Key Factors of User Acceptance
Elisabeth Milchrahm
Institute of Information Science and Information Systems, University Graz, Universitaetsstrasse 15, 8010 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Technology Acceptance, Management Information Systems, User Needs, Higher Education.
Abstract: The pan-European management of higher education has resulted in management information systems being
developed by the universities to administer courses and examinations more effectively and more efficiently.
Management information systems in universities have to meet particular requirements, as they not only have
to ensure that large volumes of data are managed smoothly; they also have to take account of complex
decision-making structures. Object of research of the present study is the most widely distributed university
management information system in Austria. The aim is to analyse user acceptance of students based on the
following key factors identified: usefulness, ease of use, trust, registration/cancellation methods and
mandatory use. Drawing on statistical data of more than 1,100 questionnaires the survey focuses on the
critical success factors and provides recommendations for measures to encourage acceptance of
management information systems.
While the last few years have primarily seen the
publication of works on the technical and
organisational implementation of university
management information systems, more recent
publications present initial findings of case studies
on user acceptance. However, there are still no
comprehensive, empirical findings. In the literature,
the term acceptance refers to the recurrent decision
on the part of an individual to make frequent task-
based use of an information system (Venkatesh and
Davis, 2000; Govindarajulu, Reithel and Sethi,
2000). For the user, acceptance problems mean that
his perceptions about completing tasks using
management information systems are only given
minor consideration. Knowledge of the variables
that influence acceptance is however crucial for the
development of information systems. It is therefore
important to view empirical research into acceptance
in close context with research on implementation.
The model from Davis (1989) has frequently been
the subject of empirical surveys in acceptance
research: The Technology Acceptance Model is
adapted according to the application (Schepers and
Wetzels, 2007; Burton-Jones and Hubona, 2006)
with studies on user satisfaction (Baroudi and
Orlikowski, 1988; Melone, 1990) also making an
important contribution. Further approaches have
been developed, such as the Task-Technology-Fit
model (Gilbert and Kelly, 2005; Goodhue and
Thompson, 1995) or combined research models
(Klopping and McKinney, 2004; Dishaw and
Strong, 1999; Compeau and Higgins, 1995).
The new regulatory framework for universities in
Austria over the past few years has also required that
a change be made to how courses and examinations
are administered. As early as 1998, a new concept of
degree courses started at Austrian universities with
international credits for examination performance.
The majority of Austrian universities now use the
system UnigrazOnline (UGO) developed by Graz
University of Technology and accredited by EUNIS
(European University Information Systems
Association). The management information system
can be used both by staff and students.
Milchrahm E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 227-230
Alongside having to use the system to register
and cancel a registration for courses and
examinations, students are also free to use additional
options: For students authorised to use the system,
the course units can be transferred to a personalised
electronic timetable. Additionally, a personal
business card can be generated or an automatic e-
mail can set up that provides information about
events at the university. ‘Personal settings’ concern
the system-specific display options, such as ‘account
status’ with individual details (validity of the
password, e-mail address, transcript of records). A
further service can be used to import a digital image
for the personal identification (‘unicard image
upload’). In the discussion fora, the students are able
to communicate electronically with other course
The aim of the survey was for at least 300 students
from each of the faculties of Social and Economic
Sciences, Law and Natural Sciences to take part in
the written survey. Setting a benchmark for the
number of respondents and focussing on three of the
total of five faculties at Graz University was crucial
to ensure that the process of data collection did not
get out of hand. After a preliminary study, it was
possible for the written questionnaires to be used in
a total of 29 courses just two months after the
university-wide roll-out of the system. The
frequency of active use outside the registration
periods was surveyed, as registration for courses and
examinations have to be carried out using UGO, and
any enquiry into frequency of use during this
registration period would have produced biased
The questionnaire is divided into several sections
with a series of open and closed questions on the
degree of use and on the main areas of focus:
usefulness (Lee and Kim, 2009; Davis, 1989), ease
of use (Chen, Yen and Chen, 2009; Davis, 1989),
registration/cancellation methods, trust (Milchrahm,
2003; Dyer and Chu, 2000; Macy and Skvoretz,
1998) and mandatory use. In the context of the
factor usefulness it is assumed that there is a positive
correlation between the quality of information
provided and the level of user acceptance with
respect to the information system (Gatian, 1994).
Thus, questions about the access of important course
information or services making the curriculum easier
for students are included. Regarding ease of use,
basic prerequisites of user friendly information
systems are well structured presentation and useful
search functions. Another important aspect is the
support of the user in the completion of a given task.
Concerning university management information
systems it means, for example, that the registration
for courses has to be easy to manage. Registration
methods with an optimal allocation of course places
play also a crucial role in the research on user
acceptance among students. Besides, the stability of
the system should prevent registration chaos even
for mass registrations. Apart from the technical
security, it is assumed that contacts and FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) strengthen user trust
in the system. Furthermore, information on the
institutes’ webpages should agree with the
information in the university management
information system. With regard to mandatory use, a
further question is included. Finally, socio-
demographic information, such as the age of the
respondents, completes the questionnaire.
1,102 questionnaires were distributed and all of
them were capable of being analysed: 343
respondents (31%) of the faculty of Social and
Economic Sciences, 348 students (32%) of the
faculty of Law and 406 (37%) of the faculty of
Natural Sciences. Two further respondents belong to
another faculty and three respondents did not
provide information about their faculty. The average
age of female students (60%) was 21.88, whereas
the average age for male students (40%) was 22.95.
On average, the respondents were in the 4
of their study.
Table 1 provides a summary of the descriptive
statistics on the questionnaires. The dimension
frequency of use encompasses ‘daily’, ‘several times
a week’, ‘once per week’, ‘several times a month’
and ‘once per month or less’. The possible responses
to the other areas of focus range from ‘disagree’,
disagree somewhat’, ‘undecided’, ‘agree somewhat
to ‘strongly agree’. With respect to frequency of use,
the median ‘several times/week’ denotes that 50% of
the responses relate to either a more or less frequent
use of the system.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Key factors and acceptance features.
Key factor
Acceptance feature
Frequency of use
Ease of use
Ease of use
Ease of use
Mandatory use
Frequency of use of UGO outside the registration periods
I find it very easy to register/cancel registrations for courses and
The user interface of UGO is very easy to understand.
I find the general search function in UGO very useful.
Using UGO saves me going to different institutes.
Information on courses on the institutes’ webpages agrees with the
information in UGO.
Notifications about course changes work.
The stability of UGO prevents registration chaos even for mass registrations.
I am able to access important course information using UGO.
I only use UGO because I have to and not because I find it helpful.
I know who to approach when I have problems relating to the content of the
I know where I can find FAQs.
I prefer to register in person for courses.
A first come, first servedallocation of places is optimal when registering
for courses.
The allocation of places during course registration is optimal and takes the
requirements of the curriculum into account.
Several times/week
Strongly agree
Agree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Disagree somewhat
Disagree somewhat
Disagree somewhat
Disagree somewhat
The implementation of the system for
registering/cancelling a registration for courses and
examinations in UGO can be seen as successful, as
the majority of respondents find the electronic
process very easy. This result is also encouraging, as
the students have to use the corresponding services
and high acceptance can also have positive effects
on the pattern of use of other services. The clarity of
the user interface as a feature of the university
management information system’s ease of use is
judged relatively good. The results into the questions
whether the general search function is very useful
and whether the course information on the webpages
agree with information in UGO show a somewhat
indifferent picture.
Even though there is some potential for
improvement in terms of the consistency of
information, the relevance of the published
information was hardly called into question. The
task of the management information system to
publish important course information has been
achieved in the eyes of the students questioned.
Regarding the factor of mandatory use the results
reveal that the majority of the respondents do not
only use the system because they have to. Instead
they use the system because they find it helpful.
In principle there is support through contacts.
However, 31% of those surveyed had no idea who to
contact with questions regarding the content of the
system. Combined with the ease of access of FAQs,
also perceived as poor, some action is required here.
The question about registering in person for
courses is based on the assumption that user
acceptance of the university management
information system also depends on the attitude to
the registration methods. A strong preference for
registering for courses in person (for example in the
institute’s registration office) could be interpreted as
a somewhat negative attitude towards electronic
registration methods. However, it has to be stated
that such a preference has various reasons. The
allocation of course places by means of a
chronological registration sequence using waiting
list (first come, first served) is rather unpopular with
the respondents.
The point mentioned most frequently with
respect to suggestions for improvement is, first and
foremost, the aspect of clearly represented
information, followed by additional information
(information about courses and waiting lists, sample
curricula), improved additional functions (FAQs,
better search function, better print options) and the
system’s ease of use. At the same time, the complex
functions with countless, automatically opening
windows is criticised. Further problem areas concern
the design of the user interface with the graphic
format of the system being seen as antiquated and
dull. A more modern image was therefore proposed
by several students.
The survey into user acceptance of the university
management information system has shown that the
take-up of the system by students has been good,
with usages of several times a week outside the
registration periods. The following main areas were
identified as key factors: ease of use, usefulness,
mandatory use, trust and registration/cancellation
methods. Areas of weakness emerged in particular in
the last two. This means that, on the one hand,
greater awareness training is required in terms of
contacts and online help and, on the other, the
allocation of course places on the basis of a
chronological sequence of waiting lists should be re-
considered. Special information on degree
programmes and the preparation of sample curricula
could be of considerable benefit as an information
guide, particularly for those in their first semester,
and was therefore explicitly requested by the users
surveyed. A better positioning of FAQs and an
extension of this static help facility in the form of
so-called interactive ‘wikis’, on which several
interested people work as an online dictionary, could
significantly improve the available help. This could
lead to reinforcing users’ trust in the system.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems