Suela Berisha, Jacques Hamalian and Béatrice Rumpler
Université de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205 F-6962, Villeurbanne, France
Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services Orchestration (WSO), Service Modelling, UML
Modelling, Model-driven Architecture (MDA), Service Component Architecture (SCA).
Abstract: The Web service orchestration enables cross departmental coordination of business processes in a
heterogeneous environment. We have designed a component-oriented web service orchestration based on
service functionality in an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Our orchestration model is centralized-based,
where a single service is the central coordinator containing the composition logic of the other services
involved. These services are modelled using Service Component Architecture (SCA) specification, defined
in our UML profile described in this paper. SCA conforms to SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
principles using CBSE (Component-Based Software Engineering) techniques. Finally, our specified
orchestration model is implemented using Model-Driven Architecture Approach (MDA).
The Information System (IS) of the SNCF
( is
based on a complex data exchange system with,
heterogeneous, distinct and very large data sources.
So, it becomes very difficult to get the “good”
information or data according to a user need,
rapidly. The introduction of Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) (Papazoglou & al. 2007),
(Pautasso & al. 2008), whose main component is the
Web Service (WS), promises a better organization
on the global system and enhances more the
visibility of the business process, according to a
standard-based service orchestration. However, this
type of architecture presents new problems because
services constitute a set of consequent “moving
parts” not knowing each other. Moreover, in the case
of dysfunction, the task of identifying the problem
becomes very difficult, and searching the error costs
a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a
general politic for a system in order to manage and
supervise services and their life-cycle, integrated in
a global Web Service Orchestration (WSO).
Currently, there exist some implementation works
regarding this type of infrastructure. However, at the
moment, these works don’t enough convince
managers to be proposed at the company level.
Our work places this problem area in an
empirical case study about the “human resource
domain”. First, we have proposed the architectural
model of a platform based on ESB infrastructure
(Chappel 2004), (Schmidt & al. 2005). This model
contains a meta-model layer and a model layer based
on a service orchestration engine, a service interface
and three types of repositories: process repository,
event repository and service repository (Hamalian
2009). This paper presents the following steps: (i)
the proposition of a conceptual orchestration model
and (ii) the procedure for an implementation and (iii)
the results obtained from the conceptual model.
WSO implies three fundamental concepts: (i) the
orchestration model (Joffroy & al. 2007), (Ortiz &
al. DC 2006), (ii) the business processes and (iii) the
implementation languages (Panagiotis 2008).
An orchestration model is an interaction model
that takes place during the construction of composed
web services. This orchestration is based on some
requirements (Ivanova 2006) and criteria (Dustdar &
al. 2005), (Erradi & al. 2005) concerning web
service composition, like: modularity (Chappel
2004), capacity of communication and coordination
(Dustdar 2005), incremental approach to service
Berisha S., Hamalian J. and Rumpler B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002908204790482
composition and modelling (Gronmo & al. 2004).
We have taken account of these criteria during our
model designing.
Business processes are integration programs that
tie together various entities within (and between)
organizations, to achieve business goals. They are
ideally suited to be implemented in a Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA), where functionality is
provided by services with well-defined interfaces
(Papazoglou & al. 2007). The service orchestration,
make profit of the POM (Process-Oriented
Modelling) and aims to describe the sequence of
activities involved in a business process. These
sequences are designed graphically thanks to
modelling tools (by business actors) or specified in a
formal language (by programmers).
Currently, some formal orchestration languages
(Ivanova 2006) are based on programming
languages, for example: JSR207 and jPD. But they
are limited in terms of interoperability and
reusability. Thus, the most available are derivation
of XML which try to model business processes
interpreting WSDL Files (Web Service’s Interface).
Indeed, each service represents a business specific
function and a set of services form a business
process. For example BPEL (or BPEL4WS) design
composite service applications that need some
process logic. It is a system-to-system process well
adapted for well known process structures. We have
chosen BPEL4WS for his interoperability and
reusability capacities, but it can’t deal with
processes only formed at run-time, without
modelling patterns. It requires from the designer to
be aware of the sequence logic between the different
activities involved prior to designing the
orchestration model. So, we are interested in
modelling approaches that might occur patterns.
The first, the SCA (Ortiz & al. 2006) is a CBSE
(Bernd 2008) specification providing the
composition and the aggregation logic of services
according to the system functionalities, i.e. business
process logic. It provides methods and concepts to
create components and to describe how they can
work together. SCA has sharply gaining acceptance
in the services-oriented industries because it offers
some advantages like understandability,
maintainability, reusability, composability,
capability in reconfiguration. But SCA doesn’t
integrate the remaining development stages (Ortiz &
al. DC 2006), neither the sequence activities logic,
that can be defined separately, using UML sequence
diagrams for each possible business activity. For the
complete automatic development system from and to
end, we have chosen the meta-model of MDA
approach (Nasser 2005) (Ortiz & al. 2006), (Ivanova
2006), (Pham & al. 2007). This model leads us to
distinguish a Platform-Independent Model (PIM)
where we find the business logic and the
functionalities, and a Platform-Specific Model
(PSM) which represents a specific model for an
implementation technology or an execution
According to the architectural model (Hamalian
2009) and MDA recommendation we have designed
a Conceptual model (Figure 1) showing coordination
between layers, repositories and execution platform.
Event repository
Service repository
Meta model
[ UML + SCA specification ]
Business Processes repository
Orchestration model
Business &
Execution Engine
Transformed into
Transformed into
Figure 1: Our conceptual model according to MDA.
Services could be activated by events which are
defined in the event repository according to Event-
Driven Architecture (EDA) (Papazoglou & al. 2007)
in an SOA. We have combined SCA with MDA in a
PIM model: the business and functional layer. UML
became the foundation modelling language in
OMG’s MDA and then, we represent SCA
specification using UML 2 component diagram. The
next step transforms the PIM model based on MOF
into an XML document (PSM model) via XMI.
Moreover, our PSM model contains the SCA
specification defined in XML. Since we have a
model conformed to MOF, we can use any MOF-
based frameworks or tools. This permits us to ensure
the interoperability between the systems by the help
of an exchange file which contains the mapping
rules between MOF-XMI. Next, the PSM model is
transformed into BPEL code that describes our
orchestration model which contains the SCA
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Our orchestration PIM model combined with the UML profile for SCA.
We propose to build an orchestration model based
on where the service implementation is encapsulated
in the form of a black box and its functionalities are
exposed via input/output interfaces using the SCA
specification (Ortiz & al. 2006). (Masmoudi & al.
2006) had represented a correspondence between
UML 2 component models and its equivalent in
BPEL, in order to model aggregate software
components using the UML. However, the
difference, with respect to our work is that, he didn’t
envisaged the “mapping” between SCA and BPEL
which permits us to obtain a better modularity and
adaptability for our system. These mappings are
represented in the Table 1 and the Table 2.
After having defined these correspondences, we
have built our orchestration PIM model combined
with the UML profile for SCA (Figure 3).
So, the service component is now stereotyped as
<<SCA_Component>>. It supplies its interface
“I_InitialisationRecrutement” through the port
“P_IR” stereotyped as <<Service>> which could be
used by other services. Moreover, it provides a
reference for other services through the interface
“I_Resultat” and through the port “P_IR_Resultat”
stereotyped as <<Reference>>. Similarly, other
service components are stereotyped as
<<SCA_Component>> providing their services
through interfaces by the help of their corresponding
ports stereotyped as <<Service>>. The connection
between two components is specified through a
dependency connector which is stereotyped as
Table 1: “Mapping” proposition between SCA and BPEL.
Component PartnerLink(<partnerLinks>)
Composite PartnerLink
System Assembly Process
Sequence of activities (<sequence/>)
Reference Reply
Service Invoke, receive
Wire Service components interaction logic
Property Variable
Web Service’s Implementation
corresponding to a partnerLink
BPEL Process (exposed as a WSDL Service Type)
BPEL Process (corresponding to the final system)
Table 2: Our “mapping” proposition between SCA and
UML 2 component diagram.
SCA UML 2 component diagram
Component Component
Composite Composite component
System Assembly Artefact
Components Invocation
Sequence diagram between the
involved components
Reference Port (Required Service)
Service Port (Supplied Service)
Wire Dependency
Property Property
Service Implementation of a
<<Wire>> following the SCA specification. For
simplification, the property stereotype is not shown
in Figure 2. In order to implement the new UML
Profile for SCA, we have defined a sequence of
operations using a UML sequence diagram.
(Hamalian J 2009). The implementation of our
orchestration model is formalized by the way of a
XML file containing the BPEL source code
(Hamalian S 2009). This BPEL process is interfaced
as a WSDL file that could be consumed as web
services in other functional contexts.
In this paper we have proposed a web service
orchestration model following the SCA specification
which takes into account elementary service
aggregation and service design regarding the
business perimeter. We consider that a specific actor
can define an elementary service adapted to a
functional task or an activity of its business. This
service can be combined with other services
(elementary or composite) to be adapted to an
activity granularity or a business process. In order to
implement this type of aggregation, we have built
the UML service profile model which extends the
UML actual metamodel for taking into account the
characteristics of an SCA component.
At the moment, we work at the implementation
of a system able to reuse the BPEL file source code
in a larger scale of framework, compared to this
prototype. In terms of further perspective we
propose to work on the integration of the Aspect-
Oriented Modelling (AOM) approach in the current
models for taking into account technical transversal
tasks shared by many business processes
(identification, authentication, service class
management, etc.).
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