Reactive Traceability in Model-driven Development
Marco Costa
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, CESITI, Lisbon, Portugal
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Traceability, Model-driven Development, Meta-model.
Abstract: The development of information systems has evolved to a complex task, regarding a multitude of
programming and modelling paradigms, notations and technologies. Tools like integrated development
environments (IDE), computer aided systems engineering (CASE) and relational database systems
(RDBMS), among others, evolved to a reasonable state and are used do generate different types of artefacts
needed in this context. ReacT-MDD is a traceability between artefacts open model that was instantiated in a
prototype. We present and discuss some practical issues of ReacT-MDD in the context of reactive
traceability, which is also described.
The development of information systems have been
changing regarding not only technologies but also
notations and methodologies. As the complexity of
the implemented systems is growing steadily, the
need for ways of systematically develop applications
increase. New levels of abstraction, heterogeneous
environments, different programming paradigms and
complex contexts, are just some issues the software
developer has to deal with. The model-driven
development (MDD), which has its roots on the
methodologies boom of the 1970s and 1980s
(Jackson, 75; Martin, 89) is promising to increase
the productivity of the development and
maintenance tasks. MDD is being helped by tools
like integrated development environments (IDE),
computer aided systems engineering (CASE) and
relational database systems (RDBMS), among
others, which are already reasonable evolved and
are used do generate different types of artefacts. An
artefact may be considered as something that is
produced or crafted in the context of some tool, not
just a data file (e.g., a Table in a RDBMS, a Class
written with an object oriented programming
language, a business requirement written in plain
text). An information system involves a set of active
artefacts that cooperate towards a common goal.
These artefacts are present in multiple views,
regarding the abstract layer we take as a viewpoint.
For instance, a system may be described by its
functions, data structures and technologies, among
other features. Documentation is part of the solution,
just as the formulation of a problem may be
considered part of its solution. From requirements
(Palo, 2003) to code (Costa, et al., 2007), it is
possible to trace all artefacts of the system, adding
new ones, named traces. Development of new
applications and maintenance of the existing ones
should be accompanied by tools and methodologies
which minimize the risk of introducing a state of
incoherence between some artefacts. When this
problem is not tackled the reality shows that
programming code evolves with no or minor relation
with models (Figure 1).
In large applications, when models are almost
completely outdated the system is in risk of
becoming unmaintainable. Traceability, as a generic
term, is used in many different contexts from food
industry to software development and maintenance.
Traceability deals with keeping records of relations
between artefacts of the same, or different abstract
levels. We propose the term reactive traceability as
a characteristic of a system that not only keeps
Costa M. and Rodrigues da Silva A. (2010).
REACT-MDD - Reactive Traceability in Model-driven Development.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002908304830488
information of the relations, but also can react to and
prevent changes to artefacts or to its relations
Figure 1: Relation between models and code as time goes
by becomes less reliable.
Automated transformation of models-to-models,
models-to-code, as well as code-to-models, is
becoming a reality. These transformations generate
output artefacts from source artefacts. The relation
between input and output artefacts of a
transformation is just one, and obvious, type of
semantic relations among others. Object
Management Group QVT (Queries, Views and
Tranformations) (OMG, 2005) is aimed to
standardize not only transformations with models
but also other operations with models, like queries
and views. Our approach takes QVT as a starting
point to accomplish the construction of automated
transformations between models and implements a
way of maintaining traces between artefacts (models
and code) as well as reacting to changes for the sake
of system coherence. Reactive traceability is a way
to accomplish the maintenance of coherence
between artefacts with or without human
intervention.Our proposal is aligned with OMG
standards and recommendation like UML (OMG,
2010) and QVT. Even if QVT by itself has not a
complete implementation, it is however a starting
point to different approaches and products like Tata
ModelMorf (Tata, 2007) or Compuware Optimal J
(Compuware, 2010). Other concurrent approaches to
QVT include ATL (Eclipse, 2010), Mistral (Kurtev,
et al. 2005) and EML (Kolovos, et. al., 2006),
Executable UML (Mellor et al., 2002). The vision of
traceability in a MDD perspective is shared with
other initiatives, such as those in (Aizenbud-Reshef,
et al., 2006; Walderhaug, 2006; Oldevik, et al.
2006). Also, the ReacT-MDD vision uses meta-
modelling and model-based model conformance
(Paige et al., 2007).
In Section 2 this paper explains some general
concepts that are inherent to traceability. Section 3
introduces a reactive traceability conceptual model.
A prototype was developed that validated the
ReacT-MDD approach (ReacT-Workbench) and
enhanced his scope. In Section 4 are discussed some
practical issues like implementation decisions that
were made in this working prototype. Section 5
states some relevant conclusions of this work.
Transformations between models or between models
and code (usually from models to code and not the
opposite) are a relevant issue to reactive traceability.
After transformations are performed traces are
created (implicitly or explicitly) but this is not the
only action that can create traces. There are two
viewpoints (Figure 2) to the issue of creating traces:
a) in legacy applications one may consider artefacts
already existent and traces will instantiate and
describe some implicit or explicit semantic relations,
or dependencies, between them; b) from a starting
point in an artefact (diagram or code) it is necessary
to create (or generate) another artefact, using some
type of transformation.. These two viewpoints are
both necessary in a solution that implements reactive
traceability. The first item has a focus on creating
and maintaining the semantic relations between
existing artefacts and the word existing is a keyword
to understand this viewpoint. At some time of the
development process changes in the system will
become evolutions of an existing state. For each
change the system coherence is checked and
decisions are made about the new achieved system
state. The second gives more importance to the
generation process (Herrington, 2003; Dollard,
2004) and traces are relations between old and new
(generated) artefacts. The second viewpoint is
related to the IEEE traceability definition (IEEE,
1990): “the degree to which a relationship can be
established between two or more products of the
development process, especially products having a
predecessor-successor or master-subordinate
relationship to one another”. When a generation of a
set of artefacts occurs it is necessary to record the
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Artefact relation viewpoints.
new dependency relations that are created in the
process. These two approaches are just not only
valid but necessary, in a development process and
reactive traceability must include both.
The building blocks of traceability, in any system,
are traces and artefacts. As an extension we may
consider that traces are also artefacts. With that in
mind it is possible to consider even traces between
traces. A trace may be considered as an algebric
relation between elements (which in this context are
traces). However, traces and artefacts are not enough
to define a traceability model (Figure 3). ReacT-
MDD approach defines an event model that starts
events, when some action over a given artefact is
performed. The event may trigger a synchronization
decision (e.g., “Change a name of a Java Class when
a given UML class name has changed?”) with or
without user intervention. Also, an artefact is
described by a meta-model which can be more or
less rich, in relation with an implementation concept
known as plug-in which enables ReacT-Workbench
to act over artefacts of different applications.
The meta-model is defined for any kind of artefact
that is to be included the in traceability solution. It is
a description needed for an artefact to be included in
the trace definition.
Tr a c e
+origin 1
Figure 3: Simplified UML class diagram of reactive
Traces may be defined between occurrences in
particular or between types of artefacts, given a
context. For example, in some project, it is possible
to define a trace between the business class “Entity”
and the Java class “Person”. When a change is made
to one of this artefacts, ReacT-MDD triggers an
event that require one or more synchronization
decisions to be made. In the same example: “1 –
Leave the artefacts unchanged”, “2 – Renew traces
with new values”, “3 – Delete trace”. It is possible
also to define traces between groups of artefacts like
REACT-MDD - Reactive Traceability in Model-driven Development
“UMLClass : BusinessModelX” or “CSharpClass :
AppTestX”. In that case, the traces are verified for
each artefact that conforms with the meta-model
definition and is included in the specified context.
ReacT-MDD was instantiated in a prototype
(ReacT-Workbench) that implements the concepts
and delivers the basis for researching in the practical
issues of this field. The tool was developed with
scalability requisites that concern the fact that it
must deal with artefacts generated by a large number
of tools. The approach was to develop several test
plug-in modules that give the ability to interact with
each needed tool or artefact. Also each plug-in gives
an access to a meta-model of the targeted artefacts
(Figure 4). The tool was developed in the C#
programming language and has a plug-in for the
same language. It was defined also a traceability
language (which is an extension to QVT) which is
needed to define a trace between artefacts. Also it
was defined a context definition module that links
each real occurrence of the artefact with its
Figure 4: UML component diagram of React-MDD
interaction with external applications.
When a plug-in is available for some application, or
for some kind of artefacts (e.g., Microsoft Excel
files) the ReacT-Workbench gets access to the
corresponding meta-model and associated concepts
(in the same example, Workbook, Column, Row,
Cell). These concepts may be refered in all traces
that are defined after.
Of course, more components of different types may
be added if they produce or consume artefacts with
traces. The link between the Traceability Engine and
each other component varies from the type of
component. Each tool to be included in the
traceability solution must have the plug-in that will
be used to access the relevant artefacts which have
The traceability solution, which is an
implementation of ReacT-MDD (e.g., ReacT-
Workbench), plus all artefacts and plug-ins, is
designed to work on development operation
environments, as opposed to test and production
operation environments. As it acts with the structure
of the target applications, if the structure is not
changed there is no need to control traceability. This
operation requisite ensures that changes to
documentation artefacts of the project should be
made in the same operation environment of code,
models, or others. The operation environment may
be just one or a set of logically connected operation
environments as well. This is achieved at the system
level (e.g., with drive mapping).
The ReacT-Workbench implemented a Traceability
Engine (TE) which permanently verifies the
coherence state of the system in a three phase
Phase 1: The TE polls each artefact. When a change
is made to an artefact, the TE adds that artefact to a
list of changed artefacts. This phase is possible to be
achieved concurrently, given a set of artefacts, but
Phase2 can’t start until all artefacts where polled.
For each type of artefact (e.g., code, model, text
document) this phase may involve parsing and
constructing an object tree graph and compare each
node with a corresponding one in a stored
representation of the initial artefact.
Phase 2: For each artefact in the list of changed
artefacts TE searches in an artefact event list all the
relevant events related to that artefact. For each of
these events found, it is necessary to verify if a valid
action was made in the system. Possible valid
actions are: create, update and delete. The read
action is not valid as it does not change the system
state. The create action is valid when used with
meta-model artefacts. Only then it is possible to say
if an event related directly to the artefact exists. If
this is the case, the event is triggered.
Phase 3: After the artefact events are verified it is
necessary to check if traces still hold. For each
artefact in the list of changed artefacts TE
recursively searches trace events that refer artefacts
contained in the artefact. If a trace event is founded,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and the relevant artefact and action hold, the event is
triggered (Figure 5).
We consider a complete 3-phase cycle as a
traceability event cicle, which is scheduled: a) at a
moment, present or future, which is more convenient
to the user, b) periodically with a time interval (from
ms to days).
When the trigger conditions are satisfied TE runs
synchronization decisions. When the user selects one
of the decisions available TE runs a set of
synchronization actions associated to that decision.
After the decision is taken the system is in equal or
more coherent state than before (i.e., has the same
number or less artefacts in an incoherent state). If a
decision of solving a coherence issue is postponed, a
warning is generated and logged in a to-do list for
further processing. Also this incoherence is archived
to override future verifications in Phase 2.
Has effects?
Trace Update
Ha s effects?
Figure 5: Event recognition and triggering of
synchronization actions.
The user interaction with the solution is minimized
if trace and artefact events have only one
synchronization decision (representing just one
option). In that case TE may enforce or omit the
related actions (in this case generating an entry in
the to-do list).
ReacT-Workbench is also able to generate some
metrics derived from the meta-model concepts (e.g.,
how many classes, attributes and associations exist
in a particular UML model, or how many tables
exist in a relational database).
Future development is needed in the design of
attractive and efficient graphical user interfaces to
deal with issues like simulation of action effects,
tests, completeness and terminating analysis.
There is a variety of development tools from
different types (e.g., CASE , IDE) that are being
used all over the world. Each tool is generating
artefacts that, in many cases, should be coherent
with other artefacts crafted with other tools. The
number of artefacts is growing and the relations
between them should be maintained along the
project’s lifecycle. Notations have been replaced,
programming languages and methodologies have
evolved significantly but, at large extent, users are
still responsible for the maintenance of the
coherence between artefacts. Existent tools can do
some kind of synchronization but the ways for
achieving this are tool dependent and with difficult
The convergence of modelling notations to UML
was an important factor because it gives some
stability to this field. Development teams are still
adopting UML as the notation and practical issues
are emerging with more experience and new releases
of the standard. ReacT-MDD is an effort to define
an open model to define tools that can deal with
traceability between artefacts of a project, as well as
react to changes in the state of coherence of the
The ReacT-MDD approach was instantiated in a
prototype that deals with the explained concepts.
Instead of developing another tool as a plug-in for an
existent single tool or set of tools, the ReacT-MDD
defines an open architecture that enables different
industry providers to be included. Also, it is
orthogonal to operating systems, tools, development
environments, methodologies and languages.
This work presented some issues that where
considered in the implementation of a solution
prototype. Traceability is still regarded has a
documentation activity. If the human resources
involved in the project are not conscientious about
the relevance of documentation in maintenance
phases, traceability is not seen as a critical issue.
In our perspective, traceability is not about
documentation of the system, it is about the system
itself, its parts and the way they are related to each
other. Reactive traceability is a proposal driven by
that principle. ReacT-MDD, as a reactive solution it
is supposed to act, creating, updating or deleting
artefacts of the target system, in reaction to an event.
The number, and importance, of available artefact
types and the level at which the tool is capable of
interact with each of them is an important measure
of its capabilities.
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