Hadas Weinberger, Oleg Guzikov and Keren Raby
HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
Keywords: Adaptive Systems, Context, HCI, Search Engine, Recommender System, User Model, Web 2.0, Semantic
Abstract: There are several reasons for developing a context-aware search interface. In so far, search engines
considered the technology perspective – suggesting structural, statistical, syntactical and semantic measures.
What is yet missing in Web search processes is the inclusion of the user model. The prevailing situation is a
usability hurdle.
While there is a wealth of information about search engines, what is yet lacking is a recommender system.
Such as could be provided by a set of adequate principles and techniques, as basis for the design of a Web-
base interface guiding users towards efficient and effective utilization of the spectrum of search engines
available on the Web. The research reported here takes a step towards this goal, suggesting context-aware
search architecture (namely, CASA) aiming towards: 1) the analysis of query elements, 2) guiding the
process of query modification, and 3) recommending the personalized use of search engines.
A use case illustrates the need for the suggested framework and a prototype Web interface is introduced. We
discuss preliminary findings from empirical research conducted with several classes of students in two
distinct academic institutes in two different countries, which concerns the feasibility and usefulness of the
suggested framework. We conclude with recommendations for further research.
The interface level of a Web search process involves
three elements: 1) the user’s query, 2) a search
engine and 3) the search results. Two out of these
three elements are anchored in user’s context. First
is the user’s query, which is often subject to
negotiation and modification. The query represents
the user’s model (Marchionini and White, 2007) as it
is established by the context of the investigation
(Marchionini, 2006). Second are the search results
that should respond to the query and reflect its
context. Search engines, however, are usually
approached independent of the user’s context
(Kritiquo, 2007; Weinberger, 2009).
This situation, albeit prevailing, is disregarding
the opportunities available by search engines’
technology which could be proved useful, enhance
precision and promote utility for the user – provided
they are used in context. This is specifically true for
users engaged in exploratory search – either as part
of business processes or in academic setting
(Marchinini, 2006; White and Roth, 2009; White,
Kules and Bederson, 2005). The prevailing situation,
in which the interface does not allow the selective
use of search engines, is a usability hurdle.
What is yet missing is an interface instructing the
manipulation between search engines in a manner
that considers the user’s model – allowing the user a
choice between different search engines. For this
end the envisioned interface should include tools for
user’s requirements’ elicitation on the one hand, and
for the modelling of the user’s query within its
context, on the other hand.
In order for users to exploit Web search
technology, there is a need for tools and techniques
that would instruct context-aware utilization of
search engines (Vossen and Hagemann, 2007;
Weinberger, 2009). Different than the dynamic and
active role of the user in the Web 2.0 arena, search
interactions remained aloof of the user’s individual
context. In view of the wide spectrum of search
engines (SEs) available on the Web (e.g., popularity-
based SEs, social SEs, semantic SEs, hybrid SEs,
domain specific SEs) it is surprising that there is no
interface instructing search engines’ context-aware
methodological utilization in a manner that
considers the user’s query as part of the user’s
context and with relation to the user’s model.
Weinberger H., Guzikov O. and Raby K. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 71-78
DOI: 10.5220/0002968300710078
While there is much research effort aiming to bridge
the gap between search engines’ methods and the
user’s model (Martzoukou, 2004; Mammr,
ALKhatib, Mostefaoui, Lahkim and Mansoor,
2004), the research reported here takes a slightly
different perspective; aiming to bridge the gap
between the user’s query and the appropriate search
engine focusing on the user’s perspective, i.e., her
context. This research concerns the design of a
Context-Aware Search Architecture (namely,
CASA) to support a search interface that would
facilitate a) an interaction with the user based on b)
the user’s modified query and c) a search engine
recommender system.
Our approach to the design of CASA follows the
design science paradigm (Havner, March, Park and
Ram, 2004; March and Smith, 1995). Of the
research activities outlined by design-science
research in IS this paper covers the build (a Web-
based recommendation system as part of a search
interface) while for the evaluation of this artefact we
report on preliminary (qualitative) results of
empirical investigation. Of the four design artefacts
(i.e., constructs, models, methods, and
instantiations), outlined in these frameworks, this
research is about a model (i.e., the method
instructing the recommender system’s principles),
which informs a methodology (i.e., the techniques
for supporting user’s requirements elicitation and
query modification processes) and an instantiation (a
prototype of the Web interface).
Following this introduction, section 2 holds a
brief discussion of search engines. Section 3
describes the need for context-aware search
architecture and section 4 describes this architecture,
i.e., CASA. Section 5 is focused on the methodology
used in this research. We conclude in section 6 with
a summary and discussion.
The lack of a consistent methodological approach to
Web information seeking research (Baeza-Yates,
2003; Martzoukou, 2004) might be attributed to the
dynamic nature of the field. Frequent innovations in
search engines’ technology modify search engines’
classification. Consequently, best practices of the
field are often altered (Vossen and Hagemann,
2007). Currently there are several leading practices
in search engines technology of which we mention
several examples: a) popularity-based SEs (e.g.,
Google) which also manipulate a host of other
algorithms (e.g., statistical measures, Web-genre
analysis, clustering and categorization), b) Inclusive-
meta SEs (e.g., Myriad, Quintura), c) social SEs that
focus on user’s contribution (Hakia, FreeBase), d)
Semantic Web SEs (e.g., Hakia) and analytic SEs
(e.g., WolframAlpha). Other navigation and
information retrieval methods follow notions of:
Web-genre (e.g., Google scholar), domain (i.e.,
geospatial), structure (e.g., Wikipedia) or
phenomenon such as the long tail of search (e.g.,
Taking the HCI perspective, several SEs include
features that support user’s interaction with the
results as obtained, through activities such as
providing feedback or by allowing navigation and
negotiation of results based on data visualization.
Examples are navigation of interactive maps (e.g.,
Kartoo), user voting (FeedMil), clusters negotiation
and categorization (Clusty).
With the advancement of Web 3.0, there are
indeed innovative technologies embedded in search
technologies (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila,
2001; Finin and Ding, 2006; Ding, Pan, Finin, Joshi,
Peng and Kolari, 2005) that assist in incorporating
user’s annotation (Bao, Wu, Fei, Xue, Su and Yu,
2007) also for the purpose of instructing the user
model (Carmagnola, Cena, Cortassa and Gena,
However, by the most part users are captivated
by what could be named: ‘the ease of search’
syndrome which prevents them from using multiple
search engines and the options they suggest. As
much as HCI research should approach current
practices (Hochheiser and Lazar, 2007) search
engines’ technology should advance beyond current
context building methods such as: a) structural
attributes, b) syntactical features, and c) semantic
analysis, towards the user’s context (Dey, 2001;
Kobsa, 2001; Midwinter, 2007; Shen, Tan and Zhai,
2005) in order to reflect on the user’s perspective.
For this end, users’ ought to be considered as actors,
allowing them more freedom of action and choice.
Along this lane we mention that classic criteria
for information retrieval evaluation are precision and
recall. While the prevailing practices will not
necessarily promote precision, user’s enhanced
involvement should not be underestimated as an
agent of precision. Against this background a
method and a mechanism could be considered,
which responds to the bi-dimensional view of the
search operation, to include: a) search engines’
typology on the one hand, and b) user’s query and its
context on the other hand. This way search activities
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
would facilitate an efficient and effective search – in
the context of the users’ model as represented by her
This section brings forward the issue of the user
perspective motivating this research. A concise
discussion paves way to the introduction of a
hypothesis concerning the user’s perspective. We
conclude this section with a use case illustrating the
need for context-aware search architecture and
explain the relationship between the three elements
that constitute the search interaction: the user, the
query and the search engine.
3.1 The User Perspective
Of the two most common tasks which best represent
Web HCI, users’ contribution to online communities
is mentioned alongside search processes. For the
former, Preece and Shneiderman (2009) identified
several distinct types of users participating in online
communities. Their work illustrates a typology that
is based on the classification of user’s contribution –
based on users task and role, identifying three user
types: a reader, a contributor and a leader. Similar to
this user’s classification, search processes are
classified by three search types: a simple search,
learning and investigation (Marchionnini, 2006)
based on a task-related perspective. Specifically, the
tasks considered for user’s classification differ by
the value assigned to attributes such as the frequency
of the iteration, the complexity of the issue at hand,
and the context.
In the context of these two typologies, this
research assumes value for the contributor and for
the leader who are engaged in either learning or
investigation. A search that is conducted in this
context is likely to motivate users towards the
cultivation of adapted search habits that would yield
useful results. This assumption might be specifically
true in the case of experienced users (i.e.,
contributors or leaders). This brings us to suggest the
research hypothesis that concerns the user
Hypothesis 1: Search operations are mostly
conducted using popular search engines
while user’s navigation between search
engines is not a common phenomenon. This
is not because search engines are all alike,
nor is it because different search engines
would not yield different results, but because
adequate context-aware recommendation,
personalization and adaptation tools for this
end are yet missing. Given the adequate
tools, users’ search behaviour might be
altered. One possible path would be for the
search domain to develop similarities with
Web 2.0 tools – where diversions between
knowledge sharing tools and online
communities are not only acknowledged but
are also integrated in services suggested for
users and by users’ practices.
3.2 An Example use Case
A user involved in an exploratory search session is
facing two challenges that concern the ‘how’ and the
‘where’ of the search process: 1) how to search
refers to several activities related to syntactic and
semantic search features such as: choosing key
words, query structuring, modification and the
identification of the domain and the genre to be
explored, 2) where to search is about which search
engine to use. While the latter might appear to be a
decision motivated by the technological perspective,
there are other relevant perspectives to be included.
For instance, we mention the SE’s scope and HCI
As part of selecting a search engine, the user is
required to meet challenges that concern his interests
as well as challenges belonging with Web
proficiency. While there are a host of interface-
embedded syntactical, structural, semantic and
statistics features that would support query
formulation, there are no interface features directing
search engine manipulation. In view of the spectrum
of search technologies available on the Web, there is
not only much promise that is yet unexploited, but
also a serious challenge summoned for the user.
While users might occasionally be aware of the
plethora of search technologies, they still need a
good reason to use these tools. For instance, a social
search engine might yield different results than a
popularity-based search engine, since each uses
different tracking and indexing methods. As an
example, consider the case of a user seeking
information about blogging, more specifically: 'how
to write a successful blog'. While a popularity-based
search engine is likely to return the most popular
results, a semantic search engine such as Hakia is
likely to return results that origin with user’s (recent)
input, indicating an innovative guide, tool or
practice. This is not to say that one result is
preferable to the other – but to put forward the
differences that prevail. In the context of the design
of business, research or learning environments, we
would like the user – a reader or a contributor, to be
aware of her options in a most profound way.
There is in this use case to a) demonstrate the
need for context-aware search architecture, b) to
describe the relationships between the three
elements that are part of a Web-search interaction,
and to c) anchor the former two as part of a wider
perspective on current HCI challenges.
The CASA architecture is comprised of a 1) two-
faceted query definition and modification
mechanism, and a 2) set of recommendation
principles guiding the process of search engine
selection. The OSKA-based (Weinberger, 2010)
search interface (Web: is a
prototype demonstrating the operation of the
framework suggested here. This prototype provides
users with an example experience – albeit not fully
supported, for a search interaction that utilizes the
method presented in this research.
4.1 The Search Interface
A Web-based system demonstrates the method of
the CASA-based recommender system. The
interface is designed to respond to a) the user’s
query by suggesting an adequate use of b) a search
For the design of the user interaction (building
the query’s context) we follow the Ontology for
Social Knowledge Applications, namely, OSKA
(Weinberger, 2010) intended for aiding users
throughout the annotation of Web 2.0-tools user-
generated content and context. Since tagging and
search are considered the two sides of a coin (White
et al., 2005), we assume the ontological construct
could be followed for user’s requirements elicitation
and for query modelling.
The prototype interface (Figure 1) demonstrates
the support available for the user in determining the
a) query’s current focus (i.e., there, Query type) and
choosing b) an ontological extension (i.e., there,
Question type). Based on this ontological analysis
the system c) recommends the search engine that is
likely to yield results that are of highest precision –
in accordance with the recommendation principles
(described herein).
The mechanism for identifying the Query type
responds to the three-perspective view identified for
the Ontology for Social Knowledge Applications
(i.e., content, task and technology). The mechanism
for the identification of the question type follows the
WH questions scheme used also in the IS field for
the evaluation of information systems.
4.2 Recommendation Principles
This section is dedicated to the five recommendation
principles identified for this research. The
description of each recommendation principle (RP)
is anchored in the context of a search engine type in
relation to the WH question (i.e., aspect) for which it
best responds. For each search engine type we
provide example evidence description, annotated by
a-e, followed by a Recommendation Principle,
formatted with bullets.
A. Popularity-based Search Engine – e.g., Google:
the results tend to spread across several aspects
of the query element(s); Answering questions
such as: what, hence facilitating an introduction
to the subject domain. Based on this finding the
following RP was formulated:
RP1: A search for general information that
is spreading across several aspects (i.e.,
responding to WH questions such as ‘what’), is
likely to be useful by means of using a
popularity-based search engine, e.g., Google.
B. A social-semantic search engine, e.g., Hakia: the
results tend to focus upon example instances of
the query’s element(s); Answering questions
such as: what, how and where, hence enabling
the study of example applications. Based on this
finding the following RP was formulated:
RP2: A search for information describing
attributes assigned to a certain concept (i.e.,
responding to WH questions such as ‘what’ and
‘how’), is likely to be useful by means of using a
social-semantic search engine such as Hakia.
C. A Semi-semantic and Visualized Search Engine,
e.g., Kartoo, Clusty: the results tend to spread
across three instance-level aspects, answering
questions such as: who, how and where;
facilitating the comprehension of a phenomenon.
Based on this finding the following RP was
RP3: A search for instance-level responses
to questions with relation to a specific domain
(i.e., responding to WH questions such as ‘who’,
how’ and ‘where’), is likely to be useful by
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
means of using a semi-semantic, clustering,
visual or interactively enabled search engine
such as Kartoo or Clusty.
D. An Analytic, Semantic-, Social-semantic or
Hybrid Search Engine, e.g., FreeBase, FeedMil:
the results tend to focus on several practical
aspects, answering questions such as: where and
how, responding to the technology perspective,
hence summoning the user a wealth of
information allocated by users to guide the
investigation of a subject domain. Based on this
finding the following RP was formulated:
RP4: A search for instance-level
information based on user-input (i.e., responding
to WH questions such as ‘where’ and ‘how’), is
likely to prove useful by means of using an
analytic, semantic- and social-semantic or hybrid
search engine such as FreeBase or Feedmil.
E. An Analytic Search Engine, e.g., WolframAlpha:
the results tend to focus on several aspects,
presented as a report on the subject of the
investigation – based on a dialogue with the user.
Specifically this search engine will prove useful
for the user facing a depth- and wide-motivated
search. Based on this finding the following RP
was formulated:
RP5: A search for a wide perspective
perception of a domain is likely to be found
useful by means of using an analytic, semantic
and hybrid search engine such as WolframAlpha
that is empowered by artificial intelligence –
amongst other features. This search engine
compiles a categorized report of the subject
matter, not only introducing the user a host of
information in various forms but also allowing
him the negotiation and analysis of the
presentation of the findings.
4.3 Instructing a User-cantered Search
In this section we illustrate an example use case of
utilizing a user search interaction by the method and
principles prescribe in CASA using the OSKA-
search (Web: prototype
(Figure 1) aforementioned. There are three stages in
this interaction. For each stage, the user’s role and
the system’s response are described.
Stage 1 – Search Initialization: user introduces
query elements in the search box. For example, the
query element may be the expression: blog. The
system then identifies the query’s dimension (there,
query type).
Stage 2 – Query Modification: there are two
dimensions to the action lanes defined for this stage.
The first concerns the system perspective and the
second concerns the user’s perspective. The system
perspective prescribes two complementary actions
and decisions, accordingly. The first concerns the
query type and the second concerns the question
type. The first would be feasible provided an
adequate lexical ontology is available. That would
allow the system the automated identification of the
query type. Second is the identification of the
question type. In this context, the system is designed
to respond to three types – responding to 3
ontological dimensions identified in OSKA
(Weinberger, 2010): subject (i.e., scope), activity
(i.e., task) and media (i.e., technology).
The user’s perspective also involves two actions
lanes and decisions, accordingly. First, the user has
to choose a question type following which the
system suggests to him an extension aspect. For
instance, if the query includes a term such as ‘blog’
that it is identified (i.e., by the system) as ‘subject’;
consequently, a corresponding WH questions (there,
question type) are suggested (Web: http://oska- to further focus the query. For instance,
suggesting the ‘how’ or the ‘where’ extensions. This
procedure is an example for a user’s requirements
elicitation process that is followed by a
corresponding query modification process provided
by the system’s part.
Stage 3 – adapted-personalized search: based on the
previous two stages, the system uses the
recommendation principles mechanism to offer for
the user results wthat origin with the most
appropriate search engine for the query type and in
accordance with the question type.
The iterative development of CASA follows the five
stages of system development: planning, analysis,
design, implementation and evaluation. This process
is discussed herein.
Planning & Analysis: involved the consideration
of 1) the search engines to be included in this
research, and of 2) the search terms to be used for
query formulation. Several trial quarries were run
using different search engines for the purpose of
identifying appropriate (i.e., unique and
distinguished) search engines and terms in a manner
that will assure heterogeneity of technology and
ontological diversion of query elements.
Figure 1: Context-aware search interface.
For the latter we have found theoretical grounds in
the Ontology for Social Knowledge Application
(OSKA; Weinberger, 2010). Eight search engines
were selected based on the distinct definition of each
and following hands-on, ongoing experience. The
selection process was motivated towards
emphasising the novelty of the search engine
technology, to include: Google as a popularity-
based SE, Hakia as a Semantic- and Social-Semantic
SE, Kartoo and Clusty as visualized and clustering
SEs and FreeBase as analytic and social-semantic
SE. Last but not least are Feedmil and
WolframAlpha. The former is a social-, hybrid and
long tail search engine and the latter is an analytic-
and semantic search engine (see section 2).
Design: was focused upon 1) query formulation
– in accordance with the ontological perspectives of
OSKA. Query elements were defined to meet the
three perspectives view of the aforementioned
ontology. For each search engine three queries were
introduced, using: a) an element of the content
perspective (e.g., Web 2.0 tools, Web 2.0 software,
social media applications, b) an element of the task
perspective (e.g., collaboration, participation,
publishing, editing, reporting) and c) an element of
the technology perspective (e.g., bookmarks, blog,
Wiki, Microbloging, Database).
Yet as part of design we managed 2) the
modification and extension of the list of search
engines, alongside 3) analysis of search results by
the six WH questions. An analysis and
documentation scheme was designed specifically for
this end (Figure 2). This scheme is also used for in-
class assignments as part of students education
towards the implementation of the method suggested
Implementation: involved 1) the definition of the
recommender principles. This was done based on the
analysis of previous results. The analysis and design
process followed the WH questions in order to
identify the relationship between a search engine and
an ontological perspective, using the aforementioned
analysis and documentation scheme. The findings of
the former activities (i.e., the recommendation
principles and the query modification techniques)
were used for 2) the design of the prototype Web
interface. Last but not least we mention integration
into curriculum of the advised method reported in
this paper.
Evaluation: evaluation in this research followed
two lanes. The first is evaluation through design and
the second is empirical evaluation aiming at the
feasibility and usefulness of the architecture – the
RPs and query modification techniques. We
elaborate on the latter evaluation course.
First, the method, as embedded in the design of the
Web interface (prior to design) was introduced as
part of the ‘Web technologies’ course syllabus in
two distinct university classes. The first is graduate
students of a business class in the University of
Nicosia, Cyprus and the second id undergraduate
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
students of our institution. All the students followed
this method for the allocation of resources for their
term projects. These projects were aiming at:
developing subject-specific knowledge sharing
systems (e.g., Bibsonomy, Twine, Google
Bookmarks), the design of Mashup application (e.g.,
iGoogle, netvibes) and of Web-based Learning
Objects – using a spectrum of Web 2.0 tools.
Figure 2: An example analysis and documentation scheme.
This paper suggests a context-aware search
architecture which supports several processes and
activities such as the: a) identification and the
modification of user requirements and the b)
manipulating between search engines, hence,
facilitating the use of a c) recommender system
based on recommendation principles embedded in
this architecture and demonstrated by the prototype
Web interface.
The suggested framework – including the method,
the recommendation principles and the system
architecture, was developed in accordance with the
hypothesis suggested earlier in this paper regarding
usability obstacles in practicing conventions. The
context-aware search architecture advised in this
research utilizes a spectrum of search technologies,
determined based on the relative value predicted for
the user’s model, while aiming towards enhanced
There are three deliverables to this research in
accordance with the three goals set for this research.
The first is the method, prescribing guidelines for
context-aware query modification. Second are the
recommendation principles directing the utilization
of search engines in context and serving as basis for
the design of the architecture as demonstrated
through the prototype Web interface, which is the
third deliverable that builds on the former two
deliverables to suggest a user- adapted HCI
experience. This interface allows users – regardless
of their domain of practice, in enterprise setting as
part of business interactions, or else as part of
academic setting; an innovative, dynamic and
context-aware search interaction.
The findings of this research indicate a
relationship between a) the search engine type and
the ontological perspectives of the query on the one
hand, and between b) the results obtained by the
search operation, on the other hand. For this reason,
a search engine can be recommended, and the query
may be modified, based on the identification of the
query’s aspect.
There are several limitations to the research
reported here. Indeed, based on our experience the
feasibility and the usefulness of our method were
demonstrated in the field. However, further
empirical evaluation can be carried out to extend
beyond the scope of the examples used here, as well
as with regard to search engines and quantitative
We believe that the findings from our study have
implications beyond this immediate setting. Several
further research directions may be instructed based
on this research. First, we mention the automation of
the interface features, which could be supported
provided adequate ontologies, for instance as part of
Web 3.0, are incorporated as part of this
architecture. Second is the extension of the Web-
interface beyond the prototype features introduced
here. Last but not least is the inclusion of Semantic
Web (i.e., Web 3.0) technologies, such as artificial
intelligence and natural language processing, for the
next-generation of the suggested framework.
All in all, CASA, as suggested here, can improve
and expand the current Web search experience of
individual users, organizations or designers. This
work should prove useful to anyone considering the
development of Web search architecture, or else
individuals seeking to enhance their exploratory
search experience.
This paper builds on a project conducted under the
supervision of the first author at our department of
Instructional Systems in HIT with two students who
are the co-authors. This paper also builds on my
experiences in recent years with several classes
at our institution and with students of the Business
school of the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, were I
was visiting professor on the summer of 2009. I
wish to thank the participating students for their
motivation and cooperation.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems