Antonia Huertas and Enric Mor
Department of Computer Science, Open University of Catalonia, Rambla Poblenou 156, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Logic course, Online learning, Technology enhance logic, Intelligent tutoring system, User centred design.
Abstract: Learning logic in engineering has similar difficulties like in mathematics: a very low academic performance
and a high student dropout. In this kind of subjects interactive training activities with immediate feedback
are fundamental. In a traditional face-to-face logic course the face-to-face interaction with the instructor
usually provides it. In an e-learning or web-based paradigm the role of the instructor should be helped by an
intelligent tutoring system. In this paper we present the design and development process of learning tools for
a logic course. This tool follows a student-centred design approach in order to provide the accurate tool for a
successful learning experience. A general discussion of learning tools for logics is also presented; showing
that this kind of topics has concrete and specific needs in online learning.
Nowadays new fully online universities and an
increasing number of face-to-face universities are
offering academic degrees and programs via the
Internet. While some programs require students to
attend lectures to the campus, many are delivered
completely online. In such scenario Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) are a central
element of the educational strategies connected with
the new educational paradigm in which the teacher
or instructor is not at the centre of the learning
model, now occupied by the student. In e-learning,
the computer and the instructor are peripheral
elements with respect to the student. In such a new
situation learning methodologies, contents and
resources can not simply be transferred from face-to-
face lectures to a web-based classroom, and new
methodologies, strategies and tools are needed.
E-Learning is based on resources and activities
accessible via a computer device. These digital
contents should offer a high degree of interactivity.
In such context, digital resources constitute a good
alternative to printed learning materials since rich
media can easily be embedded to enhance the
learning. Interactive activities are less linear than
online book or manuals, involving instructional
design techniques and more dynamic type of self-
assessment or immediate feedback.
Another important advantage of e-learning and
digital learning objects is that they can allow
individual training while being easily delivered to a
wide audience via Internet at a relatively low cost.
However, the creation of effective interactive
learning resources has a high human and material
cost (Ritter, Blessing and Wheeler, 2003). The
software for developing is also very complex and
not available to every teacher or instructor.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are computer
systems used to improve the learning process
providing customized assistance and feedback to
students (Kinshuk, Patel, and Scott 2001). Their
main characteristic is the immediate feedback
tailored to the student's particular needs.
Regarding the areas of Logic and Mathematics,
educational reforms are widespread and new
educational models and tools are used, not only in
online learning but also in the traditional face-to-
face education. New learning strategies such as
personalized support, collaborative learning,
integration of ITS in the learning environment and
instructional model are used (Huertas, 2007).
The traditional logic course is a survey of
traditional logic, including classical and
contemporary logic. Special emphasis is given to
the formal language and the classical methods of
reasoning. A typical initial logic course contains
propositional and predicate logic and special
attention is given to formal semantics. Logic is in
Huertas A. and Mor E.
DOI: 10.5220/0002808502220225
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
this level part of mathematical logic and the subject
inherits the mathematical particularities that make it
difficult for students.
Students enrolled to a logic course have to
acquire a set of skills and a small set of contents.
The instructor has an important role when acquiring
these skills and the concrete guidance and
interaction with the teacher is a fundamental aspect
of the learning methodology. In the online scenario,
students have the same interaction needs but they are
remote interacting with the teacher only using their
computer. Furthermore, this computer-mediated
interaction is usually text-based, providing a narrow
way to have feedback. Therefore, this can become a
concern when learning the logic competences.
This paper is organized as follows; Section 2
describes the needs for a specific logic learning tool.
Section 3 describes the design and development
process of the learning tool. Finally, Section 4
presents the conclusions and future work.
The design and development of e-learning contents
and tools should be viewed as a formal and
significant project. The user-centered design (UCD)
approach to technology enhanced learning can be the
key element to provide a good learning experience
because the student has been moved to the center of
the learning process. The UCD is a general term
used to describe the design where the user influences
the final result. It is, at the same time, a philosophy
and a process. A philosophy that places the
individual user at the center to develop a product
that suits his or her needs and requirements, and a
design process that focuses on cognitive factors of
people and how these factors are involved in their
interactions with interactive products (Sharp, Rogers
and Preece, 2007).
There are many different computerized learning
tools for introductory logic. Among them we can
consider the following groups (Humet, 2001),
depending on active/passive role of the student.
The checkers (Allen and Hand, 1992),
(Gottschall, 2000) and (Layman, 1999) are
characterized for a quite passive behaviour of the
learner. The main activity of students consists on
verify a deduction or formalization. No direct
intervention or feedback is delivered by the system.
The feedback of the tool is restricted to find errors
when the user requests explicitly the verification of
the exercise be carried out. The constructors
(Barwise and Etchemendy, 1994 and 2007), (Broda
and Zappacosta, 2000), (Endriss, 2000) and
(Gottschall, 2000, (Moreno and Budesca, 2000) are
characterized for a higher degree of interactivity
with the user. They provide buttons, menus and
dialogues to the user for interaction purposes. This
kind of tools gives the students the feeling that they
are being helped in building the solution. The
provers (Endriss, 2000), (Layman, 1999) and
(Moreno and Budesca, 2000) are characterized by
their automatism. In this type of tools the user is
completely passive. The system calculates and
shows the solution of the exercise in an automatic
Logic contents and skills are best acquired
within context that allow learners to actively training
(Nardi, 1997) and this has to be taking into account
when study how to improve the learning activity in
e-learning courses of logic. In addition to the
common learning difficulties of such an instrumental
subject, online learners face specific needs, mostly
related with their isolation and the computer-
mediated communication. There are some important
aspects that should be taken into account:
Allow interactive training activities to learn
skills instead of informative knowledge
(Kenny, C., Pahl, C., 2009).
Offering immediate feedback (Melis and
Ullrich, 2003) to the performance of a
The UOC (Open University of Catalonia; is a fully online university with a
student-centered educational model. This model
takes advantage of technology enhanced learning to
put each student in the center of the learning process
providing them the educational contents and
learning tools needed for each course. The university
offers several degrees, certificate programs and
master degrees. The computer science degree is the
most technical program and with a basic logic
course. This logic course has around a thousand
students enrolled each semester and the course
outline contains the usual topics of an introductory
logic course.
The goal of the project described here is the
design and development of a tool for learning logic,
in the context of a fully online computer science
degree using a web based learning environment.
This tool should provide guidance and interactive
feedback to logic course students. The project
follows the UCD process that includes three main
phases: gathering user requirements, designing the
product iteratively and finally, evaluating the
prototypes of each design iteration. In addition to
these phases, the UCD process applied in the design
and development of learning resources and tools has
to follow the specific goals for the e-learning
context: a) reduce difficulty in teaching and learning
process, b) improve the learning experience and c)
integrate to the existing virtual learning
environment. The key element of this approach is
the evaluation and iteration of the design solutions.
3.1 Requirements
We had two sets of requirements. The university
established a set of organizational requirements
mainly related with its technological architecture
and also related with the e-learning methodological
model. The second set of requirements is user
defined and strongly related with the logic course
Institutional Requirements. E-learning resources
and tools have to be integrated into the actual virtual
campus in terms of user authentication and look and
feel. The new resources have to be placed in the
virtual classroom structure, should be accessed using
a standard web browser and, from a technological
point of view, they should not interfere with existing
User Requirements. The users of the logic learning
tool will be the students enrolled in the course.
Teachers will also be users but they will have more
functionalities and views of the learning tool. An
analysis was carried out by using focus groups with
teachers and students, to identify 1) which part of
the logic curriculum is proving be more difficult for
learners and for which of them the introduction of
the tool would add significant value and 2) students
levels and needs, and 3) students and instructors
skills of ICT.
During one semester an evaluation of such
requirements has been done by carefully studying
the results of the continuous assessment and final
exams. We had several meetings with the twelve
teacher’s team. In those meetings, existing tools for
learning logic were analyzed and evaluated as a
benchmark analysis. The result of this benchmark
was that none one of the tools meet the needs of the
project. In addition to that, a basic prototype of the
tool was build and a pilot test was carried out
observing how students used this first basic
prototype of the learning tool. At the end, it was
clear that the more difficult part of the logic course
is the formal reasoning methods (natural deduction
and resolution). Another important finding was the
need to integrate any kind of learning tool in the
continuous assessment model of the pedagogic
strategy used. This is because if the tool is not part
of that continuous assessment, the students perceive
the time and effort using the tool as an extra effort
without clear reward.
After that analysis the main requirements for the
logic learning tool were:
Giving immediate feedback to reduce
difficulty of learning the two reasoning
methods for “isolated learners”
Fostering learning of the strategies and skills
characteristics of logic (specially that two
Integrated in the continuous assessment of
the students
Easy of use / Usable
Integrated into the existing virtual
Multilingual: Catalan and Spanish.
3.2 Design and Development
After testing the initial prototypes, the developing
phase was following. The coding of the tool took
several months and was done by a web developer
member of the team. Other members of the group
supervised and comment the process of
implementation which was done in an iterative way.
The architecture of the tool and other technical
solutions were decided in order to assure the
requirements. The tool would be designed under an
approach based on an architecture in three layers:
interface, domain and persistence.
It is interesting to mention that the only user
requirement in order to use the tool have a browser
compatible with Internet Explorer 5.5 or superior or
with Firefox 2.0 or superior. It is also necessary that
the user has the activated Javascript (option by
default of the browsers). The web pages that are part
of the tool have developed using PHP for the
programming in the server and HTML, CSS and
Javascript. It is also interesting to mention that to
store the data in a persistent way has been used a
MySQL database, which allows to manage sessions
in an efficient way. Finally, the development of this
application requires the communication with the
existing UOC servers to obtain the login information
of the students. This functionality has been covered
through a series of web services provided by the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
UOC technicians
All the design and development were done
iteratively, testing interfaces and prototypes,
involving students and teachers. As a consequence
some of the decisions were changed at any level
after the evaluations.
We designed and developed a web-based learning
tool for logic course. This tool also follows the ITS
paradigm needed for our requirements
(Hatzilygeroudis and Prentzas, 2004), especially for
the immediate feedback offered: when a task is
correct, when an exercise is correct, and some advise
when a task is not correct. In that case the nature of
the knowledge domain itself, that is, the use of
formal rules of the logic reasoning method,
guaranties the soundness and consistence of the
automatic feedback given.
The tool is completely integrated with the rest of
the learning material and with the continuous
assessment model of the logic course. Students and
teachers easily can track the learning progress since
the tool provides statistics for each individual user,
for the class group and also for the different groups.
Students can see their progression level and both
students and teachers can find the critic points of
every stage of the learning process. The tool has
been built to be modular and reusable and this will
assure the easy extension or partial revision
At present, the tool is being used in the logic
course of the UOC this semester. Using it in a real
scenario will provide a set of usage data that will be
use to improve both performance and usability of the
tool. We already have a first feedback from students
that consists on positive comments about the tool
and how it helps them to learn the course.
On the other hand, further work will be adding
new modules to cover other parts of the logic
subject, improving the feedback system and
functionalities, allowing comments and notes and
building a mobile version, among others.
This work has been partially supported by a 2008
project of educational innovation of the UOC; and
by the Spanish government grants TIN2006-15107-
C02 and HUM2006-12848-C02-01.
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