Roger Tagg
, Leonard Koh
and Tamara Beames
(Formerly at)
University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes SA 5095, Australia
Keywords: Personal Information Management, Task Management, User Interface, Adoption of Technology.
Abstract: Personal Information Management (PIM) software tools are becoming increasingly important in easing the
high information workloads of today’s knowledge workers. However despite the efforts of both commercial
vendors and research teams, significant improvements have yet to find their way into mainstream
commercial tools and common usage. This paper focusses on two particular aspects: improved support for
task management and better user interface metaphors. We also address the issue of how current knowledge
work culture affects the way in which PIM tools are utilised, and of adoption of these tools.
There continues to be pressure on knowledge
workers, especially since the recent global financial
crisis, to achieve more and more in less time and
with fewer resources. This situation has been
exacerbated by increasing administrative controls
and tighter competition for business. IT assistance
seems to have hit a road block; users are still using
much the same everyday tools for Personal
Information Management (PIM) as they were a
decade ago.
This paper looks at possible ways round this road
block from two angles: firstly though suggested
improvements to today’s PIM tools in the areas of
task management and user interfaces; and secondly
through addressing issues of culture and adoption
that limit the pace at which any improvement can be
The ideas in the paper are based on experience
with our VPS (Virtual Private Secretary) project
(Tagg et al 2009). This project aims to ease
information overload by providing software support
similar to that which a human secretary might
Section 2 of this paper summarizes user feedback
to some demonstrations and presentations of VPS
prototypes. Section 3 describes certain extensions
proposed for VPS (and PIM tools in general) in the
task management and user interface areas. Section 4
reviews some other notable PIM projects worldwide.
Section 5 raises issues of adoption of new
technologies, both in general and for PIM in
particular. Section 6 offers some concluding
thoughts and ideas for future work.
In (Tagg and Beames 2009) we raised the question
“what will it take for a critical mass of users to
change from the toolkits they currently use for PIM
(e.g. MS Outlook or Lotus Notes) to a new, more
intelligent and more task-oriented interface for
everyday information and communication
management?” We suggested that, as well as a major
software improvement, a change in human-to-human
etiquette will be needed. For example, current
culture is to send messages to other users without
any contextual clues for the receiver.
In early 2009, two of the current authors had
held detailed interviews with a small sample of
potential users, including an academic, an
administrator and a marketing manager.
To follow this up, the other author carried out
two informal surveys of user habits and cultural
attitudes. Respondents were attendees at “project
fairs” at which his Honours project (involving
extensions to VPS) was demonstrated – along with
other student projects - to industry sponsors,
academics and other students.
Tagg R., Koh L. and Beames T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 137-142
DOI: 10.5220/0002889201370142
2.1 First user Survey (June)
45 respondents were asked about their level of use of
email, their experience of overload, their use of
email for task management and their priorities for
improvement in email tools.
A majority (60-65%) check their emails at least
every morning, and file emails in folders. 82%
admitted experiencing some degree of information
overload, half of these putting the blame largely on
email. Respondents’ task management was not
sophisticated, 82% leaving task-containing messages
in their inbox as a reminder. However only 40%
thought that they needed specific task management
facilities, and only a similar number were even
aware that MS Outlook contained a Tasks
subsystem. Only 18% saw themselves as ever taking
a “tasks first” view rather than a “read all the
messages first” view.
2.2 Second Survey (November)
In the second survey respondents were asked only
about their task management practices and how they
would react if they were required to provide more
clues when requesting other people to perform tasks,
or to change to using PIM tools that were more task-
oriented. 29 responses were received (17 students, 8
industry and 4 academics).
Asked how they currently manage their “to do”
list, responses were widely scattered (see Table 1).
Table 1: “To-do list” approaches used by survey
To-do list method Respondents
MS Outlook Tasks
My mobile phone
Special “to-do list” software
Set up tasks as calendar appointments
Mark the emails as “unread”
Write in a diary or filofax
Write on a loose sheet of paper
Keep it in my head
Other (inky palm, whiteboard, QuickNote)
Many respondents said they integrated their total list
of “to-do” items through email. However, when
requesting tasks from others, they gave phoning,
texting or even asking face to face equal preference.
The reaction to changing to using more task-oriented
tools was that if asked to do so, over half the
respondents would conform – but with 50% of
respondents being students, this may not be
2.3 Comments on the Surveys
Most people we surveyed seem to have built up their
PIM practices over time by experience of working
with whatever tools they have been given. An
informal comment was noted that said “it’s not my
job as an email sender to categorize for the receiver
the messages I send”.
3.1 Task-oriented Assistance to
Receivers of Messages
Work on VPS in 2008 (Tagg et al 2009) led to the
development of a prototype system for pre-
categorizing incoming emails through the use of an
ontology and lexicon controlled by the receiver.
In trials of this prototype, it was found that while
the system could adequately recognize the work
topic to which an email belonged, it was less good at
recognizing “taskiness”, i.e. how likely it is that the
message sender is actually asking the receiver to do
something important, and what sort of action (e.g.
acknowledgement, reply, vote casting or sending of
an attachment) is required.
It also became clear that our potential users did
not want “yet another software tool” such as our
VPS prototype would have been. Therefore in 2009
we re-implemented it as a potential “myTasks”
extension to the university’s existing web portals
used by staff and students, using the same ASP.NET
technology as in that portal. However we later
discovered that the portal appears to not be widely
used as a starting point for users’ general PIM work,
and the portal development team did not encourage
our efforts.
3.2 Encouraging Message Senders to
Give More Clues
Given the problems in identifying taskiness, we have
conjectured, along with other researchers, that a
change in the current culture, in which senders
would be encouraged to make any task requests
more specific, is perhaps needed.
In an earlier prototype (Tagg and Mahalingam
2005), we attempted to require task requesters to
complete mandatory fields on a web form, but the
feedback was that most message senders would not
be prepared to do this in the current culture.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We have instead proposed a “privileged senders”
approach whereby a receiver can say to senders “if
you give me better clues, I can attend to your
requests more quickly”. A possible choreography is
shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Suggested choreography for a “Privileged
Senders” add-on.
Receiver (Message) Sender
senders” add-on)
(Store sender
(Receiver’s PIM
agent categorizes
the message and
infers any task)
(Review task
(Complete the
Invitation to be
one of my privil-
eged senders--->
marked up
and agree/refuse-
and changed
Progress report
or extended
deadline request
“Done” message
(manual or
<--Accept or
reject the result
(Install “privileged
senders” add-on)
(Store receiver
(When sending to
such a receiver, get
a prompt to mark
up the message)
(Manage delegated
(Check the
receiver’s response
(manually or
To support this, a data structure, as shown in the
entity-relationship diagram in Figure 1, would need
to be held by both senders and receivers.
Figure 1: Data Structure to support a “Privileged Senders”
Receivers would, of course, also need to maintain
their personal ontology of work categories, some or
all of which would be publicized to senders. A
sender-side prompting function would access the
receiver’s ontology, using either a web service or a
local copy.
3.3 Compliance Management
This is an extension to “privileged senders”,
intended to support users who receive so many task
requests that they find it hard to remember where
they have got to on each task. At the simplest level,
a user might wish to check whether the requester
regards the task as done or not. The choreography
for this is shown in Table 3 below.
Table 3: Suggested choreography for a “Compliance
Management” add-on.
Receiver (Message) Sender
(Install “compli-
ance management”
(Store sender
(Receiver’s PIM
agent recognizes
the task)
(Review one’s to-
do list)
offering of a
register in
<---Send a task
with option to
join the
register on the
fly -------->
Check my
(Install “compli-
ance management”
(Add compliance
info to receiver
(If it is a new task
type or series, set it
up – otherwise start
the task instance)
(Check receiver’s
compliance status
by web service)
The data to support Compliance Management would
have the same structure as in Figure 1, but would
have additional fields. However a major addition
would be needed on the sender side, namely the
“Compliance Register”. This would be a web-
accessible database that would respond to “Check
my Compliance” requests, for which a user login
and task id would be required.
It is worth noting that tasks are rarely stand-
alone, but form part of multi-stage business
processes. There is therefore a likely need for more
integration between PIM systems used for task
management and communication of tasks, and
Workflow Management Systems.
3.4 Visualization Improvements
The “inbox” metaphor is well ingrained for both
email and tasks, but may well not be optimal. One
commonly proposed alternative is a spatial layout,
Task Type
or Series
Sender (or
Task Instance
with task clusters dotted around the desktop.
In the “Task Type Thumbnails” (Bardram et al
2006); and “Scalable Fabric” (Czerwinski 2006)
metaphors, task groups are represented by
thumbnails which expand when double clicked, the
other task groups being downsized and moved to the
periphery of the screen. Another example is the
“paper piles” metaphor suggested by (Lam 2005),
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Paper Piles interface as proposed in Lam’s
(2005) MailStacker prototype.
Task Vista (Bellotti et al 2007) uses a paper
notebook metaphor with tiles for task groups, and
links to documents and people. Lotus Connections
(IBM 2009) uses an “office telephone metaphor”
with buttons for frequent task groups.
Several prototypes have attempted to represent
visually the flow of tasks within a larger process,
e.g. by showing task threads (Bellotti et al 2007,
Kerr and Willcox 2004) or by mapping emailed
tasks onto a horizontal time scale, e.g. TaskView
(Gwizdka 2002).
A number of systems still use inbox-style task
lists but with add-ons such as pop-up windows,
coloured flags, etc. Examples include coloured icons
(Bellotti et al 2007); and intuitive icons for task
groups (Ferreira et al 2005).
Task Tracer (Stumpf et al 2006) offers prediction
of which task area an email belongs to, and a Task
Explorer that shows all the documents that relate to
that task. TaskMinder (Landry et al 2002) uses
varying font size text to represent different priorities
in a clickable summary list.
A number of interesting visualization models
have been proposed for ancillary perspectives.
Dionypos Task Recognizer (Rath et al 2008) uses an
“electric light” icon with radiating spokes indicating
what documents have been accessed, in order to give
clues to recognizing tasks. Collaboration Maps
(Hawryszkiewycz 2008) and Participation Maps
(Constantine 2006) address the need to show a
model of human as well as computer-related
While a number of research teams have been
working on PIM for around a decade, it appears that
little of this good work has so far found its way into
mainstream commercial PIM tools. Most projects in
the table below include some degree of recognition
of tasks, use of ontologies and integration of the
multiple PIM functions. Most have also integrated
their tools into email clients, which are regarded as a
natural conduit for tasks (Whittaker et al 2006).
However many of these projects have now been
Table 4: Other recent PIM research prototypes.
Research Group Prototype Reference
PARC TV-ACTA Bellotti et al 2007
Corston-Oliver et
al 2004
IBM (Lotus) Connections IBM 2009
IBM Remail
Kerr & Wilcox
IBM Activity Explorer
Muller & Geyer
IBM Scou
Sow et al 2006
Open Software Chandle
Chandler 2008
EU / Uni of
Sauermann et al
EU consortium DELOS/TIM Catarci et al 2007
RADAR Freed et al 2008
Pi Corp
Smart Desktop (was
Task Tracer)
Naone 2007
Apart from these there is a vast number of email
add-ons being developed outside of research teams,
both commercially and as freeware/open source.
Examples include Google Gmail Tasks, Xobni,
ClearContext and Nelson Email Organizer,
targetting especially Microsoft Outlook and the open
source client Mozilla Thunderbird.
A major challenge in introducing any PIM
improvement is not just to make a good tool; it is to
motivate users, both individually and in groups, to
actually use it.
5.1 For Individuals
Rogers (1983) describes a number of models
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
affecting the adoption of any innovation. One
describes the adoption stages in which a user
proceeds through, from first becoming aware of the
innovation (“knowledge” stage) to using and
continually evaluating it (“confirmation” stage).
Another model describes the features which may
affect the rate of the adoption of an innovation,
including the “relative advantage” a user will gain
from its use and the ability to trial it before full
adoption (“trialability”). Categories of user types
and their characteristics relating to their rate of
adoption of an innovation are also given.
Another prominent model looking into the user
decisions to adopt a new technology is the Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) by Venkatesh et al. (2003). This model
consolidates eight previous models to describe four
core determinants and their moderating factors for a
user’s intention to use a technology and their
subsequent usage behaviour.
These, along with other models, provide
information about many factors which are expected
to affect a user’s motivation and decision to trial and
adopt an innovation or new technology, such as PIM
tools, add-ons - or functionality that already exists
but is not currently used - within their existing tools.
5.2 For Working Groups
The work by Rogers (1983) also applies to groups of
users; it describes how the knowledge and usage of
an innovation is “diffused” throughout the group, or
a larger network. Elements affecting the diffusion of
an innovation are the characteristics of the
innovation (e.g. its perceived benefits), the means
through which it is communicated (e.g. mass-media
marketing versus. word-of-mouth), the social system
in which it is being diffused, and time (any new
product requires time to diffuse throughout a group).
Looking into the motivating factors of the
adoption of a new tool within a group or network
setting is particularly important when the tool has
group functionality, such as messaging or group task
management. Often these tools become more useful
as more users adopt (as with e.g. Facebook,
LinkedIn), and so the users which have adopted at
any particular time are interesting as a group, and
not just as individuals.
Much depends on the intensity of a group’s work.
There is a big difference between e.g. on the one
hand, brainstorming meetings and on the other,
committees that meet occasionally. In the latter case,
many of the tasks are done in the space between
meetings; this leads to the importance of recognizing
the workflow connection.
5.3 For Organisations
Organisations should be motivated by activities
which can save costs and increase profits, such as
raising administrative efficiency, reducing stress on
employees and improving service to customers.
Successfully deploying improvements to PIM tools,
and training users accordingly, would be in an
organisation’s interest.
However, it seems that organisations are not yet
completely in this mindset. Cain (2006) notes how
typical knowledge workers, and even the most
highly paid workers, are spending up to a quarter of
their work week in an email client (used heavily for
their PIM activities), without having been trained to
use it effectively. It is perhaps symptomatic that
email clients are often used as a user’s primary PIM
tool, without any better solution or improvements
being considered.
5.4 For Software Vendors
For software vendors, it appears that the risk of a
“false dawn” – with consequent embarrassment to a
vendor’s brand – may be a reason for reluctance to
offer improved PIM tools commercially. Vendors
are also aware that analyzing natural language text
to determine precise meaning is not yet a mature
technology. It is likely that open source vendors,
whose motivation differs from commercial vendors,
may come to play a larger part in the PIM market.
We believe that dissatisfaction with low effective-
ness information work will soon trigger higher
priority attention to PIM. However, for there to be
any significant change for the better in PIM, several
things need to come together. These are:
1. Better integration of task management with
messaging and business processes;
2. New, imaginative user interfaces that can attract
users to make a change;
3. Entrepreneurial moves by software suppliers
(whether established, new or “open source”) to
offer add-ons or new “disruptive” products;
4. A culture change among users towards giving
more explicit clues to those to whom they send
Improved algorithms for natural language analysis
and automated learning of users’ work categories
will also contribute, but may become less critical if
user culture can evolve.
We note, however, that evaluation of all PIM
prototypes suffers from the handicap that to get any
realistic assessment, a large group of related
knowledge workers needs to trial the prototype in as
near as possible real-world conditions.
Like many others including DELOS, TV-ACTA
and Nepomuk, our own project has come to an end.
The plans of Microsoft and IBM-Lotus are not clear,
but the RADAR project appears, with DARPA
support and a large team, to be making progress in
many of the directions discussed in the paper. We
hope that their improvements will become widely
available before too long.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems