AffectPhone: A Handset Device to Present User’s
Emotional State with Warmth/Coolness
Ken Iwasaki
, Takashi Miyaki
and Jun Rekimoto
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan
Sony Computer Science Laboratory, 3-14-3 Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo, Japan
Abstract. We developed AffectPhone, a system that detects a user’s emotional
state using the GSR, and conveys this state via changes in the temperature (wamrth
or coolness) of the back panel of the other handset. Since GSR is a good measure
of a user’s level of arousal, we detect the GSR using electrodes attached to the
sides of the handset. When the user’s level of arousal increases or decreases, a
Peltier module in the back panel of the other device generates warmth or cool-
ness. This system does not require special sensors to be attached to the user’s
body, and therefore, it does not interrupt the user’s daily use of the mobile phone.
Moreover, this system is designed to convey non-verbal information in an ambi-
ent manner, and therefore, it would be more efficient than displays or speakers.
This system is expected to help enhance existing telecommunication.
1 Introduction
During face-to-face communication, non-verbal cues convey as much information as do
the verbal ones.[1] However,when using a computer for communication,it is difficult to
convey non-verbal information. We believe that conveying such non-verbal information
would improve existing telecommunication, and therefore, we have developed a system
to facilitate the same.
1.1 Non-verbal Communication Channel
We aimed to develop a system that provides non-verbal communication channel in ad-
dition to the existing telecommunication. A communication channel generally includes
the information to be output and a sense as the input. For example, when we commu-
nicate over a telephone, our voice is the output, and auditory sense is the input (Figure
1(a)). In this system, we selected the galvanic skin response (GSR) as the output, and
temperature sensation as the input (Figure 1(b)).
Iwasaki K., Miyaki T. and Rekimoto J. (2010).
AffectPhone: A Handset Device to Present User’s Emotional State with Warmth/Coolness.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications, pages 83-88
DOI: 10.5220/0002839200830088
Fig.1. Communication channels. (a) Normal telephone channel (Voice and Hearing). (b) Pro-
posed non-verbal communication channel (Arousal and Temperature).
1.2 Selection of Input and Output
Humans use many non-verbal cues in their day-to-day communication. These cues in-
clude apparent ones such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. How-
ever, we focus on non-verbal information that is not apparent, such as physiological
information in this study.
We selected GSR as the output information, because Picard et al. suggested that
GSR is a good measure of a user’s arousal[2]. Moreover, the GSR can be acquired by
using only two electrodes on the user’s fingertip, and no special sensors need to be
attached to the user’s body.
We selected temperature sensation as the output, because warmth or coolness is
often indicative of ones emotions, as borne out by expressions such as, ”he is a cold
man” or ”a heart-warming story. Moreover, such haptic feedback does not interfere
with user’s hearing or sight. In other words, the user can convey his/her emotional state
in an ambient manner.
2 Related Work
Wang et al. used physiological sensors and animated text to develop a system that helps
in communicating emotions in an online chat.[3] This system detects a user’s level of
arousal from the GSR, and presents the user’s emotional state as animated text. This
system uses GSR as non-verbal information, but it also presents it as an attribute of the
text. The objective of this system is to make text chat more efficient; however, verbal
information is mainly used in text chats. Therefore, we focus on telephonic communi-
Brave et al. proposed inTouch, a medium for haptic interpersonal communica-
tion.[4] inTouchintroduceshaptic sensations in interpersonalcommunicationand serves
to enrich the communication. However, haptic sensations cannot be generated unless a
user voluntarily moves the device, and therefore, this method does not suitably mimic
typical day-to-day interactions. In contrast, our system can determine a user’s emotional
state from physiological information that the user cannot control voluntarily. Moreover,
our system is integrated in a mobile phone we usually use, and therefore, it does not
interrupt a user’s daily use of the phone.
Vaucelle et al. designed haptic interfaces for therapeutic purposes.[5] A part of their
research, called the Cool Me Down project uses temperature sensations for therapy.
The device developed by them can be discretely worn by the user and only activated
when necessary; this would help patients self-administer soothing sensory grounding
treatment. Their paper discusses the design concepts of haptic interfaces for therapeu-
tic purposes, but not for communication. In contrast, we focus on enhancing existing
Fig.2. AffectPhone. (a) Front and rear view of the system. (b) GSR window.
3 AffectPhone
3.1 Concept
GSR has been stated to be a good measure of a user’s level of arousal, which indicates
the user’s level of excitement. We selected temperature sensation as the input because
temperature changes are generally reflective of ones emotions. In this system, a user
can feel changes in the emotional state of the person he/she is conversing with in the
following manner:
When a user’s level of arousal increases, the system makes the back panel of the
other device warm.
When a user’s level of arousal gradually decreases for approximately 30 seconds,
the system makes the back panel of the other device cool.
3.2 System Configuration
AffectPhone consists of two electrodes for detecting the GSR and a Peltier module for
providing informationon temperature change (Figure2(a)). This system provides a non-
verbal communication channel in addition to the existing telecommunication channel in
a normal mobile phone. In other words, a user can convey his/her level of arousal to the
person he/she is conversing with in an ambient manner. The user’s GSR can be detected
from the two fingers in contact with the phone, and temperature changes can be sensed
by the palm. This system does not require special sensors to be attached to the users
body, and therefore, it does not interrupt the user’s daily use of the mobile phone.
AffectPhone is designed to convey a users arousal in an ambient manner. Moreover,
the user can be aware of the arousal level of the person he/she is talking to, by viewing
the GSRs in the GSR window (Figure 2(b)).
3.3 Feasibility Test
In order to study the feasibility of AffectPhone, we conducted preliminary experiments.
We made a subject listen to music for approximately 4 minutes, and acquired the GSR
signal using AffectPhone.
Figure 3 shows the GSR signal acquired using AffectPhone. The sampling rate was
5 Hz. Because the skin resistance decreases with an increase in the level of arousal, we
calculated a user’s level of arousal (a(t)) as follows:
a(t) = 1000 R (1)
where R is resistance of the skin. (k Ohm)
A GSR signal consists of three elements—rise time, amplitude, and half recovery
time (Figure 4). As shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, the rise time, amplitude, and half
recovery time are 5-10 s, 60-90, and 20-25 s, respectively. In comparison to Gasperi’s
web cite[6], we concluded that this system successfully acquires GSR signal.
Fig.3. GSR signal acquired from AffectPhone. Peaks indicated by arrows indicate sudden in-
crease in the level of arousal.
3.4 GSR Signal Analysis
The above-mentioned test confirms that the proposed system can be used to acquire
GSR signals. Here, we discuss how to analyze the acquired GSR signals.
The amplitude of the GSR signal indicates a change in the user’s emotional state
(get angry, happy, etc.). In such a situation, the system makes the back panel of the
other device warm when the following condition is satisfied.
da/dt > d
Fig.4. Period from 120 s to 220 s shown in Figure 3. We considered the gradual decrease after
the peak to correspond to a decrease in the level of arousal.
where a denotes the user’s level of arousal, t, the time in seconds, and d
, the threshold
of difference, respectively.
After the half recovery time, the system turns off the Peltier module of the other
a(t) = (a
)/2 (3)
where a
denotes the level of arousal in the amplitude and a
, the basal level of arousal.
When a users GSR gradually decreases after recovery, we consider that the user’s
level of arousal has decreased (Figure 4). In such a situation, the system makes the back
panel of the other device cool when the following condition is satisfied:
a(t) a
< 0 (t
< t < t
+ 30) (4)
where a
denotes the basal level of arousal, t
, the time of recovery.
4 Potential Applications of AffectPhone
AffectPhone can convey a user’s level of arousal in terms of changes in the temperature
(warmth or coolness) of the back panel of a phone. This system is useful not only when
a user is talking on the phone, but also when the phone is ringing. When the phone rings,
the system determines the level of arousal of the caller. If this system finds widespread
use, the following scenario might become possible. If the caller is upset, the receiver can
be made aware of the same even before answering the phone. A user can detect whether
or not a call is important, and thus deal with a difficult situation more effectively.
Fig.5. Potential applications of AffectPhone
5 Conclusions and Discussion
In this study, we designed AffectPhone, a handset device that can be used to identify a
user’s emotional state via temperature changes (warmth or coolness). This device has
been designed to provide a non-verbal communication channel in addition to the exist-
ing telecommunication channel in a normal mobile phone. However, further improve-
ments must be made to this system. In the future, we intend to focus on user evaluations
of factors such as the following:
The extent to which a user’s level of arousal changes when talking on the phone.
The accuracy of determination of temperature changes by the user.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful for being adopted for part of this project as ”MI-
TOH youth” project in Information-Technology Promotion Agency in Japan.
1. Vargas, M. F.: Louder Than Words: An Introduction to Nonverbal Communication. Iowa State
Press (1986).
2. Picard, R. W.: Affective Computing. MIT Press (2000).
3. Wang, H., Prendinger, H., and Igarashi, T.: Communicating Emotions in Online Chat Using
Physiological Sensors and Animated Text. Proc. of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems.(2004)
4. Brave S., and Dahley A.: inTouch: a medium for haptic interpersonal communication. Proc.
of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.(1997)
5. Vaucelle C., Bonanni L., and Ishii H.: Design of Haptic Interface for Therapy. Proc. of ACM
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.(2009)
6. Gasperi M.: Homemade Galvanic Skin Response Meter