Yuto Nakano, Jun Kurihara, Shinsaku Kiyomoto and Toshiaki Tanaka
KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., 2-1-15, Ohara, Fujimino, Saitama, Japan
Hash function, Stream cipher, Collision resistance, Second preimage resistance, Preimage resistance.
Hash functions using stream ciphers as components perform fast on a variety of platforms. However, the secu-
rity and the design policy of stream-cipher-based hash functions (SCHs) have not yet been studied sufficiently.
In this paper, we analyze its design criteria based on a ideal function of SCHs. First, we show that attacks
against a stream cipher can also be threats against SCHs. Then we discuss the security on each phase of SCH;
message injection, blank rounds, and hash generation with this function. Finally we derive the necessary
conditions on the stream cipher function for an SCH to be secure.
Hash functions are used in many cryptographic ap-
plications, e.g., message authentication codes, dig-
ital signatures and authentication protocols. Stan-
dard hash functions MD5 (Rivest, 1992) and SHA-1
(NIST, 1995) have been demonstrated that these func-
tions are not collision resistant (Wang et al., 2005;
Wang and Yu, 2005). Many constructions for new
hash functions have been presented as alternatives to
these ordinary algorithms. Some hash functions such
as Abacus (Sholer, 2008) and Boole (Rose, 2008) are
based on stream ciphers, and shows that they have
good performance on a variety of platforms. A note-
worthy advantage of stream cipher-based hash func-
tions is that the algorithm is used not only for gener-
ating a hash value but also for encrypting/decrypting
data as a stream cipher. We can reduce total costs of
implementations for a hash function and a symmetric-
key encryption algorithm with a stream-cipher-based
hash function. Thus, it is a reasonable solution for
resource constraint devices.
The general construction of stream-cipher-based
hash functions (SCHs) was first introduced by Goli´c
(Goli´c, 2001) as a mode of operation of stream ci-
phers. An SCH consists of a stream cipher function
and an additional function that inputs a message into
the internal state of the stream cipher function. There-
fore, a modelof an SCH consists of a pre-computation
function and a stream cipher function. The stream ci-
pher function is a core component of SCHs and an
appropriate algorithm is selected from among exist-
ing stream cipher algorithms. The pre-computation
function is used to absorb the message into the inter-
nal state of the stream cipher function. On the other
hand, a well developed evaluation design of the secu-
rity of SCHs is yet to be produced, and design princi-
ples of secure SCHs have not been established.
In this paper, we define a stream cipher function
that consists of three rounds; message injection, blank
rounds, and hash generation. With this function, we
show that an attack on the keystream feedback mode
and an attack against a self-synchronizing stream ci-
pher can also be employed as an attack against SCHs.
Furthermore, we analyze the security of each phase
from an attack perspective. As a result of our work,
following criteria can be formulated:
The size of the internal state is larger than the size
the of hash value. |S| > |H| is required for col-
lision, second preimage, and preimage resistance,
where |S| is the size of the internal state and |H| is
the length of the hash value.
The message injection has to be collision resis-
tant. The computational cost of the collision at-
tack against message injection has to be equal to
or more than 2
, and an adversary is not able
to control the internal state of the stream cipher
Blank rounds are preimage resistant. That is, de-
riving the internal state after message injection by
going blank rounds backwardly requires 2
putational cost. Furthermore, the transition of the
internal state is cyclic and its period is more than
or equal to 2
Nakano Y., Kurihara J., Kiyomoto S. and Tanaka T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 334-343
DOI: 10.5220/0002939703340343
The hash value has to be affected by the whole
internal state. Suppose that the internal state size
is |S| and the hash size is |H|, the hash value bit
has to be decided by at least an |S|/|H|-bit internal
Suppose that an x-bit internal state can be con-
trolled by an x-bit message and this operation does
not affect other bits, then the whole internal state
can be controlled with an |S|/x-bit message. Here
we assume that one bit message is xored with n
bits of the internal state at equal intervals. Then
the adversary can control up to an |S|/n-bit in-
ternal state. Hence the condition s(n 1) nh
is required for a message injection to be collision
We provide definitions and summarizes related works
in this section.
2.1 Definitions
Throughout the paper, we use the following notations.
M: input message
: input message to the stream cipher function at
time t
: internal state of the stream cipher function at
time t
: output of the stream cipher function at time t
|x|: bit length of x (x can be M, S,H)
: bitwise exclusive-or
, S
: internal state of stream cipher function
after message M or M
are injected, respectively
, S
: internal state of stream cipher function
after blank rounds derived from S
or S
, re-
: internal state difference after message injec-
= S
: internal state difference after blank rounds
= S
2.2 Security Definitions for Hash
Security requirements for hash functions are colli-
sion resistance, second pre-image resistance, and pre-
image resistance (Menezes et al., 1996). Let M and
be messages, |H| be hash length, h be a hash func-
tion, and the symbol || be concatenation of data.
Collision Resistance. Finding M and M
such that
h(M) = h(M
) and M 6= M
requires 2
hash oper-
Second Pre-image Resistance. Finding M for
given M
such that h(M) = h(M
) and M 6= M
quires 2
hash operations.
Pre-image Resistance. Finding M from h(M) re-
quires 2
hash operations.
Length-extension Security. This requirement has
been proposed in NIST SHA-3 competition. Given
h(M), the complexity of finding (z, x) such that x =
h(M||z) should be greater than or equal to either the
complexity of guessing M itself or 2
2.3 Related Work
Here we introduce important research related to the
construction of SCHs.
2.3.1 Self-synchronizing Stream Cipher
A self-synchronizing stream cipher (SSSC) is one
in which the keystream is generated from the secret
key and a fixed number of previous ciphertext bits
(Menezes et al., 1996).
Let p
, c
, and z
be a plaintext bit, a ciphertext
bit, and a keystream bit at time t, respectively. The
keystream at time t depends on the secret key K and
previous n
ciphertext bits c
, where
is called input memory. The keystream bit is de-
scribed by
= f
,..., c
,K), (1)
where f
is the function defined by the stream cipher.
When the ciphertext is decrypted, the keystream is
generated in the same manner as encryption. For the
first keystream bit, the previous n
ciphertext bits do
not exist. Therefore, n
-bit Initial Vector(IV) has to
be defined as IV = c
2.3.2 Keystream Feedback Mode
Keystream feedback mode is employed in the initial-
ization of many stream ciphers such as SNOW (Ek-
dahl and Johansson, 2002). In the initialization of
stream ciphers, an initial key and an IV are loaded
into the internal state of the stream cipher. After load-
ing the key and the IV, the stream cipher is clocked
a specified number of times. In the initialization pro-
cess, keystream bits are fed back to the internal state
to enable the further diffusion of the key and the IV.
Figure 1: Schematic of Abacus.
2.3.3 Goli
c’s Construction
Goli´c (Goli´c, 2001) showed how to convert a
keystream generator into a stream cipher with mem-
ory (SCM) mode and how to built hash functions with
SCM mode. When a feedback shift register (FSR)
based keystream generator is used, SCM mode is eas-
ily converted by adding the plaintext bit to the feed-
back bit of the FSR. The following is the scheme of
Goli´c’s construction.
1. Generate a keystream by feeding back a message
into the keystream generator and encrypting the
2. Another encryption is applied; this time the ci-
phertext obtained in step 1. is used in reverse or-
3. Generate a keystream by feeding back a constant
value (if possible, set all constants to zero) for αm
times, where α is not a large integer.
4. Output the last h successive bits of the keystream
obtained in step 3. as the hash value.
In step 1, using a fixed and known key, SCM mode is
clocked m times with an m-bit message and the corre-
sponding m-bit ciphertext is memorized. SCM mode
is clocked another m times with the m-bit ciphertext
in the reverse order in step 2. SCM mode is clocked
αm times where α is not a large integer (e.g., three),
and the last h successive ciphertext bits (or keystream
bits) are output as the hash value.
As the ciphertext in reverse order is used in step 2,
this scheme requires an amount of memory that is the
same as the message size.
2.3.4 Abacus
Abacus is a family of hash functions submitted to
NIST for consideration as SHA-3. Abacus has four
registers (
ra, rb, rc, rd
) as shown in Fig 1. We
only show the absorb phase. Refer to (Sholer, 2008)
for detailed information.
The absorb phase processes one byte of a mes-
sage in a round. First, the values of four registers
Figure 2: Schematic of Boole.
and a byte message are Exclusive-ORed(XORed) and
the results go through S-Boxes. In the next step, four
counters are combined with registers. Then, the maxi-
mum distance separable (MDS) matrix function is ap-
plied and four bytes are output. Four bytes of registers
go through the S-Boxes again.
ATTACKS ON ABACUS. Two second pre-image at-
tacks against Abacus were proposed by Nikoli´c et
al. (Nikoli´c and Khovratovich, 2008) and Wilson
(Wilson, 2008) independently. In the paper (Wilson,
2008), Wilson also showed a collision attack.
In the absorb phase of Abacus, message bytes are
XORed with the register
. At this point, the
adversary can set the value of
to zero. Once
the value of
is determined, it remains the same
in the following 88 rounds. Thus, with an 89-byte
message, the adversary can fix the whole register
Then the attack uses a meet-in-the-middle
(MITM) approach (Menezes et al., 1996). Since
whole values of the register
are set to zeros the in-
ternal state of the Abacus is reducedto 1+5+37= 43
bytes. Therefore the MITM approach only requires
= 2
Vulnerabilities of Abacus are that the register
value can be determined from the input message and
that the hash output function is not a one-way func-
2.3.5 Boole
Boole (Rose, 2008) is a family of hash functions
submitted to NIST for SHA-3 competition. The
schematic of Boole is shown in Figure 2. Boole is
constructed from a non-linear feedback shift regis-
ter, input accumulators, and an output filter function.
Boole consists of three phases, i.e., an input phase, a
mixing phase, and an output phase. The state tran-
sition function of the register, referred to as a cycle,
transforms state S
into S
A message word is input to three word accumu-
lators, and the accumulators are updated in the input
phase. Then the register is cycled once. After the in-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Model of SCH
put phase, the register is mixed with three accumula-
tors, then the register is cycled 16 times, and the hash
value is generated.
ATTACK ON BOOLE. A pre-image attack against
Boole is presented by Nikoli´c (Mendel et al., 2009).
This attack uses the MITM method. The value of ten
registers can be determined from the message and the
target hash. Therefore the search space is reduced to
nine registers. Each register is one byte, hence the
complexity of the attack is 2
Boole is vulnerable in two ways: the register value
can be determined from the input message and the
hash output function is not a one-way function.
A collision attack on Boole is also proposed
(Mendel et al., 2009). Since two boolean functions
used in Boole are not invertible, the collision can be
constructed in these functions.
In this section we present a general model of SCH,
which is shown as Figure3. An SCH is modeled with
two components: a pre-computation function and a
stream cipher function. This is the generalized model
of the construction of the hash functions based on
stream ciphers.
3.1 Pre-computation Function
A pre-computation function is appended to a stream
cipher for constructing an SCH. The pre-computation
function is the part which takes an input message and
an intermediate hash value as an input and determines
the internal state of the stream cipher function. The
stream cipher function plays the role of diffusing the
message into the internal state. The hash value is a
certain length of keystream which is produced by the
stream cipher function. Generally, keys and IVs are
set to a constant value, usually to zero, and the mes-
sage is loaded to the internal state of the stream cipher
function. Goli´c’s construction consists of a first-in-
last-out (FILO) buffer and a stream cipher. Therefore
it is obvious that the FILO buffer should be treated as
pre-computation function and the stream cipher is the
stream cipher function.
Generally, the pre-computation function requires
very few computations; for example, the pre-
computation function in Abacus is defined as the reg-
isters where the message is XORed. Namely the op-
eration rd[0] msg[i] is the pre-computation function
in Abacus. In the case of Boole, three accumulators;
lsum, xsum, and rsum, are used to input a message
into the non-linear feedback shift register. Hence op-
erations which use these accumulators are defined as
the pre-computation function.
3.2 Hash Value Generation
SCHs execute three phases: message injection, blank
rounds, and hash generation. Here, the message is
loaded into the internal state of the stream cipher in
the message injection. The blank round is an oper-
ation in which the stream cipher function is clocked
by feeding back the output without outputting the
keystream. This phase is a similar operation to the
initialization of the stream cipher. The stream cipher
outputs a keystream as a hash value in the hash gen-
We define a stream cipher with a pre-computation
function at time t as f(m
). In the stream ci-
pher function, the internal state is updated and the
keystream (hash value) is generated from the mes-
sage, internal state, and feedback of output. The op-
eration can be denoted as:
) S
. (2)
We denote message injection, blank rounds, and hash
generation by Eq. (2) as follows:
) S
, (3)
) S
, (4)
,0) S
. (5)
The internal state is updated from message, previous
state, and feedback of output in the message injection.
In blank rounds, the internal state is updated from the
previous state, and output. During hash generation,
only the previous state is used to update the state and
output the hash value.
In this section, we considere the relation between
attacks against stream ciphers and attacks against
SCHs. We also consider general attacks against hash
functions to derive secure construction of SCHs.
4.1 Relation to the Attack against a
Stream Cipher
Since blank rounds of an SCH and the initialization of
stream ciphers have the same structure, chosen IV/key
attack against stream ciphers can be applied to the at-
tack against SCH. Wu et al. (Wu and Preneel, 2007)
presented the chosen IV attack against Py (Biham and
Seberry, 2005) and Pypy (Biham and Seberry, 2006)
in which an adversary can find an identical keystream
using IVs which have special differences. In the ini-
tialization of keystream feedback mode, the internal
state is updated after the key and IV setup as follows:
) S
, (6)
where S
and z
are the internal state and keystream
at time t. Blank rounds in an SCH can be denoted
as Eq. (4). There is no message to be injected into
the internal state during blank rounds, Eq. (4) can be
modified as:
) S
. (7)
From the Eq. (6) and (7), an attack against keystream
feedback mode can be used against blank rounds of
an SCH. In the case where the attack proposed by Wu
et al. is applied to the SCH, an adversary can find
two identical hash values from different messages;
this leads to a collision and second preimage attack
against SCHs. If there is an attack that reveals the se-
cret key from the keystream, such attack leads to the
preimage attack against SCHs.
Blank rounds also have a relation to SSSC. In
Eq. (1) c
can be considered as an output feedback
at time t and (c
, c
, ..., c
) as an in-
ternal state. At time t + 1, c
will be fed back and
, ..., c
) will be the internal state. Let S
be S
= (c
, c
, ..., c
), then the gener-
ation of the keystream can be denoted as:
= f(S
, p
and the internal state is updated at the same time:
, p
) S
, p
. (8)
Hence an attack against SSSCs can be regarded as an
attack against SCHs from Eq. (7) and (8).
An attack aganist an SSSC which controls the
keystream or ciphertext with the fed-back ciphertext
should be considered. If there is an attack such that
identical ciphertexts can be obtained from different
plaintexts, this attack can be converted to the colli-
sion attack against SCH. Moreover, if the adversary
can set the ciphertext arbitrarily, it is considered to be
a second preimage attack.
4.2 Collision Attacks
We consider collision attacks against each phase; the
message injection, blank rounds, and the hash gener-
ation in an SCH.
4.2.1 Message Injection
We set the message difference which is canceled after
all message bits are input to the internal state in the
attack against message injection. Let M and M
be a
pair of collision messages. Then for the two internal
states S
and S
, S
= S
holds and no input
exists except the output feedback after the message
injection. Hence S
= S
and H = H
are obtained.
4.2.2 Blank Rounds
In the collision attack against blank rounds, the differ-
ence canceled during the blank roundsis set to the pair
of messages. Suppose two internal states S
are obtained after applying blank rounds to S
The collision attack against blank rounds is successful
if S
= S
First, an adversary searches for a point at which
two internal states collide; we call this point c. Once
internal states pass point c during j times blank
rounds, then the internal states remain the same for
the rest of the blank rounds, and this leads to a colli-
sion. Set two internal states S
which pass the
point c at i-th clock of blank rounds, and derive two
messages M, M
from S
. Since the adversary
has j choices for i, one point c means j collision pairs.
4.2.3 Hash Generation
First, an adversary has to find the difference
which is canceled during f (0, S
,0) S
Second, he has to find the difference
which leads
. Then he derives collision messages M,M
from S
4.2.4 Multi-collision Attack
A. Joux (Joux, 2004) presented a multi-collision at-
tack on iterated hash functions. Constructiong 2
lisions only costs t times as much as an ordinary col-
4.3 Second Preimage Attacks
As second preimage attacks, attacks on message in-
jection, blank rounds, and hash generation have to be
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
4.3.1 Message Injection
In the second preimage attack against message injec-
tion, an adversary tries to find another message M
which satisfies S
= S
for the given message M.
Two internal states derived from two messages are
identical and so are the hash values.
4.3.2 Blank Rounds
By applying j clock of blank rounds internal states
are obtained from S
. If blank rounds
have collision in them, a second preimage attack be-
comes possible. Similar to the collision attack, an ad-
versary searches for the point c. Given the internal
state S
, and it passes the point c during j clocks of
blank rounds, then another internal state S
can be
found. Thus a second preimage attack against blank
rounds can be performed.
4.3.3 Hash Generation
Suppose that h-bit hash is generated and the internal
state is updated every one clock of the hash genera-
tion. If |S| > |H|, then collision occurs by compress-
ing the |S|-bit internal state to the |H|-bit hash. By us-
ing this property, a second preimage attack becomes
possible. Specifically, derive internal states S
for given H then a second preimage of M can be
found by inverting blank rounds and the message in-
4.4 Preimage Attacks
Preimage attacks consist of three phases: against the
hash generation, blank rounds, and message injection.
In hash generation, since the |S|-bit internal state
is compressed into the |H|-bit hash, it is impossible to
derive all bits on S
only from H.
An adversary tries to invert blank rounds to derive
from S
. Let p be the probability at which all
|S| bits of the internal state can be correctly guessed
by going through one clock of blank rounds in reverse
order. Then the probability to derive S
from S
given as p
The adversary derives the initial state S
from the
internal state after the message injection S
in the
preimage attack against message injection. Since all
bits of S
are known at this point, it would be pos-
sible to guess a message M from S
4.5 Length-extension Attacks
The adversary has to compute the hash value x =
H(M||y) without M. Thus, the adversary tries to ob-
tain S
or S
for the message M||y using the hash
value H(M).
In this section, we propose a construction of an SCH
which has collision, second preimage, and preimage
5.1 Collision Resistance
We discuss collision resistance and collision resistant
5.1.1 Collision Resistant SCH
We consider the following three cases as collision at-
tacks against SCHs:
1. Against message injection
Decide message difference which leads to an
identical internal state after all message bits are
2. Against blank rounds
The internal state difference caused by messages
is canceled during blank rounds.
3. Against hash generation
The difference given by messages goes through
blank rounds and is canceled during hash genera-
Theorem 1. Suppose |S| > |H|. Given the collision-
resistant message injection, SCHs constructed with
blank rounds whose period of the transition of the in-
ternal state is longer than 2
and hash generation
which uses the whole internal state to derive the hash
value. Then such SCHs are collision resistant.
Proof. It is obvious that the condition |S| > |H| is re-
quired. SCHs which satisfy lemmas 1, 2, and 3 are se-
cure against case 1, 2, and 3 attacks. Therefore these
SCHs are collision resistant.
Lemma 1. If a message injection has collision resis-
tance, then SCHs can withstant a case 1 attack.
Proof. If there is a collision attack, which is more
efficient than a birthday attack, targeting the inter-
nal state after message injection, then an adversary
can find two different messages M, M
which have the
same internal states S
= S
. With two identi-
cal internal states after the message injection, internal
states during blank rounds and hash generation must
be also identical and two hash values collide. Hence
message injection has to be collision resistant.
Lemma 2. If the assumption in Lemma 1 holds and
the internal state transition during blank rounds is up-
dated cyclically and has a period of 2
or longer,
SCHs are secure against case 1 and 2 attacks.
Proof. If the internal state transition during blank
rounds is cyclic and its period is 2
or longer, there
are at least 2
candidates for the value of the inter-
nal state. Therefore the computational cost required
for the collision attack must exceed 2
. Further-
more, as the internal state is not compressed in blank
rounds, collision resistance of blank rounds is guar-
Hence the assumption of Lemma 1 holds and tran-
sition of the internal state in blank rounds has longer
period than 2
, SCHs are secure against case 1 and
2 attacks.
Lemma 3. If assumptions in Lemma 2 hold and the
hash value is affected by the whole internal state,
SCHs are secure against case 1, 2, and 3 attacks.
Proof. In the hash generation, if all bits of the inter-
nal state affect the hash value, any difference of the
internal state is not canceled, and the slight difference
of the internal state invokes significant changes in the
hash value. This ensures that the hash generation is
collision resistant.
Hence if assumptions of Lemma 1 and 2 hold and
the hash value is affected by the whole internal state,
SCHs are secure against case 1, 2, and 3 attacks.
5.1.2 Condition for Collision Resistant SCH
Here we discuss how to build a collision resistant
stream cipher function which satisfies the condition
we presume to prove Theorem 1.
Collision Resistant Message Injection. Suppose
that an x-bit internal state can be controlled by
an x-bit message and this operation does not af-
fect other bits, then the whole internal state can
be controlled with |S|/x-bit message. Hence mul-
tiple bits of the internal state have to be influenced
by one bit message. In addition to this, the mes-
sage needs to be used more than once to avoid the
internal state being controlled.
By fixing the internal state of the stream cipher
function, the computational cost of attacks can be
reduced. This method is applied by attacks against
Abacus and Boole (Nikoli´c and Khovratovich,
2008; Wilson, 2008; Nikoli´c, 2008). Hence
the security of an SCH is greatly dependent on
whether the adversary can control the internal
state or not. We suppose that the message is in-
put into the internal state by xoring with the value
in the internal state. Here one bit message is xored
with n bits of the internal state at equal intervals.
Then the adversary can control up to an |S|/n-bit
internal state.
= 2
. (9)
It can be shown that the fewer points that are used
in the message injection, the less computational
cost is required from Eq. (9). When n = 2, the
computational cost of finding a collision is 2
and when n = |S|, the cost is 2
The following condition is derived for a message
injection to be collision resistant;
|S|(n 1) n|H|. (10)
When n = 1, the Eq. (10) does not hold. Therefore
n has to be equal to or greater than 2, n 2.
Collision Resistant Blank Rounds. Suppose that
the transition of the internal state in blank rounds
has the period which is longer than 2
. If the
internal state after the message injection S
different, then the internal state after blank rounds
is also different, since the number of blank
rounds j (j < 2
) is independent of the message
length. Hence the difference in the internal state
is not canceled during blank rounds. The transi-
tion of the internal state in blank rounds does not
always have the period longer than 2
in order
to satisfy the collision resistance. If the period
i of the operations performed in blank rounds is
larger than the number of blank rounds j and the
transition does not have the collision point of the
internal state, then such blank rounds imply colli-
sion resistance. In order for blank rounds to have
the period longer than 2
, a linear feedback shift
register (LFSR) of maximum length sequence can
be used as one of option. However LFSRs are
vulnerable to correlation attacks, hence other ap-
proaches should be considered.
Blank rounds with i > j ensure the collision re-
sistance and second preimage resistance of blank
Collision Resistant Hash Generation. The inter-
nal state is compressed to derive the hash value in
the hash generation. In this process, all bits of the
internal state have to affect the hash value, oth-
erwise collisions can occur by putting differences
on bits which do not affect the hash value. In or-
der for the hash value to be affected by the whole
internal state, more than one bit of the state has to
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
be used to generate a bit of hash value. This can
be easily achieved with an n-to-1 filter function.
As an example, suppose the internal state size is
double the hash size. Then two internal state bits
have to be used to generate a 1-bit hash.
5.1.3 Multi-collision Resistance
Here we give a theorem and proof that collision resis-
tant SCHs are secure against multi-collision attacks.
Theorem 2. Collision resistant SCHs are also multi-
collision resistant.
Proof. Since the internal state size is larger than the
hash size. If the internal state of the stream cipher w
is large enough, there is no efficient way to find the
internal state collision, hence a multi-collision attack
does not affect the security of SCHs.
5.2 Second Preimage Resistance
In this section, we consider constructions of second
preimage resistant SCHs.
Theorem 3. Collision resistant hash functions are
also second preimage resistant.
Proof. Generally a collision resistant hash function is
also second preimage resistant (Menezes et al., 1996).
A SCH, which satisfies Theorem 1, woudl be second
preimage resistant. Hence collision resistant SCHs
imply second preimage resistant SCHs.
5.3 Preimage Resistance
In this section, a preimage attack and preimage resis-
tance will be explained.
5.3.1 Preimage Resistant SCH
Preimage attack against SCH consists of following
three steps:
1. Against hash generation
Find the internal state S
from the hash value H.
2. Against blank rounds
Find the internal state S
from S
3. Against message injection
Derivethe message M from the internal state S
Theorem 4. If the computational cost of deriving the
internal state S
from S
is more than 2
, or |S| >
|H|, then SCHs have preimage resistance.
Proof. SCHs which satisfy lemmas 4 or 5 are secure
against attacks in steps 1 or 2, respectively. When an
adversary tries to find a preimage of the message, the
adversary has to compute steps 1 to 3, which are de-
scribed at the beginning of this section. We assumed
that |S| > |H| in Theorem 1, therefore step 1 of the
attack is infeasible. Hence, collision resistant SCHs
imply preimage resistant SCHs.
Lemma 4. If the internal state size |S| is larger
than the hash size, |S| > |H|, then the SCH is secure
against the step 1 of the attack.
Proof. The information of |S| |H| bits of the inter-
nal state will be perished by compressing the |S|-bit
internal state to the |H|-bit hash value. Preimage re-
sistance holds because of this property.
Lemma 5. If blank rounds have preimage resistance,
then the SCH is secure against step 2 of the attack.
Proof. Let the probability of recovering the internal
state by inverting one clock of blank rounds be p, then
inverting j-clock of blank rounds and recovering S
from S
can be denoted as p
. If p
< 2
then blank rounds are preimage resistant.
Since S
is known, it is possible to invert mes-
sage injection to gain the input message, because we
have to assume the case where |M| > |S| as well as the
case where |M| |S|. Hence, message injection with
preimage resistance hardly exists.
5.3.2 Condition for Preimage Resistant SCH
Here we discuss how to build a preimage resistant
stream cipher function which satisfies the condition
we presume to prove Theorem 4.
There are two ways for blank rounds to be preim-
age resistant.
1. Collision occurs during blank rounds.
2. For j-clock blank rounds, p
< 2
holds, where
p is the probability of reverting one-clock of blank
rounds and guessing the internal state correctly.
The existence of collision in blank rounds means they
are vulnerable to collision and second preimage at-
tacks. Hence, method 2 is appropriate and the stream
cipher function has to satisfy p
< 2
with the
probability p and the number of blank rounds j.
The existence of collision is inevitable if the size
of the internal state is larger than that of the hash
value. However, the collision ensures preimage re-
sistance in the hash generation.
5.4 Length-extension Security
We give the theorem and proof that a preimage resis-
tant SCH is secure against the length-extensionattack.
Theorem 5. Preimage resistant SCHs are secure
against a length-extension attack.
Proof. In SCHs, the hash value H(M||z) is com-
puted independently of the hash value H(M), because
of blank rounds. If an adversary cannot obtain M
from H(M) efficiently, the adversary cannot compute
H(M||z). Thus, an SCH is secure against a length-
extension attack, where the SCH has preimage resis-
Both attacks against Abacus and Boole exploit the
fact that an adversary can easily cause collisions of
the internal state by tweaking messages. Moreover,
they also exploit the fact that the internal state S
which produces the desired hash value can be derived.
In fact, these ciphers do not satisfy our criterion, i.e.,
“the message injection has to be collision resistant”.
Thus, this evidence supports the feasibility of our cri-
Relations to the attacks against stream ciphers also
have to be considered. Internal state recovery attacks
such as guess-and-determine attacks (Bleichenbacher
and Patel, 1999) and correlation attacks (Hawkes and
Rose, 2002; Meier and Staffelbach, 1988) obtain in-
ternal state bits from keystream bits. These attacks
can be used for preimage attacks on SCHs. That is,
an attacker can obtain internal state bits from the hash
value if the stream cipher used for the SCH is vulner-
able against an internal state recovery attack. Where
we select a stream cipher algorithm for constructing
an SCH, it is a mandatory condition that the stream
cipher is secure against existing attacks. Recovering
the internal state of the stream cipher function from h-
bit keystream incurs a computational cost of at least
. If there is an attack which recovers the internal
state of the stream cipher function with a computation
cost of less than 2
computational cost, this attack
can lead to a pre-image attack against the SCH.
Distinguishing attacks (Coppersmith et al., 2002)
are another possible approach for recovering internal
state bits. A linear approximation of the nonlinear
process is obtained by a distinguishing attack and it is
applicable to recovering internal state bits. The inter-
nal state bits can be determined to solve a system of
linear equations. The attacks require a much longer
keystream than the h-bit hash value, hence, it is rarely
applied to a pre-image attack on the SCH.
Next, we discuss relationships between two spe-
cific attacks on stream ciphers and our criteria for
constructing SCHs. Two types of attack as shown in
Sect. 4 are relevant to collisions in the blank round.
For example, the chosen IV attack against Py and
Pypy corresponds to the collision attack against blank
rounds in an SCH. In the chosen IV attack against Py
and Pypy, identical keystreams can be generated from
different IVs. Keystreams correspond to hash val-
ues and IVs correspond to internal states. Initializa-
tion of Py and Pypy and blank rounds in an SCH are
basically the same operations, hence this attack can
be applied to collision and second preimage attack
against an SCH. From this view-point, we should use
a stream cipher that is secure against the attacks when
constructing an SCH. Furthermore, security against
these attacks is strongly related to our criterion; blank
rounds have to be executed as the transition of the in-
ternal state has the longer period than 2
An attack in which the adversary tries to control
the output keystream by inputting a certain ciphertext
can be considered to be an attack against an SSSC
(Joux and Muller, 2003; Joux and Muller, 2006). This
type of attacks can be applied to attacks against blank
rounds of SCHs as discussed in Sect. 4.1. Hence,
the stream cipher functions have to resist this type of
attacks in order to be collision and second preimage
In this paper, we introduced a model of SCH, consist-
ing of a pre-computation function and a stream cipher
function. Then we defined the stream cipher func-
tion with pre-computation as the one which updates
an internal state and outputs a hash value from three
inputs: a message, an internal state, and feedback.
Then we showed that the keystream feedback mode
and the self-synchronizing stream cipher are equiva-
lent to SCHs. Therefore, attacks against these stream
ciphers can be various attacks against SCHs. Further-
more we described each phase of SCH with the func-
tion we defined, and considered attacks against each
phase. As a result of our work, the following neces-
sary conditions can be obtained:
|S| > |H| is required for collision, second preim-
age, and preimage resistance.
The computational cost of the collision attack on
message injection has to be equal or more than
, and an adversary is not able to control the
internal state of the stream cipher function.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The internal state transition during blank rounds
has a period of at least 2
Deriving the internal state after the message injec-
tion by going through one clock of blank rounds in
reverse order incurs a computational cost of 2
When one bit message is xored with n bits of the
internal state at equal intervals, then the condition
|S|(n1) n|H| is required for message injection
to be collision resistant, where n is the number of
bits of the internal state which are xored with one
bit message.
In this paper we proposed the conditions for se-
cure SCHs. We showed that conditions for second
preimage and preimage resistant SCH are included in
the conditions for a collision resistant SCH. Further-
more, the condition for length-extension security is
included in the condition for the preimage resistant
SCH. Thus, we can focus on the conditions for the
collision resistant SCH, when we design the SCH.
Consideration of a concrete algorithm for a col-
lision resistant SCH should be the subject of future
work. Especially, we will consider a secure design
of pre-computationand message injection mechanism
for a SCH in the next stage.
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