Said Mabrouk, Mahmoud Rafea
The Central Lab for Agricultural Expert Systems (CLAES), B.O.Box: 438, Dokki, Giza, 12311, Egypt
Ahmed Rafea, Samhaa El-Beltagy
Dept. of Computer Science, AUC, Cairo, Egypt
Dept. of Computer Science, Cairo University, Egypt
Keywords: Data Mining, Text Mining and Clustering Techniques.
Abstract: VERCON (Virtual Extension and Research Communication Network) is an agriculture web-based
application, developed to improve communication between agriculture research institutions and extension
persons for the benefit of farmers and agrarian business. Farmers' problems component is one of VERCON
main components. It is used to receive farmers' problems and provide them with solutions. Over the last five
years, problems and their solutions have been accumulated in a textual database. This paper presents an
integrated approach for mining these problems and their solutions. The opportunity and potential of mining
and extracting information from this resource was identified with several objectives in mind, such as: a)
discovering patterns and relations that can be used to enhance the utilization of this valuable resource, b)
analyzing solutions given for similar problems, by different experts or by the same expert at different time
in terms of their similarities and differences, and c) creating patterns of problems and their solutions that can
be used to classify new problems and provide solutions without the need for domain expert.
VERCON: Virtual Extension and Research
Communication Network (
is a kind of help and support service. It is a web-
based application, developed in Egypt by the Central
Lab for Agricultural Expert Systems (CLAES)
(, through a project between
FAO and Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land
This project aims to establish and improve the
communication between extension and research
institutions for the benefit of farmers and agrarian
business at rural and village level. Improved
communication incorporating newest research
results and latest technologies shall ultimately
improve the performance of farmers and business.
Farmers' problems component is one of
VERCON main components. Farmers describe their
problems to the extension officers in the villages,
who in turn classify the problems according to their
topics into one of four categories (Production,
Administration, Marketing and Environment) and
write a description for each problem, in free text.
Problems are classified into other subcategories and
directed to several levels of domain experts in the
directorates and the specialized institutes. Domain
experts study the problems and respond with
recommended solutions.
Over the last five years, more than 10,000
problems and their solutions have been accumulated
in a textual database. Problem text has three parts:
topic of the problem (crop, weed, diagnosis,
treatment, irrigation, etc.), description of the
problem (facts, symptoms, findings) and questions.
The following example of the problem text,
translated into English, illustrates these three parts:
"The field area is one feddan. It has been
cultivated with rice variety sakha102, by baddar, ten
days ago. Mild ogizza weeds are shown. What are
the appropriate chemicals, concentration, and the
rate? , how and when to use? ".
Topic of the Problem: Rice a-kind-of crop and
ogizza a-kind-of weed.
Mabrouk S., Rafea M., Rafea A. and El-Beltagy S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002966904140419
Problem Description: Facts: area (one feddan), rice
variety (sakha102), weeds type (ogizza), age of plant
(ten days), and cultivation method (baddar).
Symptoms: mild ogizza weeds.
Questions: What are the appropriate chemicals,
concentration and the rate? How and when to use?
The following is the answer of the above problem,
given by domain expert:
"Satron with concentration 50% and 2 Litre per
Feddan should be used. It should be mixed with fine
sand, after 15 days of cultivation ".
Mining these problems has several objectives.
First, patterns and relations can be discovered and
used to enhance the utilization of this valuable
resource. The discovered patterns and relations may
point to certain types of widespread problems and
pressing needs of people living in rural areas.
Consequently, decision makers could be able to take
necessary actions to tackle these pressing problems
and needs of poor communities. Second, solutions
given for similar problems, by different experts or
by the same expert at different time can be analysed
in terms of their similarities and differences.
Inconsistencies can then be resolved. Third, patterns
of problems and their solutions can be created and
used to classify new problems and provide solutions.
Fourth, outdated recommendations can be identified
and removed from the database. Fifth, users using
the problems database can locate problems that are
similar to theirs.
Section 2 is a review of related work. In section
3, a methodology for mining the problem parts is
given. Three parts can be extracted from the
problem's text. They are topic, description and
questions parts. Similar problems are clustered.
Solutions associated with each cluster are retrieved
and analysed.
Section 4 illustrates the difficulties encountered
when the clustering techniques was used as a means
for identifying similar problems. An alternative
more structured approach, based on transforming the
problems data base into structured data base using
extracted data set of features for each set of
problems before applying the data mining, is
presented. Result of experimentation with weed
control problems is discussed. Section 5 is
conclusion and future work.
Mining problems and their solutions, accumulated in
textual databases of help and support services is a
novel application of web mining. Previous mining
works focused in dealing with one type of
documents. For example, in opinion mining systems,
documents or reviews of customers are considered.
All opinion holders are of one type which is the
customer (Nauskawa, Yi, Bunescu, R., 2003.
Popescu, A., and Etzioni, O., 2005, Bo Pang and
Lillian Lee, 2008). In our work mining will be in
two different types of documents. Farmers' problems
documents and domain experts' solutions
documents. Furthermore, there is an association
between these two types of documents.
Data mining and text mining techniques can be
used in this application in an integrated manner. In
problem part, feature extraction, text clustering, and
text analysis techniques (Salton, G., 1989. Ayed, H.,
and K. M, 2002) are used to cluster similar problems
and to analyse the problems in terms of their
dominant features and the asked questions. Data
mining techniques (Margaret, H., 2003) are used to
discover patterns and relations among these
problems. In solution part, feature extraction, and
text analysis are used to analyse the solutions and
data mining techniques are used to discover patterns
and relations among solutions. In clusters of
problem-solution pairs, data mining techniques are
used to discover association rules (Jean Marc
Adamo, 2000) and text analysis techniques are used
to find the similarities and differences among
solutions of similar problems.
Two modes of operation are considered, training
mode and test mode. In training mode, grouping
similar problems, extracting patterns/relations,
forming exemplars of similar problems, retrieving
solutions associated with each cluster of problems,
summarizing solutions and forming pairs of problem
and solution are done. In test mode, discovered
problem-solution exemplars are used to classify new
3.1 Problem Analysis
Figure 1, summarises the main steps of the
methodology as follows:
1. Pre-processing: using Arabic language stemmer
to remove affixes and stop words from problem text.
2. Feature Extraction: two approaches are
considered, simple approach that uses terms of text
as features and more sophisticated one that identifies
specific features to be extracted using compiled lists
of words from agricultural ontology
3. Indexing: using term frequency and inverse
document frequency schema (TF-IDF).
4. Clustering: grouping similar problems using
different clustering algorithms such as partitioning
and agglomerative ones.
5. Summarization: problems in the same cluster are
summarized in terms of their extracted dominant
features, focusing on the three parts of the problem
text, i.e., topic, symptoms, and questions.
6. Generalization: features of texts, in one cluster,
are generalized using different generalization rules
(John Anderson, and Stanislaw, 1983) to obtain an
exemplar text that represent all texts in that cluster.
7. Extracting Patterns and Relations: association
rules technique is used to extract useful patterns and
Figure 1: Framework of Problem Parts Analysis.
3.2 Solution Analysis
Figure 2, illustrates the methodology used to analyse
solution parts. Clusters of problems are used to
retrieve their associated solutions from the textual
database. Solution texts are pre-processed by
removing stop words and affixes using Arabic
language stemmer. Features are extracted using the
same approaches used with the features of the
problems parts. Texts are summarized in terms of
their similarities and differences. Pairs of problem
and solution summaries are stored.
Several experiments were conducted to investigate
the use of clustering techniques as a means for
identifying similar problems. GCLUTO
[http://glaros.dtc.umn. edu], which is a clustering
tool kit, was used. Different clustering methods such
as bisection, K means, and agglomerative clustering
with various selected cluster sizes were tried. Terms
in problem description were used as features and
their weight were calculated based on the TF * IDF
Figure 2: Framework of Solutions Parts Analysis.
Clustering was applied on three classes of rice
crop problems: weed control, seeding rate and land
preparation. The aim of the experiments was to
investigate whether the simple approach to cluster
similar complaints, based on their wordings would
work or not. Our assumption is that wording the
problems may be too different from such an
approach to work, but we've decided to pursue this
approach to validate this assumption. Clustering
based on the bag of word features can also serve as a
tool for analysing a sample of input complaints.
Identifying and extracting features then constitutes
the next step, followed by formalizing similarity
GCLUTO clustering tool was used for
experimentation. GCLUTO is capable of taking
vectors and clustering them based on their similarity
Clusters of
Patterns &
patterns &
Clusters of
Pairs of Problem
and Solution Exemplars
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Experiment 1 with target number of clusters = 10.
(different similarity measures are supported, but the
one used is the cosine similarity) and the number of
desired clusters (k) which the user specifies
beforehand. Experimentation has been carried out
with various values of k. The goal of any cluster
task is to maximize the similarity of the contents of
each cluster and at the same time maximize the
distance between all other clusters. Two metrics:
intra and inter cluster distance are used to evaluate
these criteria respectively.
4.1 Clustering Results
In seeding rate and land preparation classes, problem
parts were used in clustering while in weed control
clustering was carried out using both the problem as
well as solution parts.
Table 1 shows the result of experiment with
seeding rate data set, using number of cluster = 10
(Where: Size = number of problems in the cluster,
ISim = average intra cluster similarity, ISdev =
standard deviation of ISim, ESim = average inter
cluster similarity, and ESdev = deviation of ESim).
This experiment was repeated with different
number of clusters (15, 20, 25). Figures 3
summarizes the intra and inter cluster distances. The
graphs indicate that both intra and inter cluster
distances grow when the desired number of clusters
is increased. This might indicate high degree of
overlap in the created clusters.
Similar experiments were done with land
preparation problem parts while in weed control,
clustering was carried out using both the problem as
well as solution parts.
Analysing the contents of the various clusters
obtained with weed control data set, revealed that
the actual distribution of similar problems amongst
various clusters is more scattered than in the seeding
rate and land preparation data sets. This can be
attributed to the fact that solutions were included in
the clustering process, and that there is a lot of
overlap in the solutions’ text, which means that
clustering of problems pertaining to the same weed
is not achieved.
Figure 3: Intra and Inter cluster Distances.
These Results revealed that clustering using the
vector space model where terms in the problem
represent its features is inappropriate for this kind of
task, in this domain. The main reason for this is that
similarity is primarily determined through matching
of the problem wording which means that two
similar problems with different formulation may not
be considered as similar and two different problems
with a high degree of overlap in terminology and a
difference of major term may match. These results
have driven us to design a more structured approach
for extracting features, to store those in database,
and then carry out mining on the database.
4.2 Structured Database
Analysis of weed control problems was done during
clustering experiments to populate weed problems
structured database. Features to be extracted have
been determined. Table 2 shows the dominant
features of these problems and their sources.
For simplicity, extraction of weed names and
herbicides is carried out through a list of known
weeds and herbicides. This is particularly applicable
since these are not long lists and can be easily
obtained from agricultural resources. However, it
must be stated that exact matching between weed
names or herbicide names in problems and entries in
the lists will not be always possible because of the
fact that experts offering the solutions very often
misspell both. A rapid intelligent string matching
utility thus has been built in order to determine
whether an entry in the text matches an entry in the
used lists or not.
4.3 Discovered Patterns and Relations
Association rules were applied on subset of the
structured weed problems and their solutions
database. Multiple frequency item set method was
used to find useful patterns and relations among
selected features. The strength and confidence of
features association is computed. The minimum
strength and confidence thresholds were set to
different levels. Several interesting patterns and
relations were found. The following are some of the
discovered patterns and relations:
The most Frequently occurring Weeds
and their occurrence Frequency. This is obtained
by applying selected thresholds on the “weed name”
one item set. Geographical distribution of the
problem can also be detailed alongside weed names.
The distribution Pattern of Weed
Problems among Planting Methods. This is
obtained by using the “Planting type” one item set.
The most Commonly used Herbicides
and their occurrence Frequency. This is obtained
by applying the selected thresholds on the “herbicide
name” one item set.
Relationship between a Certain Weed
and a Specific Herbicide. This relationship is
obtained using two item set that includes the “weed
name” and “herbicide”. Herbicide related attributes
Table 2.
Feature Source
Weed Name problem or solution text
Weed age in days problem or solution text
Field type
(Nursery/production field)
Problem text or deduction
Planting method
Problem text or deduction
Control method
(chemical, manual)
Solution text
In case of chemical control, the following are possible
additional features:
Herbicide name Solution text
Herbicide concentration
Solution text
Rate of application Solution text
Unit for Rate of Application
(kg/feddan or litres/Feddan)
Solution text
Application Method (free text
representing the solution)
Solution text
Application Time Solution text
Application Reference
(After transplantation/ After
planting seeds)
Solution text
Problem Metadata
Problem ID From VERCON’s Database
Crop Name From VERCON’s Database
Problem’s solution Date From VERCON’s Database
Originating Governorate From VERCON’s Database
Table 3.
Doniba (22 %)
name /other
Satron (54%) 50% 2 Litre
3-4 (64%)
1-7 (36%)
7-10 (57%)
8-9 (29%)
8-8 (14 %)
Since seeding
8-9 (100%)
50% 2 Litre
7-10 (75%)
8-9 (25%)
1-7 (100%)
Since seeding
Since seeding
(2.4 %)
Unspecified (100%)
(2.4 %)
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
such as (concentration, rate, reference, etc), can also
be presented to the user. Table 3 clarify an example
of this relation for the weed name "doniba" with
strength 22%.
Relationship between the Control
Method and Control Time. The relationship is
obtained using two item set that includes the
features: “Control method” and “Application time”.
Relationship between Herbicides and
Control Times. This relationship is obtained using
two item set that includes the features: “herbicide”
and “application time”.
Breakdown of weeds into (wide and
narrow weeds) and their occurrence frequency as
well as relationship between generalized weeds and
Mining Textual databases accumulated through the
use of Help and Support services is new web mining
application. Farmers' problems module contained in
the Virtual Extension and Research Communication
Network (VERCON) is one of these services.
A methodology for mining both the farmers'
problems and their solutions was presented.
Clustering experiments were carried out using
subsets of the complaints database. The result of
these experiments revealed that clustering using the
vector space model where terms in the problem
represent its features is inappropriate.
A more structured approach for extracting
features and transforming the concerned subsets of
the database into structured database before applying
the mining was developed and applied to the weed
control problem. Result of the experiments and
examples of the discovered patterns and relations
were discussed.
The following activities are under investigation:
1. Developing an automatic approach to extract
dominant problem features.
2. Devising method to generalize similar
problems and their solutions into pair of
problem-solution exemplar and using the
created exemplars to classify new problems
and automatically find their solutions
without the need for human experts.
3. Investigating the use of opinion mining
techniques to analyse the expert solution of a
problem as his opinion for solving it, where
the expert is the opinion holder, the problem
is the object of the opinion and the solution
is the opinion or the view of the expert.
This work has been supported by the Egyptian
Science and Technology fund # 79/2009
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