Anne Wegerich, Julian Adenauer
Research Training Group prometei, Technische Universit
at Berlin, Germany
Jeronimo Dzaack, Matthias Roetting
Department of Human-Machine-Systems, Technische Universit
at Berlin, Germany
Spatial Augmented Reality, Projection systems, Context–aware user adaptation, User interfaces.
To cover three-dimensional information spaces stationary or spatial Augmented Reality (sAR) systems involve
installed projection systems, Head-Up- and other displays. Therefore, information presentation techniques
for sAR contain three basic problems assigned to the questions which form, which screen position and which
physical location the information should have in 3D space. This paper introduces an approach and presents the
details of a corresponding system that concentrates on the location problem and the appropriate visualization
adaptation. It manages the information presentation for physical occlusions and difficult light conditions of
sAR floor projections with a light sensor matrix and a connected software for low and high-level context
integration. With changing the size, position, and orientation of the projection area and the content of the
presented information it implements a context-aware adaptation system for sAR.
Augmented Reality (AR), the augmentation of the en-
vironment with virtual, computer generated informa-
tion, is used in many different areas. If the user is re-
quired to move in large areas, he or she needs to carry
a mobile presentation device or wear a head-mounted
display (HMD). But whenever the user’s movements
are restricted to a small, controlled area, this burden
can be loosened by realizing spatial or stationary AR
Whereas in mobile AR the information is typi-
cally presented on only one display device, sAR sys-
tems use many displays distributed in a small 3D
space. This bears the danger that the user is con-
fronted with incoherent and/or redundant information
because many displays or segregated (parts of) dis-
plays are used for showing one information. To avoid
this, a central system is required to automate the se-
lection and optimization of the information that is pre-
sented to the user.
Beside the display problems where on the screen
and in which form the sAR information should be pre-
sented (view and presentation management) the main
question especially for sAR is: Where (i.e. on which
display or projection area) should the information
be presented physically in a room (display manage-
ment)? Furthermore, the definition of AR by (Azuma
et al., 2001) requires that the virtual information has
to be combined with the real world in real time and it
has to have a content-related connection to the point
where it is presented (spatial registration).
Altogether information presentation with (s)AR
display technologies needs to attend to physical prob-
lems like edges, gaps, over-lappings of two or more
projections, and occlusions without loosing spatial
registration as a content-related requirement (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Gaps and overlappings of three projections (gray)
in a room with particular occlusion (shadow and white col-
In this paper we address occlusions and we present
Wegerich A., Adenauer J., Dzaack J. and Roetting M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 98-103
a sAR system that handles the presence of occluding
objects and related light conditions (shadows or re-
flections) with regard to the AR definition. More pre-
cisely the system manages the context-aware recalcu-
lation of location, size, orientation, and visualization
of a projected information if a physical object (e.g.
the user himself) occludes it.
After showing some related work concerning the
display management and the measurement of environ-
mental context information we present the proposed
system in section 3 and 4. Afterwards we explain the
purpose of the software and how it will be integrated
in the further development of a sAR smart home sys-
Several solutions exist for recognizing over-lappings
and closing gaps in projected sAR scenarios. There-
fore, a movable mirror combined with a projector
is presented by (Pinhanez, 2001). So the presenta-
tion follows the user. Other rotatable projectors are
suggested by (Ehnes et al., 2004; Ehnes and Hirose,
2006). These projectors offer only one screen that
moves and does not produce any gap or overlapping.
To solve the problem of roaming between different
immovable projection systems these authors also de-
signed an architecture that handles overlappings with
selecting the best possible projection system (Ehnes
et al., 2005). However, they did not make a sugges-
tion for physical occlusions.
For the integration of high-level context a lot of
AR applications are based on image processing sys-
tems which are able to recognize states of the en-
vironment or the user. This is usually used to pro-
vide automated user support in communication, work,
or information processing. In AR applications this
recognition is very important but often limited to spe-
cial areas like city navigation or guidance in muse-
ums. However, an approach for a user-adaptation
with high-level context integration is missing. Espe-
cially for 3D information spaces new research results
give evidence that information visualization must be
adapted for different 3D presentation depths and op-
timal information perception of proposed virtual dis-
tances and perspectives (Drascic and Milgram, 1996;
Jurgens et al., 2006; Herbon and Roetting, 2007).
Separated from high-level context, environmen-
tal (or low-level) context registration is a field of re-
search that is well investigated. Therefore, the cur-
rent research is focused on new applications and com-
binations of them to facilitate the development of
new technologies especially in the scope of Human-
Machine-Interaction (HCI). Hence, there is a huge
amount of applications in which environmental con-
text data is collected with sensors. Especially for po-
pular social applications a lot of psychophysiological
data is measured to enable the automated recognition
of emotional states of the user. Such systems concen-
trate for example on areas like e-learning platforms
(Karamouzis and Vrettos, 2007), indirect or direct in-
teraction in multimedia applications like web pages,
virtual communities, and games (Ward and Marsden,
2003; Kim et al., 2008; Mahmud et al., 2007). Par-
ticularly in the scope of mixed reality games the use
of low-level-context is a popular approach because it
connects the real and the virtual world for the player
(Romero et al., 2004).
For these and other upcoming technologies ana-
lyzing context information and integrating it to de-
velop adaptable systems has led to context ontology
models which are generic or domain specific and al-
low the standardized use of context information and
the development of associated system or software ar-
chitectures (Chaari et al., 2007).
With the presented approach we combine these
context models with user-centred adaptation tech-
niques for sAR information visualization. With this
we want to optimize sAR systems, make them more
useful, and establish generic models for context inte-
The system is part of the development of a sAR smart
home environment which involves a number of dif-
ferent sAR devices. These are projection systems,
video-see-through and head-up displays (Bimber and
Raskar, 2005).
The proposed system is mainly based on an array
of light sensors on the floor to control the position,
size, and orientation of a projection. The sensors mea-
sure light conditions in the environment (low-level
context information). A connected software module
manages the context-related adaptation of the infor-
mation visualization based on the feedback of the re-
calculated presentation and sends the resulting image
to a projector. So the proposed low-level change of
the projection will be recalculated again if the new
projection got ambiguous in the current context. The
support for a user searching an object for example
could be showing a map with a target marker. If the
projection area (location) for map presentation has to
be changed because of difficult light conditions also
the size and orientation or the whole visualization
type of the new map have to be adapted. The first
change could have made it incomprehensible for the
user e.g. because of his current perspective.
The complexity of contentual changes increases if
high-level context information is taken into account.
If a projection area has to be changed, the content
adaptation software perhaps has to present the same
information with another visualization (content) to fa-
cilitate its perception. This assumption is based on a
lot of requirements determined by the abilities of the
user (background knowledge, cognitive capacity, ex-
perience, etc.) and the context. In the map example
this perhaps means to change the visualization from
a map to an arrow because the user currently is dis-
tracted and only can process simple visualizations in
his peripheral vision. So the presented system relates
to a complex network of decisions. Altogether the
software has to automate having the right informa-
tion presentation technique at the right position for
the conditions the context provides.
The system we introduce in this paper is the first
step towards a full home automation and support with
sAR displays. The hardware of the presented system
is a proof of concept and therefore is limited to a solu-
tion that includes one projector and a small projection
area . But the framework is extendable to larger pro-
jection areas and sensor arrays.
The task of the system we developed is to analyze
lighting conditions on the floor of a room to make
this surface usable for an sAR output of a projector
that is installed above it. Thus, it solves a part of
the problem to add information everywhere in a three-
dimensional space without losing the relevant content
of it and important parts of its formal representation.
Furthermore, the system provides the possibility to
adapt the visualization in terms of HCI criteria and
the upcoming research of three-dimensional percep-
The system consists of a light sensor matrix that
is integrated in a PVC floor coating, a connected mi-
crocontroller board which is connected to a PC, and a
Java-based software. The size of the PVC floor coa-
ting and the sensor array is a proof of concept and
could be extended for larger rooms and projections.
The presented system is able to change the size and
position of an at least possible projection area. This
is the first step to adapt the presented content which
depends on the resulting distance of the information
to the user and additionally on the properties of other
sAR devices which are in a similar distance, the type
of device, its orientation, and of course the type of in-
formation which has to be presented and a lot of other
context requirements.
After collecting information about the physical
context (occlusions or lighting conditions) the soft-
ware first evaluates possible projection areas and se-
lects one. Secondly it has to access the properties
of the selected area and analyzes further high-level
context information to change the visualization of the
content if needed.
4.1 Installation
The system consists of a sensor array for brightness
measuring in a certain physical space and a micro-
controller. It converts the analogue sensor data and
sends it to a connected PC which controls the output
of a projector (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Schema of the context–aware presentation sys-
A 0.75m × 1m PVC floor coating is divided into
twelve squares and a projector is placed 2.5m above
it. The projector is connected to a PC and projects
corresponding squares on the floor. In the middle of
each square, a light sensor of Type AMS104Y from
Panasonic’s NaPiCa-series is set. The sensor’s fea-
ture is a linear output and a built-in optical filter for
spectral response similar to that of the human eye.
Each sensor is connected to an input of a micro-
controller. The voltage over the resistor depends on
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the sensor’s photocurrent and is therefore directly de-
pendent on the amount of light on the sensor. This
voltage is being measured by a 10 bit analogue–to–
digital converter (ADC) which is part of the micro-
controller (see Figure 3 for more detail on the sensor
Figure 3: Diagram of the components and connections of
the sensor matrix.
The microcontroller we used is an 8051F340 from
Silicon Labs. It features a built–in analogue multi-
plexer for the ADC, enabling the controller to con-
vert analogue voltages from 20 input pins. Moreover,
it has an onboard USB controller which can be used
with Silicon Labs’ USBXpress API for easy USB im-
plementation on client and host side. Via this USB
interface the controller board sends the digital sensor
values to a PC.
The PC is running a software that reads the con-
verted sensor data from the USB port. These values
are compared to predefined minimum and maximum
values. Value below minimum means, the sensor is
covered, so nothing should be projected here. A value
higher than the maximum, on the other hand means,
there is too much light on the area and the decreased
contrast averts a projection. Therefore, only squares
(one square per sensor) with light values in the range
between minimum and maximum are taken into con-
sideration, where information should be displayed.
From these squares that are in range the program
selects the ones that build up the largest coherent
quadrangular area according to an implemented hier-
archy. In the resulting connection of these squares
information could be displayed.
4.2 Functionality
The overall goal of the software component is the
adaptation of the projected superimposition with re-
gard to low-level and high-level data integration.
Therefore, it incorporates two steps of projection
recalculation: low-level and high-level data related
adaptation (currently only the first software part is
solved). The data is processed in real time. So the
projected information is always in a visible position
accepting a very small delay from the sensor data re-
In a first step the software calculates the most
appropriate size, position, and orientation for a pro-
jection that can be used to present text, icons, or (ren-
dered) images. It is made up of directly connected
projection squares whose sensors are not in a shadow
or in a direct light reflection. Then the new proposed
projection is adapted to the unchanged orientation of
the target (a text reading person or target position of
a pointing projection, etc.). After this step the infor-
mation has the correct orientation and is displayed in
the best possible projection area for the target (e.g.
the user). In Figure 4 this first adaptation step of the
system is demonstrated with an arrow pointing at a
designed target (red). This arrow is only one possible
usage of a projection area.
Figure 4: Examples for resulting projections (low–level re-
calculation) when sensors are covered or bright light falls on
them, arrow always points in a target direction (represented
by black dot).
The second part of the software uses the feedback
signals about the proposed projection area and the
current information visualization. It analyzes high-
level data (context information about the user, his dis-
tance to the projection, current state of the needed in-
formation, etc.) to recalculate whether the visualiza-
tion is still optimal for the user or not. If it is not, the
visualization changes to an alternative image or text
for a better understanding. Figure 5 shows an exam-
ple for the proposed reaction of the system. The resul-
ting visualization for a navigational hint in this case
is a map instead of an arrow. We based this approach
on findings from an indoor navigation experiment we
made (Wegerich et al., 2009). In this experiment pro-
jected maps were rated higher and caused better per-
formance when the target position is not visible for
the user.
Figure 5: Example for an adaptation scenario and 2 steps of
visualization recalculation a) shows the target and the start-
ing point of the user, b) first step of adaptation where the
projection area, size and orientation changes to the at least
possible squares with no light reflection and the correct di-
rection (low-level data integration), c) second step of adap-
tation; the visualization is changed to a map which shows
the unambiguous target position.
The proposed system component for the adaptation of
floor projections is a proof of concept. We presented
a solution for the problem of occlusions in physical
issues of information presentation with sAR. The sen-
sor matrix is not limited to the presented size and
amount of sensors. The usage of a higher resolution
could be achieved by integrating more light sensors.
Furthermore, this makes it possible to change the pro-
jection area not only to other rectangular forms but
to a more adaptive shape of the presented information
which we work on in the smart home scenario.
A higher resolution is also achieved with the usage
of cameras which are very common in AR applica-
tions. In most cases they are integrated in the cei-
ling or higher edges. So image processing software is
needed to solve perspectives and occlusions only the
camera sees, but not the user. When a user lifts an arm
and still can see the same area on the floor a camera
system would change the projection area because it
has difficulties to decide where the occlusion is in its
distance to the floor. So the advantage of floor-based
sensor matrices is that they measure the conditions at
the point where the projection will be with less effort
and as fast as a camera based system.
The presented sAR system component handles
the formal information representation and the display
management but at this point not the optimization of
the content because of its complexity. Other high-
level context information is needed to decide which
form the information should have. This will be the
result of the integration in the intended smart home
system. One of the applications of high-level con-
text integration is e.g. to pay attention to possible fast
moves of a user or to distances the area adaptation
causes. An arrow could be usable in this case but per-
haps a map of the room (and its cabinets) is better if
more detailed location information is needed.
With the introduced system the foundation is made
for using context information and properties of three-
dimensional perception. It adapts the information vi-
sualization and furthermore solves parts of the display
management problem of sAR systems. The next step
is the development and evaluation of a more complex
context model that follows specified guidelines for 3D
information presentation and integrates different sAR
devices. The aim is the enhancement of the software
functionality on the basis of this model.
Afterwards, it will be combined with other
context-aware system components which together
form a user-adapted sAR presentation system. The
resulting system will present information in larger 3D
spaces where the form, position, additional interac-
tion parameters, and especially the content is selected
for 3D perception adaptation to the abilities of the
The presented system also solves a technical part
of the Ubiquitous Spatial Augmented Reality (UAR)
requirement to make information available every-
where in a larger 3D space with using context. This
is an essential aspect of the underlying definition be-
cause of the so achieved connection between the con-
cepts of Ubiquitous Computing and Augmented Re-
ality. In this manner the presentation technology in
a 3D information space needs to be context-aware in
a more continuous way to adapt the presentation for
any location in the room. Furthermore the under-
lying context model has to integrate location-based
adaptation because of a possible dynamically chan-
ging environment. For example a projective sAR sys-
tem used for superimpositions on a working surface
should handle changing objects or tools and its posi-
tions on the surface.
Finally, we want to develop an ontology that de-
scribes and generalizes the automated decision of the
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
adaptation system. Based on this ontology we will
develop an expert system to manage the rules of per-
ception and cognitive processing of 3D information
presentation in UAR environments and to solve the
high-level context integration. This will make the sys-
tem scalable and adaptable to different use cases and
also for mobile AR display applications.
We want to thank the DFG, the Department of
Human-Machine Systems Berlin, and prometei for
their support.
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