General Considerations
Benigno Rodr´ıguez
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de la Rep´ublica, Julio Herrera y Reissig 565, Montevideo, Uruguay
OFDM, WiMAX, LTE, Wireless broadband networks.
In this paper several hints to be considered in the design of a commercial broadband wireless network are pre-
sented. The case of study is based in Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks,
but the general concepts are also valid for Long Term Evolution (LTE).
The information presented here is not only valid for the task of designing a broadband wireless network, but
also it can be useful to focus research in the economically most sensitive areas.
As an example, the design of a broadband wireless
network based in OFDM for 50.000 subscribers will
be analyzed.
The main concepts of New Generation Networks
(NGN) will be considered. One important concept
in NGN is the separation between services and ac-
cess technologies. In this way the development of
new services is simplified, because under this con-
cept is not necessary to be a telecommunication ex-
pert to develop services, the activity is also open for
example, to information technology experts. Also it is
an interesting opportunity for universities to develop
new telecommunication services, and to have an even
more active participation in the development of this
To enrich services also Service Control Engines
are integrated to networks. They provide
traffic analysis in order to apply different policies to
different customers.
In next subsections the standard components of a
WiMAX or LTE network are discussed. The analy-
sis is focused in the most important aspects and in the
new alternatives to the development of this type of
2.1 Customer Premise Equipment
Exists an interesting variety of Customer Premise
Equipment (CPE), simple ones, with ports for Voice
over Internet (VoIP), and with VoIP and Wireless Fi-
delity (WiFi) ports. Also exist several devices (Note-
books, Netbooks, Handhelds, etc.) with the chipset
for WiMAX access embedded.
Prices are decreasing, but they are still very signif-
icant, more than 25 % of the total Capital Expenditure
(CapEx) of the network is due to CPEs (see Figure
1). Notebooks and Netbooks with WiMAX chip in-
cluded, improve this fact and simplify the situation
for operators.
Operators have applied different strategies in or-
der to reduce the cost of CPEs. In the case of Yota
(the Russian operator), they have decided to offer the
broadband access for free during some months, for
subscribers who buy their own CPEs (usually embed-
ded in Notebooks and Netbooks)
. It has two desired
consequences for the operator, rst of all the sub-
scriber pays for the CPE, and then the operator has
not to pay for it (is not part of the CapEx). To be
more precise the operator pays less for the CPE (the
money corresponding to the months during which the
service is offered for free). The second desired effect
2 id=
Rodríguez B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 55-60
DOI: 10.5220/0002912100550060
is that these months for free are a very good reason for
subscribers to use the WiMAX access offered by the
operator, specially if the performance is better com-
pared with the corresponding to 3G networks.
Another important consideration is that a network
designed for USB dongles to be used in indoor sce-
narios, needs more Base Stations (BSs) than one de-
signed for desktop CPEs. There are between 4 dB and
6 dB of difference between the gain of these devices.
2.2 Base Stations
The spatial diversity order is going to have an impor-
tant impact over the number of sites (BSs) in the net-
work. In Table 1, how the number of sites vary with
the spatial diversity order
, for a given area, is shown.
Table 1: Spatial diversity order versus number of sites.
Diversity Order Number of Sites
2T2R 59
2T4R 30
4T8R 18
The number of sites have an important influence
in CapEx and Operational Expenditure (OpEx). By
using a lower spatial diversity order, a reduction in
CapEx can be obtained, but later a less efficient net-
work will have a higher OpEx. Thinking in a time
frame of 10 years, generally, these cheaper BSs are
not convenient (see Figure 3).
2.3 Backhaul and Backbone
A new backhaul generation with millimeter waves
(MMWs) is available in the range of 57-86 GHz. The
equipment is cheaper compared with microwaves, and
with the advantage of a lower spectral license cost.
The concept of “light licensing” is applied to MMWs.
Very directive and short range links are achievable
with this technology
. This decreases the interference
between radio links and allow a higher reuse of fre-
quencies, both effects contribute to allow a cheap li-
Also Free Space Lasers (FSLs) are an alterna-
tive to consider. In some cases they are used as re-
dundancy for MMWs links (Kamalakis et al., 2007).
Using FSLs as a backup for MMWs is quite natu-
ral, and easy considering that both technologies have
a similar range of distances and both are very di-
rective. MMWs are significantly affected by heavy
rains (Hansryd and Eriksson, 2009) while FSL is very
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sensitive to fog, then using both technologies one is
backed up by the other. These technologies allow
to develop high bit rates links at the same time that
CapEx is reduced. By using both techniques simulta-
neously, the availability can be quite acceptable.
Another way of increasing the availability is by
deploying rings of MMWs. Usually strong rains, that
reduce significantly the performance of MMW links
are concentrated in a small area and do not affect more
than one link (hope) of the ring.
MMWs are considered as a good alternative for
achieving the capacities needed for LTE. For sure
fiber optic networks are also a good alternative for
backhaul, but twice more expensiveand slow to be de-
ployed due to the installation and permissions needed.
2.4 Access Service Network Gateway
Access Service Network Gateway (ASN GW) is a cen-
tral part in a WiMAX network. It is involved with mo-
bility functions and functions which are better offered
in a centralized form.
A centralized ASN GW is used to provide Macro-
mobility (mobility in the whole network). If it is only
necessary to ensure mobility in a small part of the net-
work, an architecture of distributed ASN GWs can be
used, which is a cheaper option.
In the case of LTE technology the equivalent gate-
way is the Packet Data Network Gateway (PDN GW).
2.5 NGN and Softswitch
As it was said, probably the main concept in NGN
is the separation between services and transportation
technologies. Other important characteristic of NGN,
is that these are packet based networks, with Qual-
ity of Services (QoS) and mobility. Packet based net-
works brings the problematic of Voice over IP (VoIP)
also called IP telephony. This approach to telephony
brings several opportunities but also challenges.
In this context, the Softswitch has a very important
role. Softswitch seeks to use open standards to inte-
grate NGN networks able of providing voice, data and
multimedia services. In the architecture of Softswitch
based NGN four planes are distinguished: the trans-
portation plane, control (signaling) plane, service (ap-
plication) plane and management plane (Peng et al.,
2003). Softswitch resides in control plane and focus
on the call control capabilities. There is certain inde-
pendence between planes, e.g., service plane does not
care about the implementation of call control (control
plane). The idea is that the interfaces between these
four planes could be open and standardized in order
to have a real open architecture for these networks.
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Softswitch is an excellent tool to achieve conver-
gence, being able of working with different protocols
by using generic protocols (usually five generic pro-
tocols). To achieve the coexistence between these
different protocols they are translated and encapsu-
lated to obtain a generic protocol. The benefits of
these generic protocols are several, as an example,
the Softswitch can be protocol unrelated, the generic
model subsystem (a key subsystem in Softswitch) has
to cope only with five generic protocols, which makes
its task much more simple (Zhu and Liao, 2005).
Concerning to services, Sofswitch allows to in-
crease the offer of value added services. Softswitch
can also provide services by introducing specific ap-
plication servers, developing in this way a very flex-
ible and scalable service architecture based in them.
Services provided by these application servers are
available to all subscribers through Softswitch. To
simplify and open the task of developing new ser-
vices, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
are available. Thanks to APIs, the development of
telecommunication services is not only a task for
telecommunication experts, also programmers -not so
familiar with telecommunications- can develop new
2.6 Service Control Engine and Policy
Service Control Engines (SCEs), also called Service
Inspection Gateways (SIGs), are devices able of mon-
itoring the traffic in a network during certain time,
then some statistics about the traffic in the network
can be obtained, and some decisions can be taken in
order to optimize the network use. Through these
statistics is possible to know the behavior of the cus-
tomers and then they are a good help to design new
value added services. The available services in a net-
work are going to be an important difference between
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) when the customer
is faced to chose one ISP.
SCEs are able of applying subscriber policies, al-
lowing to change the class of service delivered to one
specific subscriber, for example allowing to increase
the velocity of the connection by some time, after ask-
ing and paying for this service through a web page.
By using SCEs is also possible to apply parental con-
trol to a specific subscriber, blocking the access to
certain web pages with inconvenient content. More
knowledge about their subscribers and the opportu-
nity of delivering customized services to them em-
powers the work of an ISP. Also quota management
services are possible to deliver through the use of
SCEs (services by traffic, time or modalities as “pay-
as-you-go”). Also it is possible to apply specific poli-
cies to particular traffic as P2P or VoIP traffic. Spam
limitation and several security improvements can be
achieved by using SCEs in the ISP network.
SCEs allows a more efficient use of the network
resources at the same time that allows to customize
the service to the customer requirements; in this way
SCEs are very useful tools in NGN. The optimum use
of network resources is an important key in multiple
play networks.
There is a set of important decisions to make for plan-
ning this kind of Networks.
3.1 Fix or Mobile Service
It is not a question of selecting a standard, for example
in WiMAX case you can use IEEE802.16eeven if you
are planning to develop a fix network (e.g., to start
with less BSs). It is more a question of considering a
business plan.
There is an important difference between the num-
ber of BSs needed for a good quality mobile service,
and the number of BSs needed for a good quality fix
service. It is also important to have a clear idea of
what is lost in throughput to ensure a mobile service.
Is also convenient to have in mind the lost perfor-
mance by having the CPE 4 meters away from the
window, instead of very close to it (see footnote 5).
When a mobile network is considered, omnidirec-
tional antennas in CPEs are used, because in a mobile
scenario the CPE can not be oriented in the direction
of the BS. It causes a loss of approximately 6 dB. Be-
sides this, for a mobile network a good quality han-
dover has to be provided. These facts make that for
a mobile WiMAX network, the coverage radius is ap-
proximately 600 m. In the case of a fix network this
value is of approx. 1.000 m, it means that the cover-
age area for the same BS is reduced to 36 %. Then
when a mobile network is considered, 3 times more
BSs than in the case of a fix network, are necessary in
order to cover the same area. For this reason is very
important to estimate in advance if the mobile ser-
vice is going to compensate the significant increment
caused in the investment. For sure new services are
coming, and this situation can change. But also dif-
ferent phases in the development of a broadband wire-
less network can be defined. The operator can start by
deploying a fix WiMAX network (based in the mobile
standard IEEE802.16e), in future by adding new BSs
to the same area can then promote and sale mobile
services, if the market accepts and pays for them.
Most of the time a nomadic service is what the
customer requires, and a real mobile service is not in-
tensively used. The cost of deploying a good quality
nomadic network is quite similar to the one required
for a fix network (an amount of extra capacity has to
be considered in the case of nomadic networks to ac-
cept new users that are not currently in the area of a
given BS). A good quality nomadic network can be a
good alternative, at least to start the development of a
broadband wireless mobile network.
3.2 Using Beamforming or Not
To use Beamforming or not, is another important de-
cision to develop this kind of networks. The objec-
tive here, is not to discuss about the advantages and
disadvantages of beamforming in general, but to dis-
cuss about the performance of commercially available
beamforming implementations.
Beamforming plus Space Time Coding (STC)
achieve performance improvements between 3,75
dB and 16 dB compared with simple MIMO-STC,
(“MIMO A”). These improvements vary depending
on the velocity of the mobile terminal (16 dB for a
stationary or pedestrian and 3,75 dB for a high mobil-
ity scenario). Between different approaches to beam-
forming, the most efficient beamforming technique is
Adaptive Beamforming”.
Not all vendors agree on the convenience of de-
ploying a network with beamforming capacity, some
of them argue that the control information (for the
case of WiMAX) is delivered without beamforming,
and then the coverage area will not be extended by
using beamforming. It is not completely so, because
usually the uplink is the limitation in the coverage
area, and then, by improving the capacity of “listen-
ing the subscribers” (providing 9 dB of uplink gain)
beamforming will increase the coverage area.
By “improving” the signal, the number of BSs
(number of sites) needed to cover the same area is di-
minished, usually to 2/3 of the number of sites needed
with simple MIMO techniques. This has an important
impact in OpEx (Paolini, 2010) (the impact in CapEx,
is not always diminished, because these BSs are more
expensive than simple MIMO ones).
3.3 Number of Sites
In Figure 1, an example of the distribution of CapEx
for a WiMAX network is provided. These percent-
ages vary from network to network, but usually there
are some common points to care.
Usually the most significant item is “Last Mile”
(BSs). In this case the best option is not to reduce the
CapEx of this item, but to find a good compromise be-
tween the price for this item and the associated OpEx.
As it was discussed in Section 2.2, usually cheap BSs
are associated to low spatial diversity order, what re-
sults in the need of more sites and then an increased
OpEx, this effect can be observed in Figure 3.
As it was discussed in Section 2.1, CPEs play an
important role, because of the CapEx associated to
this item. Some alternatives to decrease the CapEx
for this item were already discussed.
Another important item is “Transmission” (back-
haul and backbone as it was discussed in Section 2.3).
To decrease this item, in LTE for example, the use
of MMW is considered. Being less expensive (the
associated CapEx and OpEx) and quicker to deploy,
MMW is considered as a good alternative for devel-
oping the backhaul in LTE networks.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage of Total CapEx
1 Last Mile
2 CPEs
4 Infraestructure and Energy
5 Transmission
6 IP Core
Figure 1: Percentages of the total Capex for each network
Exist different perspectives between vendors and
operators. Usually vendors are not worried about the
OpEx to maintain a network. Then diminishing the
CapEx can be their focus, but from the side of op-
erators, both expenditures has to be considered. In
the market there are some BS options which implies
lower CapEx, but in Figure 3, how this initial advan-
tage is compensated with time can be observed, there
the comparison for two technologies of two different
vendors is shown. Some times by making an initial
investment a little bit more expensive a higher effi-
ciency network (with higher spatial diversity order,
for example) can be deployed.
Considering OpEx (see Figure 2), usually “Inter-
net Access” has an important influence in the total
OpEx. Generally the operators try to obtain a good
price for these item from the international carriers,
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
but there are not so many alternatives, then it is a rel-
atively simple factor to optimize. One alternative to
diminish this factor is to use “cache systems” in order
to locally store some Internet content which is often
accessed by subscribers.
Another component of OpEx is the “Spectrum
Taxes”. This is an important factor when the operator
has a mainly wireless network (wireless access, back-
haul and backbone). In this case, at least for backhaul,
MMWs represent a good alternative due to light li-
censing”. As it was discussed previously, MMWs
are also a good alternative from the point of view of
CapEx. Besides their throughput capacity, the men-
tioned characteristics become MMWs in a good can-
didate as a backhaul technique in present and future
wireless networks. Another way of diminishing this
factor is by using BS technologies with high spatial
diversity order, in this way less sites are needed, and
then less backhaul links has to be payed.
When a wireless network is deployed, is common
to use the top of high buildings to install BSs. Usu-
ally the operator pays a rent for using this space in
the roof of the building. The “Site Rents” amount
depends mainly on the city, but an effective way of
diminishing this factor is to diminish the number of
sites, and in this way the use of high spatial diver-
sity order BSs, is a way of using less sites to offer
the same coverage. Is worth to mention that usually
the throughput capacity is not the determinant factor
in WiMAX and LTE networks, usually the number of
BSs is determined by coverage necessities more than
by capacity necessities.
Finally, energy is also diminished by using less
sites to deploy the wireless network. All this con-
siderations are important ones when the operator has
to decide between different vendors for the Last Mile
(access) technology, as it was discussed, higher spa-
tial diversity order technologies have several interest-
ing advantages.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Percentage of Total OpEx
1 Site Rents
2 Energy
3 Spectrum Taxes
4 Internet Access
Figure 2: Percentages of the total OpEx for each item.
In Figure 3, the economical evolutions of total ex-
pendituresin 10 years for two network alternativesare
compared. The alternative labeled as “Low CapEx”
corresponds to a wireless network deployed with a
Last Mile technology with low spatial diversity order.
The alternative labeled as “High CapEx” uses a Last
Mile technology with higher spatial diversity order.
In this figure, the different economical efficiencies of
each alternative can be observed.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, years
Low CapEx
High CapEx
Figure 3: Economical evolution for two alternatives with
different efficiency.
3.4 Financial Conditions
Financial conditions are another very important as-
pect to consider. This one can be the difference be-
tween a viable or not viable project. The exportation
of these technologies is an important issue for any
country, and usually banks and governments partici-
pate in the definition of the financial conditions that
later the vendors can offer to operators. Is impor-
tant for any government to be fully conscious of the
importance of empowering its “knowledge industry”,
because the success in this area has an accumulative
effect in the economical development of a country.
3.5 WiMAX versus LTE
Usually this comparison is contaminated with partic-
ular interests, if one operator is not considering to
deploy WiMAX, it seems reasonable to discourage
WiMAX deployments, because they could be a dan-
gerous competitor for 3G for example.
Another factor that makes this comparison dif-
ficult is that both technologies are in very different
stages, WiMAX is a commercial reality today, while
LTE is in the phase of tests, trials and promises.
What is clear is that both technologies have differ-
ent temporal opportunity windows. Today WiMAX is
probably the best alternative and in some years LTE
could occupy this position. One question is: by the
start of LTE services, how many WiMAX users, sat-
isfied and with a medium term contract will be?. This
could affect the success of LTE in certain regions.
Probably the decision for many operators is re-
lated with legacy technologies, in the case of LTE an
important effort in backward compatibility with typi-
cal legacytechnologies as WCDMA and GSM is done
(Beming et al., 2007). It could be a reason to wait
for LTE instead of deploying a WiMAX network now.
But in the mean time, operators who take the decision
of deploying WiMAX networks will have important
advantages to offer.
LTE has a very simple architecture, but it is not
so different from WiMAX one, and both are based in
OFDM also. Concerning to LTE performance, a good
reference is the work made by the Heinrich-Hertz-
Institute in Berlin
. In this work the performance of a
LTE test bed deployed in Berlin is evaluated. Several
similarities with WiMAX coverage and performance
can be found there.
Maybe it is useful to make the network more asym-
metric, less power and gain in CPEs and more power
and gain in BSs. It makes the network more expen-
sive, but cheaper CPEs (with less gain) can be used.
Then more subscribers and services can be attended
by the network. As it was discussed, the cost of CPEs
is still a bottle-neck in the development of WiMAX
networks. A more asymmetric network will increase
the problem of having a reduced uplink, but with the
evolution and popularization of beamforming it can
be compensated. By using beamforming the BSs are
able of “listening better”, which is very good for weak
subscriber signals.
After analyzing the impact of CPEs in CapEx, is
clear that the alternative of being bought by the cus-
tomer (usually in an embedded device) is well seen
by operators, and good for the business. Thinking in
the evolution of IPv6, and the promised explosion of
devices connected to the network, WiMAX and LTE
can result an excellent alternative to access these de-
vices. This could result in an important price decrease
of WiMAX and LTE chipsets for CPEs.
NGN concepts make the development of new ser-
vices easier and open to professionals of different ar-
eas (not only telecommunication experts). This fact
and the popularity of SCEs augur the development of
an interesting set of new services in next years, increa-
files/document/LTE measurement A4 1302 0.pdf
sing the competence in this area.
Another important consideration related with the
deployment of this kind of networks, is to decide if
a mobile or simply a nomadic network is going to be
deployed, at least as the first phase of the project. As-
suring a good quality mobile service increases the de-
ployment costs, compared with a good quality fix or
nomadic service.
As it was discussed, the spatial diversity order of
BSs play an important role in OpEx. This has to be
considered at the moment of selecting a Last Mile
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems