Jorge Cordeiro Duarte and Mamede Lima-Marques
Centre for Research on Architecture of Information, University of Brasilia , Campus, Brazilia, Brazil
IS, IT, Framework, Strategies, Role, Organizations.
Information Systems (IS) evolve with advances in technology in a silent but radical manner. Initially mono-
lithic and isolated, now they are modular, diversified, integrated and ubiquitous. This ubiquity is not always
planned. New applications arise quickly and spontaneously. Current IS applications serve different needs and
different audiences, inside and outside the organization, not always in an organized and integrated manner.
Technology trends, such as BPM and SOA accentuate the pace of change. The wide range of applications and
the pace of innovation brings complexity to the IS planning, developing and integration. This work comprises
a study of the evolution and current status of IS in organizations. Its main objective is to provide an integrated
theoretical framework helping academy and organizations to understand, plan and conduct efficiently their
current information systems efforts.
Information Systems (IS) are no more monolithic, ex-
pensive and isolated solutions. The wide availability
of computers has expanded the availability of appli-
cations and today virtually all information organiza-
tional needs are supplied by some kind of solution
that we can classify as a IS application which is inte-
grated with other IS applications. Currently, IS are a
wide range of applications with diversified objectives
for different users within and outside the enterprise.
With this wide range of applications, objectives
and users, IS, that never was considered a easy dis-
cipline (Brooks, 1986), become even more com-
plex. Some authors identify a crisis of identity in IS
field (Hirschheim and Klein, 2003), considering the
breadth of knowledge necessary to the practice of the
discipline. So, IS is complex and complexthings must
be studied in depth, in all of its dimensions and with
adequate instruments.
IS is widely discussed in the literature as a disci-
pline and as practice. Researches are usually focused
on specific aspects of IS and we rarely find research
which connect all the variables of IS in comprehen-
sive and integrated frameworks. A framework is a ba-
sic conceptual structure used to solve or address com-
plex issues, usually a set of tools, materials or com-
ponents (Wikipedia, 2009). Specifically in a software
context the word is used as a name for tools that shows
components and relations.
The aim of this paper is to present a set of frame-
works that analyze IS in its various aspects: con-
cepts, practices, interrelations, objectives, users, ef-
fects, tools, value, and maturity. IT also studies the
impact on IS of new concepts and technologies such
as BPM, SOA and EA. Thus, we aim to provide an
integrated view of IS that can help scholars and prac-
titioners to understand, study, plan and practice IS in
a comprehensive way.
In order to understand IS scope we need a good def-
inition of IS as a product, as a discipline of study, as
a activity and as a profession. We also need the un-
derstand IS relations, with other products, other disci-
plines and with other professions.
2.1 IS as a Product
A IS is a combination of technical components (hard-
ware, software, and telecommunications), built and
used by people to collect, create, and distribute useful
data and used typically in organizational but evolv-
ing for personal use (Jessup and Valacich, 2005; King
and Lyytinen, 2006). Figure 2 shows these concepts
Cordeiro Duarte J. and Lima-Marques M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002909402830294
Figure 1: Information Systems as a Product (Jessup and
Valacich, 2005; King and Lyytinen, 2006).
together. As a product IS is strongly related to orga-
nizational processes.
2.2 IS as a Discipline
In this work we agree with the following definition
of IS as discipline of study, suggested by the UK
Academy for information system: ”The study of in-
formation system and their development is a multidis-
ciplinary subject and addresses the range of strategic,
managerial, and operacional activities involved in the
gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use of
information, and its associated technologies, in soci-
ety and organizations” (King and Lyytinen, 2006).
IS as discipline of study is related with other
technical and social disciplines (King and Lyytinen,
2006) as shown in figure 2. With technology IS
shares knowledge with Software Engineering, Com-
puter Science and Telecommunications Science. Re-
lated with data, information and people IS shares
knowledge with Information Science. When related
with people IS also shares knowledge with Sociology
and Psychology.
Figure 2: Information Systems Discipline and Relations.
Adapted. (Jessup and Valacich, 2005; King and Lyytinen,
2.3 IS as a Practice
Information systems are produced and managed in
a practice that has many activities. These activities
frequently comprises four phases: analysis, design,
implementation and maintenance (Freetutes, 2009).
The four stages approach is too restricted to analyze
the complexity of current information system prac-
tice. Figure 3 shows a more comprehensive approach
which includes activities divided in six main phases
(Ortiz et al., 1999). The early phases are conceptual
which help to understand the demand. Other stages
deal with details of the multiple elements of the sys-
tem in activities such as design, implementation and
Figure 3: IS Activities and Phases (Ortiz et al., 1999).
2.4 IS as a Profession
Currently there are several kinds of professionals in-
volved in the full cycle of system analysis. Function
scope and job names varies from organization to or-
ganization depending on its size and technology com-
plexity. Figure 4 shows an approach identifying six
professionals: system analyst who analyzes, designes
and also manages the entire cycle of the application,
business analyst who knows the business, enterprise
architect who manages the organizational elements
and relations in blueprints, data architect who designs
databases, component or software architect who de-
signs components and the developer and tester who
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: System Analyst - Functions and Relations.
Adapted from (Ortiz et al., 1999; King and Lyytinen, 2006).
implements the system.
To reach its current state, IS had a series of stages,
each one with radical changes in available resources,
methods used and products delivered. As an IS pro-
fessional we have seen this evolution as shown is fig-
ure 5.
Figure 5: Evolution of Technology and System Applica-
3.1 Stage 1 - Initial
Technological characteristics at this stage: mainframe
computers, centralized, complex and expensive. Im-
pacts of technology in IS: Automation of repetitive
processes. Characteristics of applications: mono-
lithic, centralized.
3.2 Stage 2 - Distributed Processing
Technological characteristics at this stage: Computers
available at departmental level. Impacts of technol-
ogy in IS: Independence for automation and reengi-
neering departments. Characteristics of applications:
Monolithic and decentralized.
3.3 Stage 3 - Data Bases
Technological characteristics at this stage: Databases
with high capacity and query language. Impacts of
technology in IS: large databases with high availabil-
ity of information. Characteristics of applications:
two layers (data and application) and high availability
of information. Other aspects: Datawarehouse, BI,
CRM and data analysis as a discipline.
3.4 Stage 4 - Telecommunications
Technological characteristics at this stage: Availabil-
ity of terminals to access data, previously available
only in reports and connectivity between computers.
Impacts of technology in SI: On-line access to infor-
mation. Characteristics of applications: Applications
in three layers (visualization, data and logic).
3.5 Stage 5 - Personal Computers
Technological characteristics at this stage: small ma-
chines at affordable prices to individuals. Impacts of
technology in IS: personal computing, automation of
the office, explosion of applications, ubiquitous com-
puting. Characteristics of applications: client-server
solutions and data and application integration.
3.6 Stage 6 - Internet
Technological characteristics at this stage: Informa-
tion on the Web. Impacts of technology in SI: Access
to information from anywhere, communication, glob-
alization. Features of applications: Web as a front
end, systems in several layers, systems without bor-
ders (Intranets, extranets and web), Components.
Information systems as a product aims many users
inside and outside the organization. Inside the or-
ganization we can identify three types of users:
operational, managerial and executive (Jessup and
Valacich, 2005). For each user, IS needs a spe-
cific kind of application systems, from operational
system that automates repetitive functions to execu-
tive information systems that gives information trends
about the business. Also internally specific applica-
tions provides solutions for communication, integra-
tion and collaboration between people, given produc-
tivity for the team. This type of solution is published
in internal sites (intranets),
Outside organizations IS also havemany users like
clientes, partners, government and other stake hold-
ers. For this type of users, IS provides specific appli-
cations giving personalized information and transac-
tional resources. For partners, applications can pro-
vide business integration. External applications are
provided in public web sites to clients and private net-
works (extranets) to partners and to government. Fig-
ure 6 shows main users and applications.
Figure 6: Information Systems Users.
Currently has a wide range of applications with
different objective for different users, both inside
and outside organizations(Duarte and Lima-Marques,
2006). We can classify the applications above into
four categories as shown is figure 7 : Automation of
business, information and management, communica-
tion and collaboration and external communication.
4.1 Automation of Business
In this category IS automates the core and support
business. These kind of applications can be subdi-
vided. There are applications for processing the core
business, such as sales applications. Other category
is support applications such as human resources, pur-
chasing and finance and accounting. The final cat-
egory are products that integrate many kinds of ap-
plications called ERP (Enterprise Resource Applica-
Figure 7: Information Systems Applications (Duarte and
Lima-Marques, 2006).
4.2 Information and Management
In this category are applications that provides infor-
mation about business giving control, forecast and
trends. These kind of applications can be subdivide
in solutions such as Business Intelligence (BI), CRM
(Customer Relation management), BAM (Business
Activity Monitoring) and also CI (Competitive Intel-
4.3 Communication and Collaboration
In this category are applications that provides re-
sources for communication and collaboration such
as email, Work flow applications, office automa-
tion, ECM (EnterpriseContent Managament)and KM
(Knowledge management).
4.4 Relationship with the Outside
In this category are applications that provides re-
sources for communication with several kinds of ex-
ternal users, such as clients, banks, government, audit
companies, and other stake holders such as sharehold-
ers and the public in general. These applications can
give transaction resources and generic and personal-
ized information.
Information Systems are the way to process automa-
tion. So they are also related to the way processes and
tasks are modeled and optimized at the organization
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: Business Processes and Applications (Chow et al.,
(Chow et al., 2007). In other words organizational
processes and information systems evolve together as
shown in figure 8.
5.1 Total Quality Management
Initially processes were improved by total quality
management (TQM) programs, a participatory ap-
proach aimed at continuous improvement of depart-
mental processes (Walton, 1991). In TQM times com-
puters were in the first stage and were not the main
source of optimization because of the cost and low
5.2 Reengineering
With the increasing availability of computers a
reengineering approach has came to make centralized
and radical changes in organization processes (Ham-
mer and Champy, 2003). Process reengineering lasted
nearly a decade and was responsible for the prolifer-
ation of automation applications in organizations. In
achieving its initial goal this approach declined.
5.3 Business Process Management
After the radical changes caused by reengineering, or-
ganizations are seeking the return of continuous pro-
cess improvement through the use of the concepts of
BPM (Howard Smith, 2003). The goal of BPM is to
place the management processes in the hands of users.
With the new automation tools, the Business Process
Management Systems (BPMS), users can model and
simulate the processes and the models are used for au-
tomation. Metrics collected automatically enable pro-
cess monitoring and improvement as shown is figure
Figure 9: Business Processes and Applications (BPtrends,
As seen in section three, technology tends to mod-
ularization of components and information systems
tend to be a composition of components to meet spe-
cific goals. This is a radical change in the way IS are
developed. Services (elements of automation) need
to be identified, designed, developed and maintained.
The architecture of services needs to be known and
controlled and the systems need to be designed to in-
tegrate all components in a practical manner to user.
6.1 Modularity and SOA
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a technical
approach that in one side promotes the modularity of
systems and in another side manages this modularity
allowing to use modules or services in a secure and
performative environment (Papazoglou and van den
Heuvel, 2007). SOA is a concept and a collection of
products that work together to implement the concept
of modularity such as Web Services and ESB as figure
10 shows. SOA can help to implement the promises
of BPM. The process model can use services and this
services can be executed in SOA infrastructure (Ionita
et al., 2008).
6.2 Enterprise Architecture
EA is a approach to govern organizations by archi-
tecture models (Ross et al., 2006). Organizations are
Figure 10: SOA Elements(Ionita et al., 2008).
complex systems and the promise of EA is reduce the
complexity by modeling the organization, showing
all the relevant elements and its relations in models
called blueprints (Lankhorst, 2005). This infrastruc-
ture of models allows organization knowledge mak-
ing easy to change strategies, processes and systems.
EA can help to control the elements of SOA and can
help also BPM because services are related with pro-
cesses (Jensen et al., 2008). Figure 11 shows EA,
BPM and SOA working together.
Figure 11: EA, SOA and BPM (Jensen et al., 2008).
EA help to control the elements (services) of
SOA linking this elements to the rest of the organi-
zation (processes, products, strategies, etc). In or-
der to promote the construction of the architecture
there are proposal of frameworks and languages spe-
cific to EA, such as Zachman framework (Zachman,
1987), TOGAF (open Group, 2009) and Archimate
(Lankhorst, 2005), shown in figure 12. The models
can be constructed applying tradicional techniques,
such as UML (Pereira and Sousa, 2004) or specific
languages to EA, such as the Archimate proposal.
Figure 12: The Archimate Framework (Lankhorst, 2005).
6.3 Composite Applications
With SOA, applications are compositions of special-
ized modules of presentation, processes, rules, inte-
gration and security. Information is prividedin portals
that give to user an integrated vision of information
(Arsanjani, 2004). Figure 13 shows the application
composite components. Information systems are no
more monolithic. They are a puzzle.
Figure 13: Application Composite Components (BPtrends,
As we have seen in section two, IS has many activ-
ities and phases. Each phase has different methods
and techniques that make up a domain of knowledge
shared by a group of professionals. In five decades of
research and practice in IS, each one of these domains
of knowledge, has evolved in its methods, mainly
those related to business analysis and systems de-
sign. In times of SOA, a new field of knowledge has
emerged: services analysis and design.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
7.1 Systems Analysis
In system analysis domain, systems analysts inter-
act strongly with business professionals, identifying
goals, processes, rules, actors, resources and other
elements in order to identify concepts, relationships
and business requirements as shown in figure 14.
(Bubenko et al., 1998).
Figure 14: System Analysis and Design Techniques
(Bubenko et al., 1998).
There are many different techniques for sys-
tems analysis and requirement identification (Ket-
tinger et al., 1997). Each technique is suitable to spe-
cific needs and circumstances (Parviainen and Maarit,
2007). Choosing a specific technique is a decision
that depends on the type of modeling needed and
the level of business knowledge (Tsumaki and Tamai,
2005). System analysis domain can be divided into
two main kinds os modeling: static modeling and dy-
namic modeling. The level of certainty in the knowl-
edge of the business requirements also determines the
best technique. Figure 15 suggests some techniques
depending on the static and dynamic modeling and
also according to the degree of knowledge of the or-
ganizational elements.
Figure 15: System Analysis Dimensions and Techniques
(Tsumaki and Tamai, 2005).
In static analysis, when elements are well known,
analysis can be made with conceptual modeling,
domain modeling or even ontologies (Sutcliffe and
Maiden, 1998). If there is no consensus on the con-
cepts and relations, techniques are required to iden-
tify such information with participatory tools such
as JAD and Brainstorming (Parviainen and Maarit,
2007). In dynamic analysis, if elements are well
known can be analyzed with Use Case UML tech-
nique (Buhr, 1998), or BPMN (Weske et al., 2004)
and EPC (Scheer and Nuttgens, 2000), techniques for
modeling business process flow. If there is no con-
sensus on the process flow, it is recommended to use
the technique of prototype applications (Nuseibeh and
Easterbrook, 2000).
7.2 Systems Design
In the Design domain, systems analysts interact
strongly with technical specialists, such as data archi-
tects and software architects. This domain is special-
ized in architectural modeling and recently we can see
the predominance of UML techniques for modeling a
system (Larman, 2004).
There are many modeling notations in UML, each
one dedicate to a specific objective and that are related
(Berenbach and Wolf, 2007), as we can see in figure
16. There are techniques to model elements and re-
lations, to model sequence of activities and so on, as
shown in figure 14.
Figure 16: UML Diagramas for Analysis and Design of
Systems (Berenbach and Wolf, 2007).
7.3 Service Analysis and Design
In times of SOA and BPM a new field of knowl-
edge and practice is necessary for the business ana-
lysts. Analyst must be able to identify the parts of
the business that were candidates for services (Papa-
zoglou et al., 2007). Services can be modeled and de-
veloped as individual components that compose the
Figure 17: Modeling Services (Arsanjani, 2004).
whole organization with specific methods and tech-
niques as shown is figure 17 (Khoshafia, 2007; Ar-
sanjani, 2004).
By identifying and developing individual services
systems analysts can easily build an application com-
posed of these elements, as identified in Figure 17. In
this approach, a systems analyst does not analyze and
design systems, but services. These services will be
the infrastructure for the assembly of systems. We are
talking about the system of systems (Cole, 2006).
Each IS application provides value to organization.
But this values is different in time and in type of ap-
plication. The level of value a application provides
depends on three organization environments: tech-
nology, organization and competition (Mooney et al.,
1996). The three environments change every day and
each situation demands a different strategy that will
demand focus in a different type of application as
shown is figure 18.
Figure 18: A Process Oriented Business Value (Mooney
et al., 1996).
We have made a categorization of SI applications
in Chapter 4. There’s another way to classify them:
in the effect they cause. Applications can be automa-
tional, informational and transformational (Mooney
Figure 19: Dimensions of IS Business Value (Mooney et al.,
et al., 1996) as shown in figure 19. Application with
transformational effects are that one that can make
radical changes, innovating in products, markets or
processes. Although some authors state that systems
with transformational effects generate the best value
(Jessup and Valacich, 2005), we advocate that value
depends on the organization’s strategy. Applications
related to automation can generate greater value, re-
ducing costs for example.
8.1 Organizational Innovation
Innovation has a cycle in organizations (Gartner,
2008). A new technology grows in interest because
people believe it is the solution to a number of prob-
lems. However, experience can lead to frustration, be-
cause people hope a miracle. But some people really
identify the value of a new technology, identifying
true benefits. This technology is then used in projects
for which it is actually useful and then evolve to a
level of productivity. Figure 20 shows a hype cycle
where java is at productivity stage and BPM suites
(BPMS) are at the top of expectations.
Figure 20: Hype Cycle for Business Application Develop-
ment - 2008 (Gartner, 2008).
Approaches such hype cycles show that good
technology will prove its benefits, but people always
exaggerate the initial expectations undermining the
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
effective use of technology. What is needed, there-
fore, is a realistic analysis of the potential of each
8.2 Organizational Strategies
Organizations set their strategies following market,
technology and the internal environment. In the in-
ternal environment organizations have a division of
power between centralization and decentralization.
Between freedom to the departments and actions and
centralized processes (EMERY and TRIST, 1965).
Thus, strategy works with two variables: external and
internal focus and centralization and decentralization
(Quinn and Rohrbaugh, 1983). The choice of vari-
ables determines the strategy: Growth indicates ex-
ternal focus and requires decentralization as shown in
figure 21. Efficiency and cost control demands inter-
nal focus and centralization of processes. There is no
right or wrong strategy. It depends on the moment of
the competition and of the enterprise and also of the
technology. A new technology can allow cost reduc-
tion, new products or new markets.
Figure 21: Organizational Strategies (Quinn and
Rohrbaugh, 1983).
There are several two of this approach. The first
one is that strategies always will change because there
are variables beyond the control of the organization.
The second is that IS strategy must accompany these
changes, so that applications will continue adding
value to each strategy at each moment. IS strategy
must identify the variables and build an architecture
for change (Ross et al., 2006).
8.3 IS and Business-IT Integration
The integration between IT/IS and the business is
reached in two dimensions: external and internal (Sil-
vius, 2007). As figure 22 shows, IT/IS strategies
Figure 22: The Strategic Alignment Model (Silvius, 2007).
should be linked to business strategies, and internally
IT strategies must fit with IT infrastructure and busi-
ness processes must fit to business processes and both
should also fit.
Internal integration is a problem with several com-
ponents. It involves among other variables: IT gover-
nance, enterprise architecture (EA) and also business
communication (Chen et al., 2008). Historically, or-
ganizations have difficulty in aligning strategy with
the internal operations and it really does not happen
easily. With the objetive of integration companies can
rely on approaches such as the Balance score card
(BSC) (Kaplan and Norton, 1997).
Success is an arduous task for organizations in a com-
petitive world. Both, organization and IT must work
efficiently to achieve proposed objectives and there
are many variables to be controlled. There are ap-
proaches to measure how much organizations are pre-
pared to achieve this efficiency. These approaches do
not guarantee efficiency. They measure only orga-
nization’s actions and structures that potentially can
help promote efficiency. On the business side the
Software engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mel-
lon University proposes the Capacity Mature Model
(CMMI-SEI, 2002). On the IT / IS we have ITIL
(ITIL, 2009).
CMMI analyzes organizational processes matu-
rity. The Highest level is when organizations have
processes with metrics continuously improved trough
teams, as shown in figure 23. Ross suggests a similar
approach to systems where the highest level of ap-
proach is modularity that promotes strategic choices
as shown in figure 24 (Ross, 2003).
Figure 23: Levels of CMMI - (Harmon and Wolf, 2008).
Figure 24: Maturity in Information Systems Applications
(Ross, 2003).
For promotion IT/IS service management we have
the Information Technology Infrastructure Library
(ITIL) proposal. ITIL is a set of concepts and prac-
tices for managing Information Technology (IT) ser-
vices (ITSM), IT development and IT operations. The
most popular instrument of ITIL is the Service Level
Agreement (SLA) where IT units celebrate a contract
of service level with its users.
It has long been recognized that IS is not a easy dis-
cipline and practice. Information systems and their
applications can not be treated with a simplistic view.
information Systems involves the knowledge of sev-
eral disciplines and the practice involves several kinds
of professionals.Here we presented a series of diffi-
culties and also paths to succeed.
There no simple approach to information system.
There is no silver bullet. Organizations are complex
systems and information system is a complex mat-
ter. There are many elements and variables to be an-
alyzed. We presented a series of framewoks that help
to understand the various parts that make up the cur-
rent information systems. We discussed key concepts
about information systems and their applications. We
presented the evolution and current stage, composed
of a wide range of applications to different types of
users internal and external to organization.We pre-
sented the integration of systems and organizational
processes and analyze the impact of new trends such
as EA and SOA. We showed the radical change is in-
formation in information systems in several charac-
teristics as type of users, professions involved, meth-
ods and techniques and types of solutions. We saw
information system as a composition of fragmented
elements. We confirmed the growing importance or
enterprise architecture as a approach to manage these
elements. We analyzed the complexity of IS and iden-
tified recent methods and techniques that deals with
it. We identified strategies and approaches to busi-
ness and IT integration. Finally, we also discussed
Frameworks to evaluate organization and IT maturity
in their structure and actions.
Componentization seems to have come to stay as
well as the SOA approach. EA is a need in the short
term. EA can not be a function of IT. BPM ap-
proaches are not so mature but can bring agility to
business if well conducted. Success is possible with
a broad range of solutions that require maturity of the
organization and technology. The integration of busi-
ness and IT is a double issue. There is no success of
one without the other. IT must understand the busi-
ness and business must understand technology.
The complexity of the fragmented current infor-
mation systems environment is huge but its benefits
are also great. It is for organizations beat the com-
plexity and to prepare for the benefits. Academy can
help studying new ways of designing and implement-
ing integrated information. Organizations must con-
struct an infrastructure of information and applica-
tions that can provide agility.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems