Esteban Robles Luna
LIFIA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
María José Escalona
ETS Ingeniería Informática, University of Seville, Reina Mercedes S/N, Seville, Spain
Gustavo Rossi
LIFIA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina and Conicet, La Plata, Argentina
Keywords: Rich Internet Applications, Web Engineering, Web Requirements.
Abstract: The evolution of the Web has motivated the development of several Web design approaches to support the
systematic building of Web software. Together with the constant technological advances, these methods
must be constantly improved to deal with a myriad of new feasible application features. In this paper we fo-
cus on the field of Rich Internet Applications (RIA); specifically we aim to offer a solution for the treatment
of Web Requirements in RIA development. For this aim we present WebRE+, a requirements metamodel
which incorporates RIA features into the modelling repertoire. We illustrate our ideas with a meaningful ex-
ample of a business intelligence application.
It is widely known that the Web is constantly
evolving. In this evolution, Rich Internet Applica-
tions (RIA) (Duhl, 2003) represent a major break-
through, as they allow combining the typical navi-
gation flavour of the Web with the interface fea-
tures of desktop applications. These applications
allow reducing the communication between clients
and servers since pages (differently from the
“navigational” Web) do not need be fully reloaded
with each user interaction. The emergence of a
well-known set of RIA patterns (Yahoo Patterns)
has additionally defined a small, though complete,
vocabulary for expressing desired interaction func-
tionalities in a software system. It is now common
saying: “this should be an auto-complete field” or,
“we can use hover details for showing this infor-
mation”. Not surprisingly applications stakeholders
also use this vocabulary as part of their require-
ments for a new application.
However, though most Web design methods
have been already extended to cover the scope
of RIA (Meliá, et. al. 2008, Preciado et. al. 2007,
Urbieta et.al. 2007), there is still an important gap
in requirement specification of RIA functionality,
since requirement specification and modelling
languages do not include suitable primitives for
expressing this kind of requirements. In this way,
checking whether a requirement has been fully
implemented becomes a subjective matter, and it is
not possible to automate this process (e.g. by
automatically generating tests from requirement
In this paper we analyze the new kind of re-
quirements that occur in RIA, and how we can
extend an existing approach to specify the behav-
iour of this kind of applications in a Model-Driven
Web Engineering style (Moreno et. al 2007). Spe-
cifically, we use an enhanced version of the We-
bRE metamodel (Escalona & Koch, 2006) to spec-
ify RIA requirements.
The paper has two aims:
We introduce a metamodel for supporting
RIA requirements. The metamodel is im-
Robles Luna E., Escalona M. and Rossi G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 14-21
DOI: 10.5220/0002916800140021
plemented in a suitable UML profile to
support reuse.
We show how to derive a set of interaction
tests from WebRE+ models to validate the
RIA functionality.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents related works in Web requirements,
Model-Driven Web Engineering and RIA. In Sec-
tion 3, the extension of WebRE for RIA, its UML
profile and its implementation in Enterprise Archi-
tect (Enterprise Architect) are presented. Section 4
presents how tests are derived from WebRE+
models. Section 5 shows a case of study with an
example in the Business Intelligence area. Finally
we present the conclusions and future research
work in this project.
The research of this paper is related with research
in two different areas: the specification of Web
Requirements in the context of Model Driven En-
gineering (MDE) and RIA. We analyze both areas
in separate sub-sections.
2.1 Web Requirements Engineering
and MDE
Web engineering is nowadays an important field in
software engineering (Desphande et al. 2002).
However there is an important gap in the treatment
of requirements. In the first design approaches,
OOHDM (Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design
Model) (Rossi & Schwabe 2008), WebML (Web
Modeling Language) (Ceri et al. 2000) or UWE
(UML Web Engineering) (Koch 2008) the main
focus was put on modelling and design issues,
while the requirements phase was almost neglected
as reported in (Escalona et. al 2007).
The importance of a full-fledge requirements
phase is nowadays common in Web methodologies
like NDT (Navigational Development Techniques)
(Escalona & Aragon 2008) or OOWS (Fons et al.
2003). Additionally, some of the previous ap-
proaches started to include their own formalisms
for requirement specification. For instance,
OOHDM was enriched with UIDs (User Interface
Diagrams) (Vilain et al. 2000) or WebML with
business models (Brambilla et al. 2009).
Other relevant problem in the requirements
specification stage is the lack of standards and
therefore the proliferation of proprietary notations;
each approach tends to offer its own notation. To
make matters worse similar formalisms are used in
different approaches with slightly different seman-
tics, or several names are used for the same con-
In order to solve this problem, some authors
have used the concepts in MDE (Atkinson &
Kühne 2003). In this development approach, build-
ing models is the main activity, and software is
built by a series of model transformations ending,
eventually, in a running application. Models are
built using instances of concepts and relationships
which are formally described by metamodels.
In (Escalona & Koch 2006) the authors present
WebRE, a metamodel which defines a set of con-
cepts to deal with requirements in Web Engineer-
ing. WebRE covers each artefact included in most
methodologies such as UWE requirements, UIDs
of OOHDM, W2000 extended use cases and re-
quirements in NDT.
WebRE abstracts the concepts and terminology
used in each approach and defines a common rep-
resentation using shared requirements metamodel;
in this way WebRE allows engineers to work on a
“unified” vocabulary of requirement artefacts in-
stead of using proprietary notations, since as
shown in (Koch et al. 2006) these requirements
artefacts can be translated into analysis models
using model transformations.
In summary, MDE offers a suitable solution for
Web requirements for several reasons:
1. It mainly focuses on concepts; the way to
represent them is a secondary aspect. It
offers a systematic way to translate re-
quirements knowledge into the next
phases in the development life cycle.
2. Additionally, as some relations are de-
fined between requirements and analysis
concepts, it can control the traceability
and the coverage of requirements.
3. Finally, if an UML profile is defined for
the requirements metamodel (as it is in
WebRE), software support tools for mod-
elling activities can be built in a cheap
2.2 Rich Internet Applications
The Web as it was originally conceived has dra-
matically changed since 2003 when the concept of
Rich Internet Applications (RIA) appeared. This
new kind of Web applications mixes the old navi-
gation style of Web Applications with the behav-
iour of traditional desktop applications: client side
feedback, drag and drop features, etc. Since then,
almost any desktop application has a Web counter-
part, allowing users to take advantage of automatic
updates since no instalment is necessary at the
client side. Some examples of Web applications
with RIA behaviour are Google Maps (Google
Maps), GMail and Google calendar (Gmail),
Meebo (Meebo), etc.
As developers faced the same problems repeat-
edly and found good solutions using the concepts
in RIA, some patterns arose. As in the design pat-
terns field, different catalogues showing RIA solu-
tions to abstract problems have been described;
one of the most popular catalogues is the so called
Yahoo Patterns catalogue (Yahoo Patterns). In
contrast with software design patterns, RIA pat-
terns are near to the stakeholder’s perspective thus
they use patterns’ names when they describe spe-
cific RIA requirements. ADV-charts (Urbieta et.al.
2007) were proposed as a modelling approach to
design the structural and behavioural of user inter-
face (UI) elements of RIA applications. However
their level of abstraction (close to implementation)
is inadequate to be used during requirements speci-
In the following sections we describe how we
extended WebRE to include RIA artefacts and how
we derive tests from requirements.
Expressing RIA behaviour and especially RIA
patterns in requirements using a metamodel have
many benefits such as:
Making possible to develop the application eas-
ier by automatically deriving concrete software
Allowing the generation of tests to automati-
cally validate the requirements
Supporting requirements evolution and
Improving traceability between requirements
and the implementation.
In the following subsections we briefly present
WebRE, its RIA extension and the corresponding
UML profile.
3.1 WebRE
WebRE is a metamodel that includes modelling
artefacts to deal with requirements in Web applica-
tions; it uses the power of metamodelling to fuse
different approaches. WebRE was born from the
exhaustive analysis of different Web engineering
proposals that deal with requirements. It unifies the
criteria of these proposals and defines a unified
metamodel for the CIM (Computer Independent
Model) level. It provides a base to decide which
concepts or elements must be captured and defined
in the requirements phase of Web applications. The
metamodel defines each of these concepts and the
relationships between them.
With this unification, WebRE overcomes an
important gap: with the use of a common meta-
model, it abstracts from the multiple notations used
in each approach. Each artefact defined in WebRE
can be mapped to an artefact in each different
approach. Besides, WebRE also comprises an
UML Profile with a concrete syntax to represent
each concept. Thus, a development team can spec-
ify an application’s requirements using the WebRE
profile, and later (when necessary) map them to
concrete model elements to continue with the se-
lected methodology (NDT, UWE, W2000 or
OOHDM). Additionally, it would be possible to
systematically derive the corresponding navigation
models from requirements expressed in WebRE
using suitable transformations.
As a summary, WebRE provides a suitable en-
vironment for Web software development allowing
the specification of navigation requirements of a
Web application. However, WebRE was originally
conceived for Web 1.0 applications and therefore it
does not support specification of RIA behaviours.
The extension proposed in this paper allows the
systematic generation of models for Web 2.0 ap-
plications and the generation of tests to validate the
RIA functionality (Section 4). In the following
sub-section we show how we enriched the WebRE
metamodel with new metaclasses and meta-
associations in order to provide an approach that
covers both: Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 requirements.
3.2 WebRE+
RIA has particular features like sophisticated inter-
active behaviour, client-side feedback of “slow”
operations and different kinds of client-side behav-
iour depending on the occurrence of events, among
others. An example of the last feature is shown in
Figure 1. The line graph shows information about
the progress of the business across the time. As a
consequence of how progress is measure (it re-
quires certain calculations) we only show the final
computed value in the graph. The details of how
those values were computed are shown only when
the user shows interested in it (e.g. when the user
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
puts its mouse over an item). This solution is well
known as a hover detail pattern in the Yahoo Pat-
terns catalogue. This kind of RIA behaviour im-
proves applications usability without polluting the
user interface with lots of information, which could
be unnecessary at first sight. To provide a precisely
specification of this kind of requirement we need
to deal with concepts such as events, UI elements
like buttons, textfields, etc. For this reason we
extended the WebRE metamodel with these con-
cepts as shown in figure 2.
Figure 1: Hover detail pattern on a line graph.
In WebRE+ the original packages, structure and
behaviour, were kept to preserve the mapping
between the concepts present in WebRE+ and its
The structure package includes each concept to
deal with the conceptual aspect of web require-
ments. Since RIA applications mainly deal with
client side behaviour, we add the UIElement meta-
class. Instances of this metaclass are: buttons,
textfields, images, checkboxes, etc. To support RIA
we extended the metamodel with two new meta-
classes: RIASpecification, which represents a defi-
nition of a set of scenarios that a RIA behaviour
must satisfy and RIAScenarioSpecification, which
describes any RIASpecification in a concrete sce-
nario. For example, in the hover detail feature (a
RIASpecification instance), we must specify two
different scenarios (RIAScenarioSpecification
Hover detail appears: When the user puts the
mouse over an item then a UIElement must ap-
pear after 2 seconds. This UIElement must con-
tain a name and a description of the item.
Hover detail disappears: When the user moves
the mouse out of the item then the UIElement
with the details of the item must not be shown.
The behaviour package includes metaclasses to
represent user’s interaction and navigation. We
extended the package with the Event metaclass
which is important to specify different situations
such as: when the user puts the mouse over an
item, when the user types something on a field, etc.
In this case, we differentiate between to different
subclasses: those events which are originated with
the keyboard (KeyboardEvent) and those which are
originated with the mouse (MouseEvent). Also, we
include a new metaclass UIAction which captures
the actions that the user can perform over an ele-
ment in the UI of the application (relationship
between UIAction and UIElement). Instances of
UIAction are “click”, “type keys”, and execution of
one of the actions may produce many events, e.g.
when typing a key on a user interface element
three events are fired onpressdown, onpresskey and
In the following subsection we describe our
implementation of the UML profile in the Enter-
prise Architect environment.
class WebRE+
WebRE Behav iour
WebRE Structure
WebUs er
Nav igation
Brow ser
Ev ent
MouseEv e nt
KeyboardEv ent
1..* 1..*
Figure 2: WebRE+ metamodel.
3.3 A UML Profile for WebRE+
In order to provide editing support for our
approach, we developed an UML profile for We-
bRE+, and implemented it using the Enterprise
Architect tool. The use of UML profiles to provide
class WebRE profile
+ isActive: Boolean
Nav igation
Activ ity
+ isReadOnly: Boolean = false
+ isSingleExecution: Boolean
+ parameterName: string
+ postcondition: string
+ precondition: string
Brow se
MouseEv ent
KeyboardEv ent
Figure 3: WebRE+ profile.
tool supports is being used as a solution in some
Web design approaches like UWE with
MagicUWE (MagicUWE) or NDT with NDT-
Profile (NDT-Profile).
In figure 3 we present the profile for WebRE+.
As WebRE has its own profile, we only show our
extension; that is, the metaclasses we have added
to create WebRE+.
Each metaclass of WebRE extends an UML
metaclass. Thus, we map our artefacts onto UML
ones and define for them a set of characteristic that
we could, even, improve with specific tag values or
In figure 4, we show an example work screen
of WebRE+ in Enterprise Architect.
On the left, we can see a special toolbox for
creating instances of the metaclasses. The user can
select each WebRE+ artefact to deal with it in his
diagrams. In figure 4, a WebUser instance (We-
bUserExample) and a RIASpecification instance
(RIASpecification) example is presented. As RI-
ASpecification is defined as an extension of the
UseCase metaclass, it could be related with a User,
like WebUserExample.
Requirements validation is usually a hard and time
consuming task which is performed by a quality
assurance team after the application has been im-
plemented. Generally, it is done manually (because
requirements are captured using informal docu
ments such as Use Cases or User Stories), by creat-
ing a set of tests that validate the requirements. The
tests are run and if they pass, then the application
can be deployed to production.
Using the formal definition that WebRE+ pro-
vides, we can use the requirement specification to
derive these tests automatically thus reducing the
time spent on the process and bridging the gap
between requirements and tests. The process trans-
forms a WebRE+-based model into a test model
(Figure 5) that is independent of the platform. The
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: The WebRE+ profile in Enterprise Architect.
transformation process follows these steps:
1. For each RIASpecification:
a. Create a test suite.
b. For each RIAScenarioSpecification:
i. Create a test.
ii. Add the actions of the scenario in the test.
iii. Add an assertion for the post condition of
the scenario.
The test model is then transformed into a con-
crete test implementation. So far, we have use
Selenium (Selenium) for this purpose, although we
could use a different framework such us Watir
(Watir). We have chosen Selenium because it is
one of the most popular testing frameworks that
simulate user input and it is widely used in indus-
trial settings. Also, a selenium test could be written
in almost any programming language and run on a
selenium server whereas Watir depends on Ruby.
In the following section we illustrate the use of
the metamodel with a specific RIA requirement in
the context of a Business Intelligence application
showing how we specify it using WebRE+ and
how tests are derived to Selenium.
The business intelligence area is an example of
how to use RIA to improve the user experience.
For example, Pentaho BI suite (Pentaho) uses the
Web environment to show data and allows users to
execute queries to the data warehouse. A line
graph that shows the progress of the business (Fig-
ure 1) could provide details about each value
shown using the hover detail pattern.
Let’s suppose that we are developing a Busi-
ness Intelligence Web application for a company
whose core business is organizing campaigns for
different customers and providing summary reports
to them. To improve the usability of the summary
report which contains the line graph of Figure 1,
we would like to add hover details to the items to
show how those values are computed. For exam-
ple, on a particular day there have been 3245 clicks
and 15687 impressions so the CPC (Cost per click)
is 0.34.
As on every RIA pattern, there are some features
that can be configured and should be specified
during the requirement elicitation phase. A simpli-
fied instance model of the WebRE+ specification
for this requirement is shown in figure 6. The
model shows that when the item receives an on-
mouseover event, a detail of the item must be
shown in the page in less than 2 seconds. This
widget must contain a label with the money used in
the campaign and the number of clicks.
Figure 5: Test model.
The WebRE+ instantiation describes the possible
scenarios that the RIA behaviour must satisfy.
Using the transformation explained in Section 4 we
transform this model into an instantiation of the
test metamodel and then we derive the test suite to
the Selenium framework. The derived tests are
shown next:
Test 1
(01) s.open(reportURL);
(02) s.mouseOver("id=item1");
(03) Thread.sleep(1000);
(04) assertTrue(s.isElePresent("id=d1"));
Test 2
(01) s.open(reportURL);
(02) s.mouseOver("id=item1");
(03) Thread.sleep(1000);
(04) s.mouseOut("id=item1");
(05) Thread.sleep(1000);
(06) assertFalse(s.isElePresent("id=d1"));
The test suite contains 2 tests, one for each sce-
nario described in the WebRE+ model of figure 6.
The first test opens the report (line 1), passes the
mouse over the item (2) and waits till the item
detail is shown (3), then the assertion verifies that
the detail is present (4). The second test opens the
report (1), passes the mouse over the item (2) and
waits till the item detail is shown (3). Then the
mouse is put out off the item and waits (4 and 5)
and the assertion verifies that the detail is not pre-
sent (6).
Figure 6. Hover detail’s specification in WebRE+.
In this paper we presented a metamodel for captur-
ing RIA requirements. The metamodel allows us to
express different well known RIA patterns such as
those in the Yahoo patterns catalogue. The meta-
model has been implemented as a UML profile and
used within the EA environment to capture differ-
ent RIA requirements in the context of a business
intelligence application.
We still need some further work on some of the
motivations of using metamodels to capture RIA
requirements. In this matter we are working on
deriving part of the RIA functionality using well
known Javascript libraries such us YUI or ExtJS.
Finally, because of this kind of requirements not
only affect the UI part but also the software
backend, we are trying to indicate which part of the
functionality could not be implemented automati-
cally and thus needs manual intervention from
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
This research has been supported by the project
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