Thierry Valdevit and Nicolas Mayer
CRP Henri Tudor, 29 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg
Keywords: Information security, Standard, Compliance, SME.
Abstract: Current trends indicate that information security is critical for today’s enterprises. As managers realise they
cannot ignore the potential security risks, they tend to turn to the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, in order to
implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS). While being adopted by large companies,
ISMS are still considered as out of range by numerous smaller entities. To help SMEs to access to ISO/IEC
27001 certification is still a challenge. In this context, the initial step of an ISMS implementation project is
significant: a gap analysis highlighting the current status of the enterprise with regards to the standard, and
thus the resources needed to succeed in this project. This paper presents the method and research works
performed in order to design, experiment and improve a SME-oriented gap analysis tool for ISO/IEC 27001.
It is now a well-known fact that information security
is critical for enterprises and that a major impact can
bring their activities to an end. In the past two years,
52% of businesses have experienced an unforeseen
interruption, and the vast majority (81%) has caused
the business to be closed for one or more days
(Agility Recovery Solutions et al., 2009). To tackle
with this issue, the International Standardization
Organization (ISO) published in 2005 the ISO/IEC
27001 standard, describing how to establish an
Information Security Management System (ISMS).
ISMS are now the common answer to manage the
security of an information system in an organisation.
In order to implement this standard, most
organisations start by evaluating the gap between
their current status and the standard’s requirements.
This step is essential to estimate the resources
required and to give an overview of what could be
reused within the current system. Commonly
referred to as gap analysis, this task is often
complex. Indeed, the standard is composed of about
150 normative requirements for the ISMS and 133
security controls. Obviously, in the context of an
SME, assessing each of these items is inefficient.
Thus, it is a necessity to reduce the cost and
complexity of this essential step.
The objective of this research work is to analyse
the needs and conceive a tool to deal with this
concern. Hence, the research question studied in this
paper is: how to quickly assess the compliance of an
information system with the ISO/IEC 27001
standard? Moreover, as our context is currently
focused on SMEs, it is crucial to take into account
their specificities such as limited maturity, resources
and time. Our outcome is to define an efficient gap
analysis tool providing a good overview of an
organisation’s status regarding the standard and its
In this paper we first present in Section 2 the
ISO/IEC 27001 standard and its implementation
process. Then, Section 3 describes the motivations
for a tool related to gap analysis. The research
method used to build this tool is outlined in Section
4. Next, the three steps of our research method are
detailed respectively in Sections 5, 6 and 7. Finally,
conclusions are given in Section 8.
The outcome of ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO, 2005) is the
effective establishment and management of an
ISMS. The purpose is a continual improvement of
information security. Relying upon quality
management principles, the standard is built around
a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. It is necessary
to note that the standard does not require nor induce
an absolute level of security to reach. The objective
Valdevit T. and Mayer N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002865504130416
is to ensure a constant alignment to the organisation
security needs and to improve security over time.
The standard contains a set of normative
requirements one must comply with to obtain the
certification. The whole ISMS must be supported by
specific requirements regarding documentation,
management responsibility, internal audits,
management review of the ISMS and system
improvement. Moreover, the standard requires the
selection of security measures among those listed in
the informative Appendix A. It consists of a list of
133 security controls covering the complete scope of
information security by providing IT technical
measures (e.g., system acceptance, protection
against malicious code), management measures
(e.g., security policy, business continuity planning),
measures on physical security (e.g., secure areas,
equipment security) and human resources security
(e.g., security awareness, termination or change of
Next sections of this paper are dedicated to the
development of a gap analysis assessment tool
covering both the normative requirements and this
Our initial experiment of ISO/IEC 27001
implementation was conducted from 2006 to 2008.
The objective was to identify SME’s strengths and
weaknesses with regards to the standard. The project
consisted in helping a national SME to establish an
ISMS and succeeded in 2008 when it became the
first private company ISO/IEC 27001 certified in
Luxembourg (Valdevit et al., 2009).
Through this initial experiment, we observed the
importance and potential impacts in terms of
efficiency to carry out a proper gap analysis.
Although this is not a normative requirement, this
step is strongly recommended in order to adequately
plan the ISMS implementation. Such analysis shall
include an identification of the different procedures
or practices already existing within the organisation
and related to ISO/IEC 27001 requirements. Also, it
shall identify what is currently missing to be
compliant with the standard. These elements are key
information to evaluate what are the necessary
financial and human resources to achieve the ISMS
After having performed a gap analysis during
our initial experiment, some conclusions were
drawn. Firstly, going through each of the standard
requirements is not necessary: some of them are
redundant in the standard and should be merged. For
example, the requirements 4.2.1.a “Define the scope
and boundaries of the ISMS…” and 4.3.1.b “The
ISMS documentation shall include: [...] b) the scope
of the ISMS (see 4.2.1a)” are both dealing with the
same item.
Secondly, the various questions involve different
roles and responsibilities among the SME, and
therefore, different persons. These repeated changes
of interlocutor and subject are inefficient. For
example, the management involvement and
commitment should be checked in a simple and
unique flow, instead of assessing separately the
different requirements related to this topic and
spread across the standard (e.g., 4.2.1.b5, 4.2.1.h,
4.2.1.i, 5.1, A.6.1.1, etc.).
Finally, several requirements are too complex for
people not aware of security and ISMS. For
example, our initial experiment shows that the
questions related to the different steps of risk
management are not easy to understand for a non-
specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to provide
additional information clarifying the questions
Ultimately, the gap analysis should be improved
at three levels: remove redundancies, structure the
assessment around thematic sections to increase
fluency and reduce complexity.
In order to reach our objectives in a structured way,
we propose a research method inspired by action
research approaches (Susman et al., 1978) where
theoretical work and practical experiments are
cycling (Avison et al., 1999) to iteratively enhance
the results. In our context, the research method
consists of three major steps:
Step 1 – Modelling of the ISO/IEC 27001
requirements: The structure of the standard does not
fit the gap analysis needs. Thus, we propose to
organise the standard through classes where each
requirement has then to be classified. This step
should simplify the structure of the standard by
removing redundancies. It will also help to focus on
the relevant actors for each part of the analysis.
Completeness is a priority in this step. Each
requirement of the standard has to be considered and
linked to a class. Therefore, an iterative cross-
checking of the standard with regards to the model is
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
necessary. The objective is to reach a relevant and
homogeneous model, having a limited number of
classes (between 10 and 15), each of them covering
a limited number of requirements.
Step 2 – Design of the assessment tool: Once the
structure is set, a questionnaire shall be accordingly.
Pragmatically speaking, for a light tool dedicated to
SMEs, it is not reasonable to have a question for
each requirement. It is thus necessary to define a
hierarchical questionnaire, composed of general
questions, providing an overview of the topic
assessed in each class. These general questions are
completed with more precise ones, assessing each
requirement of the standard, but used only if
necessary. By rewriting and aggregating the
questions, this step should produce a comprehensive
and light questionnaire, later supported by a
software tool.
Step 3Experimentations: Once a stable version of
the tool is defined, the results shall be validated
through experiments. Two experiments are planned.
They shall bring feedbacks regarding the tool, and
demonstrate its efficiency compared to the
traditional approach performed during our initial
Once these three steps are performed
sequentially, this process shall be performed again in
an iterative and incremental manner in order to take
advantage of the feedbacks gathered during
As stated previously, the first step of our research
method aimed at the simplification of the structure
of the standard. We first defined a set of coarse-
grained categories related with the key topics of the
standard (e.g., documentation management,
resources management, etc.) that were elicited
during our first experiment. Following a previous
work (Valdevit et al., 2009), we distributed all
requirements over this set of pragmatic categories
representing major activities of the ISMS. We
proceeded through iterative analysis, refining our
classification. For each requirement not fitting in
any of our classes, we created a new one, or
extended the scope of an existing one. After the last
iteration, each requirement of the standard’s core
was linked to a suited category. The same process
has been performed with the standard’s appendix,
mapping its 133 security measures in different
The final task consisted in merging these 2 sets
of requirements to delete redundancies between the
core of the standard and its appendix. Indeed, some
security controls of the appendix, like incident
management or security awareness, are also
mentioned as requirements within the core of the
standard. As a result, 4 classes were merged,
addressing security management, human resources
management, monitoring and review.
In the end, the final set of classes (after the
experimentation step depicted in Section 7) was
reduced to 10 topics.
In order to satisfy the second step of our research
method, most of our work consisted in the design of
a pragmatic, clear and hierarchically organised
questionnaire. The objective here was to assess the
coverage level of an organisation for each topic with
as few questions as possible.
As a result, there are only a couple of general
questions for each class. Those open and global
questions let the interlocutor answer freely.
However, to ensure a complete coverage of each
requirement, we implemented complementary sub-
questions. Those closed questions shall be used only
to assess a precise requirement, not covered by the
answers to the open questions. They are thus rarely
asked, but they serve as a support when additional
information is required.
For each question, a 5-level rating is proposed,
inspired by a standard on process assessment:
ISO/IEC 15504 (ISO, 2003). These rating levels
provide a progressive scale to assess the current
practices within the organisation: N/A (requirement
is intentionally ignored), not covered (no practice is
done), partially covered (partially satisfied or in
progress), largely covered (done but not sufficiently
documented) or fully covered (satisfied and
sufficiently documented).
In the end, the tool proposes about forty
questions for assessing the coverage level of the 10
classes defined in Section 5. For a better
comprehension and to ease the conclusions, the tool
summarises the results of an assessment within two
charts: a radar summarising the coverage of the
organisation’s practices with regards to the
requirements of the standard and a bar graph
showing the respective requirements coverage of the
Plan, Do and Check phases.
The third step of the research method consisted in
the experimentation of the tool in order to gather
feedbacks and improvement opportunities. This took
place as part of a larger experimentation field
(Valdevit et al., 2009). The tool was experimented in
two different entities: the Luxembourg Airport
Authority (LAA), a 150 people national
administration, and IfOnline, a 4 people enterprise
managing and maintaining a shared information
system for several companies.
During those gap analyses, a specific attention
was paid to class homogeneity, question
understanding, time needed to perform the analysis
and differences of results in assessments performed
by several people at the same time. They made up
our criteria for assessing the efficiency of the tool.
First experimentation at LAA was simple as this
organisation has a certified quality management
system. In the end, we identified 3 sections with
abnormal duration compared to the others. Therefore
we made changes in the structure of the model,
merging two sections and moving a couple of
The second experimentation took place at
IfOnline. Its context was different as they have deep
knowledge regarding security measures, but they
were not experts on management systems. Due to
the smaller size of the entity and the enhancements
made to the tool after the first experiment, the
analysis was 20% shorter. The different sections
were homogeneous in terms of duration. Moreover,
three analysts used the tool in parallel, and although
the 5 qualitative rating levels of the questionnaire
allow room for subjectivity, all three radar graphs
(and thus the results) were close. After this
experiment, a few additional minor improvements
were made to simplify a couple of questions.
Following the growing interest about this standard,
many SMEs aim at being ISO/IEC 27001 certified
but lack the tools to start efficiently. The purpose of
this paper is the development of a tool for quickly
assessing the compliance of the information system
of an SME with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. To
develop this tool, a research method composed of
three steps has been defined. The first one is the
modelling of the standard’s requirements to develop
a complete and simplified structure of thematic
classes. The second step is the design of the
assessment tool, based on a questionnaire. For each
class of our model, a set of questions assesses the
coverage level of an SME on a 5-level scale. Finally,
the last step of the research method is the
experimentation of the tool in two different SMEs.
As a conclusion, we can claim that our tool
improves the efficiency of the gap analysis task. The
results of the experiments show that the time needed
to perform the gap analysis is reduced and that the
questions are homogenously assessed by the
analysts, based on the answers of the auditees.
Regarding future work, in order to improve
validation, we first need to experiment our tool with
external analysts, not involved in the development of
this project. Furthermore, we would like to support
the next tasks of the standard implementation,
mainly by providing a modelling framework for risk
management (Mayer, 2009).
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Susman, G., Evered, R., 1978. An Assessment of the
Scientific Merits of Action Research. Administrative
Science Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 4.
Valdevit, T., Mayer, N., Barafort, B., 2009. Tailoring
ISO/IEC 27001 for SMEs: A guide to implement an
Information Security Management System in small
settings. In Proceedings of the 16th European Systems
& Software Process Improvement and Innovation
Conference, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems