Roberto Baldoni, Giorgia Lodi
Department of Computer Science, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Gregory Chockler, Eliezer Dekel
Haifa IBM Research Lab, Haifa, Israel
Barry P. Mulcahy
WIT, Waterford, Ireland
Giuseppe Martufi
ElsagDatamat, Genova, Italy
Financial information systems, Collaborative systems, Contracts, P2P systems, Complex event processing.
This paper introduces a new collaboration abstraction, called Semantic Room (SR), specifically targeted to
facilitating sharing and processing large volumes of data produced and consumed in real time by a collection of
networked participants. The model enables constructing flexible collaborative event-driven distributed systems
with well-defined and contractually regulated properties and behavior. The contract determines the set of
services provided by SR, the software and hardware resources required for its operation along with a collection
of non-functional requirements, such as, data protection, isolation, trust, security, availability, fault-tolerance,
and performance. We show how the SR model can be leveraged for creating trusted information processing
systems for the sake of protecting financial institutions against coordinated security threats (e.g., stealthy scans,
worm outbreaks, Distributed Denial of Service). To this end, we present several use-cases demonstrating
a variety of the SR administration task flows, and briefly discuss possible ways of implementing the SR
abstraction using the collaborative intrusion detection as an example.
Context and Motivation. Financial institutions in-
creasingly rely on Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) systems and networks, which may
also consist of publicly accessible communication
mediums such as the Internet, in order to manage their
internal processes and offer their services to financial
actors, businesses and ordinary people worldwide.
Financial institutions have exploited these infras-
tructural changes in order to deliver innovative and
high quality services, and increase their revenues,
thus preserving efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The
benefits have been enormous for both public institu-
tions and private organizations. However, increased
reliance on networked systems has exposed financial
institutions and their infrastructure to a variety of se-
curity related risks, such as increasingly sophisticated
cyber attacks aiming at capturing high value (or, oth-
erwise, sensitive) information, or disrupting the ser-
vice operation for various purposes.
Today, attacks are distributed in space by be-
ing coordinated on a large scale basis and originat-
ing from multiple geographically dispersed locations.
They are also distributed in time often consisting of
a preparation phase spanning over several days or
weeks, and involving multiple preparatory steps aim-
ing at identifying vulnerabilities and attack vectors
Baldoni R., Lodi G., Chockler G., Dekel E., P. Mulcahy B. and Martufi G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 147-153
DOI: 10.5220/0002900001470153
(such as accidentally open ports).
For instance, on 25 January 2003 a memory-
resident worm called Slammer began propagating it-
self from East Asia throughout the entire Internet
(Moore et al., 2003a). In the U.S. and Canada approx-
imately 13,000 Bank of America ATMs, which use
the Internet for sending encrypted information, had to
be shut down, due to their inability to correctly com-
plete transactions.
Such security attacks result in both short and
long term economic losses due to the lack of service
availability and infrastructural resilience, and the de-
creased level of trust on behalf of the customers. Fi-
nancial institutions are sensitive to such attacks and
related damages. They are categorized as an opera-
tional risk in the first pillar of the Basel II accord (bas,
2009) saying that financial institutions that address
the specific requirements developed for each risk cat-
egory can potentially lower their risk capital require-
However, due to massive scale of the attacks, indi-
vidual financial institutions would often lack the nec-
essary infrastructure and resources to effectively han-
dle the vast amounts of information that should be
collected and analyzed in real time to enable effec-
tive protection. It is therefore, desirable to provide
financial institutions with the necessary tools and ab-
stractions to enable them to consolidate their physical
resources and collaborate on sharing and processing
information in a trusted and controllable fashion. In
this paper, we introduce one such abstraction, called
Semantic Room (SR).
Each SR has an objective and is associated with
a contract that specifies the set of services pro-
vided by that Semantic Room, rights and obligations
of the semantic room members (including hardware
and software requirements) along with the data pro-
tection, isolation, trust, security, availability, fault-
tolerance, and performance requirements. Using this
abstraction, contractually regulated cooperation envi-
ronments can be created in a structured and controlled
We show the UML use case that describes the
steps to be performed for creating and instantiating
SR and we highlight the flexibility of the SR model
discussing different instantiations of the specific SR
that realizes a collaborative intrusion detection sys-
Related Work. The need for collaborative systems
for coping with current generation of threats and se-
curity attacks is highlighted in a number of works
that can be found in the literature (e.g., (Kr
ugel et al.,
2001)(Xie et al., 2006)(Locasto et al., 2005)) and spe-
cific systems have been built. However, these sys-
tems do not address organizational issues, thus limit-
ing their effectiveness as employed by federations of
organizations, this is noted in (Moore et al., 2003b).
The semantic room model includes both technical
(e.g., complex event processing and data privacy) and
organizational aspects (e.g., contract management).
We expect the latter can foster security collaboration
among financial institutions.
From the point of view of contract-based coop-
eration, the semantic rooms model is similar to the
one proposed in the MEDUSA system introduced in
(Balakrshnan and Stonebraker, 2004). MEDUSA is a
distributed framework for managing the load in fed-
erated systems. It is based on pairwise contracts ne-
gotiated between on-line participants. Contracts set
tightly bounded prices for migrating each unit of load
between two participants and they specify the set of
tasks that each is willing to execute on behalf of the
other. The federated systems described in (Balakrsh-
nan and Stonebraker, 2004) are similar to our SRs;
however, the federation model regulated by contracts
of (Balakrshnan and Stonebraker, 2004) is not used
for complex event processing purposes as in our case.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the Semantic Room abstraction, the
roles of Semantic Room members and the contracts
that are used to regulate Semantic Rooms. Section
3 describes the UML use case we have designed for
SR creation, instantiation and management purposes.
An example of a possible usage of an SR is also dis-
cussed. Finally Section 4 concludes the paper and
outlines some future work.
A Semantic room is a federation of financial institu-
tions formed for the sake of information processing
and sharing. The partners participating in a specific
SR are referred to as the members of the SR.
Each SR is associated with a contract that defines
the set of processing and data sharing services pro-
vided by that SR along with the data protection, iso-
lation, trust, security, dependability, and performance
requirements. The contract also contains the hard-
ware and software requirements a member has to pro-
vision in order to be admitted into the semantic room.
The SR abstraction embodies the Event-Driven
Architecture (EDA) paradigm (Chandy, 2006), which
applies a loosely coupled communication pattern
among application components. EDAs typically con-
sist of a sensing module which gathers data from var-
ious sources. Data is then correlated and analyzed in
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
order to determine whether appropriate actions have
to be taken (responding building block) in a timely
response to what has been sensed (Chandy, 2006)
(e.g, sending alerts, invoking applications). The sens-
ing module employs an event dissemination layer
(e.g. publish/subscribe systems, group communica-
tion etc) which communicates events in an intelligent
way from one entity to another. The collected sensor
data is supplied to the processing module which might
encapsulate various types of data processing services
(such as on-line complex event processing, or long-
running analytics and intelligence extraction).
In Figure 1 SR members provide raw data to the
SR they are part of. The raw data are then processed
in order to produce processed data. Raw data may
include real-time data, inputs from human beings,
stored data (e.g., historical data), queries, and other
types of dynamic and/or static content.
Semantic Room!
Event Dissemination!
Complex Event Processing!
Figure 1: The Semantic Room model based on EDA.
Processed data can be used for internal consump-
tion within the SR: in this case, derived events, mod-
els, profiles, blacklists, alerts and query results can
be fed back into the SR so that the members can take
advantage of the intelligence provided by the process-
ing. SR members can use this data to properly instruct
their local security management software in order to
trigger timely reactions to threats, for example. In ad-
dition, a (possibly post-processed) subset of data can
be offered for external consumption. The processed
data can be rendered by means of Graphical User In-
terfaces (GUIs) or Dashboard applications.
Semantic Room members have full access to both
the raw data that the members agreed to contribute
to by contract, and the data being processed and thus
output by the SR. The members can also be in charge
of performing processing and dissemination.
In addition to the SR members, there can exist
clients of the SR. These clients cannot contribute raw
data directly to the SR; however they can be the con-
sumers of the processed data the SR is willing to
make available for external consumption (see Figure
1). One of the SR members is designated as the owner
of that SR. The SR owner is in charge of the man-
agement and administration of that SR (note that the
SR owner can delegate the administration to a third
party). This might include the following:
creating the SR;
defining the contract that regulates the SR;
registering the contract (so that the contract can be
publicly available);
terminating the contract (and thus disbanding the
managing the SR membership.
SRs can communicate with each other. In particu-
lar, processed data produced by an SR can be injected
into another SR (e.g., through the SR client role above
regulated by the contract). The interested readers can
refer to (Lodi et al., 2010b) for further information
about SRs communications.
2.1 Semantic Room Contract
An SR contract is used to define the set of rules for ac-
cessing and using data processed within the SR. There
is a contract for each SR. Partners willing to partici-
pate in the SR must sign the contract. The contract
content is defined during the SR creation phase. It
includes four main parts: (1) details of the parties in-
volved in the SR contract, (2) a collection of contrac-
tual clauses, (3) a collection of Service Level Specifi-
cations (SLS), and (4) the signatures of the involved
parties. For the sake of brevity, in the following, we
only describe the main components of the SR con-
tract. (In the actual implementation, the SR contracts
are specified in XML and are generated using an SLA
definition and specification language named SLAng
(Lamanna et al., 2003)).
The contract of an SR is a binding contract for the
SR members. To this end, it includes:
1. Owner: unique identifier of the SR owner;
2. Members of the SR: list of SR members. This al-
lows SRs to guarantee membership transparency.
Nevertheless, this field can be optional or properly
masked in order to accommodate cases in which
complete SR anonymity has to be met;
3. Other business entities: unique identifiers of other
business entities that can be involved in a specific
SR (e.g., software provider, SR clients);
4. Signatures: signatures of the members, and other
business entities if included.
The remaining content of the SR contract can vary de-
pending on the services offered by the SR, and on the
elements and requirements specified by the members.
In particular, the contractual clauses included in the
contract specify:
1. Name of the SR: a descriptive name in natural lan-
guage (it represents the objective of the SR);
2. SRID: an identifier that uniquely identifies the SR;
3. Services: a description of the services offered by
the SR and the rules for accessing the services
(note that in case of an SR client, the SR can be
paid by the client for the service offering. The
rights and obligations that regulate this type of re-
lationship can be included in this contract clause);
4. Penalties: the actions to be performed in case
members, clients, or other business entities vio-
late the contract.
The Service Level Specifications section of the
contract includes all the technical requirements and
the associated metrics. This section can be thought
of as consisting of the following two main parts: (1)
the requirements related to the quality of the informa-
tion being processed and disseminated by the SR, and
(2) the requirements related to the SR performance,
as described below:
1. Data Format: the raw and processed data format
required by the SR (e.g. attributes, types, etc.);
2. Data Sharing, Processing, and Storage restric-
tions within the SR and for Outgoing/incoming
Data: the data exchange and usage must be pro-
tected against unauthorized accesses. Therefore,
requirements for data exchange and usage can be
defined as follows:
Information Security Rules: define the policies
required for data encryption within the SR and
for data exiting the SR (data disclosure policies
can be included in these rules);
Anonymization rules: define the level of
anonymity required for data that enter and exit
the SR;
Processing Rules: define the rules for process-
ing data exchanged in the SR or received from
Dissemination Rules: define the rules for data
exchange and sharing within and outside the
SR, and across SRs;
Data storage rules: define the rules for record-
ing data and logs within the SR.
3. Resource Sharing Relationships: specify the re-
quirements for resource sharing with other SRs;
4. Minimum Requirements for Joining the SR:
amount of resources and data that a joining part-
ner must provide to be part of the SR. This could
be a minimum set of raw data that the partner
commits to provide to the SR and a minimum set
of hardware and software resources (peer-to-peer
5. QoS Requirements for Processing: specify the
minimum level of quality of service expected for
the processing activity within the SR with the re-
lated metrics;
6. QoS Level for Dissemination: specify the mini-
mum level of quality of service expected for the
dissemination activity within and outside the SR
with the related metrics;
7. QoS Level for Data Storage: specify the minimum
level of quality of service expected for data stor-
age within the SR with the related metrics.
The UML use case of Figure 2 depicts the steps that
are performed for creating, instantiating and manag-
ing Semantic Rooms.
In our system there exists a service provider re-
sponsible for deploying the middleware solution that
supports the construction of what we refer to as Se-
mantic Room-enabled environment; that is, an en-
vironment consisting of SRs possibly communicat-
ing with one another. An example of a service
provider could be SWIFT (Society for Worldwide In-
terbank Financial Telecommunication) or any other
third-party service provider. The service provider is
also in charge of creating the Basic Semantic Room,
thus becoming its owner and administering it.
The basic Semantic Room is a special type of Se-
mantic Room that can be created, instantiated and ad-
ministered as any other kind of Semantic Room. It
provides basic services to financial institutions that
wish to be part of the Semantic Room-enabled envi-
ronment and is regulated by a basic Semantic Room
contract. Basic services include among others the ca-
pabilities to (i) create other semantic rooms, (ii) in-
stantiate SRs that have been created, (iii) join existing
SRs that have been instantiated and have a SR owner,
and (iv) monitoring activities carried out within some
SRs. Finally, the service provider can create, instanti-
ate and administer any type of Semantic Room.
A financial institution that wishes to be part of the
SR-enabled environment has to first join the basic SR.
In order to join the basic SR a financial institution
has to register as a basic SR member with the Service
Provider responsible for administering the basic SR.
Once the registration is completed and approved, the
financial institution becomes a semantic room mem-
ber (i.e., a basic SR member): from that moment on
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: SR creation and management use case.
the member can take advantage of the earlier men-
tioned basic services, creating, instantiating, adminis-
tering, joining, leaving and monitoring other semantic
rooms. In particular, the basic SR member can:
create new (specialized) SRs. The creation phase
consists of the following two main steps: (1) the
creation of the Semantic Room contract, where
the precise objective for which the SR has been
created and all the contract requirements are de-
fined; and (2) the SR advertising. The advertis-
ing step is being further broken down as follows:
the Semantic Room is registered using a discov-
ery service, and the SR software is made available
through the same service. The SR software is the
software necessary to realize the specific SR logic
and achieve the objective defined in the SR con-
A member of the basic SR that creates a special-
ized SR might become the owner of that SR pro-
vided it wishes to assume that specific role;
instantiate an SR that has been previously created
(for example by the service provider or other SR
basic members). In this specific case, it is manda-
tory for the member that instantiates the SR to be-
come the SR owner.
The SR administration responsibilities lay with
the SR owner, and include the following: manag-
ing member registration (see below), disbanding
the SR, forcing some member(s) to leave the SR
(this specific case can occur when some member
is behaving maliciously) and monitoring whether
the members comply with the SR contract clauses.
The disbanding of a Semantic Room can involve
an instance of a specific SR. In this case, disband-
ing that SR implies closing the SR and deleting
its membership. In addition, the disbanding of a
Semantic Room can include deleting the created
SR, (i.e., removing it from the discovery service
previously mentioned).
join existing SRs that have been instantiated by
the SR owner. In order to execute the join opera-
tion, a basic SR member shall register with the SR
owner. The SR owner will check if the member
has the right credentials to be part of the SR and,
if so, the member is included in the membership
of that SR. At that point, the member can down-
load the specific SR software required for gaining
the intelligence from the SR.
voluntary leave SRs the member is part of (in this
case, the SR owner deletes the member from the
membership), or voluntary leave the entire SR-
enabled environment by revoking its participation
in the basic Semantic Room.
3.1 SR Usage Example
In this section we present an applied example of an
SR formed by financial institutions that wish to use
and exploit the SR model in order to implement a
basic intrusion detection mechanism. The output of
this mechanism is a blacklist contains IP addresses
or range of IP addresses that may have attempted to
break into various financial institution sites.
The scenario we consider here is that of an in-
truder that executes stealthy scans across multiple
financial sites (attack subjects can be external web
servers in the demilitarized zone of the SR financial
members). The goal of the intruder is to identify TCP
and UDP ports of financial institutions that may have
been left open and to use those ports as intrusion vec-
tors to access the services listening on those ports.
From a technical viewpoint, detecting these types
of attacks requires the ability to analyze and process a
large number events per second, and correlate them in
a very large time window. The added value of the
SR abstraction is manifested through the ability to
correlate the sensor data coming from multiple sites
which enables identifying intrusion attempts where
the number of ports tried within each individual SR
participant is below the local threshold. The specific
heuristic being used looks for the pattern of unusu-
ally high total number of requests originating from
a specific source IP address and directed to distinct
the pairs [host, port]. The SR then disseminates the
processed information to the SR members and raises
an alert that a specific IP address is performing ma-
licious activities. It will be the responsibility of each
individual financial institution to undertake the proper
countermeasures to protect itself.
There can be different approaches to be used in
order to achieve these objectives. One approach can
be fully centralized (esp, 2009): every financial in-
stitution sends its own raw data to a central location
responsible for carrying out the correlation and anal-
ysis of the data. This approach has the advantage to
increase the detection accurancy; however, it exhibits
the inherent drawbacks of a central system. In con-
trast to the above approach, another one can be to
apply a fully decentralized system architecture where
the processing and storage load is spread over the en-
tire population of the SR members thus avoiding per-
formance hot-spots and parallelizing the processing.
In our current implementation we have favored a fully
decentralized approach. For the sake of brevity we
do not describe the system here. The interested read-
ers can refer to (Lodi et al., 2010a) for a detailed de-
scription and preliminary evaluation of this system.
However, it is worth noting that the SR abstraction
described in this paper can be used to deploy all the
various aforementioned system architecture schemes:
a created SR can be associated with potentially more
than one instance according to the various deployed
technologies, used in turn to realize the SR complex
event processing.
In this paper we have presented a new architectural
abstraction, called Semantic Room, which can be
used to construct collaborative security systems. We
have applied the SR abstraction in the context of the
financial infrastructure protection. In particular, we
demonstrated how the SR model can be used to assist
financial institutions in forming federations aimed to
protect against security threats, such as intrusion.
The SR functionality is determined by their ob-
jectives and is regulated by contracts. The contracts
define the set of rules that govern the participation in
the SRs along with all the security, isolation, trust and
performance requirements that are to be met in order
to perform the information processing and sharing.
SRs can be customized; that is, the SR logic that
allows it to achieve the objective specified in the con-
tract is to be made available for the use by the SR
members. Being customizable, SRs may deploy var-
ious system architecture schemes (e.g., a centralized
scheme, a fully decentralized one). Our current ef-
fort is centered on the experimental evaluation of the
centralized and decentralized approaches. Although
the results of this evaluation are not shown in this
paper, it seems that when high volumes of data are
to be correlated and analyzed and no complex event
correlation patterns are to be detected, a fully decen-
tralized approach would be favorable as it provides
a coarse-grained detection and copes with scalabil-
ity requirements crucial to accommodate high rates of
the incoming events. In contrast, when complex event
correlation in time and space is required and the vol-
umes of data are not significantly high, a centralized
approach can be effectively exploited.
This research is partially funded by the EU project
CoMiFin (Communication Middleware for Monitor-
ing Financial Critical Infrastructure). The authors
wish to thank their project colleagues for their valu-
able comments and suggestions on the described Se-
mantic Room model.
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