State of the Art and Challenges
Jorge Cordeiro Duarte and Mamede Lima-Marques
Centre for Research on Architecture of Information, University of Brasilia, Campus, Brazilia, Brazil
IS, IT, Framework, Strategies, EIA, EA, Organizations.
This paper analyzes current approaches for Enterprise Architecture (EA). Current EA objectives, concepts,
frameworks, models, languages, and tools are discussed. The main initiativesand existing works are presented.
Strengths and weaknesses of current approaches and tools are discussed, particularly their complexity, cost and
low utilization. A EA theoretical framework is provided using a knowledge management approach. Future
trends and some research issues are discussed. A research agenda is proposed in order to reduce EA complexity
and make it accessible to organizations of any size.
In current economic and business context, organiza-
tional processes and systems need to be constantly
reviewed and updated to keep pace with market de-
mands and technology development. The Enterprise
Architecture (EA) has emerged as a ”tool” for devel-
oping and managing organizational elements provid-
ing the instruments for agility in planning and change.
It is not just a matter of IT, as many believe, but a mat-
ter of knowledge about organization.
Enterprise architecture is a promise for organiza-
tions efficiency, but it is still a confusing concept.
Since its beginning, many heterogeneous architecture
proposals have been developed. They are often over-
lapping approaches and the underlying concepts are
not explicitly defined. Proposals are often complex
and their benefits cannot be perceived by users, cre-
ating obstacles for its correct understanding in indus-
try and finally its acceptance and use. The lack of a
generally agreed terminology in this domain is also a
bottleneck for its efficient application.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the state of the
art of EA, identifying and evaluating the key concepts
and approaches, and propose a theoretical framework
and a research agenda to clarify concepts, define
scope and expand the use of EA. Section 2 presents
the main definitions, concepts and approaches found
in the literature. Section 3 identifies the scope, do-
main areas, elements and EA fundamentals as a dis-
cipline. Section 4 details the main theoretical ap-
proaches. Section 5 analyzes the current practices,
tools and organizational structures. The analysis of
the approaches and trends are presented in section 6.
A research Conclusions and agenda to EA are pre-
sented in Section 7.
Definitions of terms related to EA such as enterprise,
organization, information, knowledge, organizational
elements and domains, models, architecture, informa-
tion Architecture are first given in order to help under-
standing EA Concepts. Then, enterprise architecture
definition, objectives and elements are presented.
2.1 Enterprise Architecture Related
Terms Definitions and Concepts
EA is a kind of architecture, focused on informa-
tion about enterprise domains and its elements. It
deals with information to generate knowledgethrough
models. Following are presented necessary defini-
tions of each one of these terms.
Enterprise. According to ISO 15704 (ISO, 2000), an
Cordeiro Duarte J. and Lima-Marques M. (2010).
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - State of the Art and Challenges.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002970001010112
enterprise is one or more organizations sharing a def-
inite mission, goals and objectives to offer an output
such as a product or a service. This broad definition
covers the extended enterprise (EE) and virtual enter-
prise (VE) (Vernadat, 2007). EE is a concept which
identifies long term integration of suppliers and cus-
tomers. The idea is to provide the central node with
all materials, skills, competencies, knowledge and ca-
pabilities it requires at the right time. Material flows
are usually optimized in just-in-time (JIT) mode. This
is the case of the car industry, aerospace industry,
naval industry, semiconductor industry, etc. VE has
a dynamic and less stable nature than the extended
enterprise. The idea is to put together capabilities and
competencies coming from different enterprises but
no node in the network plays a central role. This is a
cluster or temporary association of existing or newly
created business entities offered by several companies
to form a new viable business entity to satisfy a timely
market need. An example has been the company that
built the Channel Tunnel in Europe (now dismantled)
(Vernadat, 2007).
Organization. Organization is an entity, public or
private, that exists to provide specific services and
products to its customers, serving a purpose of its
owners, performing functions in a structure that re-
sponds to external and internal stimuli (Rood, 1994).
Data. Data is a representation of concepts or other
entities, fixed in or on a medium in a form suitable
for communication, interpretation, or processing by
human beings or by automated systems (Wellisch,
1996). Data is a real thing, a sensory stimulus that we
perceive through the senses, a thing perceived, seen,
felt, heard (Zins, 2007).
Information. Information is the change determined
in the cognitive heritage of an individual (Morris,
1938). Information always develops inside of a cog-
nitive system, or a knowing subject. It is an abstrac-
tion that represents something meaningful to some-
one through text, images, sound or animation (Setzer,
Knowledge. Knowledge is a fluid mix of experience,
values, contextual information and insights that pro-
vides a framework for evaluating and incorporating
new experiences and information (Horibe, 1999). In-
side Knowledge are faced consciousness and object,
subject and object. The Dualism of subject and object
belongs to the essence of knowledge (Hessen, 2003).
Organizational Element. According to (Kuras,
2003) organizations are complex systems because
they are composed of multiple elements and relations.
The main parts or elements that enable an organiza-
tion to attain its objectives are the principles, strate-
gies, people, units, locations, budgets, functions, ac-
tivities, services, applications, systems and infrastruc-
ture (Schekkerman, 2009b).
Organizational Domain. The various organizational
elements are grouped into domains of specialized
knowledge. Kettinger identifies six domains of study
of the organization: management, information tech-
nology, processes, structure and people (Kettinger
et al., 1997). The method ArchiMate (Lankhorst,
2005) also proposes five domains: products, pro-
cesses, information, applications and technology, as
shown in Figure 1. Each one of these domains is com-
posed of a diverse community that shares a specific
language (Guizzardi, 2005).
Figure 1: Organizational Domains (Lankhorst, 2005).
Models. A model is an abstraction of reality accord-
ing to a certain conceptualization (Guizzardi, 2005).
Once represented as a concrete artifact, a model can
support communication, learning and analysis about
relevant aspects of the underlying domain. Models
can be formal or informal. Formal models have de-
fined structure and semantics and can be read by the
computer, such as ontologies. Informal models are in-
formation without defined structure, used to express
things or concepts freely (Bernus, 2003). Models can
be conceptual or detailed, static or dynamic. Con-
ceptual models show elements, concepts and relation-
ships, such as ontologies. Detailed models show de-
tails of the composition of the element under study.
Dynamic models show a flow of relations between
objects or changes in the state of the object (Butler,
2000). Models can be expressed as text, graphics or
formulas (Vergidis et al., 2008). Models can express
different levels of details, form physical to social ones
as proposed by Stamper (2000) in figure 2.
Architecture. The central idea of architecture is
to represent or model (in abstraction) an orderly ar-
rangement of the components that make up a sys-
tem in analysis and the relationships or interactions of
these components (Rood, 1994). Architecture deals
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with the structure of important things (buildings, sys-
tems or organizations) and their components and how
these components are combined to achieve a partic-
ular purpose (open Group, 2009). Architecture can
be descriptive, describing what exists, or prescriptive,
showing something wanted and that still does not not
exists (Hoogervorst, 2004).
Figure 2: Semiotic Ladder (Stamper et al., 2000).
Information Architecture. The term Information
Architecture (IA) was first used by (Wurman, 2000).
Wurman’s vision is derived from his training as an ar-
chitect and his main purpose is to extend the key con-
cepts of organizing spaces, developed in architecture,
for informational spaces. The term was popularized
by (Morville and Rosenfeld, 2006) who define infor-
mation as the structural design of shared information
environments. AI has been widely studied in academy
and is the subject of several master theses (Macedo,
2005; de Siqueira, 2008). According to Macedo the
purpose of Information Architecture is to enable the
effective flow of information through the design of in-
formation environments.
2.2 Enterprise Architecture Definitions
There are many definitions for EA. The name of disci-
pline, itself, may vary being referred to as Enterprise
Architecture (EA) (Zachman, 1987) or Enterprise In-
formation Architecture (EIA) (Cook, 1996). Exam-
ples of EA definitions found in literature: An ab-
straction of the main elements of the organization and
their relationships (Vernadat, 1996); Define the vari-
ous elements that make up an organization and how
they relate and establish the principles and guidelines
governing their design and evolution over time (open
Group, 2009); A coherent set of principles, methods
and models used in the design and construction of the
structure, processes, systems and infrastructure of an
organization (Lankhorst, 2005); Blueprints which de-
fine a complete and systematic position of the current
and desired organizational environment (Schekker-
man, 2009a); A description of a complex system (the
enterprise) at a point in time (Burke, 2006); The struc-
ture of components, their relationships, and the prin-
ciples and guidelines governing their design and evo-
lution over time (DoD, 2007).
2.3 Enterprise Architecture Objectives
Some examples of EA objectives found in the liter-
ature: EA intends to model, analyze and communi-
cate the organization. The benefits of EA are the
knowledge infrastructure for reporting and analysis
by all stakeholders and the possibility of designing
new conditions in an organized manner (Lankhorst,
2005). EA is not only an instrument for strategic plan-
ning of IS/IT planning but also other business func-
tions, such as compliance control, continuity plan-
ning and risk management (Winter and Schelp, 2008).
The objectives of the EA are risk and compliance
control, project and organizational programs manage-
ment, portfolios of IT management and integration
between business and IT (Schekkerman, 2009a). Ac-
cording to (Rood, 1994) an EA, as a whole, is used in
a number of different ways to guide, direct, and man-
age an enterprise: Is a basis for decision making and
planning; Governs the identification, selection and de-
velopment of standards; is the mechanism for man-
aging change within the enterprise; Enables effective
communication about the enterprise.
2.4 Enterprise Architecture Elements
To achieve its objectives EA requires several el-
ements. The project IFIP-IFAC proposed an on-
tology of these elements called GERAM (General-
ized Enterprise-Reference Architecture and Method-
ology) (IFIP-IFAC, 1999). This ontology identifies
the following elements in the architecture: concepts,
methodologies, languages, models concepts and con-
structs, reusable templates, modeling tools, reference
models, business modules and operation systems.
Another ontology proposed for EA is IEEE 1471
recommended practice for architectural description of
software (IEEE, 2000). This proposal has sixteen el-
ements: mission, environment, system, architecture,
stakeholder, architecture description, view, concern,
viewpoint, model, rationale, and library viewpoint as
shown in figure 3. This recommended practice ad-
dresses the activities of creation, analysis and sustain-
ment of architecture software-intensive systems, and
the recording of such architectures in terms of archi-
tectural descriptions.
This section suggests a classification for current EA
approaches nas presents the main proposals.
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - State of the Art and Challenges
Figure 3: IEEE-1471 Framework (IEEE, 2000).
3.1 Enterprise Architecture Approaches
Since middle of the 1980s severalproposals of EA ap-
pear. The diverse proposals have different approaches
aiming different objectives. Table 1 shows a clas-
sification of proposals in five approaches: Strategic
EA, enterprise modeling, enterprise modeling meth-
ods and standards, enterprise architecture language
and Information Architecture.
Table 1: Evolution of Technology and System Applications.
Approach Objective Proposal
Strategic EA Blueprints showing
enterprise and tech-
nical infrastructure
et al.,
Enterprise Mod-
Framework of orga-
nizational models
Enterprise mod-
eling methods
and standards
Framework, methods
and standards for or-
ganizational models
Enterprise archi-
tecture language
Framework and lan-
guage to model ar-
chitectural models
Enterprise Infor-
mation Architec-
ture Approach
Infrastructure for
modeling the enter-
prise information
3.2 Strategic Enterprise Architecture
According to EA strategic approach, EA should not
be a huge collection of organizational models, but in-
stead, a group of strategic maps (Ross et al., 2006).
To be used strategically, EA has two sides: business
and technology. On the business side it is necessary to
identify organization operational model. This model
defines whether the company is centralized or decen-
tralized and whether its processes are standardized or
not. Once identified this enterprise model of oper-
ation, IT must define the technical architecture that
supports this model. This architecture can extend or
limit organizational strategies as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: Strategic EA Conponents (Ross et al., 2006).
This proposal does not need many models, only
those needed to show the main enterprise and tech-
nical components and how they relate to each other.
Ross suggests only a blueprint showing the main ele-
ments of business, application, security and technol-
ogy as shown is figure 5. Whittle and Myrick refer
this approach as EBA (Enterprise Business Architec-
ture) (Whittle and Myrick, 2004).
Figure 5: Strategic EA Metamodel(Ross et al., 2006).
3.3 Frameworks to Enterprise
One of the first proposals for EA is Zachman frame-
work which had its first version in 1987 and has been
constantly updated with the latest release in 2008
(Zachman, 1987). Zachman framework proposes or-
ganizational modeling in thirty-six models. These
models are structured in six rows and six columns.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The six columns indicate domains of organization
knowledge and models are related to: Information
(what), Processes (how), People (who), Locations
(where), Time (when) and Reasons (why). The six
lines show level of detail in each domain: Contex-
tual, Conceptual, Logical, Physical, Component and
Instance. Thus, Zachman framework is a matrix and
each cell is a kind of model as shown in figure 6.
Zachman does not propose a methodology nor sug-
gests good practices, only the matrix of models. Many
authors have completed the proposal suggesting lan-
guages to elaborate each model or group of models
(Pereira and Sousa, 2004; Cook, 1996)
Figure 6: Zachman Framework (Correia and Silva, 2005).
3.4 Frameworks, Methods and
Standards to Enterprise Modeling
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
is an EA Framework which describes a methodical
process along with a set of supporting tools (open
Group, 2009). There are 3 main components of TO-
GAF: Architectural Development Method(ADM) - a
process used to derive an Enterprise Architecture for
an organization; Enterprise Continuum - a ”virtual
repository for architectural assets of the organization
(models, patterns and architecture descriptions) and
TOGAF Resource Base - a set of resources, including
guidelines, templates, and background information to
aid in the ADM. The ADM helps to describe how to
develop an Enterprise Architecture through the exam-
ination of business requirements as shown in figure
7. There are nine main areas to help define the Enter-
prise Architecture Preliminary Phase, architecture vi-
sion, Business Architecture, Information Systems Ar-
chitecture, Data Architecture, Applications Technol-
ogy Architecture, Opportunities and Solutions, Mi-
gration Planning Implementation Governance, Archi-
tecture Change Management. The Open Group maps
out how to use the ADM to populate the Zachman
Figure 7: TOGAF Framework (Arbab et al., 2002).
Framework in various steps.
There are other proposals similar to TOGAF com-
bining frameworks with method and guidelines, espe-
cially in the U.S. government. DoDAF is the proposal
of the Department of Defense (DoD, 2007) and the
FEAF is the federal government (FEA, 2007).
3.5 Enterprise Architecture Language
Archimate proposal (Lankhorst, 2005) was submitted
in 2005 as a result of the project developed at Telem-
atica Institut (now Novay), Netherlands. Archimate is
a matrix like Zachman, but proposes a language and
specific models for EA. The matrix has only 3 rows
and 3 columns as shown in figure 8. The lines indicate
models for business , information and technology and
the columns indicate models in active, behavior, and
passive level. Models in seven domains are suggested
to fill the cells of the matrix: Product; Organization;
Information; Processes; Application; Data and Infras-
tructure. Archimate is now part of The Open Group
line of products.
Figure 8: Archimate Framework (Lankhorst, 2005).
ArchiMate proposesa metamodel for each domain
with a ontology, indicating the elements and relations
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - State of the Art and Challenges
in that domain. Figure 9 shows the ontology for the
business domain.
Figure 9: Archimate Meta Model for Business Domain
(Lankhorst, 2005).
3.6 Information Architecture
The Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) ap-
proach to EA is an Information Architecture (IA)
approach extension for the organization environment
(Morville and Rosenfeld, 2006). This approach is dif-
ferent of other EA approaches because it does not
consider information systems as the central focus.
Figure 10 shows a proposal where EA, EIA and con-
tent management (CM) approaches working together
. The main focus of this alliance is architectural
information identification, classification and delivery
working with semantics, metadata, taxonomies, con-
trolled vocabularies, ontologies and search.
Figure 10: EA and Knowledge Management Efforts (James
Melzer, 2009).
This section presents a review of the literature about
EA practice, analyzing tools, organizational struc-
tures and strategies.
4.1 Enterprise Architecture Tools
Schekkerman (2009) publishes an extensive annual
survey of the various EA tools in the market. It is
important to note that following Zachman proposal,
the architecture can consist of models from various
domains which can lead to the conclusion that any
modeling tool can be considered as a tool for EA.
This is the focus of Schekkerman analyzes. The study
shows most of the tools meet only part of architecture
domains and no tool is specialized in EA, They pro-
vide resources to make many other things such sys-
tems or processes modeling. There also other reviews
of EA market analyzing Strengths and Weakness of
theirs resources (Ernst et al., 2006). Research in-
stitutes, such as Gartner and Forrester, also publish
annual reports assessing the tools to EA. Both con-
sider that only six or seven companies meet the re-
quirements for an EA tool. These requirements are:
resources to model the various domains, specific re-
sources to model architecture and identify relations
between models, support for the main frameworks, re-
sources for managing projects, resources for publish-
ing on the Web, collaboration resources and a reposi-
tory for storing and retrieving models. The main com-
panies that offer tools with these requirements are:
IBM (System Architect and Rational)
, IDS Scheer
(ARIS tools)
, Metastorm
, Troux Technologies
and Alphabet
. Figure 11 shows a screen of Sys-
tem Architect tool where relations between models
are presented.
None of these tools was born in EA market and
none is dedicated solely to EA. Some are special-
ized in modeling systems, such as IBM tools, and
others are specialized in modeling processes such as
ARIS. Figure 12 shows the diverse functions offered
in IBM Telelogic solution. Enterprise architecture is
one among several resources it offers.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 11: Models Relations in System Architect Software.
Figure 12: Telelogic software Components.
4.2 Enterprise Architeture Reference
There are a great number of Operation Reference
(OR) Frameworks that can serve as templates, rad-
ically simplifying the creation or improvement of
architectural models. The Supply Chain Council’s
SCOR (Suply Chain Operational Framework)
the Tele management Forum’s eTOM (enhanced Tele-
com Operations Map)
are proposal in specific areas
of suply chain and telecom. Figure 13 shows a tem-
plate of eTOM that shows organizational architecture
domains and its relation such as strategy, infrastruc-
ture, product, operations, and enterprise management.
Another reference model that can be used to
build specific model is the OMG Business motiva-
tion model (BMM) that details the element of mod-
eling organizational objectives and goals. Many au-
thors have published works suggesting models of en-
terprise ontologies which can be used as a skeleton
for building a specific architecture model, saving time
Figure 13: eTOM reference model.
and bringing consistence (Jussupova-Mariethoz and
Probst, 2007; Emery, 2007).
4.3 Enterprise Architeture Strategies
Many EA programs do not succeed because they are
not well implemented. It is recommended to to imple-
ment an EA program in five steps: Initiate the effort;
Describe where we are; Identify where we would like
to be ;Plan how to get there; Implement the architec-
ture (Boster et al., 2000).
Initiate the Effort. Develop an architecture frame-
work;Create readiness for architecture Build the ar-
chitecture team; Identify and influence stakeholders;
Encourage open participation and involvement; Re-
veal discrepancies between current and desired state.
Describe where we are. Characterize the baseline
architecture; Make it clear to everyone why change is
Identify where we would Like to Be. Develop
the target architecture; Communicate valued features;
Energize commitment; Create a plan for transition ac-
Plan how to Get there. Develop the transition plan;
Execute the target architecture Communicate the tran-
sition plan; Establish sound management structure;
Build support for the architect.
Implement the Architecture. Maintain/enhance the
target architecture; Develop new competencies and
skills; Reinforce architecting practices
This plan of action is structured in many method-
ologies such as EA Gartner Framework (Burke,
2006), shown in figure 14. First, a architectural ef-
fort must be implemented. Then, it is necessary to
document a current situation and design an expected
one. All these efforts must be based on principles and
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - State of the Art and Challenges
requirements guided by business strategies and envi-
ronment trends. A transition plan must be made to
reach desired state. All the process must be managed
and governed.
Figure 14: Gartner Framework (Burke, 2006).
4.4 Organizational Structures for
Enterprise Architeture
To reach its goals EA must have an organizational
structure with a group responsible for it (Harmon,
2003). (Rosenfeld, 2007) proposes a structure with an
EA board and an EA operational management team.
This team must have a central staff and also special-
ists distributed in local departments that contributes
to EA contents. The central staff does not generate
content. The central staff must implement and man-
age an infrastructure to EA and identify and publish
EA policies and guidelines. As Rosenfeld states, EA
is a mix of users, context and context (Rosenfeld,
2007). EA community is composed by users and con-
tent generators that are also users. Each user needs a
specific vision of architectural elements. Each con-
tent contributor deals with a specific content level.
It is a function of EA staff to know who does con-
tent and who needs information. The enterprise Ar-
chitect is the main professional for EA. Given the
interdisciplinary nature of EA, the enterprise Archi-
tect must have a general knowledge of various disci-
pline (Strano and Rehmani, 2007). These discipline,
among others, are business strategy, financial man-
agement, organizational dynamics, business process
design, and information technology.
The National Association of State Chief Informa-
tion Officers (NASCIO) (Nascio, 2003) proposes a
maturity model for assessing EA organizational ap-
proachesmaturity (EAMM). Accordingto this assess-
ment methodology, EA comprises five levels of ma-
turity: The lowest level is when there is no EA ap-
proach and the highest one is when organization has
departments working together as contributors to the
architecture and its processes and metrics assess the
effective contributions of EA.
4.5 EA Practice
Current Research on EA practice does not present
a positive situation. A survey published by Gartner
(Burke, 2006) identifies that only 25% of EA initia-
tives can be considered active and mature. 50% of
them take 2 steps forward and 1 step back and 25%
have failed repeatedly. An investigation of perception
and practice of EA found that IT professionals still
do not perceive EA as an organizational effort, but an
IT initiative which indicates that EA is not properly
implemented (Kappelman and Salmans, 2007). The
same survey shows that the identification of require-
ments is still a great challenge in information systems
development which shows the necessity of change in
systems development processes. Another study iden-
tified that only 6% of organizations have an appropri-
ate degree of maturity in the modularization of its in-
formation systems (Ross et al., 2006). The literature
is plentiful in perceptions that EA, though admittedly
to be an important tool, it is not a standard practice in
organizations, mainly considering medium and small
ones (Vernadat, 2007).
This section providesan assessment of each of the ve
types of approaches outlined in previous review. For
each approach strengths and weaknesses are analyzed
and recommendations on their use are proposed.
Strategic EA. The strength of this approach is allow-
ing organization to identify the essence of business
and mode of operation and combine the best tech-
nology strategy to meet these strategic requirements.
This approach addresses only top management and
does not meet operation management requirements.
It is essencial to map business and technology strate-
gies. It Must be used in conjunction with other ap-
Enterprise Modeling. The strength of this approach
is allowing organization to identify business and tech-
nology engineering in a wide variety of models from
various domains and in different levels of detail. It is
considered architecture because it lays out an archi-
tectural classification of models. It is an approach too
broad that makes technical staff confused. IT does
not indicate who makes models and how. It does
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
not separate efficiently frontiers between architecture
and engineering. Use this approach determining this
frontier, indicating when, why, how and by whom the
models must be made. The architectural models can
be used for navigation in the structure of models start-
ing with the conceptual vision (architecture) to reach
the more detailed level (engineering).
Enterprise Modeling Methods and Standards. The
power of this approach is to allowing organization to
identify business and technology architecture with a
method and best practices. It is useful because lays
out the architectural classification of models and de-
termines how, why and who should develop the mod-
els. It is an approach also too broad that makes the
technical staff confused, because there is no clear
boundary between engineering and architecture activ-
ities. Use this approach after clarifying these bound-
Enterprise Architecture Language. The strength of
this approach is to offer a specific language for ar-
chitecture models. It defines clearly EA boundaries
suggesting only architectural modeling trough meta-
models. The approach does not indicate methods and
best practices. To be used in conjunction with other
Enterprise Information Architecture Approach.
The strength of this approach is to provide an inte-
grated view of organizational information fleeing the
technological paradigm. The approach established an
infrastructure for organizational knowledge gathering
content, models, semantics and metadata. It organizes
organizational information and serves different audi-
ences. It can become complex to manage, because
joins together many different concepts such as IA,
EA, ECM and enterprise collaboration. To be used in
a broader initiative of EIA, linking all organizational
information in only one effort.
EA has many proposal with many approaches. Why,
then, many organizationsfail to implement the EA ap-
proach. Ambler (Ambler, 2009) tries to explain the
reasons for failure in the efforts of EA:
There isn’t an enterprise architecture effort.
Skewed focus.
Project teams don’t know the enterprise architec-
ture exists.
Project teams don’t follow the enterprise architec-
Project teams don’t work with the enterprise ar-
Outdated architecture.
Narrowly focused architecture models.
Dysfunctional ”charge back” schemes.
A “do all this extra work because it’s good for the
company” attitude.
EA, considering the breadth of its goals, undoubt-
edly has many challenges, as identified by Khoury
(Khoury, 2007):
Abstraction Challenge: EA models need to be
in an suitable level of abstraction. Details must
satisfy uficientes para satisfazer aos diversos in-
Cognition Challenge: models need to be repre-
sented in a language that is intelligible to all stake-
Collaboration Challenge: EA needs the cooper-
ation of other communities to develop and main-
tain current models of the architecture;
Communication Challenge: models of the archi-
tecture must be communicated to all stakeholders;
engagementchallenge: the entire organization can
benefit from models of architecture and many can
help develop them. The challenge is the involve-
ment of all;
Update Challenge: organizations are very dy-
namic and the information contained in the mod-
els can quickly downgrade.
This section presents a theoretical framework that
comprises the main topics discusses in this review.
Analyzing main current EA approaches it is easy to
visualize that they came from technology. It is also
clear that no approach is complete to be used in a
isolated fashion. It is necessary to accommodate the
various approaches in a single platform. Almost all
current approaches make a great confusion between
architecture and engineering. No approach solve all
challenges EA have. For this reason, many authors
claim that the EA is not yet mature. We surely need a
new paradigm. EA surely is and must be considered
an organizationalEnterprise Information Architecture
approach. EA must be a index for technology and for
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - State of the Art and Challenges
business. Everybody in organization must have ac-
cess to architectural information that leads to opera-
tional information. This information will be available
only if key people in organization contribute as in-
formation architects in an ongoing and collaborative
manner. With this focus, EA needs fundamentals, the-
ories and tools more appropriate than those currently
We propose in figure 15, an EA theoretical frame-
work which consolidates current theory and incorpo-
rates a EIA approach to EA. This framework incorpo-
rates the necessary IA elements to EA and vice versa.
In our approach, EA must work in conjunction with
Content management and EIA efforts contribution
with artifacts and using a organizational knowledge
base. It makes no sense EA efforts to manage models
only. Words are models to. Models are knowledge as
all other organizational content. Organizational con-
tent features important information for models and
vice versa. Organizational contents must be associ-
ated with models. A marketing campaign has impor-
tant information for business and needs business in-
formation. It makes sense to have two worlds of in-
Figure 15: A KM-EA Framework.
This paper presented a review of current literature on
concepts and approaches to EA, contributing to a bet-
ter understanding of the state of the art and the chal-
lenges of this field of research and practice. Analyz-
ing EA research and looking at EA practice it is easy
to see that, even though EA is seen with optimism
on a medium and long run, the current reality is not
good. Most of the professionals who could be using
the existing proposals consider approaches still con-
fusing and complex and tools much expensive. It is
not clear for systems analysts the boundary between
modeling a system and modeling an application ar-
chitecture. It is not clear for business analyst the dif-
ference between a process model and an a business
architecture model. It is not clear to both profession-
als who should make engineering models and archi-
tecture ones.
If EA boundaries are not clear to professionals,
they are not clear to executives either. So, EA initia-
tives are not properly structured. A poorly structured
EA initiative is a sure failure. EA is certainly a com-
plex initiative considering the existing approaches.
The expectation is that over time it becomes mature
to be implemented in a less complex manner. For this
to happen it is necessary, above all, better approaches
and more specialized and affordable tools.
A new agenda of EA research is needed. Research
must clarify EA boundaries, and provide unique foun-
dations and theories. EIA approaches must come to
EA and so research must come in this direction. EA
tools must be specialized in EA, not a extension of
other objetives. EA methods and tools must be pos-
sible of customization to organization needs simplify-
ing its use. EA, EIA and CM tools must join efforts to
build a tool which allows access to all organizational
information and content with security. This new tool
must be able to help collaboration between people in
order to increase continually information and mod-
els available. It must have semantic and metadata re-
sources in order to make easy classifying and access-
ing all kinds of models and contents. EA, EIA and
CM, together, can help organizations make architec-
ture come true.
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