Jiazao Lin
, Xining Li
and Lian Li
Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: M-commerce, Mobile Agent, Context-aware Workflow, Service Discover.
Abstract: Mobile commerce (M-commerce) is an attractive research area due to its relative novelty, rapid growth, and
great potential in business applications. Unfortunately, there are a number of constraints effecting both
performance and usability of mobile devices and network bandwidth. In addition, existing M-commerce
applications are lack of fully automated business processes and still require significant manual effort. In this
paper we present a general solution of integrating mobile agent and context-aware workflow to implement
automated trading task and compose services dynamically in real time to create a highly personalized
assistant. Furthermore, the proposed context-aware model derives from a set of ontology of descriptive
contextual attribute for knowledge sharing and logical inference. Instead of executing a fully defined
process description, the composite workflow can be executed with forward or backward selection of
services determined at run time. We have carried out an evaluation experiment. The results show that our
proposed solution is feasible and viable.
With the development of Internet and its related
technologies, the most significant change of our
daily lives is the way of conducting business. There
is no doubt that Electronic commerce (E-commerce)
is the most successful model to explore opportunities
and expand business into global commercial market.
It offers new channels and business models for
buyers and sellers to effectively and efficiently trade
goods and services over the Internet Laudon and
Traver, 2006. However; the traditional E-commerce
is based on the client/server approach, which
requires a stable connection between client and
server. Such a requirement makes some restrictions
on the spatial and temporal activities. With various
types of Internet-enabled mobile devices, such as
PDA’s, mobile phones, pocket PC’s, etc., the mobile
Internet is opening the door to numerous new mobile
applications and services that will assist mobile users
to engage in time-critical, goal-driven tasks (Sadeh,
2002). M-commerce has emerged and attracted a
growing number of research efforts recently. The
basic idea of M-commerce is to conduct business
transaction with mobile devices and
telecommunication/wireless networks, either directly
or indirectly (Bai and et al., 2005). It can help
nomadic users to roam a wide range of services and
products over the Internet on an anywhere and
anytime basis. Due to the mobility, personality and
flexibility, M-commerce is likely to become the
main business model in the near future (Ngai and
Gunasekaran, 2007).
One issue which must be considered in the
design of M-commerce applications is the limitation
of mobile environment and interface between users
and applications. In the mobile environment, it is
impossible to retain a long connection between the
client and service providers (Qiang and Hin, 2002)
and it is also unreliable to transfer a huge amount of
data between client and server. Comparing to
applications based on desktop, the mobile handhold
devices have some physical constraints, such as
small screen size, limited battery capability, limited
storage and computing capacity, and low-bandwidth
links with a speed which is slow and varies for
different periods of time. In addition, the nomadic
users need to frequently check trading opportunity
(Mihailescu and et al., 2002), as well as carry out
fuzzy and complex information exchange and
decision-making tasks. Therefore, it leads to the
raise of revenue and creates the risk of missing trade
opportunities if the trade time is constrained by the
Lin J., Li X. and Li L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 109-115
limited availability of physical access to the service
(Kowalczyk and et al., 2003).
Furthermore, It is well-known that an
M-commerce transaction involves a sequence of
activities, such as negotiation, purchasing, shipment,
payment and logistic services. These activities
demand additional features of automation and
optimization. Existing M-commerce applications are
lack of fully automated business processes and still
require significant manual effort.
In order to solve the problems mentioned above,
we propose the concept of integrating mobile agent
and context-aware workflow to implement
automated trading task, and compose services
dynamically in real time to create a highly
personalized assistant. A mobile agent is a
self-contained executable entity which is capable of
autonomously roaming the Internet to access
computing and information resources to carry out
user specified tasks. Deploying mobile agents in
M-commerce could add automatic and intelligent
capabilities to conduct a business transaction (Bădică
and et al., 2005), and offers mobile users the
freedom of connection or
disconnection/reconnection functionality to reduce
network cost and power consumption. Workflow is
the process within a system and the rate at which that
happens. Through workflow analysis, we could
observe and extract how this process takes place and
improve it for efficiency and effectiveness. To
achieve user desired goals, a management
mechanism can be used to aggregate different
business steps into workflows, and automatically
chain multiple services together by using planning
(Chakraborty and et al., 2005). However, existing
workflow management systems lack an appreciation
of the content of a business process and do not make
decisions based on the nature of information being
gathered, that is, many decisions are traditionally
made in the process description at design time. In
our system, we propose to extend workflow systems
to integrate and utilize contextual information
relevant to nomadic user to enhance a higher level of
automation. For an M-commerce application, the
contextual information refers to nomadic user profile
and preference which plays a crucial role in the
simplification of the interaction between human and
the virtual digital world. A general sense of context
awareness refers to the ability of an application to
discover and take advantage of contextual
information (Dey and Abowd, 1999). In our work
the context information involves the Person Profile,
Environment Profile, Current Activity and Context
History. The context-awareness and adaptability
accommodated into the workflow is called
Context-aware workflow, which is defined as the
process of autonomous and adaptive constructing
from atomic services to form a specific, complex
task with contextual information. The objective of
our research is to design a flexible, adaptable mobile
infrastructure to accommodate M-commerce
The reminder of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we will discuss some highlight
concepts and methodologies involved in our system,
such as mobile agent, context model and
context-aware workflow. Section 3 will present our
proposed solution and the layered system
architecture. In Section 4, we show an experiment to
testify the feasibility of the proposed architecture.
Finally, we conclude our work and indicate future
The dramatic evolution of wireless/telecommunication
technologies and mobile computing devices has
attracted many researchers to migrate their interests
from E-commerce to M-commerce. Several
M-commerce platforms have been proposed which
use either traditional client-server model or
agent-based architecture, such as eAuctionHouse
(Sandholm and Huai, 2000) and MAE (Mihailescu
and et al., 2002). Other M-commerce researches
involve mobile advertising, mobile stock trading,
mobile marketing, mobile content distribution, etc.
On the other hand, in order to explore automation
and optimization of business processes, a number of
context-aware applications have been developed to
support service composition, such as CAWE
(Ardissono and et al., 2007) and CACS (Luo and et
al., 2006). However, due to the varity of mobile
devices, evolving wireless and telecommunication
technologies, heterogeneous platforms and existing
and emerging business models, there is still a long
way to go in terms of developing the user friendly
M-commerce applications. Therefore, in our
proposed infrastructure, it will incorporate the
concepts of mobile agent, context aware computing,
web services, workflow, as well as their related
models and methodologies. We will present a brief
overview of these researches, and discuss their
relevance with our system.
2.1 Mobile Agent Technology
Agent technology is a paradigm for structuring,
designing and building systems that require complex
interactions between autonomous distributed
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
components. The agent model has been recognized
as a highly effective implementation technique in
E-commerce or M-commerce (Kotz and Gray,
1999). Especially the mobile agent paradigm has
been deployed as a good candidate to overcome the
limitations of connectivity, latency and bandwidth of
wireless and telecom networks (Hagen and et al.,
1998). For example, a nomadic user can dispatch
mobile agents from a handhold device to perform an
M-commerce application. Once the application has
been launched, the user may disconnect from the
network. The execution results can either be sent
back by mobile agents through SMS/email, or be
collected when the user receives a notice and
reconnects to the network. In order to ease the access
and participation, reduce costs and improve trading
efficiencies, support for automation of
decision-making, our proposed system adopts the
agent technology and deploys two kinds of agents,
namely, stationary agent and mobile agent. A
stationary agent always resides at its host and be
classified as a home agent or a vendor agent. A
home agent is responsible to accept requests from a
mobile user and dispatch corresponding mobile
agents to invoke a trade transaction, whereas a
vendor agent acts as the representative of the vendor
to keep track of all transactions, inquires, and
possible trade negotiation. A mobile agent represents
the “runner”, who roams the Internet to carry out the
assigned task. Obviously, mobile agents must be
lightweight in order to swiftly move across the
network. Mobile agents are initialized and
dispatched by its home agent to migrate to multiple
provider sites and communicate with vendor agents
to perform their tasks. Having finished their assigned
work, mobile agents may move back to the home
server to deliver the execution results.
2.2 Context Model
M-commerce applications have a great demand for
context awareness, that is, a need to exploit various
information in order to adapt application behaviors.
Most existing applications focus on location
awareness, i.e., to provide personalized services
based on the customer’s current position in physical
space. Generally speaking, context could be any
information that is helpful to characterize the
situation of an entity, where an entity can be a
person, a place, a physical or a computational object
(Dey, 2001). In addition, context could be either
explicitly indicated by the user or implicitly
extracted from other information sources. Certainly,
mobile customers want to find the best deal in an
M-commerce environment. The best deal can only
be obtained by appropriately combining information
gathered from various shopping services in the
physical vicinity. To facilitate the development of
extensible and interoperable context aware
applications and make contextual data usable and
sharable by M-commerce applications, it is essential
to have a set of principles for specifying any given
context from any domain. To achieve this, a set of
well-defined, uniform context models and protocols
is required. As a formal representation of entities,
ideas, and events, along with their properties and
relations within a system of categories, ontology
allows sharing a common understanding of
information and deriving additional information
from what is already known (Uschold and
Gruninger, 1996).
Derived from above discussion, we consider the
context as the entire collection of entities and their
properties that can form a meaningful relationship
between mobile users and M-commerce applications.
As a result, we define the context dimensions which
have to be considered in our system. It consists of a
set of elements along four axes, namely, Person
profile (Name, Sex, Nationality, Birthday, Social
Role, Address and Phone, Friend List), Environment
profile(Current Time, Date, Longitude, Latitude,
Weather, Temperature, Light, Noise), Context
history (Visited Webs and Shopping History) and
Current activity. It is worth to note that we only
listed a portion of context in our system, the content
will extended along with the progress of system
2.3 Workflow Management
In M-commerce applications, it is desirable that
business activities to be completed quickly with high
quality and low cost. A well-designed workflow
management system can provide potential
competitive advantage to manipulate a series of tasks
within a business transaction to produce a final
result. In recent years, web services are growing and
evolving rapidly in M-commerce applications. The
development of new service composition by
integrating existing services is generating
considerable interests in business communities.
There are several typical approaches to the web
services composition (Milanovic and Malek, 2004).
However, these conventional workflow management
models and systems do not provide sufficient
characteristics such as automatic composition and
adaptability verification. It is therefore important to
study how to design a workflow management system
which can integrate and utilize context information
in the analysis process and activity enactment.
For this purpose, we propose a context-aware
workflow management system, as an autonomous
and adaptive process which is able to construct a
complex service from atomic activities to achieve a
specific task with contextual information. The
composition service should be executed with the
freedom of forward or backward selection and the
service selection is determined at run time instead of
executing a fully defined process description.
Therefore, we introduce an abstract hierarchy whose
higher-level elements describe the tasks to be
performed in a generic way. The hierarchy consists
of two layers, namely, Abstract Activity and Activity
Flow Description (AFD).
An Abstract Activity is a high-level description of
the capabilities and categorization of an atomic
service with similar functionality. The service
functionality is specified in terms of its inputs,
outputs, preconditions and effects. Each abstract
activity has an associated set of context-dependent
implementations representing the alternative courses
of the action which the service management model
should actuate, depending on the context states. Each
Abstract Activity is associated with a service type.
There are two types of concrete services in our
system, namely, E-service and A-service. An
E-service represents a common web service which
includes the service provider, the purpose of the
service and the method of invocation. On the other
hand, an A-service indicates an agent-based service
which includes the remote agent host, name of the
vendor agent, and the method of agent
communication. To invoke an A-service, a mobile
agent must migrate to the remote agent server and
communicate with the named vendor agent. A
vendor agent is a persistent agent acting as the
representative of the vendor. It provides services
interactively with the mobile agent to implement
authentication, query, negotiation, etc.
An AFD indicates the order of a collection of
activities without the details of execution. It may
contain one or more abstract activities. An abstract
activity is replaced by one of the concrete
implementations at run time. An AFD can also be
predefined, to customize the services requested by
the nomadic users. It is the responsibility of
workflow management system to determine the
actual implementation at execution time based on the
context information. Therefore, it is necessary to
deploy a conceptual level specification language to
describe process product, service and information
flows, including the tasks, the dependencies between
the tasks and the required roles. In our system, we
will employ XML to describe a logical business
transaction. The primary reason is the flexibility
offered by XML in terms of structured multi-object
documents, compact message construction as well as
the wide acceptance of XML as the communication
standard for wireless-based applications.
2.4 Service Discovery
Service discovery has been widely studied to allow
automatic detection of services, especially web
services offered by various service providers. A web
service can be invoked by using a specified protocol,
such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and
has an interface described by Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) and its related
information is published to the Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI). A
service discovery protocol mainly involves
dynamically discover and select the best currently
available service that fits the need of a specific
requirement from user. At this stage, we do not
consider the selection rules and selection policies,
instead, we focus our attention on a novel approach
to discover and select service on the basis of
Abstract Activity and contextual information. To get
the benefits of the web service standardization and to
avoid the redesign of another lookup service we
adopt UDDI registry with some extension.
Concretely speaking, a new tag <AgentService> is
added to a UDDI service registry if the service is an
A-Service, that is, the service is implemented by
agent-agent interaction.
In this stage, we will illustrate a typical control flow
of service discovery and service selection during
execution of an M-commerce transaction. To begin
with, a lightweight mobile agent is dispatched by the
mobile device to deliver a XML-based AFD
message to the Home server. Having received the
AFD message, the Home Agent will transfer the
message to the workflow management system for
further processing. The Service Discovery and
Selection module extracts atomic activities from the
AFD message and uses system defined selection
rules and contextual information to search available
services from the UDDI server. Based upon the
search results, the workflow management system
will hook up a concrete implementation to each
atomic activity, that is, to invoke a web service if the
result returned by discovery module is of type
E-service, or to create a mobile agent if the result is
of type A-service. An E-service will be invoked by
the standard SOAP protocol, while an A-service is
carried out by a mobile agent who migrates to one or
more remote hosts and communicates with various
vendor agents to obtain required services.
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
To support our proposed approach, we are now in
the stage of developing the workflow management
prototype system. The main characteristics of the
prototype design are adaptability and flexibility.
Adaptability is achieved by the context awareness
mechanism embedded in the system. Flexibility is
obtained by the layered architecture, as presented in
Figure 1, where each layer will be wrapped by web
service interface. The top layer consists of two
function modules which reside in the mobile device.
Portal: This module constitutes the interface of the
mobile user and the handhold device. It mainly
encompasses different GUI facilities where the user
can customize tasks by setting preferences,
permission profile and personal information. There
are three major functions in this module: Service
Information model aggregates a series of abstract
activities with similar functions in M-commerce
applications. Activity Design GUI is a tool for the
mobile user to customize an M-commerce
application by setting requirements, preferences, and
permission profile. User Information Panel offers
functionality to manage user’s personal information
and contextual information.
Abstract and Connection: This module serves as the
communication and operation bridge between the
mobile user and the home server and includes two
major functions. Abstract Composition Engine is
responsible to extract abstract activities from user’s
specification and transforms the abstract activities to
an AFD message. Transform Model Engine is used
to transform concrete services into abstractions
which are cached in Abstract Activity Centre.
The middle layer is the core of our system, that is,
the Context-aware Workflow Management, which
involves three main modules:
Service Composition Engine: This module provides
the function of translating the well-defined abstract
Description Level flow into a concrete workflow in
which the required resources will be bound. It
manages, controls the workflow, and designates the
appropriate service to accomplish the task.
Workflow Translation function interprets and
decomposes the AFD message came from the top
layer into a workflow. Logic Control Repository
specifies the business logic of the workflow. XML
parser is used to parse the AFD message. Service
Management maintains service patterns and
templates which are frequently used in M-commerce
applications. Service Discovery and Selection
communicates with UDDI servers, evaluates
application conditions for each candidate service
Figure 1: Overview of the System Architecture.
instance and matches appropriate service to an
atomic activity.
It will consult Context Manager to bind the
context-dependent information to each concrete
service implementation.
Agent Management Engine: This module is
supported by the IMAGO system [X. Li, 2006].
Context Management Engine: The major function of
this module is to gather and process contextual
information. History Profile Repository handles
every activity performed by the nomadic user across
a time span. Context Repository stores all
information related to the mobile user and the user’s
environment. Context Aggregator is used to create
new context space based on the existing knowledge
and updates. Profiles and Preference Management
provides the function of managing the explicit user
profile and interest information in a canonical
method. Profiles and Preference Learning
automatically checks and updates context
information through a learning algorithm, such as
services and web sites visited frequently.
The bottom layer constitutes the Physical Execution
Environment of the home server. In fact, it is a
virtual machine specially designed for M-commerce
The design methodology and system architecture
discussed in previous sections are our ongoing
research project. In order to verify the feasibility of
our design, we have conducted some preliminary
experiments of system components and functions
that are considered to be critical to the viability of
our approach. We will use a simple example to
demonstrate our experiment. Suppose that a mobile
user wants to arrange a trip from Beijing to
Shanghai. The trip schedule contains booking a
one-way flight ticket, arranging airport pickup,
making a hotel and a restaurant reservation. The trip
reservation starts at the handhold device of the
mobile user. At this stage, we have a simple GUI
portal. It should be noted that the prototype at
current phase is neither complete nor user friendly. It
only serves as a meaningful means with visual
representation and guidance to the mobile users for
initiating an M-commerce application. In order to
cope with context information and context
reasoning, we adopt Jena Semantic Web Toolkit to
simulate the workflow management module. In the
prototype experiment, we defined four classes to
simulate and verify the service discovery and
activity execution.
Through this experiment, we believe that our
proposed approach is capable of adapting existing
techniques, such as web service, service discovery,
etc., and generating sufficient information for
context-aware workflow analysis.
In this paper, we presented the design and
architecture which integrates mobile agent
technology and context aware workflow to
accommodate M-commerce applications. The
novelty of our proposal is that it uses an ontological
context model to provide personal and
environmental contextual information and supports
the composition of context-aware services. As a
consequence, it not only utilises existing web service
and service discovery protocol, but also employs
mobile agents to achieve flexible network roaming
for interactive services.
Even though we have completed a few critical
experiments, the whole research project is still in its
very early stage. Our next steps are to complete the
workflow management system and to integrate the
system with a mobile agent infrastructure. In
addition, there are some aspects that should be
further investigated. First, we shall study how to
model user behaviour though data mining and
reasoning, and how to predict the user’s actions
based on various profiles. Secondly, we will
redesign the mobile portal in order to manage the
limited computational resources of handhold devices
and provide a user friendly interface. Thirdly, we
will investigate the development of M-commerce
agents with more intelligent decision-making and
learning capabilities in the context of automated
business transaction.
The authors would like to thanks to the Natural
Science Foundation of P. R. of China (90912003,
60773108 and 90812001) and the Natural Science
and Engineering Council of Canada for supporting
this research.
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