Andr´e Homeyer, Michael Schwier and Horst K. Hahn
Fraunhofer MEVIS, Institute for Medical Image Computing, Universit¨atsallee 29, Bremen, Germany
Image analysis, Image understanding, Classification, Attributed relational graph, Database.
Object-based image analysis enables the recognition of complex image structures that are intractable to con-
ventional pixel-based methods. To date, there is no generally accepted approach for the object-based process-
ing of images, thus making it difficult to transfer developments. In this paper, we propose a generic concept
for object-based image analysis that is broadly applicable and founded on established methodologies, such as
the attributed relational graph, the relational data model and statistical classifiers. We also describe a reference
implementation of the concept as part of the MeVisLab image processing platform.
Many problems in computer vision require the anal-
ysis of image structures on the basis of their proper-
ties and mutual relations. This requires strategies for
the extraction and abstract representation of the im-
age content. The common pixel-based representation
of images is usually insufficient because the artificial
discretization of the image does not reproduce its se-
mantic entities. Therefore, we propose a region-based
analysis concept.
By partitioning an image into regions, a structur-
ing is gained which corresponds to the way humans
comprehend an image. Regions exhibit a wealth of
meaningful features (like texture, shape and spatial
context) that single pixels lack. In this manner, the
region-based representation of images simplifies the
application of prior knowledge to their analysis.
The scientific discipline of the semantic process-
ing of image regions is commonly called object-based
image analysis. An object, in this regard, is an ab-
stract representation of a single image region and
its properties. In the past years, object-based im-
age analysis has become a common practice in the
field of geographic information science. For instance,
in (Shackelford and Davis, 2003), object-based im-
age analysis is utilized for urban land cover classifi-
cation from high-resolution multispectral image data.
However, it has shown promise in other disciplines as
well. Hay and Castilla (Hay and Castilla, 2006) list
the strengths and opportunities of object-based im-
age analysis as well as its possible weaknesses and
To date, there is no generally accepted model for
the object-based representation of images. Therefore,
we proposea generic concept for processing and man-
aging images on the basis of objects, that is supposed
to be broadly applicable and complementary to ex-
isting pixel-based image processing methods. In con-
trast to proprietary solutions like (Sch¨apeet al., 2003),
the proposed methodology is entirely founded on es-
tablished and commonly known concepts, such as the
attributed relational graph, the relational data model
and statistical classifiers.
In the following sections, we outline our con-
cept for object-based image analysis and give a short
overview of a reference implementation on the basis
of the MeVisLab image processing platform.
For representing knowledge that is extracted from the
image or acquired through reasoning, the proposed
concept incorporates a well-known data model—the
attributed relational graph. Attributed relational
graphs are abstract networks in which both nodes
and edges are labelled with numerical or nominal
attributes. Although attributed relational graphs are
simple and intuitive data models, they are capable of
representing complex structures and have been suc-
cessfully used for modelling image content before
(Aksoy, 2006; Chang and Fu, 1979).
Homeyer A., Schwier M. and K. Hahn H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 530-533
DOI: 10.5220/0002848105300533
Every node in the graph corresponds to a single
image object, that is, one or multiple connected re-
gions in the image. Image objects can arbitrarily span
across the spatial dimensions of the image. For each
image object, there has to exist a unique mapping to
the corresponding pixels in the image. In the most
basic case, this mapping is established through a la-
beled image in which pixels from one object store a
common integer value identifying the object. In ad-
dition to this kind of direct mapping, objects can be
mapped indirectly through directly mapping objects
which constitute their parts.
Edges in the attributed relational graph represent
contextual relations between image objects, such as
adjacency, overlap and parthood. While the mean-
ing of relations is typically subject to the application,
there is a set of generally defined relations that are
commonly used. Examples of these are neighbor re-
lations between image objects that share a common
border and part of relations between indirectly and
directly mapped objects.
Both image objects and relations can be associated
with numeric and nominal attributes. For image ob-
jects, such attributes typically store features like their
size, shape, intensity statistics, orclassification labels.
For relations, they store inherent parameters, like the
border length between adjacent objects (see Figure 1).
2.1 Persistence and Query
For real world applications, it is essential to have
means of making the data model persistent and to
query subsets of its content. Attributed relational
graphs can naturally be expressed in terms of the rela-
tional data model (Chang and Fu, 1979)—the founda-
tion of all relational databases. Relational databases
have the favorable properties of being well estab-
lished, scalable beyond the limits of working memory
and to enable fast and complex queries on the basis of
SQL. On this account, the presented concept relies on
relational databases for data management.
Since it turned out to be difficult to devise a gen-
eral database schema for a broad range of applica-
tions, the database layout is left to be adapted specif-
ically to the application. However, for reasons of in-
teroperability and clarity, the database layout is ex-
pected to comply to the following conventions. The
presented concept distinguishes between three types
of database tables for objects, relations and attributes.
Object tables store the identifiers of image objects
with a common mapping. Accordingly, object tables
contain only a single integer column “id”. Directly
mapped image objects, that is, objects whose identi-
fiers correspond to pixels values in the labeled image,
are stored in a special “base objects” table. Indirectly
mapped image objects are stored together when they
belong together semantically.
Relation tables store a common type of relations
between image objects. They contain two integer
columns “src” and “dest” that store the identifiers of
the source and destination objects joined by one rela-
tion. For undirected relations, the table contains two
entries in opposite directions.
Attribute tables store the attributes of image ob-
jects and relations. For objects attributes, the first col-
umn “id” contains the identifier of the image object.
For relation attributes, the first two columns “src and
“dest” contain the identifiers of the connected objects.
In addition to these key columns, attribute tables can
have an arbitrary number of integral, real or string
columns that store the values of the actual attributes.
While it would be possible to have one attribute ta-
ble to store the attributes of all objects, it is generally
advised to provide one table per extraction method.
Since most attributes are only computed for subsets
of objects, the distributed storage of attributes reduces
redundancy and, in turn, the size if the database and
computational costs of queries.
2.2 Reasoning
Typically, image analysis requires knowledge on the
objects in an image like their size, shape, intensity
characteristics, or spatial distribution patterns. The
computation of such information is commonly called
“feature extraction while the evaluation of objects on
the basis of such features is commonly called “classi-
The first step in every object-based analysis
method is to derive an initial set of objects. This re-
quires a segmentation of the original image that de-
lineates the basic semantic entities. For this purpose,
common methods like the watershed transformation
(Vincent and Soille, 1991) are feasible. However,
depending on the domain, customized segmentation
methods might also be considered.
After the initial set of objects has been inserted
into the database, all further steps complement the
database with additional attributes, objects or rela-
tions. In the beginning, the calculation of features
and relations helps to group base objects that repre-
sent parts of bigger structures. By merging these ob-
jects, more complex structures can be identified, thus
gaining more contextual information. By extracting
spectral or structural features for the merged objects,
further classifications are possible on which, again,
feature extraction and classification can be performed.
That way, the object-based analysis of images be-
Figure 1: Image representation through an attributed relational graph. Image objects are depicted as rectangles, relations
are depicted as diamonds. Both image objects and relations are associated with numeric and nominal attributes which store
identifiers, feature values or classification labels. The example graph represents two adjacent image objects—classified as
“nucleus” and “cytoplasm”—which constitute one “cell” object.
comes an iterative process of information extraction
and classification.
Since every step builds on information gained in
the previous step, the object-based analysis of im-
ages results in a reasoning process that ends when the
structures of interest have been identified. It is during
this process, where domain knowledge should drive
the selection of meaningful features and classification
For practical evaluations, we created a reference im-
plementation of the proposed concept in form of a
C++ programming library. While the methodology is
independent of any software platform, we integrated
the library into the MeVisLab platform (MeVisLab,
2010) in order to take advantage of its comprehensive
pixel-based image processing and prototyping capa-
bilities. The general design of the library follows a
procedural style with every basic analysis operation
being implemented as one function. In addition, a
special Selection class was conceived which enables
the symbolic definition of subsets of objects or re-
lations. Data management and persistence are ac-
complished by incorporating the embedded SQLite
database—a popular open-source software, that is
very efficient in terms of memory requirements and
Since the extraction of meaningful features plays
a crucial role in object-based image analysis, the ref-
erence implementation provides a fundamental set of
feature extraction algorithms. For characterizing the
intensities within objects, it enables the extraction of
intensity statistics and texture features like local bi-
nary patterns (Ojala et al., 2002). For characterizing
structural properties of objects, it enables the extrac-
tion of shape features like the volume, surface or ori-
entation. Besides features that relate to objects, the
reference implementationalso includes algorithms for
the extraction of relation features, such as the com-
mon border area between two objects.
During the reasoning process, domain knowledge
is applied via the classification of objects or relations
in dependence of their features. If the knowledge can
be stated in terms of attribute conditions, the refer-
ence implementation enables the explicit classifica-
tion of objects or relations. If the knowledge can-
not be expressed explicitly, machine learning meth-
ods can be utilized, like the K-Nearest Neighbors, the
Naive Bayes, and the Random Forests classifier (Jain
et al., 2000; Breiman, 2001). Knowledge that con-
cerns the spatial context of objects, can be applied
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
by merging related objects to form new indirectly-
mapped composite objects.
While this basic set of feature extraction and clas-
sification methods provides a good foundation for
object-based image analysis, it cannot meet all de-
mands of any image type and problem. Therefore, the
reference implementation is easily extensible with ad-
ditional algorithms in accordance to custom require-
An important aspect of object-based image anal-
ysis is the visualization of image objects in the con-
text of the image. For this, the application must be
capable of rapidly determining all objects within the
current field of view. While this can be naively per-
formed by intersection testing with all objects in the
database, this becomes unfeasible with a large num-
ber of objects. Therefore, the reference implementa-
tion stores the bounds attributes of base objects in a
special R-Tree data structure (Guttman, 1984) which
enables fast range queries. Fortunately, the SQLite
database is capable of representing R-Trees as virtual
tables, so that the storage of bounds attributes remains
consistent to the relational data model. In this man-
ner, the reference implementation provides means for
highlighting the borders of image objects and for vi-
sualizing the respective attributes in a heat-map-like
We believe that object-based image analysis algo-
rithms must always be tailored specifically to the
problem. Therefore, we propose a generic approach
that provides the foundation for the management and
processing of arbitrary image objects.
The flexibility of the concept is achieved by using
the attributed relational graph as the underlying data
model. This enables us to represent objects and rela-
tions with their features without imposing a specific
ontology. Their actual meaning can be adapted to the
individual domain of the application.
The use of relational databases for data manage-
ment has several benefits. First of all, it allows us to
use SQL for stating classification rules, thus greatly
supportingthe reasoning process. In addition, we gain
scalability beyond the limits of working memory.
Special emphasis was put on keeping the design
clear and simple. Not only does this foster maintain-
ability but also acceptance among users.
The reference implementation is currently em-
ployed in two applications from medical and histo-
logical image processing that are under development.
However, in order to conclusively prove its broad ap-
plicability, the proposed concept has to be evaluated
upon more problems from different domains.
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