Paul Richard
, Lisa Massenot
, Jeremy Besnard
, Emmanuelle Richard
Didier Le Gall
2, 3
and Philippe Allain
2, 3
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Automatisés (LISA - UPRES EA4094), Université d’Angers, France
Laboratoire de Psychologie (UPRES EA 2646), Université d’Angers, France
Unité de Neuropsychologie, Département de Neurologie, CHU Angers, France
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Virtual Kitchen, Neuropsychological Assessment, Alzheimer’s Disease.
Abstract: This paper presents the EVACOG project that aims to investigate the usefulness of Virtual Environments
(VEs) in cognitive assessment. Our objective is to evaluate the cognitive and/or behavioral abilities of
patients with brain lesions in scenarios implying the planning and the execution of everyday tasks such as
driving a car or preparing a cup of coffee. In this paper we describe a simple and effective VE (a kitchen)
designed to assess patient’s ability to prepare a cup of coffee. We focus on the assessment results obtained
with eight patients with Alzheimer’s disease which were compared to healthy elderly subjects. Participants
were instructed to prepare a cup of coffee in the virtual kitchen. Results revealed significant impairments in
patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Results of this study support the use the virtual kitchen to assess
everyday life activities among persons with Alzheimer’s disease.
Lesions of the brain with cognitive and/or behavioral
neuropsychological deficits are one major problem
for patients, their family and the whole society. The
EVACOG project has the ambition to think of the
improvement of the strategies of cognitive diagnosis
and the comprehension of the deficits, among
patients carrying memory disorders and
neuropsychological deficiencies thanks to the use of
Virtual Reality (VR) technologies (Richard et al.,
2006). VR gathers techniques and technologies for
ultimate objective to immerse a human subject in a
Virtual Environment (VE) with which he/she will be
able to communicate via interaction techniques
based on its natural faculties of action, perception
and expression (Fuch et al., 2001; Burdea and
Coiffet, 2003). VEs can play an important role in
reducing the cognitive demands on health care
practitioners by helping them to manage, filter and
analyze multiple sources of information (Riva,
1998). Indeed, with VEs, all the experimental data is
fully controlled, which considerably limits error
making. Moreover, metrics can also be improved
and it becomes possible to analyze parameters
difficult to apprehend in "Paper-pencil" tasks. These
parameters such as latencies, hesitations, strategies,
etc. can be more easily recorded and even
"replayed". This lead to think that it is possible to
discriminate more subtle disorders by using VR
techniques compared to regular techniques. VR
offers many advantages which rest on the
immersive, dynamic, interactive and highly
expressive character of VEs (Riva, Mantovani and
Gaggioli, 2004). VR also authorizes the construction
of very concrete scenarios that allows to "virtually"
confront the brain injured patients with everyday life
situations like crossing a street, driving a car,
preparing a meal, using public transports, shopping,
etc. (Rizzo, 1994). Another advantage of VR lies in
the possibility of adjusting the difficulty level of the
sensorimotor or cognitive tasks simulated, according
to the severity and of the evolution (positive or
negative) of the difficulties of the brain injured
patients. The therapist can also confront the patients
to situations/environments adapted to their sensory
handicaps (hemianopsy), motor (hemiplegia) or
cognitive (syndrome of negligence).
The objective of our work is to evaluate the
cognitive and/or behavioral abilities of patients with
brain lesions in scenarios implying the planning and
the execution of everyday tasks such as driving a car
or preparing a cup of coffee. Experimental VEs
Richard P., Massenot L., Besnard J., Richard E., Le Gall D. and Allain P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 378-383
DOI: 10.5220/0002867603780383
designed within the framework of the EVACOG
project have been integrated in both a human-scale
immersive VR platform and a desk-top VR set-up.
These VEs are the following: a virtual “Tower of
London”, a virtual city, a virtual supermarket, and
some virtual kitchens. In this paper we present the
last virtual kitchen that allows the user to make a
cup of coffee and focus on the assessment results
obtained in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: In section 2, we look at the related work.
Then, in section 3, the VIREPSE platform is
described together with some experimental VEs.
Section 4 is dedicated to the description of the
virtual kitchen and the interaction techniques. In
section 5, the experimental study is presented along
with the results analysis. The paper ends by a
conclusion and gives some tracks for future work.
VR techniques have been used in cognitive
neuropsychology for more than ten years. A
relatively exhaustive state of the art was carried out
by Rizzo et al. and Pugnetti et al. worked out a test
of VR taking again the problems of the evaluation of
the executive processes of generation of concept and
mental flexibility (Rizzo et al., 2004; Pugnetti et al.,
2004). Indeed, the Virtual Wisconsin test simulated
a building environment in which the subjects had to
make use of environmental cues to choose the doors
to be opened in order to evolve/move through the
structure. The choice of the doors to be opened
varied according to several criteria. As in the
"Paper-pencil" version, the criterion selection
making it possible to cross the doors was modified
after a predetermined number of successes. The user
was forced to adopt another strategy to go further
while seeking the relevant cues in the environment.
The virtual Wisconsin test was more often
overdrawn than the "Paper-pencil" version.
In a study by Brooks et al., a patient with
amnesia was trained in route finding around a
hospital rehabilitation unit using a detailed
computer-generated VE based on the real unit. Prior
to the training, she was unable to perform 10 simple
routes around the real unit, all involving locations
which she visited regularly. She was tested at
weekly intervals on these same 10 routes around the
real unit during the course of the study. Her first
course of training involved practising two of the 10
routes in the VE for 15 minutes each weekday. After
three weeks' training, she successfully performed
these two routes in the real unit and she retained her
knowledge of these routes for the remainder of the
study, despite not receiving any further training on
these routes. For her second course of training, two
more of the original 10 routes were chosen, one of
which she practised in the VE and one in the real
unit. Within two weeks, she had learned the route
practised in the VE, but not the route practised in the
real unit, and she also retained her knowledge of this
route (Brooks et al., 1999). More recently,
applications more particularly dedicated to the study
and the treatment of social phobia or behavioral
impairments were also successfully developed (Riva
et al., 2003; Klinger et al., 2006).
Our objective is to evaluate the cognitive and/or
behavioral abilities of patients with acquired brain
injuries in scenarios involving action planning
and/or problem solving and the execution of
everyday tasks. The virtual kitchen described in this
section allows the patients to prepare a cup of coffee
using a virtual coffee machine. Different interaction
techniques and kitchen configuration have been
implemented. All actions of the patient in the virtual
kitchen are recorded in real-time and are proposed to
the therapist in excel files for further analysis. These
actions include both the objects involved in the task
and the distractor objects that could not be moved
but can be selected.
3.1 Experimental Configurations
Four different configurations of the kitchen are
proposed: (1) a basic configuration (Fig. 1), (2) a
basic configuration with distractor objects (Fig. 2),
(3) a complex configuration (Fig. 3), and a complex
configuration with distractor objects (Fig. 4). In the
basic configuration, objects of interest are arranged
on the table from left to right in the order of use in
the task. In the basic configuration with distractors,
objects are also arranged in the order, but distractor
objects that are visually and/or semantically similar
to target objects (e.g., water pot, a box of chocolate,
etc.) are also placed on the table.
In the complex configuration, objects are put
away from each other (for example, the milk is
placed away from the cup). In the complex
configuration with distractor objects, interacting
objects are put away from each other and distractor
objects are displayed.
Figure 1: Snapshot of the basic virtual kitchen
configuration: the virtual objects are arranged in the order
that they should be used.
Figure 2: Snapshot of the basic kitchen configuration with
distractor objects (chocolate boxe, fork, and bottle of
Figure 3: Snapshot of the complex configuration of the
kitchen: interacting virtual objects are put away from each
Figure 4: Snapshot of the complex configuration of the
kitchen with additional distractor objects.
3.2 Interaction Techniques
In order to accomplish the task (to prepare a cup of
coffee), the users have to select and move some
virtual objects. To this aim two interaction
techniques have been developed. The first one is
based on the computer mouse, while the second uses
a data glove (http://www.5DT.com) along with a
3D tracking device (http://www.polhemus-
corp.com). In the first interaction technique, the user
move the computer mouse in the horizontal plane
(real table) while in the second one, the user moves
his/her hand in the vertical plane. In both cases, the
user controls only the vertical and horizontal
position of the manipulated objects. The objects are
automatically rotated or moved in depth in order to
help the patient, to avoid sensory-motor coordination
difficulties, and to get rid of the depth perception
problem. Selection is done by putting the 2D cursor
on an object and by clicking of the left button (first
technique) or by closing the hand (second
Everyday activities are familiar tasks that require
multiple cognitive processes, such as serial ordering
of tasks steps, object selection, and so on, to achieve
practical goals such as preparing a cup of coffee.
However, among individuals with brain damage or
disease, errors are frequent and may preclude
achievement of the task’s goal (Buxbaum, Schwartz
and Montgomery, 1998; Humphreys and Forde,
1998; Schwartz et al., 1998, 1999). Everyday action
errors are also a serious concern in dementia
(Giovannetti, Libon, Buxbaum and Schwartz, 2002).
In fact, everyday action impairment is one of the
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
diagnostic criteria of Alzheimer’s disease and is
associated with numerous serious consequences.
The aim of this study was to examine the value of
the previously described virtual kitchen to detect
disturbances in activities of daily life in
Alzheilmer’s disease through the task of preparing a
cup of coffee with a coffee machine.
Figure 5: Subject performing the task in the more complex
4.1 Task
Due to the reduced number of participants and to the
fact that patients with Alzheimer’s disease were
early in the course of the disease, we decided to use
the more complex condition (Fig. 4). Participants
were instructed to perform the following steps using
the virtual kitchen:
- Open the coffee machine drawer (1)
- Put the filter inside the machine (2)
- Put the coffee powder on the filter (3)
- Close the coffee machine drawer (4)
- Open the machine water recipient (5)
- Put some water in the coffee machine (6)
- Put the coffee recipient on the machine (7)
- Turn on the coffee machine (8)
- Wait until the coffee is done (9)
- Put the coffee in the cup (10)
- Put back the coffee recipient (11)
- Put a piece of sugar in the coffee cup (12)
- Put some milk in the coffee’s cup (13)
Sounds events were integrated in order to foster
the sense of presence in the VE when participants
were performing the task. A subject performing the
task is shown in Fig. 5.
4.2 Method
Sixteen subjects participated in the experiment.
Eight patients (5 females and
3 males) diagnosed
with probable or possible Alzheimer’s disease
(McKhann et al., 1984). Participants met the
following inclusion criteria: (a) Mini Mental Status
Exam (MMSE, Folstein, Folstein and McHugh,
1975) comprised between 20 and 26/30, (b) no
evidence of psychiatric or medical history (focal
lesions or cerebrovascular accidents, medication
damaging cognition and memory), (c) no vision
problems. The average age of the patients was 84.8
(+/- 4.4) years. Their average education level was
8.4 (+/ 1.8) years of study since the first grade. Their
mean MMSE score was 22.7 (+/-1.5). Eight healthy
elderly subjects (5 females and 3 males) without
previous medical or psychiatric disorders and
without visual problems were used as controls. Their
mean age was 78.5 (+/- 4.6) years. They have been
educated on average 10.1 (+/- 2.9) years since the
first grade. Their average MMSE score was 28.1 (+/-
Figure 6: Snapshot of the virtual environment used to
familiarize the subjects with the computer mouse
(translation and stacking of three spheres on the blue
Before starting the task, participants were given
two training session. The first concerned the use of
the mouse. Participants
were asked to manipulate
objects with the movement
of the mouse. The
interactive training simulation is illustrated in Fig.6.
The second training session was designed to
familiarize the participants with the use of the virtual
coffee machine (Fig. 7a and 7b).
4.3 Data Collection
Task completion time was recorded for each patient
with Alzheimer’s disease and each control subject.
The number of errors made (that correspond to the
number of task steps uncompleted or competed with
sequencing problems) was also measured. These
data were automatically recorded throughout the
experiment with all user action involving the virtual
object including the distractor ones).
Figure 7: Snapshot of the virtual environment used to
familiarize the subject with the use of the virtual coffee
machine: placing the filter in the machine (a), and placing
the pot (b).
4.4 Results
The analysis of completion time revealed a
significant difference between control subjects and
patients with Alzheimer’s disease (U=0.0, z = -3.36,
p = 0.0008). Indeed, patients take longer than control
subjects to perform the task (Tab. 1). Similarly, the
statistical study of errors committed revealed a
significant difference between the two groups
(U=6.0, z = -2.73, p = 0.006). The average number
of errors was higher in patients with Alzheimer’s
disease (Tab. 1). A qualitative analysis of the type of
errors made by control subjects and patients with
Alzheimer’s disease allowed highlighting that the
most common errors committed were the following:
not put the filter inside the machine, not close the
coffee machine drawer, not put the coffee recipient
on the machine before turning the coffee machine
and not put the coffee recipient on the machine. This
pattern of performance indicates that subjects mainly
committed omission errors. After the virtual
assessment, each subject was asked to answer a
questionnaire of presence to assess their sense of
immersion in the VE and to identify any
shortcomings in the use of the platform.
All participants have found congruence between
the objects, the sounds, the colours and the actions in
the virtual environment and real situations. All
subjects told us that using the mouse and the coffee
machine was difficult and that the training session
was important. Finally, no subjects experienced
problems of cybersickness.
Table 1: Mean (standard deviation) virtual test scores for
controls and patients with Alzheimer’s disease on the
virtual task.
Completion time (Sec.)
(std 41.4)
(std 104,8)
Number of errors
(std 0.4)
(std 1.2)
In this paper, we have presented the EVACOG
project that aims to contribute to the development of
evaluation tools for the assessment of cognitive
and/or behavioral dysfunctions resulting from
lesions of the central nervous system. We focused on
the virtual kitchen developed to investigate the
abilities of patients with Alzheimer’s disease to
prepare a cup of coffee with a coffee machine. This
preliminary work confirms that such a simple VE
allows detecting disturbances in activities of daily
living in Alzheimer’s disease. In future work, we
will add these few preliminary data with greater
groups of control subjects and patients with
Alzheimer's disease. We will confront our data with
those obtained from evaluating the same activities in
real context and from autonomy scales completed by
relatives of the patients in order to ensure the good
ecological value of the virtual coffee task. We will
also develop other spots in our virtual kitchen to
expand our studies of autonomy in everyday life
activities in patients with dementia or other
neuropsychological problems. Beyond these
prospects, we will study the way in which VEs are
perceived by the patients. Indeed, as "realistic" as
can be these environments, they are only
representations of the reality. Which relations the
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
patients can build between these representations and
their daily environment? The development of the use
of VEs at ends of diagnosis or rehabilitation also
depends on the answers which one will be able to
bring to such questions (Le Gall and Allain, 2001;
Le Gall et al., 2008).
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