Ayesha Hakim, Stephen Marsland and Hans W. Guesgen
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Keywords: Face Detection, Haar-classifier, Skin-colour, Occlusion.
Abstract: The progress of computer vision technology has opened new doors for interactive and friendly computer
interfaces. Human face detection is an essential step of various human-related computer applications,
including face recognition, emotion recognition, lip reading, and several intelligent human computer
interfaces. Since it is the basic step in such applications, it must be reliable enough to support further steps.
Several approaches to detecting human faces have been proposed so far, but none of them can detect faces
in all different conditions such as varying lighting conditions; frontal, profile, tilted and rotated faces;
occlusions by glasses, hijab, facial hair; and noise. We propose a more reliable hybrid approach that is able
to detect human faces in multiple circumstances. Moreover, a brief, but comprehensive, review of the
literature is presented that may be useful to evaluate any face detection system. Our proposed approach
gives up to 97% accuracy on 600 images (both simple and complicated), which is the highest accuracy rate
reported to date to our knowledge.
The current growth of computer technologies has
paved the way to a new machinery world where
human life is improved by artificial intelligence.
Research efforts in human-computer interaction aim
to find ways to enable computers to interact with
humans in more natural ways, e.g. by recognizing
their gestures, speech, hand writing, and even
Human face detection is an essential first step in
almost all face-related problems. It involves
localizing and extracting the face region from the
rest of the image (Hjelmas and Low, 2001). The
objective of face detection is to find out whether or
not there are any faces present in the image and, if
so, to return the location and size of each (Yang,
Kreigman and Ahuja, 2002). It helps to limit the
search space for facial features since the system does
not have to search for features in the whole image
(McDermott, 2006). It also has numerous other
applications in areas such as human face
recognition, emotions recognition, sign language
recognition, lip reading, face focusing in cameras,
and other intelligent human-computer interfaces.
Unfortunately, human face detection is not an
easy task. Depending on the camera-face pose, some
facial features might be partially or totally occluded,
which might make it difficult to detect the face.
Varying lighting conditions might result in some
parts of the faces being only partially lit, which
might mean that not all features are clearly visible.
Also, there is a wide variety in the appearance of
faces, both because of natural variation and because
of additions such as facial hair and glasses. Various
facial expressions and physiognomies of faces also
cause problems, since they change the normal
appearance of the face. Some images have a single
face, others have multiple or no face at all, some
may have complex backgrounds and some may be
noisy due to poor quality images. All such problems
are big hindrances in detecting faces from images.
We concentrate on the problem of human face
detection in static images having complex
background; varying lighting conditions; glasses;
facial hair; various facial expressions (spontaneous
and posed); considerable variations in head poses;
occlusions; noise; profile, tilted, and rotated faces.
In this paper we propose a hybrid method that
uses two of the most successful (and
complementary) algorithms and uses them each
appropriately. This provides a method that is
significantly more accurate than either alone and
also significantly faster, on average, than one of
Hakim A., Marsland S. and W. Guesgen H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 241-244
See full version of paper, table comparing
various published results and our experimental
results on website (http://muse.massey.ac.nz).
Early efforts to develop automatic systems for
human face detection began at the start of 1970s, but
progress remained slow until the 1990s. The
literature reveals a remarkable rise in interest in this
research topic over the past decade (Hjelmas and
Low, 2001). The first problem in the area of human
face detection is the search for some ‘standard
dataset’ that can be treated as a target to compare
detection rates between algorithms. Unfortunately,
there is no such standard comprehensive database
available and the databases that most of the research
groups used for evaluation consist of gray scale
images. So the first step was to collect an RGB
image dataset that can be used to test all of the above
mentioned conditions.
To date, various methods have been proposed for
human face detection from images. Each method has
its own benefits and limitations, but there has not
been a consistent review and comparison of face
detection methodologies. Since face detection is the
basic step, it must be very efficient and reliable. The
literature reveals that the systems that are reliable
are not generally efficient, and vice versa. Moreover,
a lot of costly training is usually required as a pre-
processing step.
Some of the most widely used methods of human
face detection are based on Haar classifiers (Viola
and Jones, 2004; Lienhart and Maydt, 2002), human
skin colour (Hsu, Abdel-Mottaleb and Jain, 2002;
Wang and Yuan, 2001; Singh et al., 2003; Lin et al.,
2008), and facial feature detection (Lee, S. Park and
M. Park, 2005). These methods, although capable
(to some extent) of detecting human faces alone, do
not cover the wide spectrum of different conditions
due to some limitations.
Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2004)
proposed using boosting of Haar-like features to
detect the face region. Using this method, real-time
detection can be achieved with the help of very
simple and easily computable Haar-like features, and
a cascade of boosted classifiers. AdaBoost was used
to select the most representative features in a large
set. On the other hand, Haar classifier detection
results are highly dependent on image quality,
contrast and brightness and it gives false positives or
false negatives if the image is blurred or face in the
image is occluded.
Most researchers report only false negatives, i.e.
faces that are not detected. However, the problem of
false positives (identifying a region as a face when it
is not) is also a potential problem with face detection
algorithms. There is also a significant difference
between what is considered a correct result. Some
papers report any result that includes a part of the
face as correct. For frontal, non-occluded images we
require that all of the eyes, nose, and lips (primary
features) are included in the face ‘box’.
Skin colour-based detection methods perceive
skin regions over the whole image and create face
candidates on the basis of several image processing
techniques. These methods help to detect faces
under varying poses (partially occluded or rotated),
but are highly dependent on lighting conditions and
are not reliable alone. Although image processing
and morphological operations improve the false
positives, the method still fails to differentiate
between face and anything having similar colours to
Feature-based detection algorithms aim to locate
faces on the basis of facial features (such as eyes,
eyebrows, nose, mouth, and hair-line). The problem
with this method is that the image features can be
highly variable due to noise, illumination, and
occlusion. So this method may be used to verify the
detected face, but cannot detect the face reliably.
Due to each method’s limitations, they all suffer
from varying conditions (mentioned in Section 1)
and are not able to detect faces reliably.
We propose a hybrid approach for human face
detection in static images based on two of the most
widely used algorithms boosted Haar classifiers and
skin colour, both of which are described in Section
2. First of all, the image is processed by a Haar
classifier, because this method is very efficient and
reliable for frontal faces. If this method fails to
detect any face present in image (usually, because of
its limitations as discussed in Section 2), the image
is handed over to a skin colour tester. The skin
colour tester consists of multiple steps including
skin likelihood detection and segmentation of skin
region. The resulting image passes through some
morphological operations, aspect ratio test, and
finally goes through a template matching test. Due to
various operations and tests, skin colour-based
detection is time consuming. If this method fails, the
system automatically adjusts the image brightness
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and lighting conditions. After adjustment, the
possibility of face detection by Haar classifier
increases, so it is again tested by Haar.
We also experimented with an eye-detection test
following face detection to avoid false positives.
While it was effective for some images, the time it
took and the low rate of false positives meant that
we do not need to use it in the final system. Not
using it also makes the system better able to deal
with occlusion and camera pose.
Due to the unavailability of a standard accessible
dataset of RGB images, there is a strong need to
collect a set of images that can evaluate face
detection systems under a wide range of different
conditions (as mentioned in Section 1). By
collecting the images from various ‘accessible’
sources, along with our personal and web images,
we obtained a set of images that seems to fulfil all
possible conditions.
We tested our system on 186 images from the
Psychological Image Collection at Stirling (PICS)
(http://pics.psych.stir.ac.uk, n.d.) and got a detection
rate of 98% with 1 false positive. Peer and Solina
(1999) reported 97.7% average detection rate on 44
images, while Wang and Sung (1999) showed
almost 90% detection rate on 50 randomly selected
images from PICS dataset.
Using 60 images from the MMI facial expression
dataset (Pantic et al., 2005), 35 images from the
Indian face dataset (Jain and Mukherjee, 2002), 100
images from Libor Spacek’s facial image dataset
(Spacek, n.d.), and 13 images from the AR face
dataset (Martinez and Benavente, 1998) we got
100% detection rate with 9, 0, 9 and 1 false positive
respectively. Anisetti et al. (2006) used AR face
dataset testing, which gives 72.9% average detection
rate on images without black sun glasses and yellow
On the XM2VTS (Messer et al., 1999) sample
set (54 frontal, 32 side profile and 2 dark frontal
view images), we got 94% detection rate with 10
false positives. However, it gives 100% detection
rate with 0 false positives on frontal faces only.
Asteriadis, Nikolaidis and Pitas (2009) used only the
frontal faces of XM2VTS dataset and got 99.74%
average detection rate.
On 81 personal photo collections, some other test
sets and the web images we got 97% detection rate
with 12 false positives. Wang and Yuan (2001)
gives 91.1% detection rate on web images, Hsu,
Abdel-Mottaleb and Jain (2002) gives 80.35%
detection rate on personal and news images, and
Garcia (2004) gives 90.5% detection rate on web test
set. On 75 very complicated images from yahoo
news we got 86% detection rate with 12 false
These images were not rescaled before testing,
have different lighting conditions, multiple facial
expressions, facial hair, glasses, mufflers, hijab,
multiple variations of head poses and camera angle.
As compared to previous researches results, on such
a diverse collection of images, the average result of
97% detection rate on almost 600 images is quite
Performance Comparison Graph
(using mixed testset of 100 images)
Haar Classifiers Skin Colour Detection Proposed Approach
Detection Rate (%)
Time (sec)
Detection Rate (%)
Time (sec)
Figure 1: Performance comparison graph.
We compared the accuracy and efficiency of the
proposed system with the most commonly used face
detection techniques such as the Haar classifier and
skin colour based detection. The methods were
tested against 100 mixed images of varying
conditions. The graph in Figure 1 shows that Haar
classifiers gives 50.25% accuracy in 0.677 seconds
per image, while the skin colour method gives
34.46% accuracy in 12.63 seconds per image, while
our proposed method gives the highest accuracy of
88.50% in 2.54 seconds per image. These results are
obtained by using MATLAB on a Pentium 4 CPU
3.40 GHz with 1.00 GB RAM. The high deviation of
time in the proposed system is caused by the skin
colour detection method being used.
Noise is the most common problem in images,
caused by low quality cameras, foggy environments,
dust, smoke, or motion. We tested our system
against different kind of noises (Salt & pepper noise,
Gaussian noise, and Speckle noise), and got
satisfactory results. Two different datasets, each
having 20 images, were used for testing the noise
resistance. Dataset A contains all frontal face images
and dataset B contains mixed complicated images.
In the case of salt & pepper noise, for dataset A
the system shows 100% accuracy with 70% noise
intensity, while for dataset B it shows up to 80%
accuracy with 60% noise intensity. In the case of
Gaussian noise, the results fluctuate with noise
variance. For dataset A, the system gives 100%
accuracy up to 2% noise variance, while it fluctuates
between 0 and 100 up to 6% variance, while for
dataset B the accuracy fluctuates between 0 and 100
up to 4% noise variance and between 0 to 30 up to
6% variance. Similarly, in the case of Speckle noise,
the results fluctuate with noise variance. For dataset
A, the system gives 100% accuracy up to 2% noise
variance, while it fluctuates between 90-95% up to
10% variance, while for dataset B the accuracy
fluctuates between 85 and 100 up to 5% noise
variance and between 75 to 100 up to 9% variance.
This paper has presented a hybrid system for human
face detection from static images, by combining two
methods and some pre-processing steps that is more
efficient than either and not too much less
computationally efficient than the better of the two.
We have shown that it is fairly robust to common
image problems such as noise and occlusions.
A brief review of the literature is presented along
with the most comprehensive set of RGB images
which fulfils all possible conditions for evaluation of
any face related application. The proposed system is
not complex and covers a wide range of human skin
We intend to follow two fronts of research from
here. The first is to use these results and extend them
to video images, which will combine tracking with
face detection. We will investigate further
algorithmic speed-ups for this to work in real time.
The second is to use the segmented face for human
emotion recognition which is the main focus of our
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications