, Tourism NSW Government Service website
(http://corporate.tourism.nsw.gov.au/) offers tourism
services and information, which includes attractions,
activities and events that could be visited at a specific
destination. In addition, it provides some links to pri-
vate travel and tourism agencies for other tourism and
travel services.
The current commercial tourism service systems
(i.e. websites) offer tourism services to users through
using either search tools or content browsing. Several
popular online travel websites have emerged, such as
Expedia, Travelocity and ebookers. The offered ser-
vices through tourism and travel websites could in-
clude destinations to visit, airlines and hotels reserva-
tion, tour operators, travel planning and many more
(Rabanser and Ricci, 2005; Ricci et al., 2006).
Even though the existing travel-related websites
can help users find interesting tourism information
and services, it seems that these websites are rela-
tively poor in aiding users to plan their trips, which
includes the determination of where, when and how
to go for a trip and what to do at a certain destina-
tion from the huge amount of information available.
Users may spend significant amount of time and ef-
fort in finding what they really want. This could lead
users to waste much more time or effort until they
find their request (Fesenmaier, 2006). Additionally,
tourists demand tourism products tailored to their ac-
tual preferences. On the other hand, they often have
complex and multi-interests and their travel desires
change rapidly and usually require the tourism prod-
ucts with shorter life cycles (Berka and Plnig, 2004).
All these make the recommendation of the most ap-
propriate tourism products to a specific tourist be-
come a challenging tasks.
Commercial travel and tourism applications have
started adopting intelligent techniques, such as RS
techniques to assist users in choosing their preferred
tourism services (Berka and Plnig, 2004; Fesen-
maier, 2006). TripleHop’s TripMatcher (used by
www.skieurope.com) and VacationCoach’s expert ad-
vice platform (used by travelocity.com) have been de-
veloped to offer recommendations to users by sug-
gesting a list of destinations to visit (Rabanser and
Ricci, 2005; Staab et al., 2002). Both systems use the
content based recommendation techniques. Dietorecs
RS (dietorecs.itc.it), on the other hand, has devel-
oped to provide users with personalized recommen-
dations of complex tourist products including destina-
tions, accommodations and activities. Dietorecs uses
the case-based reasoning technique to generate rec-
ommendations (Ricci et al., 2006).
Most of the existed online travel and tourism rec-
ommendation systems only use single recommenda-
tion technique, and therefore, lack of intelligent and
effective support to users, as described in the above
examples (Ricci et al., 2006). Recently, an expert
software agent, named ”Traveller” was proposed to
offer tourism services that able to help users (tourists)
in planning their travels. A hybrid technique was used
to build this agent, which includes two RS techniques,
the collaborative filtering and the content-based rec-
ommendation techniques (Schiaffino and Amandi,
2009). Another intelligent personalized RS is pro-
posed to recommend tourists attractions in a specific
city. This system is built using applying ontology
theory, bayesian network, analytic hierarchy process
and spatial web service technology (Huang and Bian,
There are growing interests in building intelligent
systems for e-tourism and travel applications, not only
from commercial travel service providers’ view point,
but also from governments’ view point. Unlike non-
government agencies, where they attempt to promote
tourism services as a business application, e-Gov fo-
cuses on promoting tourism services as non-profit ser-
vices by introducing attractions, activities and events
that could be visited at specific destination.
E-Gov tourism services should be delivered in a
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
user-centric manner, in which e-Gov could improve
the delivery of its services to users on a personal-
ized basis to ensure that the actual users’ needs and
interests are met with least time and efforts. In-
telligent system techniques, particularly RS, can be
used for achieving personalization in e-Gov tourism
services. However, the commonly used RS tech-
niques in e-commence applications cannot be used di-
rectly for e-Gov services due to the special feature
of e-Gov tourism services, such as enormous vari-
ety in tourism items, heterogeneous interests among
the users, multi-interests for individual user, and dy-
namic nature of these interests. Therefore, new RS
techniques are highly desirable for developing RS for
e-Gov, particularly for online tourism services.
Aiming to serve citizens better and deliver the right
information to the right citizen with less time and ef-
fort, we propose a conceptual framework of Pe-Gov
tourism services based on our proposed framework
in (Al-Hassan et al., 2009), as depicted in Figure
1. This framework is comprised of four main com-
ponents: Customized User Interface (CUI), Knowl-
edge Base Repository (KBR), Intelligent Recommen-
dation Engine (IRE), and User Data Collector (UDC).
These components are jointly work together to offer
users recommendations that meet their interests and
requirements. These recommendations include the
most favourable attractions with the most suitable ac-
tivities at a specific destination. The following sub-
sections will give a general description of each com-
ponent with focus on conceptual functionality rather
than technical details.
3.1 Customized User Interface
A user needs to register with the system before he/she
can login to the system to get recommendations on the
tourism e-Gov services. The user interface of the sys-
tem consists of two units: Registration or login unit,
and the customized user interface (CUI) unit. The
CUI unit is the interactive interface between the sys-
tem and the active user. It contains the tourism items
presented in a tree-like catalogue and ”MyInterstAl-
boum”. The CUI is generated based on the user’s in-
formation, including user’s demographic information,
personal interests and preferences within the tourism
e-Gov domain. Each registered user has a ”MyIntere-
stAlbum” in his/her own customized page.
”MyInterestAlbum” is used to facilitate users in-
teractive with the system efficiently and friendly. It
contains all selected tourism items that the user plan-
ning to visit or already visited, rating to the tourism
items that have already been visited and a feedback to
the selected tourism items. Each time a user enters the
system, he or she will be asked to give a feedback and
rating for any outstanding tourism item in the ”My-
InterestAlbum”, which has been visited or conducted
by the user but not rated yet. The new feedbacks and
ratings that are provided by the user will be collected
and stored in the user profile DB by the UDC com-
ponent. The feedbacks would be used for further im-
provements of the system whereas the ratings would
be used by IRE component for further processing.
3.2 User Data Collector
The user data collector component is responsible for
collecting user related information to the tourism e-
Gov services, including the demographic informa-
tion, personal interests and preferences and the user’s
tourism e-Gov service usage history.
This component performs two tasks. Firstly, it
collects user related data from the system through
user registration, rating experienced items and feed-
backs. Implicit and explicit acquisitions can be used
for collecting user related data for web personal-
ization (Eirinaki and Vazirgiannis, 2003; Markellou
et al., 2005). The implicit acquisition will be used
to collect data about citizens’ preferences or interests
implicitly. It can be collected via tracing a user’s nav-
igation sequences when he/she navigates the hierar-
chical tourism e-Gov service catalogue. While the ex-
plicit acquisition will be used during registration and
interaction between the user and the system to capture
users personal information, including users’ demo-
graphic data, their interests and preferences through
pre-defined forms, as well as to collect users’ rat-
ings of tourism items and feedbacks in ”MyIntere-
stAlboum”. Secondly, UDC updates the user profile
DB regularly by recording the captured data from the
UI component into the KBR component.
3.3 Knowledge Base Repository
This component contains relevant knowledge of the
tourism e-Gov domain. It contains tourism e-Gov on-
tology and the users profile database (DB).
3.3.1 Tourism e-Gov Ontology
Tourism ontology (O) describes the fundamental con-
cepts/classes (C) that compose the tourism e-Gov do-
Figure 1: Framework of Pe-Gov Tourism Service System.
main; relationships among these concepts, the prop-
erties a concept can have or share. The tourism ontol-
ogy under government context could include attrac-
tions, activities and events that are available at a spe-
cific destination. For this study, the Australian online
information of tourism items, including attractions,
activities and events, is the source to create concepts
and associated relationships in the tourism e-Gov on-
tology. The related Australian government tourism
websites have been visited to collect the required con-
cepts to create the ontology. Typically, developing do-
main ontology starts with the design of the ontology
schema and finishes with the populating of the ontol-
ogy data (Noy and McGuinness, 2001). The ontology
schema contains the definition of the various classes,
properties and relationships that represent a specific
domain world, whereas in the populating ontology,
the instances for each class in the ontology schema
can be created.
Figure 2 depicts a diagram of tourism e-Gov on-
tology schema. It includes the destination class,
which has ”attraction”, ”event”, and ”activity” sub-
classes. Each subclass can also have its subclasses.
All classes are characterised by a set of specific prop-
erties. For example, the ”Attraction” class can have
properties ”Time of visit”={summer, autumn, win-
ter, spring}, ”location”, and ”Attraction visiting pur-
pose”={relax, adventure, treatment, exploring}. Ad-
ditionally, classes are linked using relationship types.
For instance, the ”has-events” relationship links the
”Attraction” class and the ”Event” class.
Ontology schema can show the semantic rele-
vance among tourism e-Gov concepts at different
level of hierarchy (as taxonomies), therefore, it can
guide the hierarchical representation of available e-
Gov tourism items in the CUI component and can be
used as a means of locating and accessing services
(Vassilakis and Lepouras, 2006). It can also be used
by the IRE component to facilitate the semantic rule
reasoning to find the matching (similarity) between
the users’ requests and the available tourism items,
which could enhance the retrieval of the appropriate
content for each user.
3.3.2 User Profile Database
The user profile DB contains all the data that related
to users, including users’ demographic data and the
online tourism items that used by the users. The user-
related data is stored in the DB as two parts: static
and dynamic parts. The static data part is about users’
demographic data, including name, age, residential
status, favourite type of attractions and general inter-
ests related to tourism. This data can be collected ex-
plicitly through the tourist account registration when
a user visits the system for a first time. In contrast,
dynamic data includes the preferences and interests
of users that can be extracted from the interaction be-
tween users and tourism websites. In our framework,
dynamic data could be the visited attractions and the
activities/events that are preferred by users and their
opinions (ratings) about the tourism items. This data
can be attained implicitly or explicitly. Implicit data
can be attained via exploring a user’s web-navigation
patterns (i.e. click streams) to infer the user’s prefer-
ences and interests while the explicit data can be at-
tained from ”MyInterestAlbum”, in which the tourism
items that a user prefers and user’s rating for these
items are available. The user profile is a crucial part
for generating recommendations. It forms one of
the main sources of information that will be used to
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Tourism e-Gov Ontology Diagram.
accomplish the recommendation process in the IRE
3.4 Intelligent Recommendation Engine
This component is responsible of recommending for
users the most interesting attractions and the most
suitable activities at a specific destination.
IRE component uses a new hybrid methodology
in order to overcome the limitations of the existing
RS techniques and to enhance the recommendations.
The typical RS techniques, such as the Content Based
(CB) and the collaborative filtering (CF), suffer from
a set of limitations which may hinder them from be-
ing directly applied to e-Gov tourism domain. For
instance, the CB technique would recommend highly
similar tourism items that belong to the same group
or category of the given item. Hence, they ignore the
items that belong to other groups but might have in-
terest to the target user. Such technique would not be
suitable for e-Gov tourism services as most of users
would like to see new tourism items (Heterogeneous
needs) which may be in different categories. Further-
more, the rating method used by the CF techniques
seems not directly applicable to the e-Gov tourism
domain, because it may be hard to use a single rat-
ing value to infer a person’s taste as people can give
the same rating to an item for vastly different reasons
(Schafer et al., 2007). The CF techniques also suffers
from data sparsity problem which occurs when the at-
tained ratings are few compared to the number of the
available items, and the cold-start problem which oc-
curs when a new user or a new item enters to the sys-
A combination of recommendation techniques,
which called hybrid approach, is used in the literature
to overcome the drawbacks of the existing techniques
and to improve the recommendation performance for
a particular application. Different hybrid approaches
have been developed in the literature which combine
CF with CB and some other techniques in different
ways (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). The new
hybrid methodology, in our framework, combines the
probability technique, item-based CF, and semantic
matching based-ontology to tackle the main problems
in tourism services, such as the variety in the e-Gov
tourism items, the multi-interest of users, and data
saving and retrieving of e-Gov tourism data. This
methodology consists of the following four steps:
Step 1. Develop a probability-based technique to
find implicitly the rating of items.
A probability-based technique will be developed
to calculate the rating of items for each user based on
users’ profiles. This technique consists of the follow-
ing two stages:
Cluster users into a number of groups, called com-
munities. Each community includes a group of
users who share common interests. User commu-
nities will help IRE to solve the new user problem.
The system will recommend proper tourism items
to a new user based on his or her user community
Apply a probability technique to compute implic-
itly the rating values of items for the users in each
community. The rating of a specific item will
be generated based on the following three crite-
ria: (1) previous user behaviour, (2) the prefer-
ences of user’s neighbours to a specific item, and
(3) the semantic relevance among concepts at dif-
ferent level of hierarchy in the domain ontology.
The third criterion is useful for inferring whether
a given item is related to the concepts that are pre-
ferred by a specific user.
In tourism domain, it is difficult to attain explicit rat-
ing for all tourism items, such as destinations, attrac-
tion and activities. This technique can find implicit
ratings for unrated items for a particular user. Hence,
the sparsity problem associated with the item-based
CF can be alleviated.
Step 2. Find similarity among e-Gov tourism items
using CF item-based similarity.
In this step, the obtained implicit ratings of items
from step 1 and the explicit ratings of items that rated
by users will be used to compute similarities among
all instances of tourism e-Gov ontology concepts.
One of the popular CF algorithms, the item-based CF
algorithm will be utilized for the similarity calcula-
tions (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). Item-based
CF algorithm has shown better results than user-based
CF one in terms of enhancing the performance and the
quality of recommendation (Sarwar et al., 2001).
Step 3. Develop a semantic matching based-
ontology approach to compute similarity among the
available instances of concepts (tourism items) in the
tourism e-Gov ontology.
Ontology can support find the matching (or simi-
larity) of objects that are conceptually close but not
identical. A few methods have been proposed to
assess similarities among instances within ontology.
Ehrig and his colleagues (2005) presented a compre-
hensive framework for measuring semantic similar-
ity within and between ontologies. The framework
identified three main levels on which the similarity
between two entities (concepts or instances) can be
measured: data layer, ontology layer, and context
layer, which deal with the data representation, ontol-
ogy meaning, and the usage of these entities, respec-
tively (Ehrig et al., 2005).
To find similarities among instances of tourism
e-Gov ontology, semantic matching will take into
account the structural comparison between two in-
stances in terms of their classes, and the compari-
son between their attributes and their relations. These
comparisons can be inferred using semantic analysis
of the inference rules which interconnect instances in
the ontology. The involved attributes and relations in
comparison of different instances will be determined
based on the context of the tourism e-Gov ontology.
Step 4. Generate recommendations by integrating
the similarities.
The obtained similarities from steps 2 and 3 will
be combined together for each tourism item and the
combined similarity will be stored in KBR compo-
nent as a matrix. This combined similarity will be
used to build a discovery model. This model can
be used to predict the most relevant item among the
available tourism items that a particular user might
be interested in. Weighted sum model and regression
model are examples used in recommendation systems
for prediction (Sarwar et al., 2001).
Combination of the ontology based semantic
matching and the similarity from the item-based CF
would improve the quality of recommendations and
the prediction of new tourism items from different
categories that could be preferred by a specific user.
The main reason for this combination is that the gen-
erated recommendations do not merely depend on the
opinions of users to the preferred items, but also on
the semantic matching of these items based on their
underneath hierarchal structure and their attributes
and relationships that could affect the application con-
text. Additionally, considering semantic matching in
this integration could eliminate the sparsity problem
if the item-based CF similarity algorithm.
Under the proposed framework, the e-Gov tourism
service systems allow users to get specific informa-
tion about ”where to go” or ”what to do/see” at a spe-
cific destination. Figure 3 illustrates a workflow ex-
ample of the system.
Example of a scenario: Jack is a local user in Aus-
tralia; he wants to visit a Museum (as an attraction)
at a specific destination (e.g. Sydney). How the pro-
posed framework can help?
Jack is a registered member in the system, so he
needs to login to the system using his own user name
and password, as depicted in Figure 3. After login to
the system, he can see his own page. A catalogue of
all available tourism items (destinations and its attrac-
tions and associated activities) presented in a style of
directory tree as categories. He can browse the cata-
logue tree staring from select ”Sydney” under the des-
tination category. Then, browse tourism attractions
related to Sydney until he finds the Museum attrac-
tion node, and select this node. This selection will
automatically trigger the IRE component to generate
the most interested museums attraction items to Jack.
The discovery model in IRE component is re-
sponsible of generating recommendations. To accom-
plish that, both of Jack’s profile (including his rat-
ing record) and the combined similarity matrix (that
obtained from the item-based CF similarity and the
semantic-based similarity, as described in section 3.4,
particularly, the one related to the museum category)
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: A Description Scenario of the workflow of Pe-Gov Tourism Service System.
will be uploaded to the memory. Then the discovery
model will use, for example, a weighted sum model
to predict the most interested museum items in Syd-
ney. To perform the prediction, the weighted sum
model works as follow: Firstly, it finds for each un-
rated museum item by Jack the most similar muse-
ums using the combined similarity matrix; Secondly,
it computes for each given unrated item the intersec-
tion set between the most similar museums items to
the given one and the already rated museums items
by Jack; Finally, the gained intersection set will be
used to compute the prediction value for this unrated
item. The prediction value for each unrated museum
item of Jack can be computed as a ratio of summation
of the ratings given by Jack on the museums items
similar to the given unrated one. Each rating will be
weighted by the corresponding similarity between the
given unrated item and those ones in the intersection
set. Based on the computed prediction values for un-
rated museums items of Jack, the system will gener-
ate the top-N most interested items (higher predicted
items) as an ordered list of recommendation in the
GUI component.
After that Jack can browse the retrieved museum
items list until he chooses a specific museum attrac-
tion item. The system, subsequently, will present for
each selected museum item the most similar muse-
ums. That can be carried out according to the com-
bined similarity matrix that explained in step 4, in
section 3.4. Beside that, the system also will ask him
whether he is planning to visit this selected Museum.
If the answer is positive, the system will ask Jack
to add this attraction to his own ”MyInterestAlbum”.
Generating a few most relevant museums items (top-
N) for Jack will save his significant amount of time
and effort, and will bring his pleasant searching expe-
The recommendation that generated upon Jack’s
request is called on-demand recommendation. The
on-demand recommendation could be homogenous or
heterogeneous recommendation. Homogenous rec-
ommendation includes recommendations to tourism
items that belong to the same category of the re-
quested item, as in the above case, where an ordered
list of Museums is generated upon Jack’s request.
While heterogeneous recommendation involves rec-
ommendations to tourism items from different cate-
gories that are similar to the requested item. Hetero-
geneous recommendation can be generated based on
the given user’s similar neighbours (with similar com-
munity or behaviour) and semantic similarity among
tourism items. The recommendation will be presented
to users in UI component as an ordered list of recom-
mendation by category. Figure 3 depicts that Jack can
receive also recommendations from other categories
that are similar to the Museum, e.g., items from Gal-
leries Studio category.
Furthermore, the intelligent Pe-Gov tourism ser-
vice system can present new recommendations to
users each time they login to the system. For instance,
the system will recognize Jack each time he visits
the system and regularly will update the content of
his page automatically, a new suggestions for tourism
items can be presented. These auto recommendations
can be generated dynamically offline to users depend-
ing on users profile, their community and the changes
that might be occurred to any tourism items. For
example, new events of a specific attraction can be
recommended for users who are interested in or vis-
ited that attraction. Interestingly, the system would
be more effective for regular users who visit the sys-
tem frequently. Irregular users would also be offered
recommendations but limited to their available infor-
Intelligent personalization has become a clear direc-
tion in the development of delivering e-Gov services
by different government agencies. This paper pro-
poses a new conceptual framework for delivering Pe-
Gov tourism services using RS techniques and se-
mantic ontology. The proposed framework can help
users find, efficiently and friendly, the most interest-
ing tourism attractions with the most appropriate ac-
tivities/events according to their interests, needs and
the behaviour/experience of other similar users. The
main components of this framework were discussed.
The potential of the proposed framework of offer-
ing better tourism services to users has been illus-
trated by a scenario example. The future direction,
of our research, would be to develop a working sys-
tem/prototype to deliver Pe-Gov tourism services to
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