A Graphical File Management System Supporting Visualisation of File
Saturnino Luz
Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Masood Masoodian, Bill Rogers, Simon De Schutter
Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
File management systems, 3D user interfaces, Information visualisation, Hierarchical folders, File relation-
ships, Virtual folders, Window management systems.
The desktop metaphor with its hierarchical structure of folders is the basis of almost all graphical file manage-
ment systems. Despite this popularity, these systems suffer from several problems, including the restrictiveness
of the single inheritance structure of hierarchical file management. Although various alternative systems have
been proposed, none of these have gained popularity. We argue that the reason for this failure is that these
systems have generally proposed complete alternatives to the hierarchical system, thus ignoring many of its
positive aspects. In this paper we describe a 3D graphical file management which complements conventional
2D hierarchical folder structures by allowing visualisation of alternative file relationships.
Xerox Star (Smith et al., 1982) introduced to the
world the concepts of the graphical computer desktop,
making it possible for users to directly manipulate
files and folders as they would in a real physical desk-
top. Despite its popularity, this metaphor suffers from
several shortcomings, including the well-known prob-
lem of single inheritance in a hierarchical structure
used for management of files within nested folders.
Different operating systems have attempted to solve
this problem by introducing “aliases”, “shortcuts”, or
“symbolic links” to give the users the possibility of
moving between different parts of the file manage-
ment structure across different paths. In terms of the
graphical visualisation of files and folders, however,
the problem remains largely unsolved, with all the
major file management systems showing files in a sin-
gle inheritance hierarchy of nested folders.
Although alternatives to the desktop metaphor
have been proposed, none of them has been adopted.
We believe that the main reason for this is that
these alternatives have aimed to replace the desktop
The authors, listed in alphabetical order, have con-
tributed equally to the ideas presented in this article.
metaphor completely. In this paper we describe a
3D graphical file management system, which aims
to complement, rather than replace, the single in-
heritance file management systems by maintaining a
wider range of relationships between different docu-
ment files, and providing for a better visualisation of
such relationships through the use of dynamically cre-
ated virtual folders.
Shortly after Xerox Star was released (Malone, 1983)
published his paper on the study of how office work-
ers manage their physical desktops. The results of this
study had clear implications for the design of future
systems which based on the desktop metaphor. Un-
fortunately, however, almost all modern graphical file
management systems have, for the most part, ignored
Malone’s interesting findings.
Among the results of this study was the obser-
vation that there are two groups of people: those
who manage their desktop “neatly”, and those who
are “messy”. One reason for this difference is re-
lated to the primary type of tasks performed by peo-
Luz S., Masoodian M., Rogers B. and De Schutter S. (2010).
FOLDER3D - A Graphical File Management System Supporting Visualisation of File Relationships.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory
and Applications, pages 149-152
DOI: 10.5220/0002824801490152
ple, with some tasks requiring strict filing” of docu-
ments while others rely on “piling” of documents in
loosely defined groups. Piling of information on the
desktop assists with the process of “reminding” and
helps users manage the cognitively demanding task
of categorising their files. Malone suggests that to
improve the process of categorisation computer sys-
tems need to allow multiple classification as well as
deferred classification of information.
Studies of people’s file management habits on
computers have identified similar problems with clas-
sifying information. For instance, (Nardi and Bar-
reau, 1997) report that, in their studies, there was a
preference for location-based search for files, people
archived very little information, and the placement
of files had a critical reminding function. However,
(Fertig et al., 1996a) argue that the main reason for
these findings was due to the limitations of the desk-
top metaphor itself. They argue that users may have
different preferences when they “are provided with
richer and more functional interaction environments.
A more comprehensive study by (Ravasio et al.,
2004) showed that the users of systems based on the
desktop metaphor find it impossible to “impose the
same type of hierarchical structure on the screen as
in the file system”, and because of this they tend to
use “the concepts of thematic proximity and docu-
ment type to group the content on the desktop”, which
is then mainly used as temporary storage. (Ravasio
et al., 2004) also point out that users view information
from at least three different angles: (1) task oriented:
focusing on task to be accomplished, (2) context ori-
ented: focusing on other documentsand tasks at hand,
and (3) content oriented: focusing on the actual infor-
mation contained in documents. The strict hierarchi-
cal folder structure is therefore clearly restrictive in
that a file can only be placed in one folder, and as
such, can only be viewed from one perspective.
Several attempts at improving this situation have
been made. Lifestreams (Fertig et al., 1996b; Fer-
tig et al., 1996a), for instance, replaces the spatial
aspect of desktop, and acts like a diary of items
which can be viewed across time. One important fea-
ture of Lifestreams is the support for different data
views through “stream filters”, which divide infor-
mation into dynamically created sub-streams. Sub-
streams are therefore a form of virtual file organisa-
tion in which, unlike a hierarchical folder structure,
a file can be in different places. Lifestreams is sim-
ilar to “semantic” systems, such as MIT’s Seman-
tic File System (Gifford et al., 1991). A different
view of time-oriented file management is provided by
Time2Hide (Lepouras et al., 2008) a system in which
items that the user has not accessed for a while grad-
ually fade on the desktop.
Systems which aim to enhance the spatial group-
ing of related items, such as Data Mountain (Robert-
son et al., 1998), are generally based on the “pile”
metaphor (Mander et al., 1992). Piles are also used in
Presto (Dourish et al., 1999), but Presto allows auto-
matic grouping of items based on their attributes and
provides a space called Vista (similar to a desktop) on
which items can be placed in piles.
The problem with most of these prototypes, and
other systems which allow organisation of informa-
tion using a logical (Dourish et al., 1999), tempo-
ral (Fertig et al., 1996b; Fertig et al., 1996a), or spa-
tial metaphor (Rekimoto, 1999a; Rekimoto, 1999b;
Robertson et al., 1998), is that they propose radi-
cally alternative ways of organising information, as
replacements for the hierarchical folder system, often
without taking into account many of their benefits. A
study by (Jones et al., 2005) has identified some of
the positive aspects of folder hierarchies. According
to this study folder hierarchies are more than just a
means to re-access information, and they have infor-
mation value in themselves. As well as organising
files, folders also “represent an emerging understand-
ing of the associated information items and their var-
ious relationship to one another. The results how-
ever also show that additional information, particu-
larly those that are common across multiple folders,
often have to be “squeezed” into tree hierarchies.
There is, therefore, a need for enhancing the capa-
bilities of the folder structure by supporting relation-
ships between files across multiple locations as well
as facilitating the visualisation of such relationships.
In general, relationships between files can be defined
in terms of their content and their context of use. We
are particularly interested in how content and contex-
tual information can be used as the basis for better
visualisation of file relationships, and as such, allow
for more effective browsing of file groupings, while
at the same time retaining the familiar nested folder
tree hierarchy which can provide an effective means
of traversing between folders (Golemati et al., 2008).
Although content information can be automati-
cally extracted by the system, there are some limi-
tations to doing this completely automatically. Any
proposed content-based system should therefore al-
low an easy way of manually associating files based
on their content. The folder system itself is one way
of doing this, though only in a limited single inheri-
tance hierarchy. In contrast, a dynamically generated
IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
virtual folder would allow creation of many different
groupings of a single file within different categories.
Contextual information, on the other hand, can be
extracted automatically much more easily. Examples
of useful context information related to a file include
links to other files created or accessed about the time
that a particular file itself was created or accessed
(Dourish et al., 2000). Once again, although phys-
ical folders are a means of placing contextually re-
lated files together, dynamically created virtual fold-
ers would allow creation of many different contexts
for a single file depending on the users real-time ac-
tivities, needs, or preference settings. Another way
of enhancing the hierarchical folder structure is to use
of the file attributes which are best recalled by com-
puter users (e.g. file location, type, format, associated
events, etc) and could aid file retrieval (Blanc-Brude
and Scapin, 2007).
In order to investigate the issues discussed in the
previous sections, we have developed a proto-
type 3D graphical file management system, called
FOLDER3D, which provides mechanisms for creat-
ing alternative grouping and visualisation of related
files using the concept of virtual folders. FOLDER3D
prototype is based on the Looking Glass 3D desktop
environment (SUN Microsystems, 2009), and uses its
window management infrastructure. Figure 1 shows
a frontal view of the user interface with its 3D file
management object containing four panels, which the
user can rotate along the vertical and horizontal axes.
All panels are equally interactiveand display synchro-
nised views of different components of the file sys-
tem structure. The user can select and navigate across
the folder hierarchy by selecting any icon on any of
the panels. The front panel represents the user’s cur-
rent focus which can be either a folder which the user
could further explore (causing the side panels to be si-
multaneously updated) or a file whose properties are
displayed on the panel, as shown in Figure 1. The use
of simulated perspective in FOLDER3D implements
a distortion-oriented technique similar to the well-
known techniques of bifocal display and perspective
wall (Leung and Apperley, 1994) which fits in natu-
rally with the platform’s 3D metaphor.
The interface object can be rotated arbitrarily (us-
ing the 3D manipulation primitives available in the
platform) or flipped into pre-defined positions which
highlight each of the different views supported by the
browser through the handles” provided, which are
represented in the interface by the arrows on the bot-
Figure 1: Front view of FOLDER3D.
tom (left and right) and top of the panel.
Flipping the object to the left brings into focus the
indented tree panel (left panel of Figure 1), which
displays a traditional view of a folder structure as a
hierarchy. From this viewpoint, the user can easily
navigate the file system while at the same time main-
taining a peripheral display of the details of any file
selected during this navigation task.
The panel on the right-hand side of the selected
file panel displays the icons corresponding to the
files and folders situated on the same level as the se-
lected file in the file system hierarchy. Navigation is
also possible through this panel, following a standard
“zoomable” interface interaction mode. However, it
is more likely that the user will use it to inspect file
properties, which are displayed on the left as the user
moves the cursor over the file icons.
As the user navigates the file system, they might
want to explore files which are related, either in terms
of the content or context, to the file currently in fo-
cus. FOLDER3D supports the visualisation of related
files on the virtual folder panel located at the top of
the properties panel. As with the other panels, the
related-files panel can be highlighted by rotation of
the FOLDER3D object, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Top panel showing related files in a virtual folder.
In order to allow visualisation of related files,
FOLDER3D defines a set of properties for each file in
FOLDER3D - A Graphical File Management System Supporting Visualisation of File Relationships
the system. These properties, which include the stan-
dard file properties common to most file management
systems (e.g. file type, size, ownership), also list a set
of related files. Although the current version of our
prototype only allows the list of related files to be cre-
ated manually, we will also provide a drag and drop
mechanism for interactively moving files from differ-
ent folders into the virtual folder of a file. It will also
be possible for the users to select from a list of cate-
gories so as to determine which virtual folder should
be displayed in the top panel of a selected files. Ex-
amples of such categories include the list of files that
are related temporally, share common keywords with
the selected file, have the same properties, etc.
We presented a graphical file management system
based on a 3D desktop metaphor which combines in-
dented lists, zoomable icon panels and file property
visualisations with a representation of file relation-
ships that can be defined across and above the stan-
dard directoryhierarchy. Althoughthese relationships
can be inferred according to file content (keywords,
semantic similarity, etc) or context (time, task, etc),
FOLDER3D provides a visual representation to sup-
port the definition of such relationships by the user as
they explore the structure of the file hierarchy.
We are planning to extend FOLDER3D to support
dynamic creation of folder and file relationships by
drag-and-drop, to allow selection of categories of re-
lationships displayed on the top panel, and to enable
the use of FOLDER3D as a dynamic desktop back-
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IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications