Robert Michael Foster
Research Institute in Information and Language Processing, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street
Wolverhampton, WV1 1LY, U.K.
Keywords: Electricity Distribution Industry, Apprentices, Knowledge Assessment, Test Routine Creation, Multiple
Choice Question, MCQ, Multiple Alternative, MAC.
Abstract: This paper proposes a guideline for writing MCQ items for our domain which promotes the use of Multiple
Alternative Choice (MAC) items. This guideline is derived from one of the guidelines from the Taxonomy
of item-writing guidelines reviewed by Haladyna et al, 2002. The new guideline is tested by delivering two
sets of MCQ test items to a representative sample of candidates from the domain. One set of items complies
with the proposed guideline and the other set of items does not. Evaluation of the relative effectiveness of
the items in the experiment is achieved using established methods of item response analysis. The
experiment shows that the new guideline is more applicable to the featured domain than the original
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) test items
(Haladyna, T.M., Downing, S.M., Rodriguez, M.C.,
2002) are used by the UK company featured in this
paper to confirm knowledge of documents from the
company’s corpus of policy documents. The MCQ
test items are delivered in the form of pre and post
tests associated with training courses and field
audits. The stored responses from these tests allow
the company to demonstrate that staff have been
trained in accordance with requirements stated in
UK Legislation (UK Legislation Health and Safety
at work, etc Act 1974).
The Revised Taxonomy of Multiple-Choice
(MC) Item-Writing Guidelines (Haladyna et al,
2002) is published within a document entitled:
‘A Review of Multiple-Choice Item-Writing
Guidelines for Classroom Assessment creation.’
The emphasis in this title upon ‘Classroom
Assessment’ highlights one of several differences
between the aims of the Taxonomy and the
requirement for guidance in the creation of
assessments that can be used by UK company
featured in this study. The current study therefore
examines how one of the 31 guidelines contained
within the Taxonomy can be adapted in order to
provide more focussed guidance for those creating
test items for use in this domain.
Taxonomy Guideline 9 about which Haladyna
has highlighted disagreement in the literature, is
tested using two sets of MCQ test items that have
been built into the MCQ assessment routine
delivered to a group of new entrants to the company.
One set of items complies with the proposed
guideline and the other set of items does not. The
intention is to show through analysis of the
responses to these items that the adapted version of
the Multiple-Choice (MC) Item-Writing Guideline 9
should be applied when MCQ test items are being
created for the featured domain.
This paper presents supporting evidence for a wider
ranging study (Foster 2009) which seeks to improve
the output from software that generates MCQ test
items automatically (Mitkov and Ha 2003, 2006). I
seek to establish, with a combination of literary
review and experimental evidence, the most
appropriate format of MCQ test item for use within
the featured domain. The method for evaluating the
decisions produced by this review must demonstrate
Michael Foster R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 71-74
DOI: 10.5220/0002871400710074
Figure 1: An example screen print showing an example of a Multiple Alternative Choice test item containing a randomised
sequence of four of the items from the experiment (MAC02, MAC04, MAC01, MAC03).
best practice in the design and delivery of the
assessments. The results will assist the progress of
the main study by establishing the suitability of the
Multiple True False (MTF) / Multiple Alternative
Choice (MAC) format in the featured domain.
2.1 The Revised Taxonomy of
Multiple-Choice (MC)
Item-Writing Guidelines
The Review of the updated Taxonomy (Haladyna, et
al 2002) identifies Guidelines, which attract
unanimous agreement from all available studies:
“Although the number of guideline citations
ranged considerably among textbooks, nearly all
guidelines received unanimous endorsements when
they were cited. These unanimously endorsed
guidelines are 1–8, 11–16, 19–24, and 27–30.”
This leaves several guidelines, which the review
accepts are open to debate. These Guidelines have
been satisfied as stated in the MCQ routine featured
in this paper however Guideline 9 (G9) is
insufficiently precise for it to be useful in the
featured domain. In its original form Guideline 9
“Use the question, completion, and best answer
versions of the conventional MC, the alternative
choice, true-false (TF), multiple true-false (MTF),
matching, and the context-dependent item and item
set formats, but AVOID the complex MC (Type K)
2.2 Multiple True False (MTF) /
Multiple Alternative Choice (MAC)
Item Format
The Multiple Alternative Choice (MAC) test item
format is a generalised version of the Multiple True
False (MTF) test item format in that the two
responses available are not restricted to ‘True’ /
‘False’. They could be ‘Agree’ / ‘Disagree’ or
‘Yes’/’No’ etc. An example screen print showing a
randomised sequence of four of the items from the
experiment (MAC01, MAC02, MAC03, MAC04) is
provided in Figure 1.
The experiment involves the comparison of
responses to the item shown in Figure 1 with
responses to the following four equivalent individual
Multiple Choice test items.
3.1 Hypothesis
In order to be useful, the guideline instructing item
designers in the featured domain needs to be more
specific by recommending a specific MCQ item
purposes of this study, an adapted version of
Guideline 9 (G9a) has been prepared.
“Use the multiple true-false (MTF) or multiple-
alternative-choice (MAC) item format, but AVOID
the matching, context-dependent item, item set,
question, completion, and best answer versions of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the conventional MC and single alternate choice,
true-false (TF), formats.”
Table 1: Four non-G9a-compliant MC items that cover the
same content as the G9-compliant MAC item displayed in
Figure 1.
TRS = Task record Sheet
Can you start completing TRSs before you’ve
completed the relevant training?
A) Yes
B) No
TRS = Task record Sheet
Is it acceptable to get a TRS signed a week
after the task was completed?
A) Yes
B) No
TRS = Task record Sheet
Is an apprentice permitted to get several TRSs
for the same task signed off on the same date?
A) Yes
B) No
TRS = Task record Sheet
Is an apprentice permitted to get several TRSs
for different tasks signed off on the same date?
A) Yes
B) No
3.2 Method
The hypothesis has been tested by delivering both
G9a-NON-compliant test items and G9a-compliant
test items to 28 new entrants to the featured UK
company. Two parallel experiments have been
conducted to test G9a in the featured domain. Group
A (14 members) took the assessment routine
containing 8 G9a-non compliant items MCQ01,
MCQ02, MCQ03 etc. and 8 G9a-compliant items
(MAC09, MAC10, MAC11 etc).
Meanwhile, group B (14 members) were
presented with 8 G9a-non compliant items MCQ09,
MCQ10, MCQ11 etc. which tested equivalent
content to MAC09, MAC10, MAC11 etc) and 8
compliant items (MAC01, MAC02, MAC03 etc.)
which tested equivalent content to items (MCQ01,
MCQ02, MCQ03 etc).
3.3 Evaluation
The adapted Guideline will be assessed as
acceptable if the change in item difficulty between a
G9a-compliant item and a G9a-non-compliant item
is not significant and the response time for the G9a-
non-compliant item is the same or less than the
response time for a G9a-compliant item.
For each test item a record was made of the option
selected by each apprentice along with the time
taken to respond. A total of 28 sets of responses for
the featured test items for each experiment was
retained for analysis consisting of 14 sets of
responses for G9a-compliant items and 14 sets for
responses for G9a-non-compliant items. All tests
were conducted under controlled conditions however
some candidates completed the test without
recording a response to some components of some
of the MAC items. All responses from any candidate
whose response record included one or more ‘no
response’ record(s) were excluded from the analysis
of results in order to facilitate comparisons.
Table 2 summarizes the comparison between
G9a-compliant and G9a-non-compliant test item
response data where ID is the Item Difficulty
calculated using the technique described in Swanson
D.B., Holtzman, K.Z.,Allbee K.,Clauser, B.E., 2006.
Table 2: Results from the comparison of response data
between G9a-compliant and G9a-non compliant items.
Item IDn-IDc RTn – RTc
1 0.05 -86
2 0.10 -315
3 -0.11 -88
4 0.03 -103
5 -0.01 18
6 0.31 101
7 -0.14 -95
8 0.15 45
9 0.09 103
10 0.31 45
11 0.06 -15
12 0.09 5
13 -0.08 -16
14 -0.24 -30
15 0.32 -102
16 0.20 -96
IDc indicates that the measurement has been
calculated from item response data for G9a-
compliant items and IDn indicates that the
measurement has been calculated for G9a-non
compliant items. The IDn-IDc column therefore
contains the difference between these two Item
Difficulty values and the RTn – RTc column
contains the difference in seconds between the total
recorded response times for compliant and non-
compliant items.
The method chosen to calculate Item Difficulty
(ID) for this experiment is the one used by (Swanson
et al. 2006). The psychometric characteristics used
in (Swanson et al 2006) also include the Logit
Transform of the ID. This is an attempt to
compensate for the non-linear nature of the difficulty
curve as ID values approach ID=1.0. There is no
need for this adjustment in the current study since
the purpose is comparison of equivalent measures.
The Item-Total bi-serial correlation coefficient for
each of the altered MCQ test items is also referred to
in (Swanson et al. 2006). This measure is not usable
because the calculation leads to ’divide by zero’
errors when ID=1.0.
Both the wide variation in Item Difficulty values and
the wide variation in response times for each of the
16 item pairs featured in this experiment prevent any
definite conclusions from this experiment. However
the mean response time when comparing G9a-non-
compliant items with G9a-compliant items shows a
significant reduction (over 39 seconds), and the
mean change in Item Difficulty (0.07) is small, and
so this provides some evidence in support of the
adoption of G9a into the item-writing guidelines for
the featured company.
Future experiments will include further
investigations of the performance of the MAC item
format in this domain. These experiments will also
include the application of some new theories in
source document pre-processing (Foster, 2009) in
on-going work that seeks to improve the output from
the MCQ test item generator software (Mitkov, R.,
and L. A. Ha. 2003, 2006).
I want to record a general ‘Thank you’ to the
members of staff at RIILP, Wolverhampton
University, UK and in particular I want to thank my
supervisors Dr Le An Ha and Professor Ruslan
Mitkov for their continued guidance and support.
Foster, R.M. 2009 Improving the Output from Software
that Generates Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Test
Items Automatically using Controlled Rhetorical
Structure Theory RANLP 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria
(Student Conference)
Haladyna, T.M., Downing, S.M., Rodriguez, M.C., 2002
A Review of Multiple-Choice Item-Writing
Guidelines for Classroom Assessment In Applied
Measurement in Education, 15(3), 309-334
Mitkov, R., and Ha, L. A., 2003. Computer-Aided
Generation of Multiple-Choice Tests. In Proceedings
of HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building
Educational Applications Using Natural Language
Processing, pp. 17-22. Edmonton, Canada.
Mitkov, R., Ha, L. A., and Karamanis, N.,. 2006. A
computer-aided environment for generating multiple-
choice test items. Natural Language Engineering
12(2): 177-194.
Swanson D.B., Holtzman, K.Z.,Allbee K.,Clauser, B.E.,
(2006) - Psychometric Characteristics and Response
Times for Content-Parallel Extended-Matching and
One-Best-Answer Items in Relation to Number of
Options. Academic Medicine: October 2006 - Volume
81 - Issue 10 - pp S52-S55 doi:
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems