A Weather Information Sharers’ Community of Practice
Katarina Elevant
Department of Media Technology and Graphic Arts
Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Lindstedtsv. 3, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Weather, Forecast, Co-creation, Observation, Climate change, Community, Collective intelligence.
Abstract: Beside occasional disastrous impacts of weather, weather also affects daily life. Societal and environmental
challenges of the future include both providing customized weather information in-time due to users’ needs,
and detecting climate change and its impacts on land and ecosystems. The accuracy of weather and climatic
information is, however, limited by spatial and temporal borders that need to be overriden. Also, weather
information services cannot be fully customized, a problem arising from the spatial inaccuracy of weather
forecasts and observations. Here, the role of social media, collective and civic intelligence and crowd
sourcing should be investigated. This paper envisions a community of weather-interested users that provide
usable observations of weather and environmental change, and presents a web-based interface for this
community as a new method to collect weather and climatic information. User-generated weather
observations can be processed based on principles of collective intelligence and co-creation, in order to
improve, customize and personolize weather information.
In the 17
century, two centuries before the
invention of the telegraph, Robert Plot, Secretary to
the Royal Society in England, collected weather
observations and noted that if the same observations
were made “in many foreign and remote parts at the
same time” we would “probably in time thereby
learn to be forewarn certainly of diverse
emergencies (such as heats, colds, dearth’s, plagues,
and other epidemical distempers)” (Konvicka,
Imagine Plot’s expectations on the 21st century’s
social media. Weather can be observed by anybody,
representing visible and perceivable expressions of
complex processes in the atmosphere. Ancient
cultures learned to understand signs of incoming
weather and its impacts on the environment
(Theophrastus). Fishermen and farmers, that possess
experience of the law of physics as eye-witnessing
governed movements of the air, are able to make
good observations of weather (Ångström, 1926).
For centuries, the development of meteorology
relied on human observers, still contributing to the
international exchange of observations from
meteorological synoptic stations (from Greek
synoptikos “to see together”), organized by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). One
basic problem for weather and environmental
forecasting is, however, related to the limited spatial
resolution of weather observation networks.
Introducing social networks, this paper is based
on the assumption that, whether an individual or an
organization of individuals, everybody may perceive
weather. Everybody can see, or observe, the weather
in their closest environment. As a parallel to Jenkins
(2006) “No one knows everything, everybody knows
something”, it can be stated that: No one can observe
weather everywhere, but everybody can observe
somewhere, or some of the weather. Thereby, a large
number of users could see the weather together, and
the essence of synoptikos (“to see together”)
suddenly reaches new proportions, as tools for
collective intelligence of web 2.0 are accessible.
1.1 Reasons to Talk about Weather
The development of weather services through
history has been connected to: (1) inventions of new
communication technologies, and (2) incitements to
save lives and property. Some early attempts to
organize weather observation networks were
Elevant K.
Z Community of Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0002810203920399
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
initiated after documented losses caused by severe
weather (Burton and Fitzroy, 1986; Craft, 1998;
Craft, 1999; Davis, 1984; Moran and Hopkins,
2002). The usability of weather observations was,
however dependent on long-distance communication
overriding spatial distances larger than the size of
weather systems ranging over 100 km, as the
character of atmospheric motions is highly
dependent on horizontal movements (Holton, 1992).
Climate change as well as the fact that societal
changes and urbanisation increases the vulnerability
arising from weather (Changnon et al., 2000), put
weather information on the agenda. In 2005, the
hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in
U.S. history, stated an example of the disastrous
effects of weather with $130 billion damage/costs
(NOAA, 2009). Through human history, climatic
disasters have affected communities and populations
around the world, such as the mysterious demise of
Viking settlements in Greenland in the 14th and
15th, believed to have occurred due to a temperature
decrease (Konvicka, 1999). The future society will
also have to tackle the increased frequency of severe
weather events (Parry, 2007).
New media technologies of the 21
century offer
possibilities to override spatial distances between
two people anywhere in the world. New ways of
communicating thus open windows toward both
distributing, and collecting, new weather
information. The objective of this paper is to look
into the opportunities offered by the “invention” of
web 2.0.
1.2 Motivation to Purchase Weather
A fisherman’s motivation to observe weather is due
to the impact of weather on most “events” in the
fisherman’s daily life (Ångström, 1926) and comes
with concern about own property and life. Individual
motivation must thus be searched for within the
personal life, such as economic incitements,
improved quality of life, individual freedom,
planning and mobility. Studying customization of
weather services, Elevant (2009) concluded that
interest in weather had four different origins: leisure
time activities (such as outdoor hobbies), travel to
work, interest in technology, and genuine interest in
weather. Easy access to weather information through
different traditional and linear media channels
mostly offer passive consumption of weather
information. The information is thereafter filtered
due to personal relevance (Schneider and Laurion,
1993). Thus a challenge arises for not only private
enterprises aiming at creating attractive weather
services, but decision-makers that want to inform the
broad public about coming weather events.
1.3 Limitations in Current Services
Compared to traditional linear media weather
services, created to suit the majority of a target
group, web 1.0 do offer some level of customization
(e.g. city, region, hobby). Tools like GPS and digital
maps can zoom applications down to geographical
distances of meters. The service content is, however,
based on weather observations and forecasts
operating on spatial scales of kilometers (WMO,
Climatic information is based on an even coarser
spatial resolution of hundreds of kilometers.
Detection, as well as understanding of complex
processes related to climate change, point at the need
to increase both data volumes and quality.
Incomplete data sets restrict understanding of
changes in extremes and attribution of changes to
causes (Solomon et al., 2007). Most fingerprint work
has focused on global-scale changes in “primary”
climate variables, which underlines the importance
of developing methods to detect the effects of
greenhouse gases on climate and the environment.
Similar relations exist between the resolution of the
weather forecast and variables describing
consequences of weather such as: road conditions,
power plant efficiency, soil moist, crop growth.
This gap between the spatial scales requested by
meteorological applications, and the spatial
resolution of available weather information upon
which we base the content of weather information
services, illustrates the problem of customizing the
content of a weather service to a particular user’s
geographical position, and activity. As a result,
consumers acquire weather forecasts not entirely
relevant in regard to their needs.
Studying customized traffic weather alerts,
Elevant (2009) suggested that personalized weather
information can be based on user profiles and
information on perception, position, habits and
recent weather experiences, indirectly or directly
provided by the user while observing weather (e.g.
by ranking received weather forecasts). The level of
personalization will depend on the amount of
information provided by the user.
COLLABORATIVE OBSERVATIONS OF WEATHER - A Weather Information Sharers' Community of Practice
1.4 Objective: The “Share Weather”
We can conclude that current weather services
struggle with problems regarding spatial inaccuracy.
Secondly, users should be more actively engaged, if
we ought to increase active acquisition of weather
information, which may be of particular interest
before severe weather events. The objective of the
paper is to demonstrate a web service based on co-
creation, discuss motivations to use the service as
well as some wider implications.
Web 2.0 has not only opened windows toward
customization of weather services, but offers the
opportunity to co-create weather information.
Almost everybody owns a cellular phone. Sensor
networks, such as road observation networks
measuring road conditions, are on progress and they
are used to improve the quality of local weather
information. However, the possibilities to collect
weather information from a large number of
individuals, now offered by web 2.0, are still
The paper suggests a community of interest,
which offers important practice as creating
information valuable not only to the individual and
the community of interest, but to the whole society.
Organized observation networks provided the first
systematic records by 1860. Climatologists
additionally use proxy palaeoclimatological sources
of information, derived from tree rings, ice cores,
coral growth, or features like ship logbook data.
Table 1 illustrates the development of weather
information networks, from reports provided
through the first telegraphic networks in the 19
century, to currently 10
observations: 15 satellites,
700 buoys, 3 000 aircraft, 7 300 ships and some 10
000 land-based stations (WMO, 2006).
Table 1: Weather information paradigms.
Human speech
1850 Telegraph
- 10
1940 Aviation
1950 Computer
- 10
1970 Satellites
- 10
1990 Web 1.0
- 10
2010 Web 2.0
Connecting hundred millions of people in
different places through web 2.0, offers a potential
solution for synoptic meteorology and the idea of
synoptikos “to see together”, as a large number of
citizens may share their weather observations with
each other, and see together. Hereby, we introduce
the idea of a web weather 2.0 paradigm.
2.1 Predictions and Observations
Weather forecasting is an initial-state problem
represented by a set of non-linear differential
equations (Holton, 2992). The initial state is
achieved from synoptic stations, which are boundary
condition input to numerical weather forecast
models (NWP). Due to complexity of the system,
simplifications are necessary. Here arise the two
major problems within weather forecasting. The first
is the simplification of the basic equations used to
calculate future states of the atmosphere. The second
is due to lack of observations of the current state.
Climate models, used to simulate global
environmental processes and trends meet even
greater challenges, while aiming at modeling three
different sets of processes: radiative, dynamic and
surface process (Peng et al., 2002; Oliver, 2005),
and are assembled by coupling general circulation
models of the atmosphere and oceans to land surface
and cryospheric models. Climate models use
parameterizations derived from large-scale
observations or extensive field investigations.
However, there are continuing problems with
sustaining adequate spatial sampling of climate
conditions (Martinson et al., 1998).
Summarizing, the number of observations from
around the world is inadequate to achieve the high-
resolution local information in order to provide
customized and personalized weather information,
as well as reliable detection of climate change and
climate projections. The models use a smaller grid
size than what is available with observations,
requiring interpolations due to missing data points.
2.2 Observation Biases and Limitations
Current weather observations are exposed to biases
due to: (1) human perception (e.g. Kent and Berry,
2004), (2) methods for measuring based on
“surrogate” variables (e.g., spectral radiance, radar
reflectivity, turbulence used to measure cloudiness,
precipitation, wind profiles and visibility, as
described by Park and Xu (1999), and the problem
with rain gauges studied by Robinson et al. (2004)),
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(3) physical environmental preconditions
characterizing the spot (e.g. topography, vegetation).
In meteorological applications additional biases
are created while: (4) performing necessary spatial
extrapolations non-representative of extreme values
and meso-scale phenomena (such as thunderstorms
or road surface microclimate conditions (Wallman el
al., 2005)), and (5) introducing different standards
(e.g. measuring wind speed at different heights).
For some applications, technological progress
like the introduction of satellites significantly
improved the data, such as increased data volumes
for monitoring of aridity and environmental change
(e.g. Svoboda et el., 2002), addressing issue (4). In
order to supply different applications for industry
and consumers with adequate input, additional
weather observations are operated by companies and
organizations conducting weather-sensitive
operations (e.g. wind power enterprises, road
administrators, sports), however creating
observation sets of different standards (issue (5)).
Despite advanced space technology, applications
like modeling impacts of climate change on
ecosystems and land provides uncertainties due to
extrapolations and parameterizations (issue (4)), and
methods (issues (2) and (3)). For example, when
assessing land degradation, experts tend to
underestimate “the abilities of local farmers, many
of whom have been able to modify their land
management.” (Stroosnijder, 2007). Again, the need
to study local extremes in order to improve NWP’s,
as well as document serious effects of climate
change - the urgent need to detect how the weather
is changing on long-term - is clearly expressed by
issues (2), (3) and (4).
2.3 Creating Additional Weather Data
Statistical approaches have to be introduced if
looking beyond the limitations set up by the
complexity of the reality. Statistically “correcting”
outputs of NWP’s, so called “nowcasing”, is a part
of daily operations in many weather service centers,
providers and businesses (e.g. road transportation,
wind power). The weather forecasting of the future
may attribute a large number of data, if we can find
ways to motivate sharing, and establish methods of
processing, and standards. The objective is to focus
on user-generated “shared weather” information, and
motivation of citizens to contribute with local
information forming human observation networks in
2.3.1 Co-creation of Weather Information
We are aiming at answering the question whether
the weather-men may be replaced by the weather
community. Collective intelligence (Jenkins, 2006;
Levy, 1997), is redefining our traditional
assumptions about expertise, encouraging changes in
the knowledge hegemony of a number of fields
(Walsh, 1999). A delicate example from geosciences
was illustrated by a story of a gold-mining firm that
shared knowledge on geological information with
the world (Tapscott and Williams, 2006),
demonstrating how useful information about the
environment can be achieved from a variety of
information sources, even within an area
traditionally held by specialists and experts. In the
early beginning of weather forecasting, all
observations were collected from individuals that
served as experts in their role as weather observers
(Table 1). The “share weather” system presented
here will collect information from non-experts, at
low cost, with the purpose of “nowcasting” the web
service the users can directly benefit from.
2.3.2 Co-creation of Climatic Information
Based on a denser observation network on regional
level, world-wide, weather information sharers can
perform adequate spatial sampling of climate
conditions, flora and fauna. Such voluntary
observations may serve as “field investigations”,
extending the empirical data set necessary to create
environmental model parameterizations. The shared
weather data may also be processed together with
other climatic data, in order to be used as boundary
conditions to environmental models. Shifts in storm
tracks and intensification in the evaporation and
precipitation cycles due to climate change would
alter the frequency and intensity of floods and
droughts (Milly et al., 2002), which can be recorded
by human weather observers in cyberspace
providing more frequent local observations of wet
(or dry) soil and flooding (or droughts). These high-
resolution records of the environment can be
collected by “weather information sharers”.
Observations made by individuals can be useful,
even necessary, in order to address climate change
2.4 The “Shared Weather” Bias
Because different people perceive weather
differently, each user will provide an observation
error, a combination of randomness and a systematic
COLLABORATIVE OBSERVATIONS OF WEATHER - A Weather Information Sharers' Community of Practice
error. From the example of Wikipedia (e.g. Jenkins),
it is, however, evident that documentation on
objective information can be created from a large
number of individual contributions by the process of
peer-viewing. Additionally, we can learn, even
quantify, human biases by keeping records of users’
own observations and habits (Elevant, 2009).
Furthermore, individual biases may be measured by
comparing human observations to the closest source
of more reliable data (e.g. WMO). Mobile weather
spotters guarantee some observation overlapping,
enabling comparison between different observations.
The key argument is though, that within the “shared
weather community”, enough data quantities can be
collected to erase individual biases, and quantify
user biases in order to make systematic corrections
of incoming observations. Additionally, human
senses and simple instruments can be combined,
using low-cost instruments.
Even with a small number of observers, peer-
viewing reduces the human bias, addressing issue
(1) in section 2.2. The web 2.0 solution is of
particular interest when regarding variables difficult
to measure by instruments (e.g. cloudiness). Asking
users to confirm or reject cloud pictures, peer-
viewing may address present limitations due to
measurement instruments (2). The mobility of
weather spotters addresses limitations caused by
physical environmental conditions for spatially fixed
synoptic stations (3). The information possess a
strong user perspective overriding the problem of
different standards (5), and while defined by
different individual’s position, activities and
perception, it is more easily customized to users with
similar profiles. Most importantly, meso-scale
phenomena (e.g. thunderstorms) (4), not easily
detected by WMO stations and predicted by NWP,
are detectable by human mobile observers.
Inspired by the example from the contest on
geological data (Tapscott and Williams, 2006), it can
be argued that the users of “share weather” should
be offered compensation for their efforts. Here
suggested is that, for every volunteer contribution, a
new weather forecast is generated. Earlier was
concluded that motivation is related to personal life
and interests. Thus it can be suggested that co-
creation of weather information can be performed
within a community of interest gathering people
with interest in weather. It is evident from section
1.2 that the best observers are those already
interested in weather, further supporting the
argument that a community of interest can be
established on these grounds.
3.1 The “Shareweather” Interface
In order to motivate participation, members of the
“share weather community” should be able to make
weather reports in different formats using different
devises, depending on present needs and abilities.
Weather reports can be created for chosen places
(e.g. chosen on a map or using positioning systems),
either instantly or several hours or days after
Weather variables can be measured either
subjectively, or using instruments, which, although
not objective in the sense that they are not
standardized, we call objective. As illustrated in
Picture 1, subjective measurements are for example
picking a suitable text from a drop-down menu,
describing the type of clouds, change of cloudiness
during the latest hours, the part of the sky to which
the clouds are concentrated, wind direction and
estimated speed, temperature change compared to
yesterday’s, visibility, precipitation, precipitation
intensity, slipperiness on road (ice, hoarfrost, black
ice). Cloud categories are chosen by clicking on a
suitable picture resembling the clouds observed.
Additional traffic-related subjectively measured
variables are for example traffic congestion and
traffic flow. Variables that can be measured
objectively are: wind, humidity, temperature,
precipitation amount, travel time, snow depth.
Observations of the environment are represented
by subjective reports on the status of the soil and
ground, water levels, rivers and run-off.
Additionally, observations of the environment such
as seasonal changes in the surrounding habitat and
nature are reported: spring blooming, peak blooming
ranges and calendars, amount of particular flowers
and other plants, as well as cultivated vegetables and
fruits in the garden. The “share weather” portal may
also receive reports on observed species such as
animals and insects.
One innovation integrated into the system, are
pictures taken with a cellular phone (objective
reports), representing an easy way of reporting and
probably added value in terms of entertainment. An
important rewarding mechanism is a local weather
forecast provided to the user whenever pushing the
“send report” button. The system is based on the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: The “share weather” interface.
principle that the more information the user will
send, the more – and more accurate – weather
information will the user receive. Other
functionalities motivating membership in the “share
weather” community are logbooks, calendars, and
personalized books, discussion forums and
possibility to share and see reports performed by
others, or applications created from those data.
3.2 Community of Interest
Earlier, illustrations of empirically accumulated
knowledge on weather and environmental processes
between the air, land and water, conserved by local
habitants that are personally affected by weather,
were provided (Stroosnijder, 2007 and Ångström,
1926). Other evidence support that the best weather
observers (among travellers) are those who need
weather information the most and that an initial need
for accurate weather forecasts in daily life also
encouraged sharing weather information (Elevant,
Fishermen, farmers and long-distance drivers –
whose life and property are exposed to nature and its
elements - are examples of motivated weather
observers that could join and benefit from the “share
weather” community of interest. As not only the
motivation, but also the ability, to observe weather is
due to training and awareness of weather, it can be
suggested that other individuals can be “trained” in
the same way as the farmer and the fisherman, if
their attention was directed toward weather
phenomena, possibly encouraged by participation in
the “share weather” community.
However, beside the high-quality spatial
information and personalized services, the “share
weather” system may also provide motives such as
contributing to the environment.
3.3 Environmental Practice of the
“Shareweather” Community
Environmental politics and practice meet challenges
like conflicts between environmental interests and
interest of individuals, often regarded the roots of
unsustainable development (Connelly and Smith,
2003). Despite motivation to act on
climate change,
many consider that they do not have information on
what action they
can take to mitigate climate change
(e.g. Lowe et al., 2006).
Studies of so called “trust networks” (e.g.
Cheshire and Cook, 2004), show that the social
context and community responsibility norms can
play an important role in trust-building. Studying
what motivates wikipedians, (Nov, 2007) reached
similar conclusions on ideological incitements, and
not the least the importance of experience of fun.
Most important, ideological incitements and
willingness to participate for “the common good”
were discovered.
Thus, assuming that attractive interface and
functionality are present, and based upon the expert
paradigm and the fact that weather can be observed
by anybody anywhere, it is justifiable to assume that
the “share weather” community of co-creating
weather-enthusiasts, can grow and become a
community of practice collecting important
information on weather, environment and climate
From small weather observation networks enabled
by the invention of the telegraph, we are now about
to face a 21
century web weather 2.0 paradigm. A
“share weather” system based on co-creation,
collective intelligence and peer-viewing of users’
own weather observations can be a community of
practice offering high-resolution short-term weather
COLLABORATIVE OBSERVATIONS OF WEATHER - A Weather Information Sharers' Community of Practice
forecasts, and contributing to detecting climate
The 20
century development of meteorological
services led to sophisticated tools and methods for
more accurate weather predictions (e.g. NWP). By
contrast, the accuracy of measuring instruments has
not changed and the number of weather observation
stations is sparse compared to the resolution of
available models. Future NWP’s may integrate data
from a number of sources, including the “share
weather” system. Historical steps like introduction
of satellite data as input to NWP’s illustrate the
immense potential of sensor networks. This paper
suggests that meteorological data also may include
human networks in cyberspace based on social
Local weather phenomena, in particular special
requirements by different applications and
customization and personalization of weather
services for media consumers, are beyond reach of
current weather observations and sensor networks.
The ability of individuals to observe, understand,
adapt to, even modify, their environment and
habitat, is an unexplored societal resource and
source of knowledge that can be shared. If
systematically collected, user-generated weather
information can be processed and integrated into a
share weather system as presented here, offering a
high-quality web service and attractive services to
the members of the “shareweather” community – a
community of interest in weather information. Most
important, the shared weather information can
contribute to significant progress within weather
“nowcasting” raising the quality of weather
information services and applications. Additionally,
the share weather web service would generate values
in its users’ daily life, and practices valuable to the
community as collecting information on climate and
environmental change.
Local observations of the “shareweather”
community can detect local phenomena and
extremes, addressing the current problems with lack
of spatial data coverage necessary to detect,
understand and model the effects of climate change.
Time-demanding processes of collecting and
verifying weather and climate data (e.g. IPCC
synthesis reports), may be shortened by using web
2.0 tools to collect a large number of local
observations, further analysed by experts. On the
other hand, early weather warning services may be
improved, as for such traditional public sector
services “information typically travels serially and
sequentially, from one processing unit to the next”
(Horan and Schooley, 2007), while social media
networks possess the flexibility to collect and
distribute information fast, and additionally are
trustworthy improving the odds that citizens will
adopt to severe weather.
The rise of social networks provides not only an
option for storage of expert opinions and distribution
of knowledge, but enables co-creation of weather
information by everybody, as: nobody can observe
everything, but everybody can observe some(thing)
of the weather.
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