Virgilijus Sakalauskas and Dalia Kriksciuniene
Department of Informatics, Vilnius University, Muitines 8, 44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Distance learning, Virtual teamwork, Balanced scorecard concept, Test, Evaluation criteria.
Abstract: Learning in teams is aimed to develop skills of solving problem-based tasks by using various competences,
performing effective virtual communication and knowledge exchange activities. The problem analysed in
this article deals with the individual performance measurement for students working in virtual teams. The
evaluation and management of learning processes in virtual teams has many specific features, as compared
to the face-to-face learning mode. The goal of the article is to present evaluation framework, which could
allow us to estimate performance indicators, not only by measuring efforts of teams or individuals by
finding specific variables of virtual communication., but also by revealing their causal relationships to the
final outcome of the virtual project work. Therefore the suggested method is based on the balanced
scorecard concept, applied for virtual teamwork evaluation along analysed dimensions of the teamwork. The
balanced values are included to the compound grade for individual performance evaluation, which is
designed by calculating the teamwork grade and multiplying it to individual performance coefficient. These
evaluation compounds consist of grades, estimated of individual and team input variables, and the results of
internal self-assessment of the virtual team members. The experimental data of the real virtual teamwork
was applied for analysis of the quality of suggested method, aimed to ensure that the final grade of the
project assessment reveals the individual progress of each learner related to team performance.
Enterprises need workers with high level skills of
solving problems while acting in virtual teams,
formed for a particular project. Therefore such skills
are urgently needed for building students' future
career and should be effectively developed by
managing virtual team learning framework, of
improving knowledge exchange tools, development
communication environment and assessment system,
aimed to evaluation both performance of the team
and of the individual learner.
Learning in virtual teams creates need for
powerful learning environment, where skills of
cooperative work, and combining efforts towards
reaching learning goals and common tasks
fulfilment could be formed (Van Merrienboer &
Paas 2003). The teamwork processes can rarely be
evaluated by quantitative characteristics, except of
the time management and resource management
indicators. Performance measurement is important,
as it reveals negative and positive outcomes,
measures satisfaction and brings the result as
feedback to the system (Qiu et al, 2004). Yet, the
quality of the project result and of the teamwork
success can only be compared to the preset goals and
evaluated only after the final deadline of its
completion. Lack of possibilities to evaluate project
development and interrelatedness of the common
work bears problems, which are addressed in this
article: how to evaluate progress of the learner,
acting as the member of the team, and what
indicators could allow monitoring team project and
individual progress early since its starting phases.
In the following chapters we will present the
entity–relationships diagram of the virtual teamwork
learning environment, leading to the design of the
evaluation framework, based on concept of the
balanced scorecard. It integrates dimensions, factors
and indicators, applied for evaluation of the entities
of the virtual teamwork, by exploring their cause-
effect relationships as well. It is researched, how the
balanced scorecard approach can be applied for
designing framework of evaluating individual
learners. The calculated compound individual grade
integrates the tutors’ grades, and estimated efforts of
Sakalauskas V. and Kriksciuniene D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 150-155
DOI: 10.5220/0002806701500155
the team, multiplied to the performance coefficient
of each member, joining individual measures and
evaluation grades. The experimental study presents
experiences of individual evaluation possibilities of
the teamwork, which involved 40 learners, arranged
in 7 teams, joining international students from 3
countries. The results and conclusions are
summarized in the final part of the article.
As the main goal of organizing team learning is to
prepare specialists for their career in contemporary
organizations, the tasks for learning should be
prepared according to their work specifics. The
organization of working teams are mostly related to
the project type of work for solving the problem,
acknowledged at the enterprise.
The problem-based learning is based on analysis
and solution of the real or prototype business case,
while traditional learning is based on finding a
solution of the unambiguous and defined task.
Therefore the organization and evaluation of team
learning is affected by specific conditions of
communication in virtual environment, sharing
responsibilities in groups, comprehension of specific
features of the problem-based task, and monitoring
possibilities of the learners, organized in virtual
teamwork project.
The understanding of virtual teamwork processes
can be revealed as the communication between the
following entities: tutor, team and individual
learners, and it is mostly expressed by the messages
of various types, submitted to the virtual
environment. The entity-relationship diagram of
problem-based learning in virtual teamwork is
presented in Fig.1., where the problem-based virtual
learning is supervised by the tutor. He presents the
learning curriculum and the undefined problem,
usually described as a business case which has to be
clarified and defined for the further solution within
the learning team, which has to discuss and set the
project goal according to the time resources and
competences of the team members.
The activities of the virtual team are monitored
by the tutor, who observes, adjusts and evaluates the
learning processes. The virtual teams consist of
members who play the assigned roles within the
team (leader, researcher, editor, etc.) In the virtual
environment there is no possibility to interact in the
face-to-face mode. Lack of this type of
communication is compensated by organizing the
video conferences for starting the learning session
and for presenting the final results. The main tool for
communication is writing messages in the virtual
environment. The variety of categories of the
messages is decided by the individual learners and
the team. They include online messages (online
chats) and offline messages in virtual environment
The messages can be used for knowledge
exchange by presenting ideas, decision alternatives,
advices for the team to read common learning and
research materials, and also submitting the task,
assigned to the member by the team. They can
combine variety of tools for presenting information
in various digital formats.
The other type of messages can be used for
modelling communication within team, by
suggesting organizational information, motivating,
planning, discussing, voting activities, which jointly
create communication culture, tone and trust in
The messages can be organized in thematic
threads, assigned for specific topics and for solving
intermediate tasks, leading to the project goal.
Figure 1: Entity-relationship diagram of learning in virtual
The traditional methods of evaluation are
basically oriented to grade the presented project
result, taking into account the activeness of the
individual learners and adjustments according to
self-evaluation of members within team. The
activeness component in the virtual team learning
environment can by mostly described as
“productivity” of the learner, mainly expressed by
the number of submitted messages. The assumption
that high productivity leads to high effectiveness and
good project result is not confirmed by any of the
experimental analysis or results of the self-
evaluation of the team members (Kriksciuniene,
Sakalauskas, 2008, 2009). In Fig.1 the main entities
which can be evaluated are: project goal (result),
teams, members, tasks and messages.
The main problem of evaluation is that all the
entities can be evaluated only after completion of the
project, when the adequateness of the achieved
result can be compared to the initial learning task.
Until the final deadline of the project the learner and
the tutor can not forecast the grade and the timely
completion of the project. One of the goals of the
design of the evaluation method is to apply
quantitative and qualitative measures for evaluation
and exploring their causal relationships leading to
learning strategy fulfilment and enabling tracking of
the progress. The balanced scorecard approach is
applied for modelling dimensions and factors
according to their direct and indirect influence to
final goals of the project performance Table 1.
The suggested approach makes parallel to the
balanced scorecard concept, presented by Kaplan
and Norton (1996).
Highest hierarchical dimension reflects the
traditional way to evaluate project, performed by the
team-final result and timely completion.
Generally, the dimensions, expressing team
performance and individual efforts tend to be
evaluated either by subjective measures or by
application easily observed indicators: duration of
presence in the virtual learning environment or
number of messages submitted to project forums.
The list of observed factors can be extended as in
Table 1. This scorecard can further be deployed to
the group and to individual dimensions, so that each
unit or person at the group knew his influence and
performance toward strategy fulfilment by team.
In Table 1 the virtual teamwork is affected by
the individual inputs, efforts, and role acting
dimensions. This means that analysis of individual
work can be understood as impulses, which either
bring the team nearer to its project goal, or
undermine it. The strength of factors of the
individual dimensions can be tracked by analysis of
messages. The dimension of messages bears factors
which not only provide communication statistics
about individuals and teams, but also helps to
analyse level of knowledge exchange, trust and
intensity of communication, which is finally
acknowledged by self-analysis of the team.
Computational analysis and factors of measurement
can allow to estimate the weight of the indicators,
according to their influence to project work, partially
automate the quantitative evaluation of work
processes of the virtual team by collecting
information, related to the derived indicators and to
track the performance of each member of the
learning team and evaluate their input to final result.
The evaluation model, based on mining the results of
experimental study, reflects cause-effect
relationships, which could affect the outcome of the
project work (Sakalauskas, Kriksciuniene, 2009).
Table 1: Project evaluation scorecard.
Compounds of balanced scorecard
Dimension Factors
Project goal (result)
Time limit met
Project goal achieved
Project report submitted
Presentation skills achieved
Teamwork experience gained
Virtual team
work dimension
Project problem defined
Project result augmented
Project quality calibrated
Project milestones met
Appropriate methods applied
Project phases documented
Project tasks shared in teams
Individual inputs
Assigned tasks fulfilled
Study materials understood
Participation in team events
Communication by using tools of
virtual environment
Individual efforts
Assignments admitted
Study materials analysed
Ideas generated and shared
Task performance discussed
Project processes organized
Decision making and evaluation of
Individual role acting
Role accepted and played
Responsiveness to team tasks
Team motivation
Organizational efforts
Messages analysis
Knowledge sharing intensity
“Richness” of explanation
Communication tools variety
Culture of communication
The traditional way of evaluation the final
outcome of the project by the final result and timely
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
completion does not provide possibility to equally
spread the workload and to forecast the final grade.
The individual evaluation measure is aimed to reveal
the ability of the individual learner to act as a team
member, show comprehension of the assigned tasks,
and to be able to organize his individual work in
alignment to teamwork processes.
Therefore in the Table 1 several areas of analysis
of the project teamwork were tightly related: time
management, assessing discussion quality both in
team and individually, performing knowledge
management, and making use of various virtual
collaboration tools. The evaluation compounds
include dimensions, tightly connected by causal
relationships. They include evaluation of teamwork
by its overall effectiveness, individual assessment
and self-evaluation inside team as well. The
important point of using these dimensions is aimed
to derive individual indicators, which could be
accumulated during the whole period of the project
and expressed in quantitative manner. The
accumulative individual evaluation can even serve to
motivate learners to increase their performance
during the project.
One of the main challenges is not only to calculate
statistics of communication processes, but to reveal
knowledge sharing gaps, problems, potentials of
individuals and team for achieving project goals. But
it appeared that the performance-based statistics
tools did not enable tutors to calculate the indicators
for measuring how the individual learner prepares
for the teamwork, what level of understanding of the
teaching materials he has achieved, and how he can
utilize his achieved level of knowledge by
submitting ideas.
In order to take into account the balanced
variables of the teamwork the compound grading
model for individual performance evaluation is
designed (Fig.2). The framework of evaluation
combines variables included into the entity-
relationship diagram (Fig.1) and project evaluation
scorecard (Table 1). The base for individual
evaluation is the team evaluation grade multiplied by
individual performance coefficient (average=1). The
individual grade is equal to the team grade if the
individual evaluation and self-evaluation measures,
consisting of corresponding factors, are equal to
average within the team. If the individual learner
outperforms the team average and individual added
value increases the project progress his individual
grade will be higher, than that of the teamwork.
These evaluation compounds consist of grades,
not only assigned by tutor, but also by estimating
individual and team input variables and the results of
internal self-assessment of the virtual team members
(Table 2). In table 2, the suggested indicators for
evaluation are presented. The teamwork grade is
assigned by the tutor after submitting project report
and making presentation of the project outcome.
These indicators are naturally applied in any project
setting. According to the project evaluation
scorecard (Table 1), the project goal dimension is
affected by the factors of the teamwork dimension.
These factors imply, that the teams who have better
values describing virtual teamwork dimension, get
better grade. The suggested weights for the team
evaluation grade are 60 % for project result and 40%
for the teamwork (Fig.2).
The individual evaluation coefficient requires
selecting and measuring variables which could
describe individual inputs, efforts and role acting
dimensions. The main factors, which could define
individual progress in these dimensions, are enlisted
in table 2. It is evident, that most of them can only
be described subjectively by applying qualitative
descriptions. In order to make the quantitative
evaluations, the dimension of messages is applied.
The factors are evaluated by assigning messages to
categories by their content, length, role of the author,
presence of ideas, and input to the final report. The
lowest dimension of messages gives us two main
advantages: they help to make numeric calculations
of grade compounds and help to track performance
during the project.
Self evaluation compounds can be selected by
the tutor. The members can award each other by
sharing 100 points along the three self-evaluation
indicators (Table 2). The provided indicators
Table 2: Evaluation compounds of the virtual teamwork.
Evaluation indicators
work grade
Project work (timely completion, report,
presentation quality)
Team work (communication materials,
documents of project stages, the alignment of
the defined goals to team tasks)
Inputs (messages with ideas, submitting tasks)
Efforts (messages discussion and organization
types, message length “richness”, response
Role acting
Role fulfillment
Contribution to result
Team player
Figure 2: Framework of individual performance measurement.
had high cause-effect relationship to the individual
indicators in the experimental analysis (Sakalauskas,
Kriksciuniene, 2009).
The final measure for evaluation of individual
efforts is calculated by multiplying team grade by
the compound individual ratio (average=1).
Therefore individual grade is higher or lower than
the team result and can show, if the individual added
value increase or decrease the project progress (Fig.
In the experimental research the weights applied
for individual evaluation, given by tutor and of the
self evaluation variables were 40 and 60 percent
respectively (Fig. 2). These values of weights were
selected by taking into account the analysed
relationships among the variables, but they can be
further explored by applying quantitative methods as
well. Application of the balanced approach revealed
the possibilities for enhancement functionality of
the virtual teamwork communication environment,
as all the calculations of factors and indicators could
be estimated half-manually and could be mainly
done only upon its completion, after applying
extensive procedures of data cleansing, normalizing,
converting, and processing.
The experimental research explored the four-
compound model for evaluation process of
individual learners within teamwork (Fig.2). The
international group of students solved the common
task in the virtual environment during three weeks.
They were grouped in 7 teams with heterogeneous
nationalities, total 40 members, making project
solution of information systems model. Participants
were of 3 different specializations of studies:
Business informatics (Dresden University of
Technology), Business administration (St.Petersburg
state University), Business information systems
(Vilnius University).
During the project, there was no direct face-to-
face meeting. All communication was done in the
virtual environment. The team members were
assigned roles of leader, researcher, critics or
protocol writer. Student work was intensively
observed and tutored by lecturers of the three
The structure of the balanced scorecard model
was applied for exploring interrelated dimensions,
derived from the capabilities of the virtual
environment for quantitative analysis and
recommendations of participants of virtual projects
(Table 1). The experimental study had to reveal,
how the evaluation dimensions were interrelated and
influenced individual evaluation. The compound
grade according to the model of Fig. 2 and Table 2
was calculated and compared to the tutor’s grade.
The project result dimension was calculated as
average of grades (max =10), assigned by each tutor
of the seven teams. The grades were put for project
materials, prepared by the learners and submitted to
the common wiki space, and for the quality of the
final presentation. The data, recorded from virtual
communication, included total number of 9392
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
messages, consisting of 1215 offline messages and
8177 chat messages from online team conferences.
The variables for team and individual evaluation
were based on message analysis and derived
indicators. The analysis showed which indicators
were important to tutor, but undervalued by self-
analysis and vice versa. The correlation analysis of
the variables showed the strongest relationship
between tutors’ grade to the number of messages of
organizational type and submitting individual tasks.
Therefore, grade could not reveal the efforts of the
learner in the sphere of offering ideas or helping to
realize them inside the team. These characteristics
were better noticed by the team members and
expressed by self-evaluation characteristics. The
selected weight for self-evaluation was set to 60%.
The experimental research of the variables,
measured during the teamwork gave wider spread of
marks between the 40 individual learners, than by
applying conventional evaluation approach.
The project grade of the 7 teams varied from
6.536 to 9.786. The teamwork compound, which
involved factors of the virtual team work dimension,
was evaluated from 5.681 to 9.321. The individual
evaluation coefficient, consisting of inputs, efforts
and role acting components, weighted by 40% and
self-evaluation component (weight 60%) varied
among members from 0.514 to 1.444 (average=1).
The final individual marks of team members varied
from 0.292 to 1.33, and it allowed to conclude, that
the evaluation of the individual members of the
virtual team project by the suggested approach of
balanced evaluation revealed more sensitively the
efforts of the learners, than by sharing the project
result for all team and adjusting it by individual
grade, expressing active efforts of the learner.
The suggested evaluation method helped learners
to understand both his individual impact to the team
work and his acceptance by the team members and
lead to deriving final grade with the clearly
described quantitative measures of the four
The suggested method is based on the balanced
scorecard concept, applied for virtual teamwork
evaluation along analysed dimensions of the
teamwork. It allowed us to estimate performance
indicators, not only by measuring efforts of teams or
individuals by finding specific variables of virtual
communication., but also by revealing their causal
relationships to the final outcome of the virtual
project work. The balanced values are included to
the compound grade for individual performance
evaluation, which is designed by calculating the
teamwork grade and multiplying it to individual
performance coefficient.
These evaluation compounds consist of grades,
not only assigned by tutor, but also by estimating
individual and team input variables and the results of
internal self-assessment of the virtual team
members. The experimental data of the real virtual
teamwork was applied for analysis of the quality of
suggested method, aimed to ensure that the final
grade of the project assessment reveals the
individual progress of each learner related to team
The four compound approaches helps to solve
the difficult problem of forecasting of the project
outcome, as the team grade is put only after
completing whole project. As the individual
indicators are accumulated starting from the
beginning of the virtual project, they can encourage
learner to spread efforts during all project period for
getting both better individual and team grade. The
suggested assessment procedure leads to deriving
final grade with the clearly described quantitative
measures. The virtual team members' can realize his
impact to the team work and his effort acceptance by
the team members.
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