Dominik Maximilián Ramík, Christophe Sabourin and Kurosh Madani
Signals, Images, and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (LISSI / EA 3956), Université Paris-Est
Senart Institute of Technology, Avenue Pierre Point, 77127 Lieusaint, France
Keywords: SLAM, Semantics, Humanoid robotics, Human inspired, Image segmentation, Scene interpretation.
Abstract: Robotic SLAM is attempting to learn robots what human beings do nearly effortlessly: to navigate in an
unknown environment and to map it in the same time. In spite of huge advance in this area, nowadays
SLAM solutions are not yet ready to enter the real world. In this paper, we observe the state of the art in ex-
isting SLAM techniques and identify semantic SLAM as one of prospective directions in robotic mapping
research. We position our initial research into this field and propose a human inspired concept of SLAM
based on understanding of the scene via its semantic analysis. First simulation results, using a virtual hu-
manoid robot are presented to illustrate our approach.
In mobile robotics, the ability of self-localization is
crucial. In fact, knowing precisely where the robot is
and what kind of objects surround it in a given mo-
ment enables it to navigate autonomously. An in-
formal definition of the Simultaneous Localisation
And Mapping (SLAM) says it as a process, in which
a mobile robot explores an unknown environment,
creates a map of it and uses it simultaneously to
infer its own position. The real environment is usu-
ally complex and dynamic and it is not easy to inter-
pret. This complexity makes SLAM a challenging
task. A comprehensive list of nowadays most com-
mon SLAM techniques can be found in (Durrant-
Whyte, et al., 2006a), (Durrant-Whyte, et al., 2006b)
or (Muhammad, et al., 2009). Although from its
beginning a significant advance has been achieved
(Thrun, et al., 2008), SLAM is not yet a solved prob-
lem. Performing SLAM in dynamic environment
(Hahnel, et al., 2003) or understanding the mapped
environment by including semantics into maps
(Nüchter, et al., 2008) are the actual challenges.
In this paper, the state of the art in SLAM is in-
vestigated. A relatively new field of research is iden-
tified, which is attempts to perform SLAM with the
aid of semantic information extracted from sensors.
As one of the research interests of our laboratory
(LISSI) is autonomous robotics notably in relation to
humanoid robots, we are convinced that the research
on semantic SLAM will bring a useful contribution.
We position our initial research into this field, draw-
ing our inspiration from the human way of naviga-
tion. Contrary the precise and “global” approach to
most current SLAM techniques, the human way of
doing is based on very fuzzy description of the
world and it gives preference to local surroundings
of the navigation backdrop. A simulation using a
humanoid robot Nao is presented to demonstrate
some of the proposed ideas. The real Nao will be
used in our further work.
The paper is organized in the following way: sec-
tion 2 focuses on the state of the art in semantic
SLAM. In the third section, our approach to image
segmentation and scene interpretation is discussed.
Section 4 gives an overview of our robotic human-
oid platform. The fifth section presents our initial
results and the paper concludes with section 6.
One of the latest research directions on the field of
SLAM is the so-called semantic SLAM. The con-
cept may be perceived as being very important for
future mobile robots, especially the humanoid ones,
which will interact with humans and perform tasks
in human-made environment. In fact, it is this inter-
action, which is one of important motives for em-
ploying semantics in robotic SLAM as humanoids
are particularly expected to share the living space
with humans and to communicate with them.
Maximilián Ramík D., Sabourin C. and Madani K. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 360-363
DOI: 10.5220/0002912303600363
One way of adding semantics to SLAM may be
the introduction of human spatial concepts into
maps. Humans usually do not use metrics to locate
themselves but rather object-centric concepts (“I am
near the sink” and not “I am on [12, 59]”) and they
fluently switch between reference points rather than
using global coordinates. Moreover, the presence of
certain objects is often an important clue to recog-
nize a place. This problem is addressed in
(Vasudevan, et al., 2007). Here, the world is repre-
sented topologically; place recognition is performed
based on probability of presence of objects in an
indoor environment. The work shows a study aimed
to understand human concepts of place recognition.
It proposes that humans understand places by pres-
ence or absence of significant objects. Place classifi-
cation by presence of objects has been used by
(Galindo, et al., 2005), where low-level spatial in-
formation is linked to high-level semantics. Their
robot has interfaced with humans and performed
tasks based on high-level commands involving ro-
bots “understanding” of the meaning of place names
for path planning. However, object recognition is
black-boxed here. In (Persson, et al., 2007) a system
is developed to map an outdoor area, generating a
semantic map with buildings and non-buildings
labelled. In (Nüchter, et al., 2008), a more general
system is presented with a robot equipped by a 3D
laser scanner evolving in an indoor environment and
constructing a 3D semantic map. The processing is
based on Prolog clauses enveloping pre-designed
prior knowledge about the environment enabling the
robot to reason about the environment. In (Ekvall, et
al., 2006), object recognition is performed by a robot
equipped by a laser range finder and a camera. A
semantic structure is extracted from the environment
and integrated to robots map. Another semantic
mapping technique is shown in (Meger, et al., 2008)
including an attention system.
Section 2 showed the pertinence of semantic SLAM
for state of the art robotic mapping. It is this field, on
which we are focusing our research. Our motivation
comes from the natural ability of human beings to
navigate seamlessly in complex environments. To
describe a place, we use often very fuzzy language
expressions and approximation (see (Vasudevan, et
al., 2007)) in contrast to current SLAM algorithms.
An interesting point is that people are able to infer
distance of an object using its apparent size and their
experience of object’s true size. Recognition of
objects and understanding their nature is an integral
part of “human SLAM”. We believe that application
of semantics and human inspired scene description
could bring a considerable benefit in development of
robust SLAM applications for autonomous robotics.
For scene interpretation, the image has to be
segmented first. Although many image segmentation
algorithms exist (see (Lucchese, et al., 2001) for a
reference), not all are suitable for mobile robotics
due to need of real-time processing. We implement a
fast algorithm that breaks the input image into parts
containing similar colors with less attention to the
brightness. We have chosen the YCbCr color model
with Y channel dedicated to the luminance compo-
nent of the image and other two channels Cb and Cr
containing respectively the blue and the red chro-
minance component. Unlike RGB, the YCbCr model
separates the luminance and the color into different
channels making it more practical for our purposes.
Our algorithm works in a coarse-to-fine manner.
First, the contrast is stretched and median filter is
applied to the Cr and Cb components. Then the first
available pixel not belonging to a detected compo-
nent is chosen as a seed point. Eq. 1 captures how a
seed point is used to extract the segment of interest
(S). P stands for all the pixels in the image, whereas
p is the actually examined pixel. Predicate C is true
if its arguments (p, p
) are in four-connectivity. I
stands for the pixel’s intensity. Seed pixel is denoted
by p
. A pixel of the image belongs to the segment S
if the difference of intensities of the current and the
seed pixel is smaller than a threshold and there exists
a four-connectivity between it and the seed pixel
pP; C(p, p
) & |I(p) – I(p
)| < ε p S .
Using this on both chroma sub-images we obtain
segments denoted as S
and S
. A new segment S
is then obtained following Eq. 2 as the intersection
of segments found on both chroma sub-images with-
out pixels already belonging to an existing segment
S = S
- S
. (2)
At the end of the scan, a provisory map of de-
tected segments is available, but the image is often
oversegmented. In the second step, all the segments
are sorted by their area and beginning with the larg-
est one the segmentation is run again. This time the
seed point is determined as the pixel from the skele-
ton whose distance to its closest contour pixel is
maximal. By this step, similar segments from the
previous step are merged. The ultimate step is con-
struction of a luminance histogram of each segment.
If multiple significant clusters are found in the his-
togram, the segment is broken-up accordingly to
separate them.
Now, the segments are labeled with linguistic
terms describing their adjacency to each other hori-
zontal and vertical position and span on the image.
The average color, its variance and the compactness
(Q) of the segment is computed following Eq. 3,
where n denotes the area of the segment and o the
number of contour pixels.
Q = 4πn / o
. (3)
These features are used in a set of linguistic
rules - the prior knowledge about the world. The aim
is to determine the nature of segments and their
appurtenance to an object of the perceived environ-
ment. E.g. a compact segment found in mid-height
level surrounded by the wall is considered as a
“window”, small compact segments adjacent to the
floor are denoted a “box”, wide span grayish seg-
ment adjacent to the ceiling is labeled a “wall” etc.
The robotic platform we use is described in this
section. It is based on Nao, a humanoid robot manu-
factured by Aldebaran Robotics
. The robot is about
58cm high with weight slightly exceeding 4kg with
25 DOF. Among others sensors it is equipped with
two non-stereo 640x480px CMOS cameras. For
simulations, a virtual version of Nao is available for
the Webots simulation program developed by Cy-
. For development purposes, we have
chosen URBI language created by Gostai
and aimed
specially to robotics. It allows fast development of
complex behaviours for robots and provides a simple
way of managing parallel processes. LibURBI con-
nectors allow user to develop own objects using so
called UObject architecture and to plug them into
the language. These objects can be developed in
C++, Matlab or Java code. For the demo simulation
presented in the next section, we used the simulated
robot mentioned above and we are going to use the
real one in our further research.
The task itself may be not perceived as being
strictly specific for humanoid robots. However, the
Figure 1: A view of the robot’s random walking sequence.
The left image is the original one. The right one shows
segments detected during the segmentation phase.
motivation to use humanoid robots comes from the
fact, that they are specially designed with the aim to
interact with humans and to act in a human-made
environment. The concepts we are exploiting here
come from human approach to navigation and orien-
tation in the space, thus embedding such human
inspired semantic SLAM capabilities onto a huma-
noid robotic platform seems pertinent to us.
As a demonstration of some of the mentioned prin-
ciples, we present a simulation using Webots, where
a virtual Nao is walking through a room with objects
(cubes) of different colors inside it. The YCrCb
image, acquired by Nao’s front camera is segmented
using our fast segmentation algorithm described in
the precedent section (see Fig. 1). The processing
speed is several tens of ms for a 320x240 frame on a
2GHz CPU Intel C2D.
After having the image segmented, all segments
are labeled and interpreted by a set of prior know-
ledge rules. Segments can be even merged using
these rules to cope with partial occlusions. The “se-
mantic” information is used to approximate the ac-
tual distance of objects. Having an object of type
“window”, its typical size is looked up in the memo-
ry (at this stage, the dimensions are known a-priori
as the actual learning of object sizes is supposed to
be addressed in the future work). The size informa-
tion is used along with the apparent size of the ob-
ject to compute its approximate distance (see Fig. 2).
This is described by Eq. 4 (simplified for horizontal
size only). The distance d to an object is the product
of estimated real width w
of the object and tan-
gent of its width in pixels w
on the image multip-
lied by fraction of the horizontal field of view ϕ and
the width w
of the image in pixels
d = w
* tan ( w
* ϕ / w
) .
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The aim of this calculation is absolutely not to in-
fer the exact distance of an object, but rather to de-
termine whether it is “far” or “near” in the context of
the world. This can help in further process of crea-
tion of the map of the location. Resigning to precise
metric position of every object in the mapped world
and replacing it only by rough metric and human
expressions like “near to” or “beside of” is believed
to enable us to create faster and more robust algo-
rithms for SLAM. Using “object landmarks” to
navigate in an environment is certainly more mea-
ningful that using e.g. simple points as in case of
classical SLAM.
Precise metric information of course has still its
role here, but only in some specific cases like close
obstacle avoidance or disclosure to grasp an object
and notably when the robot is learning typical sizes
of objects to enable inference of their distance when
they are seen again.
Figure 2: The same view as in case of Fig. 1 after the
interpretation phase. Some of the detected objects are
labeled. The opposing wall is labeled also with its approx-
imate distance with respect to the robot.
State of the art techniques have been discussed in
this paper. In spite of a great advance in past years, a
generally usable SLAM solution is still missing. We
identify the pertinence of semantic SLAM for the
future of mobile robotics and we present our initial
research on this field inspired by the human way of
navigation and place description. We show a con-
cept of a prospective semantic SLAM algorithm
driven by object recognition and the use of human
spatial concepts.
For description of a scene by semantic means, a
fast and efficient algorithm for image segmentation
is an important starting point. A part of our future
work will be dedicated to further development of
such an algorithm. Another part of our future work
will be focused on development of algorithms of
semantic SLAM we outlined in this paper. They will
be consequently implanted and verified in an indoor
environment on the real Nao robot.
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