Rafał Pokrywka
Institute of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krak
ow, Poland
Softq s.c. Szuwarowa 8/40, 30-384 Krak
ow, Poland
Pattern extraction, Artificial immune system, Multiagent system.
Information systems today are dynamic, heterogeneous environments and places where a lot of critical data
is stored and processed. Such an envrionment is usually build over many virtualization layers on top of
backbone which is hardware and network. The key problem within this environment is to find, in realtime,
valuable information among large sets of data. In this article a framework for a pattern extraction system
based on artificial immune system is presented and discussed. As an example a system for anomalous pattern
extraction for intrusion detection in a computer network is presented.
In heterogeneous environments like information sys-
tems, with multiple virtualization layers and service
providers build on top of hardware and network, the
quantity of information is huge. Obviously informa-
tion is constantly processed through various work-
flows and procedures which creates, at the end, value
for the end user. But in particular situation only rel-
evant fragments of information carry the core data
which is interesting within particular context and use
case. Those fragments are buried in overflow of ir-
relevant details. Additionally useful information can
also be that who, what and when sends, receives and
process data. Some parts of general information about
activities stays on sender, receiver and within trans-
porting infrastructure but what is often missed dur-
ing data processing and analysis is the correlation be-
tween them.
In this article a framework for pattern extraction
system is proposed. The framework architecture is
based on multiagent system concept. There are also
analogies to the natural immune system used - intro-
duction to immune system is provided below. The
system consists of a common layer that abstracts
infrastructure specific information and creates dis-
tributed environment for a second layer of agents
which are able to make decisions and are also able
to migrate through the whole network carrying neces-
sary piece of extracted information. Information re-
trieval is not always correct in a sense that systems
like this sometimes miss to correctly extract and clas-
sify data. Such errors can be potentially dangerous
especially in intrusions detection and are called false
alarms or type I errors. This problem is handled by
the architecture through applying a method for reduc-
ing false alarms rate, called Layered Filtering which is
described in (Pokrywka, 2008). The method helps to
decrease a base-rate fallacy influence on a false alarm
rate. The fallacy is connected with base rates of nor-
mal and abnormal events and is directly implicated by
Bayes theorem. It has been pointed out by Axelsson
in (Axelsson, 2000).
The human immune system is designed to protect an
organism against pathogens. The most important el-
ements of the system are lymphocytes which in great
number circulate through the body and detect foreign
cells. Basically there are two types of lymphocytes:
T and B. They both cooperate in detection and elimi-
nation of pathogens. They also cooperate in creation
of immune memory which we would like to model.
Immune memory is created during the primary
immune response. This response is usually slow and
has low intensity. The secondary immune response
is initiated by memory cells and is very fast, inten-
sive and often runs without any clinical symptoms
Pokrywka R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 179-183
DOI: 10.5220/0002866001790183
of infection. Additionally the fact that it is triggered
by infection with new, but similar to previously seen,
pathogens means that immune memory is associative.
The primary response consists of several steps.
First the lymphocyte of type B detects newly encoun-
tered pathogen, which is presented by antigen pro-
cessing cell (APC). APCs are the first cells which
processes pathogens in a certain way - they look
for small chunks of amino acid chains and bind
them to molecule complex (MHC) which is then pre-
sented to lymphocytes. Next B-lymphocytes receive
confirmation of positive detection from lymphocytes
T, which are activated only in the presence of cy-
tokines molecules. Cytokines are signals of the sit-
uation in the body and are released for example when
body tissue is damaged. This confirmation from T-
lymphocytes is called co-stimulation. After activation
B-lymphocyte starts to mutate with a very high rate
until it becomes specific to this one particular kind of
pathogens. After the completion of this step the spe-
cific B-cell proliferate and differentiate into plasma
cells and memory cells. The former secrete antibod-
ies which participate in elimination of the pathogen,
the later memorise the pathogen. Memory cells do
not need any co-stimulation to become activated and
to mount the secondary response, during which they
rapidly proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells.
This results in a fast increase of number of antibod-
ies and a very fast elimination of the threat. A de-
tailed description of the entire immune system can
be found in (Hofmeyr, 2000), (Wierzcho
n, 2001) and
(Kim, 2002).
The system is explained a little more by example of
an Intrusion Detection System extracting patterns of
anomalies. Let’s consider a sample network. On each
host there are installed several agents called Detector
Agents or simply Detectors. These agents forms first
layer of system events processing and follows analogy
to APC cells of immune system. Processed events are
then send further to the Mobile Agents layer or bet-
ter: lymphocytes. These agents are not limited to in-
formation from detectors from one host but can use
information from agents placed around the entire en-
vironment and on each virtualization layer - hence
distributed. The idea is that these agents can view
all data and capture correlated events from the whole
network. Figure 1. presents schema of the system.
Figure 1: Layered filtering schema.
3.1 APC Detector Agents
For the example Intrusion Detection System (IDS) de-
tectors Ad
, ..., Ad
are agents installed on particular
hosts and responsible for detecting anomalies within
one aspect of the system activities. These can include:
process’s system calls (grounds for this choice can
be found in (Warrender et al., 1999))
process’s opened file handlers
process’s opened ports
list of processes
These agents signal symptoms of anomalies and
outputs additional event information like its source,
outcomes, etc. The Detection Rate is important in
case of these agents and it should be as high as possi-
ble. However the requirements for False Alarm Rate
can be relaxed significantly - following results from
(Pokrywka, 2008). The agent population is constant
on each host and does not change with time. Each de-
tector can be of one particular type - which is impor-
tant as types of detector are used by the second layer.
These agents decrease the event quantity for process-
ing by upper layer and changes significantly the base
rates of events (see (Pokrywka, 2008) for details).
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.1.1 Example Detector in Anomaly Extraction
The example detector (APC cell) is responsible for
monitoring system calls made by process. Analysis
of conditional entropy of the sequences suggests that
it is reasonable to choose one of the statistical model
which incorporates conditional probability to build a
profile of system calls sequences. Markov chain with
variable order is the choice here. This model provides
a probability of the next system call having seen pre-
vious n. In this case n is a length of history and de-
pends on the actual context hence variable order.
The profile is created during the training phase from
the sequences of system calls representing normal be-
haviour according to the algorithm presented in (Ron
et al., 1996). An overview of Markov models can
be found in (Bengio, 1999). The detector provides
a probability of the next system call.
3.2 Lymphocytes Mobile Agents
Mobile agents Md
, ..., Md
forms the second layer of
the system architecture. They use signals from detec-
tors as a trigger for further processing of events. Ini-
tial mobile agent population is empty. The first agent
is born after first signal from a detector. A newly
born agent captures all processed information from all
APC detectors in a given time slot T
- it can be sus-
pected that these events are correlated and a system
wide information could be captured. The captured
pattern becomes the system output. Because of the
possibility of wrong information corellation - a false
alarm - this newly created agent needs a second signal
to become fully functional. For now this signal comes
from external source - usually an administrator. After
the administrator’s decision the agent is turned into
one of the two types:
pattern specific in case when valuable pattern
has been found and in the same time it becomes
an immune memory agent.
anergic in case it was a false alarm. This
agent’s aim is to remember false alarm pattern and
prevent future appearances of this pattern in sys-
tem output.
3.2.1 Life Energy
To maintain a stable in number population of mobile
agents and also to build a population which can dy-
namically adapt to the most current information main-
tained by the environment an idea of life energy is
used. At the beginning an agent receives some fixed
amount of life energy E
. In each step the energy is
decreased by 1. A certain probability of death of the
agent is also determined, which depends on the ac-
tual level of the agent’s life energy. The probability is
given by the following function:
p(x) =
+ 1 forx < E
0 forx E
where E
is an arbitrarily chosen value. When the
agent happens to detect something its life energy in-
creases also by arbitrarily chosen value E
. This
mechanism makes it possible to delete agents which
detect obsolete patterns. It also keeps alive those
agents responsible for detection of frequently occur-
ring patterns.
3.2.2 Example of a Lymphocyte Agent
The probability output of APC detector agent is
mapped to some amount of penalty points. It is done
through a penalty function ξ : [0, 1] R. To be use-
ful this function should give a large amount of penalty
points for probability equal to 0 and small amount if
the probability is close to 1. In my research the fol-
lowing function was used:
ξ(x) =
x + b
+ c . (2)
The a parameter controls how convex the function is,
b and c parameters modifies the amount of points the
function returns for a given probability. All three pa-
rameters must be carefully chosen. In each step the
computed penalty points are added to a penalty ac-
count Ξ. To limit aggregation of history the penalty
account is also multiplied by dumping factor ζ < 1
= 0 (3)
= ζ(Ξ
+ ξ
) (4)
where ξ
is the amount of the penalty points com-
puted when going from i-th step to (i + 1)-th step. If
the penalty account exceeds a certain threshold τ a
pattern is stored. Figure 2 presents example plot of
the penalty account and the threshold. From observa-
tions it can be concluded that each process has its own
characteristic plot of behaviour that is a very impor-
tant feature.
Subsequent values of the penalty account form a
signal which is unique for a particular process and is
also unique for an information pattern. It is reason-
able though to remember and analyse this signal and
through this recognise patterns. For this purpose a
very simple neural network is used. Since the agent
is (in this version) responsible only for detection of
one particular pattern, and with the assumption that it
is in linearly separable set, its neural network consists
Figure 2: Example plot of the penalty account and the
of one ADALINE neuron. The pattern is represented
by a vector of m last values of the process signal. The
neuron also has m inputs and m input weights. For
now it is assumed that the length of the pattern is con-
The activation of the neuron is given by the fol-
lowing formula:
y =
xi (5)
where w
is the i-th weight and x
is the i-th input
value. Inputs are often written simply as vector X and
weights as vector W . From properties of ADALINE
the more input vector X is similar to the weight vector
W the greater the activation.
The neuron is learned through delta-rule which is
an iterative process of adjusting the vector of weights
according to the formula below:
= W + ηδX (6)
δ = t y (7)
where η is the learning ratio, t is the target value that
the neuron should give for this particular input vector
X, y is the actual neuron’s output for the input vector
X. The agent’s decision is positive when the current
output is close enough to the target value, for example
when it is s = 99% of the t. On the choice of s depends
agent’s capabilities of generalisation. The s parame-
ter defines also patterns similarity. In other words the
agent groups similar patterns of similar anomalies (for
simplification it is assumed that patterns are linearly
Tests of the example agent implementations have
been performed on sample traces of system calls.
At first a learning phase have been conducted on a
fraction of samples. After that tests have been per-
formed on rest of data. The population of pattern spe-
cific agents, which represent extracted patterns, have
grown rapidly at the beginning and then stabilized
which is normal as there is limited number of anoma-
lies to extract. The information from multiple hosts
have not been used in this tests so the memory agent
population have been isolated for a given host.
In this article a framework for Multiagent Pattern Ex-
traction system has been proposed. It emerged from
previous works on Anomaly IDS system presented in
(Cetnarowicz et al., 2006). The first important as-
pect are the properties of the first layer formed by
APC detector agents which decrease events quantity
and base-rates for further processing. One of the as-
sumptions and requirements for APC detectors was
that they have little memory and computing power
requirements what increases processing speed. Re-
duced events quantity makes it possible to use more
sophisticated detectors, with greater resource require-
ments, in subsequent layers. The second aspect is the
ability to gather information from distributed environ-
ment and - with detector layers - to mimic the vir-
tualization layers of the system under monitoring if
necesary. In case of several different service providers
used in monitored system adequate detector types can
be used. At the end multiagent system is naturally
parallel and distributed which opens wide range of
possible applications.
In the presented example only two layers were
used but there is no limit to that number. The results
from (Pokrywka, 2008) suggest that the number of
layers depends heavily on area of application as well
as characteristics of detectors used.
Considering the possible implementation methods
of APC detectors there could be capabilities of mod-
ern, heavilly parallelized GPUs utilized. This should
greately increase overall performance.
For further improvements great source of inspi-
ration comes from natural immune systems and it
is planned to include artificial immune system algo-
rithms into the framework like hypermutation and cy-
tokines carring context information. The context of
the event is important for its semantics and possible
detector outcome.
There is still a lot of work especially in aspect of
agents types and number of layers as well as corel-
lation of information coming from different sources.
Definatelly a comparative evaluation in one of the ap-
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
plication domains is needed as well as more exam-
ples of possible application domains but for now the
results seems to be promising.
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