An Action Research Study within a Mobile Telecommunications Company
Michael Anaman and Mark Lycett
Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University,Uxbridge,UB8 3PH, U.K.
Keywords: Customer experience, Mobile telecommunications, Real-time marketing, Customer retention, Decision
support, Information systems integration.
Abstract: Retaining profitable and high-value customers is a major strategic objective for many companies. In mature
mobile markets where growth has slowed, the defection of customers from one network to another has
intensified and is strongly fuelled by poor customer experience. In this light, this research-in-progress paper
describes a strategic approach to the use of Information Technology as a means of improving customer
experience. Using action research in a mobile telecommunications operator, a model is developed that
evaluates disparate customer data, residing across many systems, and suggests appropriate contextual
actions where experience is poor. The model provides value in identifying issues, understanding them in the
context of the overall customer experience (over time) and dealing with them appropriately. The novelty of
the approach is the synthesis of data analysis with an enhanced understanding of customer experience which
is developed implicitly and in real-time.
Organisations competing for the same customers and
broadly offering the same products and services
have differing levels of success in the market.
Published statistics indicate that 85% of business
leaders propose that differentiation by price, product
and services is no longer a sustainable business
strategy (Shaw and Ivens 2002). A significant
percentage of those leaders (71%) stated a belief that
customer experience is the new battleground in
achieving differentiation.
Customer experience comes from a customer’s
interaction with an organisation and its products and
services – it is not a passive concept. As a
consequence, this has led some to see experience as
a distinct economic offering (Pine and Gilmore
1998). In practice, however, the majority of
initiatives oriented at understanding customer
experience are reactive and based on gathering
explicit data related to experience (most commonly
gathered through customer surveys).One issue that
remains, however, is that of translating a strategy of
addressing customer experience to pro-active
operation that enhances the reactive approach of
asking customers about their experience. This paper
addresses that issue by developing a flexible and
maintainable model for analysing individual
customer experiences. The model is developed from
an analysis of data residing across a number of
technology-based information systems that, when
combined, allows for surrogate measures of
customer experience to be applied and appropriate
actions for improving customer experience to be
The development of this model is presented in
the context of an in-progress action research study
with a major mobile telecommunications provider
(referred to as Telco hereafter). In developing the
model the paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents an overview of the importance of customer
experience in relation to other concepts such as
loyalty and customer retention and describes the
important facets used in developing the model. It
also highlights the action research approach and
provides an overview of the Telco. Section 3
validates the customer experience concepts. Section
4 presents the model of customer experience, sheds
light on its application within Telco and discusses
the real-time marketing strategies. Section 5 notes
the current limitations of the work and describes the
next steps to be taken. Then the conclusion in
Section 6 follows.
Anaman M. and Lycett M. (2010).
TOWARD A MODEL OF CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - An Action Research Study within a Mobile Telecommunications Company.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002888003850390
Mobile penetration has reached a saturation point in
many markets, which has led providers to realize
that retaining existing customers is of increasing
importance. The typical focus points of retention
have been those of increasing both customer loyalty
and customer value (Kim et al., 2004; Reinartz and
Kumar 2002). The business case for this realization
is compelling, with evidence indicating that the net
present value in profit that results from a 5%
increase in customer retention varies between 25 and
95% (Reichheld 1996), the top 10% of customers are
often worth 5 to 10 times as much in potential life
time profits as the bottom 10% (Reichheld 1996),
and it can cost a business up to five times more to
recruit new customers than to retain current
customers (Hart et al. 1990).
Though much work has been done on
satisfaction and loyalty, more recent, work has
demonstrated the impact that improving the
customer experience has on customer loyalty (see
Johnston and Michel 2008, Crosby and Johnson
To date the information systems literature has
tended to focus on flow theory and studies of
human-computer interaction as a framework for
modelling enjoyment, user satisfaction, engagement
and other related states of involvement with
computer software (Novak et al, 2000; Pace, 2003;
Finneran & Zhang, 2003; Khalifa & Liu, 2007). This
paper, however, focuses on the basic satisfiers or
hygiene factors for mobile communication. The
paper contends that the mobile industry faces far
more elementary challenges in comparison to
ensuring customer experience flow in their
interaction with products and services.
Poor experience is generally conceptualised as an
‘expectation gap’ – the difference between what the
customer thinks they should be getting (built up by
marketing promises and prior experiences with the
existing company or other companies) and the
experience that they receive (as a result of
operational design for efficiency) (see Millard
Managing customer experience consequently
means “orchestrating all the customer experience
‘clues’ that are given off by products and services
that customers detect in the buying process” (Berry,
Carbone and Haeckel 2002, p.85). These clues are
easily discerned – in essence, a clue is anything that
can be perceived or sensed or recognised by its
absence. The composite of all clues comprise the
customer’s total experience and they can be
subdivided into categories as noted below (Carbone
and Haeckel 1994): Functional – Rational / objective
clues that relate to the operation of the good or
service; Emotional (Mechanics) – Clues emitted by
things; Emotional – (Humanics) – Clues emitted by
Emotional clues are just as important to the
customer experience and work synergistically with
functional clues (Berry et al. 2002), a view
supported by Shaw (2005) who suggests that sensory
experience is vital when looking at the entire
customer experience. Very importantly, the
customer experience should be viewed as a process
of interaction and can be mapped out as a journey
(Reichheld 1996) – a ‘customer corridor’ that
captures the essence of a series of interactions.
Understandably, the preference for the development
of this sequence is for the interactions to be positive
and both the average interaction and the deviations
from the average (peaks) are important in shaping a
customer’s overall experience (see Verhoef et al.
2004 in relation to services). Other research notes
the importance of the last interaction over and above
prior interactions (Ariely and Carmon 2000; Hansen
and Danaher 1999).
From an industrial perspective, clues are
classified in instruments such as the J. D. Power
Survey (J. D. Power & Associates 2008), which is
an industrial standard in the UK. The categories
cover seven key factors and their relative weightings
(in brackets): Image (23%); Offerings & promotions
(14%); Call quality / coverage (18%); Cost (14%);
Handset (7%); Customer Service (14%); Billing
2.1 Action Research and the
Organisational Setting
The practical work herein is action research based,
adopting a two pronged approach which are the
distinctive characteristics of action research (see
Avison et al. 1999, Baskerville and Wood-Harper
1996, Davison et al. 2004). Though various forms of
action research have been identified (Baskerville and
Wood-Harper 1998), the research here is canonical
in its approach, comprising the five phases of (1)
diagnosing; (2) action planning; (3) action taking;
(4) evaluating and (5) specifying learning (Davison
et al. 2004, Susman and Evered 1978).
The research organisation, Telco, is a mobile
telecommunications company with network
operations in several countries servicing millions of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
customers. The research was conducted in the
context of the UK business.
2.2 Explicit vs. Implicit Assessment of
Customer Experience
When faced with measuring customer experience a
significant challenge is whether to explicitly ask
customers about their experiences or try to inferred
experiences implicitly. For the UK mobile industry,
explicit measurement is problematic for the
following reasons: a) the logistics and cost to
continually survey an appropriate proportion of the
customer base; b) dealing with the fact that explicit
methods rely on the recollection of events by
customers which are often overly positive (in a “rose
tinted” manner) or they can be remembered more
negatively than the reality at the time; c) the concern
that many consumers are suffering from survey
fatigue where continued requests from operators for
information can be counter productive; d) the wrong
customers respond – often it is customers that are
bored, lonely or compulsive that answer. Reichheld
(1996) agrees with the above problems and suggests
that as tools for predicting whether customers will
purchase more of the company’s products or
services (which he suggests is a good surrogate for
determining whether a company is providing a good
experience or not) explicit satisfaction surveys are
grossly imperfect.
These challenges directed the research and the
development of an implicit and more proactive
approach, where experience data stored or accessible
by the company can be harnessed with the creation
of systems solution to improving customer
2.3 Scoring the Customer Experience
Following a review of alternatives, Reichheld’s Net
Promoter Scoring system was adopted as a
measurement scale. This scale divides every
company’s customers into three categories:
Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. By asking how
likely is it that you would recommend an
organisation to a friend or colleague, customers
respond on a 0-to-10 point rating scale and are
categorized as follows: Promoters (score 9-10) are
loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer
others, fuelling growth; Passives (score 7-8) are
satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are
vulnerable to competitive offerings; Detractors
(score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage
your brand and impede growth through negative
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by
taking the percentage of customers who are
Promoters and subtract the percentage who are
Detractors. Following a review of options, this
scoring system was employed as it had credibility
within Telco and therefore provided no challenges to
Customer experience concepts were derived via a
process of data triangulation. This process
synthesised data from the customer experience
literature, the JD Power Survey (both areas
previously discussed) and the thoughts from real
customers (described below), with the aim of further
validating the customer experience items and their
relative importance. The survey of real customers
involved a 5 minute semi-structured interview with
Telco customers as they were entering or leaving
Telco retail stores which were conducted
simultaneously across 4 different geographical
locations. A sample of 94 customers was surveyed
with Telco advising that the demographic split was
representative of their total customer base.
When asked how rated their experience with
Telco at the moment, using Reichheld’s 0 – 10 scale,
34% were classified as promoters, 34% were
passives and 32% were identified as detractors,
indicating there is an opportunity for Telco to make
improvements to their customer experiences. When
the customers were asked about the key reasons for
their rating, the results showed that customer
services has by far the biggest impact on the
experience rating, with nearly half the customers
sampled (47%) seeing this as the primary issue.
However upon analysis, promoters place an even
greater emphasis on customer services (56%),
whereas detractors suggest that both coverage and
customer services are key reasons for their rating
with (30% and 27% respectively).
When asked what Telco could do to improve the
experience, the top 3 answers (excluding null
answers) were: Improve customer service – (47%);
Improve costs – (19%); Improve Coverage (16%).
TOWARD A MODEL OF CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - An Action Research Study within a Mobile Telecommunications
Table 1: Outline of Customer Experience Model.
Weighting Experience Item Item Description Weighting
Cost 0.1818 Cost
Telco customers’ cost per minute voice/text bundle
versus the cost per minute bundle for the cheapest
Bundle efficiency Percentage of bundle allocation used per month 0.34
Handset 0.0909 Repairs Number of times handset has been in for repair in a
12 month period
Known issues Known issues with existing handset 0.25
Coverage 0.2338 Dropped calls Percentage of dropped calls, based on totals
number of calls made in that month
Call Set-up failures Percentage of call set up failures, based on number
of calls made
Home coverage Coverage rating at home post code 0.30
Customer Services 0.1818 Complaint
Percentage of customer complaints with the same
reason code in a 12 month period
Complaint volume Number of customer complaints in a 12 month
Offerings &
0.1818 Decrease in voice
Percentage decrease in voice usage vs. previous
Decrease in data
Percentage decrease in data usage vs. previous
promotion usage
Percentage decrease in usage of latest promotional
offer taken up
Billing 0.1299 Billing complaints Number of customer complaints regarding billing
in a 12 month period
4.1 Customer Experience Model
In developing a systems model, the J.D. Power
categories were broken down into experience items,
with weighting validated by the exit interview
customer survey and based on the experience and
knowledge of the joint team. The items were
selected as those that would give a great implicit
experience indication for each category. Meyer and
Schwager (2007) in particular argue that companies
must deconstruct their overall experience into
component experiences and proposes that
organisations may choose to review past, present or
potential patterns of customer experience data, with
each pattern yielding different types of insight.
Table 1 provides a summary of the customer
experience model. Drawing the earlier parts of the
paper together, for each customer, the model allows
for computational profiles to be developed
(accounting for individual customer journeys). From
an abstract perspective profiles are enabled by
categorising and measuring experiences over time.
The customer experience items are the indicators
derived from data in the organisations source
systems (Customer Care; Billing; Sales; Network
performance; Competitor intelligence). Using data
warehousing technology this base data can be
cleansed and aggregated into the relevant time
period and provided for each individual customer. A
customer experience score can therefore be arrived
at by aggregating the score for each category. The
theoretical maximum would be 1.0, however, any
issues at the experience item level will reduce the
maximum value of that category and thus the overall
experience score.
4.2 Application of the Model in a Real
Time Marketing Setting
Real-time attempts to ensure goods and services are
not only customisable to the individual customer,
but also inherently capable of adapting themselves
over time (Oliver et al., 1998). Telco see real-time
marketing as an opportunity to turn interactions
triggered by either the customer or the organisation
into more profitable customer relationships. They
also believe that insight driven customer service can
optimise interactions and generate incremental
revenue and greater loyalty. Importantly, Telco also
believe that real-time marketing initiatives provide
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Loyalty Action Strategies.
High (>£27) Medium (> £13, but <£27) Low (<£9)
High (Promoters)
Cross –sell Cross –sell Up-sell
Medium (Passives)
Implement loyalty action Implement loyalty action Up-sell
Low (Detractors)
Implement loyalty action Implement loyalty action Do nothing
an opportunity to further assess the customer
experience model and implement actions to address
poor customer experience. Table 2 provides a high
level strategic view of how different customer
interaction would proceed, based on a customer
experience score and knowledge of customer value.
From a customer experience and retention
perspective most interest lies in the scenarios where
high or medium value customers (depicted in the
table by monthly margin figures) are having a
medium or low experience. Actionable customer
feedback needs to relate specific problems to
specific groups of customers, in particular customers
with enough economic value to merit investing in
solutions to their concerns (Reichheld, 2006).
4.3 Customer Experience Improvement
(Service Recovery) and Loyalty
In their framework of the service recovery process,
Miller et al. (2000) categorise the critical elements
of the recovery process as either psychological or
tangible. Common tangible elements of a service
recovery system include completing the primary
service, re-performing the service, exchange the
product or refunding the cost (Lewis and McCann,
The importance of action is highlighted in the
case of service recovery. Service recovery where
possible attempts to solve problems at the service
encounter before customers complain or before they
leave the service encounter dissatisfied (Michel
2001). The pre-emptive nature of the model allows
Telco to intervene to improve the experience, before
the situation becomes un-recoverable.
Examples of loyalty actions formulated by the
team for high value customers include:
“More economic tariffs” – forgoing short term
margin for more medium term profits due to
less churn.
“Immediate replacement of problem handsets”
– reducing the aggravation period and ensure
the customer is able to use billable services
The customer experience model, as developed here,
is currently being tested and validated for is efficacy
and impact on identifying customer experience
issues and improving business performance. Testing
and validation is being conducted on data for 20,000
customers, covering the experience items articulated
in the model. The sample intentionally includes
10,000 customers who defected at the end of their
contract period and 10,000 customers who upgraded
their contracts or continued on their existing
contracts. Statistical analysis will be therefore be
used to examine correlation between experience
items and between experience items and defection.
That analysis will also be used to calibrate the
model, testing and refining item weightings and the
thresholds for triggering loyalty actions. Following
implementation, further research is currently being
undertaken to:
Assess the impact of loyalty actions in
resolving issues and developing a closer
relationship with the customer.
Examine the wider organisational
implications, reviewing the impact on process
improvement and employee satisfaction. Even
at this stage, it is clear that corporate measures
and incentives will need to be reviewed to
support the new customer experience
Understandably, there are limitations in relation
to the research and the customer experience model
in general. First, the research is based on the
activities and information of one mobile operator,
which places limits on generalisation of the
outcomes. Second, there are limitations in relation to
both what can be measured and the metrics
employed, those in the model to date flow from the
TOWARD A MODEL OF CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - An Action Research Study within a Mobile Telecommunications
data available in existing systems and decisions
taken in concert with Telco. Third, it is
acknowledged that the indicators employed are
functional in their nature and do not explicitly
address emotional clues in the main. This point was
acknowledged at the outset and the model is
intended (a) to provide an implicit ‘foil’ for explicit
initiatives such as customer surveys and (b) the
delivery of loyalty actions is via human-to-human
interaction (in a contrite and empathetic manner).
Retaining profitable and high-value customers is a
major strategic objective for many companies – a
statement particularly true for firms in mature
mobile markets where growth has slowed and the
defection of customers from one network to another
has intensified. From a business perspective the case
for addressing loyalty has been shown as compelling
and this paper has argued that understanding and
improving customer experience is a cornerstone in
improving loyalty. Though customer experience has
been shown to be difficult to tie-down, from a
management perspective, it has been argued that it is
important to understand and model on a longitudinal
basis to understand the ‘journey’ that a customer is
on and how particular interactions impact upon the
overall experience.
In seeking to make the management of
experience operational, a model has been developed
that infers (primarily) functional clues that can be
used as surrogates for customer experience, drawing
on customer data (both static and from interaction)
to highlight issues and suggest appropriate actions to
improve the experience. The model itself comprises
of a number of experience items developed as a
synthesis of empirical research, prior literature and
an industry-standard model. Experience items are
monitored and assessed in relation to agreed
thresholds. The value of this model is in identifying
issues, understanding them in the context of the
overall customer experience (over time) and dealing
with them appropriately. The novelty of the
approach is the synthesis of data analysis with an
enhanced understanding of customer experience
which is developed implicitly and in real-time. The
work is presented as research-in-progress and is
currently being tested and validated for is efficacy
and impact on Telco data for 20,000 customers.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems