Costin-Gabriel Chiru, Andrei Hanganu, Traian Rebedea and Stefan Trausan-Matu
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Text Recovery, OCR, Natural Language Processing, Probabilistic Parsing, N-grams.
Abstract: In this paper we present a text recovery method based on a probabilistic post-recognition processing of the
output of an Optical Character Recognition system. The proposed method is trying to fill in the gaps of
missing text resulted from the recognition process of degraded documents. For this task, a corpus of up to 5-
grams provided by Google is used. Several heuristics for using this corpus for the fulfilment of this task are
described after presenting the general problem and alternative solutions. These heuristics have been
validated using a set of experiments that are also discussed together with the results that have been obtained.
Lately, there have been a lot of attempts to digitize
the content of some publications – the Gutenberg
Project (, the Runeberg
Project (, or even Google Book
Search ( – in order to
increase their availability to the public and to give
them the possibility of not being forgotten, as
signalled in Baird (2003). The easiest and cheapest
way to do that is to convert the printed papers to a
digital format using OCR (Optical Character
Recognition). The problem with this approach is that
some publications are very old, written on cheap or
partially damaged paper and therefore the quality of
the digital documents produced by the OCR is not
very good. In this paper, we propose a text recovery
method based on a probabilistic post-recognition
processing that tries to identify which are the words
that are missing from the electronic form of the
document. Our method uses the n-grams from the
“Web 1T 5-gram Version 1” corpus (Brants and
Franz, 2006) to predict the words that could fill in
the spaces that have appeared because the words
were not recognized from the original scanned
documents. In the next section we shall present a
short overview and related work in the domain of
OCRs. The proposed approach is presented in the
third section. Finally, Section 4 presents a set of
experiments undertaken to validate our approach.
The paper ends with conclusions and further
The OCR scanning process is affected by two major
factors: the document and the OCR device. The
document which is subject of digitization has the
biggest impact over the precision of the conversion.
An analysis of how the characteristics of a document
may affect OCR accuracy is discussed in (Nagy et
al., 2000). Since the quality of the paper cannot be
improved, some researchers tried to pre-process the
documents in order to allow a better tuning of the set
of the OCR attributes (Khoubyari and Hull, 1996):
the resolution of the scanner measured in DPI, and
the colour depth which can be either greyscale or
colour, with different bit depths.
The text recognition algorithm has also been
intensely improved. An improvement direction was
based on more precise mapping of symbols to
characters. One example for this tendency was
presented by Breithaupt (2001) who used a voting
system between several OCR devices in order to
determine the best mapping. Another example was
given by (Hong and Hull, 1995) that employed a
method for identifying images depicting similar
substrings, this way allowing the elimination of
some of the mapping problems. The other direction
refers to the post-processing of the converted text in
order to search and correct the spelling errors. The
automatic word correction focuses on three
problems as shown in Kukich (1992), non-word
error detection, isolated-word error correction and
Chiru C., Hanganu A., Rebedea T. and Trausan-Matu S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 438-443
DOI: 10.5220/0002932204380443
context dependent error correction. In order to
correct such errors, powerful language processing
tools are needed. Examples of such attempts are
presented in (Meknavin et al., 1998 and Tong and
Evans, 1996), where sequences of parts of speech
are evaluated for likelihood of occurrence and
unlikely sequences are marked as possible errors.
Unlike most of the research that is focused on
improving the detection rate of characters, in this
paper we are focusing on a different aspect: the
recovery of text that cannot be recognized, either
because it is too damaged or simply missing. This
paper tackles the issue of the reconstruction of
damaged documents based on the prediction of the
most plausible word sets that could fill in the
missing areas that resulted from the impossibility of
recognizing the original words used in the
documents. From now on, these missing areas will
be referred to as “gaps”. Every gap has a very
important property that is the most important factor
which influences the accuracy of the recovery
process: its dimension, usually expressed by the
number of characters or words if we consider the
text under analysis as a continuous stream of text.
The solution that we propose in this paper is
intended for the recovery of text chunks that
represent pieces of phrases from the original
document and it is based on two assumptions. The
first one is related to the intra-document similarity:
we assume that a model of the document can be built
based on the existing text and that the missing text
also respects this model. We considered that the
document model has two components: the style
model, representing the structure of the text and the
language model, depicting the vocabulary used by
the author, the n-grams that were built with these
words and the frequency of the n-grams. These two
models are combined in order to identify the word
sets that could fit in the gaps. Two heuristics have
been developed to allow us to benefit from the style
model. Regarding the language model, there is a
problem that sometimes new words that haven’t
been used before in the document could appear in
the gaps, but these words cannot be discovered using
only the language model of the document, since
these words are simply missing from it. This
problem leads us to the use of the Google corpus and
to the second assumption: the corpus dimension is
large enough to subsume most of the language
models of the documents posted on the Internet and
in the meantime, any word that does not appear in
this corpus, should not be considered as a possible
candidate to fill in the gaps.
Considering these two assumptions to be true,
our solution starts with the identified gaps and
follows a few steps in order to identify the missing
words. First of all, the style model of the document
is used in order to identify the dimension of the gap.
Therefore, we consider two heuristics: estimated
character count and estimated word count. The
estimated character count is a numeric value which
is determined based on the margins and indentation
of the recovered document format, on the existing
characters that were correctly identified and that are
in the gap’s vicinity and on some statistical
information regarding the document under analysis
(mean and deviation of the number of characters per
phrase). This value is used to determine a maximum
and a minimum number of characters that could fill
in the gap. The estimated word count is also a
numeric value, which uses the estimated character
count and some statistical information regarding the
mean and deviation of the number of characters per
word and the mean and deviation of the number of
words per phrase observed in the document. This
value is used to determine a range for the number of
words that we are looking for in order to fill in the
Once having estimated the number of words we
are looking for, we are able to start using the
language model. At this point, there are a couple of
heuristics that can be used. First of all, the gaps do
not usually start or end with whitespace characters
representing the limit between distinct words, so one
could scan the document for partial words at the
beginning or at the ending of the gaps. Using both
the n-grams corpus and the words that have been
correctly identified before and after the gap, it is
easier to detect the whole words starting from the
characters representing parts of them. Since the
maximum dimension for n-grams in the corpus is 5-
grams, the detection starts from the previous four
words before the gap in order to identify the first
word missing from the gap. We consider that these
four words represent the starting words from a 5-
gram, and we try to identify which is the most
probable word to follow this combination. The same
method is applied to the next four words after the
gap in order to determine the last word missing from
the gap, considering that these words represent the
ending words from a 5-gram, and trying to detect the
most probable word to precede them. If there is no
5-gram that is composed of the four words preceding
or following the gaps, the same method can be used
for the 4-grams, considering only three words from
the text, and not four like before. This decrease in
the number of considered words can go down to
bigrams, where only the next word after the gap or
the previous one before it is considered. The same
decrease in the order of the considered grams can be
generated by the lack of words between the
beginning of the phrase and the starting of the gap or
between the ending of the gap and the ending of the
phrase. In such cases, only the amount of words that
can be found near the gap is used and the order of
the n-gram is reduced accordingly. All the possible
candidates for the first and last position in the gap
are stored and then the process is restarted for every
one of these candidates using the same
methodology. This way the identification of the
missing words starts from both ends hoping to
merge in the middle. The process will be repeated in
the same manner for all possible branches until one
of the following events occurs for a specific branch:
The number of words or characters from the left-
side and/or the right-side branch do not respect
any more the heuristics built on the estimated
word count or the estimated character count. This
means that branches are too long to be valid
candidates, and therefore these branches can be
A left-side branch matches at some point a right-
side branch. This means that at a moment in
time, the last token added to the left-side branch
will be the same as the mirrored last token added
to a right-side branch, therefore identifying a
valid candidate for the missing words.
The left-side branch has reached an end sentence
mark-up (</S>) and the right-side one has
reached a beginning of sentence mark-up (<S>).
At this point a “partial match” has been obtained,
which contains a possible unrecoverable gap
inside it. Such an inside gap can be disregarded if
the added size of the branches fits in the
estimated character and word count, and
therefore it can be considered a valid candidate.
At some points, some branches will not return
any possible completion values for the order of the
n-gram used at that point. The first thing to be done
is to use a lower-level n-gram until a reasonable
number of candidates are obtained or until reaching
the bigrams. Although this is a problem, much more
often the opposite situation occurs: a very large
number of candidates are generated for each possible
word. Considering that no is the estimated word
count and that min is the minimum number of
candidates generated for each of the no positions of
the gap, around min
candidates are generated.
Since the number of the generated candidates is
exponential, this process is time and space
consuming, and some improvements have to be
made. One idea that could reduce the space of the
candidates is to consider the words’ part-of-speech
(called POS in the rest of the document) and to build
a heuristic that can predict the POS of the expected
word. If the candidate word doesn’t have the
expected POS, then it can be discarded. The faster a
word is discarded, the more reduction it causes. In a
similar way, semantic relations with the context of
the gap are exploited.
After the generation of the valid candidates, the
most probable solution must be chosen. The filtering
from the other possible candidates is done based on
a set of scores computed for each branch according
to some heuristics. One of the possible heuristics
regards the frequency of the n-grams that are built in
the process of words’ identification. The branches
containing n-grams with higher frequencies should
have a higher score, since those combinations are
more probable and are preferred to other less
probable combinations. Another heuristic is related
to the distance between the ends of the gap and the
current word, counted as number of words. This
heuristic should give higher scores to the words
closer to the ends of the gaps, which means that the
earlier a word has been found, the more score gain it
produces, since the words that are used to discover
this new word are more reliable than the words that
are discovered later in this process and are used for
the discovery of the other words. Finally, the length
of the identified branches should be considered, by
normalizing the scores given by the words from each
branch. After all the scores have been computed, the
branch with the best score is chosen.
In order to test the accuracy and the success rate of
the system we started from complete documents and
simulated the results of an OCR given the paper
quality is very bad. For this simulation, various
sections of text have been removed from the original
document. The next step was to fill in the resulting
gaps and to compare the generated solution with the
initial text.
In this section we will present some of the tests
that we made starting from the transcript of the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Wikipedia webpage about Literature: We
considered this document for two important reasons:
the vocabulary that is used in this document is not
general, but domain specific and because it is
available on the Internet, there are better chances
that the n-grams of the document are found in the
corpus. From this document we have randomly
chosen the next phrase, eliminated the 5
, 6
and 7
words – “interpretation is that”, and replaced them
by <gap>:
”An even more narrow interpretation is that
(<gap>) text have a physical form, ...”
Then, the text has been tokenized in the same
way the Google corpus also has, so that the
compatibility between our text and the corpus to be
maximized. The next step was to use the TreeTagger
(Schmid, 1994) in order to annotate the phrase with
POS. The results show the words, their most
probable POS and their lemma.
“An DT an
even RB even
more RBR more
narrow JJ narrow
<gap> NN <unknown>
text NN text
have VBP have
a DT a
physical JJ physical
form NN form
, , ,”
At this point we detect the gaps from the text and
store the basic information related to each of them:
the starting position in the document, the expected
number of characters and words, the words found
before and after the gap.
Initially, the number of expected words and
characters is not defined but it will be computed
after the statistics of the document are determined
and these values are evaluated.
Once these numbers have been determined and
having the above information related to the gaps, the
generation of the candidate n-grams starts. Initially,
the 5-grams corpus is interrogated in order to detect
the 5-grams that have “an even more narrow” as
their first 4 words. Since no result has been found
for 5-grams, the next step is to lower the n-grams
order and to look in the 4-gram corpus with the text
“even more narrow”. After finding no results in this
corpus, the search continues in the trigram corpus
with the words “more narrow”, and 168 hits are
found. Out of these, the results containing symbols,
punctuation marks or words with less than 256
appearances in the corpus have been filtered out,
remaining only 22 results, the top 6 being presented
[3] and [4816] [ CC : 0.527744] [-1]
[3] approach [399] [ NN : 0.885605] [5]
[3] as [372] [ IN : 0.829617]
[3] definition [1934] [ NN : 1.221063] [1]
[3] focus [2276] [ NN : 1.057171] [11]
[3] interpretation [583] [ NN : 1.221063] [4]
The first number ([3]) represents the number of
words that still have to be found in order to fill the
gap completely. This number is the same for all the
words generated in a step and is decreased with the
advance in the depth (with each word that fits in the
gap). Once it reaches 0, no requests for new words
are done and the suggestion for filling the gap is
chosen from the resulting paths.
The second element of each entry is the word
that fits in the n-gram, along with its frequency from
the Google corpus.
The next information is related to the POS of the
candidate word and the probability of finding an n-
gram composed by the POS of the previous n-1
words and the current one. The POS n-grams
probabilities are computed based on the words found
in the document, considering the POS instead of the
Finally, the last number is a score given to the
candidate word representing how well it fits in the
context from the semantic point of view. This score
is determined using the lexical chains that are
computed based on the WordNet lexical database
and the words from the text. The higher this score is,
the better the word is suited to the meaning of the
words in the document. Nevertheless, the lexical
chains emphasize on the meaning of the words and
thus they eliminate most of the functional words. In
order to give this particular type of words a fair
chance, they have been introduced in a special list,
and their relevance according to WordNet has been
set to -1 (as it can be seen in the above examples).
This value signals that these words should not be
filtered out by the filter based on semantic relevance.
The obtained results have to be filtered out in
order to determine the best options for filling the
gap. The threshold values of the three filters
(frequency, POS score and semantic relevance) are
computed as normalized sums of the scores obtained
by each word. Their values are: 308 for frequency,
0.883849 for POS score and 4 for semantic
relevance. From the previous 22 candidate words,
only 6 words satisfied all the imposed restrictions:
“approach”, “focus”, “interpretation”, “range”,
“sense”, and “view”.
The process continues with each of these
candidates until either no n-grams are found to
continue on the current path or the maximum depth
degree has been reached (the number of generated
words is equal to the number of expected words to
fill in the gap).
While the gap is filled in with candidates, every
time a new candidate is added to the path, we check
if the last word to be added is identical with the first
one after the gap. In case of identical words, the path
is saved as a possible fill for the gap.
4.1 Results
In our case, the first possible candidate would be:
“An even more narrow approach is a text”. Another
194 possible candidates are found. These candidates
are ordered based on their scores and then the
candidates with the best scores are presented as the
application results.
The best 10 results for our example, along with
their scores, are presented below:
interpretation to make - Weight: 5.247865
interpretation of history - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of information - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of output - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of source - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of science - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of article - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of news - Weight: 4.659081
interpretation of body - Weight: 4.659080
interpretation of course - Weight: 4.659026
Since the correct solution for filling the gap
(“interpretation is that”) has not been found, we will
analyse what happened to it. The partial solution has
been considered until the discovery process reached
the third word (“interpretation is ?”). In order to
replace the ? by a word, the word “that” had the
following parameters:
[1] that [63850] [13 | IN/that : 0.450276] [11]
The thresholds imposed for this level were: 394
for frequency, 0.574628 for POS score and 2 for
semantic relevance. As it can be seen, the test that
caused this solution to fail is the POS score. The
absence of the word “is” from the best 10 results
shows that this word doesn’t have very good scores
among the candidates. A readjust of the computed
thresholds could allow the partial solution to pass
the tests and to get into the final set of possible
solutions, but that would not necessarily guarantee
that it would have a score that allows it to get in the
top 10 best results.
Although the exact solution has not been found,
one can see that all of the top 10 candidates
contained the content word from the gap –
4.2 Other Results
In the following subsection, we shall present the
results that have been achieved for three additional
1) “An even more narrow <gap> is that text have a
physical form, such as on paper or some other
portable form, to the exclusion of inscriptions or
digital media.”
Missing word(s): interpretation.
Results: approach [399][NN], view [754][NN],
focus [2276][NN], interpretation [583][NN] and
sense [1346][NN].
2) “for scientific instruction, yet <gap> remain too
technical to sit well in most programmes”
Missing word(s): they.
Results: still [210782][RB] and they [418129][PP].
3) “and often have a primarily utilitarian purpose:
<gap> data or convey immediate information.
Missing word(s): to record.
Results: over 50 results, the closest results being: to
[62786][TO] - present [6934][JJ],
to [62786][TO] - share [5828][NN],
to [62786][TO] - gain [7704][NN],
to [62786][TO] - study [5423][NN],
to [62786][TO] - test [3854][NN],
to [62786][TO] - order [4641][NN],
to [62786][TO] - move [8527][NN],
to [62786][TO] - process [3899][NN],
to [62786][TO] - control [4081][NN] and
to [62786][TO] - access [3631][NN].
In this paper we presented a generative method for
reconstruction of partially damaged documents
based on the text that remained intact. The method
also uses the 5-grams Google corpus and the
WordNet lexical database.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
At the beginning of this project, we were very
confident in the 5-gram Google corpus, thinking that
the extent of the n-grams from this corpus will be
adequate to cover all the n-grams from the analyzed
documents and that we would never lower the n-
grams order below 4. The experiments that we have
made relative to the degree of n-grams from the
documents that were also found in the corpus proved
the contrary. The results showed that not all the n-
grams from the documents are covered by the corpus
n-grams and that the covering decrease varies from
90% in the case of bigrams to 15% in the case of 5-
grams. The problem is that considering only bigrams
could lead to a very large number of candidates that
are not related to the document. This is why a trade-
off has to be made between the covering percent of
the n-grams and their order. Therefore, we
considered that the best order of the n-grams is 3
(where the coverage is around 60%), with the option
to decrease the order to bigrams whenever needed.
A different approach to overcome this problem is
to use the Google search engine or the Google
Search API instead of the Google n-grams corpus,
and to analyze the results returned by the searches
on the Web. The main problem with this approach is
that the application issues many queries to the search
engine, therefore the engine might restrict or even
block the access to its data at least for a period.
Another problem that has been identified is the
situation where the gap contains proper names or
numbers. It is very improbable that the same
numbers or proper nouns could be identified in other
documents. In the case of proper nouns the
application could still be adapted, by replacing the
nouns with pronouns that could be linked to the
proper nouns found in the documents.
We consider that this method is worth further
investigation, and if the results are good, the same
method could be adapted to any field that supposes
communications that could be faulty – starting from
intermittent radio transmissions, continuing with
damaged dialogue transcripts, and ending with
archaeology. The only condition is to be able to
model the field in a way similar to the modelling of
the English language using n-grams.
We would like to thank the Linguistic Data
Consortium for providing us the Web 1T 5-gram
Version 1 Corpus for this research free of charge.
The research presented in this paper was partially
performed under the FP7 EU STREP project LTfLL.
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