Maruf Monwar and Marina Gavrilova
Computer Sciene, University of Calgary, Canada
Keywords: Pattern recognition, Multimodal biometric system, Rank level fusion, Markov chain.
Abstract: Multimodal biometrics is an emerging area of pattern recognition research that aims at increasing the
reliability of biometric systems through utilizing more than one biometric in decision-making process. But
an effective fusion scheme is necessary for combining information from various sources. Such information
can be integrated at several distinct levels, such as sensor level, feature level, match score level, rank level
and decision level. In this research, we develop a multimodal biometric system utilizing face, iris and ear
features through rank level fusion method. We apply Fisherimage technique on face and ear image
databases for recognition and Hough transform and Hamming distance techniques for iris image
recognition. We introduce Markov chain approach for biometric rank aggregation. We investigate various
rank fusion techniques and observe that Markov chain approach gives us the best result. Also this approach
satisfies the Condorcet criterion which is essential in any fair rank aggregation system. The system can be
effectively used by of security and intelligence services for controlling access to prohibited areas and
protecting important national or public information.
The biometrics based controlled access to the protected
resources has emerged shown to offer higher security
and convenience to the users.
The optimal biometric
recognition would be one having the properties of
distinctiveness, universality, permanence,
acceptability, collectability, and resistance to
circumvention (Ross et al., 2006). No existing
biometric system simultaneously meets all of these
requirements, however the use of more than one
biometric can help lead to a system which is closer
to these ideals.
The most immediate advantage of multimodal
authentication is increased recognition accuracy.
Multimodal systems fuse information for more than
one source, each of which offers additional evidence
about the authenticity of an identity claim.
Therefore, one can have more confidence in the
result (Dunstone and Yager, 2009).
Multibiometric systems can address the non-
universality problem and reduce the FTER (Failure-
to-Enroll Rate) and FTCR (Failure-to-Capture Rate).
For instance it is estimated that 2% of the population
may not be able to provide a fingerprint due to
medical/genetic conditions, accidental destruction,
or temporary damage (Maio et al., 2004). That group
of persons can still be recognized using other
biometric traits in a multimodal biometric system.
Multimodal biometric systems are more resistant
to spoof attacks because it is difficult for the attacker
to simultaneously spoof multiple biometric sources.
All multimodal biometric systems need a fusion
module that takes two or more data and combines
them in order to obtain the authentication result:
impostor or genuine user. Figure 1 shows a sample
multimodal biometric system.
The fusion strategies are divided into two main
categories: pre-mapping fusion and post-mapping
fusion (Revett, 2008). The first strategy deals with
the sensor data fusion level and feature vector fusion
level. These techniques are not used because they
give many implementation problems (Bubeck,
2003). The second strategy is realized through the
decision level fusion, based on some algorithms
which combine single decisions for each component
system, or through the matching score level fusion,
which combines the matching scores of each
component system, or through the rank level fusion,
which is used when the output of each component
system is a subset of possible matches (i.e.,
identities) sorted in decreasing order of confidence.
Monwar M. and Gavrilova M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 458-463
DOI: 10.5220/0002851404580463
Figure 1: A sample multimodal biometric system.
In this research, we investigate rank level fusion
for face, ear and iris biometrics as the other fusion
methods have been extensively studied in the
literature from the last ten years. Fusion at the rank
level is a significantly understudied problem, which
has a high potential for efficient consolidation of
ranked information obtained from multiple unimodal
matchers (Bhatnagar et al., 2007). We introduce
Markov chain (Dwork et al., 2001) approach for
fusing rank information in this multimodal system.
Rank-level fusion is used only in identification systems
and is applicable when the individual matcher’s output
is a ranking of the “candidates” in the template
database. The system is expected to assign a higher
rank t
o a template that is more similar to the query.
Very few methods can be found in the literature for
consolidation of biometric rank information as it is
still an understudied problem. Three methods
described by Ho, Hull, and Srihari in (Ho et al.,
1994) to find out the final decision in a general
multiple classifier system, can be used for rank level
fusion in multimodal biometric systems. These
methods are highest rank, Borda count and logistic
regression methods. Recently Nandakumar and
others (Nandakumar et al., 2009) introduced
Bayesian approach for rank level fusion. All of these
methods for rank level fusion is briefly discussed in
the next subsections.
2.1 Highest Rank Method
The highest rank method is good for combining a
small number of specialized matchers and hence can
be effectively used for a multimodal biometric
system where the individual matchers are the best. In
this method, the consensus ranking is obtained by
sorting the identities according to their highest rank.
The advantage of this method is the ability to utilize
the strength of each matcher. The disadvantage of
this method is that the final ranking may have many
ties (Monwar et al., 2009).
2.2 Borda Count Method
The Borda count (Borda, 1781) method is the most
widely used rank aggregation method and uses the
sum of the ranks assigned by individual matchers to
calculate the final rank. This method assumes that
the ranks assigned to the users by the individual
matchers are statistically independent and the
performances of all three matchers are equally well.
The advantage of this method is that it is easy to
implement and requires no training stage. These
properties made the Borda count method feasible to
incorporate in multimodal biometric systems. The
disadvantage of this method is that it does not take
into account the differences in the individual
matcher’s capabilities and assumes that all the
matchers perform equally.
2.3 Logistic Regression Method
The logistic regression method calculates the
weighted sum of the individual ranks. In this
method, the final consensus rank is obtained by
sorting the identities according to the summation of
their rankings obtained from individual matchers
multiplied by the assigned weight.
The weight to be assigned to the different
matchers is determined by a ‘logit’ function using
logistic regression (Agresti, 2007). This method is
very useful when the different matchers have
significant differences in their accuracies but
requires a training phase to determine the weights
which can be computationally expensive. Also one
of the key factors that have direct effect on the
performance of a biometric system is the quality of
the biometric samples. Hence the single matchers’
performance can vary with different sample sets
which make the weights allocating process more
challenging and inappropriate weight allocation can
eventually reduce the recognition performance of
this multimodal biometric system (using logistic
regression) compared to unimodal matchers.
2.4 Bayesian Approach
Bayesian approach for biometric rank fusion is
based on Bayes decision theory. This approach uses
the rank distribution (probability that an identity is
assigned a rank by an individual matcher is a true
identity) which can be estimated provided the
marginal genuine and impostor match score
densities are known (Nandakumar et al., 2009). The
consensus rank is obtained as the product of the
posterior probabilities of the individual matchers.
The size of the multimodal biometric database is
usually huge and thus only the top few results are
usually considered for the final reordered ranking.
Hence, a very common scenario of a rank based
multimodal biometric system is that some results
may rank at top by a few classifiers and the rest of
the classifiers do not even output the result. In this
situation, the above approaches cannot produce a
good recognition performance.
To deal with these shortcomings, in this
research, we introduce Markov chain rank
aggregation method to find out the consensus rank
for person identification. Previously, this approach
has successfully been used in web search (Dwork et
al., 2001). Due to the ease in implementation and its
successful usage in the web ranking, we decide to
employ Markov chain approach for multimodal
biometric rank fusion.
We consider the biometric rank aggregation as an
evaluation of a voting method. In a voting method
evaluation, the most important thing is to ensure the
fairness of the voting system. Among the fairness
criteria, the two most important criteria are
Condorcet Winner Criterion and the Condorcet
Loser Criterion (Condorcet, 1785).
Condorcet Winner Criterion: If there exists an
alternative a, which would win in pairwise votes
against each other alternative, then a should be
declared the winner of the election. Note that there is
not necessarily such an alternative a. This alternative
is called the Condorcet winner.
Condorcet Loser Criterion: If there exists an
alternative a, which would loose in pairwise votes
against each other alternative, then a should not be
declared the winner of the election.
None of the approaches described in section 2
ensures the election of Condorcet Winner. This
motivates us to employ the Markov chain approach
for biometric rank fusion in this multimodal
biometric system.
In the Markov chain biometric rank aggregation
method, it is assumed that there exists a Markov
chain on the enrolled identities and the order
relations between those identities in the ranking lists
(obtained from different biometric matchers)
represent the transitions in the Markov chain. The
stationary distribution of the Markov chain is then
utilized to rank the entities (Dwork et al., 2001). The
construction of the consensus ranking list from the
Markov chain can be summarized as below:
1) Map the set of ranked lists to a single Markov
chain, with one node of the chain represents one
identity in the initial ranking lists.
2) Compute the stationary distribution on the
Markov chain.
3) Rank the identities based on the stationary
distribution. That is, the node with the highest score
in the stationary distribution is given the top rank,
and so on down to the node with the lowest score in
the stationary distribution which is given the last
The proposed Markov chain approach for
biometric rank aggregation has several advantages.
This method handles the partial ranking list very
well and provides a more holistic viewpoint of
comparing all candidates against each other. To do
so, this method use only the available comparisons
(in the partial lists) between the identities to
determine the transition probabilities and exploit the
connectivity of the chain to infer comparison
outcomes between pairs that were not explicitly
ranked by any of the matcher. The Markov chain
method also handles the uneven comparison, i.e.,
when the results of the initial ranking lists are very
much different. Heuristics for combining rankings
are motivated by some underlying principle and the
Markov chain model can be viewed as the natural
extensions of those heuristics. For example, Borda’s
method is based on the idea “more wins is better.” It
is natural to extend this and say “more wins against
good players is even better,” and so on, and
iteratively refine the ordering produced by a
heuristic. Some Markov chain models for biometric
rank aggregation can be viewed as the natural
extensions of Borda’s method, sorting by Geometric
mean or Copeland’s method (sort the candidates by
the number of pairwise majority wins minus
pairwise majority losses) (Copeland, 1951).
There are four specific Markov chains (Dwork et
al., 2001), which can be used for biometric rank
aggregation. Among those four methods, the last
method satisfies the Copeland method and according
the literature, the best performing one. This specific
Markov chain can be termed as MC
and can be
defined as follows:
: If the current state is a, then choose an
identity b uniformly from the union of all identities
ranked by the unimodal matchers. If the rank of b is
lower than the rank of a for majority of the matchers
that rank both a and b, go to b, else stay in a.
Figure 2 shows a Markov chain with its transition
matrix build on MC
. There are three matchers
which outputs three different ranking lists. Based on
the ranking list, a Markov chain is constructed
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Markov chain and the transition matrix
constructed from three ranking lists based on MC
according to MC
The final ranking list can be
obtained by applying the Copeland method, i.e., by
sorting the nodes in the majority graph (Markov
chain) by outdegree minus indegrree.
The design of a multimodal biometric system is
strongly dependent on the application scenario. A
number of multimodal biometric systems have been
proposed for the last ten years but they differ from one
another in terms of their architecture, the number and
choice of biometric modalities, the level at which the
evidence is accumulated, and the methods used for the
integration or fusion of information (Chandran and
Rajesh, 2009). The proposed system adopts multiple
biometric traits of an individual, to establish the
The system employs three unimodal matchers for
face, ear an iris biometric traits. T
he main goal of this
research is to evaluate the performance of the
multimodal biometric system based on rank level
fusion over the unimodal biometric system. So, we
decide to use face, ear and iris biometric traits for
this system. Although ear is not a frequently used
biometric trait, but we choose this trait because w
want to use biometrics from the similar region of the
human body keeping in mind that, it will help us to
create the multimodal database in future.
All the biometric traits that will be used in this
project are images. For face and ear images, we use
Fisherface (Belhumeur et al., 1997), as this method
has significant advantages over the popular
eigenface method (Turk and Pentland, 1991) in case
of images of the same subject with certain
illumination change. Fisherimage is a combination
of principle component analysis (PCA) and linear
discriminant analysis (LDA). The prime difference
between LDA and PCA is that PCA does more of
feature classification and LDA does data
classification. Researchers have demonstrated that
the LDA based algorithms outperform the PCA
algorithm for many different tasks (Zhao et al.,
For iris recognition, hamming distance method is
used for recognition after the iris image pre-
processing and encoding. At first, the iris part of the
eye image (from inside the limbus (outer boundary)
and outside the pupil (inner boundary)) are
localized. For iris localization, Hough transform
(Wildes, 1997) is used. After localizing the region of
interest, the Rubber Sheet Model (Daugman, 2004)
is used for un-wrapping the iris image. Then a Gabor
filter encodes the iris data. After encoding, the
binary data is available which is compared by
Hamming distance method.
A detailed diagram of the proposed system is
shown in figure 3. In the enrolment phase, face, ear
and iris images will be acquired first and then will
be processed according to the training algorithms
and saved as face, ear and iris templates.
Figure 3: Proposed system architecture.
In the Identification phase, face and ear images
will be recognized measuring the Euclidian distance
between the test image and the images in the
fisherfaces and fisherears. For iris, the Hamming
distance will be calculated between the codes
generated from the test iris with the iris codes in the
database. In each of the three cases, five identities
will be obtained as output that will be ranked
according to their distances. The identities of these
three ranking list then be integrated using the rank
level fusion approach to find out a consensus rank of
the identities and the identity at the top of the
consensus ranking list will be identified as the
desired identity. For rank level fusion, highest rank,
Borda count, logistic regression and Markov chain
approaches are used to find out the consensus
ranking from the three ranking lists.
Due to the inherent cost and effort associated with
constructing a multimodal database, the database
used in this system is not the “original” multimodal
database (different biometric traits are collected
from the same person), but rather we use a “virtual”
database which contains records created by
consistently pairing a user from one unimodal
database (e.g., face) with a user from another
database (e.g., iris) (Ross et al., 2006). The creation
of virtual users is based on the assumption that
different biometric traits of the same person are
For iris, we use the CASIA Iris Image Database
(ver 1.0) from the Chinese Academy of Science
(CASIA, 2004). CASIA database (ver 1.0) includes
756 black and white iris images from 108 eyes. For
each eye, 7 images are captured in two sessions.
The ear images are from the USTB, China
database (USTB, 2002). The database contains ear
images with illumination and orientation variation.
The images are 300 x 400 pixels in size.
For face, Facial Recognition Technology
(FERET) database (Phillips et al., 1998) is used.
There are 14,051 images (256 x 384) of 1199
person. There are various face images with
expression, pose and illumination variation.
To build the virtual multimodal database for the
proposed system, we consider 600 iris images from
300 subjects of CASIA database. In addition, 600
ear images and 600 face images are also be
considered from USTB and FERET database
respectively. Then each sample of these 600 iris
images will randomly be combined with one sample
of 600 ear images and one sample of 600 face
images. Half of these 600 combined samples are
used for training purposes and the remaining half are
used for testing. Thus we have a virtual multimodal
database containing 300 training and 300 testing
multimodal samples. Fig 4 shows a portion of our
sample multimodal database.
Figure 4: A small portion of our virtual database.
After experiment, we observe the result by
plotting the recognition value on a Cumulative
Match Characteristic (CMC) curve. CMC curve is
used to summarize the identification rate at different
rank values. As rank level fusion method can only
be applied in identification (not in verification)
systems, so, we insist on the identification rate
which is the proportion of times the identity
determined by the system is the true identity of the
user providing the query biometric sample. If the
biometric system outputs the identities of the top x
matches, the rank-x identification rate, is defined as
the proportion of times the true identity of the user is
contained in the top m matching identities.
Figure 5 shows the CMC curves of the
individual face, ear and iris matchers and for
Markov chain and logistic regression rank fusion
approaches. We investigate highest rank, Borda
count, logistic regression and Markov chain
approaches on this virtual multimodal database and
obtained the best identification rates through
Markov chain approach (98.2%). Among the other
three, logistic regression approach is better (97%).
Figure 5: CMC curve of Markov chain and logistic
regression rank fusion approaches along with face, iris and
ear unimodal systems.
As the performances of our individual matchers are
not equal, hence we report only the identification
rates of Markov chain and logistic regression
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
approaches. Also we report the identification rates of
the face, iris and ear matchers on the CMC curves to
show the differences.
The design of a multimodal biometric system is a
challenging task due to heterogeneity of the
biometric sources in terms of the type of
information, the magnitude of information content,
correlation among the different sources and
conflicting performance requirements of the
practical applications. Extensive research has been
done to identify better methods to combine the
information obtained from multiple sources. In this
research, we combine face, ear and iris biometric
information using rank level fusion method. We
introduce Markov chain approach for biometric rank
fusion and obtain better identification rate over other
rank fusion approaches. Thus, Markov chain method
can be a reliable solution of integrating biometric
ranking lists to obtain a consensus rank list and can
be effectively used in various security systems.
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