Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics
Frederico José Fortuna
, Rodrigo Bonacin
and Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6176, 13083-970, Campinas, Brazil
CTI Renato Archer and Faculty of Campo Limpo Paulista, FACCAMP, MCT
Rodovia Dom Pedro I Km146, 6 13082-120, Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Flexible Interfaces, Adjustable Interfaces, Tailoring, Norms, Human-computer Interaction.
Abstract: Different users have different needs and, especially in the web context, the user interfaces should deal with
these different needs. In this paper we propose a framework to support the design and development of
flexible, adjustable interfaces; the framework is grounded in the semiotic concept of norms and is developed
using Ajax technology. The framework was tested within the Vilanarede system, an inclusive social
network system developed in the context of e-Cidadania project. The test helped us to identify the
advantages and drawbacks of the proposed solution and the users provided us with important feedback to
improve it.
In a web environment there are different users with
singular needs. They have different hardware,
software, network infrastructure, native language,
culture, geographical location and physical or
cognitive ability. These aspects impact on both
social and technological issues. Because of these
differences user interfaces should be flexible.
Web interfaces today, in general, are not flexible.
Most of them are static but there are some
exceptions such as iGoogle, Pageflakes, Netvibes
and MyYahoo! However the flexibility provided by
these interfaces is not enough when a vast and
diversified context of users is considered; the
adjustments are restricted to a short set of
possibilities and they are the same for all the users.
In addition, those interfaces do not consider the
social issues and they are not able to infer the user
Nowadays, adjustable web interfaces are
typically constructed using the Ajax technology
(Ajax stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and
XML”). This technology enables developers to make
changes to a web interface without the need to
reload the page, what makes Ajax a very useful
technology for the development of flexible
Ajax is a powerful technology; however it
doesn’t help in informing which interface elements
should be adjusted and how it should be done to fit
the user needs. Consequently it is necessary a
theoretical referential, a design methodology and a
development framework to encompass those
We argue that Semiotics can provide us with
theoretical and methodological fundamentals for this
task (Bonacin et. al 2009). This work proposes to
employ the concept of norms, from MEASUR
(Methods for Eliciting, Analyzing and Specifying
User’s Requirements) (Stamper, 1993), to describe
which elements should be adjusted, and how and in
which situation they should be adjusted for every
user or group of users.
Norms describe the relationships between an
intentional use of signs and the resulting behavior of
responsible agents in a social context; they may also
describe beliefs, expectations, commitments,
contract, law, culture, as well as business. Norms are
useful and powerful because they may be used to
describe important aspects of the user context.
Our hypothesis is that if we put together Ajax
and norms we potentially create really flexible
interfaces. So in this paper we present a framework
to develop flexible interfaces using Ajax and norms.
This framework has been applied in the Vilanarede
social network system, in order to validate it.
Vilanarede is a social network system developed in
José Fortuna F., Bonacin R. and Cecilia Calani Baranauskas M. (2010).
A FRAMEWORK FOR FLEXIBILITY AT THE INTERFACE - Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 30-37
DOI: 10.5220/0002889700300037
the context of the e-Cidadania project (Baranauskas,
2007) in order to help creating a digital culture
among as many categories of users as possible,
people with different needs and interests.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the background and clarifies terms and
concepts used in this work; section 3 presents the
proposed framework including its architecture and
implementation technology; section 4 presents and
discusses results from the application of the
framework; section 5 concludes this paper.
In this section we detail the main background work
used to delineate the proposed framework. Section
2.1 introduces the concept of flexible interfaces,
including a short overview on the research work on
this field. Section 2.2 presents the Ajax concepts and
features. Section 2.3 presents the concept of Norms
and prior attempts to use norms in order to provide
flexible interfaces, which support this work.
2.1 Flexible Interfaces
According to the IEEE standard computer
dictionary, flexibility is the ease with which a
system or component can be modified for use in
applications or environments other than those for
which it was specifically designed (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990). From
this definition, we could expect that flexible user
interfaces should be easily modified for different
contexts of use. We understand that to meet this
requirement, both technical and social issues must
be addressed in designing the system and the
Literature in Human–Computer Interaction
(HCI) has pointed out different alternatives to
provide flexibility in the user interface. Dourish
(1996) argues that we cannot dissociate the technical
and social disciplines in systems design. The
relationship between them is considerably more
intricate than the traditional view suggests, where
requirements and constraints do not have
consequences beyond the application, and
sociological insights do not apply inside the system.
Tailoring is a concept closely related to our
notion of flexibility; it can be understood as ‘‘the
activity of modifying a computer application within
the context of its use’’ (Kahler et al. 2000: 1).
Research in tailorable systems usually presupposes
that the user should be in charge of the tailoring task
(Teege et al. 1999; Morch and Mehandjiev 2000). A
challenge in tailoring is how to provide users with
high-level interfaces in which relevant changes can
be made quickly without the necessity of advanced
technical skills.
Among other approaches, the context-aware
applications (Moran and Dourish, 2001) collect and
utilize information regarding the context in which
provision of services is appropriate to particular
people, place, time events, etc. Context refers to the
physical and social situations in which
computational devices are embedded. Fischer et al.
(2004) have proposed the concept of ‘‘Meta-
Design’’, a vision in which design, learning, and
development become part of everyday working
practices of end-users.
2.2 Ajax – Rich Interfaces
Ajax can be understood as a new style to develop
web applications, which includes several web
technologies. It is not a new technology by itself, it
emerged in software industry as a way to put
together some existing technologies in order to
provide “richer web interfaces”.
The term Ajax was coined by Garrett (2005) and
incorporates the following technologies:
Standards-based presentation using XHTML
and CSS;
Dynamic display and interaction using the
Document Object Model;
Data interchange and manipulation using XML
and XSLT;
Asynchronous data retrieval using
JavaScript binding everything together.
Ajax changes substantially the client-server
interaction. The classic synchronous model where
each user request is followed by a page reload is
substituted by an asynchronous independent
communication where the user does not need to wait
in a “black page” for the server processing.
Part of the processing can be executed at the client
side. This aspect can minimize the server and mainly
the communication workload. Many applications
that initially were restricted to desktop platforms due
to the limitations of the standard html development
can be transposed to the web by using Ajax
resources. For example, we can drag and drop
images, apply filters on them and change their sizes
without reloading the page. Regarding the interface
flexibility, Ajax enables to change the features,
A FRAMEWORK FOR FLEXIBILITY AT THE INTERFACE - Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics
remove or include any interface object at a webpage
without the necessity of reloading the page.
Some of the first very popular applications using
Ajax are Google Suggest, Google Maps and Gmail.
Nowadays, Ajax is widely used in web development
and many platforms and development tools support
Ajax. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is
also now working to standardize key Ajax
technologies such as the XMLHttpRequest
specification (W3C, 2009).
2.3 Norms and Flexible Interfaces
From the conceptual and theoretical points of view,
the proposed framework is based on Norm Analysis
Method (NAM) from MEASUR. Norms describe the
relationships between an intentional use of signs and
the resulting behaviour of responsible agents in a
social context; they also describe beliefs,
expectations, commitments, contract, law, culture, as
well as business.
“Norms can be represented in all kinds of signs,
whether in documents, oral communication, or
behaviour, in order to preserve, to spread and to
follow them. However, one cannot always put one’s
hands conveniently on a norm, as one might grasp a
document that carries information through an
organization. A norm is more like a field of force
that makes the members of the community tend to
behave or think in a certain way.” (Stamper et al.
2000, p. 15)
Besides the description of the agents’
responsibilities in the organisational context, Norm
Analysis can also be used to analyse the
responsibilities of maintaining, adapting and
personalising the system features.
Norms can be represented by the use of natural
language or Deontic Logic in the late stages of
modelling. The following format is suitable for
specifying behavioural norms (Liu, 2000):
<Norm>::= whenever <condition> if <state> then
<agent> is <D> to do <Action>
Where <D> is a deontic operator that specifies that
the action is obligatory, permitted or prohibited. The
norms are not necessarily obeyed by all agents in all
circumstances; they are social conventions (laws,
roles and informal conventions) that should be
obeyed. For example: a norm specifies that the
agents are obliged to pay a tax; if an agent has no
money it will not pay, but usually there is a cost
when an agent does not obey the norms.
Bonacin et al. (2009) present the foundations, a
framework, and a set of tools for personalized
service provision using norms simulation. Part of
their framework is used in this proposal; however
their framework is limited by using “thin client”
solutions, since a page reload is necessary for each
interface change. This work expands the possibilities
from the technological and practical points of view
by using the Ajax technology. In addition it is
provided an easier and more productive way to
develop flexible interfaces. In this work norms can
be evaluated during interaction with the system and
be immediately reflected in interface changes.
We propose to simulate the norms and deduce
the expected behavior of users and organizations
during the user interaction (real-time). For example,
if someone accesses an e-Government portal, and is
obliged to pay a tax, then he/she will probably be
interested in accessing information about the
payment procedure. So the system can be
immediately adapted according to the user needs and
Norms are susceptible to changes in the
organizational context and in carrying the intentions
of agents in society. In the proposed approach,
domain specialists, designers and users maintain the
norms specifications according to the changes in
their socio-pragmatic (Stamper, 1973) context.
In order to help the development of flexible
interfaces we propose FAN: an Ajax framework
using norms. FAN stands for Flexibility through
Ajax and Norms. The framework’s architecture is
described in section 3.1 and its execution aspects are
explained in section 3.2.
3.1 Framework Architecture
The framework we propose provides powerful
capabilities but it has a relatively simple architecture
which is shown in Figure 1. Basically, the
framework is composed of four modules:
Perception, SOAP Client, Action and Users’ Facts
Storage. These modules are responsible for tasks
such as creating, storing and loading contexts and
facts about the users, capturing events on the
presentation layer (interface, which is usually
constructed with HTML and CSS), accessing
NBIC/ICE web services (which maintain and
interpret Norms) and customizing the interface.
Regarding the development technologies, the
Perception, SOAP Client and Action modules were
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Framework architecture.
developed using Ajax, running on the client side,
because of its potential and capacity of giving
developers capabilities to modify a web page
without the need of reloading it, and the Users’ Facts
Storage module was developed in Ajax and PHP.
The PHP code runs on the server side to store facts
related to every user.
The Perception module is responsible for
capturing events generated by the users on the
presentation layer, such as mouse clicks over buttons
or images. Also it is responsible for generating facts
related to these events. Examples of facts: the user
has difficulty to use the mouse due to many clicks
on non-clickable regions or the user is a sign
language reader due to many demands on sign
language videos.
The SOAP Client module is responsible for the
communication between the proposed framework
and NBIC/ICE System, which is responsible for
maintaining and evaluating the norms. This module
handles synchronous and asynchronous requests
made by the Perception module and it accesses
NBIC/ICE web services using SOAP calls.The third
module, Action, is responsible for changing the
system’s interface according to an Action Plan
generated by ICE. An Action Plan is a XML that
stores interface objects IDs that should be modified
and how the modifications should be done, which
attributes of an interface object should be modified,
what are new values of these attributes or a
JavaScript code that must be executed.
The last module, Users’ Facts Storage, is in charge
of storing, loading and erasing users’ facts generated
by the Perception module. It stores facts on XML
files associated to each user and/or each system
The NBIC/ICE System has two components: NBIC
and ICE. NBIC stands for Norm Based Interface
Configurator and it is responsible for storing and
managing norms. ICE means Interface
Configuration Environment. This component is
responsible for making inferences, using Jess
inference machine, over norms stored by NBIC and
creating action plans, according to the inferences
made, describing how the interface should be
customized. In other words, which interface
elements should me modified and how it should be
done or which elements should be removed or
A proxy is used in the communication between
the framework and NBIC/ICE System in order to
avoid a JavaScript-related security issue. Some web
browsers don’t execute JavaScript codes stored in a
Server different from the Server that hosts the
current web Page.
3.2 How it Works
Every time a page is loaded the Perception module
creates a new context by making an asynchronous
call to ICE. A context stores information such as the
user id, the system name (or system id) and some
information about the page that the user is visiting.
A FRAMEWORK FOR FLEXIBILITY AT THE INTERFACE - Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics
After the context is created or loaded, the norms
related to the system are loaded in that context. After
creating the context and loading the norms, the
Perception module makes a request to Users’ Facts
Storage module to load all the facts related to the
current user and current web page (node). If the
Users’ Facts Storage finds facts of the current user
and node, this module will build a list with these
facts, otherwise it will build an empty list. This list
is, then, returned to the Perception module. If the list
is not empty, this module will start the customization
process described as follows, for each fact in order
to adjust the interface so that it looks and behaves
like in the last time the user visited or adjusted that
When an event on the interface (e.g. mouse
click over a button) is captured by the Perception
module, as shown in Figure 2, this module creates
predicates related to the event and the actual context.
Figure 2: Event captured by Perception.
After creating predicates, the Perception module
uses an ICE service, making an asynchronous call,
via SOAP Client module, to generate a new fact
based on the generated predicates, as shown on
Figure 3. A fact is basically a collection of
predicates. Also the Perception module requests
Users’ Facts Storage to store the predicates on a
XML as a new fact so that the new adjustment may
be saved.
After creating a new fact, ICE starts to make
inferences over the norms, stored by NBIC and
related to the context and fact, and then it builds an
action plan, an XML file that stores interface objects
IDs that should be modified and how the
modifications should be done. The action plan is
then sent to SOAP Client module, which calls the
Action module to modify the interface according to
the action plan generated by ICE. These steps are
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Perception making requests to Users’ Facts
Storage and ICE.
The Action module parses the XML file (action
plan), as shown in Figure 5, to look for interface
objects ids and attributes values or JavaScript code
that should be executed. This module then accesses
the found interface objects using DOM and modifies
their attributes according to the new values found on
the action plan. Also, this module executes any
JavaScript code found in the Action Plan.
Figure 4: NBIC/ICE generating an Action Plan.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Action module customizes the interface
according to the Action Plan.
The framework is being used and tested in the
Vilanarede system. Vilanarede is a social network
system developed in the inclusive context of e-
Cidadania project.
The framework for flexibility we propose should
help Vilanarede system to achieve its objectives
because it may give each user the possibility to
adjust the system interface according to his or her
needs or interests. As an example, the framework
may enable a user to change the type of the main
menu, changing the way he or she will see it. Using
inference the framework may discover that a user
has some kind of sight problem and them the
framework may change the size of interface
elements like images and texts, making them bigger.
The framework was tested for the first time with
users on a participatory activity organized by the e-
Cidadania project with Vilanarede users. During the
activities, 7 users were asked to do some tasks at
Vilanarede system or tasks related to the system.
After each participatory activity researchers
analyzed the data collected.
Further analysis of users’ facts files showed that
at least 21 of approximately 270 users of Vilanarede
system already made at least one adjustment in the
interface, using the framework.
4.1 Tests and Results
On the activity organized to test the framework,
practitioners used a notebook station with
Vilanarede system already loaded, as shown in
Figure 6, and they were asked to fill their profile at
Vilanarede with some personal information such as
their level of education, level of experience with
web navigation and how frequent they change the
font size in the system. If a user selected that he or
she makes the page font bigger most of the time or
always, the framework would infer that it would be
useful to make the font bigger for that user, so the
font would be bigger on every page as soon as the
user saved his profile.
After filling profile information, users were
asked to change the type of the page’s main menu
from a default list of icons to a circular menu. In
order to do this, users should first click on a special
button in the page so that adjustment buttons would
be shown on the page. These buttons would enable
the user to modify some interface elements. After
that, users should find and click on the correct
button to change the menu type from a linear list to a
circular set of options. Figure 7 shows the menu
types and the buttons to change from one type to the
Figure 6: Station set used by Vilanarede users to test the
Everything the users said and their emotions during
the activity were recorded by a digital camera and a
webcam. All the things they did on the interface
(mouse movements, clicks etc) were recorded with
Camtasia Studio, a desktop screen recorder. Also, e-
Cidadania researchers observed the users during the
activity and they wrote down on paper forms some
important information regarding their interaction
with the system. They wrote information such as
whether a user noticed the font becoming bigger
(automated adjustment) depending on the
information he or she filled in his or her profile and
how difficult it was for each user to locate the
special button that enables adjustment buttons and
how difficult it was for them to change the main
menu type and the steps the users took to complete
the task. Also, researchers observed users’
suggestions to change the appearance and position of
that special button and which new adjustments they
would like to be able to make on the interface.
A FRAMEWORK FOR FLEXIBILITY AT THE INTERFACE - Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics
Figure 7: Alternative ways to see the Vilanarede’s main
menu – a linear way and a circular one.
The data collected by the researchers, the cameras
and the screen recorder showed that almost all the
users who tested the adjustments provided by the
framework enjoyed being able to adjust the interface
according to some of their interests and needs, as
one of the users said “it’s very good to have the
possibility to change the interface”. Also, the data
showed that the majority of the users preferred the
new type of menu offered by the framework.
Despite the advantages of using the framework
and the good and interesting data collected, before
and during the activity it was possible to identify
some problems, some drawbacks and the users
pointed out some aspects of the adjustment process
that could be improved. Many users didn’t like the
appearance and position of the button they needed to
click on in order to make adjustment buttons visible.
In general, they would like to see a bigger button in
a different position so that it would be easier to find,
indentify and click on it.
During the activity it was possible to notice that
one of the drawbacks of the framework is
performance. The framework may take a few
seconds to adjust a system’s interface if the system
has many complex norms or if the NBIC/ICE server
is not so fast. The framework may also have
problems with performance especially if the user
(client) has a very poor internet connection as the
framework may suffer from connection timeouts if
packets got lost or corrupted or if they take so much
time in their way from the client to the server and
Another drawback is that it is not easy to
synchronize the requests made by the perception
module to ICE/NBIC via SOAP Client so that
ICE/NBIC returns the correct and expected data.
Also, the framework enables developers to make
almost all elements in the interface adjustable, using
simple norms, but developing JavaScript code to
implement the adjustable behavior of certain
elements may be not that simple.
Different users have different needs and it is
essential that user interfaces meet these different
needs. In order to deal with this diversity, interfaces
should be adjustable. To help the design and
development of flexible, adjustable interfaces we
proposed a framework, developed using Ajax and
PHP, grounded in the concept of norms. This
framework was successfully used and tested in
Vilanarede system during a participatory activity
organized by e-Cidadania project. The test helped us
to identify the advantages and drawbacks of using
the framework and the users gave us important
feedback to help improving the framework.
As future work a norm modeler using web
technologies is being developed in order to make it
easier and more accessible for developers to include
new norms into NBIC or changing the existing ones.
In order to enhance the performance of the process
of changing the interface according to users’ needs,
we could look for a more powerful and faster server
with a faster broadband internet connection to run
NBIC/ICE system as it is running, at the moment, in
an old Pentium4 server with a limited broadband
One powerful idea we consider as future work is to
integrate the framework with semantic web. Instead
of storing norms and facts inside files or databases at
NBIC/ICE system we may use technologies like
RDFS or SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) to
store norms and facts on the web. Queries over
norms may be done using SparQL, a RDF query
language. Instead of using NBIC/ICE to make
inferences over norms we may use RDF/RDFS,
OWL and SWRL to do it. That way, users may store
information about their needs (facts) on RDF files
and store them on the web. The framework may use
the facts stored on these files to make inferences and
adjust a system’s interface according to users’ needs.
This work is funded by Microsoft Research -
FAPESP Institute for IT Research (proc. n.
2007/54564-1 and n. 2008/52261-4).
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A FRAMEWORK FOR FLEXIBILITY AT THE INTERFACE - Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics