Alfonso Muñoz, Justo Carracedo Gallardo
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación
Departamento de Ingeniería y Arquitecturas Telemáticas, Carretera de Valencia Km. 7, 28031 Madrid, Spain
Irina Argüelles Álvarez
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación
Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología
Carretera de Valencia Km. 7, 28031 Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Linguistic Steganography, Automatic generation of stegotext, Stelin.
Abstract: The automatic generation of stegotexts is an area of research within linguistic steganography with a great
interest. Different proposals have been published about the development of stegotexts with statistical and
linguistic validity in natural language but, unfortunately, the stegotexts generated following some of these
procedures suffer from different types of lexical, syntactic, semantic problems or problems of global
coherence that would eventually lead the automatically generated texts to be detected by a human reader.
This article presents an improved implementation of an algorithm of N-Gram statistic imitation and
introduces a new concept of manual edition of the stegotexts generated, based on the idea of templates. This
procedure permits the creation of high quality stegotexts to hide a small quantity of information, hundreds
of bits, useful to distribute a symmetrical key, a short message, an url, etc. The procedure developed in the
article can be applied to different languages, but here, its usefulness is demonstrated for Spanish. The Stelin
tool is presented free at
Using a N-Gram model (the statistics that guides the
relation between words and collocations in a
language) to conceal information can be very
productive today. In the following subsections, a
series of improvements applied to Wayner’s model,
mimic function, (Bergmair 2007) are commented and
the concept of manual annotation is introduced. As
an example, fragments of stegotexts in Spanish are
included. Spanish language was chosen because it is
a language spoken by more than 400 million people
in the Internet and because it is the native language
of the authors. A similar reasoning can be followed
for other languages as for example, English.
1.1 Improving Lexical and
Grammatical Quality of the
Generated Stegotext
The tests carried out indicate that it is more useful to
measure the statistics of every "word" of the training
text instead of every "letter" (in Wayner's original
idea). This change implies a lexical and grammatical
improvement of the generated stegotexts quality, at
least in Spanish language. In the same way, the use
of the punctuation marks (.:; ¿?!, etc.) as individual
words, separating them if they are joined to another
word, not only influences the grammatical
improvement of the generated stegotext but it also
facilitates the concealment of more information. For
example, if we consider the phrase: "The sky is
cloudy.", it is more probable that possible following
words are written after the full stop rather than after
the word "cloudy.", and following Wayner's idea, if
the number of following words is higher, more
Muñoz A., Carracedo Gallardo J. and Argüelles Álvarez I. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 209-212
DOI: 10.5220/0002918202090212
information could be hidden. Having in mind these
principles the following algorithm is defined:
1. Create a root table with all the different
existing words in the training text. Every entry of the
table will connect to another table (level) that
contains the words that can follow it and this way
recursively up to an order N (Figure1). With this
information make a Huffman tree for each level.
2. A "word" is selected at random from the root
table. This selection allows for the same training text
to generate different stegotexts.
3. If the word does not have successors, it does
not point to another node, another term in the root
table is chosen. If the node only has a successor
word, this word is added to the stegotext and the
following available node is chosen. Information
cannot be concealed in this case. If the successor
node has several possible words among which to
choose, choose one with a binary code (path of the
Huffman’s tree) that coincides with the information
to be concealed. After, the following available node
is chosen.
4. If the last node is reached (order n=8, for
example, 8 consecutive words) the last word is
selected for the stegotext and back to step b). This
process is repeated until the stegotext that conceals
the information is generated.
5. The receiver needs to build the table of
frequencies of the selected training text to know the
bits that conceal every word of the received
Although this variant generates stegotexts of
larger size, it is easier to obtain texts with lexical and
syntactic validity (Figure 2). The tests carried out
indicate, at least in Spanish language, that in general,
an order 7 or higher provides lexical and syntactic
reasonable results. Also, following the results of
tests carried out, a higher order than 7 or 8
(depending on the training text) can be sufficient. In
fact, over this order the generated stegotext does not
improve substantially its linguistic appearance
whereas its size is substantially bigger.
The importance of the statistical imitation is that
on having imitated statistics, the linguistic validity
of the training text would be imitated. Depending on
the channel used to transmit it, the stegotext should
keep the statistical conditions and those linguistic
properties typical of the channel not to raise
Figure 1: Example of implemented algorithm in Stelin.
1.2 Manual Annotation and Templates
The Stelin tool (Muñoz 2009) developed generates
automatically stegotexts in natural language based
on the statistical imitation (N-Gram) of one or more
training texts, known only by the transmitter and the
receiver. The transmitter and the receiver only need
to keep the training sources private and a
cryptographic key if they want to cipher the
information to be concealed; the rest of the system is
Imitating the statistics of the words in the
training texts leads to stegotexts with better lexical
and grammatical quality. Nevertheless, depending
on the training source, the generated stegotexts still
might have less important grammatical mistakes as
for example question marks that are opened but are
not closed, as well as possible problems of global
coherence which is a main problem in the science of
linguistic steganography. An interesting idea, while
an algorithm that solves the above mentioned
problems is obtained, would be editing the
stegotexts generated after their generation to correct
those mistakes. In general, this procedure has the
fundamental problem of synchronization with the
receiver, that is to say, introducing changes in the
generated stegotext implies that the receiver must
know what changes have been made in order not to
have problems in the recovery of the secret
information. Up to what is known, solutions have
not been published in this respect, though there are
solutions that permit to improve the quality of the
stegotext in the process of generation (Bergmair
2007). The proposed idea consists of improving the
linguistic appearance of the generated stegotext a
posteriori without the need that the receiver has any
additional information about the changes. This idea
can be put into practice with the Stelin tool with a
series of considerations and limitations.
Let's think for a moment about the structure in
the example in Figure 1. A piece of information is
hidden by means of the selection of a word among
the available ones in the following level. That is to
say, if the word “La” (the) is selected, the following
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
word might be “habitación” (room) (bit 0), "había”
(had) (bit 10), “limpió” (cleaned) (bit 11) depending
on the bits to be concealed. The receiver would
construct the frequency table as the transmitter and
would relate the words in the stegotext received with
the generated table. The receiver would know that
the words "La habitación", “La había” or “La
limpió” hidden one bit (0) or two (10-11)
The receiver might operate not considering the
words that are read until one finds one of the
possible words at the level of the linked list where
we are. This small not published detail, permits the a
posteriori manual improvement of generated
stegotexts by the transmitter without involving the
receiver. The only condition is that the transmitter
can use any word that one cannot find in the
following level so that the receiver does not lose
synchrony. That is to say, in the previous example
among the words that conform the pairs "La
habitación”, “La había”, “La limpió”, one might use
any word that was not “habitación”, “había” or
“limpió”. This way, the transmitter can correct
possible grammatical mistakes and improve the
coherence of the text without any need that the
receiver has this information. For example, if we
conceal a small information of 126 bits, using an
order 9 and Antonio Machado's complete poetry as
training text we would obtain among the possible
stegotexts one like the following one:
[…] suena el rebato de la tarde en la arboleda!
Mientras el corazón pesado. El agua en sombra
pasaba tan melancólicamente, bajo los arcos del
puente al ímpetu del río sus pétreos tajamares; […]
Figure 2: Stegotext that conceals 126 bits. Order 9. Clave:
Alfonso. Training source Antonio Machado's complete
As it can be observed, this stegotext has a series
of small grammatical mistakes (we leave aside
problems of global coherence), for example in the
fragment“la tarde en la arboleda! Mientras (the
evening in the grove! While[…]), a word with a
capital letter that is not preceded by a full stop and a
question mark closed but not opened before. To
solve these problems the Stelin tool generates a
template with the possible words in every level, so
that the transmitter could select the words to be
added among the words of the stegotext, words that
will be rejected by the receiver. For example, we
select the fragment: “de la tarde en la arboleda!
Mientras el corazón” (of the evening in the grove!
While the heart"). Let's see an example of the
generated template:
[WORD:arboleda] [arboleda]
[WORD:!] [!]
[WORD:Mientras] [Mientras]
Bearing this in mind we edit the fragment.
Among the multiple possible options we choose the
following one:
“tarde en la dulce arboleda, ¡qué sensación!.
Mientras el corazón” (late in the sweet grove, what
a sensation!. While the heart)
This so simple way the quality of the generated
stegotext can be improved substantially, for
example, solving problems derived from punctuation
marks or others. The modification of the stegotexts
by this procedure needs a bit of practice. Thankfully
in the texts in natural language in Spanish (and in
other languages) the words have certain positions,
that is to say, it is more probable that certain words
appear after others (Zipf law) and it is more probable
that more words appear after some others. In
general, there would be few words after which it
would be difficult to choose a new word because
there are many options in the level of the
corresponding table, and many words after which
few options will exist so there will be easier to add
new words. For example, in texts in Spanish
language words as de, la que, el, en, y, a, los, etc,
are more probable, then it is more probable that
there are more words that can appear with these. If
we concentrate on the previous example “de la tarde
en la arboleda! Mientras el corazón” (of the evening
in the grove! While the heart ") it would turn out to
be trivial to add information before the article “el”
(the) but more difficult to find words after this word
and before the word “corazón” (heart). Bearing this
principles in mind can help to reduce the time and
the positions where it is better to work to correct the
possible grammatical mistakes. So it is possible to
automatically generate stegotexts, at least in Spanish
language, and to correct the mistakes manually
without involving the receiver and obtaining
stegotexts with a quality more than average.
Nowadays the concealment of information with
the Stelin tool has a capacity of approximately 1
WORD-2 BIT (it depends on the training text and on
the information to be concealed), this capacity of
concealment diminishes depending on the number of
words that are added by means of manual edition.
To conceal information over a hundred bits the
generated stegotexts will be of large size (it depends
on the size and on the "quality" of the training texts)
and therefore the manual edition will take a
considerable amount of time. Nevertheless, another
function of the tool is possible taking advantage of
the manual edition characteristics. The procedure
would consist in the generation of "bad quality"
stegotexts but with the quality of occupying little
space. Provided that we can modify the resultant
stegotext we might use a very low order (what
would produce a bad quality stegotext) to generate a
small size stegotext to improve it manually later. In
addition, it would turn out to be simpler, when the
generated stegotext had fewer words, to make a
substantial improvement of the global coherence
(Figure 3 and 4).
está bien visto bastante por la puerta del salón
del trono. El hombre no se podía dejarlas salir de la
mano, y la cabeza, la idea de si no me pareció tan
grande como si no me apetecía estar ni nada de los
que le hizo un gesto de asombro, Marla se
Figure 3: Created stegotext that conceals 126 bits. Order 3.
52 words. 2,4 bits/Word. Training source: Antonio
Machado's Complete Poetry.
está bien visto sus modales por bastante gente,
especialmente cuando luce sus encantos por la
puerta del salón del trono. El hombre no se
esconde, es más podía ser el amante perfecto
enamorando a las mujeres sin dejarlas decidir. Es
famosa la doncella que no quiso salir de la mano
con él, y orgullosa levantó la cabeza, la valiente
Marla. Una idea disparatada de asombrosa
valentía. Soy el narrador y si no lo escribo morirá
está hazaña, una hazaña que me pareció tan grande
como si un animal hablara. Es extraño, no me
apetecía estar callado ni guardar silencio, […]
Figure 4: Stegotext of the Figure 3 with manual annotation
and coherence. 128 words. 1 bit/word.
her modals are well seen by most people,
especially when she shows her charms through the
throne-room door. The man does not hide, what is
more, he could be the perfect lover, making women
fall in love without letting them decide. Famous is
the lady who did not want to walk hand in hand with
him and proud raised her head, brave Marla. An
absurd idea of amazing courage. I am the narrator
and if I do not write it, the heroic deed will die, an
heroic deed that I thought to be so incredible as if an
animal talked. It is strange, I did not feel like being
quiet or keep silent, [...]
Figure 5: Stegotext of the Figure 4 in English.
Approximate Translation.
As it can be observed, even generating bad
quality stegotexts (low order or as a result of a bad
selection of the training source) the use of templates
can help not only to correct grammatical mistakes
but also to provide coherence to the text. As it can
be seen, if the chosen order is high (7 or more) the
correction of the texts will be faster (as fewer
mistakes exist) though the generated stegotext will
be larger. On the contrary for low orders (for
example, N=3) the text will be smaller but the
correction will need of more time and possibly it
will be necessary to add more words.
Linguistic steganography is a science that in the last
years is arousing the interest of the scientific
community due to its enormous potential.
This article has presented the Stelin tool that
implements a series of improvements of a stegotext
generation automatic algorithm based on N-GRAM
statistical imitation. A new concept has been
introduced, that of stegotexts manual correction that
allows the correction of grammatical mistakes and
even to improve the coherence of the generated
stegotexts by means of the use of templates.
In the practice good quality stegotexts are
obtained but it is necessary to invest a lot of time (it
depends on the “writing skills” of every transmitter)
to conceal more than one hundred bits
(cryptographical keys, urls, mobilization messages,
GPS coordinates, etc) by means of manual edition
(more time for low order). In any case, the quality of
the stegotext can always be modified and perfected
by the transmitter. If the information to conceal is
important might be that the invested time was worth.
The transmitter and the receiver must share a
cryptographic key if they want to cipher the
information and one or more training texts. In the
case that the training texts were compromised, they
would always have the option to change without any
problem choosing new texts with which to work.
Today it is not clear if it is possible to obtain
secure automated procedures of linguistic
steganography that allow to conceal thousands of
bits. Meanwhile Stelin can be a good tool to obtain
stegotexts of a reasonable quality.
Bergmair, R., 2007. A comprehensive Bibliography of
Linguistic Steganography. SPIE International
Conference on Security, Steganography, and
Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, volume 6505,
January 2007.
Muñoz, A., 2009. The Stelin Tool http://
stelin.sourceforge. net
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography