Martin Centner, Clemens Orthacker
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communication (IAIK)
Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a, Graz, Austria
Wolfgang Bauer
XiTrust Secure Technologies GmbH, Grazbachgasse 67, Graz, Austria
Qualified electronic signatures, e-Government.
Qualified electronic signatures are recognized as being equivalent to handwritten signatures and are supported
by EU legislation. They require a secure signature creation device (SSCD) such as a smart card. Unfortunately,
there are neither standard means for the integration of SSCDs with Web applications, nor are the exiting means
widely deployed. Web application providers are still faced with a lack of deployment of such means and a
lack of integration with standard software. This paper will present a novel approach to address these issues by
a middleware that does not require users to install dedicated software for the creation of qualified electronic
signatures. The middleware is deployed as a web application and splits the signature creation process into
two parts: One part is performed on the server side and the other part (requiring access to functions of the
secure signature creation device) is deployed and executed as a lightweight component in the user’s browser
on demand.
Handwritten signatures play an important role in day-
to-day business. They are typically used to authenti-
cate the origin of a document and to give evidence of
the intent of the signatory with regard to that docu-
ment. Electronic signatures may provide an adequate
equivalent in electronic business. This is also sup-
ported by the EU directive on electronic signatures
(1999/93/EC, 1999), which defines a legal framework
for electronic signatures and has been adopted into
national legislation by the EU member states. The re-
quired infrastructure is already available in a number
of the EU member states and other countries. How-
ever, electronic signatures as electronic equivalent to
handwritten signatures have not yet reached a wide-
spread use beyond specific application areas such as
In this paper we present an approach that aims at
facilitating the further dissemination of Qualified Sig-
natures. In particular we address the issues of inte-
grating the means required for signature creation with
Web applications and the deployment of such means.
The proposed minimal-footprint middleware may
be deployed with a web application or as a central ser-
vice and handles the details of signature creation. It
enables a user to create Qualified Signatures as de-
fined by the EU directive without requiring dedicated
software to be installed by the user. To access a se-
cure signature creation device (SSCD) as required for
Qualified Signatures, a lightweight component is on
demand deployed and executed in the user’s browser.
The minimal-footprint middleware is a technology
neutral concept. To study the concept and to provide
an open-source implementation the MOCCA project
was initiated by the Austrian Federal Chancellery and
the Graz University of Technology. Although other
web technology would be conceivable, the MOCCA
implementation relies on Java Applets and the PC/SC
interface to stay as platform and browser independent
as possible. Meanwhile MOCCA has been deployed
in production for important e-government services in
In the following this paper will give a short in-
troduction to Qualified Signatures and their require-
ments in section 2 and to Secure Signature Creation
Centner M., Orthacker C. and Bauer W.
DOI: 10.5220/0002808300640069
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Devices as required for Qualified Signatures in sec-
tion 3. Section 4 discusses ways of integrating the cre-
ation of Qualified Signatures with applications. The
minimum-footprint middleware concept and it’s refer-
ence implementation MOCCA is discussed section 5.
The EU directive on electronic signatures
(1999/93/EC, 1999) defines special requirements
for advanced electronic signatures, secure signature
creation devices (SSCD), qualified certificates (QC)
and certification service providers issuing qualified
certificates. The requirements aim at high level of
Advanced electronic signatures based on QC and
which are created by a SSCD—commonly referred to
as Qualified Signatures—are required to
. . . (a) satisfy the legal requirements of a sig-
nature in relation to data in electronic form
in the same manner as a handwritten signa-
ture satisfies those requirements in relation to
paper-based data; and (b) are admissible as
evidence in legal proceedings. (1999/93/EC,
1999, Article 5)
Studies by the European Commission (e.g. (IDABC
6485, 2007)) show that corresponding legislation and
infrastructure is available in a majority of the EU
member states. However, Qualified Signatures have
not yet found widespread use beyond specific appli-
cation areas such as e-government.
(Roßnagel, 2009) studies the reasons for the slow
adoption ratio of Qualified Signatures. As electronic
signatures do not provide much benefit by themselves,
their dissemination is largely dependent on availabil-
ity of corresponding applications. On the other hand,
the effort required for integration of electronic signa-
tures with applications must usually be justified con-
sidering the potential usage ratio. Hence, the adop-
tion of electronic signatures currently suffers from a
chicken-and-egg problem. The problem is intensified
by the fact, that currently there is a significant effort
required by application providers for integrating and
deploying the means required for the creation of qual-
ified signatures.
Almost all SSCDs provided for the creation of Qual-
ified Signatures are based on smart-card technology.
They are either implemented as chip-cards in credit-
card size with an interface according to ISO/IEC 7810
and ISO/IEC 7816, use a contactless interface accord-
ing to ISO/IEC 14443 or are directly integrated with
a corresponding terminal device to be used as USB
token. Therefore almost all SSCDs share at least a
common low level interface defined by ISO/IEC 7816
parts 3, 4 and 8. In practice however, this just means
that communication with an SSCDs is based on the
exchange of Application Protocol Data Units (AP-
DUs). To be able to access the functions of an SSCD a
lot of additional information is required. Smart cards
implementing ISO/IEC 7816 part 15 try to provide
this required information in a standardized way. How-
ever only a few SSCDs implement ISO/IEC 7815–15
and even if they do, it remains rather impossible to in-
terface SSCDs in a complete generic way. Therefore,
either applications have to know how to access a spe-
cific SSCD or need layer of abstraction and another
component doing so.
has become the de facto standard for in-
tegration of smart cards and smart-card readers into
mainstream operating systems, with other technolo-
gies such as CT-API
losing importance. PC/SC al-
lows for communication with smart-cards on the ba-
sis of APDUs. On the contrary, a number of com-
peting solutions exist for the abstraction and integra-
tion of electronic signatures and other cryptographic
functions based on smart cards into operating systems
and applications. To name just a few, there are op-
erating system dependent solutions like Microsoft’s
, Keychain Services
in Apple OS X and
more operating system independent solutions such as
. All these solutions have in common, that
they require a module implementing the specifics for
each particular SSCD they are going to support. Of
course, these modules look quite different for any of
the solutions. Thus it is not surprising, that none of
them is currently able to support all or even most of
the available SSCDs. In fact, there is also a number
of SSCDs for which not any such module is available.
Additionally, the installation and update of specific
modules can also be a challenging task for end users
if this is not performed by the operating system or ap-
plications automatically.
CardTerminal Application Programming Interface
Crypto Service Provider / Crypto Next Generation
Security/Conceptual/Security Overview/Security Services/
Security Services.html
The EU directive on electronic signatures requires
that SSCDs must ensure that “the signature-creation-
data used for signature generation can be reliably pro-
tected by the legitimate signatory against the use of
others” (1999/93/EC, 1999, ANNEX III). Most SS-
CDs implement this by requiring the user to provide a
secret personal identification number (PIN). Any so-
lution accessing the SSCD must therefore also be able
to provide the user with a possibility to enter the PIN
to authorize the signature. This might be done by an
appropriate user dialog or by activating a PIN-pad on
the smart-card terminal if available.
SSCDs implement only basic cryptographic algo-
rithms. Signatures on electronic documents usu-
ally require a signature format such as CMS
(or their corresponding formats for Ad-
vanced Electronic Signatures, CAdES and XAdES
If applications directly interface SSCDs or access
their functions by interfaces discussed in section 3,
they also need to implement the processing of the re-
quired signature formats. Abstraction of this func-
tionality can be provided by libraries which have to be
integrated with the application or can be achieved by
the use of a middleware that provides signature cre-
ation services.
To enable users to create Qualified Signatures in
Web applications, these applications need a way to
employ the user’s SSCD. There are however no stan-
dard means provided by Web browsers for the cre-
ation of electronic signatures. Therefore, middleware
solutions have been developed that need to be in-
stalled on the user’s machine and allow to be triggered
through a Web browser. The middleware then takes
over the task of creation a Qualified Signature with
the user’s SSCD and returns it back the application.
Such solutions are for instance used by the Austrian
Citizen Card (Hollosi and Karlinger, 2004),(R
2008) and the German e-Card-API-Framework (BSI
TR-03112, 2008). Of course such middleware may
also be accessed by local applications on the user’s
The EU directive on electronic signatures man-
Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) IETF RFC
XML Signature Syntax and Processing W3C Recom-
CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures ETSI TS 101
733 and XML Advanced Electronic Signatures ETSI TS
101 903
dates that “Secure signature-creation devices must not
alter the data to be signed or prevent such data from
being presented to the signatory prior to the signature
process” (1999/93/EC, 1999, ANNEX III). Therefore
middleware for the creation of Qualified Signatures
usually also provides the possibility to view the to-be
signed data.
The traditional middleware approach represents a
convenient way to integrate Qualified Signatures with
applications and especially with Web applications.
However, conventional middleware software needs to
be installed on the user’s machine as a prerequisite.
The minimum-footprint middleware approach elimi-
nates this requirement by providing the required com-
ponents for accessing the user’s SSCD on demand.
The general concept of the approach is to split the sig-
nature creation process into two parts, use a small
component executed in the user’s browser to per-
form the part that needs access the functions of the
SSCD and deploy this component on demand. Every-
thing that may be performed securely on the server is
kept out of this component, to allow for a minimal-
footprint on the user’s machine. From the applica-
tion’s point of view however, there is just a conven-
tional middleware taking over the task of creating an
electronic signature.
The Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Graz
University of Technology have initiated the project
“MOCCA in 2008 with the aim to provide an open
source implementation of a minimal-footprint mid-
5.1 SSCD Access
In the context of the MOCCA project several tech-
nologies for implementation of the browser compo-
nent and accessing the SSCD have been assessed.
The goal was to support the mainstream operating
systems (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux) and at
least the three most used Web browsers (Internet Ex-
plorer, Firefox and Safari). Firefox and Internet Ex-
plorer would principally allow access to SSCD func-
tions using scripting technologies such as Java-Script
and VB-Script. However, this requires appropriate
modules for integration of the SSCD with the operat-
ing system (Internet Explorer: CSP) and the browser
(Firefox: PKCS#11), respectively. The appropriate
modules have to be installed and configured by the
user. As an alternative browser plug-in technologies
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
such as Flash, Silverlight and Java Applets where
evaluated. A possibility for accessing an SSCD us-
ing Flash or Silverlight in the available versions was
not found.
Java Applets provide operating system and
browser independent access to smart cards via the
Java Smart Card I/O API using the PC/SC interface.
The targeted operating systems provide out of the box
support for PC/SC and for many of the smart-card
readers on the market. Therefore, a user only needs
to plug a supported smart-card reader and is not re-
quired to install additional software.
Statistics show, that more than 50% of internet
users are using a browser with a Java-Plugin in the
relevant version
. For those not having a Java-Plugin
installed, Java provides an easy installation procedure
that could also be triggered by the middleware di-
rectly. As Java is general technology not only re-
quired for the creation of electronic signatures and
already available on more than the half of the users’
machines, the requirement not needing to install ded-
icated software is considered to be met. Therefore,
Java Applets where chosen for the implementation of
the browser component of MOCCA.
5.2 Architecture
The architecture of MOCCA is designed to be as tech-
nology neutral and open as possible. This should al-
low for future adaptations if required. It is organized
into four different layers as shown in figure 1.
For integration with applications it was chosen to im-
plement the Security-Layer interface (SL) and a trans-
port binding of HTTP(S) as defined by the Austrian
Citizen Card specification. SL is an open concept
comparable with OASIS-DSS
and not restricted to
Austrian citizen cards. Additional interfaces (such as
OASIS-DSS) could easily be implemented by extend-
ing or adapting the two uppermost layers.
The Security-Layer interface allows for the cre-
ation of CMS and XAdES signatures. Currently,
MOCCA only implements the creation of XAdES sig-
natures. The corresponding SL request consists of el-
ements specifying the signature key to be used, the
data to be signed and the XML document the cre-
ated signature should finally be embedded in. There
is great flexibility in specifying how the middleware
should retrieve and transform the data for signing and
whether the data should be embedded into the signa-
ture or referenced externally.
OASIS – Digital Signature Service
MOCCA – Prinzipieller Aufbau
Wien, 12.1.2008
W. Bauer, M. Centner, C. Orthacker
Request Processing (SL)
Security Token Abstraction (STAL)
Transport Binding
Transport Binding
Smart Card Communication (SMCC)
Figure 1: Layers of MOCCA.
Transport Binding Layer. A transport binding of
HTTP/HTTPS is provided to enable an application to
access the middleware through the browser by using
simple Web forms carrying an SL request.
Request Processing Layer (SL). performs all the
steps required for the creation of an XAdES signature
except for the calculation of the signature value.
Security Token Abstraction Layer (STAL). con-
sists of a client and a server part. The server part of-
fers a Web service. The client part is included in the
Java Applet. The client connects back to the Web ser-
vice of the server when the Applet has been started.
The Web service is then used to send commands from
the server to the client part of the STAL.
Smart Card Communication Layer (SMCC). is
also included in the Java Applet and called by the
STAL to handle communication with SSCDs and
smart-card readers via PC/SC.
All XML processing required for the creation of a
XAdES signature is performed in the request process-
ing layer. This allows for very simple STAL com-
mands. Currently, the STAL supports only two basic
commands. One for retrieving certificates and other
information stored on a SSCD and one for the cre-
ation of a signature using the SSCD. Additionally, the
STAL may call back to the Request Processing layer
for retrieving the data referenced by the to-be signed
A standard SOAP based Web service with swapped
roles of server and client has been chosen in favor of a re-
versed SOAP (PAOS) binding. This allows for a standard
Java client implementation and for non-Java clients (e.g.
Java Script, Flash, etc.) to connect to the server. This may
become relevant if other technologies would allow SSCD
access in the future and should be integrated.
signature. This is used to enable the user to retrieve
and view the data to-be signed as explained below.
5.3 Security Model
A Java Applet may be signed to ensure it’s integrity
and to allow the user to verify that it is from a reliable
source. If a Java Applet also needs access to local
resources it must be signed. The first time a signed
Applet is loaded by the Java-Plugin the user needs to
give consent for executing it and may choose to al-
ways trust the issuer of the Applet.
It was chosen to encapsulate all security relevant
parts of the process of creating a Qualified Signature
within the signed Java Applet. The Applet may be
signed by a trusted third party and different service
instances may provide the same signed Applet.
the purpose of creating a Qualified Signature, users
therefore only need to trust the issuer of the signed
Applet. This is considered to be equivalent with the
requirement to trust the issuer of other convention-
ally installed software used for the creation of Qual-
ified Signatures (e.g. locally installed middleware-
software, PKCS#11 modules, etc.).
The entire XML processing is performed outside
the Java Applet, to keep it as small and simple as pos-
sible. The Applet only receives the SignedInfo part of
the XAdES signature, which contains the references
and hash values of the to-be signed data. However,
the Applet allows the user to retrieve and view the to-
be signed data. When it retrieves this data it calculates
the hash value and compares it with the hash value of
the corresponding reference in the SignedInfo. That
way, the Applet can ensure the data retrieved for view-
ing is actually the data going to be signed. When the
user decides not view the to-be signed data, there is
also no need to compare the hash values.
The security relevant communication with smart
cards and smart-card readers is handled entirely
within the Applet. The Applet is relying on PC/SC
communication only. Therefore, it needs to know
how to employ the functions of a particular SSCD.
To keep the footprint of the Applet to a minimum, it
does not rely on additional modules such as PKCS#11
that would need to be deployed with the Applet. The
SSCD abstraction is therefore implemented directly
by the SMCC layer of the Applet.
The Applet provided with the official MOCCA distri-
bution is actually signed by the Secure Information Tech-
nology Center Austria (A-SIT), which is the Austrian con-
firmation body for electronic signature solutions.
5.4 State of Implementation and
So far the official MOCCA release supports, the Aus-
trian health-insurance cards and other Austrian Cit-
izen Cards. A number of SCCDs from other EU
countries has already been integrated in the context
of the pan european project on electronic identities
. This includes the Belgian “Belbic” and
smart-cards form Italy, Portugal and Estonia. Support
for these and other smart-cards is going to be inte-
grated with the official release.
Along with the creation of Qualified Signatures,
MOCCA also supports the requests required for au-
thentication using the Austrian Citizen Card (R
and Leitold, 2005) (R
ossler, 2008). MOCCA has al-
ready been deployed in production for authentication
and the creation of Qualified Signatures for a number
of e-government services in Austria. This includes,
the Austrian online tax declaration service FinanzOn-
, which is the most used e-government service in
Austria. Additionally it has been successfully used in
the past student union election in Austria, which was
the very first lawful election in Austria using remote
e-voting facilities.
The presented minimal-footprint middleware repre-
sents a concept to leverage the use of Qualified Sig-
natures in Web applications. It enables users to create
Qualified Signatures without requiring them to install
dedicated software as a prerequisite. At the same time
it encapsulates the details of the signature creation
process and hides them from the application. This
allows for an easy integration with applications.
The authors have proven the concept by an open-
source implementation “MOCCA”, which is now an
important building block of Austrian e-government
The principle concept is technology neutral—for
the implementation of MOCCA a Java Applets and
the PC/SC interface have been chosen. These two
technologies are available across browsers and oper-
ating system platforms.
There are other solutions for the creation of elec-
tronic signatures available on the market, which also
use Java Applet technology. However, to the best
of our knowledge, none of these solutions is imple-
mented as middleware. The middleware concept,
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
would yet allow to switch technologies without af-
fecting application integration. If technologies should
emerge in the future that would allow for an even bet-
ter handling of the SSCD integration, it would suffice
to adapt just the middleware. The minimal-footprint
middleware concept therefore has all the advantages
of a conventional middleware without the need to be
installed by the user.
1999/93/EC (1999). Directive 1999/93/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999
on a Community framework for electronic signatures.
European Parliament and Council.
BSI TR-03112 (2008). BSI - Technische Richtlinie: eCard-
API-Framework (BSI TR-03112). Bundesamt fr
Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
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IDABC 6485 (2007). Preliminary Study on Mutual Recog-
nition of eSignatures for eGovernment applications,
Report. European Commission / European eGoverne-
ment services (IDABC).
Leitold, H., Hollosi, A., and Posch, R. (2002). Secu-
rity architecture of the austrian citizen card concept.
In Computer Security Applications Conference, 2002.
Proceedings. 18th Annual, pages 391–400.
ossler, T. (2008). Giving an interoperable e-ID solution:
Using foreign e-IDs in Austrian e-Government. Com-
puter Law & Security Report, 24(5):447 – 453.
ossler, T. and Leitold, H. (2005). Identifikationsmodell
osterreichischen B
urgerkarte. In Proceedings of
the D-A-CH Security Conference 2005, University of
Technology Darmstadt, Germany.
Roßnagel, H. (2006). On diffusion and confusion why
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