A Research Agenda
Hannakaisa Isomäki
Department of Mathematical Information Technology, Computer Science Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä
P.O.Box 35, 40014, Finland
Keywords: Information security, Schools, e-Learning, End-user security behaviour, Information security culture,
Pedagogical software, Security management, Research methods.
Abstract: In this position paper I discuss a research agenda for studying security issues particularly related to secon-
dary and high schools. I argue that despite of its topicality and significance to successful functioning of
schools, the issue of information technology (IT) and security in schools is not getting enough research in-
put. In the educational environment, which includes various areas of computer-supported learning, the scope
of security ranges from human-centred to technology-centred issues. Both of these deal with information se-
curity in a socio-technical educational context, the first emphasizing human activity and the latter IT. I pre-
sent these categories as necessary research proposals here. The human-centred topics include end-user secu-
rity behavior – as intertwined with the use of technology while learning and teaching in socially embedded
virtual worlds – and information security culture in schools. The technology-centred topics include informa-
tion security of pedagogical software and IT applications for the management of school
A pertinent recent societal change concerns the secu-
rity and safety of learning, teaching and administra-
tion within the educational system. Traditionally,
school security has been evaluated through incidents
of random schoolyard violence and physical threats
to students and staff (e.g., Agron and Anderson,
However, this viewpoint does not address the
whole issue of security in learning, teaching and
school management.
While educational technologies are increasingly
used as promoters of various types of E-learning
practices, it is essential to study students’, teachers’
and school managements’ interrelationship with in-
formation security, particularly of users’
related activities in IT-supported educational envi-
ronments, and the demands for information security
and privacy protection capabilities of educational
Users of IT at large are considered to be a major
threat for information security in organisations (e.g.,
Leach, 2003; Furnell, 2008). Regarding educational
environments, it is essential to consider information
security of on-line learning from the viewpoint of
end-users (Furnell and Karweni 2001).
In schools,
information security should be seen as a tool for
providing E-learning environments that meet stu-
dents’ and teachers’ needs for safe and secure spaces
for studying and teaching. In these kinds of educa-
tional spaces students can feel as belonging to a cer-
tain group, feeling trust, respect and social bonding
(Allan and Lewis, 2006; McInnerney and Roberts,
Due to the ongoing pervasive reconfiguration of
contemporary society’s technical and social infra-
structures integrated by digitalization (Tilson, Lyyti-
nen and Sörensen, 2009), school information securi-
ty and safety needs to be addressed from the view-
point of infrastructure.
Infrastructure refers to hard-
ware (computers and communication technologies),
network services (software, file services, FTP etc.),
and human infrastructure (knowledge, skills and
experiences) (Broadbent, Weill and St. Clair, 1999).
Nowadays, information security services should be
seen as part of infrastructure, for example, Furnell,
Onions, Knahl, Sanders, Bleimann, Gojny, and
Roder (1998) argue that carrying out network-based
studying and learning demands paying attention to
information security aspects such as authentication
Isomäki H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 325-330
DOI: 10.5220/0002853603250330
and accountability, access control, intrusion detec-
tion, protection of network communications and
non-repudiation issues.
In brief, the scope of IT-related security in the
educational environment, including various types of
computer-supported learning, covers both human-
centred and technology-centred issues. These both
deal with information security in a socio-technical
educational context, but while the first emphasises
human activity the latter puts stress on IT. The
socio-technical approach focuses here to the mutual
interactive effects between humans and technology
when technology both constitutes human practice
and is constituted by human agency (Orlikowski,
1992). From a human-centred view, when constitut-
ing human practice, technology both facilitates and
constrains human endeavour. The way technology
facilitates or constrains security in educational envi-
ronments is of utmost importance regarding success-
ful functioning of learning, teaching and studying in
contemporary secondary and high schools. In par-
ticular, it is important to investigate how pupils and
teachers experience IT related security and safety,
i.e., how technology facilitates or constrains their
work in schools in terms of IT related security. From
a holistic viewpoint, it is essential to clarify how IT
related security appears in schools in the level of
organisational culture.
From a technology-centred view, i.e., technology
being constituted by human agency, it is essential to
design and develop IT security applications with
respect to end-user security behaviour and aware-
ness. Special attention is required to both create ap-
propriate guidelines for E-learning related risk as-
sessments and build slick implementations for both
pedagogical software and security maintenance in
school organisations. However, despite its topicality
and significance to successful functioning of
schools, the issue of IT and security in schools is not
getting enough research input.
In this position paper I present both human-
centred and technology-centred topics as research
proposals to promote information security and safety
in schools in terms of IT. The topics include end-
user security behavior as intertwined with the use of
technology while learning in socially embedded
virtual worlds, and information security culture in
schools. Technology-centred topics include security
of pedagogical software and information technology
applications for the management of school security.
In addition, I disclose theoretical and methodo-
logical commitments for studying the topics.
E-learning is often seen as an activity of technology-
enhanced learning communities involved in comput-
er-supported collaborative learning that is promoted
by new technologies, such as Web 2.0 and social
media (Pöysä and Häkkinen, 2009). End-user securi-
ty in this context concerns individuals’ prospects to
be safely involved in virtual worlds and E-learning
communities. The information security risks here
concern both external and internal risks for security
and privacy violations. External risks, for example,
identity theft, phishing, worms, IP spoofing and oth-
er malicious attacks, require competence in
protecting against malicious software or other
attacks with anti-virus and firewall programs, and
knowledge about how to control access to one’s
computer or user account (Osika Reed and Sharp,
2003). The issue here is that the use of such general
security technologies is seen difficult and
unmotivating to pupils and even teachers (e.g.,
Lampson, 2009). One essential line of research
confronting these problems concerns usability of
security software (e.g., Chatziapostolou and Furnell,
Unfortunately, information security risks may
also appear in E-learning communities and virtual
worlds. Internal risks such as social engineering and
knowledge breaches may violate students’ privacy
while studying. Given that users’ in general seem
quite unaware of security risks (e.g., Rezgui and
Marks, 2008), it is worth noticing that students still
feel information security potentially having an im-
pact also on studying and learning processes that
take place in computer-supported collaborative
learning communities (Isomäki, Päykkönen and
Räisänen, 2008).
In order to develop understanding on how to
build students’ trust in various types of E-learning,
their experiences of information security in E-
learning environments should be intensively studied.
An adequate approach would be in line with theori-
sations of user experience (UX), which disclose an
experiential perspective on users’ internal state,
characteristics of the system in use, and the interac-
tion context (Hassenzahl and Tractinsky, 2006).
With a framework combined of these three view-
points, the UX approach could open up the human
side of information security, which is seen as a ma-
jor threat to securing information (e.g., Leach, 2003;
Furnell, 2008), and the weakest link of the security
chain (Tjhai & Furnell, 2007), also in educational
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The UX approach employs methodologies rooted
in phenomenology, such as cultural studies on UX
(McCarthy and Wright, 2004), and other qualitative
methods used, for example, in investigations on co-
experiences (Battarbee, 2003). Users’ experiential
interaction with applications of educational tech-
nologies in school context is seen as a continuum of
processes within which users actively engage with
learning experiences. With the UX approach, for
instance students’ awareness of information security
in learning settings and many experiences of infor-
mation security’s impact on different types of E-
learning could be clarified. In the same way, the UX
approach could be employed in users’ demands for
information security and privacy protection capabili-
ties of educational technologies, as well as in their
strategies for managing security in socially embed-
ded virtual worlds.
To be able to consider information security in
schools from a viewpoint that facilitates socio-
technical understanding of IT-related security on an
organisational level that incorporates the behaviour
of individuals and groups of people to the organisa-
tional facilities and norms, the concept of informa-
tion security culture (ISC) needs to be implemented
in the study of schools. ISC is a newish concept, and
its definition is not yet stabilised. In literature, ISC is
considered from many viewpoints, namely: ISC as
an aid in protecting valuable assets, ISC as a holistic
issue forming a part of the broader corporate culture,
ISC as a solely human aspect, ISC as information
security governance, and ISC as an issue of organ-
isational learning and knowledge creation in enter-
prises (Mazhelis and Isomäki, 2009). Some re-
searchers also connect the combination of corporate
culture, governance and information security to in-
formation security obedience (Thomson and von
Solms, 2005).
The theoretical commitments that seem most
appropriate for understanding information security
culture in school settings include a constructionist
stance, the view of learning as socially constructed
and mediated (e.g., Lave and Wenger, 1991), and an
insistence that information security culture should be
studied on the basis of concrete discursive practices
and interactions while using IT in learning, teaching,
or management of the school. Analyses of ISC in
schools would disclose various organisational level
issues of end-user security behaviour intertwined
with the use of educational technology. A qualitative
approach facilitates also the study of different genres
or social rules producing social order within infor-
mation security culture and its dissemination, stu-
dents’, teachers’ and rectors‘ authentic strategies for
managing security as an everyday problem, and
power relations inherent in a particular information
security culture.
Typical for the development of information security
guidelines and practices of pedagogical software is
that there are both generic and E-learning specific
requirements (e.g., Eibl and Schubert, 2008; Furnell,
Onions, Knahl, Sanders, Bleimann, Gojny, and
Roder, 1998). (Weippl 2005) also attends to both
generic and E-learning specific security require-
ments for systems used in IT-supported learning.
The generic requirements include secrecy, integrity,
availability and non-repudiation. Secrecy denotes
that users may obtain access only to those objects for
which they have received authorization, whereas
integrity means that only authorized users or proc-
esses are permitted to modify data or programs. Ac-
cording to Weippl (2005, 5), availability is also a
security concern. Justification for this is pedagogical
in that students’ productivity decreases dramatically
if network-based learning applications, such as
WebCT, FirstClass and Optima, are too slow or not
available due to denial-of-service attacks. Non-
repudiation presumes that users are able to plausibly
deny having carried out certain actions, or, if a user
has provided or changed a certain piece of informa-
tion he or she cannot deny having done it. For in-
stance, if some grades of students are altered, it must
be possible to reliably trace the source of those
The generic requirements do not usually require
any specific skills or performance of IT support staff
in educational institutions but are included in nonde-
script security risk analyses and maintenance. Non-
repudiation issues can, however, be cumbersome in
that they may cause risks for users’ privacy. For
instance, if students' all actions are made traceable in
the net by using, e.g., spyware, it may endanger pri-
vacy and diminish trust building in E-learning envi-
Information security requirements for E-learning
often concern unauthorized use of digital content,
trust, exams, and organization (Weippl, 2005, 6).
The first of these may be tricky to address, because
in addition to people who do not have authorized
access to the content, people who have legitimate
access to the content may copy or modify it without
permission and/or disseminate it further.
As mentioned above, trust is essential in the con-
text of learning. A fundamental security requirement
regarding trust is that students must be able to rely
on the accuracy of the content and that they are pro-
vided space for unobserved reading. In addition,
they must be able to trust that the authors’ identity is
authentic. This is of utmost importance because es-
pecially undergraduate students tend to trust all
kinds of information sources and accept whatever
they read as true (Graham and Metaxas, 2003). Ex-
ams are a usual concern in terms of reliable per-
formance by students. Non-repudiation issues re-
garding educational institutions’ software used in
teaching often concentrate on exams, especially
when teachers attempt to find out how to prevent
students from cheating in electronic tests (Graf,
Finally, organization refers to the human side of
information security, and in that sense it is reminis-
cent of the issues unfolding the information security
culture in schools. Weippl (2005, 8) argues that the
security procedures put into use in educational or-
ganisations must be simple in order to guarantee the
compliance of users.
Information security of pedagogical software is a
theme that needs a lot attention from research and
development. Successfully implemented information
security solutions have potential to raise students’
experiences of trust and safety, support the forming
of a secure virtual community, and thus promote
learning in socially embedded virtual worlds. Ge-
neric information security issues (confidentiality,
integrity, availability, authenticity and non-
repudiation) may or may not be covered in educa-
tional organisations. In addition, special attention is
required to both create appropriate guidelines for E-
learning related risk assessments, increase pupils’
information security awareness, and to build slick
implementations of security maintenance and control
for pedagogical use of E-learning software. Because
information security of software used for pedagogi-
cal purposes is a context-dependent issue, the socio-
technical paradigm is needed in research. This way
the fundamental nature and also everyday practices
of E-learning are included as a focus areas in inves-
tigations. From the methodical viewpoint, research
efforts of this topic necessitate a design science ap-
proach (Hevner, March, Park and Ram, 2004) with
implications from software engineering and UX
studies regarding educational technologies.
At present, capabilities for developing and maintain-
ing school security and safety are regarded highly,
and several training programmes are carried out to
increase awareness and skills for secure and safe
working in schools. A central aim is to be prepared
for creating policies that integrate different sectors
of security, i.e., occupational safety, rescue opera-
tions and civil defense, into a single plan which
serves as the blueprint for a workable procedure in a
particular school. Despite a severe need for security
in schools, IT-supported applications for security
maintenance, management and control for schools
are scarce.
Nevertheless, prior experiences in the United
States have shown that IT-supported tools could
have several advantages both in crisis management
and school security in general (National Institute of
Justice). Further, the traditional security surveillance
technologies, such as video surveillance cameras and
metal detectors, are disliked especially by boys
(Brown, 2005). Modern IT-based applications,
which are transparent to and interactive with the
users, could help to improve both pupils’ attitudes
and school ambience towards a general acceptance
of operations for school information security and
Research efforts to fill the gap in computer-
supported security management, maintenance and
control of school security should be enhanced. New
technologies, such as multimedia-based interactive
IT-applications, could provide interactive and trans-
parent tools for holistic school-specific security
management. Methodical determinations in the de-
velopment of new information systems are in line
with the design science approach (Hevner, March,
Park and Ram, 2004) with implications from soft-
ware engineering and human-centred information
systems development (Isomäki and Pekkola, forth-
coming). This way the framework of design science
entails more detailed software design issues, which
are informed by human-centred development guide-
lines with respect to end-user security behaviour
concerning learning, teaching or studying with IT
applications. A special task would be to implement
new methods for school specific security risk analy-
sis, which generally includes identification of assets,
estimation of threats and risks, setting priorities,
implementation of controls and counter measures,
and monitoring risks of the effectiveness of counter
measures (Weippl, 2005).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Applications of IT have a lot of unexplored po-
tential to contribute to management, maintenance
and control of school security and safety. The results
of this kind of research would benefit educational
organisations in terms of the state of their security
and safety, and would also be very useful tools for
teachers, students and rectors in their everyday prac-
tices of schoolwork. The results would be useful also
in security related training. Informing students and
school staff about IT-supported security manage-
ment and information security could increase their
awareness of security and safety, not just for their
work but their life in current information society.
Increased security awareness is especially important
to adolescents who need to participate in taking care
of their virtual selves.
In this position paper I have discussed information
technology and security in schools in terms of a re-
search agenda. I have insisted that school security is
of utmost importance requiring substantial input to
research and development activities. Security in the
educational environment including various types of
computer-supported learning, teaching and man-
agement activities focuses on both human-centred
and technology-centred issues. In the current holistic
and interactive reconfiguration of contemporary so-
ciety’s technical and social infrastructures, both hu-
man-centred and technological issues need to be
scrutinised in their socio-technical educational con-
Important human-centred topics include end-user
security behaviour as intertwined with the use of
technology while learning in virtual worlds, and
information security culture in schools. In educa-
tional settings the issue of end-user security behav-
iour should be seen as multidimensional phenome-
non interlaced with the use of technology, learning,
communicating, and teaching. The theoretical com-
mitments and central arguments that seem most ap-
propriate for understanding information security
culture and also end-user security behaviour in
school settings include a constructionist stance, the
view of learning as socially constructed and medi-
ated, and an insistence that information security cul-
ture should be studied on the basis of concrete dis-
cursive practices and interactions while using IT in
learning, teaching, or management of the school.
Adjustments of theories and concepts for empirical
research require conceptual-theoretical approach.
The necessary technology-centred topics include
security of pedagogical software and applications of
IT for maintaining school security. The first requires
that our attention is destined for both generic and E-
learning specific information security requirements
for systems used in IT-supported learning. The latter
discloses that IT-supported applications for security
maintenance, management and control for schools
are scarce. However, up-to-date IT-based applica-
tions, which are transparent to and interactive with
users, could help to improve students’ attitudes and
school ambience towards acceptance of operations
for school information security and safety. A special
task in this area is to implement some procedures of
a school specific security risk analysis into the IT
applications development method. Methodical de-
termination regarding technology-centred topics is in
line with the design science approach with implica-
tions from software engineering and human-centred
information systems development. This way the pre-
scriptive framework of design science entails more
detailed software design issues informed by human-
centred development guidelines with respect to end-
user security behaviour in educational environments.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education