L. A. D’Amore
and M. Marengoni
Universidade Metodista de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Bernardo do Campo-SP, Brazil
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, S
ao Paulo-SP, Brazil
License plate detection, Pattern recognition, Computer vision.
The work presented here shows a robust method for license plate detection. The term robust in this work is
directly related to the efficiency of the system as an automated locator of license plates without human inter-
vention and considering specific characteristics of image acquisition and license plate features. The proposed
method is based on the characters and digits thickness found on the Brazilian license plates. Although the
method was designed for the Brazilian license plate pattern it can be easily adjusted to other patterns. The
results obtained using the proposed method showed a better performance even when compared to commercial
Segmentation techniques and license plate recogni-
tion from digital images are inserted into the area
of computational pattern recognition (Anagnostopou-
los et al., 2008) (Souza, 2000) (Campos et al., 2001)
(Guingo et al., 2004). Pattern recognition is typically
used in commercial applications such as recognition
of: speech, face, iris, hands, fingerprints, characters,
document classification, and data mining. This paper
focus on one special case: location and recognition
of license plates from digital images (Guingo et al.,
The main goal of an automatic license plate recog-
nition system is to detect, to segment and to recognize
the license plate from a digital image (Anagnostopou-
los et al., 2008) (Souza, 2000) (Pedrini and Schwartz,
2008) (de Alencar Lotufo, 2005a). Such a system can
be used either in the public or in the private security
systems, through specific applications, such as: traffic
violations control, access to restricted areas, access to
public areas and in criminal investigations (Anagnos-
topoulos et al., 2008) (Souza, 2000) (Campos et al.,
2001) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwasnick and Wawrzyniak,
2002) (Guingo et al., 2002) (Belvesi et al., 1999).
In the traffic violations control these systems can
be used to help recording speed violations, red signal
crossing and traffic in restricted areas, in Sao Paulo
city, for instance, the traffic in the downtown area is
restricted for some vehicles in rush hours, the restric-
tion is based on the last digit of the license plate and
the day of the week. Normally these controls are per-
formed using fixed and mobile cameras capturing ve-
hicles images all day long in different illumination,
speed and weather conditions, (Souza, 2000) (Cam-
pos et al., 2001) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwasnick and
Wawrzyniak, 2002) (Guingo et al., 2002) (Belvesi
et al., 1999).
Systems for access control in restricted areas have
to verify prior authorization for vehicles to enter or
exit a certain area. This type of system is typically
used in condominiums, businesses and government
offices (Souza, 2000) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwasnick
and Wawrzyniak, 2002).
Systems for access control in public areas are used
to check the period a vehicle stay inside, the access
frequency and the traffic flow. This type of system is
typically used in parking areas where there is no re-
quirement for prior vehicle registration (Souza, 2000)
(Campos et al., 2001) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwasnick
and Wawrzyniak, 2002) (Guingo et al., 2002) (Belvesi
et al., 1999).
The automatic license plate recognition system
has also been used in the public safety area, specif-
ically in criminal investigations. Using images cap-
tured by cameras installed at strategic points, the li-
cense plate is searched and registered in the transit
agencies databases, helping to locate stolen vehicles
and to identify possible escape routes (Kwasnick and
Wawrzyniak, 2002) (Guingo et al., 2002).
A. D’Amore L. and Marengoni M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 445-450
DOI: 10.5220/0002850304450450
Usually an automated license plate recognition
system has a pre-processing step and three basic steps
(Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008) (de Alencar Lotufo,
2005a) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwasnick and Wawrzy-
niak, 2002) (Ozbay and Ercelebi, 2005): location and
segmentation of the license plate; location and seg-
mentation of the digits / characters in the license plate,
recognition of the digits / characters in the license
The pre-processing step is used to enhance the im-
age quality for the following steps. Usually, in this
step, it is applied techniques such as histogram equal-
ization and filtering (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008)
(de Alencar Lotufo, 2005a) (Gao et al., 2007) (Kwas-
nick and Wawrzyniak, 2002) (Gonzalez and Woods,
The location and segmentation of the license plate
usually apply techniques based on morphological
characteristics of the plate’s background, the char-
acters color, or a combination of both (de Alen-
car Lotufo, 2005a). The two main techniques used
for the plate’s background are: edge detection with
the Hough transform (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008)
(Gonzalez and Woods, 2005) and artificial neural net-
works (Guingo et al., 2004) (Kwasnick and Wawrzy-
niak, 2002). Two of the main techniques based on
the characters/digits color are variation and correla-
tion of image objects (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008)
(de Alencar Lotufo, 2005a) (Kwasnick and Wawrzy-
niak, 2002) (de Alencar Lotufo, 2005b).
The location and segmentation of digits / char-
acters can be performed using horizontal and verti-
cal projections techniques (Anagnostopoulos et al.,
2008) (Gao et al., 2007) (Belvesi et al., 1999) (Ozbay
and Ercelebi, 2005), searching for an inverted ”L”
(Souza, 2000) and projections about regular polygons
(Guingo et al., 2002).
For the recognition of digits / characters stage the
most widely used techniques are: horizontal and ver-
tical patterns projections comparison (Belvesi et al.,
1999), neural network using pixel values in the in-
put layer (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008) (Gao et al.,
2007), neural network with the projections obtained
from the regular polygons technique (Guingo et al.,
2004) (Guingo et al., 2002), and subtraction of digits
/ characters patterns (Ozbay and Ercelebi, 2005).
The main goal of this work is to develop a robust
method to locate license plates in images captured
from cameras placed in different roads and under dif-
ferent conditions of: illumination, pose, weather, con-
trast, and outside noises.
The term robust in this work is directly related to
the efficiency of the system as an automated locator
of license plates without human intervention and con-
sidering specific acquisition characteristics and plate
features. Some of the specific plate features consid-
ered are: license plate tilt, license plate color, license
plate size and position in the vehicle, condition of the
license plate, character/digit readability. Some of the
external interferences considered are: reflection, il-
lumination conditions, rain, fog, vehicles registration,
sensor’s noise and license plates standards diversity in
the Brazilian legislation (Guingo et al., 2004) (Kwas-
nick and Wawrzyniak, 2002) (Belvesi et al., 1999).
Some examples of problems addressed in the ro-
bustness are presented in Figure 1 which shows a set
of images from the dataset used in this work . Note
that, only in Brazil, there are eight different patterns
for license plates based on the vehicle usage: rental,
learning, collection, testing, manufacturers, official,
private and diplomatic.
Images with low contrast.
Images with low lighting.
Tilted vehicles.
Vehicles with stickers.
Images with high reflections.
Figure 1: Typical images used in the database presenting a
set of problems observed in the image acquisition process.
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
One common way to detect license plates in digital
images is based on color change frequency (de Alen-
car Lotufo, 2005a) (Kwasnick and Wawrzyniak,
2002) (de Alencar Lotufo, 2005b), these method, al-
though it can detect license plates positions, it also
creates a large number of hypothesis to be tested.
The method proposed here is based on color change
combined with the thickness of characters and digits
found on the license plates reducing the number of hy-
pothesis to be tested. The method searches the images
looking for regions showing color variations compat-
ible with the thickness of the digits / characters in a
license plate. For each region found in the search pro-
cess a validation technique is applied. The proposed
method was divided into six steps (shown in Figure 2)
which will be discussed below.
Figure 2: The six steps used in the proposed method.
2.1 Pre-processing
The pre-processing step is used to reduce noise in
the acquired images but keeping the edges, mainly in
the characters. This step helps to minimize detection
of false positives in the following steps (Gao et al.,
In order to define the techniques to be used in the
pre-processing steps tests were performed using the
mean, Gaussian, median and mean with edge preser-
vation filters. These filters were applied using masks
with different sizes (3x3, 5x5 and 7x7). The simple
median filter with 3x3 mask size showed the best re-
sults, attenuating noise and small inscriptions without
damaging the edges of characters. According to Gon-
zalez (Gonzalez and Woods, 2005) this result was ex-
The next step shows the result of the pre-
processing step. The original image used as an ex-
ample in this section is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Original image.
2.2 Horizontal Tracks
This step aims to locate horizontal tracks compatible
with the expected characters sizes. This step consid-
ers three parameters: the first parameter defines the
color variation limits between the pixels in the same
line; the second parameter is the minimum expected
width for the characters / digits in a license plate and
the third parameter is the maximum expected width
for the characters / digits in a license plate.
The parameter that limits the gray level variation
is directly related to the image contrast. In the tests
performed the value was empirically determined as
20 for the gray level variation.
The parameters limiting the minimum and maxi-
mum values for the character/digit thickness in a li-
cense plate depends directly on three factors: image
width; vehicle width in the image and the standard
thickness for the character/digit in the Brazilian li-
cense plates.
In this work tests were performed using image res-
olution with 640 pixels in width. The vehicles are
expected to cover from 50% to 100% of this resolu-
tion, depending on the number of lanes covered by
the radar and each lane are, on average, 2 m wide.
The standard thickness of the character/digit is 10 mm
wide, as stated in the National Transit Council reso-
lution 231 (CNT, 2007), as shown as the d measure
in Figure 4. Considering these features an expected
thickness in the acquired image should have some-
thing between 3 and 6 pixels, so these are the limiting
parameters for minimum and maximum thickness val-
ues. The algorithm goes through each horizontal line
Figure 4: Brazilian license plate.
in the image checking the minimum and maximum
pixel values for adjacent pixels in order to verify if
the difference is within the first parameter. When a
valid range is found, the system checks its two neigh-
boring pixels, one at right and one at left, both have
to be either higher or lower tones. Notice that the
same gradient allows considering license plates with
different backgrounds and digit/character color, as far
as they preserve the gradient value. Figure 5 presents
Figure 5: Examples of horizontal tracks located.
three examples of areas that can be found in an image:
region number 1 shows a invalid strip, because it has
gradients of the same sign at the sides of the middle
region. Region number 2 has a central range consid-
ered valid by its width and the gradients of opposite
signs at the side edges. Region number 3 has a cen-
tral strip invalid because its width exceeds the limits
of the expected thickness of characters / digits.
Figure 6: Centers of valid tracks after pre-processing.
When a track meets all the parameters required,
the region’s center is stored in a new image. Figures
6 and 7 show the results of this step with and with-
out the pre-processing step. Notice that the image in
Figure 7 the number of points, possible tracks, which
will be further computed and most likely discarded is
much larger than the image in Figure 6, due to noise
within the image.
Figure 7: Centers of valid tracks without pre-processing.
2.3 Groupings Horizontal Tracks
The third step is responsible for the location of hori-
zontal track groups, and it uses two parameters. The
first parameter sets the maximum horizontal spacing
between the centers of horizontal tracks located in the
previous step, this parameter is related to the max-
imum distance between two characters in a license
plate. The second parameter defines the minimum
amount of horizontal and sequential tracks required
to make a license plate hypothesis.
Again, the National Transit Council resolution
231 (CNT, 2007) helps on defining the maximum hor-
izontal space which is computed based on the average
distance of 50 mm between characters/digits.
Each character might have from one to three
tracks for each character/digit, which gives a mini-
mum of 7 tracks for a license plate in a Brazilian li-
cense plate.
At this step the algorithm stores in a new image
the tracks found and defines a region which will be
tested for a license plate. Figure 8 shows the result
of this step, the figure shows three regions with track
Figure 8: Groups of horizontal bands.
2.4 Morphology
Notice that some regions at the top and at the bot-
tom of Figure 8 are certainly not license plates. These
regions are formed by grouping one to three single
lines. The fourth step aims to remove these individual
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tracks through the application of morphological oper-
ations of erosion and dilation.
The best results were obtained when it was first
applied two erosions, followed by three dilations us-
ing a 3x3 square structural element. Figure 9 shows
the result of this step, it can be observed only two
groups of tracks.
Figure 9: Image after morphological operations.
2.5 Connected Regions
The fifth step finds connected regions based on a four
neighborhood (Pedrini and Schwartz, 2008) (Gonza-
lez and Woods, 2005) (de Alencar Lotufo, 2005b).
The regions found are placed in new image and these
regions are then called candidates. Figure 10 displays
the results of this step it can be observed that only two
candidate regions were found.
Figure 10: Image of the candidate regions.
2.6 Connected Sub-regions
This last step performs a validation test for each can-
didate regions located in the previous step. The pro-
cess here goes through an exhaustive search using in-
cremental binarizations starting with the value of 10
and going up to the value of 250, thus performing 25
After each binarization the region is searched for six
to eight horizontally connected sub regions, corre-
sponding to the number of characters/digits in the
Brazilian license plates. The regions that meet these
limits are considered valid and, therefore, are consid-
ered license plates. Figure 11 shows three images of
the region considered a valid region. The top image
corresponds to the original image of the targeted re-
gion. The middle image shows the binary image ob-
tained in the search process described above, with the
location of the seven connected sub-regions presented
in the bottom image.
Figure 11: Images of the region considered to be the plate.
In order to test the method proposed here a database
with 516 images was used. The images in this
database were acquired from fixed and mobile radar
systems, from four Brazilian highways in the Sao
Paulo state. The images have the following features:
640 x 480 pixels.
Format: jpeg.
Color and Gray level images.
Frontal or back license plate images.
Different types of license plates.
Tilt posed images.
Light reflections at the license plates, glass or
Daylight and night conditions.
Weather variations such as foggy and rainy condi-
Cars with or without stickers with different types
of inscriptions.
License plates with different conservation condi-
The database was also used in two other systems,
the SeeCar (HTS, 2009) a commercial system from
Hi-Tech Solutions from Israel and the SIAV, an aca-
demic system available at Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul (Souza, 2000). Table 1 presents
the results obtained by the three systems in the
Table 1: Compares the results obtained by the three license
plate detection systems in the Brazilian database.
System Correct license plate detection
Proposed 93,80%
See/Car 75,00%
Siav 54,65%
A new method was proposed to detect license plates
based on the Brazilian license plate legislation in im-
ages acquired in a diverse range of conditions. The
method shows that it is effective on detecting license
plates with a detection rate above 90%, a performance
above other systems, including a commercial system.
The proposed method showed a detection rate about
20% above the commercial system and about 40%
above the academic system used in the comparison.
The method also showed that it is robust, changes
in the acquisition condition described in the text such
as weather conditions, illumination, pose, among oth-
ers, apparently do not change the detection rate.
The method is completely automatic and can be
combined with other methods in order to identify the
characters/digits in the license plate.
In a recent survey (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2008)
about license plate detection and identification one
can check that the average detection rate is around
95%, so the method presented here has a detection
rate in the same range. Unfortunately the survey does
not mention the type of images used in each algorithm
under consideration presented in the survey.
The following agencies partially sponsored the work
presented here: Mack Pesquisa and CAPES/CNPQ.
Anagnostopoulos, C.-N., Anagnostopoulos, I., Psoroulas,
I. D., Loumos, V., and Kayafas, E. (2008). Li-
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Souza, F. P. C. (2000). Localizacao e Leitura Automatica de
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications