Alina Andreica, Florina Covaci, Daniel Stuparu and Gabriel Pop
IT Department, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Web Portal, System Integration, Database Synchronization, Academic Information Systems.
Abstract: The present paper focuses on means of integrating dedicated information systems based on various
technologies (php / postgresql, asp / MS sql) into a global web portal, based on MS technology. The portal
provides as well learning management content and e-learning facilities for various user categories.
The present paper aims at describing the design of a
system integration framework that is based on MS
technology and integrates various information
systems, based on different technologies (php /
postgresql, asp / MS sql). In this respect, we
describe an integrated architecture based on ILM
Microsoft server, and additional interface modules,
used in order to integrate the dedicated information
systems into a web portal that also provides e-
learning facilities, based on SharePoint Portal
. Based on the principles regarding
the way in which data types are structured in
organizations’ databases and used by different
components of integrated software systems, ILM can
synchronize and optimize data access and delegate
processing means to the appropriate dedicated
software components.
Section 2 describes the information systems that
are integrated, while section 3 focuses on the web
portal and its assessment from the administrating
point of view. The integration principles that we
have designed and are in train of being implemented
are presented in section 4.
AcademicInfo is an integrated information system
dedicated to managing educational information, with
dedicated processing facilities for secretariats,
specific access facilities for students and teachers
and relevant synthesis regarding the educational
process. The system models educational processes at
BBU level, ensuring course selection from all
faculties’ curricula in study agreements, models in a
flexible manner various types of educational
activities at all study levels (BA, MA, PhD,
continuous education, specific curricula), ensures
multilingual support in processing and reporting,
integrates various types of facilities, fee
management, student documents and requests, on-
line course evaluation.
ManageAsist system is the integrated software
system for administrative management that has been
developed for our university. The system can be
viewed as an ERP system; within its design and
implementation, we integrated systematic efficiency
principles in software design: multi-layer
architecture and layer autonomy (Micromax
Information Services Ltd., 1999) , (Hoganson,
Guimaraes, 2003), advanced object oriented design
based on systematic abstraction principles (Gregory
M. Bowen), design patterns (Gamma, Helm,
Johnson, Vlissides, 2002), flexibility in module
integration and communication, systematic
workflow management, efficient database access
and design (Stuparu, Andreica, Mantu, 2005), (Berry
and Linoff 2000).
The present work is supported by the EU funded grant, within
the European Fund for Regional Development, “CCE
124/323/31.08.2009 SMIS 4424 - Sistem electronic aplicativ
integrat de educaţie al Universităţii Babes-Bolyai” – Integrated
applied electronic system for education of Babes-Bolyai
University - BBU, contracted
y BBU with the Romanian
Ministry of Communication and Information Society, the
Intermediary Organism for Promoting the Information Society,
during 31-08-2009 – 31-08-2011
Bianca Andreica A., Covaci F., Stuparu D. and Pop G.
DOI: 10.5220/0002856301310136
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ManageAsist’s principles and facilities are adapted
for high education institutions; the system contains
the following modules: Document management,
Assets, Warehouse, Cashier, Finance, Accountancy,
Grants, Human Resources and Acquisitions, and
decision assistance facilities. The first 7 modules are
already in use; their implementation has pursued
systematic and efficient principles (Andreica, 2005).
Each module contains management reports for the
corresponding compartment. Relevant synthesis
from each compartment will be integrated, together
with global management tools into a decision
support module.
In (Andreica., Stuparu, Ghetie 2009) we address
the advantages of pursuing advanced design
principles in the implementation stages of the
system, and in designing a flexible framework for
efficiently integrating the system’s modules. We
also deal with means of managing hierarchical data
structures, together with efficiency issues in respect
with processing them. Each module includes levels
(Andreica., Stuparu, Ghetie 2009) for specific
document processing, operational facilities and
reporting, level that provides management assistance
information for the corresponding compartment.
Research Management System. Within our
university we developed and implemented a
dedicated software system for managing Babes-
Bolyai University’s (BBU) research activities, by
offering accessible and user-friendly means of
collecting specific information, and automatically
performing quantitative analyses, syntheses and
evaluations based on the collected information. The
system may be viewed as a tool for quantitative
research evaluation, its more general aim being to
ensure proficient management of the research
activity within BBU and supporting the design of
competitive strategies in the field by means of this
dedicated software system.
The design and implementation principles of the
Research Management software system, its
architecture features and its impact in research
activity management for the members of the
academic & research staff, but especially for
research management levels: chairs, institutes,
departments, faculties, university are described in
(Andreica and Agachi, 2008). The implementation
of the system complied structured efficiency
principles and stages (Andreica, 2005), (Andreica,
2006) in order to ensure best design and impact
The web portal that we have implemented in order to
provide e-learning and web integration facilities is
based on a SharePoint solution, which has proven to
be very convenient in flexible administration and
integration purposes.
3.1 Assessing e-Learning Portal
Regarding the system assessment, we developed
dedicated questionnaires for administrators, students
and teachers, in order to obtain a general feed-back
regarding existing facilities, platform functionalities
and to ensure future developments
The questionnaire has been created and
interpreted using the survey functionality built-un in
the platform (Share Point Portal); we underline in
this respect the flexibility of the platform’s tools.
We further discuss the results obtained
consequent to monitoring the administrators’ survey
(Andreica., 2009), since administration facilities are
relevant for the portal capabilities. Regarding user
feed-back, preliminary results reveal that users a not
fully aware of the platform functionalities and we
still have to organize more trainings in this respect.
Administrators were requested to evaluate, on a 1
– 5 scale (1=very weak, 2=weak, 3=moderate,
4=good, 5=very good), the following platform
characteristics: administration functionalities - the
average weighted grade was 4.14; communication
functionalities - the average weighted grade was
3.86; functionalities for administering educational
content - the average weighted grade was 4;
functionalities for developing educational content -
the average weighted grade was 3.43; functionalities
for platform development - the average weighted
grade was 4.43; platform adaptability / flexibility
characteristics - the average weighted grade was
3.57; reporting facilities - the average weighted
grade was 4. We can notice that all characteristics
are positively rated, most of them being qualified
above ‘good’ (weighted grades >=4).
Administrators were also requested to evaluate
the percentage of teachers who requested / were
granted permissions for administering their courses /
educational resources – results are displayed in
figure 4: we can notice that most of the faculties
(86%) did not grant for more than 50% of their
teachers permissions for administering their own
educational content, which reveals the fact that users
are still in initial phases of platform use. Regarding
the experience of our administrator respondents,
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
most of them - 57% didn’t have the experience of
using other platforms
We further discuss some of the most relevant
responses in respect with the platform
characteristics: administration functionalities and
functionalities for developing educational content
are well rated: 29% very good, 57% good, 14%
moderate – see figures 1,2; functionalities for
platform development are very well rated: 43% very
good, 57% good – see figure 3
We may conclude that the adaptability and
flexibility characteristics of the platform that were
mainly aimed are actually implemented and we have
a very good feed-back in this respect.
Administration functionalities
very weak
very good
Figure 1: Administration functionalities.
Functionalities for administering educational content
very weak
very good
Figure 2: Administering educational content.
We also note that guided e-learning facilities are still
being developed and further have to be evaluated.
We shall continue monitoring the system and
completing the survey evaluations in order to ensure
its most appropriate use and development; in this
respect, we are confident that our prerequisites
regarding adaptability specifications in system
upgrades will also prove to be very useful in future
Functionalities for platform development
very weak
very good
Figure 3: Functionalities for platform development.
Percentage of teachers who requested / were
granted permissions for administering their courses
Figure 4: Percentage of teachers who administer their
3.2 System Overview and Perspectives
E-learning systems (Horton, William, Horton,
Katherine, 2003) may be viewed as advanced tools
which assist teachers in creating a cooperative,
multidisciplinary and explorative learning
environment and students in accessing these learning
facilities and developing learning interactions within
this environment. The implementation of e-learning
facilities strongly contributed to the development of
the student and goal centered learning model (Allen,
E-learning implementations should pursue the
same principles and stages as for other dedicated
software systems (Andreica, 2005), (Andreica,
2006) - the user involvement within the stages of
system requirements, verification and
implementation are of outmost importance for a
successful implementation. Though e-learning
facilities are fairly standardized, it is important to
take into account future upgrades of the
implemented system
The implementation of the e-learning system
within “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
(Andreica, 2007), Romania systematically applied
the above described principles. The flexibility
system requirements and de-centralized system
administration that were pursued are expected to
prove their efficiency in future developments
We have designed an advanced system integration
framework, in order to ensure the integration of the
e-learning portal (see 3) with BBU’s dedicated
information systems (see 2) AcademicInfo,
ManageAsist, Research Management System.
Integration principles are based on an integrated
authentication solution, which maps facilities from
the dedicated information systems into the portal, for
each user category (Andreica., 2009). The
authentication server associates, to each user group,
the facilities that correspond to their permissions in
each of the dedicated information systems
AcademicInfo, ManageAsist, Research Management
System, in order to make them available within the
portal – see figure 5.
Figure 5: Framework for advanced system integration.
The MS architecture managed by an ILM type
server is used in order to ensure single sign- on
capabilities and uniform interface to the dedicated
information systems. In this respect, we are in train
of designing interface modules in order to map the
portal authentication into each dedicated system.
A global synchronized database is in train of
being created, the most important common
information being the human resource &
organization chart ones, retained in the dedicated
User[userid, account, password, unitid]
Unit[unitid, unitname, …]
Organization_chart[unitid, superior_id, horiz_id]
This common database, used by the ILM server, will
also contain user and group authentication
information, together with dedicated permissions in
each of the information systems, in order to ensure
access to corresponding permissions in
AcademicInfo, ManageAsist, Research Management
The integration solution is also designed to
ensure database synchronisation among
AcademicInfo, ManageAsist, Research Management
System and Portal databases based on matching the
following data (Andreica., 2009):
portal – AcademicInfo: users (all categories),
curricula, study contracts, grades, fees
portal – AcademicInfo – ManageAsist:
organisation chart, units, human resources,
managers, financial information
portal – AcademicInfo – Research Management
System: research activities, PhD Students
portal – ManageAsist – Research Management
System: organisation chart, units, human resources,
grants & corresponding financial information
Figure 6: Synchronization scheme.
A major issue in the implementation of the global
database synchronization is that the applications use
2 database management systems (PostgreSQL for
ManageAsist and Research Management System and
MS SQL Server for AcademicInfo), while the
synchronization scheme is a multi-master one, each
of the databases requiring bi-directional
synchronization with the master database – see
figure 6
On the other hand, this solution ensures
significant autonomy functional advantages for
information systems, compared to a direct Active
Directory integration & mapping.
The MS SQL - PostgreSQL synchronization has
been tackled in literature, see (
PostgreSQL Team) for
example. Although a certified multi-master
(SQL Server)
Research MS
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
synchronization is fairly complex, in our case, the
information that has to be synchronized / replicated
between all databases is reduced to a few tables (see
the description above for details): users, organization
chart, units, people, with a fairly low modification
rate, and therefore inducing a moderate network load
We are in train of implementing a synchronous
database replication, in order to obtain real time
synchronization. Since such a process is quite
resource demanding, we also intend to explore some
asynchronous mixed solutions if the run time of the
global synchronizing & monitoring system tends to
increase over a reasonable limit. The asynchronous
solution transfers the whole database, having a
larger data load, but the moment in time will be
chosen in respect with the applications’ low
workload or even stand-by state.
In order to implement the authentication server
we use MS Identity Lifecycle Management server,
which has advanced integration facilities with our e-
learning portal, and we are in train of configuring
the necessary permission mappings from the
dedicated information systems into the
authentication server in order to complete the
integration facilities.
The proposed integration solution may be
applied in different organizations, for integrating
their dedicated information systems
The paper focuses on information system
development and implementation as tools for
increasing organization competitiveness, and means
of designing a system integration framework in this
respect. Organizations face nowadays the phase of
system integration, in order to ensure advanced
management facilities at a global organization level
and integrated IT facilities for various user
categories. The universities’ case is quite complex,
since their activity covers a wide range of areas:
education and learning, research, administration.
We describe an efficient integration solution by
implementing a single authentication server and
mapping specific facilities from the dedicated
information systems, using different database
management systems, into the portal, for each user
category. This architecture is based on a global
integrated database and a permission mapping
scheme for ensuring appropriate access into the
dedicated information systems. User identities that
access the portal are further redirected in
authentication modules that ensure the interface
between the portal and each dedicated system. We
are in train of defining the necessary permission
mappings in order to fulfill the implementation.
This solution has a good extensibility degree and
may be applied in various organization cases.
We thank to the whole development team in our IT
department for their contribution to developing
ManageAsist, AcademicInfo, Research management
information systems and to administering the e-
learning portal: Florentina Tufiş, Călin Miu, Simona
Nemeş, A. Bara, D. Petreuş, M. Bojan. We are in
train of registering the intellectual property rights of
the information systems for the whole
implementation team
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies