Ontology Evolution Support for the Trend Related Industry Sector
Jessica Huster
and Andreas Becks
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Schloss Birlinghoven, 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Informatik 5 (Information Systems), RWTH Aachen University Ahornstr. 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Text Mining, Concept-drifts, Ontology Evolution.
Abstract: Ontologies are used as knowledge bases to exchange, extract and integrate information in information
retrieval and search. They provide a shared and common understanding that reaches across people and
application systems. In reality, domain specific and technical knowledge evolve over time, and so must
ontologies. Creative domains, as for example the home textile industry, are representatives for quickly
evolving domains. In this domain it is also important to provide methodologies for the visualisation of
knowledge evolution. In this paper we report on our ontology-based trend analysis tool, which supports
marketing experts and designers to identify trend drifts, and to compare the analysis results against the
ontology. Furthermore means to adapt and evolve the ontology in accordance with the changing domain are
Ontologies have been proven to be useful in
different fields such as information integration,
search, and retrieval. Regarding the Semantic Web,
ontologies with their definition of concepts and
relationships provide the backbone for structured
access and exchange of shared knowledge (Fensel,
2001b), (Flouris et al., 2008).
Hence ontologies are seen as and used for a
shared and common understanding that reaches
across people and application systems (Fensel,
2001a). However, different definitions and broad
interpretations exist about what can be referred to as
ontology. These interpretations include simple
catalogues, sets of structured text files, thesauri,
taxonomies and also sets of general logical
constraints, that enable automated reasoning (Welty
et al., 1999). The latter models usually have a
greater complexity than the former. The ontology
used in this paper is a lightweight, terminological
ontology that describes the domain of the home
textile industry, i.e. curtains, furnishing fabrics and
carpets. It mainly uses mainly sub-class-
Ontologies represent the current understanding
of terms and their relations of a domain in a
structured way, ensuring that a group of people
agree upon the same meaning of terms. However,
ontologies, once created, do not last forever because
they do not only encapsulate stable knowledge. In
reality, the domains which are modelled by
ontologies evolve, and so must the ontologies to stay
useful (Fensel, 2001b), (Stojanovic et al., 2002),
(Haase and Sure, 2004). There is a need for dynamic
evolution in the conceptualisation to ensure
reliability and effective support through ontologies.
Meanwhile, the issue of adapting ontologies due
to a certain need of change is addressed by several
different, but also closely related research
disciplines. This field is summarised under the term
of ontology change and comprises several subfields,
each focusing on another aspect of ontology change.
Flouris et al. (2008) identify 10 subfields in their
work, namely: ontology mapping, morphism,
matching, articulation, translation, evolution,
debugging, versioning, integration and merging.
Regarding the Semantic Web the field of ontology
evolution is of particular importance as distributed,
heterogonous and dynamic domains represented by
different ontologies are expected to cooperate in this
The term ontology evolution is used with
different meanings in the literature. In this paper, we
will adapt the definition by Flouris et al. (2007):
ontology evolution is the process of modifying an
Huster J. and Becks A. (2010).
VISUAL TREND ANALYSIS - Ontology Evolution Support for the Trend Related Industry Sector.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
ontology in response to a certain change in the
domain or its conceptualization”. Thus, our focus is
on the process of adaptation of an ontology. We
distinguish this process from ontology versioning
which deals with maintaining several different, but
related versions of the same ontology.
Creative domains are one example for quickly
evolving domains in which new concepts and
relationships are very frequently established. As an
example for a creative domain in this paper, we will
consider the domain of home textile industry.
Stakeholders in this domain have to flexibly adjust
to upcoming and descending trends. Therefore, the
issue of modifying a domain ontology is important
in this context. Furthermore, in such a domain it is
important to support the modification of the domain
ontology by appropriate change and update
operations. Additionally, methodologies for the
visualisation of the knowledge evolution are
required as users need to be able to understand how
the context and importance of certain concepts in the
domain have changed. In this paper we present an
ontology-based system that supports this industry
sector to monitor trend relevant sources and identify
drifts in their market. Hence, we set a focus on an
intuitive change capturing, which forms the starting
point for ontology evolution. Once the changes,
which require a modification of the ontology have
been identified, the system provides means to adapt
the ontology accordingly.
The remaining paper is structured as follows:
The next section presents an overview on existing
approaches to the topic of evolving and maintaining
ontologies. Section 3 presents our approach in more
detail. Section 3.1 covers the difficulty in the
creative domain of home textile sector followed by
the system description (section 3.2). Section 4
presents the evaluation conducted in cooperation
with carpet producing companies.
Many approaches focused on creating ontologies
rather than on ontology evolution. This shows that
these knowledge models have been treated mainly as
static and that the encapsulated domain knowledge is
assumed to not change (Haase and Sure, 2004).
The approaches of ontology creation and
evolution can be distinguished into two main groups.
One class of evolution methods follows a
community based approach, whereas the other class
of approaches tries to automate, at least part of the
process and suggest computational methods for
ontology creation.
An early work in this area to construct ontologies
collaboratively is presented by Dominge (1998). His
aim was to support a (possibly widespread)
community in constructing an ontology, as the
ontology represents a common view. He presents the
two web-based systems Tadzebao and WebOnto,
which complement each other. Tadzebao supports
asynchronous and synchronous discussions on
ontologies. WebOnto, on the contrary, provides
features for collaborative browsing, creation and
editing of ontologies.
The systems Ontoverse (Weller, 2006) and Onto-
Wiki (Hepp et al., 2006) follow a wiki-based
approach. This approach explicitly focuses on the
collaborative construction of ontologies and supports
the cooperative design process. Term meanings and
problems can be discussed through the system by the
user community before these terms are integrated
into the system.
An important difference between these two
systems is that Ontoverse has a role-based concept
and restricts the usage to specific user groups. It
allows parallel development of ontologies with
different user groups in separated workspaces. The
access to OntoWiki on the other hand is open and
not limited. OntoWiki is realised using a standard
Wiki, whereas Ontoverse developed a new wiki-
based platform supporting the different steps of an
ontology development process: a planning and
conceptualisation phase; a phase of editing the
structural data; and finally a maintaining phase,
where updates, corrections and ontology
enrichments are performed (Weller 2006). Both
systems can be used also, to further evolve
Holsapple and Joshi (2001) suggest applying a
structured procedure for the collaborative working
process. This procedure uses a Delphi-like method
which incorporates feedback loops within the group.
Step by step the terms of the ontology are enriched
and better understood. In contrast to the wiki-based
systems before, he does not suggest a support
Computational methods analyse texts and aim at
detecting changes or trends in the terms. This field is
known as emerging trend detection or topic
evolution (Gohr et. al., 2009), (Kontostathis, 2004).
The new terms serve as candidates for the ontology
enrichment. An interesting approach is presented by
Kruse (2009), even though not directly related to
ontology evolution. He presents an interview based
decision support system to identify drifts in the
VISUAL TREND ANALYSIS - Ontology Evolution Support for the Trend Related Industry Sector
meaning and usage of terms. The interview results
span a semantic room of meanings, which is
represented in a 3D visualisation for each person.
Kruse performed an interview with 100 people in
2007 and performed the same study again in 2008.
He asked the people to state their attitude regarding
car brands, definition of status and moral concept as
well as mobility in their daily life. Comparing the
result of these two studies he identified a change in
the definition of status. Status, once directly related
to big, representative and expensive cars, is no
longer connected to these things. It is rather linked
with environmental protection, social justice and
appropriate functionality. A rather small car is
preferred by the people in their daily life. Already in
2007 Kruse identified these changes in the
preferences, long before the market realized the
change in the car branch. A year later, 2008, the
press finally stated that they have problems selling
big and luxury cars. This is the obvious result of the
preference changes, already identified in the surveys
by Prof. Kruse.
Other approaches go further and do not only
extract term candidates but try to discover
conceptual structures, also. Maedche and Staab
(2000) present a framework that combines different
methods to acquire concepts, and to identify
relationships between concepts from natural
language. Relationships both relevant and not
relevant for the ontological taxonomy can be
identified. They applied their system in the domain
of telecommunications. For mining a concept
taxonomy in the first step they used domain specific
dictionaries. Further relations between concepts are
discovered based on generalised association rules.
These approaches aim at an (at least partial)
automation of ontology construction and are
subsumed in the field of ontology learning.
In our approach we explicitly rely on the experts
and give support trough intuitive visualisation
methods. The experience of Prof. Kruse with his
system shows that changes are (unconsciously)
realised by people before the changes reach printed
media and are then realised consciously by the
market or the public. Hence, the experts are an
important knowledge source. The experts know their
domain perfectly well and may have gut feelings and
ideas how things are developing. The graphical
visualisation on the other hand, supports the expert
user to discover changes in domain specific
knowledge in printed media and to identify missing
concepts in the ontology on this way. Using the tool,
they get means to monitor trend developments more
efficiently by the visualisation of domain specific
knowledge evolution. They can test their ideas and
push them into the market to set new trends.
3.1 Requirements
The home textile sector is a trend-related industry.
Producers have to flexibly adapt to changing
preferences and consumer behaviour. Companies
and especially market analysts have to monitor
particular fields for recent trends that may impact
the company sales and success. For them, it is
important and required to detect emerging topics
early, and the way they evolve over time. The earlier
the producers identify particular techniques as well
as new colour and material combinations for a new
design, the better they are able to refine the products
and attract the interest of the customer. The
producers are able to surprise the customer
positively by new designs. On the one hand the
companies have to seek for trends while on the other
hand having to set those by varying colouring,
colour families, materials and their combinations to
create novelty and charm (Sauerwein, 2009). These
products are mainly sold through innovation and
design, nowadays. (Becella, 2007).
To address these requirements and provide
flexible analysis of trend combinations according to
the working tasks of designers and marketing
experts, we developed an ontology-based system
which allows analysing trend-relevant data sources
using text mining technology. By accessing digitised
fashion and trend magazines we enable a systematic
evaluation of colour families and material groups
which are mentioned in these sources. Marketing
experts and designers can analyse the frequencies of
colours, colour families, or material types from
magazines and trend books and assess the
development of colour and material statistics over
An initial domain ontology was created that
serves as a starting point to detect trends and
monitor the market relevant sources. This well
known knowledge about concepts like colour,
material, structure or design of surface is modelled
in the ontology and forms the stable “anchors” to
identify the terminological development, which is a-
priori unknown. Marketing experts and designers
recognise new terms, that evolve from the active use
of these terms and concept combinations, and
supervise their development over time. These terms
may describe colours or surface structures, dominant
in magazines or articles and supervise their
development over time. These detected emergent
terms currently not incorporated in the domain
ontology are concept candidates for the ontology.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Integrated into the ontology, they can be used for a
more specific search on particular trends to further
ensure reliability, accuracy and effectiveness of the
search (Klein and Fensel, 2001). Step by step the
domain ontology evolves to a trend ontology. The
search and evolution cycle is shown in Figure 1.
Support the search
topic trends
Term in context
Figure 1: Ontology based search for trends.
A system which supports designers and
marketing experts in this sector should meet the
following requirements:
Systematic evaluation of colour families and
material groups which are mentioned in fashion
and trend magazines
Assessment of the development of colour and
material statistics over time
Flexible access to trend information according to
work tasks of designers (focus on particular
areas, colours, material, etc. as well as focus on
specific magazines)
Intuitive means and features to modify the
ontology for an iterative evolution
In (Becks, 2007) we reported on the overall
design of the Trend Analyser system in the
AsIsKnown project. The next sections describes the
system features of our Term-Context-Language
Analysis (TeCLA) component in more detail,
followed by an evaluation in closed cooperation with
marketing experts and designers of a carpet producer
(cf. section 4). It combines the strengths of
automatic text analysis for a visual, goal-oriented
overview on trends with domain experience for
iterative and efficient evolution of market specific
trend ontologies.
3.2 System Overview
TeCLA is a semi-automatic, visual component,
supporting the experts in monitoring trend relevant
concept in relevant fashion magazines. It allows
intuitive access to upcoming colour and material
combinations. After the identification of trends the
community of experts (marketing specialists,
designer and trend scouts) is able to evaluate the
identified drifts in the concepts, match it with known
concept model in the domain ontology and possibly
adapt it accordingly. The experts are thus able to
form their trend specific ontology step by step. It is
especially important to include the domain experts in
the process of ontology evolution for several reasons
(Fensel, 2001b), (Hepp et al. 2006). Firstly, the
ontology aims at a consensual domain understanding
and knowledge. Hence, the evolution process
requires cooperation and exchange of information
between different people, such as domain experts.
The strength of the community cannot be replaced
by a single ontology expert. Secondly, the process
stays under control of the community, which
enhances the acceptance of the resulting ontology.
The experts are the ones who are working with the
ontology. They can evolve ideas and form the
ontology using their high degree of experience and
implicit background knowledge. The process of
trend detection is always related to experience and
creativity. A fully automatic approach would not be
accepted by such a user group, as the process is not
under their control. Additionally, our interactive,
user integrated approach meets their rather creative
and weakly structured way of working.
3.2.1 Visualisation and Change Detection
The first step in using TeCLA is the configuration of
the analysis matrix for a particular trend detection
(cf. Figure 2, showing the analysis result for the
concepts “green” and “brick” in AIT). The analysis
matrix defines the group of magazines and articles
as well as the period and aggregation level of time
for which trend relevant concepts shall be analysed
in the magazines. The trend relevant concepts are
selected from the ontology by the user e.g. colours,
materials, architects. Based on these concepts
TeCLA computes the concept term co-occurrences
and represents them as term context stars (shown in
the matrix cells in Figure 2), one for each selected
concept in each cell of the analysis matrix.
The terms appearing in the context of the
selected concept are determined using methods of
natural language processing. Magazines are first
linguistically pre-processed: The tokenised texts are
automatically annotated with part-of-speech tags that
indicate the grammatical categories of each word.
By means of dictionaries, for each known term a
matching concept from the ontology is attached
(word sense tagging). See (Simov et al., 2004) for
more details on the web-service based architecture
As soon as the user has provided the list of
concepts that shall be analysed in the magazines,
VISUAL TREND ANALYSIS - Ontology Evolution Support for the Trend Related Industry Sector
commit change
new concept the user specifies which concept of the
ontology should be the super concept. He types in a
name for the new concept (the URI is added from
the system in the background), as well as the
definition. In case of a change in the meaning of a
term the user selects the option change term.
Suppose the marketing and designers identified that
there is a shift in the colour of brown. The tone
formerly called brown is now called shilf. Therefore,
the expert selects the concept brown and types in the
new term (cf. Figure 4). After committing the
change by clicking the button, the change is directly
visible in the ontology. In case of adding a new
concept clicking the commit button means that a
change request is send to an ontology expert. The
ontology expert checks for the required update and
possibly commits the change. The new version of
the ontology is then made available to the system.
To evaluate the success and usability of our system
we used observational methods such as thinking
aloud protocols and structured interviews to assess
the functionality, usefulness and usability of the
system. The users are marketing experts and
designers from a carpet producer. They were given a
few minutes system presentation to be able to use
the features according to the given tasks during the
In the testing scenario the users were asked to
perform a whole walk-through of the system. They
performed an analysis of different trend relevant
concepts to identify emerging and descending trends
and were asked to use the different features
provided, to support their work. They were asked to
write down their “trend findings”. Afterwards they
were given another questionnaire to evaluate
especially the usability and usefulness of the
different features and the system as a whole.
The tests have shown that term context stars are
a good visualisation to represent the term co-
occurrences. Trend lines (increasing and decreasing)
can be identified quite easily based on the colour and
size of a term bubble of a context star. Common
terms in different stars are easily recognised and
accessed by using the comparison functionality of
TeCLA. A general remark from the users was to
change the colour coding of term highlighting in the
different features. Instead of using an additional
colour to mark the relevant terms, the irrelevant
terms should be shaded in grey. As a result the
important terms can be identified easier.
The overall results given by the users were
positive; they would all use the tool in similar
contexts again. The provided interaction possibilities
and features as well as the usability were evaluated
as good. The training prepared them well in using
TeCLA for the given analysis tasks. Nevertheless,
some result presentations can be improved to
facilitate the access to the information.
In this paper we presented an explorative approach
for the stepwise evolution of a trend ontology in a
creative, trend-related domain such as the home
textile industry. The text mining analysis is coupled
with a high degree of user interaction and
community-oriented modification of the ontology. In
addition to the related systems for ontology
evolution as presented in section 2 our system
provides and focuses on an intuitive visualisation
that supports the trend observation over a period of
time. Popular concepts and co-occurring terms in the
texts can be recognised and analysed over time. The
identified drifts give the experts an overview on the
market changes and help to evolve the ontology. The
system provides means to modify the ontology
accordingly. Thereby the ontology can evolve with
the domain thus better supporting the designer in
searching the magazines efficiently for further trends
and trend changes.
The community in this case is formed by marketing
experts, designers, trend scouts and product
managers. This is a group of domain experts with
sound knowledge working closely together. They
evaluate recognised upcoming and descending terms
and decide what should be modified in the ontology
accordingly. We do not provide collaboration
support in the system, explicitly, as this group of
experts is small and usually closely working
During the whole development cycle informal
feedback was collected from our project partners
from the domain of carpet production several times.
In these evaluation phases it turned out early that an
explorative, community based approach with a high
degree of user involvement is necessary to establish
trust in the analysis results. The structured
evaluation proved this approach again. The user
interaction helps to derive ideas on possible trend
lines, taking into account the experience and
background knowledge of the experts. In this
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
practical approach, we bring together the two
aspects of a trend experience and intuition of experts
as well as observation and analysis of relevant
market sources.
As mentioned in the beginning the aspect of
ontology versioning is closely related to the topic of
evolution. In the trend sector, it is also helpful to
have access to older versions of the ontology and to
be able to follow the changes made in the ontology.
Hence our work will focus on a history feature in the
next step. This feature will list all the changes which
were applied to get the current ontology. All the
changes can then be retraced by the experts and
provide additional information on the evolution of
trend concepts.
The research presented in this paper has been funded
by the AsIsKnown project
( within the Information
Society Technologies (IST) Priority of the 6th
Framework Program (FP6) of the EU, and by the
Research School within the Bonn-Aachen Int.
Centre for Inform. Techn. (B-IT).
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