Modeling an Organization's Viability Norms, Dysfunctions
and Resilience Strategies
David Aveiro
Exact Sciences and Engineering Centre, University of Madeira, Caminho da Penteada 9000-390, Funchal, Portugal
A. Rito Silva, José Tribolet
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, Instituto Superior Técnico
Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: DEMO, Control, Viability, Dysfunction, Exception handling.
Abstract: In this paper we present part of an extension to the Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations
(DEMO) – a proposal for an ontological model for the generic Control Organization that we argue that ex-
ists in every organization. With our proposal, DEMO can now be used to explicitly specify critical proper-
ties of an organization – that we call measures – whose value must respect certain restrictions imposed by
other properties of the organization – that we call viability norms. We can now also precisely specify, with
DEMO, defined resilience strategies that control and eliminate dysfunctions – violations of viability norms.
Our initial research efforts had the general purpose
of understanding and clarifying what the function
perspective of an organization should be. As a result
of a review that we undertook on how this concept is
used in such diverse areas as enterprise engineering,
information systems, biology, sociology and phi-
losophy – e.g. (Applegate, McFarlan & McKenney,
1999), (Christensen & Bickhard, 2002) and (Dietz,
2006) – we found that, besides the aspect of behav-
ior, also central to the function concept is the nor-
mative aspect, that is, the existence of certain nor-
mally expected values – norms – for certain vital
properties of a system. In an organization, deviations
from such norms imply a state of dysfunction that
can possibly compromise its viability. In this paper
we present examples from the scenario of a library
introduced in (Dietz, 2006) and extended in our re-
search – as to better accommodate concepts we're
proposing. The main activities of the library are
book loaning and offer book history courses. We can
define three norms: (1) min average number of reg-
istrants in book history courses 1 week before start
is 14, (2) min total income per month is 900€ and (3)
max loan declines per week is 30. A possible dys-
function in the second norm is: average number of
registrants in book history courses is 7 on March
23th 2009.
Figure 1: Control Organization's SSD.
Aveiro D., Silva A. and Tribolet J. (2010).
EXTENDING DEMO - CONTROL ORGANIZATION MODEL - Modeling an Organization’s Viability Norms, Dysfunctions and Resilience Strategies.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002908704890492
This can be a very serious situation because, as a
consequence, the library may lose income needed to
acquire enough resources and eventually go bank-
rupt, closing down the business. Dysfunctions will
have a cause which may be expected or unexpected.
If the cause is expected, certain resilience strategies
may already exist that can be activated to eliminate
or circumvent dysfunctions (Holland, 1996). From
several approaches to support Organizational Engi-
neering being proposed, DEMO seems to be one of
the most coherent, comprehensive, consistent and
concise (Dietz, 2006). It has shown to be useful in a
number of applications, from small to large scale
organizations – see, for example, (Op' t Land, 2008)
(p. 39). Nevertheless, DEMO models have been
mostly used to devise blueprints to serve as instru-
ments for discussion of broader scale organizational
change or development/change of IT systems (Op' t
Land, 2008) (p. 58) and does not, yet, provide mod-
eling constructs and a method for the continuous
control (resilience) that we need to exert on organi-
zations to guarantee viability. Contributions of our
research – part of which is presented in the next sec-
tion – extend DEMO, with the devising of concepts
and a method that systematically address the referred
shortcoming. The reader which is unfamiliar with
DEMO is advised to consult (Dietz, 2006) or publi-
cations in: www.demo.nl.
One of the contributions of our research is to apply
DEMO to model what we propose to call the Control
Organization. The Control Organization's ontologi-
cal model (COM) is the specification of a generic
organization considered to exist included in every
organization and responsible for controlling its vi-
ability. It clearly and precisely specifies (1) accepted
outcomes of organizational behavior so that viability
is guaranteed, as well as (2) resilience strategies that
can be activated or deactivated, as to eliminate dys-
functions caused by expected exceptions. For audit-
ing reasons and to aid organizational change, we
should keep structured information of the state and
dynamics of control acts which may be very useful
to trace a new previously unexpected exception
causing a need for change. We next present one of
the main aspect models of the COM, namely the
CO's State Model (CO's SM) which is expressed, in
World Ontology Specification Languate (WOSL)
(Dietz, 2005) in Figure 1, consisting in the CO's
State Space Diagram (CO's SSD). WOSL is highly
based in the ORM fact oriented modeling language
(Halpin, 1998), extending it with the ability of mod-
eling events (result kinds) affecting facts. In prac-
tice, the CO's SSD is a default subset of the SSD of
every organization. For separation of concerns rea-
sons we model the CO as a “separate” organization,
although, in practice, it is included in the controlled
organization itself. A similar reasoning applies to the
other aspect models of the CO: the CO's CM and the
CO's AM, which, for space reasons, are left out of
this paper. As a central piece in the CO's SM, we
specify object class DYSFUNCTION, of which in-
stances will aggregate all kinds of useful information
regarding a certain dysfunction. Special and also
fundamental pieces of the CO's SM are object
2.1 Measures and Viability Norms
Norms specify values for properties of the organiza-
tion system that need to be respected so that viability
is maintained. We propose to call such properties as
measures and norms as viability norms, as they spec-
ify allowed states for certain measures of an organi-
zation which guarantee its viability. We find in
(Dietz, 2006) the Object Property List, part of the
SM, as a convenient way of specifying fact types
that are proper (mathematical) functions, and of
which the range is a set of values. The fact types in
an OPL are called properties (of object classes). We
observe, from the OPL of the library (Dietz, 2006),
that certain properties specify restrictions on another
property. E.g, we have property max_copies_in_loan
which specifies the maximum (restriction) number
of book copies a certain member of the library is
allowed to have in loan (property). This (restriction)
property is checked in the action rule that decides on
an acceptance or a decline in transaction loan start. It
logically follows that, in the SM of a certain organi-
zation, certain properties will have to be declared
that specify restrictions on certain measures related
to its information banks (i.e., to its production and
coordination information). Taking the case of the
library, one of its production banks is PB01, also
named by alias membership fee payments. To make
sure one is able to cover all expenses of the library,
we will need to measure a relevant property of
PB01, namely, total income per month. As a viabil-
ity norm, we need to declare a certain necessary
minimum income per month. We do this with prop-
erty min total income per month. To detect possible
problems in loans, we will also need to measure a
relevant property of coordination bank CB04,
namely, loan declines per week. As a viability norm
we need to declare a certain maximum of declines
per week. We do this with property max total loan
declines per week. Object class MEASURE, of the
CO's SM, represents the aggregation of all properties
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of the main organization's SM which are measures
related with information banks. In other words. these
are a subset of the properties of an organization
which constitute measures that will be repeatedly
observed (measured) for control ends. Certain other
properties of an organization will impose restrictions
on properties that are measures, so that viability is
guaranteed. Object class VIABILITY NORM of the
CO's SM represents the aggregation of all these re-
striction properties part of the main organization's
SM. Besides knowing which properties of the main
organization are measures and viability norms, the
CO needs to know explicitly which are the viability
norms imposed on each measure. We model this
need with the fact type, explained by predicative
sentence: [viability norm] restricts [measure]. We
propose a table to express the above proposed part of
the CO's SM, namely the Measures and Viability
Norms Table (MVNT) which, for the case of the
library, is expressed in Table 1.
Table 1: Measures and Viability Norms Table.
Measure Viability norm Scale
total income per month min total income per month
loan declines per week max loan declines per week
average # of registrants
in lang. history courses
1 week before start
min average # of registrants in lang.
history courses 1 week before start
2.2 Exceptions and Resilience
We propose object class EXCEPTION KIND, de-
picted in the CO's SSD, so that we can specify
(known) exception kinds. We will need to relate
each exception kind with a viability norm which can
be in a dysfunction state due to instances of such
exception kind. This relation is specified by the fact
type: [exception kind] can cause dysfunction in [vi-
ability norm]. We propose also object class RESIL-
IENCE STRATEGY, so that we can specify resil-
ience strategies that can solve (known) exception
kinds. We will need to relate each resilience strategy
with the exception(s) that is(are) solved by it. This
relation is specified by the fact type: [resilience
strategy] can solve [exception kind]. We propose
another table to express this other part of the CO's
SM, namely, the Exceptions and Resilience Strate-
gies Table (ERST). Before presenting the ERST of
the library, we need to extend the library scenario
with additional information. Let's consider the case
that the library regularly sets up courses of book
history. Classes need to have a min average number
of registrants 1 week before start to generate the
necessary income for expenses with room renting.
As an example of a dysfunction, the starting date of
the courses is just 1 week ahead and classes have, on
average, only 9 registrants when minimum is 14.
Two expected exceptions for this kind of dysfunc-
tion are lack of advertisement of courses and general
lack of interest in courses. Three resilience strategies
exist as a solution to these exceptions: (1) distribute
course fliers so that such marketing can bring more
registrations in time, (2) reduce number of classes
where it is necessary to close classes and call stu-
dents to transfer them to other classes (so that mini-
mum in each class is reached), to change property
number of alternative classes per week (reduce its
value) and also to change viability norm min total
income per month (reduce its value) as expenses
with renting rooms will be reduced and (3) delay
courses start so that, with current rate of registra-
tions per week, classes can reach accepted minimum
for starting. It also happens that, in some years,
many students see their loan requests declined as
they reached the allowed limit of maximum loans,
leading to an abnormal rate of declines in loans.
However, this usually happens due to the expected
exception of, in exams season, being necessary for
the students to loan more books than normally al-
lowed. As it is of interest to the library to earn some
more income and history has proven that it is not a
risk to temporarily increase maximum allowed loans
in this situation, a resilience strategy of increasing
this limit for one month (duration of exams season)
has been generated and operationalized. The above
presented exceptions and resilience strategies are
expressed in the ERST of the library, in Table 2,
along with the viability norms that can be in dys-
function as a consequence of these exceptions.
Table 2: Exceptions and Resilience Strategies Table.
Viability norm Exception Resilience strategy
min average # of
registrants in lang.
history courses 1 week
before start
lack of advertisement
of courses
distribute course fliers
general lack of interest
in courses
reduce number of
delay courses start
max loan declines per
abnormal high rate of
loan requests due to
exams season
increase value of
In this paper we have presented part of our proposal
of the DEMO based ontological model of the control
organization (CO). We consider that the CO implic-
itly exists in every organization and is responsible
for exerting control as to eliminate dysfunctions
caused by known exceptions occuring in the organi-
zation's activity. The State Model of the CO is pre-
sented, along with two tables we propose to elicit
EXTENDING DEMO - CONTROL ORGANIZATION MODEL - Modeling an Organization's Viability Norms,
Dysfunctions and Resilience Strategies
useful information related to it: the Measures and
Viability Norms Table (MVNT) and the Exceptions
and Resilience Strategies Table (ERST). The practi-
cal relevance of the first is a quick and summarized
glance on which are the critical variables – measures
– on which to evaluate an organization's viability
and what restrictions – viability norms – apply for
them so that one can determine if dysfunctions are
happening or not. In many kinds of situations of
occurrence of expected exceptions or necessity of
change, information of these measures and restric-
tions on them is essential to assess change impact
and eventually establish new values for such restric-
tions. The practical relevance of the ERST is to pro-
vide a comprehensive and summarized view of
which exceptions exist that can cause dysfunction on
an organization's viability norms and which resil-
ience strategies can be activated to solve such excep-
tions and eliminate the dysfunction. When an ex-
pected exception occurs, the several alternatives that
exist to solve it are easily accessible so that the re-
sponsible controller can decide on the more adequate
choice. For space reasons, we leave out of this paper
several relevant parts of our proposal for the CO
which can be consulted fully in (Aveiro, 2010) but
are referred briefly next. Namely, to express other
relevant information specified by the CO's SM, we
propose the Control and Responsibilities Table
(CRT), useful to clearly express two dimensions of
responsibility of control of certain viability norms,
namely who and when. This will be very helpful for
auditing ends in quickly and clearly identifying re-
sponsibilities in case dysfunctions happen and de-
fined resilience strategies were not activated in the
most appropriate manner. We propose also the Re-
silience Strategy Definition Table, essential to pro-
vide a comprehensive view of details of each resil-
ience strategy and, in the context of organizational
change, provide, along with the ERST, clues on how
to solve new previously unexpected exceptions. This
follows the premise from Complex Adaptive Sys-
tems (CAS) theory that, to solve new exceptions,
“rule pieces” that constitute current resilience strate-
gies that solve similar exceptions may be re-utilized
to build new resilience strategies to solve the new
exceptions (Holland, 1996). The Dysfunctions Table
(DT) provides a summary of current (unsolved) dys-
functions and recent or past (solved) dysfunctions.
This will be useful, for example, in diagnosing a
recurrent previously unexpected exception. It will
also be an instrument for the “controllers of the con-
trollers” so that higher hierarchy in the organization
can act if certain dysfunctions are not being appro-
priately handled in time by their responsible control-
lers. Finally, the Dysfunctions Diagnosis and Ac-
tions Table (DDAT), provides a summary of the
history of choices of dysfunction diagnosis and solu-
tions. Together with the DFT and CRT, this table
will provide a succinct and thorough trace of rele-
vant control decisions of an organization, so that
adequate measures can be taken against irresponsi-
ble agents, in a justified and detailed manner. Count-
ing the good and bad choices of diagnosis and resil-
ience strategies is a way to implement another prem-
ise from CAS, which is a scoring mechanism which
can help on better deciding on which resilience
strategies to associate with new (previously unex-
pected) exceptions or on the design of new resilience
Research work that led to results presented in this
paper was possible thanks to the financial support of
a PhD scholarship (Ref.: SFRH / BD / 13384 / 2003)
subsidized by “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tec-
nologia - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino
Superior” of the Portuguese government and by the
European Social Fund.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems