A Supporting Framework for Self-Monitoring and Self-Reflection
Maren Scheffel, Frank Beer and Martin Wolpers
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Schloss Birlinghoven, 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Usage metadata, Attention analysis, Self-regulated learning, Self-reflection, Self-monitoring, Software frame-
work, Personalised learning software, Personal learning environment.
In order to successfully learn in a self-regulated way, self-monitoring of the learner and reflection of learning
behaviour is required. We therefore introduce a framework that collects usage metadata from application
programs and stores them as Contextualized Attention Metadata (CAM). We also present three approaches
on how we exploit the collected CAM for further analysis such as object recommendation or learning activity
classification in order to help the learner become aware of her learning behaviour, to self-reflect and to support
her during her learning processes.
Self-regulated learning demands self-monitoring
from a learner. To improve her learning outcomes
a learner reflects on her previous learning activities
and adjust her learning behaviour accordingly. For
a learner to look back on her actions, the learning
activites need to be recorded. In this position pa-
per we present our ongoing work with an extensible
framework that accumulates usage metadata from dif-
ferent applications as Contextualized Attention Meta-
data (CAM) to support the user in her self-regulated
learning. After outlining the framework’s functional-
ities we give an overview of aspects of CAM analy-
sis currently being developed by us. First evaluations
support our research and show that we are on the right
track. Finally we conclude with further extensions,
experiments and evaluations still to be conducted.
Self-monitoring and self-reflecting one’s own be-
haviour is key to self-regulated learning. To suc-
cessfully achieve learning goals, whether they are
set for solo or collaborative learning processes,
self-regulated learning is an auspicious method.
For computer-based self-regulated learning the self-
monitoring of a learner can be supported by record-
ing her interaction with the computer. Later she can
then analyse and evaluate her learning processes by
The term self-regulated learning denotes a learn-
ing process where the learner becomes aware of her
learning and consciously takes care of it. This does
not exclude support or guidance by a teacher or tu-
tor as long as the learner’s autonomy is not ques-
tioned. A self-regulated learner has the ability to
meta-cognitively assess, strategically plan, monitor,
self-reflect and evaluate her learning activities.
In their report of current and future directions
of self-regulated learning, (Torrano and Gonzalez,
2004) say that characteristically self-regulated learn-
ers are people actively participating in learning on a
behavioural, motiviational and meta-cognitive level.
Self-motivation and the employment of strategies to
achieve desired outcomes are also typical attributes
of self-regulated learners. In his learner model Pin-
trich divides the process of self-regulation into four
phases - planning, self-monitoring, control and eval-
uation - which in turn are composed of four areas -
cognition, motivation/affection, behaviour and con-
Scheffel M., Beer F. and Wolpers M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 341-346
DOI: 10.5220/0002859703410346
text (Pintrich, 2000). Another important aspect of
self-regulated learning is the need for feedback, es-
pecially the self-oriented type (Zimmerman, 1990).
A detailed account on feedback and self-regulated
learning can be found in (Butler and Winne, 1995).
Forethought, performance and self-reflection are the
three aspects that make up Zimmerman’s loop of self-
regulated learning (Kitsantas, 1997). A learner can
adjust and change her learning bahaviour and activi-
ties meta-cognitively assessing, analysing and evalu-
ating her learning processes. Self-reflection is there-
fore not only a useful but even a very essential part
of self-regulated learning that can support the suc-
cessful acquisition of academic (Nota et al., 2004) as
well as non-academic (Kitsantas, 1997) skills. Other
very relevant publications on self-regulated learning
are (Zimmerman and Schunk, 1989), (Schunk and
Zimmerman, 1994), (Schunk and Zimmerman, 1998),
(Boekaerts et al., 2000), (Zimmerman and Schunk,
2001) and (Madrell, 2008).
To help learners become aware of their actions
and to adjust their behaviour, their learning activi-
ties need to be monitored. The two important cri-
teria when recording and self-monitoring one’s be-
haviour are regularity and proximity. Only if these
criteria are fulfilled, does a learner get a sound im-
pression of her actions. As tracing the features of
learning has most use when done during the action of
learning (Winne and Jamieson-Noel, 2002), the use
of computers to trace the learner’s behaviour is very
convenient and the learner is free in her actions as
opposed to other recording measures, such as think-
alouds which might disturb or interfere with the learn-
ing process or post-test questionnaires where she can
forget to mention things. Offering real-time analy-
sis of everything a learner does on her computer (e.g.
chats, reading and writing documents, file system in-
teraction) makes it easier for her to self-reflect and un-
derstand her learning processes whether they are solo
or collaborative ones (Gress et al., ip).
The schema we use to describe a learner’s computer-
related activities is the Contextualized Attention
Metadata (CAM) schema, an extension of Atten-
tion.XML which allows to model a user’s handling
of digital content (e.g. web sites, text documents, pic-
tures, etc.) across system boundaries (Najjar et al.,
2006). The core elements of the CAM schema are de-
picted in figure 1. A full description can be found in
(Wolpers et al., 2007).
Observations in CAM are focused on the user and
actionsession relatedDatacontext
Figure 1: Core Elements of the CAM schema.
are thus recorded for individual users. Each user is
represented by one element called group. Each group
can contain one or more feeds which represent the ap-
plications used by the user such as browsers, email
clients or word processors. Each feed can contain one
or more items which are described by properties such
as title, type (e.g. text, image, audio, video, etc.) and
GUID (globally unique identifier). A browser feed for
example can contain a website as an item and its title
as a property. An email client feed could contain an
email or an address book entry as item. The item el-
ement can contain one or more event elements which
in turn comprise one action and one session element.
Actions are associated with an ActionType - for an
email item the action described could be “read”, “for-
ward” or “move to another folder” - and a timestamp
(dateTime). Actions can be enriched with related-
Data such as sender and receiver(s) of an email or
keywords for a shallow content representation. The
session element stores the session id and information
about the user. CAM is developed to describe as many
types of attention metadata as possible. Therefore,
CAM records of a user do not merely describe the
user’s foci of attention but rather her entire computer
usage behaviour.
The CAM schema fulfils three important require-
ments that are crucial for the effective collection,
storage, presentation and analysis of usage metadata:
firstly, the user need not be disturbed in her computer-
related activities, since the collection of Contextual-
ized Attention Metadata can run in the background.
Secondly, CAM recordings can contain extensive ob-
servations taking all the tools and applications into
account that are actually being used. Thirdly, CAM
are not too finely grained in order for the user to ac-
tually deduce something from the recordings of her
behaviour. The actions are recorded and the record-
ings are presented in such a way that the user can in-
stantly understand them and recapitulate her course
of actions. The opening of a document for example
is an action that can be recapitulated and put into the
context of other actions by a user, the recordings of a
single keystroke, however, will not give the user in-
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
sightful information on her activities.
In order to collect CAM records of a learner’s interac-
tions with the different applications, specialised appli-
cation wrappers that make use of the CAM schema as
the transferring protocol to general observation repos-
itories, are combined in the CAM framework. Thus,
possible recommendations or reflections, supported
by the framework, are not limited to a snap-shot anal-
ysis but to an extensive assistance for learners and
teachers in learning scenarios. The functionality of
the whole framework is delivered through several ac-
tive and passive components. The active elements
are those that capture and utilize the attention of the
learner in her working environment while the passive
members ensure functionality used by the active com-
The passive elements of the framework are those
parts that provide callable or event-driven function-
ality. The most important parts are the observation
repositories, the service-oriented software library and
the configuration windows. To persist or retrieve
recent observations, the framework provides a local
and a global data repository. They can be accessed
through the software library that manages the dy-
namic adressing for each framework instance. The
settings of the framework, i.e. database ajustments
and framework redirections are also controlled by the
library. With that, the library provides some type of
middleware system including the handling of concur-
rency, i.e. a unit of work (Fowler, 2002). In the sense
of usability, the configuration files can be setup via
an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). The pri-
vacy level of sensitive data can therfore be individu-
ally controlled by each user at any time. That includes
the possibility for personal analysis, taking only local
observations or even the shared utilization of attention
with the user’s learning community into account.
The active elements of the framework can be
seperated into two reasonable actors: wrappers and
analysis tools. They are self-contained applications
that collect and evaluate the activities done by the
user in his daily working and learning environment.
Thereby, each wrapper instance captures locally ap-
propriate information of its domain, e.g. time spent
with the favourite chat client or modifying documents
on the file system. If permitted, analysis tools retrieve
these collected information in a statistical way to uti-
lize personal feedback or to publish recommendations
to each user individually.
While the active components can be viewed as in-
dependent systems that make use of the functionality
delivered by the software library, further extensions
with wrappers and analysis tools do not seem to be
problematic, so far. From this point of view it can be
inferred that the technical potentials of the framework
mostly depend on the expandability and the scalabil-
ity of the software library. With this, we emphasize a
simple but reliable design that can be extracted from
figure 2 and the following considerations:
In a service-oriented architecture as originally de-
scribed in (Schulte and Natis, 1996a; Schulte and
Natis, 1996b), we assume in a more technical form
a loose coupling dependency between consumer and
service through a formally specified service interface
(contract). In this context, a client or consumer is an
instance that is relying on a functionality (service) of
the software library, i.e. a wrapper, an analysis tool or
the GUI. This combination allows flexibility, pointing
to service updates or substitutions because the client
does not have sufficient information on the service at
compile time but on the contract. In a loose coupling
environment this issue makes it necessary to either
inject the implementation of the interface to the con-
sumer in a specified way or to introduce a fourth com-
ponent, i.e. a service locator (Fowler, 2004). Here
we make use of a service locator that works as a sin-
gleton registry in the library of each framework in-
stance. It has appropriate details of the intended ser-
vice and requests a service implementation via the
factory package that holds reflection-oriented service
factories (Gamma et al., 1995). Once a service is reg-
istered at the service locator and returned as a refer-
ence, the client has direct access to the service and
can operate on it via its concluded contract (Hack and
Lindemann, 2007).
To this point, we have equipped the framework
with two service implementations that can handle re-
quests to the native XML dababase systems eXist
and Tamino
. Another component that is currently in
progress is the interaction with the object-relational
database system PostgreSQL
. This includes a trans-
formation of the existing CAM schema to a rela-
tional model. The metadata collecting wrappers we
posses so far are for the Thunderbird email-client, the
Skype chat-messenger, the Firefox browser and MS
Outlook. In order to record accesses to the file sys-
tem, we have adapted the User Activity Logger de-
veloped at L3S of the Leibniz Universit
at Hannover
(L3S, 2007). Usage metadata collectors for MS Pow-
erpoint and MS Word are provided by the ALOCOM
Framework for Self-monitoring and Self-reflection
Service Factory
Independent System Analysis Tool
local configuration files
Figure 2: Architecture of the CAM framework in UML notation.
Framework (Verbert et al., 2005; Ariadne, 2006). Al-
though the set of collectors still needs to be extended,
we are provided with some metadata collectors that
we can make use of and experiment with.
Several aspects of how to exploit the collected meta-
data are looked into by us at the moment. For one, we
are developing a tool called CAMera (Scheffel et al.,
2009; Schmitz et al., 2009) - “CAM” because its de-
sign is based on the Contextualized Attention Meta-
data schema and “camera” because, like a camera, it
is basically a recording tool - that builds on the CAM
framework for collecting and storing the accumulated
metadata and also offers analysis applications to the
learner. As the collected CAM are stored locally, the
learner herself has full control over the tool and data.
Several components can be accessed via CAMera’s
GUI. One component simply displays the colleced at-
tention metadata records for a chosen time span. The
displayed items can be ordered according to differ-
ent features, i.e. tool, action, object or date. This
enables the learner to analyse her computer-related
behaviour. Another component analyses a learner’s
email-exchange to generate and depict a social net-
work. Every person occurring as sender or recipient
of a message is represented by a node within the net-
work. Nodes are connected if the corresponding per-
sons have been involved in the same message. The
more messages two persons are jointly involved in,
the stronger the connection between their respective
nodes is. This helps the learner to become aware of
her interactions with others. With the CAMera tool’s
chat component we are interested in exploring which
hypotheses can be deduced from recorded metadata
about the emotional and cognitive states of conversa-
tion partners, their relationship to each other and the
communication situation including current psycho-
logical theories of communication. The tool’s brows-
ing component can help the learner to retrace her steps
while interacting with the Firefox internet browser
or her computer’s file system. The component in-
cludes a Zeitgeist application for statistically evaluat-
ing browsing activities and detecting individual trends
in usage. Based on this, certain actions or objects can
be recommended to the learner. Self-monitoring her
behaviour with the CAMera tool gives the learner the
opportunity to reflect on her actions and adjust them
accordingly. She can, for example, reconstruct how
she progressed and what data she (maybe unknow-
ingly) sent to others.
Another aspect we are looking into is basing
object recommendation on usage context (Friedrich
et al., 2009). We claim the hypothesis that usage sim-
ilarity gives rise to content similarity and can thus be
used for recommendations. We therefore defined the
notion of a usage context profile (UCP) for data ob-
jects. The UCP of an object o can be derived from
a set of usage histories; it contains the objects that
were used before and after o was accessed. We then
introduced a similarity measure for UCPs. The ap-
proach we take is an item-based collaborative filter-
ing one where for two objects to be deemed similar,
their usage contexts have to be similar. We can there-
fore recommend object o
to a user who previously
used o
based on the fact that o
and o
have similar
usage contexts which not necessarily entails that they
have both been used by the same users. First results
support our hypothesis that usage context similarity is
an indication of content similarity. From 100 object
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
pairs whose UCPs had a similarity of 55% and above,
92% showed content similarities during our manual
comparison. This content similarity was only weakly
indicated when comparing the objects metadata (e.g.
title, description and tags) automatically. Focusing on
objects’ usage contexts therefore seems a promising
base for recommendations and will be further investi-
gated by us.
We are also currently working on utilizing the
rough set theory to classify user activities. The rough
set theory (Pawlak, 1982; Pawlak, 1991), as an ex-
tension of the classical set theory, is a mathematical
framework to analyse data under uncertainty. It pro-
vides some methods for data reduction and the ap-
proximation of concepts, e.g. the indiscernibility re-
lation, the reduct generation and the lower and upper
approximation respectively. These tools could be suit-
able to support self-monitoring and self-reflection as
suggested in the following way: the indiscernibility
relation is a parameterising equivalence relation with
respect to the used attribute set. Thus, it can be ap-
plied to extract and represent behaviour patterns of a
group of learners or an individual one. Furthermore,
it can be used as an initial partition to develop an
agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm with
a reasonable distance measure or metric respectively
for CAM. Some expedient measures have been re-
viewed in (Grimmer and Mucha, 1998; Maimon and
Rokach, 2005), but we are not limited to the listed
ones. So, on the one hand our framework can be
enriched with an unsupervised learning process for
CAM observations. On the other hand the learned
classification of user activities can be evaluated with
the given concept approximation of the rough set the-
ory which could push the qualitiy of CAM analysis
for our research. Our first results on the rough set the-
ory in combination with object-relational databases
have been documented in (Beer, 2009). They show
that the automatically classified activities indeed cor-
respond to users’ manually recorded activities during
the day.
We have presented a framework that records usage
beahviour and stores a learner’s computer-based ac-
tivities as Contextualized Attention Metadata which
can then be exploited by analysis applications. First
results have shown that the collected CAM can be pre-
sented to a learner in such a way that supports self-
regulated learning. The recorded attention metadata
can also be used as a basis for recommendations or
learning activity classification. We now want to ex-
tend our findings and explore further possibilities of
CAM analysis. Weighing of context when basing rec-
ommendations on the usage context is one aspect, for
example. We also want to detect actions, e.g. whether
a learner is reading a document, and combine these
findings with pedagogical models. Evaluation of all
our current results with test beds is another very im-
portant aspect we are looking into at the moment.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education