Emna Fki, Chantal Soul´e Dupuy
Universit´e de Toulouse, IRIT-UMR 5505, UT1, 2 rue du Doyen-Gabriel-Marty 31042 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Sa¨ıd Tazi
CNRS, LAAS, 7 avenue du colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France
Universit´e de Toulouse, UT1, UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE, LAAS, F-31077 Toulouse, France
Mohamed Jmaiel
Uiversity of Sfax, ReDCAD Research Unit, B.P. 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
SOA, User intentions, Service patterns, Service composition.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an emerging approach for building systems based on interacting ser-
vices. Services need to be discovered and composed in order to meet user needs. Most of the time, these needs
correspond to some kind of intentions. Therefore these needs are not expressed in a technical way but in an
intentional way. We note that available service descriptions and those of their composition are rather techni-
cal. Matching user needs to these services is not a simple issue. This paper defines an intention driven service
description model. It introduces a service composition mechanism which provides the intention achievement
of a user within a given context. We consider service patterns and we investigate how these patterns can be
used in representing reusable generic services and in generating specific composite services.
The service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a logi-
cal way of creating loosely coupled, interoperable
services, via published and discoverable interfaces
(Weerawarana et al., 2005). Services are described,
published, discovered and can be assembled to create
complex service based systems and applications (Pa-
pazoglou, 2008). The most used technology for SOA
implementation is web services. These offer open
and standardized interfaces, allowing the encapsula-
tion and componentization of software and applica-
tions, thereby enabling relatively easy configuration
or reconfiguration of software applications. The first
generation of service specification standards such as
WSDL inevitably focused on the description of the
procedures that a service offers. A WSDL service
specification is essentially a description of the signa-
tures of the procedures offered by the service includ-
ing the types of their parameters and return values.
Thus, this kind of descriptions is low level and tech-
nical. At the same time, there is a need to map user’s
(high level) objectives to the objectives that services
may help to provide. The user’s objectives expression
is intentional, but services objectives are expressed
in operational manner. As a consequence, it seems
necessary to bridge the gap between existing service
definition and user’s needs objective expression. Fur-
thermore, services have to be composed in order to
provide more complex and more useful solutions that
meet user’s objectives. In order to reduce the com-
plexity of service composition, various approaches
have been developed for automatic service composi-
tion. However, these approaches focused on compo-
sition aspects and have not taken into account user
intention and related context.
In this paper, we propose an intention based
composition mechanism to provide the composition
schema that achieves the user’s intention within a
given context. We based our definition of the inten-
tion on the one proposed by (Kanso et al., 2008). So,
the intention corresponds to a structured expression
of user needs in terms of goals, means and reasons.
We introduce service patterns as generic services de-
Fki E., Soulé Dupuy C., Tazi S. and Jmaiel M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002904102360241
scribed with goals. This allows users to express their
intentions as an abstract high-level goal, and then let
the system automatically satisfy this intention by as-
sembling services, on-the-fly. Service pattern is cre-
ated at design time and is permanently stored in the
system. The instantiation of service patterns at com-
position run time enables personalization of the pro-
cesses based on user intentions.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we present an overview of related work. Section 3 in-
troduces the service pattern concept and we present
our specification of service patterns. In Section 4, we
propose a service composition mechanism for build-
ing tailored processes and we illustrate it by an exam-
ple. Finally, we conclude by an assessment and future
Generally speaking, research on service description
and composition is relevant for our work. It repre-
sents a very active research and development area. In
this section, we focus on semantic web related works
that present an interesting contribution in services de-
scription. We focus also on SOA and middleware ap-
In order to cope with limitation of basic service
descriptions, approaches relying on Semantic Web
technology emerge to support service discovery and
composition. OWL-S (Web Ontology Language for
Web Services ) (Martin et al., 2004) takes up the chal-
lenge of representing the functionalities of Web ser-
vices. Most of the Web services specified with OWL-
S are related to concrete Web services, and hence,
the composition reasoning process has to deal with
very large search spaces. In WSMO (Web Service
Modeling Ontology) (De Bruijn et al., 2005), func-
tional descriptions are called capabilities that are de-
fined in terms of preconditions, assumptions, postcon-
ditions, and effects. WSDL-S (Akkiraju et al., 2005)
only partially realizes the SWS (Semantic Web Ser-
vices) approach, therewith it can be considered as a
light-weight framework. However, it follows the tra-
dition of extending existing technologies standardized
by the W3C.
Most approaches address service discovery by se-
mantic matchmaking of formally described requested
and provided functionalities, i.e. OWL-S service pro-
files or WSMO capabilities as explained above. This
allows clients to determine whether a Web service can
solve the given request with respect to the precon-
ditions and effects. However, these approaches lack
methods of increasing the level of abstraction.
The authors in (Rolland et al., 2007) propose a
move towards a description of services in terms of the
designer intentions. They refer to these services as in-
tentional services and present a model for intentional
service modeling. They propose a methodologyto de-
termine intentional services that meet business goals.
This work focuses on capturing service needs from
exploring business goals. In our work, emphasis has
been placed on service composition by adding rules
and the use of context information in our composition
approach. Indeed, from our point of view, intentions
are specific to individual users. Hence we consider
service patterns as generic and reusable components
which are utilized to compose services based on spe-
cific user intentions.
Regarding service composition approaches, they
can be categorized according to the research area they
base their methods on: AI Planning introduces the
principles of Artificial Intelligence into service com-
position like Situation calculus in, Hierarchical task
networksand Finite state machines.
We can find another composition approach based
on patterns. Patterns can be defined as sets of generic
rules which can be used to make or generate a solution
to a problem. The use of patterns in service composi-
tion is introduced in (Tut and Edmond, 2002). Anal-
ysis of service usage patterns can identify sets of ser-
vices which are good candidates for the creation of
new composite services tailored to user requirements.
Authors do not give a formal description of the pat-
tern, and do not show how instantiation is done. The
use of patterns for the coordination of services from
different participants from a workflow-based view-
point is proposed in (Zirpins et al., 2004). We use
service patterns in our work to facilitate the matching
between user intention and existing services.
The creation of generic service patterns at design-
time and their instantiation dynamically at run-time
seem to be a promising approach for service composi-
tion activities. Instantiation of service patterns based
on user needs leads to the creation of a specific com-
posite service that in the end is transformed into an
executable composite service (generally called exe-
cutable process).
Within our work, we propose a model of service pat-
tern. According to our point of view, a service pattern
is a generic service which has generic and reusable
Service instance
Service pattern
Search for a mean
of transport
Book a bus
Book a train
a flight
Search for a mean
of transport
Book a flight
Figure 1: Service pattern and service instance.
3.1 Service Pattern Presentation
Service patterns are stored permanently in the system.
Their creation and management reside mainly at de-
sign time.
A service instance is created by the instantiation of
a service pattern with inputs representing contextual
information (or user preferences). User preferences
are a set of parameters that correspond to the choice
made by the user in relation to the activity he will
do. For example, in the case of traveling service, the
user can give priority order to means of transport that
can be used (plane, car, train, boat), or in relation to
activities that he would make (riding, golf , visits).
Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea of service in-
stantiation of the service “Plan a travel”. The service
pattern defines three means to accomplish the goal of
“Searching a mean of transport”. Based on user re-
quest and contextual information, this service is in-
stantiated to generate the service “Book a flight”.
The proposed service pattern is motivated by the
following principal aspects:
The need to facilitate the matching between user
intentions and available services.
The need of flexibility in composing services to
satisfy particular needs.
The importance of reusability of services.
3.2 Service Pattern Model
The diagram depicted in Figure 2 shows the model of
the service pattern. In the following, we explain the
key concepts that constitute the service pattern. The
service pattern is composed of a goal, one or more
activities, and some rules. A service pattern is associ-
ated with a service type that can be atomic, composite
or conditional.
Goal. Our approach for designing service patterns
is based on a “user” perspective. Users think also in
terms of the problem in addition to the result that will
be delivered by a solution. Hence, we have chosen to
Service pattern
Service type
Figure 2: Service pattern model.
: search for a mean of transportGoal
Activities :
- Book a bus seat
- Book a train seat
- Book a flight
Service type:
if user preference. mean of transport = train
then chosen activity= Book a train seat
else if distance (origin, destination) > 500 km
then activity= book a flight
Default activity= Book a bus seat
Figure 3: Service pattern “search for a mean of transport”.
use the goal in the service pattern description. It em-
phasizes the problem that the service pattern solves.
It corresponds to the service interface which will be
used during discovery and selection of services to es-
tablish the correspondence between the intention ex-
pressed by the request and potential services allowing
to realize it.
Rules. Rules are needed to drive the selection of al-
ternative activities in the service pattern. Flexibility
comes from the fact that the process of service com-
position is governed and guided by the rule mecha-
nism (see Figure 3). Rules are set by a domain expert.
They can be adapted after feedback and learning from
service usage.
Activity. This part of the service pattern character-
izes the manner to solve the problem. It specifies pos-
sible activities which can participate in the request
satisfaction. The manner in which a service pattern
is formed of activities is in relation with the service
Service Type. We distinguish three types of ser-
vices: atomic, composite, and conditional. The
atomic service realizes an elementary goal. It is not
decomposable into sub goals. It can be directly im-
plemented by a concrete Web service. A compos-
ite service corresponds to a complex goal. It is nec-
essarily completed by a composition of several ser-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
vices. In this case, the service pattern is constituted
of more than one activity. Execution of these activi-
ties may be in sequence or in parallel. Each activity
corresponds to another service pattern. And finally,
a conditional service proposes several alternative ac-
tivities to achieve a goal. Introduction of variability
in service modeling is justified by the need to intro-
duce flexibility in goal achievement and adaptability
in service composition process. At composition time,
one or several activities will be selected. Context in-
formation and rules in the service pattern are used to
drive the selection of alternative activities.
Figure 4 shows the proposed service composition ap-
proach. It is composed of two major steps: the com-
position schema generation and the execution plan
generation. The composition schema is a high level
service process model. It defines a flow of activities
and their control flows without identifying the con-
crete services to be invoked. The execution plan is
a realized composition schema where concrete, out-
sourced Web services are assigned to activities. This
latter step will not be discussed in this paper.
The generation of the composition schema con-
sists in composing a set of service patterns in order to
satisfy a request. Service patterns are considered as
process fragments, so they can be composed to build
complex processes. Service patterns are stored in the
service patterns base. They are pre-defined by a do-
main expert. His knowledge of the domain is primor-
dial for the design of service patterns. This knowledge
is structured in a domain ontology. This latter pro-
vides the definitions for important concepts and their
relationships in a dedicated domain.
Composition Engine
WS Selector
Execution plan
QoS constraints
Execution Engine
Figure 4: Composition mechanism.
4.1 Composition Approach
In what follows, we present our composition approach
architecture and an algorithm (see Table1) that han-
dles the generation of the composition schema.
Table 1: Generic algorithm for composition schema gener-
1 CS : Composition Schema
2 SP : service pattern
3 Algorithm :
4 CS=empty
5 search SP that corresponds to user goal
6 if SP is atomic then CS= activity of SP
7 else
9 if SP is composite then CS=the set of
10 activities in SP
11 if SP is conditional then
13 use rules of SP to instantiate it
14 CS=selected activity
16 For each untreated activity in CS
18 consider activity as a goal
19 search SP that corresponds to this goal
20 if SP is composite then CS= CS with
21 activity substituted by the
22 set of activities in SP
23 if SP is conditional then
25 use rules of SP to instantiate it
26 CS=CS with activity substituted by
27 selected activity
29 if SP is atomic then mark activity as treated
The objective of service composition is to create
specific processes by the combination of processes
through existing service patterns.
The input of the composition schema process is
constituted by two important aspects: (a) the intention
that the user seeks to realize, and (b) the context in-
formation. We define a service user intention by these
elements: the user’s goal, means to achieve the goal
and constraints. They will be used by the composition
engine to create the composition schema that fulfills
the requirements of the user as well as possible.
4.2 Composition Engine Description
The architecture depicted in Figure 4 shows a Re-
quest Analyzer Module that deals with the recogni-
tion and the extraction of the intention expressed by
the request, and the related contextual information.
In addition to the functional requirements, a service
requester may have non-functional ones: QoS con-
straints. QoS are related to execution constraints (for
example: execution time of a service). They can be
also related to security. For example, a service re-
quiring authentication may be requested by the user.
These QoS constraints can be deduced by the request
analyzer or by observing user behavior. User inten-
tion, context, and QoS requirements will serve as in-
puts to the composition engine. This latter contains
three modules:
1. Service Search Module (SSM): this module deals
with the search for service patterns in the service
base. Seeking for a service is establishing coinci-
dence between the goal the user intends to reach,
and the goal expressed by the service pattern.
2. Service Assembler Module (SAM): this module
assembles service patterns and builds the process
that satisfies user intention. In case of conditional
services, this module uses rules of the service pat-
tern to decide which activity to select. It uses also
means and constraints parts of the user intention
to select appropriate activities.
3. The WS (Web Service) selector takes the compo-
sition schema, and user QoS constraints as inputs
and generates an execution plan that satisfies the
user’s QoS requirements as the output. It assigns
to every activity of the composition schema a con-
crete Web service from the UDDI registry.
Given a user request, the RAM extracts the inten-
tion expressed by the request, then it sends it to the
SSM. It extracts also, from the request, eventual infor-
mation that could help the SAM in instantiating ser-
vices. So, this information constitutes an input of the
SAM. The SSM deals with the search for service pat-
tern in the base. It establishes a comparison between
the goal expressed by the intention and the goal of the
service pattern. The selected service will be returned
to the SAM. This module will eventually use informa-
tion provided by the RAM: means and constraints ex-
pressed by the intention. The SAM creates the service
instance which will provide the process answering to
the request. It builds a composition schema by sub-
stituting activities by corresponding service patterns.
Three cases can arise:
i) The service pattern is composed of only one ac-
tivity corresponding to an atomic service; in this case
: Plan a travelGoal
Activities :
- Search for a mean of transport
- Book a hotel room
Service type: parallel
- Plan for an excursion
Figure 5: “Plan a travel” service.
the SAM provides the process directly.
ii) The service pattern represents a composite ser-
vice. All its activities must be analyzed in their turn.
If one of these activities corresponds to a complex
goal, the service patterns base is explored again in or-
der to find the corresponding service pattern. To do
this, the SAM calls again the SSM.
iii) The service pattern represents a conditional
service; this type of service implies a choice between
the proposed activities. This choice is carried out at
composition run time based on rules provided by the
service pattern and provided information. This allows
adaptation to user intention. Services corresponding
to selected activities which can be atomic, composite,
or conditional, are treated by applying rules defined
in i),ii) or iii).
It should be noted from the above description of
the composition process that the composition mecha-
nism is not treated as a one-shot activity. It is based
on partial and recurrent instantiations. The process
of composition is stopped when all activities obtained
correspond to atomic services. The generated process
corresponds to the composition of the activities of low
level to satisfy the high level intention.
4.3 Illustration
This section is dedicated to an illustration example
that details the execution of the generic algorithm (see
Table 1). We focus particularly on the two modules
SSM and SAM (see Figure 4).
We consider the request of a user based in
Toulouse (France) that plans to spend the next holi-
days in Andorra. This request is treated by the com-
position engine. The RAM extracts user intention and
contextual information. The intention structure of the
user is as follows:
Goal: travel to Andorra
Mean 1: take the train.
Mean 2: lodge in a hotel.
Constraint1: arrive as quickly as possible.
Constraint2: do not spend much money.
The SSM contacts the service base to find a ser-
vice pattern matching the user goal (see Table 1 line
5). It returns the service pattern named “Plan a
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Plan a travel
Book a train seat
a hotel
Pay the hotel
List free sites
to visit
Book a train seat
a hotel
Pay the hotel
by electronic transfer
List free sites
to visit
: parallel
: sequence
Figure 6: Generation of the composition schema.
travel”. This service pattern is composed of three ac-
tivities shown in Figure 5.
The SAM asks for research of service patterns cor-
responding to “Search for a mean of transport” and
“Book a hotel”, and so on (see Table 1 line 18 and 19)
until all activities correspond to atomic patterns.
For the service pattern “Search for a mean of
transport” (see Figure 3), the SAM needs to use the
rule part because this pattern is conditional (see Table
1 lines 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28). The result here
is the service pattern “Book a train seat”. The ser-
vice patterns “Book a hotel room and “Plan for an
excursion” are composite service patterns. The SAM
executes on them the instructions in lines 20, 21 and
22 of the algorithm in Table 1.
All obtained service patterns are atomic except
“Pay the hotel” and “List the sites to visit” which are
conditional service patterns. The SAM executes the
instructions in lines 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Based on Constraint2 of the user intention, the
SAM chooses the activity “List free sites” of the con-
ditional service pattern “List the sites to visit” using
the corresponding rules.
The SAM generates the composition schema, in
which, activities correspond to obtained atomic ser-
vice patterns (see Figure 6). In this process we have
three branches in parallel. This is due to the organiza-
tion of the activities in the composite service pattern
“Plan a travel”. Indeed, the control flow of the gener-
ated process is deduced from service patterns.
This paper proposed the use of service patterns for
representing generic services. The proposed specifi-
cation of these services is important for their reusabil-
ity. In addition, the proposed specification facilitates
the matching between user intentions and available
services. This helps in efficiently finding relevant ser-
vices. Besides, service patterns can be conditional,
which allows the instantiation of generic processes in
different situations according to users intention and
context. We introduced a composition engine which
generates on the fly a process allowing to achieve the
user intention based on contextual information and
user preferences.
Future research will focus on further refinements
of the composition engine: how to acquire contex-
tual information, and how can rules of service pat-
terns evolve dynamically to adapt to different com-
plex user intentions and contexts? We intend to study
the correspondence between high level services stud-
ied in this work and the concrete Web services which
allow physical implementation of user intention.
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