Hong Liu, Yueliang Qian and Shouxun Lin
Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing & Research Center of Pervasive Computing
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Keywords: Person Detection, Hough Circle Transform, Elevator Surveillance.
Abstract: Robust person detection in real-world images is interesting and important for a variety of applications, such
as visual surveillance. We address the task of detecting persons in elevator surveillance scenes in this paper.
To get more passengers in the lift car, the camera usually installed at the corner of ceiling. However, the
high and space of lift car are limited, which makes person occluded by each other or some parts of body
invisible in captured images. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to detect head contours, which
includes three main steps: pre-processing, head contour detection and post-processing. Hough circle
transform is adopted in the second stage, which is robust to discontinuous boundaries in circle detection.
Proposed pre-processing and post-processing methods are efficient to remove false alarms on background or
body part. Experimental results show our proposed approach is time saving and has better person detection
results than some other methods.
Robust person detection in real-world images is
interesting and important for a variety of
applications, such as visual surveillance and driver
assistance systems. For surveillance applications,
examples include the estimation of queue length in
retail outlets, the monitoring of entry points, bus or
elevator terminals. Persons are one of the most
challenging categories for object detection. A large
variability in their local and global appearance is
caused by various poses or styles of clothing (Leibe,
2005). Many techniques (Giebel, 2004, Schmid,
2004) have been made to detect in constraint
settings. Often it is assumed that the people in the
scene are well separated. While in many real
applications several persons may be present in the
same image region, partially occluding each other,
which bring difficulty to detecting and counting
Various methods have been applied to person
detection for surveillance applications. Among them,
classification techniques by supervised learning can
be applied to decide if a given image region contains
a person. For example, (Nakajimia, 2000) uses
Support Vector Machines to recognize people.
(Gravrila, 2000) uses a tree based classifier to
represent possible shapes of pedestrians. (Viola,
2001) proposes a framework for face detection,
which use Haar wavelets and AdaBoost to build a
cascade structured detector. However all above
approaches requires certain training data to learn the
parameters of the underlying model. Some other
methods use contour or edge feature to detect
person. (Zhang, 1995) introduces a Model-specified
Directional Filter (MDF) to identify the pedestrian
on an escalator by extracting the contour feature of
pedestrian’s head in an image with the camera
installed right above. However, neither of above
papers addresses the situation of crowded scenes
where persons may be occluded by each other.
In this paper, we specifically address the task of
detecting persons in elevator surveillance scenes.
The goal is to detect all pedestrians, localize them
and count them in the image. With the number of
passengers, the elevator control system can
minimize waiting time and ride time of passengers
and reduce the unnecessary elevator stop, which can
finally save electronic energy and reduce
maintenance fee of elevator. For elevator
application, the high and space are limited in lift car.
The camera usually installed at the corner of ceiling
in lift car to capture more passengers, which will
deform the appearance of person and make some
Liu H., Qian Y. and Lin S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 267-270
DOI: 10.5220/0002856002670270
Head contour
detection by
Hough circle
Remove head
contour by
color feature
Remove head
contour by
Edge of adaptive
background image
Edge of
current image
Edge of
Get the final
head contour
Figure 1: The framework of our approach.
parts of person invisible. On the other hand, persons
often occluded by each other and pose of head are
various in captured images.
Although detecting and counting persons in
elevator application is a very difficult task, we can
also see that the appearance of person head is similar
as circle. In this paper, we propose a framework to
detect person head based on Hough circle transform
(HCT), which is proved useful in occluded situation.
Our approach is given in section 2. Experimental
results of the detecting system are presented in
section 3. Conclusions are given in section 4.
2.1 Outline of Our Approach
For person detection in elevator surveillance scene,
we propose a novel method as Figure 1 shows. The
approach consists of three main steps: pre-
processing, head contour detection and post-
HCT algorithm is used in the second stage,
which is based on the edge points in the images. So
in order to reduce some interference by edge points
on background field, certain pre-processing is
needed. In pre-processing step, Canny edge
detection is performed on adaptive background
image and current frame. Then subtraction is used to
get the edge of foreground, which can remove many
edge points on background.
After above process, HCT based on gradient
(Yuen, 1990, Bradski, 2008) is performed on edge
image of foreground to get quasi circles. This step is
detailed in section 2.2. After this step, some image
regions satisfied HCT are decided as circles, which
can be see as candidates of head contours. However,
with the interference from background and clothing,
some candidates are not related with person head.
Finally, post-processing is adopted to remove some
false alarms, which is detailed in section 2.3. After
above three stages the final result of head contours
can be obtained.
2.2 Hough Circle Transform
The Hough circle transform (HCT) shows
considerable immunity to problematic object
boundaries, such as ones partially obliterated by
occlusion, overlapping effects and breakages, as
well as boundaries distorted by interference noise,
ambient illumination, object motion (Yuen, 2001).
(Kimme, 1975) gives probably the first known
application of the Hough Transform to detecting
circles in real images. In their work, they have made
use of the direction of the gradient at each edge
point. If a circle in the image is described as
are the coordinate of the circle
center and
r is its radius, then an arbitrary edge
(, )
will be transformed into a right
circular cone in the
parameter space. If all
the image points lie on a circle then the cones will
intersect at a single point in
to the parameters of the circle. This would mean far
greater memory requirements and much slower
speed. (Yuen, 2001).
To solve these problems, Hough gradient method
is propose in (Yuen, 2001). First the image is passed
through an edge detection phase. Next, for every
nonzero point in the edge image, the local gradient is
considered. Using this gradient, every point along
the line indicated by this slop from a specified
minimum (
min_ r
) to a specified maximum
max_ r
) distance is incremented in the
For elevator application, color of person head
may by darker or lighter than that of ambient
background as figure 2 shows. So we remain two
directions of slope to get candidate centers in our
At the same time, the location of every one of
these nonzero pixels in the edge image is noted. The
candidate centers are then selected from those points
in this accumulator that are both above some given
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
_acc thr
and larger than all of their
immediate neighbours. These candidate centers are
sorted in descending order of their accumulator
values, so that the centers with the most supporting
pixels appear first. For each center, all of the
nonzero pixels are considered. These pixels are
sorted according to their distance from the center.
Working out from the smallest distances to the
maximum radius, a single radius is selected that is
best supported by the nonzero pixels according to
the threshold
. A center is kept if it has
sufficient support from the nonzero pixels in the
edge image and if it is a sufficient distance from and
previously selected center. (Bradski, 2008).
So we can see Hough gradient method can be
decomposed the circle finding problem into two
stages. First stage is to find candidate centers and
second stage is to find satisfied radius of circle. A
two dimensional array is required to accumulate
votes along the normal of each edge point. To
identify the radius of circles, the distance of each
point from a candidate centre is calculated and a
radius histogram is produced. The storage space
required for the method is quite small, since only a
single 2-D accumulator and a 1-D histogram are
necessary. (Yuen, 2001).
This Hough gradient method run much faster
and, more importantly, helps overcome the problem
of the otherwise sparse population of a three
dimensional accumulator. (Bradski, 2008).
2.3 Post-processing
After above step, some image regions satisfied HCT
are decided as head candidates. While with the
interference from background and clothing, some
candidates are not related with person head.
Although edge subtraction of background is
taken in pre-processing step, some circles at
background are also detected after HCT process. So
our post-processing should remove candidate circles
according to foreground image firstly.
For elevator application, pose of head are usually
various in images. Sometime we can see back, side
or front of head. So the color of head is usually
different according to the pose of head. While
without regard to wearing hat, the color distribution
of head can be clustered. In this paper, we use GMM
to get the color clusters around the center of head in
marked images. To reduce the illumination
interference, we transform the image from RGB
color space to HSV color space. Here, H (hue) and S
(saturation) values are used to color cluster.
In post-processing, we check the color feature of
the region beside candidate center to decide whether
this circle can be maintained. After this process,
some candidates with different color feature as head
can be removed.
To compare our approach, we also realize another
method based on Adaboost classifier (Viola, 2001).
The train data come from videos captured in lift car.
We use 783 images with 1788 head-shoulders as
positive samples and 8000 images without person as
negative samples collected from Corel Image
Gallery. All manually marker samples are
normalized to the size of 20×20 pixels. We train one
classifier with 16 stages of cascade. Some detect
results from this method are shown in figure2. The
red rectangles are the results after head-shoulder
detection based on Adaboost classifier. We can see
that some false detections on body and background,
while many head regions are missing in the second
image in crowed situation.
Figure 2: Some results based on Adaboost.
We also test our approach to detect head contour
in elevator surveillance video. Some results are
shown in figure 3. Figure 3(a) is the result only
using HCT method. The green points are the centers
of circle and the red circles are the corresponding
head candidates. Many head candidates are false
alarms in this image, some come from regions on
background and some located on body part, which
have different color feature compare with usual head
color. So we adopt pre-processing and post-
processing to modify this condition.
Figure 3(b) is the edge image of adaptive
background image after Canny edge detection. Edge
image of current image is also obtained. Then
subtraction is performed to get the edge of
foreground as figure 3(c) shows, which reduce some
interference edge points at background. Finally,
figure 3(d) shows the result using our method. With
pre-processing and post-processing, some false
detection on background and body are removed.
Figure 4 shows another result based on our approach
and the corresponding values of some parameters are
also shown in annotation of image. From the
experimental results, we can see our approach has
better performance than some usually methods for
elevator surveillance application.
(a) Result from HCT (b) Edge of background
(c) Edge of foreground (d) Result from our method
Figure 3: Some results based on our approach.
_acc thr
min_ r
max_ r
(a) Result from HCT (b) Result from our method
Figure 4: Some results based on our approach.
_acc thr
min_ r
max_ r
In this paper, we present an approach for person
detection in elevator surveillance application. To get
more passengers in the lift car, the camera usually
installed at the corner of ceiling. The high and space
of lift car are limited, which makes person occluded
by each other or some parts of body invisible in
captured images. So it is a difficult task to detect
person in this scene.
In this paper, we propose a novel method to
detect head contours in surveillance video. The
method includes three main steps: pre-processing,
head contour detection and post-processing. Hough
circle transform is adopted in head contour detection
stage, which is shown robust to discontinuous
boundaries in circle finding. Pre-processing can
reduce some edge points on background, which can
remove some interference. Hough gradient method
is efficient and time saving for circle detections in
the head contours detection step. The last step post-
processing can remove many false head contours on
background or on body part that has different color
distribution as usual color of head. The experimental
results show our approach has better detection
performance than many other methods. In the future,
we will test our approach on large dataset.
This work was supported by the National Nature
Science Foundation of China (60802067).
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications