Marco Pereira, Marco Fernandes, Joaquim Arnaldo Martins and Joaquim Sousa Pinto
IEETA - Instituto de Engenharia Electr
onica e Telem
atica de Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Peer-to-peer, Digital libraries, Service oriented architecture.
Digital libraries require several different services. A common way to provide services to Digital Libraries is
with the use of Web Services but Web Services are usually based on centralized architectures. In our work we
propose that Peer-to-peer networks can be used to relieve the weight of centralized components on the Digital
Library infrastructure. One of the challenges of this approach is to develop a method that allows the integration
of existing web services into this new reality. In this paper we propose the use of a proxy that allows exposing
Web Services that are only accessible trough the peer-to-peer network to the outside world. This proxy also
manages interactions with existing external Web Services making them appear as part of the network itself,
thus enabling us to reap the benefits of both architectures.
Digital libraries require several support services.
Such services are often created as web services that
live in a central server and are accessed when needed.
A failure in this central server can be catastrophic to
the digital library, and to counter this menace services
are often replicated. In this scenario service replica-
tion happens within the same organisation with mul-
tiple copies of each service being offered to counter
possible failures. Service discovery and selection is
critical in this types of environments.
In our previous paper (Pereira et al., 2009) we in-
troduced a peer-to-peer (P2P) network based on the
JXTA ((JXTA), 2009) framework that can be used to
support Digital Libraries. Our P2P approach can be
used in two complementary scenarios: to create a dis-
tributed digital repository and to provide support ser-
vices. The distributed repository scenario can be seen
as an application of traditional file-sharing paradigm.
Peers store content in a replicated fashion to create a
robust repository. The system automatically taps into
this redundancy to provide multi-source file trans-
fers that increase overall speed of transfer. One of
the problems that we face in the traditional file shar-
ing paradigm is that querying capacity is limited, of-
ten relying on carefully constructed file names. To
overcome this limitation we used an Apache Lucene
((ApacheLucene), 2009) based indexing system that
allowed us to conduct rich queries across the network.
Providing support services came as a natural exten-
sion of the distributed digital repository. Digital li-
braries need support services, for example to convert
images between formats. Support services are also re-
quired if instead of using the P2P digital repository as
a front line storage space we wish to use it as a digital
preservation mechanism. By giving each peer a set of
services we create an environment where our reposi-
tory can be adapted to serve multiple purposes. When
providing support services, tasks that can be run in
parallel at multiple nodes (such as converting a set
of files to a different format) can be done faster than
if they were performed in sequence in a single node,
even when counting with network transfer overhead.
On the other hand if we wish to configure our digital
repository to act as a distributed preservation system
we will need to provide services that, for example,
preserve the integrity of the stored content and pro-
vide audit trails. By distributing the services through-
out the nodes we were also able to reduce the depen-
dency on centralised services, since if one node is un-
reachable there are others that can perform the same
To provide services to the P2P network we ini-
tially used the JXTA-SOAP (Amoretti, 2009) library.
These services use the JXTA protocol for transport in-
stead of the traditional HTTP. The choice of the web
services paradigm was based on its ubiquity and sim-
plicity. By providing a known paradigm we wanted to
shield developers of the complexity of the underlying
Pereira M., Fernandes M., Arnaldo Martins J. and Sousa Pinto J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002872704230427
P2P network. This objective was partially achieved:
while we were able to create web services they pos-
sessed a number of restrictions and requirements that
can be seen as breaking the web services approach.
We were also disregarding existing web services: in a
scenario where only one peer has access to an existing
web service it was not possible to expose that service
to the network without implementing a service spe-
cific proxy. Service specific proxies were also needed
to expose the services that existed inside the P2P net-
work as true web services. Given the perceived lim-
itations of our initial approach it was decided that a
complementary solution was needed. Instead of cre-
ating services that were limited in scope to the P2P
network we now aim more at using its infrastructure
for transport only. With this approach services will
live outside the P2P network, and will be true web
services, developed with any of the standard meth-
ods. The P2P network will be an alternative access
method. This approach will enable us to use within
the network existing web services, and the creation
and deployment of semantically equal services across
different peers, providing web service replication.
Resource discovery in JXTA is based on the con-
cept of advertisement ((JXTA), 2007). An adver-
tisement is a small XML document with information
about a particular resource. Advertisements possess a
pre-determined lifetime, and if they are not renewed
within that lifetime they expire. JXTA uses adver-
tisements to describe its own resources (such as peers
or communication channels) and applications are en-
couraged to used them as well. Being such a central
concept in JXTA, the first step to locate a resource in
the network is always to find a corresponding adver-
tisement by querying the network (or the local cache).
JXTA provides an advertisement family (Mod-
ule advertisements) specially crafted to describe ser-
vice implementations. From this family JXTA-SOAP
uses the ModuleSpecAdvertisement to describe its ser-
vices. This advertisement type provides a field (the
name field) that can be used in queries. We choose
to place the web service namespace in this field. In
XML namespaces are used to differentiate between
elements with the same name. We will take advantage
of this concept and extend it: in order to fully identify
a web service request we will need both the names-
pace and the method to be invoked. This is done be-
cause in the same namespace can reside several ser-
vices that do not possess the same methods. In the
non queryable field (description) we can place sev-
eral XML elements that describe the methods avail-
able in the service. This implies that to discover a ser-
vice we must search by its namespace and then refine
the results by analysing the description field from the
matching advertisements. An important detail about
ModuleSpecAdvertisements is that they carry within
them a PipeAdvertisement. This PipeAdvertisement is
used to communicate with the service provider with-
out having to do any extra queries to the network.
This service discovery architecture type allows
that several peers provide access to the same service.
We can explore this feature in order to provide web
service replication: each peer can be running a lo-
cal copy of the web service instead of just providing
a gateway to the centralised version of the web ser-
vice. Each time we need to access a service a list
of peers that offer that service is generated. If the
service fails (because the peer is no longer available
or due to a network error) the next peer on the list
can be contacted in order to execute the request. A
side effect of this replication will be the need for ad-
vanced peer selection policies. It should also be noted
that different service types can have different require-
ments. Some might require readily available storage
space where others will require quick response time
with both cases requiring a distinct approach to peer
In our P2P network we started to provide services
with the use JXTA-SOAP. JXTA-SOAP can be seen
as an extension to Apache Axis and as such the stan-
dard procedures to create Axis services are applyable,
with some extra steps. JXTA-SOAP deals both with
Axis service lifecycle management and JXTA adver-
tisement creation. In order to create a service with
this library it is necessary to create a service descrip-
tor with information relevant to the P2P network. We
also felt the necessity of creating a standard interface
that each service must implement to allow access to
configuration settings. Both the service descriptor and
the interface requirement can be seen as points where
the illusion of being creating a “regular” web service
is broken. Creating a client requires the creation of
a service Call provided by JXTA-SOAP. This service
call is constructed from a ModuleSpecAdvertisement,
and it must be explicitly retreived from the P2P net-
work by the creator of the web service client. As an
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
aditional requirement we choose to force the imple-
mentation of a standardised interface to implement a
plug-in architecture for clients. Such requirements
also contribute to break the web services facade we
were striving to maintain.
We must admit that such facade breaking compro-
mises are to be expected when dealing with a library
that creates services within the P2P network. Initially
we were willing to cope with the requirements of the
JXTA-SOAP library (and our own) but we soon found
out the limitations of this strategy: No support for at-
tachments and no support for existing services. With-
out support for the use of attachments it becomes dif-
ficult to handle large sets of binary data. Image for-
mat conversion services that we used as example in
our previous work suffered from a maximum image
size limit. This limitation can be circumvented by the
use of an external transmission mechanism, although
this is not a desired solution. The lack of support for
using existing web services is the major flaw of this
approach. JXTA-SOAP main focus is the creation and
deployement of services within the P2P network, and
as such access to external services would have to be
provided with the use of a service specific proxy, that
would then be represented as a JXTA-SOAP based
service. This is a combersome approach that defeats
one of the goals that made us choose the web services
paradigm (developer familiarity). As such it is clear
that we needed a complementary approach to web ser-
Instead of creating our services inside the P2P net-
work we decided that it would be better if we created
regular web services. Developers should be able to
design new services exactly as they have done before
without having to worry about implementing specific
interfaces to allow the network to be service-aware.
Instead we will take onto our own hands the task
of creating an advertisement (also based on Module-
SpecAdvertisement) that describes the external web
service. When we wish to add a service to the net-
work we need three vital pieces of information: the
service namespace, methods and address. From that
information we can compose an advertisement that
will identify the service. Two distinct peers can now
deploy their copy of the service in their own applica-
tion server, and when notified the network will gener-
ate advertisements for each service. If they share the
same namespace and method collection they will be
recognised as the same service, even though the ad-
Figure 1: Decision model.
vertisement will contain a different random generated
ID and the peer specific PipeAdvertisement.
To maintain the web services paradigm, web
services clients must be created in the traditional
way, thus preserving compatibility with standard tools
provided to generate web services clients from the
WSDL of the service. To support this goal a transpar-
ent web services proxy was created. Each peer can be
configured to provide a small HTTP server whose sole
responsability is to capture SOAP messages. SOAP
messages have the necessary information to allow a
service to be located in the network: namespace and
method. With this information a peer can search the
network for a corresponding service and generate a
list of potential service providers. This strategy will
transform every peer that provides the service proxy
into a gateway to the network, but will require ser-
vice requests to be directed to the proxy. As was
stated before most client generating tools only require
a service WSDL to generate a client. Accordingly to
the W3C, WSDL is “an XML-based language for de-
scribing web services and how to access them”. This
description points out what we need to know in order
to divert a web service to our P2P network: we need
to know how to access it. The key element here is
the <soap:address> element of a binding. By alter-
ing the attribute location of this element we can divert
any request to our web-services proxy.
As for the actual invocation two strategies can be
applied: deferred contact and direct contact. The de-
cision to use one or another contact method is illus-
trated in Figure 1. The crucial part of this model is
how to determine if a given service is directly acces-
sible or not. To do this we need to resolve the ser-
vice address. If we succeed it indicates that a direct
connection is available. Failure to resolve the address
has two possible meanings: either the service is only
available through the P2P network or the provider is
no longer available. Since both failure types are indis-
tinguishable we assume that the service will be avail-
able from the same provider through the use of the
P2P network (deferred contact strategy), dealing with
the possibility of the provider no longer being avail-
able as part of that strategy. When confronted with
a invoke error we choose another provider from the
potential service providers list, removing the one that
failed from it.
4.1 Direct Contact
When a service is directly accessible from the web
services proxy there is no need to take the extra step
of sending the SOAP message trough the P2P network
so that the peer can locally invoke the service. After
choosing a peer we will have access to the address
where the service resides. With this information and
with the use of the SOAP with Attachments API for
Java (SAAJ) ((SAAJ), 2009) we can send the SOAP
message directly to the intended service via HTTP
protocol. From the same library we can then obtain
the raw SOAP reply that the service sent thus allow-
ing us to redirect it back to the original calling peer.
This process is illustrated in Figure 2 by the solid lines
(that represent operations common to both scenarios)
and by the dotted line.
4.2 Deferred Contact
Although a service is listed on the P2P network, it
may not be accessible directly by conventional means.
This applies to machines that only allow access to the
services for example from the localhost. To overcome
this limitation it is possible to transfer the SOAP mes-
sage to the peer that is actually running the service
via JXTA-based transport. The message must be seg-
mented into chunks that offer guaranties that will not
be too large to be transported by JXTA. When in pos-
session of the complete SOAP message then the peer
can locally invoke the service, and return the gener-
ated SOAP message back to the calling peer. To fi-
nalise the process the message is returned to the orig-
inal caller via HTTP response. This process is illus-
trated in Figure 2 by the solid lines (that represent op-
erations common to both scenarios) and by the dashed
Figure 2: Direct contact and deferred contact.
Pure JXTA services are the native approach to ser-
vices deployment on JXTA based networks, thus con-
sciously exposing the underlying P2P structure. This
makes the approach suitable for internal network ser-
vices but difficult to expose to the outside.
A JXTA based P2P web services composition
platform is introduced in (Zhengdong et al., 2009).
Semantic web services descriptions based on OWL-
S are distributed trough the peers. When the need
arises to perform a given task these descriptions are
looked up and composed into a new service described
in BPEL4WS format. This service must then be man-
ually integrated in the application that requires it.
An alternative approach to service replication can
be found on the form of SmartWS system (Jr. et al.,
2007). This system experiments with several server
selection policies in order to provide optimal perfor-
mance. This system relies on the creation of smart
proxies that intercept web service calls and select a
service provider. Unlike our approach this is done
on the client side, and at the time of the creation of
the smart proxy it must know all the available service
providers thus ignoring new providers that might ap-
pear after its creation.
An interesting path of research would be the inclu-
sion of semantic aspects into the service discovery
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mechanism. Traditional WSDL only provide a syn-
tactic description of the service. If a semantic de-
scription was used (with the introduction where pos-
sible of WSDL-S or OWL-S for example) it would
be possible to construct a semantic discovery mech-
anism that would allow more refined queries. The
ultimate goal of this improved discovery mechanism
would be to create a scenario where it would be possi-
ble to swap a faulty service for a semantically equiva-
lent service (or a combination of services) that reside
in a different namespace all in an automated way (a
similar approach can be seen in PANIC (Hunter and
Choudhury, 2006)). The semantic description could
also be used to aid peer selection process to choose
between peers offering the exact same service by ap-
plying an appropriate peer selection algorithm based
on the service requirements. For example if the re-
quested service was a storage service it would benefit
to be performed by a peer that has more available stor-
age space instead of one that offers more processing
power, leading to a more rational use of the available
hardware resources. It should be noted that having
advanced peer/service selection algorithms is of the
utmost importance to achieve performance gains and
is an important research topic (Xhafa et al., 2009),
(Mendonc¸a and Silva, 2005), (Dykes et al., 2000).
A critical component to the performance of the
system is the list of available providers. At this time
the list is generated dynamically each time a service
is requested. A possible improvement to the sys-
tem could be the introduction of a caching mecha-
nism. This would increase system performance for
frequently requested services. In this scenario peers
should not be permanently removed from the provider
list, instead they should be temporarily blacklisted
and moved to the bottom of the provider list. The time
that a peer is blacklisted should increase when we ex-
perience repeated failures, thus implying some sort of
failure counter. It is important to note that the counter
must be eventually be decreased in order to prevent
lasting impacts that a past transient network failure
might have provoked. The caching mechanism would
also need to be refreshed periodically to allow newly
discovered peers to join already created lists. Careful
tuning of when to perform a refresh and how to in-
crease and decrease the failure counter will be the key
to further performance gains.
This work was funded in part by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology grants
SFRH/BD/23976/2005 and GRID/GRI/81872/2006.
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