Andrei V. Popov, Lucian T. Grigorie, Ruxandra Botez
École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Québec, H3C 1K3, Canada
Mahmoud Mamou, Youssef Mébarki
Institute for Aerospace Research, NRC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Canada
Keywords: Morphing Wing, Real Time Optimization, Wind Tunnel, Laminar-to-turbulence Transition.
Abstract: In this paper, wind tunnel results of a real time optimization of a morphing wing in wind tunnel for delaying
the transition towards the trailing edge are presented. A morphing rectangular finite aspect ratio wing,
having a wind tunnel experimental airfoil reference cross-section, was considered with its upper surface
made of a flexible composite material and instrumented with Kulite pressure sensors, and two smart
memory alloys actuators. Several wind tunnel tests runs for various Mach numbers, angles of attack and
Reynolds numbers were performed in the 6’×9’ wind tunnel at the Institute for Aerospace Research at the
National Research Council Canada. Unsteady pressure signals were recorded and used as feed back in real
time control while the morphing wing was requested to reproduce various optimized airfoils by changing
automatically the two actuators strokes. The paper shows the optimization method implemented into the
control software code that allows the morphing wing to adjust its shape to an optimum configuration under
the wind tunnel airflow conditions.
The Consortium for Research and Innovation in
Aerospace in Quebec CRIAQ 7.1 project was a
collaborative project between the teams from École
de technologie superieure (ETS), École
Polytechnique, the Institute for Aerospace Research
- National Research Canada (IAR-NRC),
Bombardier Aerospace, Thales Avionics. In this
project, the laminar flow past aerodynamically
morphing wing was improved in order to obtain
important drag reductions.
This collaboration called for both aerodynamic
modeling as well as conceptual demonstration of the
morphing principle on real models placed inside the
wind tunnel. Drag reduction on a wing could be
achieved by modifications of the airfoil shape which
had an effect in the laminar to turbulent flow
transition point position. The main objective of this
concept was to promote large laminar regions on the
wing surface by moving the transition point toward
the trailing edge of the airfoil wing, thus reducing
drag over an operating range of flow conditions
characterized by Mach numbers, airspeeds and
angles of attack (Zingg, 2006).
To modify the laminar flow around a wing
airfoil, it was necessary to change the airfoil shape;
therefore one of the methods for airfoil changes was
developed at Kentucky University, which consisted
of deflecting the wing upper surface using adaptive
actuators (Jacob and Munday, 1998, 1999, 2002).
It was shown that the actuators activated
oscillatory motions of a certain frequency to the
boundary layer flow over the upper surface. These
actuators were made of piezo-electric materials
which changed their shapes when connected to an
electrical current differential voltage. The wind
tunnel tests showed that the displacement of the
transition point to the trailing edge resulted in the
drag decrease and in the lift increase (Jacob, 1999).
The “chordwise air collection” method was
designed in 1984, in fact, laminar flow control
(LFC) over the upper surface of the wing was
realized by the boundary layer suction, thereby
moving the transition position at 85% of the chord
(Allison, 1978).
V. Popov A., T. Grigorie L., Botez R., Mamou M. and M
ebarki Y. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 114-124
A numerical algorithm was developed for
optimizing the suction distribution, by maintaining
the transition at a desired location (chord %) and
maintaining the energy spent at a minimum
(Hackenberg, 1995). Three steps were considered: 1.
Boundary layer computation; 2. Transition
prediction, and 3. Optimization of the suction
distribution while maintaining the transition location
at a certain desired percentage of the chord. In the
third step, the gradient method was used.
Optimized wings were conceived by reducing the
kinetic energy of the perturbation and drag values
while, the lift and pitch moment coefficients were
maintained at desired values (Pralits, 2003).
A controller was developed at Southampton
University, with the aim of maintaining the desired
turbulence level over a flat plate equipped with a
suction porous panel. The pressure fluctuations were
measured with microphones at the boundary layer
over the flat plate, and the signal was conditioned
and filtered to remove the background noise of the
wind tunnel fan, then the turbulence level was
estimated by computing the RMS (Root Mean
Square) pressure signal. The controller used the
error between the RMS values of the measured
pressures and the desired RMS values at the spots
where the microphones were installed, thus
maintaining the transition on the specified area over
the flat plate (Rioual, 1994).
Closed-loop control of the morphing planform
(wing-shape control) and simultaneously enforced
prescribed closed loop aircraft dynamics (flight
control) were modeled (Gandhi, 2007). The N-MAS
wing designed by NextGen Aeronautics was
considered. The flight control law actively used the
leading edge morphing wing sweep angle as an
actuator to assist in manoeuvres while guaranteeing
aircraft stability. The morph between the two modes
of Loiter and Dash was modeled by a first-order
transfer function, and hence the morph rate was
governed by the transfer function time constant.
The empirical structural weights for various wing
geometries were obtained by implementing two
finite element-based structural optimization
methods: 1) an aggregate and 2) a simultaneous
analysis (Skillen, 2005). These methods were
applied on a morphing wing with two degrees of
freedom: the wing sweep and the root chord length.
Two linear actuators were used: one positioned
along and parallel to the forward spar and the other
one positioned along and parallel to the wing root
chord. These geometrical variations produced four
configurations with changes in area, aspect ratio and
sweep: the high lift configuration for the largest area
and minimal sweep angle; the loiter configuration
for the maximum aspect ratio and minimum sweep
angle; the dash/cruise configuration for the
maximum sweep and minimal area; and the
manoeuvre configuration for the maximum area at
the maximum sweep.
A symmetric wing structure was created with
two tapered graphite/epoxy composite plates and a
steel body. Four pairs of SMA wires were attached
to the wings’ bottom surfaces in the chord-wise
direction. Lift and drag forces were measured at
various angles of attack. Dynamic vibration signals
were measured by Fiber Bragg Grating FBG sensors
at the wing root and were used to monitor aeroelastic
unstable flutter phenomena, at various angles of
attack (Yang, 2006).
A wing structure comprised of an optimized
internal layout of cables and struts was able to
change its shape. Cables were used as actuators,
while struts provided rigidity to the wing. In addition
to achieving continuous morphing by changing cable
lengths, this structure had the advantages of being
light weighted and having a distributed actuation.
Topology optimization was used to optimally place
cables and struts in a bay or in a wing section. The
Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II
(NSGA II) was used for modeling the NASA HECS
and the NextGen TSCh wings (Bharti, 2006).
Wings roll performances were achieved by use
of articulated conformal control surfaces. Analysis
results were compared to experimental results
obtained for a 16% scale model of a fighter wing
equipped with embedded smart materials used to
deform a control surface. The control surface design
was found suitable for low-rate applications such as
takeoff and landing configurations (Sanders, 2003).
NextGen developed an in-plane morphing geometry
concept. Flexible elastomeric skins with out-of-
plane stiffeners accommodated the wing motion
while transmitting air pressure loads to the wing
substructure. Wind tunnel testing of a full-scale
wing for a 2400 lb vehicle and flight testing of a
subscale unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) were
performed. The following issues were identified: the
need to address multiple geometries and flight
envelopes to account for morphing shape changes;
the in-plane wing flexibility resulting from its
mechanism restraint by linear actuators. Another
half-span wind tunnel model was tested in the
NASA Transonic Dynamics Tunnel for
aeroelasticity studies (Andersen, 2007).
The Flight Test results of a Mission Adaptive
Compliant Wing (MAC-Wing) variable geometry
Trailing Edge Flap with a Natural Laminar Flow
NLF airfoil have been described. The MAC-Wing
technology provided light-weight, low power,
variable geometry reshaping of the upper and lower
flap surface with no discontinuities. The airfoil-flap
system was optimized to maximize the laminar
boundary layer extent over a broad lift coefficient
range for endurance aircraft applications. The
expanded laminar bucket capability allowed the
endurance aircraft to extend their range, by 15% or
more, by optimizing the lift-to-drag ratio (L/D)
throughout the mission. The wing was tested at full-
scale dynamic pressure, Mach number, and reduced-
scale Reynolds numbers on Scaled Composites’
Knight Aircraft. Laminar flow regime occurred up to
60% chord of the wing during tests. Significant fuel
and weight savings as well as high control authority
were verified by tests and analyses. Fifteen Dantec
Dynamics hot film sensors measured the boundary
layer transition position (De Breuker, 2007).
A Defense Advances Research Projects Agency
DARPA sponsored wind tunnel test model of a
Lockheed Martin morphing concept was designed
and tested. The wind tunnel model incorporated the
key features representatives of a full scale vehicle
model: out-of-plane morphing through a coordinated
actuation system integrated with seamless skins and
a composite support structure that encompassed the
actuator system along the wing fold hinge lines,
structural layout and materials featured in the full
scale vehicle design, and a first-time thermo-
polymer actuator integral to a leading edge device
for smooth contour between the inner wing and
fuselage when fully morphed. The model was
instrumented with strain gauges, accelerometers and
pressure transducers; data was acquired and
correlated with aircraft design and analysis methods
(Love, 2007).
The airborne modification of an aircraft wing
airfoil shape could be realized continuously to
maintain laminar flow over the wing surface as
flight conditions changed. To achieve such a full
operating concept, a closed loop control system
concept was developed to control the flow
fluctuations over the wing surface with the
deformation mechanisms (actuators) (Popov, 2008).
The wing model had a rectangular plan form of
aspect ratio of 2 and was equipped with a flexible
upper surface skin on which shape memory alloys
actuators were installed (Coutu, 2009 and Georges,
2009). Two shape memory alloys (SMA) actuators
created the displacement of the two control points on
the flexible skin in order to realize the optimized
airfoil shapes (Sainmont, 2009).
As reference airfoil, the laminar Wind Tunnel
Experimental Airfoil WTEA was used because it
was already optimized for laminar flow in the
transonic regime; its aerodynamic performance was
investigated at IAR-NRC (Khalid, 1993). The
optimized airfoils were previously calculated by
modifying the reference airfoil for each airflow
condition as combinations of angles of attack and
Mach numbers such that the transition point position
was found to be the nearest as possible to the airfoil
trailing edge (Sainmont, 2009). Several optimized
airfoils were found for the airflow cases
combinations of Mach numbers and angles of attack.
The optimized airfoils configurations were stored in
the computer memory by means of a database and
were selected as needed by the operator or computer
in order to be realized by the morphing wing
(Popov, 2009). But this strategy relied on the
previously calculated aerodynamic characteristics of
the airfoils which usually were determined by use of
CFD codes and optimization algorithms.
The idea presented in this paper was to
implement the same optimization algorithm into the
computer controller that would search the optimal
configuration with the real system, in real time and
for real aerodynamic airflow conditions. The basic
idea of optimization control is to by-pass the
necessity of a previously calculated optimized
airfoils database, and to generate in real time the
optimized airfoil for the exact conditions of the wind
flow. For such a task it was necessary to develop a
subroutine that optimized the airfoil shape in the
same way in which the optimized airfoils database
was generated. The method of optimization used in
this case was a mixed method between ‘the gradient
ascent’ or ‘hill climbing’ method and the ‘simulated
annealing’ which is a meta-heuristic search method.
The ‘hill climbing’ method is a local search
optimization algorithm. It considers a random poor
solution, which improves slowly by iterations. When
solution cannot be further improved, it becomes the
final solution and the algorithm ends. In our case,
the searching domain is defined by the actuators
displacements as variables, while the cost function
needed to be maximized is the transition point
position x
. Normally the function is defined
analytically and the maximum is searched along the
lines with the maximum local derivatives or
gradients. Although ‘hill climbing’ would be very
fast and simple to program, the solution found is not
guaranteed to be the global maximum of the entire
search domain (Hill climbing, from Wikipedia).
Other local search algorithms such as ‘stochastic hill
climbing’, ‘random walks’ and ‘simulated
annealing’ would overcome this problem. The
characteristic of these methods is that the algorithm
searches random solutions within the search domain
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
in order to cover all the possible local maxima and
to find the global maximum (Simulated annealing,
from Wikipedia).
The reason why a mixed method was needed,
was because the cost function for such complex
problem (minimize the CD, maximize the CL/CD or
maximize the transition point position xtr for a
morphing wing) was not defined analytically and the
implementation of ‘gradient ascent’ method was not
suitable. Also, due to time cost (very long time
response of the SMA actuators due to heating but
especially cooling time), a purely probabilistic meta-
heuristic search algorithm such as ‘stochastic hill
climbing’, ‘random walks’ and ‘simulated
annealing’, was not suitable too.
The idea of the present algorithm was the
mixture of the ‘hill climbing’ method with the
‘random walks’ or ‘simulated annealing’ and the
search within the defined domain nine points, one
being the center of a circle while the other eight
being situated on the circle with a predefined radius.
When the maximum is found within the nine points,
the algorithm reset the next searching step by
iterating with eight points situated on smaller circles
until the global maximum is found. This mixed
method was found to be the fastest i.e. it considered
the least number of points evaluated for converging
to the transition point position x
2.1 Mechanical and Electrical Control
The concept of this morphing wing consisted in a
rectangular wing model (chord c = 0.5 m and span b
= 2.1 m) incorporating two parts. One fixed part was
built in aluminum by the IAR-NRC team which
sustained the resistance forces acting during wind
tunnel tests. The other part consisted in a flexible
skin installed on a metallic structure on the wing
upper surface and was designed and manufactured at
Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Fig. 1). The
flexible skin was required to change its shape
through two action points in order to realize the
optimized airfoil for the airflow conditions in which
tests were performed.
The actuators were composed of two oblique
cams sliding rods span-wise positioned that
converted the horizontal movement along the span in
vertical motion perpendicular to the chord (Fig. 2).
Figure 1: Cross section of the morphing wing model.
The position of each actuator was given by the
mechanical equilibrium between the Ni-Ti alloy
SMA wires that pulled the sliding rod in one
direction and the gas springs that pulled the sliding
rod in the reverse direction. The gas springs role was
to counteract the pulling effect of aerodynamic
forces acting in wind tunnel over the flexible skin
when the SMA’s were inactive. Each sliding rod was
actuated by means of three parallel SMA wires
connected to a current controllable power supply
which was the equivalent of six wires acting
together. The pulling action of the gas spring
retracted the flexible skin in the undeformed-
reference airfoil position, while the pulling action of
the SMA wires deployed the actuators in the load
mode i.e. morphed airfoil in the optimized airfoil
position (see Fig. 2). The gas springs used for these
tests were charged with an initial load of 225 lbf
(1000 N) and had a characteristic rigidity of 16.8 lbf
/ in (2.96 N / mm).
Figure 2: Schematics of the flexible skin mechanical
The mechanical SMA actuators system was
controlled electrically through an “open loop”
control system. The architecture of the wing model
open loop control system, SMA actuators and
controller is shown in Figure 3. The two SMA
actuators had six wires each, which were supplied
with power by the two AMREL SPS power supplies,
controlled through analog signals by the NI-DAQ
USB 6229 data acquisition card. The NI-DAQ was
connected to a laptop through an USB connection. A
control program was implemented in Simulink
which provided to the power supplies the needed
SMA current values through an analog signal as
flexible skin
actuating line
actuating line
shown in Figure 3. The control signal of 2 V
corresponded to an SMA supplied current of 33 A.
The Simulink control program used as feedback
three temperature signals coming from three
thermocouples installed on each wire of the SMA
actuator, and a position signal from a linear variable
differential transducer (LVDT) connected to the
oblique cam sliding rod of each actuator. The
temperature signals served in the overheat protection
system that disconnected the current supply to the
SMA in case of wire temperature passed over the set
limit of 120°C. The position signals served as
feedback for the actuator desired position control.
The oblique cam sliding rod had a horizontal versus
vertical ratio 3:1; hence the maximum horizontal
displacement of the sliding rod by 24 mm was
converted into a maximum vertical displacement of
the actuator and implicit of the flexible skin by 8
Figure 3: Architecture of the morphing wing model
control system.
A user interface was implemented in
Matlab/Simulink which allowed the user to choose
the optimized airfoils shape from database stored on
the computer hard disk and provided to the
controller the vertical needed displacements in order
to obtain the desired optimized airfoil shape. The
controller activated the power supplies with the
needed SMA current values through an analog signal
as shown in Figure 3. In practice, the SMA wires
were heated at an approximate temperature of 90°C
with a current of 10 A. When the actuator reached
the desired position the current was shut off and the
SMA was cycled in endless heating/cooling cycles
through the controller switching command on/off of
the current in order to maintain the current position
until another desired position or the entire system
shut off was required.
In support of the discrete pressure
instrumentation, infrared thermography (IR)
visualization was performed to detect the transition
location on the morphing wing upper surface and
validate the pressure sensor analysis. The transition
detection method using IR was based on the
differences in laminar and turbulent convective heat
transfer coefficient and was exacerbated by the
artificial increase of model-air flow temperature
differences. In the resulting images, the sharp
temperature gradient separating high temperature
(white intensity in image) and low temperature (dark
intensity) regions was an indication of the transition
location. The infrared camera used was an Agema
SC3000 camera, equipped with a 240×320 pixels
Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP
detector), operating in the infrared wavelength
region of 8-9 µm and cooled to 70°K to reduce
thermal noise. The camera provided a resolution of
0.02ºC and a maximum frame rate of 60 Hz. It was
equipped with the default lens (FOV = 20°×15°),
and was installed 1.5 m away from the model with
an optical axis oriented in the horizontal plane at
about 30° with respect to the wing surface mid-
chord normal. Optical access was provided through
an opening on the side wall of the test section
opposite to the upper surface. More details about the
methodology and processing are available in ref.
(Mébarki, 2009).
2.2 Aerodynamic Detection System and
Graphical User Interface
The morphing wing goal was the improvement of
the laminar flow over the upper surface of the wing.
In order to ensure that the improvement was real, we
built a detection system that gave information about
the flow characteristics. An array of twelve Kulite
pressure sensors was installed on the flexible skin.
The pressure data acquisition was performed
using a NI-DAQ USB 6210 card with 16 analog
inputs, at a total sampling rate of 250 kilo samples/s.
The input channels were connected directly to the
IAR-NRC analog data acquisition system which was
connected to the twelve Kulite sensors. The IAR-
NRC served as an amplifier and conditioner of the
signal at a sampling rate of 15 kilo samples/s. One
extra channel was used for the wind tunnel dynamic
pressure acquisition to calculate the pressure
coefficients Cp’s from the pressure values measured
by the twelve pressure sensors. The signal was
acquisitioned at sampling rate of 10 kilo samples/s
in frames of 1024 points for each channel which
allowed a boundary layer pressure fluctuations fast
Fourier transform (FFT) spectral decomposition up
to 5 kHz for all channels, at a rate of 9.77 samples/s
using Matlab/Simulink software. The plot results
were visualized in real time on the computer screen
in dedicated windows (see Figure 4) at a rate of 1
sample/sec. Figure 4 shows an example of graphical
user interface in which all the aerodynamic and
morphing shape information were centralized
together with the control buttons of the controlling
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
software. The window shows information about the
Mach number, the angle of attack, the airfoil shape
of the morphing wing, and the two actuators vertical
displacements needed to obtain the desired airfoil
shape. In the two plots, are shown the pressure
coefficients distribution Cp’s of the twelve Kulite
sensors, and the noise of the signal (RMS) of each
pressure signal. Figure 4.a shows the wing un-
morphed position, while the Figure 4.b shows the
wing under its morphed position. The results
obtained are qualitatively very similar to those
obtained in previous studies (Nitcshe, 1989 and
Mangalam, 2004).
Figure 4.a: Un-morphed configuration.
The transition between laminar and turbulent
flow was detected by means of each pressure
signal’s root mean square (RMS). The lower RMS
plot given in Figure 4 shows the normalized quantity
of the pressure signal noise from each Kulite sensor
(star points curve). In the example shown in Figure
4, the RMS plot in the un-morphed configuration
(Figure 4.a) the transition is shown in the fourth
sensor due to the fact that it had the maximum RMS
In Figure 4.a, on the GUI was shown an un-
morphed airfoil by use of a black color. The
actuators reference positions correspond to dY1 = 0
mm and dY2 = 0 mm, the Cp distribution calculated
by XFoil for the reference airfoil (black curve), and
the Cp theoretical values of the sensors shown as
black circles on the Cp distribution curve.
Figure 4.b: Morphed configuration. Graphical User
Interface (GUI) with the control buttons of the software.
In the lower plot of Figure 4.a was shown the N
factor used by XFoil to predict transition for the
reference airfoil (black curve). The critical value N
= 7.34 was used in the simulation to match the
turbulence level T = 0.14% measured in the wind
tunnel using Mack’s correlation (1), and the plotted
values on the figure are normalized (N/N
) (Mack,
8.43 2.4 log( )
In the case of an un-morphed configuration, the
predicted transition position was found to be the 6th
position of the sixteen available sensors positions. In
the beginning of wind-tunnel tests, a number of
sixteen sensors were installed, but due to their
removal and re-installation during the next two wind
tunnel tests, four of them were found defective,
therefore a number of twelve sensors remained to be
used during the last third wind tunnel tests so only
twelve Kulite sensors were used for plotting the Cp
distribution and RMS distribution (star plots).
Results predicted for the morphed airfoil were
shown in circles. The morphed airfoil coordinates
were shown as blue curves in the upper part of
Figure 4.b, the Cp distribution was calculated by
XFoil for the optimized airfoil (circles curve), and
the Cp theoretical values of the sensors were shown
as blue circles on the Cp distribution curve. In the
lower plot of Figure 4.b, the N factor used by XFoil
to predict transition was shown for the optimized
airfoil (circles curve). In this case of morphed
configuration, the predicted position of transition
was the 14th position of the sixteen available sensors
These lower circles (un-morphed) and upper
circles (morphed) curves served as theoretical
validations of the measured value curves reflecting
the aerodynamic parameters (Cp and RMS) provided
by Kulite sensors in real time with a sampling rate of
1 S/sec. In Figure 4.b is shown the actuated airfoil in
the morphed position (dY1 = 4.92 mm and dY2 =
7.24 mm). The transition position was given by the
sensor location where the maximum RMS was
found, which in this case is the 10th Kulite sensor
out of 12 sensors. The instant visualization allows us
to find the exact position predicted by XFoil.
2.3 Simulation and Experimental
Results Obtained in the Wind
The simulation of the system used as programming
platform the Matlab/Simulink software. The
simulation used the optimization subroutine exactly
the same as in bench tests and wind tunnel tests,
except that in computer simulation and bench test
the aerodynamic pressures that acted upon the skin
and which stimulated the sensors were simulated by
use of XFoil software. As mathematical model of the
flexible skin was used a B-spline with four flexion
points. Two points were fixed where the skin is
glued on the wing rigid structure and two points
were mobile and were placed in the actuators
coordinates on the wing structure. The B-spline
shape that define the airfoil’s flexible skin did not
have the same coordinates as the flexible skin but
was a good approximation for the purpose of
designing an optimization subroutine in closed loop
with a CFD code. Laser scanning during bench tests
showed that the differences between the scanned
airfoils and the theoretical airfoils were less than 0.5
mm (less than 6.25% of the maximum actuators
deflection of 8 mm) (Popov, 2009). The
optimization initialized the algorithm with the values
dY1 = 4 mm and dY2 = 4 mm. Afterwards the
algorithm evaluated the transition point position in
eight points of coordinates (dY1, dY2) situated on a
circle centered in the initial point with a radius of 4
mm within the search domain defined by the bi-
dimensional space of actuators strokes {dY1 = [0,
8], dY2 = [0, 8]}. For each evaluation point, the xtr
value was evaluated by use of XFoil and stored in
the memory. After the first round of evaluations the
optimizer decided which evaluating point had the
maximum value of xtr, which will became the initial
point for the next round of evaluations. The logic
schematic of the optimization subroutine is shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Optimization logic schematic.
Figure 6: Optimization in simulation using XFoil code for
the airflow condition M = 0.25 and
= 0.5º.
Figure 7: Optimization in simulation using XFoil code for
the airflow condition M = 0.25 and
= 0.5º.
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figures 6, 7 and 10 show the result of WTEA
airfoil optimization after four evaluation rounds, first
evaluation with a radius of 4 mm, second evaluation
with a radius of 2 mm, third evaluation with a radius
of 1 mm and fourth and last evaluation with a radius
of 0.5 mm. As seen in Figure 7 the last round of
evaluation was almost unnecessary because the
maximum x
was found inside a plateau of
maximums with very small differences between
them. Before doing the optimization it was
performed a mapping of the search domain, i.e. for
each combination of dY1 and dY2 in the interval [0
mm, 8 mm] with a step of 1 mm it was found the xtr
and was built the surface x
= f (dY1, dY2) for the
purpose of visualizing the form of the ‘hill’ and to
validate the algorithm in the simulation. Figure 8
and 9 show the same optimization routine that run
during the wind tunnel tests in the same airflow
conditions as the ones simulated except that there
was no map of the searched function. The result was
slightly different because the airfoil shape of the real
flexible skin under wind tunnel conditions was
different than the airfoil shapes defined by use of B-
splines. Still the result was similar, in terms of
actuator strokes dY1 and dY2 as well as the position
of transition. Similarly there could be observed in
Figure 9 a plateau of evaluation points that had the
transition occurrence on the 11th sensor.
Figure 10 shows the result of the airfoil shape
optimization, Cp distribution and xtr transition point
position on the upper surface of the airfoil obtained
through simulation using XFoil and B-splines model
for the flexible skin. The values obtained for wind
flow conditions of Mach = 0.25 and a = 0.5 are dY1
= 3.3 mm and dY2 = 7.2 mm. Also in Figure 7 is
shown the N factor distribution which was the
parameter used by XFoil to calculate the transition
point position. When N factor reached the N
value the transition was triggered. This parameter
was used in wind tunnel to validate the transition
position found through the RMS measuring of the
Kulite pressure sensors.
Figure 11 shows the optimized airfoil shape, Cp
distribution and xtr transition point position on the
upper surface of the airfoil in wind tunnel test (star
plots) compared to the optimal airfoil plots (upper
circles) and reference airfoil plots (lower circles)
obtained through simulation. Also in the lower
subplot of Figure 11 the N factor used by XFoil to
detect the transition position was compared to the
RMS of the Kulite sensors. Both the N factor and
RMS were normalized and the purpose of the plots
was to have a visual indicator of the transition
position. The software considered the transition
Figure 8: Optimization in real time during wind tunnel
tests for the airflow condition M = 0.25 and
= 0.5º.
Figure 9: Optimization in real time during wind tunnel
tests for the airflow conditions M = 0.25 and
= 0.5º.
Figure 10: Optimization simulation result for M = 0.25
= 0.5°.
position in the coordinates of the sensor with the
highest noise (RMS) as confirmed by previous
studies (Rioual, 1994). The values obtained in wind
tunnel for wind flow conditions of Mach = 0.25 and
a = 0.5 are xtr /c = 0.635 (xtr =317.5 mm) for the
actuator displacement values dY1 = 2.6 mm and
dY2 = 5.1 mm.
Figure 11: Optimization result during wind tunnel test for
M = 0.25 and
= 0.5°.
Figure 12 shows the time history of the
optimization process in wind tunnel. Due to the long
response of the SMA actuators – the time of cooling
from maximum displacement to zero was approx 2
min – the entire process of optimum search
converged to the optimum values in approx 20 min.
Also, there can be observed that the requested
displacements of the actuators at the maximum
displacement of 8 mm were not realized, due to the
fatigue of the SMA’s accumulated in previous testes.
The maximum deflection was in fact 7 mm for the
first actuator and 6.5 mm for second actuator.
Figure 13 shows typical infrared results obtained
at M = 0.25,
= 0.5° for various configurations.
Only the composite portion of the wing at x/c0.7
was shown. The white spots on the wing are the
electronically heated Kulite pressure transducers.
The two lines of SMA actuators, colder than the
model surface, were also visible at quarter chord and
near mid-chord. The locations of the transition in the
images have been highlighted using a white dashed
line: it corresponded to the location of a large
surface temperature gradient, the laminar region
being about 2-3°C hotter than the turbulent region.
The reference airfoil configuration (Figure 13)
Figure 12: Optimization time history during wind tunnel
test for M = 0.25 and
= 0.5°.
Figure 13: Infrared results obtained at M = 0.25 and
0.5° in reference position.
Figure 14: Infrared results obtained at M = 0.25 and
0.5° after optimization.
showed a transition location at x/c = 26%. The
optimization (Figure 14) allowed a laminar
boundary layer run to x/c = 58%, which represented
a significant improvement over the reference case
(Figure 13). Some turbulent wedges caused by
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
leading edge contamination, due to dust particles in
the flow, were visible in Figure 10-a. In addition to
providing an on line verification of the Kulite
dynamic pressure signals, the infrared measurement
was particularly useful to detect those early artificial
turbulent regions.
The results of the tests performed in wind tunnel
using a morphing wing were shown. The
optimization method did not use any CFD code but
used the same optimization algorithm in real time.
This optimization converged in approximately 10
minutes due to the slow response of the SMA
actuators especially in the cooling phase of the
cycle. It was observed that the airfoil realized by this
method slightly differs from the optimization using
CFD codes. This result was due to the fact that the
cost function of the optimization (transition position)
had discrete values (the sensors positions) and the
maximum of the function was a plateau of different
dY1 and dY2 values. The optimizer stopped at a
certain value in function of the number and
magnitudes of the searching steps. It was observed
that the last searching step (searching of the
maximum in eight points situated on a circle with
ray of 0.5 mm – see Figure 9) was not necessary due
to the cost function plateau of maximums.
The authors would like to thank the Consortium of
Research in the Aerospatial Industry in Quebec
(CRIAQ) for funding the present work, and Thales
Avionics and Bombardier Aerospace for their
financial and technical. The authors would like also
to thank George Henri Simon for initiating CRIAQ
7.1 project and Philippe Molaret from Thales
Avionics for their collaboration on this work.
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b = span of wing model (m)
c = chord of wing airfoil (m)
= drag coefficient
= lift coefficient
= pressure coefficient
M = Mach number
N = natural logarithm of rapport between
amplified perturbation and initial
perturbation in laminar flow
Re = Reynolds number
= transition position (m)
= angle of attack of the wing (º)
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics