Won Moon
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 39-1 Seongbuk-gu, Hawolgok-dong 136-791, Seoul, South Korea
Joong-Ho Lee, Ji-Hyung Park
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 39-1 Seongbuk-gu, Hawolgok-dong 136-791, Seoul, South Korea
University of Science and Technology, 39-1 Seongbuk-gu, Hawolgok-dong 136-791, Seoul, South Korea
Interactive tabletops, Pedagogy, Educational games, Human-computer interaction.
There exists a multitude of different platforms for educational games. As technology continues to mature,
various new devices will arise, some of which may yield substantial benefits for such educational applications.
In this paper, we discuss the potential effectiveness of one particular device for educational games, interactive
tabletops. We introduce what we believe are the key reasons why interactive tabletops are appropriate for this
domain. In addition, we present two of the games we have developed for evaluating our claims. Although we
have not yet conducted a complete user evaluation, we will provide some of our impressions from preliminary
In recent years, the advances in interactive tabletop
technology has proliferated the use of digital table-
tops. Although tabletop computing is not a new tech-
nology, it has not experience true acceptance and ap-
plication due to limited functionality and expensive
and complicated construction. However, recent ad-
vances such as the DiamondTouch surface (Dietz and
Leigh, 2001) and FTIR (Han, 2005), in addition to our
own new multi-touch technology, mitigates the afore-
mentioned limitations by allowing for the low-cost
construction of robust multi-touch surfaces. Conse-
quently, these technologies have precipitated tremen-
dous growth in applications for interactive tabletops.
In particular, we are interested in pedagogical appli-
cations in the form of educational games and whether
or not interactive tabletops would be an effective plat-
form in this regard.
The educational benefits of games have been well
documented and extensively investigated in research
(Schwartzman, 1997; Garris et al., 2002). Empiri-
cal evidence has shown that games can promote mo-
tivation, thereby causing students to become more in-
tensely involved in a particular learning activity and
ultimately allowing them to retain more knowledge
(Cordova and Lepper, 1996). Additionally, games en-
courage active learning where students are actively
involved in the learning process, as opposed to pas-
sive learning where students follow the instruction
of a teacher. Literature suggests that active learning
strategies can have a much more significant effect on
knowledge acquisition than those of the passive ilk
(Bonwell and Eison, 1991).
The effectiveness of games on the learning experi-
ence, however, cannot be measured simply in terms of
the game itself. The particular device which presents
the game to the user should be a significant consid-
eration as it also contributes to the overall learning
experience. There exist a number of platforms for ed-
ucational games; however, in this work we are not
interested in providing a comparative study between
the various types. Instead, we want to focus our at-
tention on one particular platform, interactive table-
tops. More specifically, we want to explore the po-
tential benefits of applying educational games to this
technology. In addition to discussing how interactive
tabletops can enhance the effectiveness of educational
games, we will describe the two games (Block Earth
and Wave Touch) that we have designed and imple-
mented on our newly developed multi-touch tabletop
surface. Since we have not yet conducted a complete
Moon W., Lee J. and Park J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 478-483
DOI: 10.5220/0002858204780483
user evaluation in regard to these games we will, in-
stead, provide some preliminary observations.
The intuitiveness and the engaging effect touch-based
interfaces afford are indicative of its allure among
users. Touch interaction allows users to feel more di-
rectly connected to the interface and its this tangible
quality that helps the interaction feel more ”natural”
and ”compelling (Forlines et al., 2007). Although
these types of interfaces may seem new, they have
been researched and developed dating back as far as
1972 (Smith and Sherwood, 1976). However, not
until recently, research regarding touch-based tech-
nology has been stagnated. With new developments
such as the DiamondTouch surface (Dietz and Leigh,
2001) and FTIR (Han, 2005), as well as the release of
the iPhone and Microsoft Surface, research in touch-
based interfaces has finally started gaining momen-
tum. Notably, there has been a marked increase in
research pertaining to tabletop computing. One of the
main draws of tabletop interfaces is the social nature
of them. Tabletop interfaces allow multiple users to
come together in an intimate fashion and work col-
laboratively on a shared medium. Intrinsically, this
type of environment promotes social interaction and
enhances collaborative work among a group of users
(Stewart et al., 1999; Rogers and Lindley, 2006).
As previously indicated, the recent advances in
touch-based technologies have significantly reduced
the construction costs of interactive tabletops, allow-
ing for more widespread accessibility. As a result, a
myriad of different applications have been explored,
ranging from business to gaming, along with research
regarding usability (Abednego et al., 2009). How-
ever, we’re particularly interested in the pedagogical
applications of interactive tabletops. Over the past
few years, there have been numerous works regard-
ing these types of applications. DigiTile (Rick and
Rogers, 2008) helps students learn about concepts of
math and art by leveraging collaboration. Likewise,
the suite of learning applications, ClassificationTable
(Morris et al., 2005), MatchingTable (Morris et al.,
2005), and PoetryTable (Morris et al., 2005), rely on
the collaborative and social affordances of interactive
tabletops to teach students foreign language. Teach-
ing Table (Khandelwal and Mazalek, 2007) utilizes an
augmented tabletop environment to teach math fun-
damentals to children, ages three to five. In this ap-
plication, children engage in several different activi-
ties, which involve moving around numbered blocks
on top of a tabletop to accomplish certain mathe-
matical tasks. Similarly, Read-It (Sluis et al., 2004)
teaches young children how to read through the use
of tangible objects on top of an interactive tabletop.
There have also been educational tabletop games to
help autistic children. SIDES (Piper et al., 2006) is a
four-player cooperative tabletop game aimed at help-
ing children with Aspergers Syndrome improvegroup
working skills.
Interactive tabletops have the potential to greatly en-
hance the overall effectiveness of educational games.
An obvious digital affordance of tabletop technology
is the support of computing power. A tabletop in-
terface is typically built on top of a computer so it
can exploit the processing capabilities of the CPU and
GPU and, thusly, provide rich graphical information
to the user. Aside from this obvious advantage, there
are other more salient reasons why interactive table-
tops can serve as an effective platform for educational
games. These reasons are related to tabletop inter-
action modalities, collaborative properties of tabletop
environments, and motivational stimulation.
3.1 Tabletop Interaction
Interactive tabletops afford immersive interaction en-
vironments in which users can participate. Users ac-
tively engage with these interfaces through a plethora
of interaction modalities, most of which involve some
form of physicality. One of the more distinct and rec-
ognizable modalities is touch interaction, or in other
words, direct manipulation. Instead of using indi-
rect methods such as keyboards and mice, which are
standard on conventional computers, users manipu-
late interface objects by directly touching them on
the tabletop surface. This modality is much more in-
tuitive and engaging than pushing buttons on a key-
board or clicking on a mouse. In a sense, the indirect-
ness of a mouse and keyboard cultivates a state of de-
tachment between the user and their actions, whereas
touch interaction promotes a greater sense of control
and awareness. Interactive tabletops can also allow
for users to interact with applications via tangible ob-
jects on top of the tabletop surface (Khandelwal and
Mazalek, 2007; Sluis et al., 2004). These unortho-
dox interaction techniques blur the line between the
physical world and the digital world, which contribute
to the immersive and engaging effect of interactive
The relevance that these interaction modalities
have on education pertains to the concept of active
learning. Active learning entails active participation
of a student in the learning process. So instead of pas-
sively listening to a teacher, learning is better served
by engaging in activities that force the student to ac-
tively think about the material (Bonwell and Eison,
1991). Therefore, it is reasonable to presume that in-
teractive tabletops improve learning by utilizing in-
teraction modalities that encourage active learning.
In fact, past research affirms this notion (Price and
Rogers, 2004). When students use interactive table-
tops they are physically engaged with the interface.
They become more engrossed in the environment,
which in turn intensifies their involvement with the
educational activity. Presumably, students will exhibit
higher levels of attention and critical thinking allow-
ing them to learn more from the experience than they
would have from conventional methods.
3.2 Collaborative Experience
One of the key pedagogical benefits that interac-
tive tabletops afford is the ability to incite collabo-
rative environments. Empirical evidence has shown
that large interactivedisplays, positioned horizontally,
encourage groups of people to work together in a
”socially cohesive and conducive way” (Rogers and
Lindley, 2006). The physical orientation of the table-
top forces users to arrange themselves in a face-to-
face fashion around the interface, allowing them to
easily converse and refer to pertinent information.
This arrangementis akin to organizationaround meet-
ing room tables and is conducive to natural and fluid
group work.
So then how exactly do collaborative environ-
ments contribute to the learning experience? One
can say that part of the reason is due to the assistive
nature of the environment. When students work in-
dividually they must rely on themselves and on the
tools that are presented to them to develop an under-
standing of a concept. When students work collab-
oratively, however, they can benefit from the assis-
tance of others to arrive at an understanding. Studies
have found that collaborative interaction increases the
amount of common knowledge that is shared by the
participants as well as the amount of overall knowl-
edge that is acquired by each individual (Jeong and
Chi, 2007). Moreover, collaboration can potentially
bolster motivation and ultimately provide a more en-
riching learning experience (Inkpen et al., 1999; Jung
et al., 2002). Passive learning environments and indi-
vidualized learning tend to instill a sense of boredom
within students. As a result, their attention may wa-
ver during the course of the experience causing them
to attain less knowledge. In contrast, collaborative
environments introduce a social element that induces
more active involvement (e.g. working together to
achievea goal). Although it is conceivablethat certain
participants may be left out of the activity by more
socially active members, this is less of a concern with
games since teamwork can be coerced. Several prac-
tical applications attest to validity of the aforemen-
tioned claims by demonstrating the effectiveness of
collaboration on education (Rick and Rogers, 2008;
Morris et al., 2005; Piper et al., 2006).
3.3 Motivational Enhancement
Motivation is a critical psychological factor in the
learning process. Students who exhibit higher lev-
els of motivation in a particular learning activity learn
and retain more from the experience (Cordova and
Lepper, 1996). This notion is sensible because mo-
tivational stimulation correlates with a deeper de-
sire to learn, whereby increasing engagement and the
poignancy of the knowledge acquired. Ostensibly,
students that have more motivation typically put forth
more effort in the learning process. Therefore, an-
other way interactive tabletops can improve learn-
ing is through enhancing motivation. As previously
stated, the collaborative environments of interactive
tabletops increase the motivation of students. More-
over, these interfaces can potentially bolster motiva-
tion through the novelty of its touch technology. Al-
though somewhat of a speculative assertion, touch-
based interfaces appear to conjure astonishment from
its users, especially young children, which may be
part of the reason why Apple’s iPhone has been so
wildly popular. Due to their futuristic appeal, inter-
active tabletops may elicit more interest and curiosity
from users than conventional devices. In turn, users
may feel more inclined to interact with these types of
In order to eventually gauge the legitimacy of our
assertions, we developed two example applications
called, Block Earth and Wave Touch. We imple-
mented these games on our newly developed multi-
touch surface, which allows for the simultaneous in-
teraction of multiple users. These particular games
were developed specifically for children; however,
participants of any age may benefit from them.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Block Earth.
4.1 Block Earth
Block Earth is a simple game which teaches users
general geographical information. More specifically,
users develop a familiarity of the world by exploring a
world map and learning about the location and shape
of various different countries and continents. The me-
chanics of the game are simple, each user maintains
control of a particular color and, alternatively, places
blocks on the map to uncover hidden locations. At
the beginning of a game there exists an assortment
of colored blocks placed randomly on the map, with
each color corresponding to a particular user. Alter-
natively, each user receives a randomly shaped block
and must place it diagonally abutted to a block of their
assigned color, or they may choose to pass their turn.
If the block that was placed overlays one of the hidden
cities on the map, the user will receive a score equiv-
alent to the citys population. In addition, an informa-
tion panel will appear containing relevant information
about the specific city (Figure 1). A player wins by at-
taining a certain amount of points. There is no risk of
user alienation since each player will alternate turns,
therefore, everyone will be able to actively participate
in the game.
4.2 Wave Touch
Wave Touch is another simple game but in this case
users learn about historical artifacts pertaining to their
culture. In essence, players are immersed in an
underwater-esque environment and must uncover hid-
den treasures scattered throughout the background.
When a player discovers and selects on a piece of
treasure, information about that treasure will be pre-
sented. In the current implementation, the types of
treasures presented concern Korean heritage; how-
ever, the game can be tailored to any culture. Play-
ers can movearound in the environment using various
touch gestures. Dragging a single finger around the
interface causes the scene to be translated in the di-
rection of the finger motion. Using two fingers, play-
ers can zoom in or out by applying pinch or reverse
pinch gestures. In addition, each point of contact on
the interface will generate a realistic water ripple ef-
fect (Figure 2).
Wave touch supports competitive and collabora-
tive game environments. Players can choose modes
which allow them to compete individually or work
together to find treasure artifacts. In the competi-
tive mode, each player will alternate turns and receive
scores based on the type of treasure they find. Oc-
casionally, a player may select a ”fake treasure, in
which case they will be awarded no points. In the
collaborative mode, all players can interact simulta-
neously to uncover treasure items.
Although the actual design of educational games is a
significant issue (i.e. game elements should be care-
fully engineered to conform to specific educational
purposes), that was not our underlying concern with
this particular research, which is why the design of
our games may appear rather shallow. Instead, our
sole purpose was to ascertain the potential effective-
ness of interactive tabletops as a platform for educa-
tional games (i.e. whether or not this research line
warrants further investigation).
Figure 2: Wave Touch.
We have just recently finished developing the two
aforementioned games, so we have not had an op-
portunity to conduct a full-fledged user evaluation.
We have, however, had several participants experi-
ment with the games and provide us with some ini-
tial feedback. Almost all participants commented on
how pleasing the multi-touch interface was, with sev-
eral remarks alluding to its attractiveness and ease of
use. Everyone appeared quite engrossed in the appli-
cations, largely in part due to the touch interaction.
There was almost unanimous agreement preferring
this type of interface to conventional computers for
group activities. Several participants enjoyed the so-
cial atmosphere afforded by the tabletop environment.
With the Wave Touch game, we overheard a lot of
enthusiasm and cooperation between the participants
with remarks such as ”Oh there it is!!” and ”I just saw
it! Go up, go up!” There were also minor discussions
sparked by game content (e.g. in Block Earth, when
surprised about the population size of a particular city,
users would comment on that subject). Essentially,
these preliminary reactions demonstrate the dynamic
atmosphere that interactive tabletops can provide and
reinforce some of our claims about why they can en-
hance the effectiveness of educational games.
In the near future, we plan to conduct an extensive
user evaluation to properly assess the value of inter-
active tabletops for educational games. It may also be
worthwhile to explore other issues such as potential
limitations and challenges. In addition, we are think-
ing of ways to refine Block Earth and Wave Touch to
provide deeper educational worth instead of merely
superficial content.
In our work, instead of concentrating on a specific
educational game intended for a distinct pedagogi-
cal purpose, we were more concerned about interac-
tive tabletops as a platform for these types of games.
We wanted to elucidate a rationalization of why in-
teractive tabletops would be an effective platform
for educational games. In this work, we hypothe-
sized that interactive tabletops enhance educational
games through touch interaction, collaboration, and
motivational stimulation. The touch-based interaction
modality of tabletops provides users with a more intu-
itive and engaging interaction technique, which helps
promote a more immersive and exciting environment.
The physical layout of interactive tabletops naturally
allows groups of people to work collaboratively on
a task. Studies have proven that this type of intimate
interaction on a large, horizontal display fosters effec-
tive collaboration, which in turn improves the learn-
ing process. All of these factors combine to cultivate
an environment that can stimulate motivation among
To examine the validity of these claims we de-
veloped two educational games called, Block Earth
and Wave Touch. Block Earth teaches young chil-
dren about general geographical information, such as
country and continent locations. Wave Touch teaches
children about information pertaining to their her-
itage, such as famous historical artifacts. In the near
future, we plan to conduct an extensive user evalua-
tion with these games. That said, preliminary impres-
sions have indicated that our assertions regarding the
benefits of interactive tabletops for educational games
hold some merit.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This work was supported by Korea Institute of Sci-
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