Joana Urbano, Ana Paula Rocha and Eugénio Oliveira
LIACC – Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
DEI, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Situation-aware Trust, Dynamics of Trust, Multi-agent Systems.
Abstract: Trust management is nowadays considered a promising enabler technology to extend the automation of the
supply chain to the search, evaluation and selection of suppliers located world-wide. Current agent-based
Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) systems concern the representation, dissemination and
aggregation of trust evidences for trustworthiness assessment, and some recent proposals are moving
towards situation-aware solutions that allow the estimation of trust when the information about a given
supplier is scarce or even null. However, these enhanced, situation-aware proposals rely on ontology-like
techniques that are not fine grained enough to detect light, but relevant, tendencies on supplier’s behaviour.
In this paper, we propose a technique that allows the extraction of positive and negative tendencies of
suppliers in the fulfilment of established contracts. This technique can be used with any of the existing
“traditional” CTR systems, improving their ability in selectively selecting a partner based on the
characteristics of the situation in evaluation. In this paper, we test our proposal using an aggregation engine
that embeds important properties of the dynamics of trust building.
Several technologies are being studied and applied
in the general process of computerized supply chain
management. Computational trust management is
one such technology that will allow extending
electronic sourcing to world-wide located, non
registered and probably unknown business partners.
With this technology, a business entity will be able
to search the suppliers offer space and to filter the
ones that are fitted to the entity current needs, in a
scale of the size of the Internet.
The first generation of CTR systems addressed
the representation and the aggregation of trust
evidences into trustworthiness scores for evaluating
trustees, and most of these proposals are based on
some sort of statistical aggregation methods (e.g.
Ramchurn, Sierra, Godo and Jennings (2004),
Sabater (2003), Jøsang and Ismail (2002), Zacharia
and Maes (2000), Erete, Ferguson and Sen (2008),
and Huynh, Jennings and Shadbolt (2006)). Other
works proposed more sophisticated engines that
considers the dynamics of trust in the computation
of confidence scores, in theoretical and practical
terms (e.g. Elofson (1998), Falcone and
Castelfranchi (1998), Jonker and Treur (1999),
Marsh and Briggs (2008), and Melaye and
Demazeau (2005)). However, none of the current
computational trust approaches are mature enough to
be themselves trusted by real managers.
Trying to cope with this question, trust
community is moving towards a second generation
of models that explore the situation of the trust
assessment in order to improve its credibility, also
allowing for the estimation of trustworthiness values
when trust evidences on the trustee partner are
scarce or even null. However, few proposals have
been made on this specific area (see Tavakolifard
(2009), Neisse, Wegdam, Sinderen and Lenzini
(2009), Rehak, Gregor and Pechoucek (2006),
Fabregues and Madrenas-Ciurana (2009), and
Hermoso, Billhardt and Ossowski (2009)).
The purpose of this paper is two-folded. First, we
describe our proposal for an aggregation engine that
embeds three fundamental dynamics of trust
properties – asymmetry, maturity, and
distinguishable past –, and present our conclusions
about the relevance of the inclusion of such
properties in trust aggregation engines. Then, we
propose a situation-aware technique that allows the
Urbano J., Paula Rocha A. and Oliveira E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002908600850092
extraction of tendencies in the behaviour of agents.
This technique allows, for instance, to detect
whether a given supplier has a tendency to fail or to
succeed contracts that are similar to the current
business need (e.g. in terms of good, quantity and
delivery time conditions). We performed
experiments that show that this technique enhances
traditional CTR systems by bringing context into the
loop; i.e. it not only concerns if a given supplier is
generally trusted good or bad, but if it is trusted
good or bad in the specific contractual situation.
Also, this approach differs from other recently
proposed situation-aware proposals in the way that it
does not imply the use of hierarchical-based
structures (e.g. ontology) and is able to detect fine-
grain subtle dissimilarities in related situations.
Although we contextualized the use of our trust
system in the sourcing/procurement part of the
supply chain, agent-based trust and reputation
systems are of general interest in many other
domains (for instance, general business, psychology,
social simulation, system resources’ management,
etc), and apply to all social and business areas of the
society where trust is deemed of vital importance.
The remaining of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 describes our study about the
relevance of considering properties of the dynamics
of trust in the aggregation engine of CTR systems.
Section 3 describes the stereotype-based technique
we developed in order to complement traditional
CTR engines with situation-aware functionality.
Section 4 presents the experiments we run in order
to evaluate the proposed situation-aware technique,
and Section 5 concludes the paper.
In previous work, we described an S-like
aggregation curve (see Figure 1) that allows for an
expressive representation of the dynamics of trust,
particularly, implementing the following properties:
Asymmetry property, that stipulates that trust is
hard to gain and easy to lose;
Maturity property, that measures the maturity
phase of the partner considering its
trustworthiness, where the slope of growth can
be different in different stages of the partner
Distinguishably property, that distinguishes
between possible different patterns of past
The trustworthiness estimation of a given supplier
agent using this curve implies a slow growth upon
positive results when the partner is not yet trustable,
an acceleration when it is acquiring confidence, and
a slow decay when the partner is considered
trustable (i.e., in the top right third of the curve),
allowing for the definition of three different trust
maturity phases (the Maturity property). The
decrease movement upon negative results follows
the same logic, although the mathematical formula
subjacent to the curve includes parameter λ that
permits that trust grows slower and decays faster
(the Asymmetry property).
Figure 1: The S-like curve.
One can argue that we could use other S-like curves
instead of a sin-based one, such as the Sigmoid
curve. However, we intuitively feel that a Sigmoid
curve permits a probably too soft penalisation of
partners that proved to be trustable but that failed the
last n contracts. This can happens accidentally (e.g.
due to an unexpected shortage of good or to
distribution problems), but it is also described in the
literature as a typical behaviour of deceptive
provider agents, who tend to build up a trustworthy
image using simple contracts and then violate bigger
contracts exploring the acquired trustworthiness.
2.1 Evaluation of Trust Properties
Previous work provides a detailed description of the
S-like curve, as well as an experimental evaluation
of its behaviour. In this section, we summarize the
main conclusions we obtained when we
experimentally compared it (thereafter called the S
approach) to a weighted mean by recency approach
(that we named WMEAN), a common approach
seen in literature for traditional CTR aggregating
engines (cf. Huynh, Jennings and Shadbolt (2006)).
In this work, we explored three different
scenarios. In the first scenario, we wanted to
compare the capacity of both approaches in
differentiating between different types of supplier
y(α)=δ.sinα +δ
α=α +λ.ω
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
agents, namely, the capacity of primarily choosing
‘good’ suppliers that with a high probability do not
violate a contract. In such a scenario, we observed
that the S approach outperforms the WMEAN
approach in its capacity of selecting ‘good’ partner
agents, in one hand, and in avoiding ‘bad’ partners,
in the other hand. One difference between both
approaches resides in the fact that in S all the
historical path is taken into account in the process of
trust construction, and partners have to accumulate
several good experiences in the past until they are
able to get an average to high trust score (the
maturity property). In opposition, the WMEAN
approach allows the selection of partners with fewer
past events. For instance, analyzing the traces of the
experiments, we verified that some bad choices of
WMEAN happened when the algorithm selected
partners with rather few contractual past evidences
(e.g. the pattern of the previous evidences to the time
of selection where V-F-F-V-F-F, where V means a
violated contract and F a fulfilled contract).
Another difference between the two approaches
is due to the asymmetry property of S. This seems to
be particularly important when identifying and
acting upon partners that show intermittent
behaviour (e.g. F-V-V-F-V-F-V-V-F-F-F-F-F). This
last pattern of behaviour is indeed severely punished
by the S approach, where violations weight more
than fulfillments (therefore penalizing undesirable
intermittent patterns), and where the last few
positive evidences are not sufficient to ‘push’ the
confidence level of the partner to the second third of
the curve.
In the second scenario, we intended to study how
S and WMEAN react in the presence of extreme
partners that have a bursty-like behaviour (i.e. that
switch between sequences of good and deceptive
behaviour). By analysis of the traces of the
experiments, we realized that both approaches act
quite differently as they tend to select different
partners in similar conditions. The main point to
consider here is that WMEAN, by privileging
recency, actually assigns high trust levels to
candidate partners that systematically behaved
deceptively in the past, had no classification for a
long time, and then got one positive classification in
the present. I.e., WMEAN-like approaches can
forgive too fast in certain temporal scenarios. One
could argue here that this forgiveness issue is solved
by increasing the size of the window used (i.e. the
number of the last past evidences considered);
however, in our experiments we found it hard to
select the optimal window size, as it deeply depends
on the frequency of the contracts (historical
evidences) made in the past. The forgiveness
question does not apply to S, due to the action of the
maturity property; however, we realized that S has a
somewhat bigger tendency to enter a burst of
deceptive behaviour and that it can be slower in
penalizing good partners immediately after they
invert their behaviour.
Finally, the last scenario intended to study the
abuse of prior information scenario defined in
(Zacharia and Maes, 2000), where ‘good’ partners
definitely invert their behaviour after a given
number of iterations. The results that we obtained
showed that S outperforms WMEAN in detecting
and penalizing the change of behaviour of originally
‘good’ partners, while WMEAN showed a
significantly higher tendency to choose ‘bad’
partners than S.
2.2 Remarks about the S Curve
Taking into account all the experiments performed,
we can conclude that the three properties of the
dynamics of trust embedded in S are effective in
distinguishing between different types of target
agents, therefore in detecting and acting upon
undesirable agents’ behaviours. Namely, the
asymmetry property penalizes intermittent
behaviour, the maturity property avoids selection of
partners who did not prove to be trustable enough,
and the distinguishable past property avoids the
phenomenon of forgiveness described above.
Considering this last property, we have a somewhat
different view than the one presented in (Sabater,
Paolucci and Conte, 2006), where the authors state
that the aggregation of evaluations shall not depend
on the order in which these evaluations are
In these experiments, we could not evaluate,
however, the potential full benefits of the curve
shape against simpler curves that do show similar
trust dynamics properties (e.g. curves with linear
shape). In fact, as stated previously, S considers
different growth/decay slopes in different stages of
the trustworthiness acquisition of a target agent, and
it also presents a sigmoid-like shape. The choice of
this shape was based on the concept of the hysteresis
of trust and betrayal, from Straker (2008). In this
work, the author proposes a path in the form of a
hysteresis curve where trust and betrayal happens in
the balance between the trustworthiness of a self and
the trust placed on the self. The S curve simplifies
the hysteresis approach by using just one curve for
both trust and betrayal representation and
considering three different growth/decay stages:
Creating Trust (first third of the curve), Trust is
Given (second third of the curve), and Taking
Advantage (last third of the curve).
Performance tests of the S representation against
a simpler curve were performed. This new simpler
curve uses λ and ω parameters from S (cf. Figure 1)
to update the trustworthiness value of target agents,
but it lacks the softness round curve at Creating
Trust and Taking Advantage extremes. The results
of these experiments show similar performance of
both curves in the tested scenarios. Therefore, we
conclude that we need different, much more
complex models of target population to further study
the impact of the sigmoid-like shape of S on its
capability of distinguishing between partners. We
leave this topic for future work.
3.1 Motivation for Situational Trust
Computational trust estimations help the trustier
agent to predict how well a given candidate partner
will execute a task and to compare between several
candidate partners. However, there are some
questions that a real-world manager would pose
before making a decision that cannot be answered by
simply aggregating available trust evidences into
trust and reputation values. These questions involve
somehow a certain level of intuition. We propose to
first analyze three scenarios that might occur in real
world business and that would help to understand
this concept.
In the first scenario, an agent may decide to
exclude from selection a candidate partner with
which it had never entailed business before but that
it knows that rarely fails a contract, just because the
agent intuitively fears that this partnership would not
be successful. For example, a high tech company
may fear to select a partner from a country of origin
without high technology tradition, even though this
partner has proved high quality work in the desired
task in the recent past. We call this situation the
intuitive fear. For this scenario, it would be desirable
that the selector agent could reason taking into
account additional contextual information about the
characteristics of the entity represented by the
candidate agent. For instance, the presence of key
figures such as the annual turnover or the number of
employees of the entity would allow the selector
agent to better know the entity. Also, the
establishment of argumentation between both parties
is a real-world procedure that could be automated
into the computational decision process. We address
the intuitive fear situation in future work.
In the second scenario, the agent may decide to
exclude from selection a candidate partner that is
currently entering the business, for which there is
not trust and/or reputation information yet. This
scenario deals with the problem of newcomers, for
which there is no information about prior
performance, and we name it absence of knowledge.
(Huynh et al., 2006) suggest that in these cases the
use of recommendations and institutional roles could
be useful to start considering newcomers in the
selection process. Although we do not address this
situation in this paper, we propose here to use
conceptual clustering of entities’ characteristics in
order to generate profiles of business entities. In a
second step, the profile of the newcomer is
compared with the profiles of business entities for
which there is some trust information and an
estimation of the newcomer trustworthiness is
inferred. This approach implies that the
characteristics of the business entities are available,
which is a reasonable assumption for centralized
virtual market places and virtual organizations built
upon electronic institutions, and might also be
applied to more decentralized approaches by
transmission of this kind of entities’ knowledge
between communicating agents.
Finally, in the third scenario, the selector entity
knows that a candidate partner is well reputed in
fulfilling agreements in a given role and context
(e.g. selling cotton zippers to European countries),
but it is afraid that the candidate is not able to
provide high quantities of the material in a short
period of time. We name this situation the contextual
ignorance. In this scenario, the evaluator agent
knows that the candidate partner is trustworthy in a
particular business scenario, or even that is generally
trustworthy, but needs to know how well it would
adapt to a different type of business. In this section,
we address this question by presenting a description
of our situation-aware technique, a component
complementary to the CTR aggregation engine that
is intended to give extra information to the trustier
agent by computing a value of how well the
candidate partner fits in the selector current needs,
as defined in the issued call for proposals (CFP).
3.2 The Situation-aware Technique
Every time a client issues a CFP, it may receive
several proposals from suppliers. In order to select
the best proposal, the client (trustier) computes a
general trustworthiness score for each supplier/
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
proposal. This score evaluates not only the general
behaviour of the supplier (trustee), but also the
adequacy of its business behavioural profile to the
CFP in question. The algorithm for computing the
trustworthiness value of a trustee is given next:
computeTrust (CFP, evds)
negEvds getNegEvds (evds)
strtype getStrtype (negEvds)
trustScr compare (CFP, strtype)
if trustScr is 1
trustScr computeTrust (evds)
The algorithm above starts by evaluating the fitness
of the received proposal in relation to current CFP.
At line 3, all the evidences of the trustee that have a
negative outcome are put in one class. This negative
outcome can represent, for example, the past
transactions of the trustee that triggered relevant
contractual sanctions, although the meaning of such
outcome can be established by each individual client
agent. Then, at line 4, a stereotype is extracted for
this class, which means that the most significant
contractual characteristics of the evidences in the
class are going to be extracted. Depending on the
degree of the required extent of frequency increase
(cf. parameter α in equation 1) and on the evidence
set of the trustee, it is possible that the algorithm
does not return any stereotype. We must refer here
that this is an online process that is repeated every
time a new trust assessment is performed, which
allows to capture the variability of the behavior of
trustee agents at any time.
At line 5, the stereotype extracted (if any) is
compared to the current business need (CFP). A
match between stereotype and CFP attributes means
that the supplier/trustee has a tendency to fail this
type of contracts, and therefore the comparison
function returns a zero value, that would be the final
trustworthiness score for the trustee proposal.
Otherwise, there is no evident signal that the
supplier is inapt to perform the current transaction,
and its final trustworthiness score is computed using
the S approach described previously, or any other
CTR ‘traditional’ system (lines 6-7).
As can be seen above, we simplified the
proposed situation-aware technique by using (by
now) just a negative class of the evidences of the
trustee. The use of the positive class and the use of
distinct degrees of fitness will allow refining our
algorithm and this constitutes ongoing work.
We further describe the management of
stereotypes in the next sections. First, in order to
clarify the overall process, we describe how
contractual information (CFP and trustee evidences)
is represented in current implementation.
3.2.1 Representation of Information
In current implementation, contractual information
is represented by the tuple <A
, A
, At
, t, o>,
C is an agent from the set C of clients’
agents (i.e., the trustier agent);
S is an agent from the set S of suppliers’
agents (i.e., the trustee agent);
AT is the value of an attribute from the set
AT of n contract attributes (e.g. good, quantity
and delivery time);
t is the timestamp of the transaction. Although
we are not using this value in current
implementation, it is needed in aggregation
systems that weights evidences by their recency;
{T, F} is the outcome of the contract, either
representing successful (true) or violated (false)
contracts by the supplier.
For instances, the evidence <A
, A
, cotton, 360000,
7, t, false> means that agent A
contractualized with
at time t the acquisition of 360000 meters of
cotton to be delivered within 7 days, and that A
failed to deliver the product in the aforementioned
We must refer here that prior to stereotype
extraction, all evidence attributes are quantified to
categories or quantitative values using a fuzzy
approach. In current implementation, both quantity
and delivery time values are quantified to low,
medium and high categories.
Concerning the representation of trust, we
represent the trustworthiness score of trustee agent
relative to the current business situation as trust
, context
[0, 1], where context
is an instance
of the context space Ctx constituted by all possible
combinations of the fuzzyfied values of the
attributes in set AT.
3.2.2 Stereotype Management
The extraction of stereotypes from the evidences
contained in each class is done using the metric of
equation 1 that measures the increase in the
frequency of an attribute within the community. This
metric was proposed in (Paliouras,
Karkaletsis, Papatheodorou and Pyropoulos, 1999).
In the equation above, #InstAttClass is the number
of times that a given attribute appears in the class,
#InstClass is the total number of evidences in the
class, #InstAttTotal is the number of times that the
attribute appears in all classes, and #InstTotal is the
total number of evidences kept for the trustee. As
mentioned before, parameter α is the degree of the
required extent of frequency increase, and
determines the granularity of stereotype extraction.
Finally, the comparison between a stereotype and
the current CFP is done attribute by attribute. Figure
2 illustrates a CFP request <A
, ?, chiffon, 1080000,
7, t, ?> from agent A
, whose quantity and delivery
time values are quantified into high and low values,
respectively, and the negative stereotype extracted
for an hypothetic proposal of agent X. The
stereotype means that, whatever fabric and quantity
is considered, agent X has a tendency to fail
contracts with low delivery time. Therefore, a match
is detected and the trustworthiness score of X for the
current proposal is set to zero.
Figure 2: Examples of a CFP and a stereotype.
In order to evaluate the benefits of the proposed
situation-aware technique (hereafter named SAT),
we run a series of experiments where a traditional
CTR aggregation engine – represented by the S
approach – was compared to the global solution
constituted by both S and SAT components.
4.1 Experimental Testbed and
We run all the experiments in the Repast tool
( The experiments
simulated a virtual textile marketplace, where at
every round every client agents post buying leads (in
the form of call for proposals) discriminating a
fabric to buy and correspondent quantity and
delivery time, and supplier agents propose in
response to these leads if they have the described
quantity of the fabric. Table 1 presents the
configuration options for the experiments.
In these experiments, we wanted to evaluate if the
situation-aware technique would improve the ability
of the trust
Table 1: Configuration of experiments.
Fabrics {Chiffon, Cotton; Voile}
Quantities {Low, Medium, High}
Delivery Time {Low, Medium, Big}
# buyers 20
# of sellers 50
Types of sellers Chosen upon a uniform
distribution over the types
”, “S
”, “S
# rounds / # runs 100 / 40
α threshold 0.25
system in selecting partners taking into account the
current business needs. Therefore, we run the same
experiment using, first, just the S component, and
then the global solution of S plus SAT. We used the
utility criterion to compare both approaches: in each
round, the utility of a client agent was 1 if the
contract done in this round is successful and 0 if the
contract was violated. Therefore, the best approach
is the one that gets the higher average utility of all
clients in all rounds, i.e. the one that is more
efficient in selecting the best partners for every CFP
attributes at any time.
We also used a specific population of suppliers
constituted by three different types of suppliers, each
one showing some kind of handicap in fulfilling a
contract, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Different types of Suppliers.
Type Description
Probabilistically succeeds 95% of the
established contracts, except the ones that
involve the delivery of high quantities,
which probabilistic fails 95% of the time
Probabilistically succeeds 95% of the
established contracts, except the ones where
the delivery time is low, which probabilistic
fails 95% of the time
Probabilistically succeeds 95% of the
established contracts, except the ones that
involves the delivery of a given fabric,
which probabilistic fails 95% of the time
For example, a S
supplier would have a handicap
in providing the service if the quantity to provide is
high. Therefore, the best approach in evaluation is
the one that is more capable of detecting, and
reacting to, these types of handicaps.
4.2 Results
In every experiment, we measured the number of
successful contracts per type of target agents and per
approach, and averaged this number over the total
e: Agent X, null, null, low, false
CFP: chiffon, 1080000, 7
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
number of rounds. In the best case possible, each
client is able to identify the handicap of every
provider and to select the best proposal, leading to
an average of 95% of successful contracts (Table 2).
The results obtained show that the SAT approach
gets, in average, 85.21% of utility, which means that
it is less than 10% away from the theoretical best
result. Also, the traditional approach gets in average
77.82% of utility, performing relevantly poorly than
its situation-aware counterpart.
Figure 3 shows the average number of successful
contracts per round, including the trendlines for the
traditional approach (above) and for the situation-
aware approach (below).
Figure 3: Average number of successful contracts per
round for S (above) and SAT (below) approaches.
We can observe from the figures above that,
although simple, the SAT algorithm is able to extract
correct stereotypes for each trustee agent with a few
number of past contractual evidences, for the
experimented population. This is a very important
issue in several domains, such as in the textile
industry, where direct or even indirect evaluations of
a given supplier might be scarce.
Also, by analyzing the traces of the experiments,
we observed that the learning curve for the situation-
aware solution is consistently more evident than the
one of the traditional approach. Figure 4 plots the
relative number of unsuccessful contracts per type of
supplier for S (above) and SAT (below), obtained in
one run of the experiments. From several of these
observations, we verified that, no matter what the
first choices were concerning the initial selection of
partners, the situation-aware solution often succeeds
in stabilizing the selection of all three types of
suppliers with low values of violated contracts.
On the other hand, the traditional approach keeps
selecting suppliers based only on the aggregate trust
Figure 4: Relative number of unsuccessful contracts per
supplier type without (above) and with (below) the
situation-aware technique.
score. As the three types of suppliers have equal
probability of failing (and therefore approximate
trustworthiness) if the analysis of the context is
excluded, they can be equally chosen for a given
CFP independently of their specific handicap.
In fact, looking at Figure 4, we observe that
suppliers with a handicap on quantity suffered from
a cold start, most probably because they were
initially selected to provide high quantities of
material. As S is not able to capture the handicaps –
and as suppliers of this type would tend to succeed
on all other contracts they are engaged to, therefore
maintaining some level of trustworthiness – the
algorithm will continue to select suppliers with
quantity handicap to provide high quantities of
4.3 Interpretation of the Results
The results obtained show that the traditional
approach of aggregating trust, even when enhanced
with heuristics based on the dynamics of trust,
presents limitations when the suppliers in evaluation
present tendencies of failure. In these situations, the
extraction of behaviour stereotypes is effective in
discriminating the best suppliers to be chosen for
any particular business need. Also, this technique
showed to be effective since the first rounds of the
experiments, meaning that it is adequate to situations
where the available number of trust evidences about
the supplier in evaluation is scarce.
In this paper, we presented a simple situation-aware
technique (SAT) based on the extraction of
stereotypes of agents’ behaviour that can be used
with any traditional CTR system in order to enhance
the estimation of trustworthiness scores. Although
other situation-aware approaches are now being
proposed in the trust management field, the SAT
technique presents some benefits: i) it is simple and
can be used with any of the existing CTR
‘traditional’ aggregation engines; ii) it is an online
process, meaning that it captures the variability in
the trustee behaviour as it happens; iii) it does not
rely on ontology-based situation representation, and
therefore the extraction of the similarity between the
situation in assessment and the past evidences of
trustee agent does not require specific, domain-based
similarity functions; also, it allows for fine-grain
dissimilarity detection (e.g. it distinguishes between
the similar though different situations of providing
one container of cotton in 7 or in 14 days).
The SAT approach was evaluated using a
traditional aggregation engine approach enhanced by
the inclusion of properties of the dynamics of trust.
Although these properties showed to be beneficial,
we conclude that the study of the benefits of a
sinusoidal like shape that follows Straker (2008)
work on the area of Psychology needs proper
data/models concerning the behaviour of real-world
organizations; therefore, we will address the
acquisition of such data sets in future work.
The first author enjoys a PhD grant with reference
SFRH/BD/39070/2007 from the Portuguese
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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