Zakaria Maamar
, Ghazi Al-Khatib
, Said Elnaffar
and Youcef Baghdadi
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E
Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Amman, Jordan
United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, U.A.E
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Membership, Policy, Preference, Privacy, Web service.
This paper presents a meta-model for describing preferences of Web services. Two types of preferences are
examined namely privacy and membership. Privacy restricts the data that Web services exchange, and mem-
bership restricts the peers that Web services interact with. Both types have risen lately with force in response
to the open and dynamic nature of the Internet. While most of the research work on Web services has been
driven by the concerns of users, this paper stresses out the concerns of providers of Web services. Differ-
ent meta-classes like Web service, functionality, and WSDL are included the meta-model for Web services’
preferences. To guarantee the satisfaction of these preferences, policies are developed in this paper.
Over the last few years, the research community ex-
amined Web services from different perspectives such
as composition, semantic mediation, and context-
awareness. Recently, a new perspective that empha-
sizes privacy concerns has risen with force in re-
sponse to the open and dynamic nature of the In-
ternet. Web services are expected to handle users’
personal details in compliance with existing privacy
standards (WSP, 2009; W3C, 2003) and public leg-
islations (Commission, 2008). Some countries like
Canada have even set up a dedicated body to imple-
ment and enforce these legislations.
It is worth mentioning that the majority of Web
services R&D projects are user-centric; the priority
is always given to users’ concerns: how to look for
Web services to satisfy a user’s needs, how to person-
alize a Web service with respect to a user’s profile,
how to protect a user from malicious Web services,
how to ease the discovery of Web services as per a
user’s needs, etc. Although it is critical to guaran-
tee user satisfaction towards Web services use, a few
R&D projects look at the other side of the spectrum,
which emphasizes providers’ concerns. Providers
are put on the first line of satisfying Web services’
promises (i.e., loosely-coupled application develop-
ment) on top of their regular duties of developing and
maintaining Web services. In the literature, it is al-
ways guaranteed that Web services always accept to
engage in composition scenarios, process users’ re-
quests, and interact with other peers. This should not
always be the case as Web services (in accordance
with their providers’ policies) could reject process-
ing users’ requests due to current high-load or non-
appealing rewards, propose peers with whom they
would like to partner during composition, review their
internal use policies without prior notice, and initi-
ate some sort of negotiation with other peers in or-
der to satisfy the most of their preferences. In (Maa-
mar et al., 2004), we discuss how Web services per-
formance can be restricted because of lack of com-
puting resources upon which these Web services will
run. In this paper, we show how providers set pref-
erences that would let their Web services postpone
or cancel their participations in compositions if their
preferences are not satisfied, as well as relax these
preferences if needed. TypeOfPeer and DataQuality
are examples of preferences associated with Web ser-
vices, but additional examples are provided later.
To ease the exercise of modeling preferences of
Web services, we develop in this paper a meta-model
that structures the types of preferences, the relation-
ships (e.g., cause-effects, complementary, etc.) that
could exist between these preferences, the restrictions
that could be put on these preferences, and finally
the mechanisms that would support (automatically if
possible) the mapping of these preferences onto ex-
Maamar Z., Al-Khatib G., Elnaffar S. and Baghdadi Y. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 113-118
DOI: 10.5220/0002888901130118
ecutable policies. Such policies will be triggered to
guarantee that Web services’ preferences are satisfied
at run-time. The rest of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents some related work. Section 3
discusses the preferences of Web services. Section 4
introduces the meta-model of these preferences. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
In (Benbernou et al., 2007b), Benbernou et al. pro-
pose a privacy-agreement model for Web services.
They point out that despite the increasing number
of privacy policies that businesses advertise, Internet
users are not convinced yet with the way their per-
sonal details are handled and how compliant these
businesses are with these policies. As a result, users
continue to be reluctant to disclose such details. The
privacy-agreementmodel of Benbernou et al. consists
of rights and obligations that can be used to accom-
modate new business strategies and changes in per-
sonal data-related laws and regulations.
In (Xu et al., 2006), Xu et al. mention that pri-
vacy concerns should be handled during the develop-
ment phase of a composite Web service. The num-
ber of people who access the Web continues to grow,
which has exacerbated these concerns. To address
this exacerbation and the Platform for Privacy Prefer-
ences’ (P3P) shortcomings, Xu et al. propose a frame-
work for the development of privacy-conscious com-
posite Web services. When a user provides data to a
Web service, she needs guarantees that these data will
be manipulated in accordance with her privacy pref-
erences. The user can request to check the model of a
Web service so that she can know how this Web ser-
vice processes and shares data. In the framework of
Xu et al., automated techniques check the compliance
of a Web service’s model with a user’s privacy prefer-
In (Park et al., 2005), Park et al. incorporate
preferences into Web services conversations in or-
der to accommodate users who are on the move
and thus, dependent on wireless network availability
and reliability. Park et al.s framework called WS-
CPP for Web Services Conversations Preference Pro-
file defines documents that include a specific element
known as preference. This specific element governs
the interaction behavior of both service provider and
client. A preference may contain zero or more of
the following entities: interactionSkip, choicePrior-
ity, and orderPriority.
In (Carminati, B. and Ferrari, E. and Hung, P.C.
K., 2005), Carminati et al. discuss privacy in the
context of agencies dedicated to Web services discov-
ery. These agencies (e.g., built upon UDDI registries)
need to have access to some Web services’ sensitive
information for various reasons like identifying ap-
propriate Web services with respect to users’ needs.
However, some providers of Web services could be
reluctant to give discovery agencies free access to
these sensitive information.
Prior to discussing how a Web service controls its par-
ticipations in composition scenarios through prefer-
ences, we show first, how to include preferences in
the description of the Web service. To this end, we
decompose this description into two parts: function-
ality and preference. The functionality part consists
of the “service” that the Web service offers to users
and peers for invocation. The preference part con-
sists of concrete types of preferences that the Web
service makes sure of their satisfaction at run-time.
Each preference type is related to a category, which
we denote by either privacy or membership.
3.1 Running Example
Our running example is a university student who
would like to organize a cookout party for his recent
graduation. We identify some potential Web services
that could be in charge of the logistics of this party.
CateringWS: looks for and contacts catering com-
panies according to some criteria like allocated bud-
get, number of expected guests, and type of cuisine.
GuestWS: sends invitees invitations, keeps track
of confirmed invitations, and follows-up on uncon-
firmed invitations through reminders.
PlaceBookingWS: looks for a place to host the
cookout party, books the place, and completes the
necessary paperwork like payment.
WeatherWS: checks weather forecast for the day
of the cookout party. In case of bad weather, the party
takes place at the student’s place.
3.2 Privacy-based Preferences
In Wikipedia, privacy is ... the ability of an in-
dividual or group to seclude themselves or infor-
mation about themselves and thereby reveal them-
selves selectively. The boundaries and content
of what is considered private differ among cul-
tures and individuals, but share basic common
themes... ( Privacy are
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
related to different themes such as data, financial, In-
ternet, and political.
Research on privacy through the P3P and Enter-
prise Privacy Authorization Language (EPAL) ini-
tiatives is still confined to user-Web site interac-
tions (Benbernou et al., 2007a). A user needs to know
among other things why she submitted her credit card
number to a Web site, how long this Web site will
retain this number, and how she could verify that this
number was effectivelydeleted as the Web site claims.
In the following, we briefly go over P3P and EPAL.
P3P: In (Hua Li et al., 2006), Hua Li et al. pro-
vide a concise summary of P3P, which we adopt in
this paper. XML-based P3P is the most significant ef-
fort that gives Internet users the opportunity to gain
control over their personal details. A privacy policy
in P3P is a set of statements. Each statement has four
different components: data group, purpose, recipient,
and retention.
EPAL: It ... is a formal language for writing
enterprise privacy policies to govern data handling
practices in IT systems according to fine-grained pos-
itive and negative authorization rights” (EPALs Web
site). An EPAL policy defines (i) lists of hierarchies
of data-categories, user-categories, and purposes, and
(ii) sets of (privacy) actions, obligations, and condi-
The above initiatives/standards are user-centric;
the data collected concern users, only. In the fol-
lowing, we discuss privacy-based preferences from
the perspective of a provider that would like to have
control over the data that its Web service manipu-
lates. These data are part of the business logic that
underpins the functioning of the Web service. First of
all, we identify some privacy-based preference types
that apply to Web services and then, show if any
correspondence exists between these types and P3P
or EPAL components.
1. DataSource: a Web service specifies a list of di-
rect peers (i.e., other Web services) from which it
accepts input data without for example checking
their credentials (Li et al., 2007).
2. DataDestination: a Web service specifies a list
of direct peers for which it forwards output data
without for example checking their credentials (Li
et al., 2007).
3. DataRetentionPeriodAtDestination: a Web ser-
vice sets an appropriate duration for direct desti-
nation peers to retain its output data whether these
data are updated or not at the destination level.
When this duration elapses, the data should be ei-
ther deleted or forwarded as long as the privacy-
based preferences of the sender and destination
peers are satisfied. It is expected that the recipi-
ent Web services to a Web service announce their
respective DataRetentionPeriodAtReception pref-
erences as a counter-part of the DataRetentionPe-
riodAtDestination preference of this Web service.
4. DataDisclosureDistance: a Web service sets the
maximum distance for its data to be disclosed (or
forwarded) from one peer to another without seek-
ing its direct approval. For example, distance 2
would mean the peers that are directly connected
to a Web service and the next direct peers that
are connected to these peers. In any case, the
peers have to take into account their own Data-
Source/DataDestination preferences prior to re-
ceiving/forwarding data. It is expected that the
recipient Web services to a Web service announce
their respective DataDisclosureDistance prefer-
ences in response to the DataDisclosureDistance
preference of this Web service.
Table 1 suggests correspondences between our
proposed types of privacy-based preferences and P3P
and EPAL components. In the list of privacy types
(column #2), DataDestination and DataRetentionPe-
riodAtDestination preferences have direct counterpart
components in P3P and EPAL. The rest of prefer-
ences do not have because of their specific role in
composition scenarios. DataSource focusses on the
previous component Web services, and DataDisclo-
sureDistance focusses on the next component Web
services. It would be appropriate to add these two
privacy-based preference types to P3P and EPAL for
the following reasons:
1. A Web site could submit a user’s details to other
Web sites without the knowledge/approval of the
user; this could be prevented through DataDisclo-
2. And, a Web site could use details from other Web
sites to satisfy a user’s request without the knowl-
edge/approval of the user; this could be prevented
through DataSource.
Example. We instantiate the proposed privacy-
based preference types using PlaceBookingWS.
DataSource: null.
DataDestination: GuestWS.
DataRetentionPeriodAtDestination: up to
1 month from date of receipt.
DataDisclosureDistance: 2 CateringWS could
receive data of PlaceBookingWS from GuestWS
without the approval of PlaceBookingWS.
Table 1: Privacy preference correspondences.
# Proposed privacy type P3P component EPAL component
1 DataSource null null
2 DataDestination Recipient User categories
3 DataRetentionPeriodAtDestination Retention Obligations
4 DataDisclosureDistance null null
3.3 Membership-based Preferences
Membership-based preferences reinforce the capac-
ity of a Web service to control its participations in
composition scenarios. By accepting to engage in
these scenarios, a Web service puts some restrictions
on its engagement by using preferences. Similarly
with privacy-based preferences, we identify some
membership-basedpreference types that apply to Web
services and then, show if any correspondence exists
between these types and P3P or EPAL components.
1. ParticipationDuration: because Web services can
engage in long-running composition scenarios
that sometimes last days and even weeks (Little,
2003), a Web service could set the maximum du-
ration it would remain committed to a certain sce-
nario whether the performanceof this Web service
is finished or not. ParticipationDuration gives a
Web service the possibility to automatically dis-
engage from composition scenarios that last more
than expected and engage in other compositions
if such opportunities arise. It would also allow a
Web service to stipulate another pricing model, if
it decides to relax this membership preference.
2. InvocationPeriod: to maintain a certain level of
QoS (Sun et al., 2007), a Web service could set
different time periods (e.g., off peak, peak) to re-
ceive and process execution requests. These pe-
riods could be driven by factors like service level
agreements, business hours, computing resource
availabilities, etc.
3. PaymentMode: in return to processing users’ re-
quests, a Web service could be financially com-
pensated either instantly after satisfying these re-
quests or deferred until the successful completion
of the composition scenario in which this Web
service takes part now. In case of composition-
scenario failure, a Web service could request can-
celation fees on top of the regular fees that it
. However, if a Web service is faulty, then
it will bear financial penalties (when applicable).
4. BlackListedPeers: it is a list of Web services that
a Web service does not wish to deal with them di-
Cancelation fees are applicable when a Web service
that has completed its execution, needs now to cancel or
compensate this execution.
rectly, or even if they exist as part of a composi-
tion scenario. For example, a Web service does
not wish to deal with those Web services that may
degrade its QoS or threaten its privacy or security
5. FavoredPeers: this allows a Web service to se-
lectively choose to favor the participation in one
composition over the other due to the existence of
good peers. This preference may stem from the
positive experience with those favored Web ser-
Table 2 suggests correspondences between
our membership-based preference types and P3P
and EPAL components. In the list of membership
types (column #2), ParticipationDuration, Favored-
Peers, and BlackListedPeers have “Retention”,
“Recipient”, and “Recipient” P3P parameters as
counterparts. From a user perspective, “Retention
component could mean the maximum time-period
that a user would be willing to spend interacting with
a Web site. If a user has to complete a 15 minute
survey while her next meeting is in less than 10 min-
utes, the Web site could be informed about the user’s
availability so that appropriate actions are taken.
“Recipient” component could mean both the Web
sites that a user would like to visit and not to visit. In
EPAL, “Obligations” component could be associated
with ParticipationDuration and “User categories”
component could be associated with FavoredPeers
and BlackListedPeers. From a user perspective,
“Obligations” component could refer to the actions
to take when the user decides to disengage from
an interactive session without prior notice. And,
“User categories” component could refer both to
the Web sites that a user would like to visit and
not to visit. Finally, it would appropriate to add
InvocationPeriod to both P3P and EPAL for a better
access management to Web sites.
Example. We instantiate the proposed
membership-based preference types using Cater-
ParticipationDuration: 48 hours if the execu-
tion of the cookout-party composition lasts more
than forty eight hours, CateringWS will automat-
ically disengage itself from this composition. A
remedy to this “expected” disengagement needs
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 2: Membership correspondence arguments.
# Proposed membership type P3P component EPAL component
1 ParticipationDuration Retention Obligations
2 InvocationPeriod null null
3 PaymentMode null null
4 BlackListedPeers Recipient null
5 FavoredPeers Recipient User categories
to be planned by the composition designer for
instance negotiating a longer engagement period
with CateringWS.
InvocationPeriod: null.
PaymentMode: deferred CateringWS expects
payment after the whole composition is com-
pleted with success. In case of failure that re-
quires cancelation, CateringWS will charge addi-
tional fees.
BlackListedPeers: null.
FavoredPeers: PlaceBookingWS CateringWS
has an excellent experience dealing with Place-
We propose a meta-model to describe Web services’
preferences and then show how this meta-model is
used to generate policies that guarantee these prefer-
ences satisfaction at run-time.
4.1 Proposed Meta-model
As Jegadeesan and Balasubramaniam report in (Je-
gadeesan and Balasubramaniam, 2009), the goal of
a meta-model is to have a minimum number of el-
ements with maximum expressivity, and reduce the
representational gap for domain experts to use it. Our
meta-model for Web services’ preferences is repre-
sented in Figure 1 and consists of the following meta-
classes: Web Service, Functionality, WSDL, Prefer-
ence, Privacy, Membership, Value, Single (Value),
and Multi (Value).
A Web service is associated with a WSDL docu-
ment that is used among other things to identify
the functionality and preferences of the Web ser-
A preference is identified with a name of type
String and a priority level of type Integer. This
priority level is a non-negative integer that shows
how strictly a preference should be satisfied. Zero
priority is the most restrictive level, which means
that satisfying this preference is mandatory. High
levels suggest that the preference is optional yet
prioritized according to its level; the higher the
level is the less important it is).
A preference is specialized into privacy and mem-
bership types.
A preference’s value could be either single
(e.g., DataRetentionPeriodAtDestination of type
Integer) or multiple (e.g., FavoredPeers of type
List of Peers). This is represented through the
value class.
All peers that a Web service interact with are of
type Web service.
4.2 Policy Definition
Following the definition of a meta-model of prefer-
ences for Web services in Figure 1, we move now to
the generation of policies that guarantee the satisfac-
tion of these preferences at run time. We start by de-
veloping an XML schema of this meta-model. After-
wards, we instantiate this XML schema to illustrate
some concrete Web services’ preferences. This also
allows generating policies, which can be done using
XQuery or XPath. Examples of queries that could be
run over the XML model include: Query
: List the
priority for the payment mode preference for a given
WS, Query
: List the names of preferences who has
a positive priority, and Query
: List the peers for the
data source preference
We presented our work on meta-modeling the pref-
erences of Web services. The objective is to iden-
tify which preferences could be associated with Web
services and how to structure these preferences in
terms of type, relationship, and restrictions. Two
types of preferences have been examined namely
privacy and membership. On the one hand, pri-
vacy restricts the exchange of data between Web ser-
vices. This happens using different arguments such
as DataSource, DataDestination, DataRetentionPeri-
odAtDestination, and DataDisclosureDistance. On
the other hand, membership restricts the interactions
between Web services. This happens using different
Web service
name: String
priority: Integer
1..* has 1
value: String
a set of
Figure 1: Meta-model for Web services’ preferences.
arguments such as BlackListedPeers, PaymentMode,
InvocationPeriod, and ParticipationDuration.
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies