An Empirical Study
Janina Voigt, Warwick Irwin and Neville Churcher
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Keywords: Encapsulation, Encapsulation boundary, OO design, Information hiding.
Abstract: Two schools of thought underpin the way OO programming languages support encapsulation. Object encap-
sulation ensures that private members are accessible only within a single object. Class encapsulation allows
private members to be accessed by other objects of the same class. This paper describes an empirical inves-
tigation into the way encapsulation is used in practice in class encapsulation languages C# and Java. We
find arbitrary and inconsistent programming practices and suggest that object encapsulation is more intuitive
and provides OO design advantages.
‘Programming is about managing complexity
(Eckel, 1998, p6). Complexity can be controlled by
decomposing software into pieces with high cohe-
sion and low coupling (Yourdon, 1979). The infor-
mation hiding principle advocates encapsulation of
implementation decisions so that they can be
changed without impacting the rest of the program
(Parnas, 1972). Only relatively stable features of a
program should remain externally visible. The Sta-
ble Abstractions Principle reinforces this aspect of
information hiding (Martin, 1997), and the funda-
mental Computer Science concept of Abstract Data
Types applies the principle to data structures.
Encapsulation is the core programming language
mechanism that supports these design principles,
making it perhaps the most important semantic char-
acteristic of programming languages. Because it is
so fundamental, we might expect a clear consensus
on how programming languages should support en-
capsulation, and on how encapsulation mechanisms
should be employed. Among OO programmers,
however, we have found a surprising lack of accord
over even the most basic of encapsulation questions
(Voigt, 2009). What level of protection (private,
package, etc) should be used for attributes?
Should accessors be provided? If they are, should
they also be used by an object to access its own
data? Should subclasses call them?
In languages such as Java, novices are commonly
advised to declare attributes private, and to write
getters and setters, which may be public. C# goes
further and supports property syntax (Hejlsberg,
2008). This mechanical exposing of attributes
through accessor methods undermines information
hiding. A definitive characteristic of OO is the
closeness of methods to the data on which those
methods operate. The use of accessors is a sign that
data is being manipulated outside its owner object.
The Tell, Don’t Ask principle (Hunt, 1998) advises
designers to avoid using getters and operating on the
returned data, and instead to instruct the object that
already contains the data to do the work. The Law of
Demeter (Lieberherr, 1989) effectively prohibits the
use of getters; an object may use only its own data,
local variables and parameters.
Encapsulation is considerably more complex in
the presence of inheritance. The use of protected
access is controversial. Riel, as one of his ‘golden
rules for OO design’, advises designers to ‘avoid
protected data’, and instead make it private
to its class (Riel, 1996). Holub states that ‘pro-
tected data is an abomination’ (Holub, 2003).
However, other OO cultures encourage or enforce
the opposite rule. In Objective C the default access
to attributes is protected. In Smalltalk inherited
properties can’t be hidden; all data is implicitly
protected. But Smalltalk programmers do not
describe encapsulation in these terms. On the con-
trary, they describe data as private, but to an object,
not a class.
Voigt J., Irwin W. and Churcher N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 171-178
DOI: 10.5220/0002924701710178
Rogers states that encapsulation means only group-
ing of properties and that hiding is an orthogonal
concept (Rogers, 2001). In this paper we use its con-
ventional meaning of both grouping and hiding. A
suitable definition is (Booch, 2007):
The process of compartmentalizing the
elements of an abstraction that constitute its
structure and behavior; encapsulation serves to
separate the contractual interface of an abstraction
and its implementation.
In non-OO systems, the encapsulation boundary is
normally around modules. OO languages variously
place the boundary around objects or classes.
Smalltalk, arguably the archetypal OO language,
uses object encapsulation, as Goldberg and Robson
explain (Goldberg, 1989):
The set of messages to which an object can
respond is called its interface with the rest of the
system. The only way to interact with an object is
through its interface. A crucial property of an
object is that its private memory can be
manipulated only by its own operations. A crucial
property of messages is that they are the only way
to invoke an object’s operations. These properties
insure that the implementation of one object
cannot depend on the internal details of other
objects, only on the messages to which they
respond. Messages insure the modularity of the
system because they specify the type of operation
desired, but not how that operation should be
Unlike Smalltalk, C++ augmented an existing
language which used an encapsulation approach
based on static modules, and so it is perhaps unsur-
prising that it (and subsequently Java and C#) use
class encapsulation: ‘Note that in C++, the class—
not the individual object—is the unit of encapsula-
tion’ (Stroustrup, 1997, p754). Objects of the same
class can access each other’s private properties,
as shown in the following Java code, adapted from
Stroustrup’s example:
public class Node {
private int data;
private Node next;
public boolean find(int d) {
for(Node n=this; n!=null;
if( return true;
return false;
When inheritance is used, the class encapsulation
boundary bisects objects, so that one part of an ob-
ject cannot access other (inherited) parts of the same
object. Protected access approximates object
encapsulation within an object, but still allows ob-
jects of the same class to access each other’s inter-
nals. Although Stroustrup introduced protected ac-
cess (he credits Mark Linton as co-inventor), he is
unconvinced about its merits (Stroustrup, 1994):
The alternative to protected data was claimed to
be unacceptable inefficiency, unmanageable prolif-
eration of inline interface functions, or public data.
Protected data, and in general, protected members
seemed the lesser evil. Also, languages claimed
‘pure’ such as Smalltalk supported this—rather
weak—notion of protection over the—stronger—
C++ notion of private. I had written code where data
was declared public simply to be usable from de-
rived classes.
These were good arguments and essentially the
ones that convinced me to allow protected members.
However, I regard ‘good arguments’ with a high
degree of suspicion when discussing programming.
There seem to be ‘good arguments’ for every possi-
ble language feature and every possible use of it. In
retrospect, I think that protected is a case where
‘good arguments’ and fashion overcame my better
judgement and my rules of thumb for accepting new
A similar distaste for protected attributes is evi-
dent in much advice available to OO programmers,
and in the casual way it is supported in Java, where
it also opens properties to package access.
The difference between class and object encapsu-
lation has important consequences for software de-
sign, yet as far as we can tell has largely escaped the
attention of software practitioners. Stroustrup, makes
little of it. Snyder86 (Snyder, 1986) acknowledges
the difference, but says ‘we ignore this distinction in
this paper as it does not affect our analysis’. We
suggest that the validity of Snyder’s argument—that
inheritance is antithetical to encapsulation—hinges
on which encapsulation boundary is assumed.
In his keynote speech to OOPSLA97, Kay fa-
mously said ‘I made up the term object-oriented, and
I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind’. We inter-
pret subsequent passages of Kay’s speech to mean
that the lack of object encapsulation is one of the
main reasons he claims that C++ and Java are not
legitimate OO languages. Kay contrasts a mechani-
cal analogy of software with a cellular analogy:
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: An encapsulation example.
If you take things like clocks, they don’t scale by a
factor of a hundred very well. Take things like cells,
they not only scale by factors of a hundred, but by
factors of a trillion, and the question is, how do they
do it, and how might we adapt this idea for building
complex systems? Okay, this is the simple one. This
is the one, by the way, that C++ has still not figured
out, though.
You must, must, must not let the interior of any
one of these things be a factor in the computation of
the whole. [...] The cell membrane is there to keep
most things out, as much at it is there to keep certain
things in.
The realization here [...] is that once you have
encapsulated, in such a way that there is an interface
between the inside and the outside, it is possible to
make an object act like anything. The reason is
simply this, that what you have encapsulated is a
computer. You have done a powerful thing in
computer science, which is to take the powerful
thing you’re working on, and not lose it by
partitioning up your design space.
This is the bug in data and procedure languages.
I think this is the most pernicious thing about
languages like C++ and Java, that they think they’re
helping the programmer by looking as much like the
old thing as possible, but in fact they are hurting the
programmer terribly by making it difficult for the
programmer to understand what’s really powerful
about this new metaphor.
Object autonomy is indeed important. When
class encapsulation is used to allow one object ac-
cess to another, the accessed object cannot make use
of inheritance to act in its own way. This prevents
use of the open-closed principle (Meyer, 1988), de-
pendency injection (Fowler, 2004) and reduces op-
portunities for software reuse. These are among the
most influential OO design principles.
Figure 1a shows an example UML class diagram.
The classes A to D represent the units of class en-
capsulation. Figure 1b shows the same classes, and a
number of instances, o1 to o4, which represent the
units of object encapsulation. Figure 2 contrasts the
two encapsulation boundaries for the same example.
Class encapsulation boundaries cut through objects,
and also encompass portions of multiple objects.
Figure 2: Different encapsulation boundaries.
Figure 3: Survey results.
In a recent paper (Voigt, 2009) we reported the re-
sults of a survey of the encapsulation preferences of
programmers who use Java and/or C#. The subjects
were drawn from three populations: undergraduate
students, postgraduate students, and professional
developers. As can be seen in Figure 3, we found
different tendencies in the three populations. Novice
programmers showed a preference for object encap-
sulation, despite having been taught that data is pri-
vate to a class in Java. In contrast, most postgradu-
ates embraced the class encapsulation offered by the
programming languages. Professionals showed di-
verse preferences. All three populations exhibited a
degree of confusion over encapsulation boundaries.
(a) An example class
(b) Classes and some in-
The survey confirmed our expectation that novice
programmers find object encapsulation more intui-
tive. This is not greatly surprising, given the paral-
lels between OO and real-world classification. Coad
and Yourdon (Coad, 1991) quote the 1986 Encyclo-
paedia Brittanica entry on Classification Theory
(Brittanica, 1986):
In apprehending the real world, [people]
constantly employ three methods of organisation,
which pervade all of their thinking:
1) the differentiation of experience into particular
objects and their attributes—e.g. when they
distinguish between a tree and its size or spatial
relations to other objects.
2) the distinction between whole objects and their
component parts—e.g. when they contrast a
tree with its component branches, and
3) the formation of and the distinction between
different classes of objects—e.g. when they
form the class of all trees and the class of all
stones and distinguish between them.
This is what makes object encapsulation intuitive; it
echoes the boundaries between real-world objects.
We wrote a static analysis tool to measure encapsu-
lation in Java programs, to determine what develop-
ers do in practice, as opposed to what they say they
do. We addressed encapsulation of data in the first
instance; we will expand the study to include
method encapsulation in the near future. Encapsula-
tion of data is more emphatically stressed by OO
design guidelines and more readily grasped by pro-
grammers, so it is likely to support more definitive
Our tool measures two aspects of a program: the
levels of protection accorded to attributes, and the
ways in which attributes are actually accessed. This
allows us to tell, for example, if an attribute has been
given wider scope than is used in practice, such as
when a package-accessible attribute is only ever
used locally in its class.
To characterise protection levels, we count the
number of attributes in a program with public,
package, protected and private access. These
numbers give an overview of how rigorously data is
hidden from the outside world.
Characterising actua l accesses to attributes
ismore complex. Our program accumulates the
number of accesses to public, package, pro-
tected and private attributes that originate
inside and outside the object that contains the attrib-
ute, and the number of accesses that originate inside
or outside the class that defines the attribute. This
allows us to count the number of accesses that cross
both types of encapsulation boundary.
Accesses from outside a class that defines an at-
tribute are easy to find. However, a more sophisti-
cated approach is required to determine if an access
comes from outside an object. Because we perform
static analysis of source code, objects—which are a
runtime concept—do not yet exist and it is impossi-
ble to determine precisely whether a reference refers
to the same object as the one doing the accessing.
We employ a simple heuristic. If an access origi-
nates in a class that is neither the class that defines
the attribute, nor a subclass of the class that defines
the attribute, then the access must come from outside
the object. Otherwise, we check the syntax of the
access code. If it is of the form fieldName (without a
qualifier), this.fieldName or super.fieldName, the
access comes from within the same object. If the
access is of the form qualifier.fieldName, we pre-
sume the access comes from outside the object.
Our tool analyses the data it collects to determine
the degree to which the two types of encapsulation
are used in each program.
We implemented our tool using Java Symbol Ta-
ble (JST) (Irwin, 2007, Irwin, 2003, Irwin, 2005) to
model the semantic structure of a program, including
concepts such as packages, classes, methods, con-
structors, parameters, attributes and local variables.
The relationships between these entities are also
captured by the model.
We used the current version of the Qualitas Code
Corpus produced by the University of Auckland as a
repository of real-world software to be analysed
(Qualitas_Research_Group, 2009). This version of
the corpus contains 100 Java projects of diverse
provenance, including some very well-known pro-
grams such as Eclipse and ANTLR.
For this experiment, we analysed 33 programs
from the corpus; these were the ones for which the
complete source code could be processed by the
current version of our tools (which are compatible
with Java 1.6). A list of the 33 programs analysed
can be found in (Voigt, 2010). We also analysed an
additional 11 programs produced by groups of 6-7
second-year software engineering students as part of
a semester-long project for real clients.
Our experiment has similarities to a recent em
pirical study that measured how often different
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 4: Use of protection levels in corpus programs. Figure 5: Use of protection levels in student programs.
access modifiers are used and how frequently fields
are accessed in the Qualitas Code Corpus (Tempero,
2009). Tempero analysed all programs in the corpus,
but considered only the level of exposure of fields,
and implicitly assumed class encapsulation.
The corpus programs contained 69-2159 attributes,
and 355–10818 accesses. The student programs con-
tained 55–469 attributes, and 208–973 accesses.
Figure 4 and figure 5 show the relative numbers of
different protection levels used in corpus and stu-
dents programs.
Clearly, private is the most frequently de-
clared and the most heavily accessed protection
level. This tendency is more pronounced in student
programs than in corpus programs, where 40% of
attributes are not private. This suggests that stu-
dent programs tend to be more tightly encapsulated.
It is interesting to note that students rarely de-
clared protected attributes and that corpus pro-
grams tended to access protected attributes
somewhat more frequently than other types.
The graphs also show highly diverse encapsula-
tion practices in the corpus programs, particularly
for private data which spans a range from virtu-
ally no use to almost exclusive use.
We found similar levels of variation in the num-
ber of accesses to attributes. Of particular note was:
Unsurprisingly, public attributes were used
heavily from outside their declaring class (cor-
pus 57.5%, student 40.8%), and were also used
heavily internally.
In Java, protected gives access to subclasses
and classes in the same package. In the corpus
subclass access was much more common
(27.9%) than same-package access (5.6%). The
remaining accesses were from within the declar-
ing class. However in student programs, out of
the eight that used protected, two used it as
package access, four as private access, and
two as subclass access. This suggests consider-
able confusion among students regarding Java’s
protected access mechanism.
Package attributes were much less commonly
accessed from outside the class in which they
were declared (averaging 20.1%). Package is
the default protection level, so is used when de-
velopers forget to specify tighter access. Six out
of 11 student programs never accessed pack-
age attributes from outside the declaring class.
Because Java uses class encapsulation, pri-
vate attributes can be accessed from other ob-
jects of the same class. Almost all corpus and
student programs made some use of this, but the
average percentage of accesses to private at-
tributes from other objects was very low (3.0%
and 1.3% respectively).
Figure 6: An over view of access categories.
Figure 6 shows the main categories of access we
measured. Table 1 shows what percentage of all ac-
cesses belonged to each category in the corpus and
student programs. Unsurprisingly, in both popula-
tions the dominant category of access is within the
same object and class. This category does not reveal
anything about encapsulation boundary preferences
as it crosses no encapsulation boundaries. Categories
4 and 5 similarly do not indicate any encapsulation
boundary preference as the accesses cross both kinds
of boundary. Interestingly, category 4 accesses are
much less frequent than category 5, suggesting that
developers are more averse to accessing superclass
data than data in a completely unrelated class.
Table 1: Percentage of accesses by category.
Category of Access
1 Same object, same class 82.6 % 93.7 %
2 Same object, superclass 6.6 % 0.3 %
3 Different object, same class 2.7 % 1.5 %
4 Different object, superclass 0.2 % 0.0 %
5 Different object, different class 7.8 % 4.5 %
Category 2 accesses cross the class boundary but
not the object boundary, indicating the use of object
encapsulation. Category 3 is the inverse, indicating
the use of class encapsulation. In corpus programs,
when an encapsulation boundary preference is evi-
dent, object encapsulation (6.6%) is used more than
twice as much as class encapsulation (2.7%). This is
consistent with our expectations and earlier survey
results showing that object encapsulation is more
In student programs, the number of accesses in
Category 2 and Category 3 suggest the opposite re-
sult: class encapsulation appears to be preferred.
This conflicts with our findings from the survey
where object encapsulation was overwhelmingly
preferred by students. This difference might be ex-
plained by the fact that the scenario in the survey
was simpler, the students’ programs show evidence
of general confusion about encapsulation mech-
anisms in Java, and the total number of accesses in
Category 2 and Category 3 was very low.
Figure and Figure show the relative use of object
and class encapsulation in each of the programs ana-
lysed. Clearly, object encapsulation is preferred by
the majority of corpus programs. Notably, there is
only a single program that clearly uses class encap-
sulation (JFreeChart) but a number of programs use
mostly object encapsulation or a mixture of the two
encapsulation approaches. The majority of student
programs use class encapsulation rather than object
encapsulation. This is consistent with the observa-
tion that students generally avoided the pro-
tected access level, which can be used to support
object encapsulation in languages like Java.
The great majority of accesses in both popula-
tions either cross no encapsulation boundary or both
kinds. No systems measured used either type of en-
capsulation exclusively, although some showed a
strong preference for one or other. The percentage of
accesses crossing a class encapsulation boundary
ranged from 0.3% to 39.9% for corpus programs and
1.3% to 6.1% for student programs. The percentage
of accesses crossing an object encapsulation bounary
ranged from 2.0% to 40.2% for corpus programs and
3.8% to 15.4% for student programs.
Some corpus programs were notable for having
large numbers of accesses from outside both the
class and the object. For example, the highest num-
ber of class and object boundary crossings (39.9%
and 40.2%) occurred in one program: FitJava. This
indicates not only that the encapsulation is very
loose and the data is poorly distributed amongst the
classes because the program’s behaviour is not lo-
cated with the data on which it acts.
Figure 7: Corpus use of object and class encapsulation.
Figure 8: Student use of object and class encapsulation.
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
When protected access is used, it tends to be
used for object encapsulation. For both populations,
the access to protected attributes from outside
the object was less common (8.3% for corpus pro-
grams and 4.5% for student programs) than for at-
tributes with other protection levels.
Encapsulation is a fundamental mechanism for con-
trolling complexity in programs. However, the units
of encapsulation employed by OO programming
languages differ; some languages place the encapsu-
lation boundary around classes, and some around
We measured many Java programs and found in-
coherent encapsulation practices, not only between
programs but within programs. Neither class nor
object encapsulation was practised consistently in
any of the programs. It also appears that common
advice to make attributes private was not consis-
tently followed; on average 58%, and in the worst
case 1.9%, of attributes were private. Student
programs were more tightly and more consistently
encapsulated, no doubt because students had been
instructed to program this way. Even so, students
broke the rule in 17% of declarations.
Protection levels of attributes can be used to en-
force particular encapsulation practices but even in
the absence of these protections the same encapsula-
tion boundaries can be respected by simply choosing
not to access the attributes. We found, however, that
accessible attributes did tend to be accessed. For
example, approximately half the accesses to public
attributes came from outside the declaring class.
Similarly, approximately 30% of accesses to pro-
tected attributes came from subclasses.
The dominant practice is to access attributes from
within the object and class that declares it. Here, the
encapsulation boundary is effectively the intersec-
tion between the object and class boundary. We refer
to this as Intersection Encapsulation. Intersection
encapsulation is likely to be a strategy adopted in
response to the confusion around encapsulation
boundaries. It represents the common ground be-
tween developer’s intuition and the programming
language mechanism for encapsulation. It is safe
because it crosses no boundaries. However, it is re-
strictive because it provides minimal access to at-
tributes, which in turn may lead to heavier use of
accessors and mutators, and hence an effective
weakening of encapsulation.
In those programs which did exhibit a preference
for object or class encapsulation, the majority of
programs tended towards object encapsulation. In
corpus programs, 6.6% of accesses showed an object
encapsulation tendency, while only 2.7% showed a
class encapsulation tendency. This adds weight to
the findings of our previous study.
Class encapsulation allows objects of the same
class to access each other’s private attributes, but
this ability is rarely used in practice. In corpus pro-
grams only 3% of accesses to private fields come
from outside the object. This suggests that there is a
certain level of uneasiness among developers regard-
ing this access mechanism.
Java defaults to package access, which supports
neither object nor class encapsulation. It appears that
in many cases omission of the access modifier is
unintended, particularly in student programs.
In C++ and C# it is possible to grant access to
subclasses exclusively but in Java protected ac-
cess also grants package access. In practice, how-
ever, protected attributes tend not to be accessed
outside the class hierarchy and Java’s protected
mechanism causes confusion among students.
Our ongoing work includes investigating the use
of protection levels on methods in Java to broaden
our understanding of encapsulation practices beyond
attributes. We are also extending our dataset of pro-
grams to include all 100 programs in the Qualitas
Code Corpus.
We are working on tools to automatically tighten
encapsulation so that a consistent encapsulation pol-
icy will be applied throughout a program. These
policies include object encapsulation, class encapsu-
lation and intersection encapsulation.
In the absence of these tools, however, developers
could significantly improve the quality of their pro-
grams by being more aware of their encapsulation
practices and consciously choosing which boundary
to apply.
We would hope that in the future programming
languages will be designed to more closely match
the expectations of programmers. This may be a
relatively simple change to existing languages such
as Java. For example, Java could be made to support
object encapsulation by eliminating syntax that ac-
cesses a field of any object other than this, and
removing the class encapsulation access levels.
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ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering