Yves Wautelet
, Sodany Kiv
, Vi Tran
and Manuel Kolp
Faculteit Economie en Management, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Louvain School of Management, Universit
e Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Strategic modeling, Requirements engineering, Service-oriented modeling, i*, Multi-agent systems.
Information systems tend to be huger and of strategic importance in nowadays buisnesses. That is why soft-
ware engineering is no more only a domain for middle managers and software engieering professionals but top
managers require rich models leading to visions on which they can perform strategic analysis for determining
their adequacy with long term objectives. The i* approach with its social modeling capabilities as well as ser-
vice oriented modeling are part of this effort. The strategic services model combines those two approaches and
defines a couple of environmental factors (namely threats and opportunities) enabling strategic reasoning on
the bases of the enterprise ”high-level” added values. Such a framework offers the adequate agregation level
for enabling top managers to take the adequate long term decisions for information systems development. The
aim of this paper is to illustrate the strategic services model application as well as a strategic reasoning in the
context of the development of a collaborative software application for supply chain management. This case
study is from particular interest since it must be adopted by several actors played by cooperating or competing
companies that have to figure out the consequences of the adoption of such software.
Nowadays software developments are mostly driven
by engineering concepts; however, for the last ten
years a clear trend is to spend more time and effort
on the analysis disciplines. From poor (UML) use
case analysis models to semantically rich (i*) strate-
gic dependency and rationale organizational models
the willingness to adequately represent the software
problem and its operating environment has contin-
uously increased. Even if the i* approach brings
tremendous refinements in representing the problem
into its organizational setting, such a representation is
still too detailed for top management so that it is not
adequate for the understanding they require. More-
over, service-oriented computing (SOC) is becoming
increasingly popular. Flexibility offered by service-
oriented architectures has rapidly been understood
that is why it is widely used today. Services as con-
ceptual entities can also be used as the fundamental
scope elements in software development which gave
birth to service-oriented modeling (SOM). They are
based on the enterprise values and thus constitute an
adequate abstraction level for reasoning in a strategic
This paper is part of the effort to offer a high level
vision of software systems matching with the enter-
prise values in the form of services. It provides a real-
life case study in the field of supply chain manage-
ment (SCM)
which proves the applicability of the
approaches suggested in (Pastor et al., 2010; Wautelet
et al., 2008) in such a context.
The paper is structured as follows. First the need
for a high level vision is enlighten, the suitability of
service oriented modeling in such a context is moti-
vated and related work is overviewed. The paper then
turns to the case study with the presentation of the
application domain, a collaborative platform for out-
bound logistics. The strategic view encompassing a
strategic reasoning about the development of the plat-
form is exposed. Finally conclusions are taken.
This section motivates the importance of the frame-
work and its application.
In this paper we refeer to outbound logistics which is a
part of SCM, this will be clarified later.
Wautelet Y., Kiv S., Tran V. and Kolp M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002901302150220
2.1 The Need for a High Level Vision
Management sciences define several layers for deci-
sion making. Indeed, decisions do not have the same
impact - from a marginal short term consequence to a
major long term impact - so that their time horizon is
variable. Traditionally, management sciences identify
three levels for decision making to discriminate time
horizons and resources that should be allocated:
The Strategic Level. Strategic decisions are top
level. Decisions taken here concern general direc-
tion, long term goals, philosophies and values;
The Tactical Level. At the tactical level, more
concrete decisions are taken which aim at imple-
menting the strategy defined at the corporate level.
The business units adapt this strategy in terms of
policies under which the operations will happen;
The Operational Level. These are every day de-
cisions, used to support tactical ones. Their im-
pact is immediate, short term, short range, and
usually low cost. Operational decisions can be
pre-programmed, pre-made, or set out clearly in
policy manuals.
Most software development methodologies focus
on tactical and operational aspects. The traditional
analysis disciplines as for example business modeling
and requirements defined in the Rational Unified Pro-
cess (IBM, 2003) are focused on tactical aspects since
they only describe business processes or requirements
with a poor semantic i.e. use case models with no
framework for strategic reasoning.
2.2 Towards Service-oriented Modeling
The framework presented here will be based on
service oriented modeling (SOM). Following (Bell,
2008), SOM is a software development practice that
employs modeling disciplines and language to pro-
vide strategic and tactical solutions to enterprise
problems. This anthropomorphic modeling paradigm
advocates a holistic view of the analysis, design, and
architecture of all organizational software entities,
conceiving them as service-oriented assets, namely
services. Services represent the values offered by the
enterprise (being here a high level actor) to their cus-
tomers, that is why they are by nature more expressive
than computer science driven concepts. They are also
highly aggregated so that they are perfectly suitable
for a high level view.
(Pastor et al., 2010) proposes to evaluate the i* (i-
star) framework (Yu, 1995) on the basis of a series
of 9 features: refinement, modularity, repeatability,
complexity management, expressiveness, traceability,
reusability, scalability and domain applicability. The
paper defines those features and they are exhaustively
evaluated on the basis of a not supported/not well sup-
ported/well supported scale. Notably they enlighten
as a main conclusion on the practical evaluation what
is clearly needed to extend the i* framework with
mechanisms to manage granularity and refinement.
Indeed they point out that the negative results in the
evaluation of i* are related to the lack of mechanisms
for defining granules of information at different ab-
straction levels, allowing modelers to structure the in-
formation represented in the model. One of the lacks
of the i* modeling framework is indeed that all of the
organization modeling elements are represented in the
same diagram with consequently a unique abstraction
level and poor concepts hierarchy. Moreover, they
also point out that apart from the definition of ab-
stract primitives as building blocks, analysts must be
provided with guidelines to allow them to structure a
complete Enterprise through a set of organizational
processes. These building units could then be refined
into a set of more specific components that encapsu-
late a certain organizational behavior. So they con-
clude their must be some high-level enterprise view
and propose a Business Service Architecture for the
i* framework.
To that extend, they propose to focus the organiza-
tional modeling activity on the values offered by the
Enterprise to their Customers. Those values are called
(business) services. (Pastor et al., 2010) also points
out that business services can be used as basic gran-
ules of information that allow us to encapsulate a set
of i* business process models. The services the en-
terprise offers are used as high level scope elements.
Business processes fulfilling those services are then
decomposed and refined on that basis. This approach
allows to combine the intentional and social charac-
teristics of i* with the ”traditional” business process
(Wautelet et al., 2008) proposes the FaMOS
framework. This framework notably refines the
proposition of (Pastor et al., 2010) and proposes the
Strategic Services Diagram which supplement the ser-
vices view with the definition of threats and opportu-
nities. In this figure, those two elements are gener-
alized as an Environmental Factor. Indeed, services
face threats which is defined as every environmental
factor that can avoid the adequate fulfilment of the
service (both in terms of achievement and quality of
service degradation) as well as opporutinities defined
as an environmental factor that can potentially higher
This paper constitutes an elaborated case study of
the strategic services diagram which is one compo-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
nent of the FaMOS framework proposed in (Wautelet
et al., 2008)
This section introduces the application domain, out-
bound logistics, as well as the third party components
used in the context of the collaborative platform de-
velopment. Note that for space reasons the domain
description has been brought to its simplest form the
strategic reasoning in section 4 goes into much more
details. A complete description of the application
domain and its associated workflows is depicted in
(Wautelet, 2009).
3.1 Outbound Logistics
Outbound logistics is the process related to the move-
ment and storage of products from the end of the pro-
duction line to the end user. In the context of this pa-
per we mostly focus on transportation. The actors of
the supply chain play different roles in the outbound
logistic flow. The producer will be a logistic client in
its relationship with the raw material supplier, which
will be considered as the shipper. The carrier will re-
ceive transportation orders from the shipper and will
deliver goods to the client, while relying on the infras-
tructure holder and manager. In its relation with the
intermediary wholesaler, the producer will then play
the role of the shipper and the wholesaler will be the
Final client
Strategic planner
Infrastructure manager
Operational planner
Strategic planner
Figure 1: Material flows in the outbound logistics chain.
Figure 1 summarizes the material flows between
the actors of the outbound logistics chain. The idea
underlying the software development is to favour
these actors’ collaboration. Indeed, collaborative de-
cision will tend to avoid local equilibriums (at ac-
tor level) and wastes in the global supply chain op-
timisation, giving opportunities to achieve the great-
est value that the chain can deliver at lowest cost (see
(Pache and Spalanzani, 2007)). More information on
Expeditions Representative
Treat Orders
Treat Expeditions
Plan Logistic Requests
Manage Transports
Manage Transports Services
Infrastructure Manager
Manage Resources
Orders Representative
Track Transports
Transfer Orders
Manage Warehouse
Manage Fleet
Figure 2: Strategic Services Diagram for the Collaborative
Application Package.
the applicative package development can be found in
(Wautelet, 2009).
This section introduces a strategic level vision of the
collaborative platform to be developed; firstly the
model based on services is overviewed, secondly a
strategic reasoning overviews the consequences its
adoption represents both in terms of threats and op-
4.1 The Collaborative Application
Package Services
The Strategic Services Diagram (SSD) of Figure 2
overviews the application package through multiple
Services. We use the SSD which presents on highest
aggregation level the services provided by the overall
application with the actors involved in the software
package as well as the potential threats and oppor-
tunities they are facing. By essence, the SDD helps
to understand the purpose of the software project in
terms of highly aggregated elements called Services.
The theoretical model also allows to model the poten-
tial problems (i.e. Threats) they can face; the poten-
tial improvements (i.e. Opportunities) and the social
structure (i.e. the Dependencies) which govern Actor
interactions. This highest level view allows all project
stakeholders to share a common aggregate view of
what the applicative package should offer as well as
their dependency relationships. The darkest services
are the ones that can be fulfilled by already identified
third party components. We will, in the context of this
case study focus on Track Transport. This service is
provided by the Transportation Management System
(TMS) to the Shipper and the Carrier.
A definition of the concepts relative to outbound
logistics - notably the actors in bold and the data
structures in italic - depicted in the services descrip-
tion hereafter was made in section 3.1. Each service
represents a complex workflow that is summarized
here in a few sentences, the complete workflows are
available in (Wautelet, 2009). The applicative pack-
age services are:
The Treat Orders service represents the process
to plan the coming material flows by building up
Logistic Requests on the basis of the customers
orders. The Carriers’ Expedition Representative
is the responsible actor;
The Treat Expeditions service represents the pro-
cess to build Transportation Calls on the available
Logistic Requests. The Carriers’ Expedition Rep-
resentative is the responsible actor;
The Plan Logistic Requests service represents
the process to evaluate the possibilities (even-
tually by relaxing constraints) of accepting the
transmitted Transportation Calls. The Shipper’s
Orders Representative is the responsible actor;
The Manage Transports Services service repre-
sents the process to update the Carriers’ Trans-
portation Services offer in function of the general
environment (demand and capacity on particular
origins and destinations, new transportation pos-
sibilites, etc). The Carriers’ Planner is the re-
sponsible actor;
The Manage Transports service represents the
process to plan the Carriers’ physical Transports
linked to its Transportation Services to answer to
the accepted Transportation Calls demand. The
Carriers’ Scheduler is the responsible actor;
The Manage Resources service represents the
process to ensure an adequate planning of re-
quired resources (working teams, docks, cranes,
etc.) for the planned Transports. The Infrastruc-
ture Manager is the responsible actor;
The Track Transports service represents the pro-
cess to track in real time the transported goods
and perform a series of activities such as dynamic
replenishments, alternative route calculation, etc.
The Actor’s TMS is the responsible actor;
The Manage Fleet service represents the process
to accomplish a series of specific tasks in the man-
agement of a carrier vehicle fleet as for example
telematics (tracking and diagnostics), driver man-
agement, fuel management, vehicle maintenance
and so on. The Actor’s FMS is the responsible
The Manage Warehouse service represents the
process to manage the movement and storage of
materials within the warehouse and processing the
associated transactions, such as shipping, receiv-
ing, putaway and picking. The Actor’s WMS is the
responsible actor;
The Transfer Orders service represents the pro-
cess to manage all the input data flows that must
be transferred from the ERP system or to the ac-
tor ERP system. The Actor’s ERP is responsible
4.2 Strategic Reasoning
At strategic level, we mainly study the long-term
strategic impact of adopting the collaborative soft-
ware package through its relevant services for the
concerned actors. This study is mainly concerned
with two aspects that are balanced and that must be
evaluated and focused on when taking the strategic
decisions, namely opportunities and threats. Indeed,
e-collaboration in SCM can potentially deliver series
of advantages as information sharing, real-time deci-
sion making, online auctions and notably global op-
timization. Nevertheless, this advantage and others
can have drawbacks for some of the concerned actors
and they may thus not want to adopt it or, in case of
adoption, have disastrous consequences on their busi-
nesses. To that end, a first strategic analysis - inde-
pendent of any cost evaluation - on the basis of the
proposed services, the opportunity they represent and
the threats they face and targeted to the involved ac-
tors is made here.
As defined in the FaMOs framework (Wautelet
et al., 2008) one of the most important benefits of
the SSD is to directly incorporate opportunities and
threats as elements of the model. For clarity rea-
sons we will however not represent them graphically
into the model but list them and draw an opportuni-
ties/services matrix as well as a threats/services one.
This analysis is generic in the sense that we adopt the
point of view of the leading actor (that can be visu-
alized in the SSM) for each of the opportunities and
threats we evaluate at the light of a particular service.
The added value/risk exposure for each particular
service to each particular opportunity/threat is then
evaluated on the basis of a low/medium/high/none
scale. The opportunity/threat hierarchy is established
through an ”Opportunity/Threat Table” assigning to
each service an opportunity added value/threat expo-
sure probability. We basically define four values for
opportunities added value/threats exposure probabil-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Low: ”L” in a yellow filled cell, has a weight of
Medium: ”M” in a orange filled cell, has a weight
of 2;
High: ”H” in a red filled cell, has a weight of 4;
Non-existing: an empty cell, this service is not
concerned by this opportunity/threat, has a weight
of 0.
Global optimization cannot be introduced as such
as an opportunity to the involved actors. However,
that target has a particular interest for the environ-
ment in the sense that optimized transports leads to
less wastes which lowers negative externalities. In-
deed, since a variety of stakeholders are involved into
the package, each of them must be demonstrated its
”local” advantage to adhere. More precisely, we iden-
tify here the following opportunities and their associ-
ated weight:
Real-time Information Transmission. Informa-
tion has become a strategic resource of our mod-
ern times so that information availability through
adequate transmission represents a strategic tool
for each of the actors involved in the supply chain.
The applicative package thus represents an oppor-
tunity since it enables to lower information trans-
mission time. This opportunity has been given a
weight of 5;
Business Process Optimization. Reengineering
business processes notably through standardized
information transmission can lead to avoid wast-
ing resources (among which human ones) so that
time and money can be spared. This opportunity
has been given a weight of 4;
Symmetric Information. The use of the ap-
plicative package ensures that when an actor has
a specific demand of services it is transmitted
to whole of the concerned actors. For example
the shippers’ logistic requests are transmitted to
whole of the carriers so that each of them can pro-
pose its transport services until an agreement has
been found. Information symmetry tends to lower
the eventuality that suppliers are unfairly favored.
This opportunity has been given a weight of 3;
Unified Data Structures. The use of unified data
structures ease the everyday communications be-
tween supply chain actors and constitute a stan-
dardized formalization that can serve as a legal
basis. This opportunity has been given a weight
of 2;
Integrated Information Portal. The use of a sin-
gle portal for managing all the aspects of an ac-
tors’ business eases the everyday transactions and
lowers maintenance costs so that resources can be
spared. This opportunity has been given a weight
of 1.
Opportunity weight
Treat Orders
Treat Expeditions
Plan Logistic Requests
Manage Transports Services
Manage Transports
Manage Ressources
Manage Warehouse
Track Transports
Manage Fleet
Transfer Orders
Real-Time Information Transmition 5 HMH HHMHMM
Business Process Optimization 4 HHH L HHH L
Symetric Information 3 MMMMH H
Unfiied Data Structures 2 L H H MHHMMMH
Integrated Information Portal 1 HHHHHHMMMM
Overall Service Opportunity Added Value 48 44 54 18 60 60 32 30 16 20
Figure 3: The Opportunities/Services Matrix.
The opportunities/services matrix presented in
Figure 3 allows determining a hierarchy among the
services to determine the one which could benefit of
the most added value by adopting the collaborative
software package solution. The Manage Transports
and Manage Resources services have an added value
of 60 which underlies the solution could potentially
bring the most added value for carriers and infrastruc-
ture managers. The matrix also shows that the iden-
tified opportunities are adding substantial value to all
of the collaborative application package’s services so
that each of the collaborating actors can potentially
have an interest by the adoption of the solution which
however has only sense if all of them use it or at least
feed it with data flows.
Global optimization and the adoption of a global
applicative package can however have a series of
drawbacks. These are studied hereafter in the form
of threats. More precisely, we identify here the fol-
lowing threats and their associated weight:
Loss of Local Optimality. Actors are continu-
ously seeking for optimal solutions within their
business processes especially when competition is
high and concerns rather standardized services as
for example for carriers. A global optimization
process could lead actors of the supply chain to a
worse situation that when they only managed their
own business strategy so that they would reject
such a tool. This threat has been given a weight of
Loss of Local Autonomy. The autonomy of an
actor refers to its capability to make and influence
decisions. The provided information of an actor to
the other can lead its autonomy to be adjusted in
one sense or the other so that it can be an oppor-
tunity or a threat (we nevertheless only consider
the ”threat side” here). In other words, increased
transparency can lead to a loss of autonomy. This
threat has been given a weight of 3;
Transmission of Strategic Information. By ad-
vertising all of the transportation offer and de-
mand, one could determine information that the
company’s would prefer to remain confidential.
This threat has been given a weight of 3;
System Intrusion. An intrusion takes place when
a user of an information system takes an action
that he is not legally allowed to take. The intruder
may come from outside, or it may be an insider
exceeding his limited authority when taking ac-
tion. The intruder’s actions may be detrimental to
the health of the system or to the services it offers.
This threat has been given a weight of 2;
Data Loss. Facing huge data transfers between
actors some required data can be lost or never fur-
nished. This threat has been given a weight of 2;
System Failure. The information system may be
down and cannot be used for some time. This
threat has been given a weight of 2.
Threat weight
Treat Orders
Treat Expeditions
Plan Logistic Requests
Manage Transports Services
Manage Transports
Manage Ressources
Manage Warehouse
Track Transports
Manage Fleet
Transfer Orders
Loss of Local Optimality 4 L HHHHHML
Loss of Local Autonomy 3LHHHMHHL
Transmission of Strategic Information 3MHHHMLMMLL
System Intrusion 2 MMMMHMMM L M
Data Loss 2LLLLL
System Failure 2 L L L L MMMM
OverallServiceRiskExposure 14271844464136423116
Figure 4: The Threats/Services Matrix.
The threats/services matrix presented in Figure 4
allows determining a hierarchy among the services
to determine the one which is the most exposed to
risks. The Manage Transports service has an overall
risk of 46 which underlies risks are potentially high-
est for carriers. The matrix also shows that the iden-
tified threats have an impact on all of the collabora-
tive application package’s services so that each of the
collaborating actors has to overview the drawbacks
and compare them to the potential benefits to run its
cost/benefits study.
Software engineering tends to devote more and more
time and effort on analysis disciplines. In such a con-
text, it is no more only the concern of software an-
alysts, architects, developers and other project man-
agers but top management has to understand the long
term implications of software systems that can be de-
veloped. SOC promises to change the way business
and technology vendors buy, sell, deploy, and man-
age application portfolios. For the first time, business
users will be able to summon applications to support a
business process rather than launch a business process
constrained by the application. That is why the appli-
cation of such technology into large hybrid software
projects combining self-developed services with third
party vendors components is particularly interesting.
In this context, we applied a SOM framework onto
the development of a SCM platform for providing an
high-level view to top management for strategic rea-
soning. The main contribution of the paper is the case
study itself showing the approach proposed in (Pastor
et al., 2010) and in (Wautelet et al., 2008) is applica-
ble in a large industrial context.
The Strategic Services Model and its use are how-
ever just a preliminary step of a broader methodology
using more detailed i* diagrams at analysis level as
well as design diagrams and project management.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems