Why Some Social Software Fail and Others do Not?
Roberto Pereira, M. Cecilia C. Baranauskas
Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein N1251, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Sergio Roberto P. da Silva
Department of Informatics, State University of Maringá, Av. Colombo N5790, Maringá, PR, Brazil
Keywords: Social Software, Collaborative Systems, Social Software Design.
Abstract: The possibility of developing more interactive and innovative applications led to an explosion in the amount
of systems available on the web in which users interact with each other and have a primary role as producers
of content—the so-called social software. Despite the popularity of such systems, few of them keep an
effective participation of its users, promoting a continuous and productive interaction. This paper aims at
starting a discussion about the factors that contribute for the success of certain systems in keeping their
users attention while others fail. To achieve this goal, we present a discussion informed by a conceptual
framework. To situate the discussion in a practical context, we illustrate with an analysis of a collaborative
system for usability evaluation on the web.
The Web 2.0 advent incited the development of new
applications characterized by mass collaboration,
communication and interactivity. The emergence of
the “new web” encouraged the creation of
technologies such as social networks, social search,
social categorization (folksonomies), collaborative
editing, publishing and sharing, among others
(Bryant, 2006). These technologies, developed for
supporting a “social web” are called social software.
We can exemplify with the YouTube, the Flickr, the
Orkut, the Second Life, the Delicious, the Twitter,
among others, in which millions of users interact,
communicate, create, share and organize
information. These systems show the “power of the
collective”, the opportunities and knowledge that
can be generated through the collaborative work and
through the mass interaction. According to Webb
(2004), the goal of social software is to deal with
groups, with the interaction among people. And in
this context, the interaction will occur in an
unprecedented scale and intensity, leading to a
situation in which issues related to human-computer
interaction are extended to issues related to human-
computer-human interaction.
Despite the popularity and the growing in the
number of users of the social software cited above,
just a small fraction of systems is really successful.
Therefore, Zengestrom (2005) raises a discussion on
why some social software work and others do not.
That is, what are the factors responsible for the
success of some [social] systems and for the failure
or abandonment of others? To understand these
factors and, then, trying to give an answer, it is
necessary to consider that designing systems for the
social web is a complex challenge in which several
points need to be addressed.
The main particularity of social software is in the
design process, because human factors and group
dynamics introduce design difficulties that are not
obvious without considering the human psychology
and nature (Webb, 2004). Moreover, due to the
recent emergence and popularization of social
software it is still necessary to understand what are
the impacts that this new range of applications could
cause (or cause) both in the social and the
technological aspects.
Pereira R., Cecilia C. Baranauskas M. and Roberto P. da Silva S. (2010).
A FRAMEWORK—INFORMED DISCUSSION ON SOCIAL SOFTWARE - Why Some Social Software Fail and Others do Not?.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 149-154
DOI: 10.5220/0002901401490154
Despite the lack of formal metrics to determine
whether a social software succeed or not, the number
of users and their level of activities offer significant
evidences. If there are no users there will be nor
information neither other kind of knowledge to
be analyzed. Thus, being completely dependent on
their users, the success of social software depends
heavily on how users feel when using them, on their
interface features and on their interaction
mechanisms (Pereira and Silva, 2008). Users need to
feel confident, guided, rewarded and motivated to
use the application because, otherwise, there is no
reason for using such systems to produce or organize
information or to interact with each other.
Although the concept of social software is
relatively new, discussions around the design of
collaborative systems are receiving attention from
academy since more than two decades. In Winograd
and Flores (1987), the authors discuss about the
impact of computer systems on the social relations
of their users, emphasizing that this impact must be
taken into account when designing a system.
Ackerman (2000) says that when designing a
collaborative system the biggest challenge is social
instead of technological. The author emphasizes that
systems do not fully meet the requirements of
sharing information, the social policy of groups,
responsibilities, among others, because we do not
have knowledge on how to develop systems that
fully support the social world. Neris et al. (2008)
point the challenge created by the users’ diversity of
skills, in general, saying that to address this
challenge it is necessary to know users in their skills,
formalizing interaction requirements and studying
solutions of interface\interaction for the diversity.
Systems should reflect understandings about how
people actually live and work in their organizations,
communities, groups and other forms of collective
life. Otherwise, as Ackerman (2000) argues,
produced systems will be useless, inefficiently
automating and distorting the collaboration, and
other social activities.
This paper sheds ligh on the discussion about
why some systems work and others do not. Given
the inherent complexity in any attempt of finding a
synthesized answer, the discussion will be generated
around an analysis of a collaborative system for
usability evaluation on the web. This analysis
considers a functional framework proposed by Smith
(2007)—the social software honeycomb, to explain
how social software works and, thus, to determine
which elements should be considered when
designing them. The paper is organized as follows:
section 2 presents the social software framework
elements; section 3 describes the TesteUsabilidade
system and presents an analysis about its resources
and the participation of its users, discussing the
elements considered by the system; section 4 revisits
the framework. Finally, section 5 presentes our
conclusions and directions for future research.
Smith (2007) proposed a framework to illustrate a
list of seven elements that give a functional
definition for social software (see Figure 1). These
“social software building blocks” are: identity,
presence, relationships, conversations, groups,
reputation and sharing—an overview about the
discussions that led to the honeycomb framework
can be found in (Pereira, Baranauskas and Silva,
2010). Each element can be basically understood as
Figure 1: Social software honeycomb (Smith, 2007).
Identity: a unique identifier of a user within the
system. Something that represents his/her “me”.
Presence: resources that allow knowing whether
certain identity is online, sharing the same space at
the same time. Relationship: a way to determine
how users of the system can relate\are related to
others. Reputation: a way of knowing the status of a
user in the system. Groups: the possibility to form
communities of users who share common interests,
ideas or opinions. Conversation: resources for
communication (synchronous and/or asynchronous).
Sharing: refers to the possibility of users sharing
objects that are significant, important to them.
The identity appears at the centre of the
framework because, according to Smith (2007), it is
the most basic requirement of any social system.
One may understand from this structure that not all
software has all of these elements. Actually, systems
usually have three or more of such elements, but
have a main focus on only one or two of them. To
illustrate, consider Figure 2 which presents the
elements implemented by the systems: Youtube,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Delicious and Orkut, which are examples of systems
with a great number of active users. The dark gray
hexagons correspond to the core element in which
the system is focused. The light gray hexagons
correspond to the other elements that are
implemented by the system and which work as a
complement to the core element. Those that are not
explicitly considered in each system appear in blank.
Considering the YouTube system (Figure 2 (a)),
it is possible to see that it focuses on the “sharing”
element: the main purpose of users in the system is
to share videos—posting and watching videos.
Additionally, the system implements the elements of
“identity”: each user has his/her profile with
favourite videos and added videos; “conversation”:
users comment and respond to comments about the
videos; “groups”: the system provides resources for
the formation of groups and channels in which users
can join and participate; and “reputation”: the
system implements a collaborative scheme of
reputation over the comments posted in videos in
order to identify and avoid spam.
Figure 2: (a) Youtube, (b) Delicious, (c) Orkut.
As we mentioned earlier, the elements presented in
this section are far from being exhaustive and
complete. However, they are good starting points in
defining a conceptual framework to assist in the
understanding of social software. The framework
makes it possible to examine these systems and to
understand how people use them to meet their
personal and social goals. Following, we describe
the TesteUsabilidade (2007) system and present an
analysis based on the social software framework.
TesteUsabilidade (2007) is a collaborative system to
create a space for evaluating the usability of any
application or page available on the web. According
to its creators, it is a collaborative system that aims
at offering a free, simple, online and fast resource
for the Hallway Testing (Olson, 1996), in which
people are randomly allocated to test a product.
Basically, the system allows its users to register their
websites to be evaluated by other users, receiving
feedback, responding to comments, evaluating these
comments and, consequently, also acting as
evaluator into the system. Thus, the main intention is
the provision of a social environment in which users
help each other to improve the quality of their
products, and enabling the exchange of knowledge
related to the design and evaluation of websites.
There are no methods or pre-defined rules to guide
the evaluations. The system provides an internal
page with some tips about how to evaluate; however,
evaluations of websites are basically a message
containing users’ perceptions, their views and
considerations in unstructured natural language.
Despite being an interesting initiative, the
TesteUsabilidade system did not succeed. In the
next subsection, we present data showing the system
stagnation. Like every social software which
depends on users’ participation and collaboration for
achieving success, something is missing to
encourage the participation of users and to improve
the quality of the evaluations they accomplish.
We do not intend to discuss here the advantages
or disadvantages about the method applied by the
system. We will focus at two main questions: How
to encourage users to evaluate more? And how can
websites have more chances of being evaluated? The
next subsection gives us a picture of users’
participation in the system and the next one applies
Smith’s framework to it.
3.1 Users’ Participation
The system was available on the web in the middle
of 2008. Data collected on May, 17, 2008, presented
a total of 195 registered users, 153 comments and
147 websites registered to be evaluated. At October,
14, 2009, it presented 516 registered users, 386
comments and 324 websites. By that time, just 54%
of the websites were commented and just 28% of the
comments were replied. When comparing the data
obtained from the two periods, it indicates that the
data roughly doubled. However, a small portion of
users is responsible for the most part of the
evaluations, and a small portion of websites receives
the most part of the evaluations—the long tail
phenomenon (Anderson, 2006). Despite the finding
of low users activity over a period of about three
semesters, what allows us to say that it does not
maintain a constant participation of its users, the
most ten active users remained practically the same
in this interval.
do Not?
Figure 3: Long tail: (a) users; (b) websites.
The graph in Figure 3 (a) shows the curve of the
number of posts created by the ten most active users
in the system. We noticed that only 2% of users
were responsible for exactly 47% of the evaluations.
The user with the highest number of reviews
conducted 36 evaluations while the user in the 10
position conducted 9; in 2008, the values were 25
and 3 evaluations, respectively—there was no
change in the first seven positions of the ranking. On
the other hand, the graph of Figure 3 (b) shows the
concentration of evaluations in a small portion of
websites, while more than a half had never been
evaluated. In the graph, the “X” axis is the amount
of websites, while the “Y” axis is the number of
evaluations each website received. The difference in
the distribution of comments by the websites may be
explained by what Barabàsi (2003) calls “the rich
get richer”: the tendency of nodes that have a high
number of connections in receiving more
connections. However, a forgotten website tends to
stay there, until someone decides to be the first to
comment on it. Nonetheless, the time waiting for an
evaluation is relative and, sometimes, the website’s
owner may wait months for a single feedback. When
(if) this feedback comes, it can be no longer required
or expected and, in those cases, a late help leads to
an evaluation being wasted. Currently, the best
chance that a website has for receiving its first
evaluation is when it remains among the users’ most
recent added websites. After that, its chances tend to
decrease and it starts to count on the “lucky” to get
its first evaluation.
Klamma et al. (2007) discuss about incentive
mechanisms inspired by Social Exchange Theory.
Grounded in their experiments, a feature that can
help in soften the problems shown above is to allow
users, when registering a website for evaluation,
explicitly requesting an evaluation to some members
of the community. Ex: user “A” asks user “B” to
evaluate his website. Thus, there are more chances
of “A” having his website evaluated and, besides,
there is the possibility of “A” expressing his interest
in receiving a feedback from user “B”, whether “A”
considers this user as an expert or just because “A”
think s/he may assist and attend to his request.
Furthermore, user “B” will have reasons that
encourage s/he to, at least, give an opinion about the
website. The participation of users is being driven by
the request of another, which may be a factor for
them to feel recognized, excited to participate more,
and mainly, to make evaluations of better quality—
even more if there is a ranking of the users most
requested for evaluating websites. This strategy can
help in two issues: encouraging the participation of
users and conducting useful evaluations. We would
see the elements of “conversation”, “relationships”
and “reputation” present in this strategy.
3.2 The System Building Blocks
Perhaps, one of the most interesting (and important)
contributions of TesteUsabilidade is allowing users
to read the usability evaluations conducted by other
users, generating an exchange of experience and
even of knowledge. Furthermore, it is possible that
the user who posts a website to be evaluated reply
the comments received keeping an interaction with
the evaluators. This opened mode of displaying
evaluations makes it possible to see some posts in
which: i) suggestions are taken into account; ii) there
is an effective communication; and iii) websites are
evaluated again after being restructured.
Figure 4: TesteUsabilidade’s elements.
Figure 4 illustrates the elements considered by the
system. The focus is in the “conversation” that is
implemented using the resources of comments and
responses to the evaluation of websites. The element
“identity” is considered as the user’s profile that
exposes personal information relating to the user
participation. The element of “reputation” is
represented in a scheme by assigning a grade to
evaluations accomplished by users and which are
publicly available at their profiles. The “sharing”
element must be addressed separately. The system
does not allow an effective share of objects: users do
not have resources to share photos, documents, etc.
One can interpret that the websites, or their
evaluations, are the objects being shared. However,
considering the semantics of the word “sharing” (To
give part of what one has to somebody else to use or
consume; To have in common), it becomes clear that
this element is not implemented by the system,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
because the object remains exclusively of its owner.
The other elements of “presence”, “relationship” and
“groups” are not considered by the system.
Once identified the elements in the system, it is
also necessary to question whether these elements
were actually chosen and implemented properly to
meet the goals of the system. As shown by usage
data, the system has no sufficient elements for
supporting users’ participation. The interaction starts
around the object with focus on the element of
“conversation”, but it seems that users do not feel
motivated to start new interactions after a few
experiences. In this case, the addition of new
elements (e.g., relationships), could improve the
process of interaction. Currently, the “conversation”
is maintained through messages/replies in a scheme
similar to a forum. The system already considers the
elements of “identity” and “reputation” and it
facilitates the insertion of the “relationship” element,
which tends to keep users more engaged with the
system and focus on the activities of other users.
The “conversation” element also should be more
explored. Users do not have a resource for direct
interaction with other users being restricted only to
the posting of evaluation messages. If in this process
users have doubts, need help or want to keep an
effective and direct contact with other users, they
need to look for resources external to the system.
The initiative of implementing the element of
“reputation”, even relevant, loses much of its impact
due to the absence of other elements such as
“relationships” and even “groups”: a reputation has
importance as a status, and a status has value when it
can be displayed, admired, used as a distinction
form. But in the way it is implemented, it becomes
only one indicator related to the history of ratings of
each user (this example shows how the elements
influence each other).
After seeing examples of social software which got
success, as well as a system that, despite considering
some of the social software framework elements, not
kept the participation of its users, some questions
remain: What is the main difference among these
systems, taking both as social software? What have
they as singular characteristics that are crucial for
their acceptance and for keeping the attention of
their users? First of all, the framework elements are
far from exhaustive and complete. Zangestrom
(2005) asserts that an important element missing in
Smith’s original framework is the Object—the
social object being built/modified is determining
which elements should be considered and how they
should be considered (e.g., in Youtube the object is
videos, in Flickr it is photos). In Smith’s framework
the “object” is not made explicit; it is behind the
scene, as the thing people “share” in the social
It is necessary to understand what maintains the
collaboration, the participation and the effective
interaction among users. Knorr-Cetina (1997)
addresses the individual and the object as central
elements in a process of social interaction (an
object-centred sociality), discussing objects around
which the discussions occur, the focus is maintained,
among other social interactions. In this context, we
can say that systems should have a well defined
object of interaction, since these objects are
generally complex, open and questionable. They are
in constant process of being materially defined,
constantly acquiring new properties and modifying
the existing ones. Besides, it should be a symmetric
relation in the sharing of the object regarding who
gets the benefits of the task. In the TesteUsabilidade
this relation is asymmetric as the site owner is the
person who gets the most benefit of the participation
(not the person doing the evaluation task). With
these assumptions a new question arises: how the
elements of the framework are implemented in a
system so that the object of interaction is put into
focus, generating discussions, acquiring new
properties, being challenging and motivating?
When designing social software, depending on
the combination and the focus given to each
element, the environment can be quite completely
different impacting, consequently, in how it will be
understood by its users. The question here is to
choose the right elements and the right way for
implementing them. To combine and implement the
framework elements we need a socio-technical
approach, or what Baranauskas (2009) defines as
Socially Aware Computing: “the theory, artifacts
and methods we need to articulate to actually make
the design socially responsible, participatory and
universal as process and product”.
In summary, to design a system that can be
accessed by everyone, keeps its users attention and
produces useful contents, we need a new Science of
Design, aligning system development with social
practices with the end user. Further work in
revisiting the honeycomb framework is now being
conducted inspired by Organizational Semiotics
(Baranauskas and Bonacin, 2008).
do Not?
The process of designing social software is highly
complex because we must consider human factors,
group dynamics, social and psychological aspects to
understand how to design a system that effectively
satisfy the needs of their users and that really meet
the demands imposed by the “social”. In this paper
we aimed at putting focus on possible factors that
influence the success (or failure) of social software
systems which depend on the effective participation
of users. The paper discussed elements necessary for
the functioning of social software and briefly
suggested theories that can guide and give basis for
understanding how to design successful systems. We
observed that the object of interaction and the
symmetry of interests in the shared object are
decisive factors in determining how a system should
be designed, which elements should be considered
and how these elements should be implemented to
provide an effective, productive and continuous
interaction. Moreover, the process of designing
social software needs to address the view of a
Socially Aware Computing, otherwise, it seems to
be impossible the development of systems that
completely satisfies the users requirements, needs,
and expectations to fulfil social demands.
In the same way as the discussion on the shared
object need to be expanded, the discussion presented
in this paper is a just starting point in defining a
conceptual framework to help in the understanding
and design of social software. With this framework,
it is possible to analyze these systems and to infer
why people use (or do not use) them to meet their
personal and social goals. The next steps of our
approach involve expanding the framework
proposed by Smith (2007) where some elements
should be added and other must be reconsidered and
strongly discussed (Object, Awareness, Emotional
and Affective aspects, Personalisation to name a few
others). Additionally, discussion around the theories
we mentioned in this paper (Socially Aware
Computing, Organizational Semiotics and Object-
Centred Sociality) are being considered as
theoretical referential.
This work is partially funded by Microsoft Research
– FAPESP Institute for IT Research and CAPES
(Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
Nível Superior).
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems