Roberto Rodrigues, António Coelho
DEI/FEUP/ INESC Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Luís Paulo Reis
DEI/FEUP/ LIACC, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Procedural Modelling, Natural Language Processing.
Abstract: The generation of three-dimensional models of urban environments using procedural modelling is presented
as being a solution which allows financial and temporal gains, maintaining an acceptable visual fidelity
level. Nevertheless, the modelling of anchor buildings (or monumental), identifying certain urban areas,
needs a more careful modelling due to the high level of detail necessary, using, generally, manual
modelling. We present an automation proposal of the building modelling process through the introduction of
additional knowledge from textual descriptions in a procedural modelling system. The results show that the
data model is flexible enough to build distinct models of churches. The data model can also provide an
initial structure for high level modelling, providing the global shape for the building and the location of
doors, windows or other structures. High detailed models can be built from this initial structure. The results
demonstrate also that it is possible to create a 3D model from a text and thus permitting that non-specialised
users may increase effectiveness using a procedural modelling system.
Virtual Reality is being used in diverse areas, from
leisure applications, such as digital games until more
technical uses, like urban planning. The
technological advances have lead to the
vulgarization of its use, showing the way to an
improvement of the services offered and to cost
Although there are several interactive tools for
3D building reconstruction, these demand
specialized technicians and great amount of
informatics resources. The use of procedural
modelling tools for generating urban buildings,
allows a great reduction of costs, either by the non-
use of specialized technicians, or by the reductions
of the time spent during its execution.
Among the most representative buildings of an
urban environment, the monuments are the ones that
need more detail, in order to be easily recognized,
increasing the modelling time, and being therefore
more expensive.
Although procedural modelling allows saving
time and money, the definition of the modelling
processes for monumental buildings can be quite
complex, because most of these tools are based on
formal grammars which also demands for highly
trained professionals. This way, we introduce a
proposal for procedural modelling of buildings from
a descriptive text that can be used on the modelling
process. The descriptive text is converted for an
intermediate format in XML, being then converted
to cityGML (Kolbe, Gröger et al. 2005).
The article is structured like this: in section 2 we
will present some related work in this area, showing
the architecture proposed in section 3. Section 4 will
display some of the results and in section 5 will
present the conclusions and future developments.
2.1 Three-dimensional Modelling
The creation of three-dimensional models of buil-
Rodrigues R., Coelho A. and Paulo Reis L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 130-133
dings for urban environments is a long lasting
process that can be used in archaeology (Pollefeys,
Proesmans et al. 2000), (Uotila and Sartes 2000),
(Bernardes and Martins 2003) and (Frischer 2008),
in environmental simulations and in architecture or
urban planning (Shiode 2001) (Döllner, Kolbe et al.
The proposal cityGML (Kolbe, Gröger et al.
2005), covers the geometric, topologic and semantic
aspects of three-dimensional urban models. It is a
free format and based in ISO standards and sustains
3D simple or complex geometry and topology. It
stores not only the geometric information, referring
to shape and topologic characteristics of buildings,
but also semantic information, with a
correspondence between the geometric object and
the semantic object.
2.2 Procedural Modelling
The costs and time used to model urban
environments have led to the appearance of some
research works for automating those tasks, aimed to
the creation of procedural modelling solutions.
There are two guidelines for this process,
automating the collecting process and data
interpretation or enlarging the original data through
a wider base of knowledge.
In the first case, it is necessary to collect a wide
set of information about the environment to be
modelled. Beside photos and video, the data can also
be gathered from three-dimensional point meshes or
from laser or x-ray sweeping.
In the second case, the widening of the original
data is obtained through mathematical tools, which
amplify the original information. The L systems and
shape grammars are among the tools that allow a
high level of data amplification.
With the proliferation of informatics systems,
information has become available in several sources
and often, not compatible. A proposal of semi-
automatic expeditious modelling (Coelho, Bessa et
al. 2007) proposes a system for modelling urban
environments, with access to different information
sources, and that uses L systems to carry out the
The works of Wonka and Müller, from the
definition of split grammars (Wonka 2003) to the
development of CGA Shape grammars (Mueller,
Wonka et al. 2006) allows the creation of detailed
building facades (Mueller, Zeng et al. 2007).
In the range of graphic computing, a system (Liu,
Xu et al. 2006) was presented for the reconstruction
of old Chinese houses, using a semantic model. This
system converts the geometric components, like
points, lines or triangles into semantic components,
such as, streets, blocks and houses.
In this section we describe a modelling process for
extracting all relevant information, from textual
descriptions, in order to create a 3D model. Since
this is a complex process it has been divided in
several development phases.
In the first phase, the system reads a text that
describes a simplified monumental building using a
simple grammar.
The proposed modelling process will generate a
3D model of a church, in cityGML format from a
natural language text, written in Portuguese.
Figure 1 presents the general architecture scheme
of the modelling process.
Figure 1: General architecture.
The modelling process is divided in two stages:
Extraction of the model’s characteristics,
contained in the text file written in natural
language, for an interoperable format and stored
as a XML file. This file should obey the
specifications of the XML scheme from which
we can see an extract in figure 2;
Conversion of the data model to a 3D model, in
cityGML format.
Figure 2: Extract of XML scheme of the internal model.
3.1 Natural Language Processing
The information extraction module, was developed
using NooJ (Silberztein 2004). This grammar uses
the recognition resources implemented by the portal
Port4NooJ (Ribeiro 2008), having been developed
specific resources for this area.
The formats of churches and their descriptive
texts have been analyzed, and a typical text has been
created for this type of building that describes it
Therefore, the text should indicate the type of
building being analyzed, describing its constitution
in terms of buildings or towers. The text should also
indicate the relative position of the towers.
A generic church can be described by a text as
the one presented in figure 3.
Figure 3: Textual representation of a church.
The information extraction module, retrieving
the related information for the data model, processes
this text.
3.2 Data Model
The data model can store one or more buildings, but
the first building is set as the origin of the
referential. All buildings can be composed by a main
body (or central wing), one or more towers and one
or more entrances.
All buildings have, necessarily, a main body.
Figure 4 shows an extraction of the XML internal
model created from the Figure 3 text. The
description of a building must always be carried out
with the observer facing the main entrance.
For each tower, besides its attributes (length,
width, height and span) one must also refer the
position in relation to the main building and axis X
and Y. Then, the posX may assume the value “left”,
“centre” or “right”, being also indicated, in
percentage, how much of the tower is (or not) inside
the main building. In the case of posY, the possible
values it can assume are “front”, “middle” or
“back”. In case it is not mentioned in the text what
the value of this percentage is, the natural language
processing module assumes that the tower is leaning
against the building. The shape of the roofs is also
automatically associated to the type of roof, having a
pyramid shape in the towers and a triangle in the
Figure 4: Extract from XML file, representing a church
with two towers.
3.3 Creating the 3D Model
The data model contains semantic information that
identifies the type of building (main or tower) and
also information about its position. A geometric
shape corresponds to each type of building, as
defined for this prototype phase. This way, it is
possible to convert this data model to a 3D
representation. We choose cityGML because it is
possible to combine semantic and geometric infor-
<main ID="XYZ">
<features />
<doors />
<windows />
<tower ID="A">
<posX deviation="-1.0">right</posX>
<posY deviation="1.0">front</posY>
< bell / >
<doors />
<windows />
<xs:element name="building">
<xs:element ref="type" />
<xs:element ref="name" />
<xs:element ref="main" />
<xs:element ref="towers" />
“The church of XYZ has a main body and 2 towers.
The bell tower is on the right and front.
The tower is on the left and front.
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
mation and has several levels of detail.
We created two types of buildings that
correspond to the two main structures presented in
the data model, the main building that represents the
church core building and the tower that in most of
the cases has a bell or a clock.
This module explores each XML node from the
data model, checks if the node represents a structure,
and creates the cityGML building represented in that
node. The type of structure and the level of detail
used define the final shape of the building. Highly
detailed templates can be used for each component
(door, window or facade) or basic solid geometries.
We have developed a module that converts the
data model into cityGML. This module was created
using a free library provided by cityGML and called
To test the prototype a couple of churches from
Oporto were created. Figure 5 shows some
cityGML3D models.
Figure 5: CityGML models created by the prototype.
The results demonstrate that the data model of the
prototype is flexible enough to build countless
church models, with an acceptable level of realism
in LOD3. The results also show that it is possible to
create a 3D model from a simple text.
This way, future work will concentrate in
increasing the level of detail of the model adding
textures and evaluating the use of the model for high
level modelling, since detailed doors and windows
would increase the level of visual fidelity.
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